Social conflict in the drama thunderstorm. The main conflict in the play "Thunderstorm

Social conflict in the drama thunderstorm. The main conflict in the play "Thunderstorm

(327 words) Alexander Ostrovsky was the founder of Russian dramatic Theater.. He, as anyone else, managed to portray the conflict, tearing real life On different sides of the barricades, so his plays always hurt for living. The drama "Thunderstorm" is one and such amazing works where contradictions are reflected related to the whole society today.

Ostrovsky opposed an uncompromising in his aspirations, a bold heroine of the oblique, fossil representative of the older generation. In the scale of one family turned out to be fundamentally different women: Katerina personified the development and supremacy natural feeling, Kabaniha is the loyalty of the tradition and all-facing rationalism. The drama of the collision of the two of these worlds is not invented by the author. He used life material and depicted the fate of the real inhabitants of Zamoskvorechye. It is no coincidence that the main antagonists are women, it gives additional sharpness to the plot and again immerses the reader in reality. Quarrels and labels of daughter-in-law and mother-in-law find a response in the soul of every family person. However, in the play of the heroine - only the flesh and the blood of two worldviews, which still underlie the conflict of fathers and children.

If the age and family contradictions of the Heroin are clear and natural, their social confrontation is much deeper. Kabaniha - a representative of an old patriarchal merchant with his prejudices, ignorant and mesh conventions. Her world relies on age-old traditions, trick and calculation. Her morality is a hypocrite. Takov collective image The provincial checkpone is a class representative who gradually pushed out less cohesive and more wasteful nobles. While the aristocracy sought to bird flight (she spent hereditary wealth, and I didn't know how to get new ones), the entrepreneurs were copied and fastened, becoming a new financial elite, which was not enough of one - authority. He was acquired by Mesallians: bought noble honors, entering into marriages. Tikhon also entered. However, Katerina could not integrate the social reality of Kalinov, and this is quite expected: it rebelled her origin. She saw the world, leaning on ideals, real family life In the coarse and ignorant environment disappointed the sophisticated nobility, accustomed to refinement and grace in everything he was surrounded. In her image against the merchants, he rebelled to know, who does not want to take positions with rich, but limited and reference guans, who pull the country back.

Thus, the diverse conflict in the drama of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" affects a wide range social problemsnot solved to this day.

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Conflict - Main driving force dramatic work. Conflict unfolds thanks to the plot and can be implemented on several different levels. Whether confronting interests, characters or ideas, the conflict is permitted in the final of the work. The essence of the conflict can also be determined and literary epoch (For realism and postmodernism, for example, various types of conflicts are characterized). In the realism, the conflict will be hidden in the image of social turmoil and the chief of the vices of society. For example, the article will consider the main conflict in the play of the island "thunderstorm".

The work was written in 1859, a few years before the cancellation of serfdom. Ostrovsky wanted to show how much the society is corrosive itself from the inside just because the way of life remains the same. Patriarchal orders inhibit progress, and corruption and chinopocularity destroy the human beginning in man. In the description of such an atmosphere, the main conflict "Thunderstorms" lies.

So, as a rule, the conflict is implemented at the level of characters.
For this, pairs or groups of characters must be revealed. Start follows from the brightest confrontation: Cathi-kabani couple. These women had to live together the will of circumstances. Family of Kabanov is pretty rich, Marfa Ignatievna's widow itself. She brought his son and daughter. Kabaniha constantly manipulates his son, suits scandals and hysterics. A woman believes that only her opinion has the right to exist, so everything must meet its ideas. She humiliates, offends the rest of the family. The least goes to barbarian, because the daughter is lying his mother.

Katya early issued married Tikhon Kabanov, son of Kabanih. Katya naively believed that her life before marriage would not be very different from her new life, but the girl was mistaken. Pure Katya It is not able to understand how to lie the mother, how it makes it a barbarian, how to hide your thoughts and feelings from someone, as you can not protect the right to your own opinion. She is alien to the order of this family, but because of the patriarchal oblasts reigned at the time, the girl had no choice.

Here the conflict is implemented at the inner level. These characters are too different, but at the same time both women equally strong character. Katerina resists the integral influence of the Kabani. Marfa Ignatievna understands that he encountered a strong rival, which can "set up" Tikhon against the mother, and this is not part of her plans.

Parabe Boris - Katerina is implemented love conflict. Girl falls in love with the city young man. Boris seems to Kate, as she herself, unlike the rest. Boris, like Katerina, annoying the atmosphere of the city. And both do not like that everything is built here at fear and money. The feelings of young people flas out pretty quickly: they had enough one meeting to fall in front of each other.
Departure Tikhon allows you to secretly meet and spend time together. Katya says that the sake of Boris makes sin, but, since she was not afraid of sin, then the condemnation of people is not scary to her. The girl does not understand why to hide their meetings. She wanted to admit to her husband in everything, to honestly be with Boris, but the young man dissuads from such a act. Boris is more convenient to meet secretly and not take responsibility. Of course, they could not be together. Their love is tragic and fleet. The situation takes an unexpected turn when Katya understands that Boris is actually the same as all other residents: a pitiful and petty. And Boris does not try to deny it. After all, he came to the city only then to establish relationships with uncle (only in this case he could get the inheritance).

To determine the main conflict of the drama "Thunderstorm" is a pair of Kuligin - wild. Self-taught inventor and merchant. All power in the city seems to focus in the hands of wild. He is rich, but thinks only about the increase in capital. He is not afraid of the threat from Governing, he deceives ordinary residents, steals from other merchants, drinks a lot. Wild is constantly swears. In every replica there was a place insults. He believes that people who are lower than His social staircase are unworthy of talking to him, they deserve their Nishchensky existence. Kuligin seeks to help people, all of its inventions would have to benefit society. But he is poor, and there is no opportunity to earn honest work. Kuligin knows about everything is happening in the city. " Brutal morals in our city". To resist or deal with this, Kuligin cannot.

The main conflict of the drama "Thunderstorm" unfolds inside main heroine. Katya understands how strong the gap between ideas and reality. Katerina wants to be his own, loose, easy and clean. But in Kalinov, it is impossible to live like that. In this struggle, it risks losing themselves, surrender, not to withstand the onslaught of circumstances. Katya chooses between black and white, gray It does not exist for it. The girl understands that he can live either as she wants, or not to live at all. The conflict ends the death of the heroine. She could not commit violence, kill himself in favor of public orders.

In the "Thunderstorm" play several conflicts. The main confrontation between man and society is. Conflict of generations, the conflict of old and new is added to this conflict. It suggests that the conclusion that fair man Can not survive in the society of Lgunov and Hangey.

The definition of the main conflict of the play and the description of its participants can be used by students of 10 classes in writings on the topic "The main conflict in the" Thunderstorm "play."

Main conflict in the play "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky essay on the topic |

The conflict is a collision of two or more sides, which do not coincide in the views, minigors. In the play of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" several conflicts, but how to decide which one is the main one? In the era of sociologist in literature, it was believed that social conflict The most important in the play. Of course, if you see in the image of Katerina, the reflection of the natural protest of the masses against the syllable conditions of the "Dark Kingdom" and perceive the death of Katerina as a result of a collision with her mother-in-law, one should determine the genre of the play as a socio-domestic drama. The drama is a work in which public and personal aspirations of people, and sometimes their lives themselves are under the threat of death on the part of the external forces independent of them.

The play also has a generation conflict between Katerina and Kabanchi: the new always comes on the heels to the old one, the old one does not want to give up a new one. But the play is much deeper than it may seem at first glance. After all, Katerina primarily fights with himself, and not with the boa, the conflict is not developing around it, but in it itself. Therefore, the play "Thunderstorm" can be defined as a tragedy. The tragedy is a work in which there is an unresolved conflict between the personal aspirations of the hero and the super-permanent laws of life, which occur in the mind of the main character. In general, the play is very similar to the ancient tragedy: the choir replaces some out-made heroes, the junction ends with the death of the main character, as in antique tragedy. The death of Katerina is the result of a collision of two historical epochs. Some heroes of the play seem to be different in which they live. For example: Kuligin is a man of the XVIII century, he wants to invent the sun's clock, which were still known in antiquity, or perpetuum mobile, which is distinctive feature Middle Ages, or threshing. He himself comes to the mind before it has long been invented, and he only dreams about it.

He quotes Lomonosov and Derzhavin - this is also a man of the XVIII century. Boris is already an enlightenment of the XIX century, educated person. Katerina is the heroine of Dopererovsky times. The story about her childhood is a story about the ideal version of patriarchal Domostroevsky relations. In this world, the kings only all-pervading mutual love, a person does not separate himself from society. Katerina was brought up so that he could not refuse moral and moral laws, their violation is an imminent death. Katerina is as if older than everyone in the city in terms of its worldview, even older Kabani, who remained as the last worker of the Domostroevsky defendant in Kalinov. After all, Kabanikha only pretends that in her family, everything is as expected: her daughter and her son are afraid and respect her, Katerina is afraid of her husband, and she doesn't care how everything really happens, only visibility is important for her. The main character gets into the world, which she imagined itself quite differently, and the patriarchal structure inside Katerina collapses right in front of her eyes. In many ways, Barbara decides the fate of Katerina, having fallen down the last go on a date.

Without barbarium, it is unlikely that she would have decided on it. Varvara refers to the youth of the city of Kalinov, which was formed on the fracture of patriarchal relations. Katerina, falling into a new Wednesday for her, can not get silent with society, it is alien to her. For her ideal husband - This is a support, support, lord. But Tikhon does not confirm the expectations of Katerina, she is disappointed in it, and at this moment the birth of a new feeling occurs - the feeling of personality, which takes the form of a sense of love. This feeling for Katerina - scary sin. If she continued to live in patriarchal worldThis feeling would not be. Even if Tikhon showed his male will and just take her with him, she would have forgotten about Boris forever. The tragedy of Katerina is that she does not know how to hypocrite and pretend as Kabaniha. The main heroine of the play, moral, with high moral requirements, does not know how to adapt to life. She could not live further by violating the laws "Domostroja" once. That feeling that originated in Katerina cannot be realized to the end, and she, without humiliating with his deed, makes even greater sin - suicide. Piece "Thunderstorm" is a tragedy of the main character in which the epoch of Patriarchal Relations Patriarchal Relations played an important role.

If we consider "thunderstorm" as a socio-domestic drama, then the resulting conflict looks pretty simple: it is like an external, social; The attention of the audience is equally distributed between the heroes, they are all like checkers on the board, they play almost the same roles necessary to create a story canvas, they are confused and then, clamped and rebuilding, as in the tricks, help solve a tangled plot. If the character system is described in such a way that the conflict arises and is permitted as if with the help of all acting persons. Here we are dealing with a domestic resource, her conflict is simple and easily guessed. What happens in "thunderstorm"? Married woman, Pretty God-fearing, loved another person, secretly meets with him, changes her husband. The only thing that worries her is her relationship with mother-in-law, which is the representative of the "century past" and protected the letter of the law, and not the content itself, saying allegorically. Katerina with such a layout of the conflict and such an understanding in the light of the genre definition of "thunderstorms" as a socially consumer drama is the personification of the new time, the "century of the current", and along with Tikhon, Barbarian, Kudryash fights against the remnants of the past, against the housego, against the atmosphere itself Stackagon of dead rules and orders whose personification is pre-formable Kalins. The main antagonists - Katerina and Kabaniha are easily revealed.

In this spirit, they understood the "thunderstorm" many critics and, in particular, N. A. Dobrolyubov. There are strong personality, two antagonists, one of them should leave, and suddenly ... it seemed to be a doomed person, it turns out not the old Kabani with his archaic views on life, but a young, full forces of Katerina, surrounded by his like-minded people. What is the matter? What happened? The conflict of the old and new, "century of the current and century of the past", it would seem allowed, but somewhat strangely. All this leads us to the idea that the conflict in the play is much deeper, harder and thinner than at first glance it seems. Certainly, skillfully built story line, confrontation of two strong personalities - Katerina and Kabani have a place and give us the opportunity to observe a socio-domestic conflict, resembling any current television series. But deeply hidden conflict is detected here with several other readings and other genre definition, with a different interpretation of the plot of "thunderstorms". Definition of the genre of "thunderstorms" and the understanding of the conflict as a socially domestic, given A. N. Ostrovsky, is not only a tribute to tradition, but, perhaps, the only possible option while. A. I. Zhuravleva so explains this phenomenon: "... The whole story of the preceding the island of Russian drama did not give the samples of such a tragedy, in which the heroes would be individuals, and not historical figures, at least legendary" A.I. Zhuravleva. So, genre definition "Thunderstorms" with another interpretation - tragedy, and the tragedy, respectively, suggests a higher level of conflict than in drama. The contradiction is carried out not at the level of the character system, but at a more complex level. The conflict arises, above all, in the consciousness of the hero, who fights with himself.

The history of the tragedy goes far away in the depths of centuries, but usually by acting persons, ranging from the ancient tragedy, were historical Persons. It is enough to remember the antigonus of Sofokla, which does not know how to do it without disturbing its moral, internal moral principles (and not "external", synthesized state laws).

Such and the conflict of A. N. Ostrovsky, he is internal, moral, only he is experiencing him royal daughter or notable lady, and a simple merchant wife. Pupil on the Christian morality and the Domostroev principles, she sees their collapse with horror not only around, but also within himself, in his soul. Everything around her collapses, "time has become in the defense of coming," says Feklusha's street. Consciousness of his "sinfulness and at the same time understanding that she is not to blame for anything and not in its power to resist passion, brings it to an insoluble contradiction within himself.

Katerina can not not love Tikhon - after all, she betrays God in his soul, but nevertheless there is a terrible, and Katerina cannot change anything. The conflict consists not in the antagonism of Kabani and Katerina, which at first glance achieves the right to freedom of choice of feelings, conflict is laid in Katerina, who saw in such a struggle against God and failed to come to terms with it. And not Kabanih ruins Katerina, as Tikhon exclaims in the final, perceiving everything that happens from the point of view of a new time man, "Katerina is ruining his own oppressive contradiction of her feelings. But the understanding of the internal experiences of Katerina is not available to Tikhon, as well as all other characters play. They seem to be moved to the background, serve only by the background, scenery for manifestation of Katerina, such as wild or lady.

And in essence, one of the main characters, Boris, is generally characterized as "belonging to more than the situation." All heroes, as it were, form a single whole - their disbelief, with the progressive worldview of Kuligina, acts as a kind of counterweight fanatical faith of Katerina. At the same time, almost sectarian faith of Katerina leads to an insoluble contradiction in her soul, while everyone else has long been reconciled with their conscience. This contradiction cannot be peacefully resolved, and Katerina is not able to compromise with himself.

Katerina differs sharply from all other heroes, nevertheless, it is very similar to the boa. Both fanatically believe, both are aware of the horror of Catherine's misconduct, but if the Kabaniha guardes the old, who said, then Katerina also believes with all the soul, and for her all these tests are many times harder than for Kabani. Without withstanding the state of uncertainty, Katerina sees the exit in repentance, but it does not bring her relief. Repentance no longer plays a special role, retribution is inevitable, Katerina, like all the true believers, a fatalist and does not believe that you can change anything. S. tragic conflict In the soul, you can only in one way - to lose it, deprive her immortality, and Katerina performs the greatest sin - suicide.

So, we see that the culmination and the disconnection of this tragedy is dictated by the genre itself, and this is no longer a socially drama with her external conflict. The play is based on the laws of the tragedy; Genre, composition, plot - everything affects the conflict, making it thin and multifaceted, deep and meaningful.

You can say with confidence: "Thunderstorm" is as if the beginning of the emergence new tradition and at the same time remains on the originality of the conflict "unique phenomenon in Russian literature XVIII century.

Ostrovsky wrote his play "Thunderstorm" in 1859, even before the serfdom was canceled. In his work, the author shows how society eats himself from the inside, living on the established way of life and affects several conflicts.

Drama thunderstorm conflict and alignment of actors

In the drama "Thunderstorm", where the conflicts of different nature affect, the car made an alignment of acting persons, dividing them on those who live with pleasure in Patriarchal Kalinov and those who disagree with its implications and laws. To the first we refer to boa and wild, which by nature are despoty, self-directions, representatives of the "Dark Kingdom. The second group includes the younger generation, where Barbara leaves the house, Tikhon becomes cramless, and Katerina, contrary to everything, despite despotism, is solved for suicide, just to not live according to the rules that will reprove it as personalities. The heroine with new views on life does not want to take Domodedovsky morals. So using small number The heroes who live in Kalinov on the banks of the Volga, the author reveals several peculiar conflicts of the drama "Thunderstorm", among them a family conflict, which is manifested by the clash of Katerina with his mother-in-law.

Social conflict in drama thunderstorm

The author also affected the social conflict in the drama "Thunderstorm", which is represented by a clash of different worldviews, where the old struggling with a new one, where the merchant and Kupchikha are generalized images of tyranny and ignorance, which flourished in those times. They are opponents of progress, all new perceived in the bayonets. They want to keep everyone on a short leash so that their "Dark Kingdom" was not collapsed. However, a new worldview that is available in Katerina is an alternative to the old one. It is different from views, obstacles, traditions that adhere to dark kingdom. Katerina is a generalized character of a different warehouse of the mind, with a different character, which is already beginning to be born in rotting society and becomes a ray of light in this dark world.

What is the main conflict of drama thunderstorm

Among the social I. family conflict You can allocate the main conflict. What is the main conflict of the drama "thunderstorm"? I believe that the main thing here is the conflict that unfolds inside the heroine itself. This is the confrontation of personality and society. Here we see that Katerina wants to be free, it is unacceptable to her life among violence, but only in Kalinov is different in a different way. Here either so, or in any way. But, the heroine does not put up with such a layout, and if it is impossible to live, as I want, it is better to die. She could not kill the freedom-loving person in favor of the established orders.

Why did this name chose the author for his work? Probably because the depicted life in Kalinov is in the prejudgement state, in the state when the catastrophe is coming. This is a thunderstorm, as a forerunner of future changes, a thunderstorm, like a spontaneous feeling that arose between Katerina and Boris, the thunderstorm is disagreement with strangers. And to emphasize the dead life of Kalinovsev, the author uses the image and description of the beautiful nature.

On the eve of the reform of 1861, the pies "Thunderstorm" became the largest public event. The most important thing in the work of the Opening of Ostrovsky - folk heroic character. Two main thoughts put on the basis of the play: the powerful denial of stagnation and the oppression of a fixed "dark kingdom" and the appearance of a positive, light start, of a real heroine From the folk medium. All this was new compared to " genuine school" In every talented written drama there is a major conflict - then the main contradiction, which is acting, manifests itself as well as all events, in collisions of views and feelings, passions and characters. It is in conflicts between people, in a collision of different views, beliefs, moral performances and in conflicts "internal", when conflicting thoughts and feelings are fighting in the consciousness of a person, the person and society in which he lives is fully revealed. What is the main conflict in "thunderstorm"? Maybe this is a contradiction between Samoram and glooming? Not. The play perfectly shows that violence is supported by humility: Tikhon's timidity, Boris's irresponsibility, patient delicacy of Kuligina seem to give the spirit to the bubble and wild, allow them to cure as soon as he wants. A sharp, irreconcilable contradiction arises in the "thunderstorm" when among attacked by trivial, among the flavors, butterfly, the man, endowed with pride, a sense of self-esteem, which is not able to accept life in slavery even in the face of death. The bright human beginning in Katerina is natural, like breathing. This is her nature, which is expressed not so much in reasoning, as in spiritual subtlety, in the power of experiences, in relation to people, in all its behavior. Conflict "Thunderstorm" is peculiar. It can be considered bicon. Ostrovsky himself determined his work as a drama, but this is a tribute to tradition. Indeed, on the one hand, the "thunderstorm" is a socially household drama, but on the other - the tragedy. As for the drama, this work is characterized by special attention to everyday life, the desire to transfer it "density". The writer outlines the city of Kalinov in detail. This is a collective image of the Volga cities of Russia. The city is located on the banks of the Volga, always symbolizing Russia. That is why the landscape described not only in the remarks plays an important role in the work, but also in the dialogues of the actors. Some heroes see the surrounding beauty. For example, Kuligin exclaims: "The kind of extraordinary! Beauty! The soul is rejoicing! ". Other heroes looked at her and quite indifferent. Beautiful nature, a picture of the night festing of young people, songs, Katerina's stories about childhood - all this is the poetry of the Kalinovsky world. But Ostrovsky is encountered with gloomy paintings everyday life And life, with a cruel attitude of people to each other. In this city, rudeness and poverty reign, here "honest labor never earn" " greeting bread", Here the merchants" trades are undermined by each other, and not so much of the rudeness, how much of the envy ", here the orders lost the human appearance, having learned how to smoke the cracks. Residents do not see new, do not know about him, and do not want to know. All information here receives from ignorant strangers who convince people what exactly Kalinov - the promised land. People "Thunderstorms" live in a special state of the world - crisis, catastrophic. The supports that restrain the old order were shaken, and the treasured life went in a chance. The first action introduces us to the prejudgement atmosphere of life. Externally, everything is safe, but the restraining forces are too fragile: their temporary celebration only enhances tensions. It is thickened by the end of the first action: even nature, as in the folk gum, responds to it impending on Kalinov thunderstorms. In the merchant Kalinov Ostrovsky sees the world that rushes with moral traditions people's Life. Only Katerina is given in the "thunderstorm" to keep all the completeness of viable began in the culture of people and maintain a sense of moral responsibility in the face of those tests as this culture is exposed in Kalinov. In the center of this closed "Dark Kingdom" there is a rude and ignorant Kupchikha - Kabaniha. She is a protector of the old basics of life, rites and customs of the city of Kalinov. She dictates moral laws around the city, imposes its will to everyone others and requires unquestioned obedience. She hates everything new, so it can not be reconciled with the fact that "for sake of speed" people invented the "Fiery Snake" - a steam locomotive. Kabanikha is tasty for a strong, solid family, for order in the house, which, according to her ideas, is possible only if the basis family relationships There will be fear, not mutual love and respect. Freedom, according to heroine, leads a person to a moral drop. Even the wanders in the house of Kabanov others, from among those hanges that "they did not go to the glimpse of them, but heard a lot of heard." And they argue about " recent times", About the close end of the world. Here reigns fanatic religiosity, which is on the hand of the pillars of society, the evil grumble live life. Dobrolyubov saw me in the conflict "Thunderstorm" an epochal meaning, and in the character of Katerina - " new phase Our folk life. " But, idealizing in the spirit of popular the ideas of women's emancipation free loveHe dares the moral depth of Katerina's character. Heroine fluctuations that loved bo-rice, the flour of her custody of Dobrolyubov found "ignorance of a poor woman who did not receive theoretical education. Debt, loyalty, conscientiousness with his characteristic revolutionary democracy with maximalism was declared "prejudices", "artificial combinations", "conditional instructions of the old morality *," old rag ". It turned out that Dobrolyubov looked at the love of Katerina as not in Russian easily, like Boris. The question arises, how does Katerina differ from other heroines of Ostrovsky, such as, for example, a sticky from "their people ...": "I need a husband! ... Find me, find me the groom, right away! .. Forward you say, you say with you And then for you it will be worse: on purpose, you called, in secret, the woofer will be lost, and I will lose weight with Gusar, and we will marry slowly. " That's how the "conditional offensive of morality" really do not have any moral authority. This girl thunderstorms is not afraid, Geenna herself fiery in such "Protestants" is nicking! Speaking about how "a strong Russian character in the" thunderstorm ", Dobrolyubs in the article" Light of Light in the Dark Kingdom "fairly notified the" concentrated determination "of Katerina. However, in determining its origins, he completely left the spirit and the letter of the island tragedy. Is it possible to agree that "upbringing and young life did not give her anything"? It is not difficult to see the tragic confrontation in the "thunderstorm" religious culture Katerina Domostroevskaya Kabani culture. The contrast between them was carried out in sensitive island with an amazing sequence and depth. The conflict "Thunderstorms" absorbs the thousand-year history of Russia, in its tragic resolution there is hardly the prophetic finnishing of national playwright. When the fall of Katerina was accomplished, it becomes daring to the boldness. "I am not afraid of sin for you, will I fight a human court?" - she says. This phrase is predetermined further development Tragedy, the death of Katerina. The lack of hope for forgiveness and pushes it to suicide, sin is even more from the point of view of Christian morality. But for Katerina there is no longer any difference, I still ruined the soul. Without feeling the pristine freshness inner world Katerina, it is impossible to understand the vitality and relics of her character. Pursued by his sin, Katerina leaves life to save his soul. Ostrovsky heroine - truly ray of light in the "Dark Kingdom". It is affixed by the ideals, spiritual purity, moral superiority over the surrounding. In the image of Katerina, the writer embodied the best features - freestyleviation, independence, talent, poeticity, high moral and ethical qualities. In the image of Katerina, Dobrolyubov saw the embodiment of the "Russian lively nature". Katerina prefers to die than living in captivity. "... the end of this seems to us with Otradnaya," Critic writes, "it's easy to understand why: there is a terrible challenge for Samogovny strength, he tells her that it is impossible to go further, it's impossible to live with her violent, dead beginnings." In Katerina, we see the protest against the Kabanovsky concepts about morality, protest, "brought to the end, proclaimed and under home torture, and over the abyss, in which a poor woman rushed. She does not want to put up, does not want to use a miserable stagnation that she is given in exchange for her live soul... "In the image of Katerina, according to Dobrolyubov, the" Great People's Idea "was embodied - the idea of \u200b\u200bliberation. The critic considered the image of Katerina close "to the position and to the heart of every decent person in our society." For his long creative life Ostrovsky wrote more than fifty original plays and created Russian national Theater.. According to Goncharov, the Ostrovsky wrote a huge picture all life. "This picture is a thousand year old monument of Russia." One end she rests on prehistoric time ("Snow Maiden"), others - stops at the first station of the railway ... ".