Eurovision winners by year. As the most famous song contest of Europe changed: all winners and history of the creation of Eurovision Finalists by year

Eurovision winners by year. As the most famous song contest of Europe changed: all winners and history of the creation of Eurovision Finalists by year
Eurovision winners by year. As the most famous song contest of Europe changed: all winners and history of the creation of Eurovision Finalists by year

By the way, small Ireland became the winner of the competition more often than other countries - 7 times. The most vessel on the competition can be called UK: the British performers ranked second time. France and Luxembourg, like England, won 5 times. Russia has become the winner once, in 2008.

2012. Sweden

Last year, the competition took place in Azerbaijan, in Baku. Victory of Moroccan Berber origin Lorin (Loreen) with the song "Euphoria". Previously, this speech could be seen on the melodifestivalen (at this competition in Sweden, the representative of the country for Eurovision) is chosen. Lorin decided not to change his unique number. In it, the singer presented yoga dance (Juthoria Dansen), in which American bit-boxer Omben Yordan participated. By the way, Lorin set a new record of the contest: Sweden scored a record number of 12-point estimates - 18.

2011. Azerbaijan

The winners of the competition held in German Dusseldorf, for the first time in the history of Eurovision, the duet was Eldar Kasimova and Nigar Jamal (Ell & Nikki) from Azerbaijan. At the National Selection Tour, the performers performed separately and scored the same number of points. Therefore, the jury decided to send a duet to the contest. Melodic single "Running Scared", which no one suggested and the place in the three winners, brought the duet 221 points and first place. By the way, the highest assessment of Azerbaijan delivered only 3 countries - Russia, Turkey and Malta.

2010. Germany

Oslo, Norway. 19-year-old singer from Germany Lena Mayer Landrut (Lena Meyer-Landrut) with the song "Satellite" won with a significant separation from competitors (246 points against 170 in Turkey). After such success, Germany sent Lena to the competition for the second time, but in 2011 her song "Taken By A Stranger" takes only 10th place. Immediately after that, the popularity of the singer went to the decline.

2009. Norway

The capital of the 54th on the score and the most large-scale in the history of the competition was Moscow. The Russian scene won the singer and violinist, a native of Belarus Alexander Rybakwhich represented Norway. His first single "FairyTale" with a debut album became a favorite long before the end of the vote and established an absolute quantitative record of the competition - he scored 387 points in the final. 16 countries put 12 points fisherman. In the song "FairyTale" you can hear the melodies of an old dance - Irish Rila, and Hit himself, according to Alexander Rybak, he devoted a former girl. "It's amazing that so many people chose the simplest song (FairyTale). I don't even understand what happened, "the fisherman confessed at a press conference after the victory.

2008. Russia

Belgrade, Serbia. This year, luck smiled at the Russian artist Dima Bilan.who spent the second time on Eurovision. Bilan was considered one of the favorites of the contest, the audience perfectly remembered his performance in 2006. In 2008, everyone conquered not only the song "Believe", but also a unique enchanting production of the Russian team. For the first time in the history of "Eurovision" on the stage, an ice coating was established, on which, together with Bilan, a skater, Olympic champion Evgeny Plushenko, was performed. And for the first time at the competition, Violin Antonio Stradivari was sounded in the hands of the famous Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton.

2007. Serbia.

Helsinki, Finland. The first place was taken by a representative of Serbia Maria Sheriffovich (Marija ŠeriFović) with a song in Serbian "Prayer". In many ways, this victory was unexpected, since the songs in the national language do not often occupy the first seats, and Sheriffovich himself was different from other performers with a strong dramatic voice chamber and non-format appearance. Dressed in a men's suit, the artist performed the penetrated "prayer". After the victory, the 22-year-old Serbian singer decided to devote himself entirely to the music and abandon the career of the managerial.

2006. Finland

"Eurovision" - 2006 for a long time will remain in the memory of millions of viewers as the most ambiguous and scandalous. Finnish group Lordi. With the song "Hard Rock Hallelujah" bypassed the favorite of the competition, which represented our country - Dima Bilan. A group of "Monsters" (Lordi always perform on stage and appear in the public in frightening masks created from latex and painted by hand) from the very qualifying tour of difficulties. Finland first introduced the Rock Group at the competition, but after the election of Lordi, some public organizations called the Satanic group for its image and texts. Despite this, the song "Hard Rock Hallelujah" won a spectator vote with a record result of 292 points. The victory brought Lordi wider fame.

2005. Greece

The anniversary 50th competition took place in Kiev. Victory went to singer Elena Paparis (Helena PapaRizou), born in Sweden in the Greek family and represented Greece, respectively. According to the results of the vote, the song "My Number One" received 230 points. It was not the first attempt by Elena Paparism to win the competition. In 2001, she ranked third as part of the Antik Group. The winner congratulated her predecessor, singer Ruslan, and President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko. He handed a special prize with Grekanka - the Golden Pictoral, which is a Scythian decoration with fern elements.

2004. Ukraine

Istanbul, Turkey. The first in the voting was Ukrainian Ruslana With an incendiary song with Hutsul motifs "Wild Dances". The colorful singer in a leather-metallic suit surrounded by his dancers rushed into the eyes even in the semifinals and won quite predictable. By the way, the name of the song turned out to be justified. During the rehearsal, the Ruslana number scene did not stand the wild dances and broke.

2003. Turkey

10 years ago the winner of the 48th competition in Latvian Riga became Serrtab Erene (Sertab Erener) from Turkey. Her song "Everyway That I Can" literally fascinated listeners from around the world. Yes, and the combination of a hot belly dance, which Sartham arranged on stage, with Turkish rhythms and Western Pop, I remember the audience for a long time. As Serrtab Erene, "Everyway That I Can" told - this is a "a song about a woman who would use any opportunity to return his beloved person."

Eurovision's results are always awaiting worldwide with trepidation. After all, this is not just a singing contest, it is also a grand show, as well as a symbol of unity of all European countries. So it is not surprising that Eurovision is always with a fading of the heart almost every person in Europe and every country is sick for his artist, hoping that the victory this year will get to him. But in the end, the victory goes to someone alone, and the inhabitants of the rest of the countries can only rejoice at the fact that the next found his recognition. In addition, as they say, it is not important so much victory as participation. But, nevertheless, let's get acquainted with the list of Eurovision winners by year, which sealed in the heart of millions of people.

List of Eurovision winners

Since Eurovision competition is held since 1956, it is completely unrealistic to remember each of the participants and even remember those who won Eurovision is also difficult. Although someone will probably remember that it was thanks to the victory in this competition that the group ABBA and singer Celine Dion became famous. But since we are now in the courtyard of the twenty-first century, let's just remember all victories in Eurovision over the past fourteen years.

2000 - Olsen Brothers. Danish pop rock duet, consisting of two Olsinov brothers - Yurgen and Niels. Subsequently, during the competition dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the competition itself, their song, with which the duet performed in 2000, took the sixth place in the list of the best songs ever filled on the Eurovision scene. Definitely there is something to be proud of.

2001 - Tannel Padar, Dave Benton and 2XL. Estonian duet of singers with hip-hop group on back-vocals (2xl). Tannel and Dave brought their own country for all time victory at the Eurovision contest. Also after the victory in the competition, Tannel Padar became one of the most famous rock singers in Estonia.

2002 - Marie N. The Latvian singer of Russian origin Maria Naumova was the first winner of Eurovision, the song of which was not published anywhere outside the country. In 2003, Maria was a leading Eurovision, held in Riga.

2003 - Serrtab Erene. Eurovision Winner Serrtab Erene is one of the most successful and famous Turkish pop executors. Her song took the ninth place in the list of the best Eurovision songs, which was compiled during the 50th anniversary of the competition.

2004 - Ruslana. The presentation of this Ukrainian singer in 2004 produced a real extension at the competition due to its ingeniation. In the same year, the victory on Eurovision Ruslana was awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine.

2005 - Elena Paparis. Greek singer. In 2001, she already participated in the competition, but then she sang as part of the ATIQUE group and took this group third place. And in 2005, Elena performed his number solo and eventually achieved the desired - victory.

2006 - Lordi. This Finnish hard rock band shook everyone with its unusual appearance. The band members always act in suits and masks of monsters, which look pretty realistic. And their repertoire is ironic songs about all sorts of horrors.

2007 - Maria Sheriffovich. The Serbian singer who won Eurovision with the song "Prayer" performed in the Serbian language, unlike the more familiar English contest.

2008 - Dima Bilan. This year, luck smiled at the Russian pop-contract Dima Bilan. It was the first and so far the only victory of Russia in Eurovision, but what brilliant it was!

2009 - Alexander Rybak. Singer and violinist of Belarusian origin, which represented in the competition Norway. This winner of the Eurovision contest has gained a record number of points in history.

2010 - Lena Mayer Landrut. The German singer participated in Eurovision twice: in 2010, having received a victory in 2011, giving it by another country.

2011 - ELL & NIKKI. Azerbaijani duo, which includes Eldar Gasimova and Nigar Jamal.

2012 - Lorin. Pretty popular Swedish singer who has Moroccan Berber roots. The girl won the Eurovision Contest with a rather large margin, leaving behind the participants from Russia.

2013 - Emmili de Forest. The Danish singer who won Eurovision in 2013, from childhood he was fond of singing, and therefore her victory is not surprising. In addition, at the very beginning of the competition she was already referred to victory.

2014 – . The winner of the Eurovision of this year from Austria Cumbet Wurst became a real shock for many people. No one expected to see a bearded singer at the contest, and no one had propted her victory. The real name of the Cumberts is Thomas Neuvirt. And, despite the unrest of the public, it is impossible to deny the fact that the image of a woman with a beard was really unusual, and Thomas's voice is very strong and interesting.

Eurovision is the oldest annual international television competition, whose participants, first of all, are members of the European Broadcasting Union. The competition was organized and shown to the world on the basis of the Music Festival in San Remo (Italy). All winners of the main musical scene of Europe - in material.

Everything began modestly - even in the times of black and white television. The first winner of the competition was the Swiss singer Liz Assia. In Eurovision in 1956, she spoke at once with two songs - the rules of the competition were also repeatedly changed - and the composition "Refrain" won. However, then Asia was not too big competition - only seven countries participated in the competition - Switzerland, Belgium, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

Next year, Austria, Denmark and Britain were joined in the competition, and the Eurovision winner relay was adopted by the Netherlands thanks to the Broken Broken and her song "Net Als Toen". In 1958, Sweden replenished the family of the competition, and the prize took the French actor and singer Andre Cwoon, who conquered the jury and spectators of the song about love "Dors, Mon Amour".

1959 became again successful for the Netherlands - the singer Teddy Scholten won with the composition "Een Beetje". The tradition of inviting new countries to participate has not changed - this year the participant from Monaco came to the competition scene. 1960 - the winner again France - Jacqueline Bayee with the song "Tom Pillibi", and his debut on Eurovision Norway. The Netherlands refused to hold a competition, because Eurovision adopted the United Kingdom.

In 1961, the broadcast of Eurovision on television already appeared frames with the audience hall, without which it is difficult to submit a competition today. Finland, Spain and Yugoslavia joined the participation, and the French singer Jean-Claude Pascal, which represented Luxembourg with the song "Nous Les Amouux" won the victory.

In 1962, a contestant from France Isabelle Obra, who performed the composition "Un PREMIER AMOUR". However, the Competition, France refused at home and again, the United Kingdom came to the rescue - Eurovision-1963 passed in the new BBC television center in Sheppards-Bush. The winner of the eighth contest was Denmark with the song "Dansevise", filled with Greta and Jürgen Ingmanns. The Netherlands then for the first time in the history of the competition for the second year in a row did not receive a single point.

In 1964, Portugal joined Eurovision. The scene of the competition found the outlines, familiar to the modern viewer, but the musical accompaniment remained performed by the live orchestra. Gilola Chinkeveti won from Italy with the song "Non Ho L'Eta".

In 1965, Ireland debuted on the competition scene. The USSR and other Eastern European countries broadcast Eurovision. Teleudatorium exceeded 150 million people. The victory won the second time for the history of Eurovision Luxembourg - he was represented by France Gall with the song "Poupée De Cire, Poupée de Son."

The winner of Eurovision-1966 was Austria with the song "Merci Chérie" performed by Udo Yurgens. And the next year in Vienna, bring home the competition, this time deserving, was able to UK, which was represented by Sandy Show with the song "Puppet On A String". In 1968, Eurovision was first broadcast in color, and Spain became the winner with the song "La, La, La ..." performed by Massel.

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The following year in Madrid for the first time in the history of the competition, four countries were at once - the hostess of the 1969 contest Spain, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Austria refused to participate in the competition because of the Dictatorship of Franco in Spain. In 1970, Eurovision adopted the Netherlands, who after the past victories at the competition were then refused to conduct him at home. Ireland won in Amsterdam, which was given to the song "All Kinds of Everything".

The winner of Eurovision-1971 was Monaco with the song "Un Banc, Un Arbre, Une Rue", which singer Severin sang. The next two years in a row won Luxembourg, which was represented by Wiki Leandros with the song "Après Toi" and Anna-Maria David with the composition "TU TE Reconnaîtras". In 1973, Israel joined the competition.

In 1974, in the British city of Brighton (Luxembourg could not hold a competition for the second time for financial reasons) the legendary Swedish group "Avva" was the winner of Eurovision with the song "Waterloo". This year, the viewers were able to see the first to see the roller, talking about the performer and his country.

Eurovision-1975 was replenished with a new member - Turkey, and the victory, for the fourth time, won the Netherlands with the team "Teach-in" and the song "Ding-A-Dong".

In 1976, the competition was held in the Hague and won the Eurovision record holder on it - the United Kingdom, which was represented by Brotherhood of Man with the song "Save Your Kisses for Me".

The following year in London, the title of the winner received another record holder of the competition - France. In 1977, Marie Miriam represented it, fulfilled "L'Oiseau et l'Enfant". Then, in Paris, I won Israel for the first time, and twice in a row - Yarho Cohen & Alphabeta was sanging "A-Ba'ni-Bi", and the next year in Jerusalem the song "Hallelujah" performed Gali Atari & Milk and Honey.

In 1980, Israel did not hold the competition for the second time and Eurovision again accepted the Netherlands Hague. This time, Johnny Logan was defeated from Ireland with the song "What's Another Year", and the scene of the competition has already acquired the outline, even more familiar to modern Eurovision fans. Although, surprisingly, the living orchestra still remained. This year Morocco joined the competition.

In 1981, bright and positive "bucks fizz" represented, which represented the UK, and the competition was replenished with another participant - Cyprus. By this time, 20 countries took part in Eurovision.

The following year, in British Harrogate, for the first time, FRG won, who had repeatedly remained in a step from the cherished title and held the second place. German singer Nicole performed the song "EIN BISSCHEN FRIEDEN".

In 1982, Luxembourg won in Munich - he was represented by Corin Erm with the song "Si La Vie Est Cadeau", and the next year Sweden became the winner for the second time for the history of the competition. The group "Herreys" with the song "Diggi-Loo-Diggi-Ley" scored 145 points.

The winner in Swedish Gothenburg on the 30th Eurovision Contest was brilliant and positive "bobbysocks" from Norway with the song "La Det Swinge".

In 1986, Sandra Kim from Belgium scored the greatest number of points with the song "J'aime La Vie". The next year in Brussels defeated Irishni Johnny Logan, fulfilling "Hold Me Now." This competition also appeared a new member - Iceland.

Eurovision-1988 presented the glory of Selin Dion, which represented Switzerland with the song "Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi".

Next year, Yugoslavia won in Lausanne for the first time at the competition, from which the group "Riva" was performed with the song "Rock Me".

In 1990, the competition was held in Zagreb. The winner of the 35th Eurovision was Italian Toto Kutuno, fulfilling "Insieme 1992".

In 1991, the Swedish singer Carol's Swedish singer with the song "Fangad AV En Stormvind" won the victory, but she scored an equal number of points with France. The following year, the competition took place in Swedish Malmo thanks to the "additional indicators", which determined the jury.

The winner of Eurovision in 1992, 1993 and 1994 was Ireland. She was represented by Linda Martin with the song "Why Me", then - Niv Kavan, fulfilling "In Your Eyes" and, finally, the duet Paul Harrington & Charlie McGettigan with the composition "Rock'n'ROLL KIDS". In 1993, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia were joined in the competition. And in 1994, Eurovision was replenished immediately by family participants - after the collapse of the USSR, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia and Slovakia began to perform on the scene. By the way, Poland took second place in the first year of his participation.

In 1995, Norway won. It was represented by the duet "Secret Garden" with the song "Nocturne".

And the next year Ireland won again. This time, the competition in Dublin brought Eyam Quinn and the song "The Voice".
Eurovision-1997 glorified the British pop rock group 2KATRINA AND THE WAVES "and their song" Love Shine A Light ". By the way, Ireland did not quite hand over his position and took second place this year.

In 1998, the competition was held in Birmingham and defeated Dana International (real name - Sharon Cohen) from Israel with the song "Diva". It was the first case when the victory won the "non-traditional" participant of the competition - the future singer was born a man and 5 years before the victory in Eurovision changed the floor. In the same year, Macedonia joined participation in the competition.

The next year, Charlotte Nilson won in Jerusalem from Sweden, fulfilling "Take Me To Your Heaven". In 2000, the Danish duet "Olsen Brothers" and the song "Fly On The Wings Of Love" received the largest number of points in Stockholm.

In 2001, Estonia was finally told in Copenhagen. She was represented by three participants at once - singers Tannel Padar, Dave Benton and 2XL band.

P relationship together S. NV Remember the bright hits of the winners of the previous years - the best songs of Europe in the period from 2005 to today!

It is known that winning songs receive not only the recognition of the jury and the audience of the competition, but also become the main hits of Europe, heading numerous charts and getting into the rotation of all sorts of radio stations.


The anniversary 50th competition took place in Ukraine due to the victory of Ruslana in Istanbul with the Wild Dances composition.

From May 19 to 24, 39 participants fought for the palm of the championship, which went to the Greek singer Elena Paparis with the song My Number One. The speech of the singer scored 230 points.

Feel rhythm

In May 2006, contestants from all over Europe came to Athens. This year became a landmark for Finland, because for the first time in the history of the competition, Finnish performers won.

In addition, the rock musicians were defeated for the first time, setting a record at that time on the number of points - 292. We propose to remember the bright performance of the group Lordi with song Hard Rock Hallelujah.


True fantasy

I wrote off my doors for the first time for the participants of the Main Song Competition of Europe, Finland spent $ 13 million on the organization.

Then at the main ice stadium in Helsinki, millions of hearts conquered the Serbian singer Maria Sheriffovich with a prayer song. Nothing superfluous: only discreet image, strong vocals and deep meaning.


Merge sound

The 53rd song competition took place on the main arena of Serbia in the city of Belgrade. This year became a landmark for Russia, since Dima Bilan with BELIEVE composition Brought the first victory to the native country in the entire history of the competition.

In addition to Bilan, the Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton and Russian figure skater Evgeny Plushenko appeared on the stage.


At the main arena of Moscow from 12 to 16 May, 42 countries fought for victory in the prestigious competition, as a result, millions of listeners gave their vote for charismatic Norwegian Alexandra Rybaka.

His song FairyTale I installed an absolute record by the number of points - 387 in the final voting.


Sharing the moment

In 2010, Norway for the third time opened the doors for Eurovision, did not prag the organization of 24 million euros. The right to hold the next, 56th competition, received Germany, thanks to victory Lena Mayer Landrut with Satellite Composition.

Later, the song held the first line in the charts of seven countries and even received several gold and platinum certifications.


Feel the beat of your heart

In 2011, Germany adopted Eurovision. At the main stage of Düsseldorf in the final for victory, representatives of 25 countries fought, but the best turned out to be Eldar Kasimov and Nigar Jamal with Song Running Scared. Thus, the right to hold a competition for the first time received Azerbaijan.


Light their fire

To adequately adopt the 57th Competition, the authorities of Azerbaijan allocated $ 63.3 million, having trapped all previous records.

Among the 26 applicants for winning the final, the Swedish singer took the first place. Lorin with Euphoria's Song, which later led the musical charts of different countries of the world and became a real hit!

Thanks to the victory of Lorin, Sweden was the host country of Eurovision for the fifth time, and Malmo is the city "host" for the second time. On the main arena of the country, 26 participants fought for victory, but the singer from Denmark could conquer the hearts of Millions Emmili de Forest, fulfilling the song Only Teardrops.


join us

In May of this year, thirty-seven contestants came to Copenhagen to compete for victory in the 59th competition. First place managed to get a representative of Austria, Drag Queen Cumshot Wurstwhose victory caused a serious resonance in the world. But, despite the scattering image, the song Rise LIKE A PHOENIX. Became the hit of many countries of the world.


Earring bridges

To compete in the anniversary 60th competition, talented performers came to the capital of Austria - Vienna. Among the twenty-seven finalists, the best swedish singer turned out Mons Celers with Heroes Song. Merry melody and creative video operation brought a Swede 365 points.


Ukrainian performer of Crimean-Tatar origin performed composition at the competition 1944 devoted to the deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1944. In particular, the artist dedicated the competitive song of the memory of ancestors and Prababuska, which was deported from the Crimea and never returned to his homeland.

"This song about my great-grandmother, and my speech was devoted to her, as well as all the Crimean Tatars and, of course, my country of Ukraine", she noted.


Eurovision 2017 took place in Kiev. For the first time in history, the victory went to Portugal - 28-year-old Salwador Collected.

Singer, who since childhood suffered from heart defect, scored a record 758 points with a composition Amar Pelos Dois In Portuguese, in which he sang about the heart, capable of "everything to withstand and love for two."

At the same time, Portugal, which participated in the 53 year contest, became a record holder for the long part in the competition without a single victory.

Eurovision 2018. Pass in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon city. The first and second semifinals of the 63rd song contest Eurovision 2018 will be held on May 8 and 10, while the Grand Final, during which the winner will be determined, will be held on May 12.

The 2018 Eurovision Sunrievement Site in Lisbon was chosen the third largest indoor stadium in Europe and the largest in Portugal - Altice Arena, which accommodates about 20 thousand spectators. Ukraine at the competition this year will present the singer Melovin.


Read the latest Details of the Eurovision Song Contest 2018: News, participants, photos, video in NV Style.

When preparing the material, EUROVISION.TV, EBU and EPA photo were used

Text, Design: Julia Romas, Veronica Golubev

Became the 46th song contest Eurovision. He passed May 12, 2001 In the city of Copenhagen (Denmark). The organizers of the competition collided with the problem of finding a place to hold. They ultimately became the "Parken" stadium, after the construction of a spreading roof on it was aggregated. He became the largest building ever taking the competition, which was observed by 38 thousand spectators. 23 countries participated in the competition. Poland, Bosnia, Slovenia, Portugal, Lithuania and Greece returned to the number of participants, replacing 7 countries with the worst average result in the last 5 years.

From this year, the telephone vote has become mandatory. However, Croatia, Greece and Malta used a mixed voting model, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey and Russia used the jury voting, which was allowed in exceptional cases. The countries that took the first 15 places have now received the right to participate in the next competition. 20 of 23 participants either partially fulfilled their songs in English, which became a kind of record.

For the first time in the competition, Estonia defeated by a duet and accompanied by a group 2xl. At the same time, the native of Aruba Benton Became the first black the performer who won the whole story. The team introduced the song "EVERYBODY" ("Everything").

Born in 1980. The Estonian rock musician and pop singer studied the clarinet and saxophone game, sang in church and children's choir, as well as in the choir of boys, was fond of folk music and sports dancing.

It is the creator of the Speed \u200b\u200bFree ensemble, who released its first disk "Woman KNOWS" in May 2001. All songs for ensemble Padar wrote himself.

After Joint S. Dave Benton Victory in the competition becomes one of the most famous rock musicians of Estonia.

In 2003, the Ensemble The Sun, with which in 2006 received in Estonia prizes in 5 out of 15 categories, including the prize "best album" of the year and the "best ensemble of the year".

- One of the two leading Eesti Otsib Superstaari of the Third Season. W. Padara There is an older sister, popular in Estonia singer Gerli Padar, who has become famous before his brother. Gerley Padar represented Estonia at the song contest Eurovision 2007.

(Name. The name Efren Eugene Benita) was born in 1951. Estonian musician and pop singer began an artistic career on Aruba. In 25 years, went to Las Vegas, where he performed in various show programs, including sang in the DRIFTERS, The Platters and Tom Jones. Having moved to the Netherlands, participated in various show projects. In 1994, he accepted a proposal to participate in the Musical Lights in Berlin. In addition to work in Germany, he also performed in other European countries.

Since 1997 he lives in Estonia. After Joint S. Tallem Padar Victory in the competition became one of the most famous pop musicians of Estonia. At the competition Benton and Padar fraw a song "EVERYBODY"and the group also participated in the speech 2xl. Benton became the first black performer who won on Eurovision. At the end of the same year, he released his first solo album "From Monday to Sunday".

Soul Militia. - Estonian hip-hop band who won the competition Eurovision in 2001. like backing vocalists Tannel Padara and Dave Benton.

The team was created in 1997 by Sergei Morgun and Indrek Somo called 2xl. It is with this name that I performed a song "EVERYBODY"By bringing Estonia to the first victory on the musical competition. In 2002, the musicians changed the name on Soul Militia. In 2007, participated in the national selection to Eurovision With the song "MY PLACE".

Eurovision 2002. Estonia

became the 47th song contest Eurovision. He passed May 25, 2002 In the arena "Saku Suurhall" in Tallinn (Estonia). Initially, it was intended to participate in the contest 22 countries, but the European Broadcasting Union increased this quota to 24. Additional places were provided to Israel and Portugal, but the latter refused due to the internal problems of the RTP channel, and Latvia occupied her place.

Russia, Romania, Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina used the voting of jury members, and Cyprus, Greece, Croatia and Malta - a mixed voting system (viewers and jury).

For the second time in a row, the Baltic country won. Marie N. (Maria Naumova) from Latvia received the Grand Prix, gaining 176 points. In addition to the winner, two more representatives of the post-Soviet space entered the top ten - Estonian Sakhlin ranked third, and the Russian group Prime Minister became the tenth.

(Alias \u200b\u200bMarie N) was born in 1973. The Latvian singer of Russian origin since 1994 began to cooperate with the composer. In 1995, he participated in the teleconception of young talents and was warmly accepted by the audience. In 1998 she took part in a concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary, after which he gained fame in the country. In 1999, he released the first solo album "to light tears", recorded in Russian. The album "Ieskaties ACIS" released in 2001 after two weeks after the exit became "gold", and after 11 months - "Platinum". In the same year recorded album in French "MA VOIX, MA VOIE". He received a prime of audience sympathy at the "Voice of Asia" competition.

In 2000, first participated in the national selection to Eurovisionwhere he ranked first, but by the decision of the National Jury on Eurovision A participant in the right nationality was sent to the third place. Next year Maria I went on a compromise, hiding Russian surname pseudonym Marie N., again won in the qualifying round, and then at the contest itself 2002. with song "I Wanna" ("I want"), music to which Maria He herself wrote. The song was the first among the winners of the competition, which was not published by recording companies outside their country. In Latvia, the song also did not even entered the first thirty national hit parade.

In November of the same year, two new album released (one - in English, the second - in Latvian language). There was a leading competition Eurovision 2003., held in Riga. In 2004, he performed the main batch in the musical "sounds of music." Also was recognized as the best executive of the title role in the musical "Sister Kerry".

On my Own's latest album, I included songs in Latvian, English, French and Portuguese.

He received legal education in the University of Latvia. In 2005, he became the first in Latvia by the Ambassador of the Good Will Unicef.

In late 2007, and in early 2008 took part in the musical, put on the reasons of Viktor Hugo's novel "Rejected". Maria Plays the role of candy.

Eurovision 2003. Latvia

became the 48th song contest Eurovision. He passed May 24, 2003 In the city of Riga (Latvia) on the scene of the concert hall "Skonto". The competition was attended by 26 countries, which became a record indicator for its entire history (among the finals). The last time the competition was held within one evening. On his holding, the Latvian government allocated $ 2.3 million.

The jury voting due to a bad telecommunications network used Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition, on the basis of the votes of the reserve jury, Ireland's votes were distributed, which was the reason for the accusation by Russian representatives to its address in the framework of the results. However, it was announced that the results of the voting of the audience did not differ from the final assessment of the jury.

Russian group Tattoo With the song "Do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask," who was considered the favorite of the competition, took the third place, retaining from the winner - from Turkey - just three points. Ukraine For the first time performed at the competition and ranked 14th.

Born in 1964. Turkish pop star, one of the most successful singers of Turkey at the dawn of the career worked in another famous Turkish singer Seasy Aksu. Your first album "Sakin OL" SERTAB He released in 1992, followed by several more albums in the Turkish language, which brought the singer fame in their homeland and abroad.

But for SERTAB A real breakthrough to the musical world of Europe became the victory on Eurovision. On the wave of success when the song "Everyway That I CAN" ("With all the ways I can") occupied the leading lines of European charts, writes an English album "No Boundaries", released in 2004.

In 2005, participates in "Congratulations" - TV show dedicated to 50th anniversary of Eurovision. Her song took the 9th place among the 15 best songs in the history Eurovision. In 2007, a collection of the best songs came out SERTAB, whose rich repertoire includes compositions in English, Spanish and Greek, as well as duets with Ruslana, José Carreras, Ricky Martin.

Eurovision 2004. Turkey

became the 49th competition in history. He passed May 12 and May 15, 2004 In Istanbul (Turkey), in the Abdie Ipecchie arena, where he was postponed at the last moment from the Midonis Showlanded Hall, due to transport problems. For the first time, the competition was held in a new format, implying the holding of the semi-final and the final. The final was immediately allowed 10 countries that have taken the highest places in the previous competition, the country's country, as well as representatives of the "Big Four" of States that bring the greatest share in the budget EBU. For the first time in history, 36 countries participated in the competition. Andorra, Albania, Belarus, Serbia and Montenegro participated in the competition for the first time, Monaco returned after a 25-year-round break. The return of Luxembourg was also held after a 11-year absence, but the RTL television company could not solve financial issues.

All participating countries had the right to vote in a qualifying round and final, however, France, Poland and Russia The semifinal did not broadcast because of non-participation in it and therefore did not participate in the first voting. For the first time, all 36 countries used a telephone vote to determine the results. At the same time, problems with this process in Monaco and Croatia arose during the counting of votes.

The competition was used a new logo with the heart-shaped flag. The slogan of the competition sounded as "under the same sky", focusing on the unity of Europe and the importance of European integration for Turkey.

For the first time competition Eurovision Won Ukrainewho participated in it only for the second time. It was represented by a singer with the composition "Wild Dances" ("Wild dances"). The second place was taken by the representative of Serbia and Montenegro Zhelko Joximovich with the composition "Lane Moje", the third is the representative of Greece Sakis Ruvas with the composition "Shake IT". Russian woman Julia Savicheva remained at the 11th place.

Ruslana (Ruslan Lyzhichko) was born in 1973. The 21-year-old singer by that time already had awards of the All-Ukrainian Competition "Melody-94" and the festival "Slavic Bazaar-96".

The singer immediately stated that she counts on victory. Ruslana Spoke with the composition "Wild Dances" in Istanbul, ranked 2nd in the semifinals of the competition, and May 16, 2004. The final ranked first with a result of 280 points. Ruslana Awarded with glasses all countries except Switzerland.

The press called the performance of the Ukrainian performer "Absolute Sensation" Eurovision 2004.By note that the "stunning energy" came from the singer, which "struck out" and foreign journalists: "Gorgeous hair, a stunning figure, eyes like coal."

Did not detract from journalists and vocal data singers, reminding that Ruslana Lyzhichko Higher Music Education and Diesel Diprier Symphony Orchestra in the Lviv Conservatory.

Upon returning to Kiev, the title of People's Artist of Ukraine was immediately honored with the victory on the song contest, the title of People's Artist (byewards).

As the winner of the previous one Eurovision, Ruslana opened a competition in Kiev in 2005. Together with the song "Heart On Fire".

Eurovision 2005. Ukraine

became the 50th song contest Eurovision. The final of the competition was held May 21, 2005 In the city of Kiev (Ukraine) in the village of the local sports palace (the semi-finals took place on May 19). The main topic of the competition sounded as "awakening", symbolized the awakening of the country and the city after spring, as well as their willingness to join a single Europe. The history of the holiday of Ivan Klapala was also affected.

Bulgaria and Moldova debuted at the competition, and Hungary returned after the six-year-old pause. Lebanon debut was also expected, but as a result, the country did not participate in the competition.

Because of the long time that went to the announcement of the voting results, it was decided, starting next year, to read out loud only the first three winners who received the greatest number of votes in each of the participating countries.

The first place at the contest of the song was taken by the Greek with the composition "MY NUMBER ONE" ("My number one"). The second place was taken by a representative of Malta Chiara with the composition "Angel", the third place is the representative of Romania Lumitsa Angel, accompanied by the Sistem group with the composition "Let Me Try".

Born in 1982. Greek singer in 2001 as part of the Antique group represented Greece on the contest, taking 3 a place. IN 2005 In Kiev, performed sololy and, improving his result, took 1 place.

In the fall of the same year released the single "Mambo!". He was 10 weeks to No. 1 in the Greek Chart and became Platinum. In April 2006, it was released in Sweden and sold out more than 25 thousand copies. Elena Also reprinted your debut album for the third time. On the third disk were the English and Greek version "Mambo!" And three new songs in Greek.

April 12, 2006. Elena He released the second album in Greek called "Iparhi Logos", which later became Platinum. He included 11 tracks and the song "Mambo!". Three tracks were released as singles.

May 20 made a scene Eurovision Having performed "My Number One" at the opening and "Mambo!" In the interval-act and handed the award to the Lordi group. A little later Single "Mambo!" It was released in Sweden, where he entered the top five chart.

The debut album in English "The Game of Love" was also released in South Africa. 6 songs on it were translated from Greek, and 6 were written specifically for a new album. The song from the new album under the name "To all the Heroes" was elected by the anthem of the XIX European Championship in Athletics.

And today continues to lead an active concert and artistic activity.

Eurovision 2006. Greece

Steel 51 and took place in Athens (Greece) in the Olympic Hall. The final took place May 20, 2006. The competition was attended by performers from 37 countries.

The debutant of the competition was Armenia. Requalled from the participation of Austria, Hungary, Serbia and Montenegro. The winner of the competition was the rock band Lordi. from Finland with a song "Hard Rock Hallelujah"("Hard Rock, Allilua"). For the first time, the winner of the competition was the performer of rock music and for the first time - a representative of Finland. Also, the competition was installed on the number of points for the first place - 292, at that time. After Serbia and Montenegro refused to participate and stated that it would only vote, Croatia was automatically in the final. The best tens of last year + Croatia + "Big Four" has become automatic finalists, the remaining 23 countries participating in the semifinal.

The final part immediately entered the countries that took the 10th seats in 2005 and the Big Four countries (United Kingdom, Germany, France and Spain). The remaining 10 finalists were determined by the results of the semi-final. In total, compositions from 24 countries participated in the final. The representative of Sweden, Carol, spoke at the competition for the third time.

Lordi. - Finnish English-speaking shock rock band. Founded in 1996 Tomi Putansuu (He is Mr. Lordi.). The group is famous for performing in masks and costumes of monsters from the underworld and performs ironic songs on horror. Lordi. - Winners of the contest of the song.

The debut album of the GET Heavy team was released in 2002 on the night of Halloween - November 1. Songs "Devil Is A Loser" and "Would You Love A Monsterman?" From this album became the first hits of the group. They were released by singles, they took clips on them. The texts were devoted to the "horrors" - monsters, vampires, demons, as well as praise rock music.

Lordi. He began to promote the famous producer Hilly Hylesmaa, who had previously worked with HIM groups, amorphis and sentenced. Under his leadership, the album "The Monsterican Dream", which was gloomy than the previous one and had a smaller commercial success. After that, there were changes in the group. Lordi. Hold a tour of Europe to heal at the Hammerfall group. Their two of their first albums were combined into the collection and issued in Britain called "The Monster Show". Following the heavier and more successful "The Arockalypse".

In 2005, Mr. Lord Called from the qualifying committee on Eurovision And they suggested choosing a song from a new album, which could represent Finland at the competition. The group chose the song "Hard Rock Hallelujah" and changed the arrangement to cut a song from 4 minutes to 3, as prescribed by the competition format. Lordi. Spectator voting successfully won and were chosen by Finnish representatives on Eurovision.

Eurovision 2007. Finland

became the 52th song contest Eurovision. He passed 10 and May 12, 2007 In the capital of Finland - Helsinki. All the action took place at the Hartwell Arena - the largest ice stadium of the country and broadcast the YLE TV company. The budget for the organization of the competition amounted to 13 million euros.

Carolina Gochev from Macedonia and Educales Romble from the Netherlands participated in the competition for the second time, Eurydika from Cyprus - in the third. The winner was the representative from Serbia - with the song "Prayer". The second place was taken by Serduchka Verka, which represented Ukraine With the song "Dancing Lasha Tumbai", the third is the Russian group "Serebro" with the song "Song # 1".

Born in 1984. The Serbian singer of Mixed Turkish-Gypsy origin first spoke in public at 12 years old with the song "I Will Always Love You".

In 2003, a debut album came out Mary Sheriffovich "Naj, Najbolja", which marked the beginning of a musical career. The biggest hit of the album was the song "Znaj da Znam", written by Darco Dimitrov. In the same year Maria participated in the BUDVA festival with the song Darco Dimitrov "Gorka Čokolada". In 2004, she participated in the same festival with the song "Bol Do Ludila" and ranked first. The song occupied high lines of charts.

In the summer of 2005. Maria He released the single "Agonija", which was a cover version of the song "I Believe IT" Greek Superpevitza Wendi. At Beovizija-2005, and then in the semifinals of the National Pre-selection of Serbia and Montenegro for the competition Eurovision - EVROPESMA, Maria I performed the song "Ponuda", and ranked 18th. In the same year she was a favorite and won at the Serbian radio festival with the song "U Nedelju", written by Leonthina WuComanovich. She also received a reward for the best vocal.

Second album Mary Sheriffovich - "Bez Ljubavi" was released in 2006, and was very successful. In early 2007, the Single "Bez Tebe" came out. On February 21, 2007, the first solo concert took place Mary Sheriffovichwho visited a four thousand audience.

March 8, 2007 Maria Won at the BEOVIZIJA-2007 contest with the song "Molitva" by typing the greatest number of votes during the jurisdiction of the jury and teleadia. And thus, it was qualified as the first representative of the newly independent Serbia in the European Competition. The song was also recorded in English, Finnish and Russian. On May 12, semi-finals took place, 14 - finals in which Maria Performed under No. 17 and ranked 1st.

Upon return Mary Sheriffovich In Belgrade, about 100 thousand people welcomed it at the airport.

Eurovision 2008. Serbia.

became the 53rd song contest Eurovision. He passed on May 24, 2008 in Belgrade (Serbia).

For the first time, the winner was the representative from Russia - Dima Bilan. with song BELIEVE. The second place was taken - "Shady Lady", which represented UkraineThird - Calomira from Greece ("Secret Combination"). The leaders of the competition were Zhelko Yoximovich and Jovana Yankovich. Zhelko became simultaneously and composer of the Serbian song "Oro", which Elena Tomashevich performed, who speaking from Serbia.

Dima Bilan. of Russia And Charlotte Perelley from Sweden performed on the second time from their country.

Russian singer Dima Bilan. (Birth name and until June 2008 - Victor Belan) was born in 1981. He represented Russia on Eurovision In 2006, with the song "Never Let You Go" (2nd place) and in 2008 with the song BELIEVE, taking 1st place and becoming the first Russian artist who won song contest Eurovision.

Dima Bilan.he graduated from the State Music School. Gnesins in the specialty classic vocal performer. After that, I decided to continue my education in Gitis, where I entered immediately to the second course faculty of acting skills. Career Dima Started in 2000, when the first video clip hit in the rotation of the MTV RUSSIA Bilan. on the song "Autumn". In 2002, the singer made his debut on the stage of the Russian festival in Jurmala - "New Wave", which presented his composition "Boom" and took the 4th place. At the end of October 2003, a debut album was released called "I am Night Hooligan". A year later, the 2nd Studio Album "On the Sky" was released.

December 2005 brought Dima Bilan.two premiums: "Golden Gramophone" for the song "You should be nearby" in St. Petersburg and Alma-Ata. On the project "New songs about the main thing", the singer received a prize of the first channel from a professional jury. Dima He became a man of the year in the sphere of show business, since most voters gave their votes for him, according to the version of the search engine "Rambler". In December 2005, a clip was removed for the lyrical composition "I remember you." In December 2010, a new video was shot on the song "I just love you." Track "I just love you" 10 weeks in a row occupied the highest lines of the Tophit project.

Eurovision 2009. Russia

became the 54th competition Eurovision. Held S. 12 by 16th of May In the IC "Olympic" in Moscow (Russia). Initially, 43 countries confirmed participation in the competition. Slovakia stated that he was returning to the competition, while San Marino refused to participate due to financial problems. Later, Georgia refused to participate in the competition - the contestants was 42. May 7, it was officially announced that Andrei Malakhov and Natalia Vodyanova will be the leading semi-finals, and Ivan Urgant and Alsu.

This year an absolute quantitative record in history was installed. Eurovision - Winner of the competition with the song "FairyTale"in the final scored 387 points. There was also a record for the number of glasses of superiority over the second place - 169 points. However, the record for the average score was not broken.

The french star participated in the competition. Famous in Europe, Arash, together with Aysel, performed for Azerbaijan. The second time from Greece was participating Sakis Ruva, Chiara from Malta - for the third time. Russia Representatives of Ukraine Anastasia Prikhodko with the song "Mamo". Her song ranked 11th.

Born in 1986. The Norwegian singer and violinist of Belarusian origin won the song contest in Moscow.

After the victory on December 11, 2009, he performed at the Nobel concert in Oslo along with the stars of world values, where he fulfilled the song "FairyTale" In the new arrangement with the symphony orchestra.

December 13, 2009 participated in the transfer of the "Star Factory" in Ukraine. In early 2010, he worked on the recording of a new disk, and also voiced the main character in the Norwegian version of the cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon".

Was an honorary guest on qualifying tours Eurovision In Finland, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and performed his new song of the Heaven of Europe.

March 8, 2010 Alexander He made a big concert in Tallinn, and in June, the second album of the Artist "No Boundaries" came out. In mid-October 2010, he performed in Finland at the Russian Romance festival.

As a result of cooperation with the Swedish authors, the album "Visa Vid Vindens Ängar" was released.

Eurovision 2010. Norway

- 55th song contest Eurovision. Held S. 25 by May 29 In "Telenor Arena" in Berochi - suburb of the Norwegian capital Oslo. This is the third Eurovision that Norway has taken. In 1986, the country received the right to hold a competition after the victory of the BobbySocks duet with the song "La Det Swinge" and in 1996 after the Secret Garden duet victory with the Nocturne song.

Winner competition 2010 became a participant from Germany with a song "Satellite".

Born in 1991. German singer is also known under the scenic name Lena.- Winner of the international song contest in Oslo.

The future star began to take dance lessons from 5 years. Mayer Landrut He played in some German television series in the roles of the second plan, but never officially studied acting or vocal skill. Studied at IGS Roderbruch Hannover, in which april 2010 passed final exams.

March 12, 2010 Maeer Landrut He received the right to submit his country on an international song contest in Oslo with a song "Satellite". Being a representative of one of the countries of the Big Four, Lena It turned out to be automatically in the final of the competition, which took place on Saturday, May 29, 2010. According to the draw, from 25 participants of the final, the representative of Germany performed under No. 22. Lena I gained 246 points, with a significant margin of ahead of the Turkish group of Manga and the Romanian duet Paula Seling and OVI. Mayer Landrutwon the main musical prize of Europe - a crystal microphone.

Germany decides to send again Lena on the EurovisionBut now in your country. The singer again spoke immediately in the final Eurovision 2011. With the song "Taken by a Stranger", in Düsseldorf to Epprint Arena on May 14 and ranked 10th.

Eurovision 2011. Germany

became the 56th competition Eurovisionpassed in with 10 by May 14 In Germany (city of Dusseldorf).

Representatives of Azerbaijan became the winners of this contest Eldar Gasymov and Nigar Jamal (performed under pseudonyms ELL and Nikki.) who fulfilled the composition "Running Scared"("Run without a lookout"), gaining a 221 score as a result of the vote.

Dates of two semi-finals steel May 10 and May 12, 2011, Final passed May 14.

Azerbaijani singer Eldar Parviz oglu Gasimov - Winner of the Song Competition Eurovision 2011.. He was born in 1989 in Baku. The paternal line is the descendant of famous Azerbaijani Soviet actors. From 1995 to 2006 he studied at school and in a music school in the class of piano, which he graduated with honors.

In 2004 and 2008 Eldar. Winned scholarships for training in Germany under the student exchange program. In 2008, he studied vocals, acting and scenic speech in the German vocal school. In 2010 year Eldar Gasymov He graduated from a red diploma to the Faculty of International Relations of the Baku Slavic University.

In 2011, a musician in a duet with Nigar Jamal Won Azerbaijan Selection on Eurovisionand got the opportunity to represent my country on Eurovision 2011.. In the semifinals, the duet ranked second, which gave him the opportunity to speak in the final of the song contest. Duet managed to win, receiving 221 points. Song "Running Scared" Written by the Swedish author's team - Stefan Ore, Sandra Buraman and Ayan Farhuhanson. The same group wrote a song for another performer from Azerbaijan on Eurovision - Safur Alizade ("Drip Drop").

Nigar Aydin Kyzy Jamal - Azerbaijan singer, winner of the song contest
Eurovision 2011..

Born in 1980 in Baku. From 1985 to 1986 was a soloist of the children's ensemble, and during study at the music school (1988-1995) composed a few songs. In 1995-1996 Nigar He participated in the republican contest Pohrə and in May 1996 became his honorable diploma. He graduated from the University of Khazar in the specialty "Economics and Management". Since 2005 he lives in London.

In 2011, together with Eldar Gasimov participated in the Azerbaijani selection on Eurovision - Milli Seçim Turu 2010. Duet won the competition, and it provided the opportunity Nigar and Eldar submit Azerbaijan at the song contest Eurovision Germany. The duo won a convincing victory.

Eurovision 2012. Azerbaijan

Song contest became the 57th Eurovision Contest. He was held in the capital of Azerbaijan, in the city of Baku, in the Baku Crystal Hall specially built for the festival. The final passed on May 26th.

42 countries participated in the competition: Montenegro returned, which did not participate since 2010 due to financial difficulties. Poland refused to participate - local TV and Radio Company referred to interest in other television projects. Armenia at the last moment submitted an application for participation in the international song contest, but on March 7, 2012 from the Armenia channel 1 received an official application for refusal.

The first place at the competition took (Sweden) with the song "Euphoria" (Euphoria), gaining a jury and television viewers of 372 points in the voting.

Lorin Zinyb Nau Tagliaui, known as, - Swedish singer Moroccan-Berber origin, winner of the contest of the song.

Born in 1983 in Stockholm. I started musical activity in 2004 with participation in the well-known Swedish music contest Idol 2004, which ranked fourth.

In 2005 he released the debut single "The Snake", together with the Rob'n'RAZ group. In the future, it became one of the leading TV11 TV channel.

March 10, 2012 won the popular Swedish teleconception "Melodifestivalen", which gave her the right to submit his country at the annual contest of the song Eurovision. Competitive song "Euphoria" Performed in the second semifinals, and in the final she won the victory.

Lorin Zinyb Nau Tagliaui: "The music that inspires me is the one that introduces a ringtone and vocals in the likeness. These are such performers as Bjork, something from Eney, and especially Lisa Gerrard. "

Song contest became 58th competitionThat passed in the city of Malmo, Sweden, on the territory of Malmö Arena. Earlier, Sweden held at home Eurovision four times: in 1975, 1985, 1992 (also in Malmo) and in 2000. Slogan competition It was "WE ARE One" ("We are united").

Replies from Portugal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia and Turkey to participate in the competition, while Armenian television confirmed rumors about his return on Eurovision.

Denmark participated in the 42nd time in the song contest Eurovision. Danish singer Emmili Charlotte de Forest Repreed to Denmark at the contest of the song with the composition "Only Teardrops" ("Only tears") and ranked first by typing 281 points.

The composition has become a victorious at the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2013 festival, which allowed her executiver to go to the competition. The victory was deservedly went to the young, but an incredibly talented singer, which was only 19. Despite the young age, she has a very solid experience of speeches, the singer is engaged in vocals all the conscious life, by the shoulders Emmili.a number of victories in musical competitions. According to Samoa Emmili., she started to sing before talking. As a child, she successfully performed in the church choir, and at the age of 14 he went to the first tour of the tour together with the Danish musician Fraser Nil.

Composition that performed - "Only Teardrops" - written by the singer itself. "Only tears" is the result of more than annual labor. Emmili. More than once returned to this song, complementing and changing it. According to the performer itself, the gentle and lyrical composition with notes of light melancholy allows you to look inside yourself, to properly arrange priorities and evaluate the life path passed.

Eurovision 2014. Denmark

59th Eurovision Song Contest Passed in Denmark from May 6 to 10. Danish national broadcaster Dr. September 2, 2013 announced that the song contest was held in Copenhagen, in the B & W Halls, which are located on the Refheleen Square on the island of AMager. The slogan of the contest of this year is "Join US" ("Join us") - was approved by the EYU and the reference group. The symbol of Eurovision 2014 was a blue-blue diamond.

IN 2014. The winner of the competition is unexpected for everyone - and for himself too - the 25-year-old singer from Austria Thomas Neuvirtawho spent under the scenic pseudonym. In she with a song "Rise Like A Phoenix" Scored 290 points, on 52 points ahead of the nearest competitor - the Duet "The Common Linnets" from the Netherlands who scored 238 points.

This is the second victory of Austria on Eurovision (The first happened in the distant). In general, it turned out to be the strongest in recent years. Last 10 years to Eurovision There were a lot of criticism, and some countries as if intended to be sent out to the competition of frankly second-hand artists. IN 2014 competition Demonstrated the desire to part with the reputation of the Eurotesh collection, earned in the early 2000s - and this time the real affairs became visible behind these ambitions.

Thomas Noyvirt - Austrian singer of unconventional sexual orientation, which, with the help of his stage image, a bearded woman fights for tolerance and equality of all people, regardless of their appearance.

This image of three years; Noyvirt as Wurst - Bearded and stylishly dressed Wamps women - could go yet on, but on the national selection ranked second.

The musician himself shares himself and the singer created by him - so, however, all the artists who work with the characters of another (and their own too) are received. You can remember, for example, the Verka Serdyuchka, which came up with and which in this image was recorded albums, starred in films, represented his country to Eurovision 2007. And even took the second place there.

Hardly the choice of Europe can be considered demonstrative - objectively, despite the beard, was the most feminine from the artists who participated in the competition in the competition, and had almost the most outstanding vocal data in comparison with other contestants.

Eurovision 2015. Austria

The anniversary, 60th, the contest of the song was held in Austria, which became the country-winner who passed in Copenhagen (Denmark). Austria took the competition for the second time. The country was only in 48 years old, she was able to repeat the result, where the winner was Udo Yurgens.

The first semifinal Eurovision 2015 took place May 19, secondMay 21st, but the final Competition passed May, 23rd. The contest was held by the Austrian National ORF television company. Slogan competition Being "Building Bridges" ("Earring Bridges").

IN Eurovision 2015. Competed by 39 countries. This is 2 countries more than in the previous year. From participation refused. About return on competition Cyprus, Serbia and Czech Republic said. Also held the debut of Australia. Venue Eurovision 2015. Stadium "Wiener Stadthall" in Vienna.

The results of the competition fully coincided with the forecast of bookmakers who absolutely predicted the first three of the winners: Sweden, Russia, Italy. Representative Sweden Mons Zelmerlev and representative of Russia Polina Gagarin They were very close to glasses, replacing each other in the first place. Even the winner of the competition subsequently admitted that at some point she met the second place and was confident in the victory of Russia. During the voting, the Swede was still in the first place. He scored 365 balls, leaving Russia in second place.

(Mons Petter Albert Celmerl) was born on June 13, 1986 in the family of doctors. Since childhood, he was fond of creativity, loved to listen and. He studied to play the piano, engaged in a circle of African dances, and later began to master the guitar game on their own.

Participated in the show "Idol 2005", where he took the fifth place. In the same year, the Anna Book singer took part in the Let's Dance show and won.

The singer was filmed in the Swedish versions of the films "Grease" (2006) and "Footloose" (2007).

In 2007, also participated in "Melodifestivalen", taking third place in the final with the song "Cara Mia".

2015 was very successful for Mons Selmerleova. In the "Melodifestivalen" he ranked first, thereby having received the right to submit Sweden on eurovision contest. The Swedish performer showed an enzyme-entertaining laser show at the competition made in the form of a projection with which Mons. very emotionally performed a song "Heroes". His number was unique and not like others, so it deserved not only a warm welcome, but also victory to the performer.