What to talk to a girl about at night. Suggesting an interesting conversation topic

What to talk to a girl about at night.  Suggesting an interesting conversation topic
What to talk to a girl about at night. Suggesting an interesting conversation topic

With everyone there was such a situation - you met a girl who you really like, but you do not know what to talk to her about. In this article, we will talk about how to choose the right suitable topic to communicate, find common interests with the girl and interest her.

Inappropriate topics for communication with a girl

Obviously, you shouldn't talk to a girl about topics that she is not interested in. For example:

  • Racing cars and motorcycles - if she doesn't like speed, but prefers safe driving;
  • Horror or action movies, if she prefers romantic comedies;
  • Computers and their components, unless of course your girlfriend is a hacker.

There are also a number of topics to exclude:

  • politics;
  • nationalism;
  • religion.

Your views may differ significantly, and then your romantic date may end in a quarrel.

Besides, you can't tell girls about your "ex" girlfriends. Remember! Never! Make it your rule.

We start communication. Getting to know a girl closer

The only thing any person can talk about endlessly is about himself. If you do not know where to start a conversation with a woman - ask her tell about yourself... Here are the pertinent topics:

  • What is her hobby and what is her hobby;
  • What pastime does she like better - a quiet, calm atmosphere at home with a mug of coffee or night out in clubs with friends;
  • What does her name mean, who is she according to the horoscope;
  • Does he believe in love at first sight and does he trust dream books;
  • What does she do in free time where he likes to go;
  • Pay special attention to her plans for the future;
  • Favorite drink, aroma, movie, book, season, color;
  • Separately, you should inquire about her favorite colors. Be sure to remember them. When you come to your next date with a bouquet of her favorite flowers, it will definitely make a strong impression on her;
  • Ask if she ever did crazy and rash acts, for what?

We continue our communication. We are looking for points of contact.

So, the exploration is over. You already have a rough idea of ​​what kind of person is sitting in front of you. Then the conversation should be continued on general topics that are interesting for both of you. You have already formed a general opinion about the range of her interests. Well, and you know your circle of interests like the back of your hand. Where your interests intersect - there and you should look for the most interesting topics for conversations.

If there are no points of contact (this also happens), do not despair. You can always find topics that one way or another concern both... For example:

  • Favorite places in your city;
  • Weather;
  • Common acquaintances (if any);
  • Significant events and activities.

Additional win-win themes


All women on the planet are insanely romantic creatures. Tell me how you would like to meet the sunrises and see off the sunsets with her, look at the stars on the coast of the azure coast and admire its outlines in the moonlight.


Not all girls are athletes. But each of them is always trying to keep track of their figure. If you are a sports man, then this is your topic. Here she will listen to you very carefully.

Tell her about the pros healthy way life and proper nutrition maybe she's trying to stick with it. Ask if she goes to the gym, or any sections - fitness, shaping, yoga, etc. If not, but will say that she has always dreamed about it, offer her a joint visit to the gym or pool.


Find out what kind of music she likes to listen to, what movies to watch. She may be good at drawing or dancing, singing or playing some musical instrument... If you are doing the same, then you will have something to talk about.

Her family and relatives

All girls love to tell how they love their mom and dad. What they are to her perfect couple and that, following their example, she would like to build her love.

If a girl has brothers or sisters, do not cheat them with an extra question. Ask their names, how old they are, what they love, where they study and who they would like to become in the future. If they are already adults, find out if they have their own families and if they often gather for public holidays or on weekends.

If your girlfriend does not have either a brother or a sister, you can talk with her about whether she ever wanted to have them and why. Find out more about her childhood. Did she go to the kindergarten, did she like it there. Let it relax a little and plunge into the atmosphere of carefree years.


Also, it is worth talking with a girl about love for our smaller brothers. Every girl loves animals. Find out if she has a pet, ask, be sure, his name and how old he is. Ask to see a photo! (for you it will play a plus). And if you yourself love animals, then you can talk about this topic endlessly.


An additional plus in communication can be humor. Laughter, as you know, prolongs life. Therefore, joke more, especially if you are great at it, it turns out, tell me something interesting and funny joke or an incident from life. Just in case, you must always have in your arsenal 7-8 jokes for all occasions in life. If you can cheer her up, consider it in the bag.


The main thing is not to overdo it! Throw a couple of phrases about how wonderful she looks, how this dress and perfectly matched lipstick suits her (after all, she spent a lot of time on this before your date and it will be a pity if you do not appreciate it) this article.


You need to be careful with this topic. Go to it only if you are sure that you already have a complete understanding. Wherein, shouldn't touch her past lovers... But, for example, you can talk about your favorite poses.

It is better to bring up the topic of sex towards the end of the date. Talking about sex early on can scare her away.

Well, in general, in a conversation with a girl, act according to the circumstances. Don't worry, don't be nervous and don't fuss. On the first date, you shouldn't force things. Imagine that she is your friend whom you haven’t seen in 10 years. Don't be afraid to talk about what you like and try to learn more about her.

I will not just list the topics, but I will divide them into different groups so that you understand what you can and should not talk about with a girl, and what effect it will have in the end.

The most the main objective any dialogue - to evoke any emotion. It was on this that I built my article, citing as an example those topics that will really work. You won't just chat with her - you will seduce her.!

Working conversation topics with girls

Human weaknesses

They, as strange as it may sound, is a very strong topic.

This theme works in two directions at once:

  • Forces the girl to take off her mask (and she oh, how it interferes with normal communication!)
  • It develops in both of you mutual sympathy (the weaknesses of the other person, contrary to all the laws of logic, only further improve his image)

For example, you can ask her about conditionally bad habits which she does not love in herself. It can be a long collection before the trip or being late for a meeting.

In addition, remember that weaknesses can also be positive: someone cannot resist strawberry ice cream, and someone cannot resist a warm bath with honey.

The main thing is not to be afraid to talk about your weaknesses too.

The next thing you can talk about with a girl is →

Unsolved mysteries of humanity

The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, the origin of the universe and humanity, was Darwin right, what the human brain is capable of - all these topics will definitely appeal to her.

Cause: we love secrets. Especially unsolved.

What they like to argue about the most

Arguments are great as conversation topics with girls! Especially if you can argue correctly.

These include:

  • The role of men and women (who and what should be doing)
  • Who is the head in this house
  • Should a girl take the initiative
  • Do men have the right to cry
  • Who is cooler: Spartak or Dynamo (just kidding)
  • Any other topic that everyone likes to argue about

The main thing - smile during an argument and don't go out of your way to prove your point... Just enjoy the fact that you managed to create such an emotional outburst in her head.

What else can you talk to a girl about? I would like to offer you an unusual option!

Topics from Cosmopolitan

Despite the fact that it is - women's magazine, he is great for drawing ideas from there for a conversation.

Moreover, the creators and editors have already done most work for you: they almost always select those topics that "catch" women. You just have to weed out all unnecessary and choose what, in your opinion, will be interesting to her.

Moreover, it is not necessary to use exactly "Cosmopolitan" - you can use themes from "Playboy" too.

What creates a romantic mood

As it turned out, many do not even know that the questions are different, and that only a few of them really help you to like her.

You don't have to have a large list of topics to communicate and carry with you. Moreover, human memory is not iron. Especially when it comes to an exciting date where you will forget everything anyway. Therefore, much it is better to remember all these categories of topics that can cause her the emotions you need... This will make it easier for you to navigate the conversation and not think at every second of the time about what to talk to the girl about.

I know that you came to this blog for knowledge and experience... The fact that you are developing is worthy of respect. But information from one article is often not enough, right?

Now I am ready to reveal to you information that will tell you why this girl is still not with you, how to show your intention so as not to become a friend to her, etc. To get all the secrets of falling in love and creating sexual interest, enter your e-mail in the form below. Then I will send you my personal work directly to your mailbox!

A little more information on the topic:

How to communicate with a girl in contact: unwritten rules Questions you can ask a girl: contextual addiction

Everyone experienced that awkward feeling when, being in a relationship with a girl, topics of conversation ended and complete silence... For couples who have just entered into a relationship and are starting to develop it, this is a blow below the belt. Below you will find out what to talk to a girl about when you run out of conversation topics?

You've started to notice that conversations on the phone or in person are getting shorter every day. Instead of fun and pleasant communication, conversations turn into short fights and arguments. It's time to do something or this kind of communication promises you failure and a break in relations.

Then, what to talk to the girl about when the topics of conversation run out? Let's figure it out.

Option number 1. This method, when used correctly, can help you have endless conversations not only with your VK girlfriend, but almost anyone on a dating site.

Examples of

The girl says: "I'm looking forward to the new Superman movie to go to the cinema. I've watched the trailer 10 times already. The music is so beautiful and the actors are so cool!"If you want to make this conversation boring and quick, then it is enough to simply answer: "I think the film should be good."

  • how cool it would be to go and watch this movie on a big screen in a cinema, and if it were still in 3D it would be more exciting;
  • remember when you were last time in the movies and what they watched there, maybe it happened to you funny stories while;
  • share with her other interesting movie trailers;
  • ask what genres of films she loves the most (horror films, comedies, melodramas, thrillers, etc.);
  • ask what famous actors play in the movie she told you about, and what she knows about them ... and so on.

Each new word in your conversation you can use to new topic... Now you know what you need to talk about withgirl when all the topics are over.


Option number 2. The second method can be used when you ask a girl what she did today and how her day went. Listen carefully and ask additional and clarifying questions for each lesson. This will start a long conversation and the girl will be glad that you are interested in her life. You can use it for a walk or in VK, if you already have nothing to ask.

Examples of

The girl says: "I read today interesting book... I also listened to great music, did some fitness exercises and made a delicious salad. "

Take each of her lessons separately and start asking questions: "What book has she read?" or "What did she find so interesting in her?" When you have exhausted the topic of reading, you can safely move on to music, and then to fitness and salad. The more your curiosity and desire to know more details, the more interesting and long your conversation will be.

Option number 3. The third method is to put on a piece of paper a few things you wanted to say or talk about before calling her on Skype or by phone.

Trust me, after that you will never worry about what to say next. In some cases, you may even forget about the things you wrote on paper. Because, you will have many spontaneous topics that need to be discussed. But, such a little cheat sheet gives you a lot of relief, and helps you focus on the conversation itself (instead of thinking about what to say next) and make it more natural.

Option number 4. Remember that relationships are a team game, so both partners should keep the conversation going.

Encourage your partner to communicate, you shouldn't be sole participant conversation. Moreover, not all women love talkers. There are times when a girl is in a bad mood or has other problems, so she is closed to communication. Try to find out what the matter is or just end the conversation for a while.

Option number 5. The next method is fantasizing in your conversation. Can be used on the first date (examples).

For example, in We saw a couple walking with the dog. Wonderful theme for a conversation! Ask if she has a pet, if she dreamed of having someone, or dream up together on a topic, if you had the opportunity, who you would like to have.

Option number 6. When you are running a routine daily life, it is not surprising that you have nothing to talk about with the girl. You urgently need to diversify your own life.

This way, you will have new stories and topics to discuss. To do this, you need to do something new. For example, go to the cinema with a girl and discuss a film, read news, books every day, get ready for a trip somewhere, discover some the new kind sports, meet new people and so on.

Option number 7. And of course, the simplest and sometimes the most effective method avoiding silence and finding topics for conversation is a little break from each other.

Take a break from the relationship and some new ones. conversational topics will begin to take shape by themselves. Every new thing you do in those few hours or days that you are not socializing can be a great subject for further conversation together. Well, now you know exactly what you can talk about with a girl when all the topics are over.

The most common topics for conversation with a girl:

  • Pets.
  • Trips.
  • Cinema.
  • Food.
  • Hobby (Hobby).
  • Dreams.
  • The craziest thing she's ever done.
  • A family.
  • Music.
  • Her favorite celebrity.
  • Childhood memories.

You can talk about these topics even at the age of 14.

Topics not worth talking to a girl:

  • Religion.
  • Your car, your home, your boat.
  • Politics.
  • Ex-Girlfriends.

Topics for conversation with a girl: 10 safe and 5 unsafe options. Write it down for yourself!

When people meet long time then they have a million common topics of conversation.

They can talk for hours without stopping for a minute.

A completely different situation is observed when people only recently met, for example, went to.

You still do not know the person, his tastes, his preferences, desires, plans, moments of biography.

You are not sure what to ask and what not.

In the conversation, every now and then there are awkward pauses, you have to look for more and more.

And if you also come across a not too talkative young lady who answers questions in monosyllables, and you yourself are still the speaker, then we can say with a high degree of probability that the first date will be a failure.

What to do in order not to frantically search for topics of conversation with a girl?

Making a great first meeting is not an easy task for both the boy and the girl.

Both are worried, both want everything to go wonderfully and have a desire to meet again.

And yet guys have a harder time, because they need to take care of not only the place of the date, paying the bills, appearance but also carry the burden of the conversation on your shoulders, filling awkward pauses

You do not have to constantly search for new topics for conversation with a girl, every now and then revive a sluggish conversation if you:

  1. You will master the art of oratory, that is, you will learn to speak beautifully if the word "oratorical" confused someone.
  2. You will read many books - they will enrich vocabulary and broaden your horizons.
  3. You will take care of your self-development and self-education in order to be able to maintain a conversation on various topics.

If you don't read anything besides comics, you are not interested in anything, you cannot put two words together, then it is difficult to count on a successful first date.

Your only hope is a girlfriend, even more stupid than you.

True, I have no idea at all what and how you will talk.

Some kind of abyrvalg will turn out solid.

10 great conversation topics with a girl

Everyone has it young man there should be a list of topics and routine questions that can save even the most sluggish conversation.

If you don't have such a list, then it's time to get one.

I'm here to help and provide a list of 10 neutral topics that will serve you well on your first date.

  1. Biography (not Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, of course, but yours and the girl with whom you have a date).
  2. Future plans and dreams(hardly anyone will share their innermost dreams with you, but in general outline it is easy to outline her plans for the future or describe how she sees herself in 10 years).
  3. Music. Standard questions: "Favorite singer / singer / group / song?", "Whose concerts have you been to?", "Whose concert would you like to attend?" etc.
  4. Literature (to talk about literature, you need to read books and invite a young lady who also reads them on a date).
  5. Cinema - there is a lot of work here: "Favorite movie?", "What movie are you waiting for the premiere?" etc.
  6. Art (not all guys are able to talk about this topic, not all girls can support it).
  7. Sports (the conversation on this topic should not be delayed if you see that the girl is responding without much enthusiasm).
  8. Food: "Favorite cuisine?", "Favorite dish?", "Do you like to cook?" " etc.
  9. Travel - ask where she was and where she would like to go, tell about your travels.
  10. Hobby - here, I think, you can do without explanation.

A dozen of these topics will be enough for your first date.

Think of at least 5 questions for each of the topics, so at a meeting with a girl you will feel fully armed.

Naturally, in order to ask normal questions, you yourself must be at least a little familiar with the same art, music or literature.

5 inappropriate topics for conversation with a girl

Many guys are afraid to take risks when looking for topics to talk with a girl, so they tread around such safe topics as movies, music, literature, etc.

Don't be too careful.

Just watch closely the reaction of the young lady and if you see that you have raised an unpleasant topic, turn on the reverse gear.

And yet there are topics for conversation with a girl that are better not to touch, especially on a first date:

    An exception to the rule if you are in a church or belong to the same religious community.

    It is unlikely that you will come across such a relaxed young lady who will agree to chat about animal instincts on the first date.


    First, asking about health problems is simply indecent and tactless.

    Secondly, doctors, hospitals, tests, etc. are not the most pleasant topic for conversation.

    Thirdly, you can "step on a sore corn" and ruin the date.

    Former girlfriends.

    The time will come when you will discuss your exes, count the number of sexual partners, etc. (if you wish, of course), but the first date is definitely not the right time for this.

    Complaining is just the lifestyle of some guys, so I felt it was my duty to warn my readers: don't complain to a girl you know not so long ago, don't complain about anything.

    A whining man is a terrible horror, no one wants to date him.

How to get out of the situation if you chose an unsuccessful topic for conversation with a girl?

Sometimes it happens that you have chosen an absolutely safe at first glance topic for conversation, for example, "Literature", but you see from the girl's reaction that this topic is unpleasant to her and she does not want to discuss it.

Don't insist, because the success of your first date depends a lot on how comfortable you both feel.

If you see that you have chosen unsuccessfully, just change it, without much explanation or lyrical digressions.

I noticed that the girl is experiencing difficulties, answering the question "What book are you reading now?", Save her and say something like:

“You probably love movies more than books? I also love movies. Here last film what I saw - super. Have you watched it? What kind of movie do you like? "

Everything, the unpleasant topic for the girl has changed, it will relax and your conversation will take place in a more pleasant and comfortable atmosphere.

The video below provides tips to get a girl interested in a conversation:

Safe topics for conversation with a girl are not all, it is also important to behave correctly.

Once upon a time, my friends and I had a conversation about the most unsuccessful first dates.

Anya told about the boy Sasha (smart, well-mannered, cute), who was an interesting storyteller, but behaved so strangely that she wanted to run away as quickly as possible.

Choosing the right topic for conversation with a girl is important, but we must not forget about how you behave:

    Be sincere.

    If you start to scatter in fake compliments or sing songs that you have been waiting for this meeting all your life, the girl will understand that you are a liar.

    Do not shake like a hare with fear.

    I understand that you are terribly worried, but you need to find a way to hide it.


    A sullen expression on her face will lead her to think that you are not too happy with your date.

    A conversation is a dialogue between two people, not your wonderful monologue.

    Listen to what your friend tells you, ask her questions and listen to her answers to the end without interrupting.

    Don't answer in monosyllables if she asks you a question.

    Why are you making it difficult for yourself?

    Don't be afraid of pauses in conversation.

    If, for example, you took a young lady to a restaurant, then give her the opportunity to eat.

Now you know which topics for conversation with a girl can be lifted and which are not.

I am sure that you will not get confused on the first date and it will go smoothly.

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Everyone is familiar with this quivering and exciting moment of preparation for the first date with a girl. Many guys in this situation ask themselves: what can you talk to a girl about?

Not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. After all, girls are very vulnerable and specific creatures, their psychology and thinking are in many ways different from ours, male psychology.

The laughing girl is half subdued.
John ray

Communication with a girl: 5 golden rules

What to talk to a girl about?

If you are in the early stages of dating and communication, you should take this topic very seriously.

Here are some “golden rules” that will help men establish communication with any member of the opposite sex.

Women love with their ears. Everyone has known this truth for a long time.
That is why communication with a girl should be thoughtful, but not feigned, pleasant, but unobtrusive:

  1. Tell fun and positive stories about yourself (but don't brag about yourself).
  2. visualize your conversation by adding bright colors and imagery (do not forget that girls love not only to listen, but also to present);
  3. periodically change topics of conversation, you should not concentrate on one thing;
  4. do not turn your communication with a girl into interrogation or dry questioning;
  5. do not drag out your communication with the lady, make it a rule to say goodbye to the girl at the most interesting place.
Do not forget that every woman has her own secrets and "skeletons in the closet." And getting them out of there is highly discouraged, especially on the first or second date.

What are the girls silent about, and what should they not be asked about? This will be discussed further.

What to talk to a girl about on a first date?

Experience shows that you can talk about almost everything (and, most importantly, not WHAT, but HOW to say).

In other words, the form of presentation is more important for the girl than the content of the conversation. Walking along the evening street, you can tell your companion some entertaining story or an urban legend. So, you will not only interest the girl, but also imagine yourself in her eyes as a well-read and educated person.

The second task that the guy faces at the first meeting is to reveal the girl, to get to know her. It is worth focusing on common interests here, as well as chatting about future plans or dreams. Such conversations will appeal to all girls, without exception.

The most important thing is how a man says, for example, the same anecdote, which will be performed in different ways, can be understood in completely different ways and cause completely opposite feelings, so you need to try to do everything competently, if, of course, there is the goal is to interest the girl.

Telling something funny, you can make your voice louder, but if a man wants to compliment a girl, it is better that his voice be more gentle and courteous. It is also very important that all words are clearly pronounced, then it will be easier for a woman to understand her interlocutor. And, of course, without competent speech also nowhere, most girls pay their attention to this.

If a man realizes that he has certain problems with speech, then before a date at home it is better to practice, so that later you do not get into an awkward situation and not overgrow with a whole bunch of complexes because of it.

If we talk about topics that can be raised in a conversation with a woman, then there are also several of them. Women, of course, love to talk, but you shouldn't think that during the whole date you just need to assent to the interlocutor and nod your head, in the end, the woman decides that she is not at all interesting to the man, and she is unlikely to like this date.

You can talk about your past, more precisely about youth, about where the man studied, what he did before, but about ex-girlfriends and in general, the relationship is clearly not worth talking about. If there are any interesting stories O family traditions or just cases from family life, then they can also be interesting to a woman, the main thing is not to get carried away and give the woman the opportunity to tell something too.

On the first date, you can tell your chosen one about your plans and dreams, this will help a woman understand what her interlocutor is, whether her views on the future and on life in general agree with him.

Achievements and hobbies will also be interesting on the first date, since such topics again allow you to get to know your partner better, draw certain conclusions about him, the standard topics are cinema and music, here you can also find, so to speak, a general wave, it may turn out that the interlocutors' tastes in these topics converge.

It is very important for girls to hear compliments, so there is no need to skimp on them, but at the same time they must be sincere, no need to flatter. In addition, the lady will understand that Her life, Her work and in general she herself is interesting to a man, so you can ask her questions that relate to Her work, Her achievements, etc. There are also taboo topics in conversations with a woman.

First of all, one cannot talk for a long time alone, after all, a dialogue must take place, otherwise the woman will simply become bored. It is also impossible to constantly dilute the conversation with platitudes, platitudes are, as a rule, talk about the weather and anecdotes. When they talk only about these topics, it becomes obvious that the interlocutors are not at all interesting to each other.

Complaining about life on the first date is not a good idea, women do not like it when men complain, on the contrary, they want to see next to them strong man, who will be able to support and take responsibility for it, complaints in this case will only be scared away.

You should not exaggerate your achievements, especially if communication is not limited to one date, it will become obvious that the man was lying, and the relationship cannot start with lies.

What NOT to talk about on a first date?

There are several stop topics that are not recommended to touch on when communicating with a girl.

Here they are:

  • politics;
  • religion;
  • sex;
  • Work;
  • football (unless your spouse is an avid fan of one of the clubs).

One of the legendary ones recommends using one very unusual method in communicating with girls - "Alternative stories". Its essence lies in the formulation and discussion interesting situations... For example, you can ask a girl the following question: “What would you do if you woke up tomorrow famous celebrity? ". Be sure to try using this method in communication - it will definitely surprise you!

What girls are silent about or a little about "skeletons in the closet"

« How old are you?», « Where do you live?», « How much do you weigh?"- experienced pick-up artists do not recommend asking a girl such questions when meeting. Questions like "Do you consider yourself beautiful?" will also be extremely inappropriate when talking with a particular weaker sex.

On the first date, the guy needs to ask as few questions as possible and listen more. You can only subtly direct the girl's story into the right track to learn more about her.

However, here is such a vague phrase: “ Well, tell me something about yourself now ..."- will definitely not bring any result, putting the interlocutor in an extremely awkward and stupid position.

In no case should you ask a woman about her ex-men, as well as her experience in the field of love.

Now you know what girls are silent about and what questions they should not ask. This information will help you in the art of communication and seduction!

What to talk to a girl about on the phone?

Not everyone likes to talk on the phone, and not many people know how to do it well.

The specificity of any telephone conversation- in the absence of non-verbal communication. That is, it is impossible to see how the interlocutor reacts to what you said.

Let's look at how to properly conduct such a conversation, and what can you talk about:

  • First of all, a guy should often talk about his victories and achievements, even if they are not so significant. Women love strong, successful and most importantly, motivated men. Therefore, in a conversation, you can tell the girl about your plans - global or not.
  • You can also talk about how your day went at work or school. Tell about what you saw, what was interesting or new, what you thought about. It will be very interesting for the girl to learn even about such insignificant things.
At the end of the phone conversation, it will be useful to remind the girl of her importance in your life. Tell her that you are bored and are looking forward to meeting her again.

Online communication

The internet plays extraordinarily important role in life modern man... Many today meet and even fall in love with each other precisely in virtual world... What can you talk to a girl about online?

There are many topics for engaging conversations on the Internet:

  • cinema,
  • music,
  • literature,
  • art,
  • trips,
  • countries and cities,
  • esotericism and mysticism ...
You can talk about all this with a girl for hours! In addition, communication in social networks has one indisputable advantage: today you can attach a photo, audio or video to any message.

Knowing about the interests and hobbies of the interlocutor, this feature can be beneficially used. Send the girl a reproduction of a painting by her favorite artist or a song from her favorite rock band. She will certainly appreciate it!

However, we must not forget that the Internet is just a virtual reality... The girl should see you "offline" as often as possible, and hear your voice live.

So invite your lady for an evening walk and enjoy live, real communication! And, be happy!