How to open a concert agency. Organization of concerts - business and passion

How to open a concert agency. Organization of concerts - business and passion
How to open a concert agency. Organization of concerts - business and passion

The ability to organize an event is an important skill of each modern person. For the musician, the concert is the main format of his work and the source of income. Many creative people resort to help professionals. Agents and managers can properly organize an advertising campaign, find resources, sell tickets. And the task of the artist is to light the hall with its inspirational creativity. In the history of art, a natural symbiosis of the musician and the manager has developed.

I see a goal, I believe in myself

The easiest option - you want to acquaint friends with your music. How to organize concerts in this case? It is easiest to hold the apartment. Home concerts were very popular in the USSR in the second half of the last century. Moscow and St. Petersburg rockers did not enjoy the official culture and were forced to speak secretly.

Home concert, or back to the USSR

In those days, the tradition of the apartment was developed. Several musicians played acoustic instruments. Sound equipment was not used. Spectators were little. They could freely talk to the musicians, and often concerts passed into a feast or just friendly communication.

Today, within the framework of the apartment, it is possible to use sound recording equipment. And the columns and amplifiers violate the social order and prevent their neighbors. Exception - private home ownership. For the apartment, it is not necessary for the official permit, rental hall, advertising, in general, any expenses. There is enough free space, which will provide anyone from your friends. Minus apartment only one is the lack of income.

Help a non-profit organization

How to organize concerts if you need to collect money for a good deed? Urgently need a small amount? Contact your friends and acquaintances. But instead of tritely asking for a debt, organize a concert feast in your apartment. Let it be a small party. Tell those gathered about your problem or arrange a presentation of the project. Install the box for collecting money. It should look bright and attract attention. For those who prefer electronic payments, bank details should be printed. Hang the sheet to the prominent place, and also distribute each of those present.

Consider the ability to control friends for your expenses. They must understand what their money will go. How to organize concerts for charitable societies and non-commercial organizations? Here, a simple apartment can not do. It is necessary to attract a lot of money. Therefore, we need a competent advertising campaign.

What to show the viewer

Determine the target audience. Studies show that people of all ages and social sequins of society donate for charity, but most of all are young men and women after forty. Both citizens' categories belong to the middle class. Unfortunately, these are completely different target audiences. Create a common advertising campaign for them is possible.

How to organize a charitable concert and determine your target audience? Spend your own research. Start with the experiment. Try to spend an advertising campaign on the main square of the city. It can look different. Distribute passers-by booklets and free demonstration records of artists. Entertain the walking people, and they will be grateful for it. You can arrange a small auction. Sale made by their hands toys, unassicular drinks, calendars, magnets and all sorts of other trifles will attract the attention of citizens.

Target audience and repertoire

Note who sacrifices most of all others. You can attract a special observer to study. So you will define your target audience. Such an advertising campaign requires the investment of considerable funds. To avoid this, try to attract volunteers.

Studied. But how to organize a concert? The next step is the image and the repertoire of the artists. Examine the musical tastes of your future spectators. To do this, it suffices to monitor social networks. Pay attention to the profile communities. For example, ladies are collected in groups dedicated to the family, children, culinary recipes. Check in what other communities they consist, whether music is postponed. Bikers, hipsters, Jappers, as well as representatives of other subcultures and social sections of society have their own groups.

Structure of speech

The musical taste of the target audience has been studied. Before organizing a concert, introduce the actors with the repertoire. Together with the musicians, make a list of songs in a specific sequence. Do not forget that concert numbers must be contrasting - behind the rapid work should certainly be slow. Include actors of other genres: dancers, humorists, circus. Male rooms should alternate with female. Do not forget that such an event does not last more than one hour. Do not take breaks between departments. Otherwise, after intermission, you do not count the audience.

Image of musicians and product challenges

ATTENTION should be given to the appearance of the artists. If you are interested in how to learn how to organize concerts, take care not only about the costumes and grima of the group, but also to hold onto their manner on the scene. For a young audience, sharp movements and extravagant appearance of musicians are appropriate. Spectators at the age will not like it. They will appreciate the calm and contemplative mood of the event. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the rental of high-quality sound equipment, hiring professional lighting and even to control the cleaning of the auditorium.

How to organize concerts? It is quite difficult. Among managers and organizers, the winged expression is popular: "You want everything to be good - do it yourself." This wise aphorism records the main problem of all managers. Find responsible performers is one of the most difficult tasks. Therefore, the organizer requires assistants supervising different areas of work. It is desirable that you have completely trusted these people.

As you know, creativity and discipline are incompatible concepts. Exceptions from this rule are rare. Artists can deliver a lot of trouble. Want to know how to organize concerts in your city? Get success on the field of produce. Earn money yourself and artists. And then the best musicians will contact you. Of these, you should choose the most talented and disciplined. Then success is provided.

Where to spend a concert

Separate problem - rental hall. Well, if the city is the Palace of Culture, Club, Stadium, Philharmonic or something like that. And you have money for rent. If there is no professional concert hall, it is necessary to include fantasy. Want to know how to organize a concert group, performing rock or pop music? It needs a rehearsal room. Most likely, the group already has a spacious garage or warehouse where they are regularly collected. You can enjoy this room and hold a concert there. Each city has a large warehouse or manufacturing workshop. He must be cleaned well. And then he is ideal for rock speech.

How to organize a concert of the group, tells the practice of holding the festivals of contemporary art. Often they are on the territory of abandoned factories and factories decorated in the style of Loft. Huge premises almost do not have partitions. Functional zones are allocated only by scanty scenery. Musical performances pass in a small hall. There are also exhibitions of installations, souvenir trays and canopies with fast food. Try to take this practice. For rent part of the premises to merchants. To do this, you need to have a formal permission. To get it, you will have to work hard. But the profit is provided to you.

Lead - it means to foresee

Well at the entrance to the hall to organize the sale of discs with the records of the group. If the team is known only in your city, it is likely that there are still no of their music on the Internet. Just no one has time to download. Therefore, fans will gladly buy liked songs. A concert in an abandoned production room can cause some problems. For example, there may be no sockets for connecting sound equipment. All possible problems must be carefully studied long before the start of the concert. And try to eliminate them. A good manager will foresee all possible difficulties in advance.

High guests

How to organize a star concert? And which date is limited by the amount of the fee? Such questions often ask young art directors of numerous nightclubs, which today appear in every city as mushrooms after the rain. Beginner managers should be aware that expenses will not be limited to the star fee.

Big funds will be spent on the crossing of the artist and its team, as well as to accommodation. Star will not stop in a cheap hotel and eat in the dining room. There is no guarantee that you get a profit. More likely that will be losses. Another difficulty is to draw up a contract. It should be entrusted with an experienced lawyer who worked with such documents earlier. This is another cost of expenses.

Artist's fee may vary depending on the circumstances. The date of the concert is of great importance. For example, the amount of payments increases several times. Much depends on the time of finding the artist on stage and the number of songs that he must fulfill. The number of viewers and the density of the tour of the star is taken into account. What they are more, the more expensive the concert to the customer will cost. If you still decided to invite the star, you should book the dates of the speeches in advance and agree with the musician. A clear organization is the key to the success of the event.

The organization of concerts as a business today is not only interesting, but also extremely profitable. Just think about: doing such a thing, you can kill two hares - get money and pleasure from listening to your favorite music.

What qualities need to be posted to organize a similar business?

Immediately it is worth noting that the organizer of concerts is not an easy profession. First, it requires a lot of time and strength, and secondly, a person who is engaged in such a thing must have certain qualities. First of all, we are talking about stress resistance.

After all, in order to make the organization of concerts with a business that brings good income, you will have to communicate with different people. Including with the stars, as well as their producers and representatives. Some of them are pretty pavicious personalities.

In addition, before becoming a concert organizer, it should be understood that it is not a place for shye and unavigable people in this area. After all, you will need a dedication, a healthy share of perseverance, competent speech, as well as the ability to rapidly make the right decisions.

Do you think that such a thing is on the shoulder? Then you should learn more about how to organize an artist concert and earn on it, where to start and how to please the performer and public.

Before organizing an artist concert on your own, you should decide on what plan the event you are going to conduct. Whether this is a performance of one famous personality, group, ensemble or festival with several performers. Only then should begin to think about how to start organizing the concert. Here are some simple recommendations that will help you embody your dream to life and make money at the same time:

  • It should be started, of course, from the choice of a suitable platform. Do not dwell on one embodiment. If you organize a similar event in your city, do not be lazy to meet the directors of clubs and halls personally. Discuss the rental issues, inspect the dressing rooms or other rooms in which artists will be able to settle.
  • Contact the director, producer or other representative of the artist (musical group). Contacts of these people can be found on the Internet on the official website or on disk covers. Discuss with representatives of stars size of their fees, rider and other nuances.

It is worth noting that it is initially better to stop their choice on little-known performers who are in demand in narrow circles. This experience will be enough before organizing a concert of stars or groups that are in the literal sense of stadiums.

First actions

Make a detailed commercial offer that you will need to search for sponsors. This happens according to the following scheme. The space-leased space for the time of the concert belongs to you, which means you can attract sponsors the possibility of placing advertising in the hall, on stage and so on. In addition, you can offer representatives of some companies to conduct promotions and other promotional activities. With the aggravated sponsors, be sure to conclude a contract.

Before organizing a group's performance, you will need to take care of an advertising campaign. Speak billboard, give ads in the media and social networks, distribute free flyers high school students and students who will also help you disseminate information about the upcoming event.

  • For ten days before the start of the event, spend a press conference with journalists. It is also possible to distribute invitations and flyers, organize a small buffet, and provide representatives of the fifth power all the necessary information that will be needed to write articles and release reports on TV and radio.
  • Before organizing a concert in your city, deal with counting and distribute the means to be obtained from the sponsor. It is necessary to immediately calculate profits, as well as the gorers of stars and the remuneration of the work of their assistants.
  • In the long-awaited day of the concert, try to personally take stars on the site and conduct them after.

Now you know how to organize a concert and where to start. Do not feed big hopes about the first profit - perhaps it will not be too big. But the first organizational experience gained by you is much more expensive.

Well, imagine that you want to make a concert group x.

1. First you need dating. Art directors, club managers of clubs. They first find out the amount for the site. That is, it can be either a fixed amount (in large halls), or percentage from tickets. These wonderful people you will learn about free dates. Now you need acquaintance with a group or their manager, or a concert agent, or some more super-duper-merchandiser-argonaut. And if you get interested in the first and second, then you still make a magical way to dock in the numbers of all, then the first step is made. Often, docile musicians and the platform by date and time is harder than any of the further list.

2. The amount of money.Now you need to understand what you need pay:
-Group before the concert (There are three types of payment: if the group is known and collects from 300 and more people, then as a rule it is a fixed fee. Sometimes groups play per percentage of tickets, but this is a rarity. And even less often the system "The first N-thousand goes to the club, the rest Group. "The last type happens in small clubs per 100-200 people). By the way, most groups accept fees in dollars. Without revealing specific amounts and personalities, I will say that the average group is usually worth 1000-2000 bucks. Famous guys from 5000 green and above;

- Pay for their moving and rider , where can be anything at all: from the table, stool, the bottle of whiskey to the presence of Arizonian beauty in the dressing room at the age of 3 and a half years. Be prepared to look for and buy any nonsense, if you carry the famous guys. Although in practice, most often Rider consists of "tickets to your city, eat, sleep." By the way, about Arizona beaver - a real case;

- Pay the platform. And related expenses in the form of your own pass to the club, then to the house, to the airport / station and back. It seems like a trifle, and in a penny will get up;

- Advertising. This is the worst. In general, attending attendance at your event depends on your event, so I hide a good SMM-pin and PR. This will deprive you of the profits, it would seem, but without these people your concert will collect, say, 200 people. And with them 500. So they will bring you more revenues than expenses. To find them, by the way, it is not so difficult: remember the latest high-profile events and concerts that you "have" from the ears ", find meetings in VC and there will be the contacts of these people.

3. A bunch of free time. You will have to really advertise an event. According to the "publics" of the city, on the music communities. Maybe to expose posters, hand out leaflets, targeting, mailing according to groups, etc. As I said, advertising is the worst. And even if you have a PR and Master SMM, it does not save you from working yourself. In addition, it is also necessary to agree on the sound check for musicians, to book them the hotel (if necessary). A separate problem is sounds. If a group is not visible with you, then you need to find a normal one. Otherwise, the risks come across Zabuldigu-submaster, after which the fans pull you up to the most heavens. Moreover, in large clubs there is a person, as a rule, it is not necessary to rely on his professionalism. We still live in Russia. Racks with Merch, sponsors if there is. In general, the promotion is everything you can interest and diversify a concert in aggregate with productive work.

4. After the event, when you pay off with everyone, you may have some kind of kopecks. You can buy napkins and wipe your face from tears. After the first few concerts, it will certainly be waging the feeling that you help people hear music, help them just relax and feel sensitively happier. And the topic with money somehow will disappear. But these are temporary difficulties. You should dream that from the first concert you will collect yourself the amount for a meetingful old age, you should not. In general, I do not advise any transcendent results. Start with three or four concerts for little-known groups. Immerse yourself, so to speak, in the beauty of organizational activities. And there you will already understand: whether you really need it.

Light of Sofita, stars on stage, excellent sound, happy listeners and, of course, the fabulous fees - many exactly the work of the organizer of concerts of popular pop groups and performers. Indeed, what could be better than creating all the conditions for holding show programs, invite famous musicians, enjoy their performance, and even more and decently make money on it?

The dreams of many novice managers and businessmen rushed as a card house when a collision with a number of difficulties: search for performers, lease of concert sites, conducting promotions, sale of tickets, fulfilling the conditions of riders for stars. Meanwhile, such a kind as the organization of concerts of groups, pop performers, rock festivals and other shows can bring a very decent income.

How to start a business in organizing concerts?

It is easy to guess that to organize concerts of famous groups and pop stars from scratch, who decided to make money in show business, is almost unrealistic, but who forbids "unwinding" musical groups and ascending pop stars who have no high-profile names and too high opinions about themselves?

It is known that the organization of concert programs with the stars of Music Olympus are engaged in eminent companies and produce centers. Even if we assume that you can interest stars managers and offer interesting terms of cooperation, anyway, nothing will come out of this venture.

First of all, this is due to the reluctance of team leaders and pop performers to contact little-known organizers, since there are big money on Konou, and a concert breakdown for any reasons to be unpleasant.

If you want to organize concerts and do this at a professional level, you should start maintaining your own business with cooperation with unknown music teams who want to perform on a large scene. Even no one unknown manager is able to achieve tangible results on this field at a skillful approach.

First of all, it should be understood that in this business it depends on your organizational abilities and certain knowledge. At first, it will have to work seriously and to offer their services to the musicians. It is necessary to learn to convince the pop groups and performers that it is you will be able to ensure the concert and the necessary technical equipment of the scene. Remember that the musicians are also businessmen, they are also interested in providing them with services that will allow to spectacle a concert and earn a decent fee.

Business registration

First of all, it is necessary to register your company, and this can be both a form of PI and a legal entity. It is preferable to issue your company in the form of a limited liability company, since in this case the degree of trust in potential clients is repeatedly increasing. Please note that in both cases there is a simplified tax payment system for organizing concert activities. In this case, it will be necessary to pay the amount in the amount of only 6% of the profit.

Office rental

As for the representation of your business, it is necessary to make modern furniture in it and create all the conditions for receiving potential customers and business partners. By the way, with time you will be able to professionally provide an additional income.

Attracting groups and pop performers

Now let's talk about how to organize a meeting with musical groups and agree with the performers on the holding of concerts. Like every entrepreneur, artists are interested in the question of profits (we are not altruists, you can only work for free in the framework of charity concerts), therefore, first of all, it is necessary to interest singers in terms of payment for the performance. Next, it is necessary to discuss the conditions of the Raider, which includes the provision of life of musicians (hotel accommodation, hotel class, nutrition, other) and technical equipment of the scene. Here it is necessary to take into account the lighting of the site, electrical equipment and networks for connecting tools, sound accompaniment of the concert and the placement of viewers in the concert hall. For technical equipment of concert sites, if necessary, you can attract specialists. Many musicians have their own sites that provide contact information to communicate with the director or the team manager (artist). The management of the team (and in little-known groups this role can perform a soloist or any of the musicians) it is necessary to be interested in a pre-thought-out commercial offer. In show business, as in any form of entrepreneurial activity, there is practically no oral cooperation agreements, therefore it is worth worrying about the compilation of the relevant contract, which will have to sign interested parties. It is mandatory to clearly define the responsibilities of the parties, actions in case of force majeure, the form of payment for services, the size of the fee, other.

Concert site selection

This is one of the key questions that must be solved first in order to organize a qualitatively concert for a group or artist. Choose several options for sites and scenes, which, in your opinion, will be suitable for performance, as well as technically equipped with everything necessary. You should also consider the size of the rent, which must be paid for the show. If platform owners request a too high price, then this may affect your income. There is one trick that experienced organizers successfully use in their activities - if you plan to perform a group on weekdays, then you can get significant discounts. Please note that the platforms must be signed in places in the central part of the city or near the metro stations, where a large number of people passes daily. This is at times increasing the likelihood of visiting the concert by the audience, besides, your advertisement will see a large number of music lovers.

How to behave a business on the organization of concerts?

Consider important nuances in work, which will allow professionally to organize concerts of groups and solo performers.

Project Advertising and Sponsorship

Deciding all questions with a rental platform or hall, you need to search for sponsors. We will not focus on the importance of this issue, and let's talk about how to attract a potential patient, ready to highlight some of the "blood earned" on the promotion of your project. As you know, advertising moves the processes of trade and the provision of services, so you can propose an alleged sponsor to advertise his company (services). It may be banners in the concert hall, carrying out all kinds of promotions, the spread of flyers with the appropriate content. In addition, the attention of the sponsors should be emphasized that the posters of the upcoming concert of the musical group will contain a promotional material indicating a particular patronage. Provide potential sponsors a concert program and explain that you can guarantee the success of your enterprise, as well as how it affects the advertising campaign.

Getting ready for the concert

As practice shows, the greatest effect in attracting visitors to the concert can be achieved by spreading flyers. It is easy to guess that the main part of the people who will arrive at the concert are young people. In this regard, promotional materials need to be distributed near educational institutions, shopping centers, metro stations, schools. Preferably a few weeks before the concert, to organize a press conference for journalists, as well as a buffet (of course, due to the sponsorship attracted). It should also be taken care to convey to "Masters of Pen" promotional materials that will allow journalists to write articles and extend the information on the upcoming event. In mandatory, you need to provide them with invitation tickets to the concert. Share about yourself as a professional work in social networks. On the Internet, you can easily find information about the classmates, Facebook, Instagram and other popular sites. We will not be able to create a web resource about its activities, which will go to visitors of your public biblies from social networks.

It is also necessary to organize security for people who come to the concert group, and for the musicians themselves. In this case, it is better to apply to security firms that can provide order in the hall and prevent the concert breakdown. You need to meet performers yourself on the day of arrival at the concert, to accompany them to hotel rooms and take care of their settlement. At the end of the concert, you will need to organize payment of fees, the size of which is discussed in advance with the Music Team manager.

What do you need to know the beginner organizer?

To professionally organize a concert of musical groups and pop artists, you need to learn how to arrange bright memorable shows, because this is what the audience is waiting. It is important from the first days to declare yourself as an organizer capable of solving any question and arrange an unforgettable holiday. In addition to posters and other promotional materials, a project advertising on radio and television will be required (this is another weighty argument to attract sponsors).

We will not know the acquaintance with technical workers of concert sites. Start friendship with sound operators, directors, lighting and other people who will help (for remuneration, of course) organize a show. If possible, it is necessary to get a job as a manager to work in concert halls, to the Palaces of Culture and other sites, where show programs are often held. This will solve organizational issues with minimal loss of funds and time.

Tip: To scale your business on the organization of concerts of groups and artists, it is necessary to gradually increase the number of partners, finding new links and expand the scope of activities. Think out carefully commercial offers and terms of contracts that will be mutually beneficial, and success will not wait long.

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It is worth remembering that concert organizers can how to earn great money, and suffer considerable losses (unfortunately, these are the realities of show business). Therefore, one's own business on this field is recommended to start in the presence of solid starting capital.

In contact with

If music includes music, then she can bring you and good profits. Naturally, if it is not limited to an extensive playlist in the player. How to make money on such hobbies? Organize a concert, of course. It can be a music festival or solo concert. This lesson will not only bring a lot of experience and dating, but also can increase your capital. You feel that this idea for you, we will consider in order all aspects.

And so, there is an idea, there is a desire and desire. But why start? And you should start with the following. It is unlikely that only one idea and the desire you will go to conquer the capital. There are such enough, and they have more money.

You will receive your first experience in this business in your city, even if it is just a small provincial town. At this stage it is necessary to explore: what kind of music residents (especially young people) are preferred. It is worth closing the eyes to your opinion to one or another genre, if, of course, your goal is to make a profit. To do this, it is necessary not only to visit several events, having studied the number of those who came, but also to be close to young people, to study their preferences. Who knows, can in your city there are many fans of rock, which are limited to "garage" concerts.

Deciding with the audience, it will not be difficult to find a potential group or singer. Here it is possible to create a survey on social networks and hoping the popularity and originality of the "Star". Do not stop in the same embodiment, because the stock should always be. But do not rush to invite the artist. Now it is worth thinking about such questions as a platform for a concert and equipment. Why?
These aspects are often becoming a stumbling block in this business. Either the venue will not be on the pocket, or there is no musical instrument.
The issue of the site can be solved as follows. If there is a nightclub in the city, or something like that, then go there. Such institutions attract more people than cultural palaces. You can relax here, and the bar is near.

It is better to talk with the club's director, as the manager does not ask you to help you, and the price of renting is better to speak directly with the owner. But here it is worth the confidence in his business. Let it clear that the idea is worth and profitable. Without any doubts!

Do not let the interlocutor think that you merge with money, if you can earn them at all. If everything goes smoothly, then you can even agree on the fact that you pay for rent you from earned money, but this does not always come out. Solve this question - go to the next.

Search for instruments for your concert is a very important part of the process. Therefore, we decompose everything around the shelves. The required apparatus varies from the genre to the genre. And the harder the execution, the harder it is to find a high-quality apparatus. Here, the knowledge of the musical craft will be especially useful. And if there is no knowledge, it is best to find a person who can help in this. Do not think to climb into these debris without any elementary understanding. After all, if there is equipment for club music in any nightclub, it will have to search for everything from the remote control and amplifiers to the drum installation. But if there is knowledge (or a knowledgeable person), then find it will not be difficult. Often, music techniques can be found at studios or rehearsal points.

Knowing without difficulty will find them. The question will remain for small. Much more expensive, rental firms will cost. Such firms can get you almost all that wish, but for your money.

There is another moment: technical rider.
Famous performers do not discern to demand the best equipment from the organizer, and you can find the technical rider on the group or singer website. And as already noted: quality, and therefore the price of the device vary depending on the genre. Of course, if your concert is limited to little-known groups, then they quite have the fact that you will achieve at local rehearsal points, studios or even cultural palaces.

Many is important to prepare and light equipment. They will not find them in the studios, but even the most sorry club has the minimum necessary set. The rest can be ordered from firms that have already been written above.

Now you have everything you need to hold a concert, except for the artist. In this case, you have already had to stock option. The question of the invited is not less subtle. If this is a famous performer, then the fee will be appropriate, which means it will rise the ticket price. For small cities, the price is a very weighty argument, and sometimes people can refuse only because of this. To begin with, it is worth thinking about the "Soleanka" from different performers.

Such a festival will collect many viewers, and musical groups can be not so famous. The fee is often coming down to pay, and some and for the idea are ready to work. So, here will help the skill to convince and elementary friendliness. But if you decide to "big fish", then get ready for difficulties. The stars are extremely picky, and the failure to comply with their requirements can and you do in a penny.

When all this is completed, it may seem that everything is ready. But no. It remains, perhaps, two questions, and if one can be skipped, then without another you anywhere. The first is sponsors. But keep in mind that few people want to give you their money, even if you sprinkle their advertising throughout the concert area. This question can be as follows. Of course, no one forbids advertisements to the newspaper, on the Internet or just to put out the city near large stores or institutions.

However, often the sponsor is easier to hand you the necessary accessories than your money. So, for a concert, try searching the sponsor among musical instruments stores. Maybe they will provide part of the equipment. In return, any sponsor will require a promotional action from you. Simply put, do not forget to mention it at a concert and attach the logo on the billboard event.

There is another type of sponsors - informational. They will help you spread the news about the upcoming concert. It can be local newspapers, Internet portal of your city, publishes in Soc. networks. Do not forget about large musical Internet portals, which very often place posters, instead of their logo on it. It is worth a recognition that large sites visit more often than they read the local newspaper. Here we got to the last moment - advertising. What is written above is a very important part of the advertising company. But that's not all.

Do not suck print posing and put them around the city. Just do not trust this business to sweatshirts - think ourselves. Come around the city. Offer to place posters in stores or cafes. Ey and educational institutions are suitable if the event is quite cultural. Since we live in the modern world, do not forget to create a concert page on the Internet. This will not necessarily have a website. Sufficient pages on the social network. By the way, this is a very convenient way and distribution of advertising, and observation of people's activity.

Having done all this, it will remain to make an accurate plan of the event. Considerse it with the speakers and director of the club. Do not forget to think about who will conduct an event, especially if there are many groups, and they will need to be submitted to the public. Find the lead is not difficult. Give ads in the newspaper and place on the Internet. The Directorate of the Club can help with this question. Do not forget to prepare texts for the lead. Part of them can be obtained from the performers themselves.

On the day of the concert, it will be nice early arrive at the scene. So you can lead all the preparations. The sound operator you will receive in the load to any device, at least from the tenant, at least from the local studio will have to rebuild the device. The sooner it starts it - the better. After all, various minor problems have a place to be.

Before the start of the concert, take time to a careful inspection of the site along with the representative of the club. It is advisable to fix the inspection in a special act, because all the damage that can occur during the concert will fall on your shoulders and wallet.

Do not forget to pick performers personally. Consider the wishes of artists. Some, for example, you may need a dressing room or room where they will be able to place musical instruments.

Payments you spend after the concert. And you should not despair if your first concert is not too paid off. Even if you were able to recoup, returning all the costs (i.e., coming out in Plus), it is already worth happy, because you have gained great experience, new acquaintances and communications. And all this in the future will necessarily help you in organizing concerts.

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