How many years Mary Goncharuk. Young and talented: Interview with DINAMA group

How many years Mary Goncharuk. Young and talented: Interview with DINAMA group
How many years Mary Goncharuk. Young and talented: Interview with DINAMA group
The Dynama group is Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikov (19) and Maria Goncharuk (24). They became finalists of the show "I want in VIA GRU" and have already achieved considerable success. At the same time, the girl's show-business is looking at philosophically and infected with their immediacy. But is these qualities not half of the success of the musical team? We talked to the Dynama group about popularity, fans, plastic operations and future plans. ABOUT creative career And the project "I want in VIA GRU"Diana.

It all started, like everyone else, probably. I always wanted to become an artist, not an economist. Mom asked me: "Who are you?" And I am: "I'm a star!" So since childhood were different contests, songs ... I was very lucky that I was engaged in my mom and supported me in everything. Not every child has it. Masha. So I have the same thing! No teachers and doctors, only the scene! I focused on the music school, went to casting. But not everything turned out. Apparently, then time simply did not come. And then suddenly the casting began on the project "I want to in Via Gro", and, apparently, my hour has come! Although I generally did not count on anything. I believe that everything comes to us on time. So always need to strive for the goal. If this is yours, it will come. Diana.After I did not go to the "X-factor", the year was afraid to go on stage. But "I want to in Via Gro" made me believe in my strength. On the project I had health problems - a knee cup flew out. But I continued to work. And with Masha we had so that on the casting in the project we opposed each other. And since then was inseparable. We were even settled in the same room later! Well, about the final and there is nothing to say, we almost dispersed when they learned that we would be together. Masha. There was a moment when the group had to be three in the group. But first with one girl did not work out, and then with the other ... one of them was even threatened with us! It turned out that we first pulled the team. So in the composition of the duet, we are much more comfortable. About new songs Masha. Now we recorded new song And very soon imagine her listeners. Diana.Song with a secret. ( Smiles.) But we hope that everyone will find something in it. Masha. In parallel, we work over one song. Now we rewrite the text so that he approached us more, told our story, and not someone else's. Often the texts of maiden songs are banal, about the fact that life is pain. ( Laugh.) And we want to make a highlight from ourselves! We need a positive - lightness and light, without cargo.

About the scene and work with each other Masha. The lack of disputes when working together is utopia. Of course, we have disagreements, but all this does not matter. We can't talk long. We are not only rehearsing together and live periodically, but we also go to shopping. Diana. What is the star disease? We are absolutely adequate. The most important thing is to be yourself. To be real. We are in life, such and on the stage. Masha. In any work you need to be sincere. And not only with the surrounding people, but also with himself. And in no case can you envy. After all, everyone has their own business, everyone has its own fate and the path. It seems to me that this secret is successful if you want to go far and achieve something. About plastic surgery Diana. I had one plastic surgery! In the second grade, Mom made me an operation on the ears, because they were sticking out. I am very grateful for her, if it were not for her, I would strongly comprehended now and would not wear tails. And the ears after that operation, by the way, do not grow. Masha. I don't care about plastic, but if people want and they have the opportunity - then please. If you feel confident with another nose, do! But to customize yourself under the general conveyor is not cool. Here it is not necessary to work on appearance, but above inner world. It is necessary to find yourself a real, and not made by someone ... Diana. Now in fashion naturalness. The most important thing is what children are born? Men on such beauties made even in court. And correctly do. In addition, you ask such a sacrifice of plastic surgery: "Did you read the Brama Stoker?" And she does not know. About popularity Diana. We have a very strong fan club. Yesterday we even learned that people are listening to 70! They saw the grandmother dancing under our music and sinks. It's so cool! I can fall from some wishes or words! I'm terribly impressionable. There is one fan with whom we communicate very well. His name is Boria, and he turned out to be the first person who gave us a gift - headphones. And another kids came to us from Tula, they brought gingerbread. Masha. We always notice the wishes of fans, always communicate with them. But sometimes we do not know how to react. Recently met the girl who saw us hugged and burst out. Yes, we ourselves are very emotionally react. Recently, they sobbed over the film "Romeo and Juliet", and then led all the experiences with a huge pizza! ( Laughs.) I want to wish not only artists, but in general, everyone understands people. About interest and leisure Diana. I never knew how to climb on the rope! And I'm too lazy to clean, I can call. Masha knows ... Although sometimes I will fit, I clean up a month! Masha. And I do not know how to ride on the rollers, although Diana is trying to teach me. But I love to watch football. I can infinitely cry over the "diary of the memory", and I love the "Irony of Fate" from the Russian films. Diana. I like football too. My friends are "Dynamo" football players, by the way. Therefore, I go to the game, I support them! Yes, and in other teams I understand. Diana. I am a Domaska, if there is no work, I'm lying on the sofa, I watch movies, I read, I go to the SPA procedures, I meet with friends. I love to revise the "Vampire Diaries" and "Twilight", and also " Love affair at work" - It's perfect! I love reading books on psychology. Masha. And I go to vocals, I walk a lot, I love to swim in the pool. Sometimes inspiration comes - I write songs. And if we have concerts in Moscow, then even friends take offense that we do not have time to meet with them. I love to read very much. In childhood, she adored novels, for example, Danielo Styl. And I can re-read the book "Magic of large-scale thinking" of Schwartz. About life philosophy Masha. My favorite motto - I see a goal, I believe in myself, I do not see obstacles! Seriously, everything is so. And you can never whine and say: "Well, why not work?" So, not the time. You need to be able to wait and work on yourself. Nothing will change if you wake up and get upset. Diana. I always have everything comes true. Even if I want to meet someone, and he lives on another continent, in half a year we get friends. It is very cool. You just need to ask the Cosmos of what you want, and do not lie on the sofa! About future Masha. I want to wish us in the future so that we are implemented in life and in your career. So that we can comfortably and comfortably so that we enjoy what we are doing. To have female happiness! Diana. Yes, you always need a person who will protect you and understand. So that you feel next to him safe. Masha. And in 20 years, Dynama existed! Diana. My dream is to "Dinama" continue. And so that we collect stadiums. Well, however, why not?

Today, as part of our regular heading, "young and talented" we will introduce our readers not with one hero, but at once with two heroines - the finalists of the talent show, models, laureates of beauty contests and simply charming girls from the Dinama group, Maria Goncharuk and Diana Ivanitskoy Shorikova.

I-Gency: girls, I know that you are united not only by love for music, but also model business in the past. What prompted you to engage in vocals and conquer large scene?

Diana: All my life I dreamed of a model career and sought it. In the lessons of the vocal walked once a week purely for himself. Then my mother suggested to sing on big scene. We went to Paris to the youth Eurovision "Youth of the Planet 2010". Ukraine first participated in this competition. The audience was wonderful there. I was very warmly met and even asked to perform a song on the bis. It was unexpected, but very nice. I experienced a lot of positive emotions from speech and contact with the public, felt a real drive on stage and completely dissolved in warm atmosphere. Receive main Prize It was also very nice. So the scene conquered me.

Maria: I love to sing from childhood. I remember how to tell parents: "When I grow up people's Artist" From 7 years traveled to music school (Piano), in the district DC was engaged in vocals. After grade 9 entered the Kharkiv Music School in the class of academic vocals. There were no places on the pop separation. At first, it was planned to translate in a year, but then I realized that I was comfortable to deal with my teacher, so I did not regret it at my faculty. Study graduated with a red diploma. After arrived in Kiev in Knuki at the stage director, to get even a creative, but more thorough profession. And the model worked in the time free of study, because we needed earnings to ensure themselves. My life is completely connected with creativity. Now with Diana we will conquer a big scene. With our team of professionals - everything is possible!

I-GENCY: Diana, you have already participated in the talent show "X Factor". Serega, who was sitting in the jury, was very sharply spoken at your address that the scene is not a beauty contest, there is nothing to do there. Tell me how do you react to criticism at your address?

Diana: I respect and his opinion, too. I still sometimes review the video from the "x factor" and I want to say that self-criticism is not deprived of self-criticism and people react to constructive comments. At that time he was right, I understood it perfectly, so I reacted perfectly fine. "X factor" gave me a big push. Whole year I was engaged in vocals every day, I had several teachers, I was looking for a manner, learned Jazz and academic vocals. I wanted to even go for the 4th show of the show. It was important for me that members of the jury appreciate my progress.

I-GENCY: But you still decided to apply for a new show Konstantin Meladze "I want to in Via Gru." Why to him?

Diana: Yes, life sent me to the other side. It generally happened spontaneously. My mother and I went past the establishment, where the predoxeing "I want in Via Gro". She says to me: "Let's laugh! We went, sleep there jokes for the sake. " So laughing (smiles). Thank you so much Konstantin Meladze that I saw a small light in me, which I try to inflate every day every day! And I wanted madly, so that he was proud of me.

I-Gency: Maria, and how did you think the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a new VIA Gray and send your application for the competition? You were originally sure that you would get to the final, or just rely on the will of fate?

Maria: My favorite expression - Everything comes on time if people know how to wait. But not just wait, lying on the sofa, but to act and wait for your point, the case. So, the show "I want in VIA GRU" is my lucky case! I took part in various competitions and castings (factory of stars, a X factor), but everything somehow did not develop. Now I understand why. During the first casting there was a terrible frost. After a couple of hours I didn't want anything, just to get home faster. But then I told myself: "Since I'm here, I'll wait for my turn and go to the end, because if I do not do this - I can miss my chance." It is necessary to always be confident in itself and their own forces, adequately evaluate its capabilities, but not to be self-confident. The will of the fate I found myself in this show and did everything possible (dealt, trained, worked on myself) to pass as far as possible. I am grateful to the show "I want in VIA GRU" for the enormous experience of working on the stage, with a professional team (specialists in light and sound, grimer, costumes, administrators, psychologist, etc.) and especially Konstantin Meladze, who in advance missed me in the second tour. Thanks Miguel, the choreographer, the director, for each room that he set us, and for his support. On the show we met with Diana and united in creative Union after him. We got the most important thing - the support of millions of viewers, for which they make our own. All the acquired we take with you and move on to new tops, forward!

I-GENCY: When you just came to the casting, it was hardly assumed that loving Igor Vernik would not give you a passage on the project. Now you support the connection with him, or was it just an element of the show? How do you generally cope with the annoying attention of fans?

Maria: I think each participant of the show would be nice to listen to compliments from Igor Vernik. Between us there was a contact of the viewer and artist, he felt what I wanted to convey and tell in the executable songs. I try to avoid annoying fans, and I can talk with adequate.

I-GENCY: Girls, tell us how you reacted to the fact that your coach on the project was Alena Vinnitskaya? It has long ceased to exploit a sexy image imposed by producers Via Gry, and took up completely different music. Dinama will go along the path of his coach and will change the musical format? Or will you continue to emphasize sexuality?

Diana: Of course, at that time, when our troika chose Alena, I was a little upset. But then I realized that in vain was worried about this. She taught us to just be myself, to remain a sincere person. After all, in our time it is not enough. In any case, we will have a slightly different format.

I-GENCY: Alena is a very wise woman with a rich experience on the scene. She knows what to work on producer and be a free bird in solo work. What advice did she give you? What motivated? How did you hesitate?

Maria: Constantly work without changing yourself. She believed in us, believed in our victory, told, with what delight they look at us with her musicians. Since Konstantin Meladze created new format VIA GRA, Alena believed that we are quite approaching this description.

I-GENCY: Under the ready leadership of his mention, you still reached the final and, as a real VIA Gra, managed to change the three composition. Who was it easier to work with: with Yulia Lautha or Catherine's suitable?

Maria: Oh yeah! I didn't even think about it (laughs). With Katya, we were initially set, which I was not very glad, because at first I did not feel it. But then we are accustomed to each other, because it was a team game. With a yug it was very comfortable to work. I still understood in the second round show, where we were lucky enough to sing together. She is very hardworking, purposeful, persistent, beautiful, good girl. Rydy fox is ours, as I called it. Despite the fact that we were connected before the superfinal, we quickly found mutual languageThreesome went to vocals, choreography, preparing for Moscow and further cooperation. I wish Yulechka creative success!

Diana: From Katya was insanely hard to work. In the process it turned out that it was difficult for her to move on stage and sing at the same time. But man is unreal. I never met such people on our way and, maybe, thanks to the Kate, we understood that they were created for each other. But with Julia, we immediately found a common language. Sing her is a pleasure.

I-GENCY: You did not have the desire to invite someone from former participants Project in your group?

Maria: We were offered this project and comfortably together.

Diana: Masha and we perfectly complement each other and glad that we are together. And the third component of our happiness is you, our dear listeners and viewers.

I-GENCY: Who came up with the name "DINAMA"? Is it an abbreviation folded from your names Diana + Masha? Or a subtle hint that you like to "dynamy" guys?

Diana: You correctly understood that this is an abbreviation from our names, but do not forget that Dynamo is also a car that produces energy.

Maria: And in the first, and in the second version you guessed (laughs). We are also like a dynamo machine, we produce and distribute positive energy, charge, give it to our audience and listeners.

I-GENCY: Open us the most important intrigue. Konstantin Meladze will continue to cooperate with you? Or is your debut hit as an incentive prize, and then make it easy forces?

Maria: We are very grateful to Konstantin Meladze for the presented hit, with whom we started and removed debut Clip "I believe in love," we believe that it will help us.

Diana: Our group does not consist in the production center of Konstantin Meladze. But it does not prevent us from dreaming that someday we will cooperate with him again.

I-GENCY: How did the debut video shoot? What did you like best? Were there any incidents on the set?

Diana: Preparing for shooting week. Every day was choreography for several hours. Removed the clip in Los Angeles. This is a stunning city. Most of all I liked the process of filming, because I have long dreamed about it. Everything went smoothly and on a positive. I hope it will bring his fruits.

Maria: For the first time I was in the USA - these are new emotions, impressions, atmosphere, new people and dating. We spent time in preparation, training, fittings, but we also managed to familiarize yourself with the terrain. Worked with the team of professionals, so everything was thought out, calculated, scheduled, but nature was against us. All week was wonderful weather, and on the day of filming went raining. They thought to even change the location and shoot in the rain. But for dinner, thank God, it was agreed, and we caught every ray of the sun. There was one funny moment when Di did not calculate the speed of the car and I really had to run away from it. Was it an accident? Hope! (laughs) Thanks to the director, Phil Lee, for cooperation, creative association and final result. This is just the beginning!

I-GENCY: in everyday life You seem ordinary cheerful and energetic girls, and appear on the stage in the image of fatal beauties. What is your role closer in spirit? Or is it depends on the mood?

Maria:On the stage, we are the same as in life. But girls, the same creatures are unpredictable, it all depends on the mood. It seems to me that a variety is always better than monotony.

I-GENCY: Very soon, you will begin the full life of the artist, consisting of constant moves, rehearsals, filming, concerts, fans, etc. What are you ready to sacrifice the sake of a successful career?

Diana: The full life of the artist was not yet started, but I have already sacrificed to many for this work. The most important thing is that there is a person - this time. I sometimes do not have time to talk to loved ones or meet friends. I do not have time for a personal life, not because I do not want a relationship or think that they will interfere, but because I just don't have time for it. I put all the strength to work. Accordingly, sometimes I pay for this with your health. But I wanted to be on stage all my life and give love to the audience. This is my life and my choice.

Maria: When you are doing a loved one, it's not relevant to the "sacrifice".

I-GENCY: And if someone put a question with an edge? Like, choose, or scene, or personal happiness. What would you choose? In the song you will sing about what to believe in love. What place is love in the list of your priorities?

Diana: Unfortunately or fortunately, so far there is no one to put such ultimatums to me. But I am sure if a person really loves, he will never in his life make me do such a heavy choice.

Maria: Let's solve questions as they arrive. If yes kaba is not my option. We not only sing, but really believe in love. I think you can and need to combine work and personal life. The main thing is that one does not interfere with another. Each person has their own calling and its profession. If a doctor, teacher, accountant, lawyer, etc. may have a personal life, then why artist, representative creative profession, Should I refuse or sacrifice it? Love should always be in the first place: love in relation to her neighbor, to his relatives, to himself, to the world, animal, nature, air, wind, sun, etc. When a person carries love, he makes this world a little kinder.

I-Gency: What can you advise those who want to be an artist? How to succeed? How to stand out against the background of other talented young people?

Maria: Constantly develop, go ahead, not to succumb to failures and not give up, but to temper and become stronger. The most important thing is to sincerely love your business, work! And everything will work out.

I-gency: thank you so much for interesting conversation. I sincerely wish your group of creative success and an excellent repertoire. What can you wish for goodbye to our readers?

Diana: Go ahead to your goal and never take your nose! Even if something does not work, do not lose heart. Life itself will open in front of you those doors in which you need. But to find them, you need to try and continue to improve yourself.

Maria: Love and be loved! Thank you all for your support! We will delight you with our creativity in the future, and now enjoy the debut clip of the DINAMA group "I believe in love."

Material prepared Dmitry Kverts exclusively for the site. All photos taken from personal archive DINAMA groups.

Welcome to the page of young, talented and charming girls: Maria Goncharuk and Diana Ivanitskaya-Shoryikova, the duet of which is called the Dinama group. DINAMA group is a fresh and conceptual new phenomenon on russian scene. There was a team as a result of friendship and common musical tastes of two unique ladies - participants of the cult show "I want in VIA GRU!". Both beauties with gorgeous appearance and impeccable vocal data came to conquer a big scene, in the hope of becoming the stars of the popular team. However, the circumstances have developed in such a way that the artists created their own unique project, with their style and repertoire. Therefore, the Dynama group quickly entered the top promising and rating teams of the domestic pop. Considering the success of a duet and, speaking of soloists, it is worth noting that each of them with early years Went in right way to musical glory. Diana, for example, before getting to the show to Meladze and create a Dynama group, managed to speak in Paris, on a large-scale competition "Youth of the Planet-2010".

And Maria, after graduating from a multiple diploma, became one of the best students of Kiev University of Culture. Both stars are laureates of several beauty contests and professional models, respected in the Couturier, photographers and stylists. DINAMA group to some extent appeared thanks to the wise by the farewell of the famous rock singer Alena Vinnitsa and, of course, respected by the composer Konstantin Meladze. However, the duet does not consist in their production centers, but develops independently. DINAMA Group is a combination of excellent vocal, original choreography, brilliant acting charisma and sexual appearance of participants. An important feature There is something that girls do not confuse their natural natural beauty and youth with a vulgar, universally emerging on television screens. In the work of the team there are no frank erotica. And songs of the DINAMA group are devoted exclusively elevated feelings! Bright example This serves a debut video for hit "I believe in love." By the way, the shooting of the roller took place in Los Angeles, with the participation of professional choreographers. DINAMA songs sound on the radio, and interviews with girls decorate the covers of fashionable glossy magazines. Vocalist calls are called various shows and TV projects. To get acquainted with them personally and enjoy their creativity, you can live live. Invite the DINAMA group on this site by contacting employees concert Agency Proconcert.

What private events did not perform pop groups and performers, everywhere - with constant success, the DINAMA / Dinam group will fulfill the sensational hits and play songs from a fresh album on a festival, putting real emotions and feelings in each track. You can order a pop group or artist who enjoy in great demand (especially at weddings) in the proconstern for an adequate price. The cost of the speech pays off from the first minutes of the show and justifies itself at 100%. To invite a DINAMA group (Dinama), contact us!

Diana Ivanitskaya - one of the most bright participants Show "Want to Via Gru", an ex-soloist of the DINAMA group, and now a successful solo performer under the pseudonym Dianna. Diana told Peopletalk, as often hesitating his songs, where it can be found in Moscow and what kind of date she dreams.

I started as a model - participated in shows from seven years. In 2005, at the Competition "Mini Miss Talent Zaporizhia" in my hometown It was necessary to make a number, and I was going to dance, because from the little years I was engaged in professionally ballroom dancing. But Mom said: "Everyone is dancing! And you sleep. " Just then Ukraine first won on Eurovision. And I decided to sing a victorious song Ruslana Wild Dances.

Somehow, I thought about the career of the singer and left the head to music. Five years later (in 2010) I won the Junior Eurovision in Paris. There I noticed scouts of the model agency and offered a profitable contract. Two years later, he ended, and after that, Mom (designer) decided that it was time for me to return to music, - literally dragged (Laughs.) I was on the project Konstantin Meladze "I want in VIA GRU."

I looked at 16 thousand beautiful long-legged girls, and I was only 17 (such a small slender grasshopper), and thought I had no chance. I started the depression, which only aggravated the differences with parents - Dad wanted me to study at the university, Mom - so that I sang, and I wanted to get married. (Laughs.) Won, as always, and happens, Mom.

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As a result, I did not get into the "VIA GRU", but after the show in 2013 they were invited to, and I became "dark." I did not even imagine what it means to share with someone scene. It was always like that - I go out, take a microphone, and my spectators. And first I was wildly jealous of the audience to Masha (Maria Goncharuk - the second participant of the group. - Ed. Ed.), But it was useful lesson - I learned to respect someone else's work. Yes, for some time we triggered, but they approached each other energy, complemented each other and in the end were able to become a girlfriend.

When half a year ago, DINAMA group broke out (by solving producers), I suddenly have passed casting for myself and flew to India to participate in the show Dil Hai Hindustani ( music contests I am attracted - "I want in VIA GRU", another X-Factor in 2012). This is famous vocal competition On the main Indian channel Star +. I went there to sing in Hindi, I first went on a hundred member, and then became one of the 34 finalists. But it was necessary to sign a contract (and I have not yet issued a breaking of relationship with the DINAMA Production Center), and I had to leave. I must say that this contest is very landlined me - no one knew me, there was not a single fan ... I came to India with the configuration "Yes, I'll show everything now, now how to sleep!", And then she listened to the speeches of people from different countries And I understood: "OPA! Diana, go down to Earth! " I realized that I need to work, work and work again.

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My team and I have already written about fifteen songs for solo album. And, honestly admit, I listen to them every day on repeat. (Laughs.) With DINAMA there was no such thing! Now I rehearse concert programAnd I like it so much! I am anticipating that it is possible to present all the listeners as soon as possible so that they rejoiced with me.

I understand that my music may not please all, but I don't want to adapt to anyone - I want to do what the heart tells me. If someone does not understand, I will get calmly. I wake up at night, I sit at four in the morning for my electronic piano and start writing. It's not just like that! When I go out on the stage, I worry very much, how people will take me, I try to look in your eyes to everyone, to pay attention to - to come down (when I was in the "Dina", then jumped from the stage), wink. I'm leaving the scene on such an adrenaline, as if I rolled on the American slides, and I always want yet!

A B. free time I try to travel anymore. I really liked in Vietnam and Thailand. In general, exotic countries are mine, like climate, food (I eat seafood, I do not get better, but I am prone to completeness). And in Moscow, I love to walk on the patriarch ponds and in Gorky Park (there is my favorite restaurant from Swan lake). Side with a friend, gossip, discuss guys.

Bright, beautiful and slender girls fill the show business. Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova - an attractive brunette with strong voice. She remembered many on the project "I want to Meladze." About her life and career tell me in this article.

Ivanitskaya in childhood

Diana Alexandrovna Ivanitskaya was born in 1995, on August 17th. She grew up in Ukraine, in the city of Zaporizhia. The second part of her surname Shorikov is maiden name Moms.

Since childhood, Diana was on stage. In seven years his debut with the song " Scarlet Sails", And in the eight of the age, I began a career model. In nine years, participated in the beauty contest among the children of Zaporizhia.

In the future, Diana Ivanitskaya took part in song contests, but still continued to master the model business.

"I want to in VIA GRU"

In 2012, the girl came to the show "X-factor", but did not achieve success there. For a long time not surviving about failure, she went to the next television project "I want V VIA GRU."

At the end of the project, Diana occupied the honorable second place, dividing the pedestal with two participants - Yulia Lautina and Goncharuk Maria.

Speaking at the gala concert, the girls performed an excellent song "I believe in love." I liked this composition to the audience, began to enjoy tremendous success.


After participating in the show Diana Ivanitskaya began to think about higher education. Initially, the girl's plans included to enter the Vocal Faculty, but, realizing that she was all excellent in this matter, she decided to go different ways.

In 2013, the singer entered Knuki at the Faculty of Acting Cinema and Television. We hope that soon an attractive brunette will delight us with his loud roles.

DINAMA and its creation

In 2014, Konstantin Meladze created a Ukrainian Russian-speaking group of popular music from two beautiful girls. Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikov and her girlfriend and a colleague on the show "I want to be in Via Gruzh" Maria Goncharuk.

After Konstantin, Duet took over Oleg Nekrasov - the owner of the center of producing Soroka Music. The first speech of the girls took place in Ukraine when casting in the show Meladze. They then debuted with their songs "I believe in love", which was publicly executed in the final gala concert of the TV project.

Correct the duet called "Dynama", although many write the Dynamo group. Diana Ivanitskaya and Maria Goncharuk allocated their names to name, more precisely their first syllables - Dina (so some call Diana) and Ma.

Developing group

About this group few people know. It is mainly popular with the fans of Diana and Mary, who were hurting for them in the television show.

Since the creation of this duet, the girls performed a little songs, only three were successful ones: "I believe in love" - business card groups written by Konstantin Meladze, "abnormal" - more interesting songwho has not yet had time to bother listeners. She became a soundtrack to the television series " Sweet life", I began to use mad popular thanks to this film. And the third song is" this. "

Girls are really talented and beautiful, but something does not give them dynamically developing.

Diana Ivanitsky could work many times solo CareerShe had enough suggestions. But the girl remains true to his group, believes that soon they will become more famous, it is worth only to wait a bit.

Personal life Diana

Around beautiful girl Many fans goes. They offer it serious relationship, hand and heart. What to say, she really deserves admiration, already in school years Diana was famous for its beauty, was popular with guys.

The girl herself says that while she has no desire to create a family, especially give birth to children. She is seriously configured on the singer's career, perhaps the actresses for which he learns. For her priority is stability and even financial positionwhich she wishes to achieve itself without using a successful marriage for this purpose.

Recently began to walk rumors that the girl began a novel. Mute is the leading and participant of the show "Comedy Vumen" Khrustalev Dmitry. Couple not once came across the eyes, they are at all secular events appear together.

Diana Ivanitskaya denies the presence of a novel with Dima. She says that they spend a lot of time together, because are just good friends. Diana notes that she has a lot of general, they are interested in chatting about different nonsense and serious things. So it is or not, we are unknown.

Diana to the question about her personal life is responsible that while it remains free, it is quite suitable for it. She believes that too young to burden himself with serious relationships, and too public people to show interest to fleeting intrigues.

It remains to wish Diana and her colleague Mary prosperity in a career, loud and popular hits. And about his personal life will tell themselves as soon as they consider it necessary!