"I am tormented by my conscience": fans approve of Elena Temnikova's modesty. Daily bread

"I am tormented by my conscience": fans approve of Elena Temnikova's modesty. Daily bread

Another prejudice: the poor and the oppressed are the bearers of the highest moral values ​​and therefore are called to bring them to all of humanity. There is no proof for this.

The property of virtue is, rather, to do beautiful deeds, rather than not to do shameful ones.

Aristotle 12, 73

Among other things, it is difficult to express in words how much pleasure there is in the consciousness that something belongs to you, because the feeling of love for oneself inherent in everyone is not accidental, but is rooted in us by nature itself. True, selfishness is justly condemned, but it does not consist in love for oneself, but in a greater than it should be, the degree of this love; the same applies to greed; All people, so to speak, are subject to both feelings.

Aristotle. Politics, 1263 a-b

If the area of ​​morality is conditioned by the interrelationship of interests of individuals in general, then the proper moral is such a relationship when a person treats another as himself.

G. Bandzeladze

What is morality? What should be morality? In a firm, deep conviction, in a fiery, unshakable faith in the dignity of man, in his high purpose. This belief, this belief is the source of all human virtues, all actions.

V.G. Belinsky 6, 129

Tolerance is not indifference to good and evil; tolerance is the virtue of love of freedom and humanity, a careful attitude towards human souls, towards their path of life, which is always difficult and painful.

ON. Berdyaev 12, 258

Respect is a sincere recognition of someone's worth.

L. Vovenargue 12, 264

Morality is the mind of the will.

Hegel 12, 157

When a person commits one or another moral deed, then he is not yet virtuous; he is virtuous only if this mode of behavior is a permanent feature of his character.

Hegel 3, 48

The main foundation of morality is good will.

Goethe 12, 159

Ethics is the science of the relationships that exist between people and the responsibilities arising from these relationships.

P. Holbach 4, 115

Let the intentions be filled with altruism, but at the same time, let each one try to make the other's sacrifice useless for himself.

J.M. Guyot 12, 16

Better from the point of view of virtue will be the one who is impelled to it by inner attraction and verbal conviction than the one who is prompted to it by law and power. For he who is held back from an unjust act by the law is capable of secretly sinning, and he who is brought to the fulfillment of duty by the power of persuasion is not inherently either secretly or openly committing anything criminal. That is why anyone who acts correctly, with intelligence and consciousness, is at the same time courageous and straightforward.

Democritus 9, 157

Gratitude is not the right of the one who is thanked, but the duty of the one who gives thanks; to demand gratitude is stupidity; not to be grateful is meanness.

IN. Klyuchevsky 12, 28

The Golden Rule of Conduct:

1) do not do to others what you would not want to be done to you (negative form);

2) do with others as you would like to be treated with you (positive form).

Confucius, Bhishma, Thales, Bible, T. Hobbes, D. Locke,

A. Schopenhauer, V.S. Soloviev, L.N. Tolstoy, etc.

A developed man, as he expands his development, must pay a more significant price, spent by humanity for this development.

Morality grows stronger when the flesh becomes decrepit.

J.– B. Moliere

Do not expect more from people than you give them yourself.

K.P. Orlovsky

There is a sort of people, the so-called "moralists", who do not know how to think about other people warmly, softly, humanely. For them, people are not living, full-blooded creatures, but puppets, carriers of certain principles.

Don't be a wolf, but don't be a sheep so that wolves don't eat

Saadi Shirazi

He who condones bad people harms good people.

Publius Sire 1,27

Any villain always suspects other people of some meanness. .

The main work of every person's life is to become kinder and better. And how can you become better when you consider yourself good.

L.N. Tolstoy. Humility. M., 1911

Any comparison of oneself with others in order to justify oneself is a temptation that hinders both a good life and its main business - improvement. Compare yourself only with the highest perfection, and not with people who may be lower than you.

L.N. Tolstoy. Humility. M., 1911

To live honestly, you have to be torn, confused, beat, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again ... And calmness is a spiritual meanness.

L.N. Tolstoy

Despondency and bad mood are not only painful for those around them, but also contagious, and therefore a decent person, just as he does all things unpleasant for others in solitude, also in solitude indulges in despondency and irritation.

L.N. Tolstoy

Self-sacrifice should be prohibited by law, since it corrupts those to whom the sacrifice is made.

Oscar Wilde("Ideal husband")

The more decent a person is, the more difficult it is for him to suspect others of dishonor.

Cicero 12, 25

Do not love your neighbor as yourself. This is arrogance if you are pleased with yourself, and an insult if you are dissatisfied with yourself.

B. Shaw 12, 36

Morality and law are the same rules of the road, only in relation to the human community and to life in general.

Sincerity is the sister of honesty.

Simply a moral person does good to the best of his ability and avoids doing evil. Man is morally developed goes further: he is not limited to a choice in favor of good, but seeks to bring people as much benefit as possible.

good and evil

I know of no other sign of greatness than kindness.


The evil person believes that all people are like him.

Georgian wisdom

Follow good people and you yourself will become good.

Spanish wisdom

No good intention is worth a broken heart.

From the movie

I have often thought about what it means to be kind. It seems to me that a kind person is a person who has imagination and understands what it is like for another, knows how to feel what the other feels.

J. Korczak(“How to love children”, M., “Knowledge”, 1968)

A fool cannot be kind: he has too few brains for that.

F. La Rochefoucauld 10, 180

He who accepts evil without resistance becomes his accomplice

Martin Luther King

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Good is what serves to preserve and develop life.

A. Schweitzer 12, 72

Compassion for animals is so closely related to kindness of character that it is safe to say that one who is cruel to animals cannot be kind.

A. Schopenhauer 12, 90

Good in a moral sense is selfless help for which a person does not expect reward.

True kindness never praises itself.

Honor, honesty

An honest and dishonest person is known not only from what they do, but also from what they desire.

Democritus 9, 157

Truly honest is he who always asks himself if he is honest enough.

Plautus 1, 182

Honesty and precision are twins.

Simmons 1, 182

To deprive another's honor means to lose one's own.

Publius Sire 1, 182

What an honor when there is nothing to eat.

Russian proverb

In order to learn to tell the truth to people, one must learn to tell it to oneself.

L.N. Tolstoy 2, 74

An honest person, sitting in a judge's chair, forgets about personal sympathies.

Cicero 1, 182

The more honest a person is, the less he suspects others of dishonesty. A low soul always presupposes the lowest motives for noble deeds.

Cicero 5, 213

Honor is an outer conscience, and conscience is an inner honor.

A. Schopenhauer 1, 182

Objectively, honor is the opinion of others about our value; subjectively - our fear of this opinion.

A. Schopenhauer 12, 295

He who is dishonest in small things may well turn out to be dishonest in large ones.

He who humiliates the dignity of others, himself has low dignity.

Modesty, pride, self-deprecation, arrogance

Arrogance, unlike pride, is not a claim to evaluate one's own worth on an equal basis with others, but a claim to a higher assessment of one's own merits and a lower one - the merits of others.

I. Kant 12, 57

I disagree with those who regard humility as a virtue. A logician must see things exactly as they are, and underestimating oneself is as much a deviation from the truth as exaggerating one's abilities.

A. Conan Doyle. Notes about Sherlock Holmes .

Arrogance is the result of thinking too highly of oneself and being too low of others.

M. Montaigne 12, 56

Those who do not respect themselves will not be respected by others either.

Japanese proverb 12, 264

Modesty and pride complement and condition each other. Modesty without pride is self-deprecation; pride without modesty - pride, arrogance, arrogance.

Modesty is talked about by those who have no other virtues.

Arrogance is pride that humiliates and despises others.

Arrogance is a high opinion of oneself and a low opinion of others.

... where is the true greatness of a person known, if not in those cases in which he decides to suffer eternally better than to do something contrary to his conscience.

V.G. Belinsky. Op. T. 1.P. 434

Anything that soothes a bad conscience harms society.

P. Buast 2, 74

In matters of conscience, the majority law does not apply.

Mohandas Gandhi

Conscience is our inner judge, unmistakably testifying to how much our actions deserve the respect or censure of our neighbors.

P. Holbach 12, 237

To have a clear conscience, not to be aware of sins!

Horace 1,183

The law that lives within us is called conscience. Conscience is, in fact, the application of our actions to this law.

I. Kant 12, 236

Conscience is a thousand witnesses.

Quintilian 5, 218

Every man's God is his conscience.

Menander 1, 183

A clear conscience is not afraid of lies, rumors, or gossip.

Ovid 1, 183

Live in harmony with your conscience, and let people tell themselves what they like.


If you judge yourself, then you will always judge with bias, or more in the direction of guilt, or in the direction of justification. And this inevitable hesitation in one direction or the other is called conscience.

MM. Prishvin 12, 237

A shameful profit is worse than a loss.

Publius Sire

The wounds of conscience are never completely healed.

Publius Sire

Oh, I feel: nothing can us

In the midst of worldly sorrows, calm;

Nothing, nothing ... conscience is not one!

So, sane, she will triumph

Over malice, over dark slander;

But if there is a single spot in it,

One accidentally wound up,

Then the trouble: like a pestilent ulcer

The soul will burn, the heart will be filled with poison,

Like a hammer, it pounds in the ears with reproach

And everything is sick, and my head is spinning,

And the boys are bloody in their eyes ...

And glad to run, but nowhere ... awful! ...

Yes, pitiful is he who has an unclean conscience!

A.S. Pushkin("Boris Godunov")

Conscience is painfully sensitive. You can use your conscience, but like fantasy and your stomach, you cannot overload it.


A clear conscience is nothing more than joy over the joy caused to another person; an unclean conscience is nothing more than suffering and pain over the suffering inflicted on another person.

L. Feuerbach 12, 238

The most important decoration is a clear conscience.


Nothing worries people like a bad conscience.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

Always be the master of your will, and a slave to your conscience.

M. Eschenbach 6, 109

To want to deceive the conscience is to deceive oneself.

From the movie "Law is Law"

The paint of shame is the livery of virtue.

F. Bacon 2, 74

Shyness indicates the inner limit of human sin; when a person crumbles, his more noble self begins.

Goibel 1, 184

Contempt for a good name is called shamelessness.

T. Hobbes

One should be ashamed of oneself as much as of other people, and equally not to do wrong, whether it remains unknown to anyone or everyone knows about it. But most should be ashamed of himself ...

Democritus 4, 127

Shame is the anxiety of the soul at the thought that something has been done that can diminish the respect for us from others.

D. Locke 12, 249

Shame is the fear of expected dishonor.


Shame sometimes prohibits what laws do not prohibit.


There can be nothing shameful in what gives happiness and pride.

E. Hemingway

Shame is the fear of honesty before shame.

Erasmus of Rotterdam 12, 249

Culture of behavior, etiquette

From the habit of using foul language, a tendency to commit bad deeds develops.

Aristotle. Politics, 1336 b

Politeness is a symbolically conditional expression of respect for every person.

ON. Berdyaev 12, 41

Etiquette is a mind for those who do not have it.


Friendliness is the golden key that opens the iron locks of human hearts.

Eastern wisdom

The delicacy is not to do or say what the environment does not allow.

Hegel 12, 68

Courtesy is a strict measure of how one should behave.


A virtuous person cannot but be well-bred, but not every well-bred person is virtuous.

J. La Bruyere 12, 27

False delicacy of behavior is expressed in unjustified ceremony, false delicacy of taste - in pretense.

J. La Bruyere 12, 68

The essence of courtesy is the desire to speak and behave in such a way that our neighbors are happy with us and with ourselves.

J. La Bruyere 12, 276

Decency is the least important of all laws of society and the most honored.

F. La Rochefoucauld 10, 184

Speak softer in form, harder in content.

Latin dictum

Good manners are the outward expression of the inner delicacy of the soul, which consists in general benevolence and attention to all people.

D. Locke 12, 21

A sure sign of an ill-mannered person is not to think about what likes or dislikes those in whose company he is.

D. Locke

True politeness is nothing more than trying not to show neither disdain nor contempt for anyone when dealing with people.

D. Locke 12, 40

A well-mannered person is adorned with three virtues: friendliness, humility and courtesy.

Accuracy - the politeness of kings.


A tender calf sucks two queens.


Good manners are those who embarrass the least number of people.

J. Swift

One sage was asked: "From whom did you learn good manners?" "With the ill-mannered," he replied, "I avoided doing what they do."

V.V. Selivanov

Nothing costs us more cheaply or appreciates more than courtesy.


Civility is the desire to do what people like and refrain from doing what they don't like.

B. Spinoza 12, 116

You live among people. Your every action, your every desire is reflected in people. Know that there is a boundary between what you want and what you can ... Check your actions with your consciousness: do you cause harm, trouble, inconvenience to people by your actions. Make the people around you feel good.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky(“Birth of a Citizen”)

Good tone requires study and exercise; he must, so to speak, become our second nature. True, much that is called good form and refined taste is an innate delicacy, and it is true that a person can assimilate everything and learn everything, but not delicacy. But delicacy is not everything, and innate taste requires improvement; good examples and my own efforts contribute to this.

From book " Good tone”, M., 1996. S. 6.

Well-bred is the one who treats inferior people without arrogance, and to higher ones - without servility.

F. Chesterfield 12, 27

Good taste, tact and good breeding are much more closely related than it is desirable to consider the literary fraternity. Tact is good taste in behavior and demeanor, and good manners are good taste in conversation and speech.

N.Shamphor 11, 75


See: zhurn. "Chemistry and Life", 1975, No. 9. P. 54.

Lavrov P.L. Favorite product in 2 volumes T. 1, M., 1965. P. 417.

See: K. Chukovsky. Contemporaries. M., 1962. P. 683.

From the preface to the book "Honest Mirror of Youth, or Indications for Everyday Circumstance."

Cunning, prank, toughness, sincerity, modesty, avarice, greed, justice, bashfulness, jivosity, conscience, dignity, nobility.

Write down the names of the noun. Third declension

hunting in the forest is most difficult: a dried up leaf (lies, rattles) underfoot, the game can hear you far away. He also sees through the (rare, dense) bush and, without allowing it, flies away .___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Find the highlighted nouns in the text, determine their declension and case. 1) Forest (__ dec., __ p.) 2) bush (__ sc., __ p.) 3) feet (__ dec., __ p.) 3. Write out one word in each column from the text of assignment # 1. VERB ADJUSTMENT NUN Indicate which part of speech the highlighted word is. A leaf from (_____________) trees fell. Explain your answer ._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Match the word LIGHT four same-root words that are often used in speech .____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Write down a word where all consonants are soft: charcoal, eyelash, swan, loops. ______________________________ 7. Insert the missing letters, write down the test words in brackets. During the day, the horses p ... lied (________________) in the meadows, and posed ... her (____________________) at night they slept near warm haystacks. Sometimes the horses woke up from the gu ... kov (_____________) of the steamer on the river. From the ber ... ha (__________________) came the smell of wild rose. 8. Write down words that are the same in composition: thaw, depth, frost, smells, stream. ________________________________________nine. Put the missing punctuation marks at the end of the sentences (?!.). 1) How nice were the quiet sunsets over the forest lakes __ 2) The kid turned the stone over and lightly touched the frightened beetle __ 3) How could shellfish, crustaceans and fish get into a rain puddle__ 10. In task number 9, circle the number of the sentence in which the comma is missing. Read the story and complete tasks 11-12. There was a cat in our house - Ivanych. He ate or slept all day. Sometimes, he would climb onto a warm couch, curl up into a ball and fall asleep. Once my mother kneaded the dough in a tub and put it on the stove. Time passed and my mother went to see if the dough was rising well. He looks, and in a tub, curled up like on a feather bed, Ivanitch is asleep. He crushed all the dough and smeared himself all over. So we were left without pies. Ivanitch was a lazy cat, he didn't even catch mice. Once I went into the kitchen, I looked - Ivanovich was stretched out on the floor and dozing in the sun, and next to him a whole brood of mice was walking: very tiny, running on the floor, collecting bread crumbs, and the cat seemed to be grazing them - occasionally glancing and eyes from the sun blinks. But sometimes Ivanitch liked to hunt for fun. Once we were sitting by the window, suddenly we saw Ivanitch running around the yard, and a rat was in his mouth. He jumped out the window - right into my mother's room. He lay down in the middle of the floor, released the rat, and looked at his mother himself: "Here, they say, what a hunter I am!" Mom jumped on a chair, the rat sniffed under the closet, and Ivanitch sat and sat and went to sleep .. 11. Fill in the missing points of the plan. 1. Ivanych the Cat 2. _______________________________________________________________ 3. Mouse Shepherd 4. ______________________________________________________________12. Underline the main terms in the highlighted sentences from the story. 13. Read the text. Cross out the "extra" sentence. After the chicks leave the nest, bird worries end. After all, chicks still need to be taught to fly, look for food, hide from enemies. In case of danger, some birds give the chicks a signal to hide, others try to ward off the enemy with cunning, and still others fearlessly drive a kite or a fox. 14. Read the text. Explain the meaning of the words in this text. The sun rose, the fog began to disperse in waves, the boat was lowered into the water, sailed to the shore. There is fog ahead, and the waves are rolling in, and the fulmars are screaming - seabirds. A silly fool will emerge from the fog and with a cry behind the stern in the fog will disappear. Boat - ____________________________________________________________________ Stupid - _____________________________________________________________________ 15. Put the missing punctuation marks at the end of the sentences. - And what kind of a __ - Well, like a bird, - said the grandfather hesitantly. - Walk faster __– And he is black __– You look - you will see. “If we do, we can scare you with a double-barreled gun,” we suggested. - Look what they invented__16. Circle the number of the correct answer. The suffix is ​​in all words of the group: 1) dictionary, secretary 3) stream, lump 2) penny, good-natured 4) basket, cat

"According to the grace given to me, I say to each of you: do not think more about yourself than you ought to think; but think modestly, according to the measure of faith that God has given to each" (Rom. 12: 3).

"But I, Paul, who am personally humble among you, and am courageous against you in absentia, persuade you with the meekness and condescension of Christ" (2 Cor. 10: 1).

“But the wisdom that comes down from above is first pure, then peaceful, modest, obedient, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and unhypocritical” (James 3:17).

Modest - devoid of vanity, arrogance, not flaunting his merits, merits; restrained in handling, behavior, words, deeds.

Modest - moderate in all requirements, humble, meek and undemanding for himself; not putting his personality in advance, not dreaming of himself; decent, quiet in circulation (V. Dahl).

Modesty is a necessary condition for mutual love (Leo Tolstoy).

Modesty in relation to the soul is the same as modesty in relation to the body (F. Bacon).

Modesty is like shadows for a painting: it gives strength and expression.

In modesty, wisdom is in arrogance, destruction.

Great modesty often hides great virtues (B. Franklin).

Lack of modesty is a lack of intelligence (A. Pop).

Modesty is sometimes hypocritical, but innocence never (J. D'Alembert).

False modesty is the most refined trick of vanity (J. La Bruyere).

Excessive modesty is nothing more than hidden pride (A. Chénier).

Modesty and beauty are always at odds with each other (Ovid). Great and true deeds are always simple and modest (Leo Tolstoy).

If something great is ascribed to Einstein, it is a constant repetition of his statement that he knows very little, although he is considered a great scientist.

One of the great Roman teachers of oratory, Quintilian, said of his students: "They would undoubtedly be excellent students if they were not convinced that everyone knew."

God is the God of all who love Him, and His child is the model of humility.

To know a lot and not to present yourself as knowing is a moral height. To know little and to expose oneself to know is a disease. Knowing nothing and thinking a lot about yourself is an ordinary stupidity.

One can be humble without being wise, but one cannot be wise without being humble.

It is easier to be humble for someone who has done something than for someone who has never done anything (A. Graf).

Learn to be modest: do not allow yourself any insolence, do not even allow yourself to touch your neighbor unless absolutely necessary, and the skill of modesty will make the great virtue of chastity convenient for you (Bishop Ignatius).

Nothing shocks chastity more than the skill for insolence, for free conversion, who rejected the rules of modesty (Bishop Ignatius).

The one who knows himself best of all respects himself least of all (Leo Tolstoy).

He is freer than anyone and richer than everyone who knows how to keep himself in the lower ranks - to be a servant of his neighbor.

Dissatisfaction with ourselves should prompt us to work on ourselves. It is greatness not to be exalted.

If you have little money, it is good to have modest desires.

Do not seek beyond the measure of what is difficult for yourself, and do not test that which is beyond your strength.

In the meeting, try to be pleasant and bow your head before the highest.

Do not humiliate someone who looks insignificant or too small: the spark is also small, but it can ignite the whole world.

Do you want people to talk well about you? Don't say anything good about yourself.

Part I. Conscience

"Conscience is a clawed beast, scratching at the heart", A.S. Pushkin

Once upon a time I was struck by the following fact: A Russian aviation engineer suggested to Emperor Nicholas II to throw bombs on the enemy's heads from airplanes on the battlefields. Do you know what he answered "Director of the prison of peoples"? He said that doing it is extremely immorally and ignoble... Such tricks, they say, put the enemy in a deliberately unequal position. No, well, was he not a fool? After all, the Germans did not hesitate and for the first time in history created and used bomber aircraft against the Russian troops. Well, they do not know, these humanists, enlightened, civilized Europeans of words such as Conscience, Modesty, Shame and Honor... And if they do, then they leave these concepts for enemies, otherwise they will not be able to defeat these stupid Slavs, who do not even know how to lie.

And not so long ago, I came across a note with an interview taken from an Afghan mujahid, who managed to make war with the Russians in the eighties of the last century. He talked about how american soldiers presenting children with toys, chewing gum and Coca-Cola in front of the mission representatives, taking pictures and filming them during the “presenting”; then they take everything and go to the neighboring village to shoot in the same angle and there. And so they travel with hundreds of reusable gifts across the Afghan provinces, and reports of their "charitable deeds" fill the entire world press. At the end of the interview, I was struck by the phrase: “Yes, we fought with the Russians, but we respected them, because they are brave warriors and they have a conscience. Americans have no conscience at all»!

That's when I seriously thought about what is conscience, and whether everyone has it.

The fact is that my generation is not PI or Pepsi. We grew up in a country where the word Conscience was filled with the same real meaning as now "Ikea". It was not something ephemeral, because most people Conscience was, and felt physically, like an arm or a leg. Yes, it is hidden inside, but you feel pain if, for example, your heart or stomach aches! The first time I experienced the pain of remorse at a tender age, and the second time I felt this pain when I climbed through an open window into someone's garage and took a penknife from the workbench. Well, I couldn't resist, do you understand? I was seven years old, at that age to have your own folding knife is a dream for every boy. So handsome, with a handle that has a black panther on it. Here it is. I easily found exactly one on the Internet.

I remember how I did not enjoy the stolen item for long. My father asked me where I got a new knife from, and I dropped my eyes to the floor and mumbled: "Yeah ... Well ... I found it on the ground." My father looked at me as if he had illuminated me with an X-ray. He understood everything, but said nothing. And when he heard that I was sobbing in my room, burying my face in the pillow, he came to me, sat on the edge of the sofa, silently, put his hand on my trembling shoulder, and said: “Nothing! This is for the future. Give the knife to the one from whom you took it and ask for forgiveness. It will be masculine. This way you will earn trust and respect. If you cannot do this, you will become a pig and grow up to be a pig. My mother, your grandmother Katya, said: "A hole from a young age - a hole to old age".

So I realized that it is much easier to live in harmony with your own conscience. So as not to have a sore throat, you do not need to lean on ice cream, and so that your conscience does not cause unbearable pain, comparable only to a toothache, you do not need to give her food. Live by your conscience and it won't hurt- a simple law, it would seem, but soon it was necessary to make sure that there is, rarely, but there are people who find it easier to take and rip out conscience by the roots, so that it doesn't hurt when you mess it up. And every year there were more and more such people around. And now I see around me that it’s just right to surrender to the psychiatric hospital, because I don’t notice anymore that someone is a word - CONSCIENCE- said. If it is not there, then there is nothing to talk about! A land of disabled people with a circumcised conscience, that's where I live. How could this have happened?

One thing is clear to me: with an amputated conscience, society is being harassed and self-destructing. In order to destroy him for free, at the expense of the enemy and by the hands of the enemy himself, amputate his conscience. And that's it! Sit and watch the agonizing society self-destruct. Then let the scum into power, sit the fools in front of the TV, and rob the country as much as you like. Leave the slaves as much as they need, so as not to starve to death, otherwise a revolution will happen.

So what kind of beast is this, conscience?

The official interpretation is as follows: "The inner voice of a person, helping to independently formulate their own moral obligations." The etymology of the word comes from church - slav., V. - glory. - tracing paper - Greek. From cons + news (see to know). So. This is shared knowledge, knowing something. What? Truths, of course. Correct behavior that is appreciated by society and accepted by all members as an unconditional blessing.

There is no need to think about religious commandments. In any society, there is also an unwritten moral code, which does not always correspond to the norms of the criminal or administrative codes. Moreover, his strength is such that even villains are unable to oppose anything significant to moral standards. In this regard, the example of General Gorbatov, who visited Kolyma as a convict in the late thirties, is very indicative. Here is a quote from his memoirs:

“My neighbor in the bunk was in the Kolyma camp a once prominent railroad worker, who even boasted that he had slandered about three hundred people. Although I did not hide my extreme aversion to this theorizing slanderer, for some reason he always tried to strike up a conversation with me. It made me angry at first; then I began to think that he was looking for consolation in his conversations. But one day, being driven out of patience, he said to him: You and your ilk have entangled the tangle so much that it will be difficult to untangle it. However, they will unravel! If I were in your place, I would have hanged myself long ago ... The next morning he was found hanged. Despite my great dislike for him, I experienced this death for a long time and painfully. "

Well, what about Foreigners do they know anything about conscience? In the dictionary, frankly, there is not a lot of information. The meaning of the word is translated literally - shared knowledge. But what does this mean for them? And that is what it means. Literally - shared knowledge. In English Conscience kanshns is literally general science, shared knowledge. It's the same in German - Gewissen... In Czech it sounds Svědomí, Poles and Lithuanians say - Sumienie, and Belarusians - Sumlenne... So, it is irrefutable that the concept of conscience got into all other languages ​​precisely from the Russian language. Obviously, only a Russian, or a Slav, to be objective, understands its meaning. For a native speaker of another language, all this is just set of sounds, not supported by an image, by real content.

And since there is no such word, concept, it means that conscience as such Anglo-Saxons do not have! May readers who sympathize with the British and Americans forgive me. But isn't it a confirmation of the voiced thoughts and revelations of the Anglo-Saxons themselves? Here is what, for example, everyone's ardently beloved, universally recognized classic Oscar Wilde said: "Conscience is the official name of cowardice." A?! What is it! What do others say? I quote:

“The British are known throughout the world for their lack of conscience in politics. They are connoisseurs of the art of hiding their crimes behind a facade of decency. They have been doing this for centuries, and it has become so part of their nature that they themselves no longer notice this feature. They act with such a well-behaved expression and such absolute seriousness that they convince even themselves that they are examples of political innocence. They do not admit to themselves their hypocrisy. Never one Englishman winks at another and does not say: "but we understand what we mean." They not only behave like a model of purity and integrity - they believe in themselves. This is both funny and dangerous ... "

Guess who? Believe it or not. This was written by Dr. Joseph Goebbels.

Part II. Modesty

"Pride swells, but modesty teaches", (Russian people. Proverb)

Modesty- an integral feature of the Russian character. Those who confuse it with timidity, shyness and indecision are mistaken. Among the Slavs, it was considered one of the main virtues - the ability not to stick out their dignity. Exactly. This means that true modesty can only be inherent in strong, capable, talented people. Bragging is a sign of weakness and worthlessness... It is caused solely by a complex of their own inferiority. A coward and a weakling screams about what a hero he is. A truly strong person, at most, will grin to himself, not considering it necessary even to refute the braggart.

Modesty- a moral quality that characterizes a person from the point of view of her relationship to others and herself, and manifests itself in the fact that a person does not recognize any exceptional merits or special rights, voluntarily submits himself to the requirements of social discipline, limits his own needs according to those existing in the given society, the material conditions of life of the people, treats all people with respect, shows the necessary tolerance for the minor shortcomings of people, if these shortcomings affect only his own interests, and at the same time is critical of his own merits and shortcomings.

Modesty- This is a form of awareness by a person of his responsibilities to society and the people around him. A modest person therefore does not attach special importance to his positive qualities, because he considers them to be completely obligatory for himself, taken for granted.

Have you ever noticed that a Russian, seeing how someone is proud of their achievements, unconsciously says: “Oh, oh, the smartest was found”? But the point here is not that the person envied the "smart guy". The fact is that in this situation a genetic fuse is triggered, limiting the pride of the one who did something better than others. If this “better” actually has some value, then society, regardless of the desire of the “hero”, will appreciate it, and this will be a reward.

A different model is established in the alien society... There, traditions of self-glorification have led to the emergence of completely absurd, ugly phenomena, such as advertising.

I have always been amazed in the cinema scenes where old Russian bazaars were shown. Sellers vying with each other bawl praise rhymes, praising their goods in every possible way. Sorry, I somehow can't believe it. In the 20th century, yes, advertising has firmly entered the minds of Russian merchants, but I just don’t believe that this could have happened in pre-Petrine times. This contradicts the Russian consciousness, the whole way of life and age-old traditions. This is as unnatural as giving money to a fellow villager in loans at interest.

How could a merchant praise his wares in the presence of another merchant selling the same wares? This is the same as pointing out to everyone, publicly, that there is a poor quality product on the next tray. No, this could not be in the Russian bazaar. The buyer himself voted for the best quality product, and the vote was carried out in rubles. And to praise your gingerbread or bagels is not only immodest, but also immoral and unethical. This is an attempt to get rich at someone else's expense. This is the same as lying insolently. You and I know that any advertisement is a lie... If the product is in demand, then it does not need any advertising. They advertise just what no one needs, but scammers are trying to foist this unnecessary on you, which, in principle, is a criminal offense.

Advertising is the same part of a fraudulent scam, only legally, the ad performers are always on the sidelines, as are the media that distribute this ad. Now it is clear why advertising, and for Russians at such a poor quality level? It's just that Russians, even after hundreds of years, have not learned to praise themselves and what they need to foist on gullible suckers - consumers.

Part III. Shame

"Shame is the most precious ability of a person to put his actions in accordance with the requirements of the highest conscience, bequeathed by the history of mankind ...", M. Saltykov-Shchedrin

Feeling shame very closely related to feeling, which is defined as "conscience"... Shame, like conscience, is inherent in the overwhelming majority of creatures on our planet. The difference between shame and conscience is that conscience- it is public, shared with other members of society, moral regulator, a shame - individual fuse... It does not allow one to cross the line of what is permissible for an individual, an individual. Shame- negatively colored feeling, the object of which is any act or quality of the subject. Shame has to do with feeling socially unacceptable for what you are ashamed of.

  • embarrassment caused by a public violation of the norms accepted in society, or by the discovery of such.
  • shame, dishonor,
  • the same as shame.

Obviously, being in complete loneliness, a person rarely experiences a feeling of shame, for "it is shameful when it is seen." However, a person is often capable of feeling shame even in front of himself. If suddenly he allowed himself a thought that goes against the generally established moral norms. Familiar situation? It means that all is not lost for you. It must be remembered that The thought is material, and it can be heard even without dubbing it with a voice.

But does everyone have this regulator that allows a person to remain human?

You can easily find the answer if you answer the question: Do those who allowed themselves to bombard Belgrade have any shame? No. There can be no shame in the one who goes to achieve the goal at any cost. Let's see if the Anglo-Saxons have such a concept at all. Formally there is - shame(English) means dishonor, nuisance, annoyance. Do you think this is shame? No... This is far from what a person who is convicted of immorality feels. And where did the word "sheim" - shame come from? The first search result gives: "Sham". Among the Jews, this was a candle seller. Normal is that, huh? And in Latin? Turns out - "Pudor" ... Do you feel where "legs grow" from? There is no doubt that, like the first two concepts under study, the word "shame" came to the West from the Slavic languages.

"A shame"- this is the etymology of the Latin "powder". So is there at least some positive point in the fact that Russians have such a subtle limiting factor in the form of shame, if it makes a Russian more defenseless in front of someone who lacks this feeling? While you are struggling with the feeling of shame, deciding whether this is the case when doubt needs to be overcome and shame to be overcome, you will have your head cut off three times by someone who is not aware of doubts, conscience, modesty and shame. He has no time. He knows from a young age that all methods in achieving the goal are good, and money does not smell.

And what is the conclusion? Get rid of this, useless in our world, concept? But what about its fundamental function - to serve as a limiter? After all, everyone knows that not a single mechanism, not a single organism can function without a system of checks and balances, otherwise it will go to pieces. That is why there is a fuse, to build a protection system and survive in the most difficult conditions. This means that the Creator would not endow a person with a meaningless gift.

And here Devil more than once already demonstrated his love to take away something valuable. It was he who created for himself, which he designed for himself. The people who, in his opinion, are more perfect in this world. Only he miscalculated. A soulless machine, no matter how ingeniously it is built, will always lose to a person who has a soul. Remember the old Soviet film "Teens in the Universe"? How did a teenager knock out a perfect robot. I just asked him a childish riddle: "A", "I", "B", sat on the pipe, "A" fell, "B" disappeared. What's left on the pipe? All androids, trying to solve this problem, turned into a pile of smoking iron.

The correct answers are as follows:

1 day. Modesty. Conscience. Salt.

There are fewer sounds in these words than letters.

2) Sister drinks milk. Daddy likes cold milk. Grandma likes warm milk. And I don't really like milk, but sometimes I drink!

These proposals have minor members.

3) I looked at the cat. And he looked at the sausage. She was lying on the table. And the cat really wanted to eat it.

The sentences contain inanimate nouns.

4) I looked at the cat. And he looked at the fly. It buzzed and banged on the window pane. But the cat did not want to catch a fly, but wanted sausages.

Animated nouns in these sentences are in the singular.

5) I looked at the cat. And he looked at the sausage. She lay on the table and smelled wonderful. The cat inhaled this smell and hoped.

These suggestions are common.

Olympiad "Russian with Pushkin" grade 3, "desktop", what are the answers?

The correct answers will be as follows:

1 day, modesty, conscience, salt

In all words, there are fewer sounds than letters.

2. Sister drinks milk. Daddy likes cold milk. Grandma loves warm milk.

And I don't really like milk, but sometimes I drink!

All proposals have minor members.

3. I looked at the cat. And he looked at the sausage. She was lying on the table. And the cat really wanted to eat it.

In all sentences, all nouns are inanimate.

4. I looked at the cat. And he looked at the fly. It buzzed and banged on the window pane. But the cat did not want to catch a fly, but wanted sausages.

All animate nouns are used in the singular.

5. I looked at the cat. And he looked at the sausage. She lay on the table and smelled wonderful. The cat inhaled this smell and hoped.

All of these suggestions are common.