What are the creative professions list. Art (music, theater, cinema, visual arts)

What are the creative professions list.  Art (music, theater, cinema, visual arts)
What are the creative professions list. Art (music, theater, cinema, visual arts)

Not every school graduate knows what professions there are for girls. Determining the path of life is a task facing every teenager. However, not everyone will be able to make the right choice.

The most requested options for today

Requirements for successful career development

Unfortunately, there are many vacancies in the world that do not give people any career growth. It is better to avoid them, because after five years the former student will get bored. But it will be too late to change the specialty.

When choosing, it is better to be guided by the following criteria:

  • Possibility of career growth.
  • Acceptable level of wages.
  • No oversupply of specialists.
  • The demand for professionals in your region.
  • You have a natural aptitude for this business.
  • Demand in the near future and you cannot soon be replaced by artificial intelligence.

TOP 3 most demanded destinations for women

Asking yourself what profession to choose after the 11th grade for a girl, you can focus on the TOP-3 of the most popular specialties. In the next few years, graduates with these diplomas will not be left without work, they will earn a lot.

Girls most often apply for:

  • Medicine. Many girls dream of helping people, so they go to the medical business. The most common industries in this area are therapist, pediatrician, or nurse.
  • PR specialists. It is easier for females to communicate with people. They can win people over to themselves faster, so they often find themselves in the PR industry.
  • Psychology and consultation. It is girls who know how to listen to other people and understand their feelings. Therefore, they make good psychologists and personal consultants.

Women's professions related to communication


Being a teacher is a calling. Girls go to teachers if they want to bring something kind and light into this world. Of course, the salary does not please with zeros, but it is you who will be able to make this world a little better and cleaner, to bring up a new generation.

You can study both in colleges and in higher educational institutions. The duration of such a course is about 4 years; the specialty includes several teaching practices. At the starting position, you will receive about 11,000. Gradually you can improve your qualifications, the salary reaches 40,000. In the future, teachers become head teachers and directors.


The list of professions for girls also includes a psychologist. This is an interesting vacancy, not filled with routine. You can help people solve their problems and at the same time deal with their troubles.

In a university, you need to unlearn about 4 years in full-time department. After that, you need to improve your qualifications for about 2 years. In addition, at first you will earn about 10,000 rubles. But in the future, the salary will start from 25,000 and more, especially if you go to private practice. In the future, good psychologists open their own business.


One of the most controversial professions. You will have to work hard, possibly even burnout. However, in the process of work, you will receive an amazing management experience, which in the future can be applied for further career growth.

This is not taught in universities and colleges; this is an improvement in the position for an ordinary office worker. However, you can take a 3-month refresher course. At first, they will pay about 30 thousand, after - about 60. If you prove yourself, you will become the head of a department, for example.


If you do not understand which profession to choose after grade 9, turn your attention to a pharmacist. This is one of the simplest jobs in the field of medicine, you can work without experience and endless courses.

In college you need to unlearn 3 years and 10 months, in universities - 5 years with practice. The starting salary is about 23,000 per month. If you work well, they will pay 75 thousand. The starting position will be an assistant, but you can grow to the head of a pharmacy or even a drug developer.

Quiet professions for introverts

People who do not know how and do not like to communicate with people are less likely to achieve success. Unfortunately, at any job you will eventually have to talk to someone. You will always have bosses and clients in front of you. Therefore, the task of an introvert is not to get rid of society in principle, but to minimize communication with it.


One of the freest professions, most often chosen by girls. There is a huge scope for self-realization. No one will stand over you, you can just create. However, it takes talent to become a writer. You will have to spend hours perfecting your own skills.

It is not necessary to study, your task is to educate yourself. Train regularly and create your own plots and worlds. For the first book, most likely, they will pay about 25,000, for the next - up to 100,000.


If you are interested in prestigious professions for girls, go to accounting. Among the advantages are high demand, standardized and short working hours. It is possible to work remotely.

You can go to college, but it's better to devote your time to higher education. It is necessary to complete a 4-year bachelor's degree. The starting salary is 20,000, after which they will start paying about 40,000. In the future, you can become a chief accountant with a fairly high salary. For this, it is advisable to complete courses in management.

Laboratory assistant

Most often still female students become laboratory assistants. They attend lectures and work in parallel at their own department. As a result, they make many useful acquaintances, making their further educational process easier.

It is not necessary to study, it is enough to be able to work with papers, for example. There is no career growth, but you can earn at least a little while studying at the university. The salary will fluctuate around 7-10 thousand rubles, depending on the educational institution.


Another good specialty. You can realize yourself, relax your soul at work and always be surrounded by beautiful bright flowers with an amazing aroma. Girls often find success in this particular industry.

You don't have to study anywhere. Knowledge is transferred either by word of mouth, from senior staff or in specialized courses lasting several months. At first, they will pay very little - 5,000. However, if you develop and improve your skills, you can earn 70,000.

Humanitarian professions for girls in demand

Tourism manager

Among the main advantages is the ability to get the most profitable and hot deals for yourself.

To start a career, it is enough to take short courses lasting up to 3-4 months. However, in order to become a good specialist, you need to go to a university for 4 years or more. At first, they will pay 20,000, after - even 150,000. First you will become an assistant, then a manager, and then a director.


Regardless of which industry you go into, you will become a sought-after specialist. The work is quiet and safe, you will simply provide advice to the population and receive your salary.

College will take you 4 years, the same university if you study full-time. First, they will pay about 15 thousand, then about 40. Work begins with a career as an investigator or assistant in a firm. Then you can go to the consultation. The next step is a lawyer, and finally the last one is an international lawyer.


By choosing this profession, you will be able to work in various fields, conduct interesting research and constantly explore new industries. Now this specialty is in demand on the labor market.

Education, as usual, lasts exactly 4 years in higher education institutions. Beginners will be paid 19,000, experienced specialists in large companies - 100,000 rubles. There is practically no career growth, the nature of the work performed will remain the same. However, in the future, you can become a good leader.


If you are not intimidated by professions related to communication, you can safely go into the cosmetic industry. Among the advantages is the demand in the market and the opportunity to experience all the achievements of the modern beauty industry.

You can study in colleges for 4 years. If you want to become a cosmetologist, then you need to go to a university and give it 7 years. If you do not receive the qualifications of a doctor, they will pay 20,000. After that, you can get a job at 40,000. For career growth, you need medical education - then a cosmetologist can become a plastic surgeon.

Technical directions of professions for girls

Web programmer

Quite creative, but at the same time a technical specialty. It will never lose its relevance, because with the modern development of the Internet, sites are becoming the most popular service.

You can study in college for 4 years, after that - the same amount at the university. Even at the very beginning, you can get about 40,000. A prestigious web developer receives 150,000. In the future, you can become not just a performer, but a project manager or an IT company.


There are also professions in the world related to physics for girls, albeit indirectly. For example, without this knowledge, you will not become an architect. Advantages: creativity and self-realization, the ability to design beautiful buildings.

Studying is not easy. First you need to spend 9 years in art school, 1 year in college and 3 years in university. The salary starts at 20,000 and ends at 75,000. You start as an assistant, then become a highly qualified specialist. Next step: chief architect.

Safety engineer

This industry has an important advantage - an OSH engineer is needed in every organization, from a university to a small company with a couple of offices. You will not be left without work.

One of the few specialties requiring 5 years of study. Employees with no work experience are paid 19,000, experienced specialists in senior positions - 50,000. Growth depends on qualifications. An engineer of the 2nd category leaves the university. Over time, he can get 1 category, improving his qualifications.

Process Engineer

The best tech jobs for girls are about technology. The advantage is great demand. This specialty will never lose its relevance, even in the distant future.

College takes 3 years from engineers, and higher education takes 4 years. To work, you need experience in the field where you plan to get a job. A specialist is paid from 40 to 80 thousand rubles. For career growth, you need to improve your category with the help of courses.

Creative directions


Among the advantages are a free work schedule and the possibility of fast career growth. You will work for yourself, independently regulate the time of work and the amount of wages you receive.

You can study in specialized courses several months long, education is not required. A beginner's salary starts at 10,000. A professional is paid 40,000 and above. You can work in a variety of industries: weddings, holidays, modeling or the advertising industry.


You can get an education at a university or college - each of the programs will take 4 years. They pay from 20,000, after - 75,000, if you actively develop and attend advanced training courses. Career growth depends only on you. You need to build your own customer base and gain a reputation.


Among the advantages for girls are high pay and the ability to work with cute children's books. You can work remotely or find a job in absolutely any region, since books are published in every city.

You need to study in a regular art school, combining it with a general education - give drawing 9 years. Beginners are paid about 15,000, popular and promoted - 75,000. The career ladder also depends on how quickly you earn your own reputation.

Promising industries

Advertising specialist

The most promising professions for girls are related to marketing. The advertising manager must find the marketing strategy for the enterprise. This is a fairly creative specialty, where there are no restrictions.

They pay from 30,000 to 80,000 rubles, depending on the experience behind them. In the future, you can become a director, before that, work as a simple performer.


The main advantage is the ability to become the person of the future. The robotics industry is developing rapidly and there is always a shortage of specialists. Therefore, technicians will never be left without work.

They study for about 4 years. But they pay differently. Since this industry is just beginning to develop in Russia, there is no confirmed data on average wages and career growth. You have to open the industry on your own.


The main advantage is the huge variety of industries. A finance specialist is needed in all areas. Both industrial enterprises and owners of cozy offices are looking for their employees.

With a degree in finance and credit, you can graduate from college by entering after grade 9. They have been studying for 3 years. At first, they pay 20,000, after that - about 60-80 thousand rubles. Growth starts from an ordinary financier and ends with a department head.

Blockchain Specialist

So far, the blockchain specialist has become the work of the future. The active development of cryptocurrency has made such workers one of the most sought-after specialists in our world. You can work both in Russia and with foreign companies.

You can get an education in finance or economics, but this is not required. Personal experience is important. There is also no salary level - you can either work at a loss or receive tens of thousands.

3D renderer

One of the original professions that does not require communication with clients: you will receive assignments from designers. At the same time, the industry is creative, from gray models you can create a beautiful and juicy picture.

Education is not required, you can study in a specialty related to design. Beginners are paid 20,000, already popular - 80,000. You work only for yourself, often on the principle of freelancing.

Motion Designer

Working with animation is what many artists dream of. You can bring someone's drawings to life: isn't that inspiring? If you work at large studios, you can do it according to the principles of remote work.

Education - as an animator, 4 years. They pay from 30 to 90 thousand, and this is only at Russian studios. Development can be judged by its own popularity. The better you work, the more you start getting paid.


A profession to create and create ... Is it easy to find it? Most of the specialties are responsible work, and only then everything else. But maybe there are creative professions on the market for girls to immediately become a creator, receiving a reward for it?

Of course, hard work is 99% of success, as many established creators say. But this remaining 1% is very important. We can say that nothing will work without it. More often than not, creative professions for girls, as well as for guys, involve some freedom of employment and constant tension of the imagination. Therefore, before choosing a profession related to the creation of something new and creative, assess soberly - is this your vocation or is it better to choose an accurate and highly paid, albeit without much imagination and, at first glance, a boring profession, for example , accountant.

Previously, there could be no question of any lists of creative professions for girls. There was a priority of male professions, and women were supposed to get married and stay at home on the farm. Creative professions were the lot of men. But those times are long gone. Although a slight bias in terms of the prevalence of men in responsible creative posts was observed several years ago. But now everything is gradually changing and now among the artists, producers and directors one can find female names.

List of the most in-demand creative professions for girls

According to some polls, until recently, the list of creative professions for girls, the top 20 most in-demand, was confidently headed by web designers. Next on the list were artists, models, florists, makeup artists and photographers. The compilers of the list claim to have found about 640 creative careers. At the same time, "the most in-demand professions" do not always coincide with the "highest paid" ones. The salary of a web designer, according to statistics, is much less than the salary of an architect-designer (this is one of the most profitable creative specialties, but it is not in the top in popularity).

How to determine what is the most creative and in demand? The list of creative professions for girls is headed by a web designer.

Web designer. The sphere of IT-technologies is taking an increasing place in the world and in the life of people. But there are not so many specialists who know how to combine artistic taste with analytical skills. Therefore, although there are a lot of people who call themselves a web designer now, a really good specialist is a rather rare "beast". Employers do not miss such specialists and offer them high salaries.

If you are not strong in design, you may be interested in another creative profession for girls - an artist (presenter, DJ, animator). People of this profession are in good demand during the holidays, when there are a lot of corporate events or at seaside resorts or where there is some big event, for example, the Olympics. They are also needed in the field of advertising. True, it should be taken into account that the competition in this area is very high, this is done not only by graduates of the relevant educational institutions, but also by self-taught and "folk talents".

Another creative profession for girls is a model. Many girls want to get into the world of high fashion and big fees, but it's not so easy. Although for those who have not reached the level of Natalia Vodianova, there is work at home - participation in commercials, photo shoots.

Florist. A highly demanded and creative profession for a girl. Now people appreciate more beautifully and tastefully arranged bouquets and just an armful of flowers - this is not popular now. A florist specialist must have an artistic taste and know the rules for drawing up bouquets and the meaning of flowers, have dexterous hands.

Dancer, dance teacher. Dance allows you to express yourself in the art of gesture like no other activity. Even the same choreography is presented by different dancers in their own way, this is one of the most beautiful creative professions for girls. But the age of the dancer, unfortunately, is not long, in ballet retirement comes at 35, the opportunity to become a dance teacher comes to the rescue.

Interior designer. Representatives of this profession are in stable demand in the labor market. But their services are in demand and well paid only in large enough cities, where the level of income allows many to attract a hired specialist for interior design.

Hairdresser. A very demanded profession. Everyone wants to be beautiful, so hairdressers are always with work.

Also, professions are very popular for girls: make-up artist, journalist, photographer, decorator.

Is any creative profession available to a girl?

There are no gender restrictions for creative professions now, but it's worth remembering that there are qualities that are required for creative work. This is the ability to think imaginatively, exuberant and non-standard imagination, a refined sense of style, good taste, aesthetic sensitivity, an original look at ordinary things.

Most of the girls, graduates of schools, now prefer to choose precisely creative professions, rather than technical or scientific ones. Many girls believe that it is creativity that allows you to simultaneously express yourself and make money, and this is true. However, when making your choice, think it over carefully.

Remember that a girl's creative profession can be found not only in the list of generally recognized specialties. It is possible that the profession of a lawyer, programmer or economist will bring you more pleasure.

A few years before the final class of school, the teenagers face the question: "What profession to choose for themselves?" This choice is difficult because it is influenced by parents, friends, and others. It is important to have an idea of ​​what professions exist, how many of them, and also what is needed in order to choose one or another direction for oneself.

What are the professions? Classifications

Answering the question "what professions exist?", It should be borne in mind that everything depends on what criterion is used to divide. There are several classification systems for all existing professions. The most popular is according to E.A.Klimov, who divides all specialties in accordance with the system of relationships between man and nature, man, technology, sign system and artistic image.

Classification of professions according to E.A. Klimov

The specialties "man-to-man" are the most understandable system, since a person encounters people of this system every day in everyday life: teachers, salesmen, doctors, hairdressers, etc.

"Man and technology" are technicians, engineers, equipment assemblers, workers on machine tools, etc. The activities of these people are directly related to mechanisms. This also includes the extraction and processing of metal, repair of cars and various installations, construction specialties.

What are the professions associated with the relationship between a person and a sign system? There is nothing complicated about it. A secretary, an engineer, a translator, a programmer in a working environment are faced with documents, symbols, signs, diagrams.

The last system related to artistic images is creative specialties associated with the creation of musical creations, objects of fine art.

Number of professions

Of course, there are many professions, and it is rather difficult to calculate the exact number. This is not a static system that remains unchanged for years: every year the number of specialties in the world increases in parallel with the development of mankind. Since the question “how many professions are there in the world?” Quite often arises, there must be corresponding documents that calculate them.

The approximate number of specialties in the world is 40,000, and many of them for temperate latitudes seem rather exotic, if not incomprehensible and stupid. About 500 new professions are born annually.

What professions exist in Russia? Not all of the available specialties are available for our country, only about 1/4 of them. But even this is more than 9000 items. Over the past 3 centuries, the figure has increased 450 times.

Demand for specialties

Of course, as many professions exist, as many specialists in this field can be found. At the same time, not all specialties are equally popular: this business has its own seasonality. A certain list has been compiled of what professions exist from the currently fashionable in Russia. And it differs from what types of work are in demand today.

When determining the reason why applicants choose this or that specialty, in the first place should be indicated the need to have a prestigious profession and, at the same time, the possibility of a high level of earnings.

Therefore, many applicants go to study at the Faculty of Economics. Despite the fact that every enterprise needs an economist, some time ago the market for such workers was satiated. As an economist, you need to have an idea of ​​the place where such a specialist will be needed after graduation.

A wide profile of activities implies such a position as a manager. They come in different directions: advertising, sales, crisis management, etc.

In connection with the development of information technology, the work of a programmer is popular and in demand. In order to work for them, it is not enough to have only desire - you also need to have the ability for this type of activity.

The category of popular specialties also includes work in the field of advertising. This is an interesting activity, creative and in demand, creative and paid, which attracts many young professionals.

Legal education is also in the top lines of the ranking of applicants.

Demand for professions: scarce specialties

Given that not everyone can afford to study at a prestigious university, many choose construction specialties for themselves. In this area, there is a constant shortage of personnel, therefore, even in such conditions, demand exceeds supply.

Since effective earnings are associated with sales, then the list of popular professions is continued by the sales manager. Good specialists in this field have good earnings and are respected by the manager. However, finding such a person is not easy.

The list of specialties that are not fully provided with specialists continues, the work of the seller. Supermarkets that are opening in a great number are experiencing a shortage of professionals willing to take on such work.

Next on the list is the profession of an engineer. The country needs such specialists, but it still cannot provide itself with the required number of employees. Every year, many graduates become specialists of this link, however, despite this, the need for them is growing.

Businesses everywhere advertise the need for drivers. Such positions are available in the food industry, and in the field of light textile production, and in public service points and in stores that provide delivery services. Working conditions are very diverse: some require personal transport, others provide a working car.

Professions for girls

From the entire list there is a certain list of those specialties that are more suitable for girls.

What are the professions for girls? Traditionally, female work includes the work of a flight attendant, a train conductor, a dispatcher of various call centers, a beautician, and a nurse. Some of the list is diluted by men, but this is rather an exception, and a male hairdresser or stylist makes an ambiguous impression.

More often, women's work is associated with the creative process of creating something new, since the mental organization of the weaker sex is more subtle, and ladies are not too adapted for physical labor.

Creative professions

The directory of all specialties has a list of those considered creative. To have such a job is interesting and prestigious today. The only catch is that in order to follow the path of creativity, you need to have talent or ability for something. Further, it is necessary to consider in more detail the question of what creative professions exist.

  • Traditionally, they include musicians, composers, and artists. These people have their own vision of the world, which can be verified by communicating with them. As a rule, such people have talent from childhood and develop it in the corresponding art and music schools.
  • If a person has a so-called sense of beauty, then you can come to a creative profession over the years. The work of a photographer, designer is interesting. Fashionable words, but under them a very wide profile of activity is hidden: this is interior design, and the design of clothes, shoes, and landscape design. Society will always need good specialists in this field.
  • Speaking about what professions exist in the creative field, one cannot fail to mention the work of a stylist. It has a fundamental difference from the work of a hairdresser, who performs a haircut according to a template, while a stylist develops the image as a whole. A new direction in stylistics is the work of a groomer, shearing animals.
  • Journalism and PR management require quick response and communication skills; it is necessary to be a good psychologist, feeling that others are oriented.
  • The creative professions include actors, and this includes both film and theater actors, as well as animators, circus performers, representatives of the humorous genre. More generally, all those individuals whose activities are associated with public speaking.

How to decide on the choice of profession

When choosing the desired specialty from a huge list, you must first determine for yourself a list of those industries that are more attractive. Then you need to objectively assess for yourself what exactly you like about them and whether they are really interesting.

It is necessary to approach the choice of a profession individually, taking into account your preferences, not based on the popularity of the specialty or its profitability. Better to be a good doctor than a bad programmer.

How many professions are there in the world? Probably no one knows this, although extensive lists of them are published in special reference books. What are the professions? They are divided into economic and medical, scientific and military, technical and creative, etc. The latter are especially popular today.

What is a creative profession?

There is no precise definition recognized by dictionaries. We can only say that most of these professions relate to culture or art, require a non-standard approach to solving problems, imply the presence of creative thinking and the ability to express their individuality. Of course, these qualities are inherent not only to people of art, but it is in them that they should be manifested to the maximum extent. The list of creative professions is constantly growing. In the past, it included artists, filmmakers, actors, etc. Today the list is replete with names that just a few years ago simply could not exist: there was no necessary environment. DJ, make-up artist, brader (hairdresser who creates hairstyles from braids), web designer, rewriter, designers of different directions (for example, food designer) - and this we have listed just a few of the types of employment that have appeared in the last decade. The list of creative professions is extremely wide.

What are the most creative professions?

There is hardly an answer to the above question. After all, each such specialist creates something completely new, while simultaneously expressing his view of the world. Nevertheless, the media are trying to create ratings, trying to determine the most demanded, the most creative, the most creative, etc. profession. So, according to RBC, last year the list of creative people was headed by web designers. Actors and animators, models, florists followed ... Make-up artists and videographers closed the procession, and there were 20 positions in the rating. At the same time, its compilers themselves claim that they have found 640 creative professions that, over time, may be at the top of the list. It is interesting that the concept of "the most demanded creative profession" does not correspond to the concept of "the highest paid specialty." Thus, this rating does not include such specialties as architect-designer and colorist, although it is people with such a profile of work that receive the highest income from their work. The salary of web designers does not take any place in the ratings.

Female and male creativity

There used to be male and female professions. Echoes of these traditions are still heard in our time. So, just a few years ago, the overwhelming majority of web designers, producers, architects were male. But in beauty salons women ruled. Today, such boundaries are completely erased. There are ratings designed to determine the most creative. The list, as in the previous case, starts with the web designer. Girls can work as models and architects, make-up artists and animators, designers and photographers. There are no gender restrictions here, but there are qualities that a creative should have. These include:

  • the ability to think figuratively;
  • a subtle sense of taste and style;
  • bright, non-standard, well-developed imagination;
  • refined aesthetic sensitivity.

The most attractive professions for creative women

Popular in our country prove that most women are sure: it is creativity that allows them to simultaneously earn money and express their refined nature. The same polls allow us to conclude: in some cities of Russia, school graduates are less likely to choose technical and scientific specialties, giving preference to profiles related to creativity. Of course, not everyone strives to become actresses. The list of creative professions, compiled according to the results of surveys of female graduates, shows that many girls choose such specialties as animator, decorator, stylist. Dancers and models are still popular. However, choosing such specialties for themselves, girls perfectly understand: the age of a model or a dancer is short-lived. Therefore, in parallel, they are trying to get a second specialty: they are studying to be scriptwriters, heads of art studios or circles, cultural studies, critics, film experts or designers.

The problem of teaching people of creative professions

Creativity, non-standard thinking, a certain amount of egocentrism, inherent in almost everyone, often complicate learning. There are several reasons for this.

1. Teaching creative professions in Russia is most often associative. This means that the future specialist is taught logical thinking, purposeful activities, skills and abilities necessary in the work. But the associative system cannot develop creativity, the ability to find a way out in a non-standard situation and an extraordinary approach to solving issues and problems.

2. Often teachers have to overcome the lack of culture of applicants. In some circles, there is still an opinion that a make-up artist, singer or florist should perfectly know the basics of their skills, and a broad outlook is not required for them. Therefore, teachers are forced to literally force students to read a lot, visit theaters and exhibitions, explain why the success of any creative profession directly depends on the general culture and education.

3. Character traits, egocentrism, the desire to become the best and the first often make communication difficult. Of course, all these qualities are important, and even obligatory for creative professions, but this does not mean that you need to consider yourself a star, or even the center of the Universe.

Careful creativity!

Statistics show that by about half, by the age of 30, enthusiasm is replaced by disappointment, as a result of which people change their profession. Those who craved self-realization, recognition, become administrators, accountants. Why it happens? Looking through the list of creative professions and choosing a specialty for themselves, many forget that creativity is not subject to any regulations. Artists don't have days off, dancers rarely get vacations, and a designer has to work hard. And success to some extent depends on the case. There are hundreds of designers and makeup artists, but how many truly successful people are there? That is why, when choosing a profession for yourself, you first need to think - do you have a vocation, are you capable of purposefully moving forward, despite obstacles and setbacks?

It's good when work and hobbies coincide. In this regard, girls and young people who are representatives of creative professions are very lucky. They can be divided into truly creative and those that have points of contact with other areas.

For example, the profession of a designer is considered creative, but it can be directly related to construction, acquiring a certain "technical" shade of creation (designer of furniture, interior, facades, etc.) The professions of an artist, musician, actor, writer and others do not have such a shade , and therefore can be considered truly creative.

Name General ranking of the profession Average salary*
Jeweler 62 0
Painter 50 0
Photographer 69 0
Florist 61 0
Stylist 66 0
Director 55 0
Hairdresser 67 0
Cartoonist 50 0
Landscape designer 64 0
Illustrator 62 0
Interior designer 76 0
Designer 80 0
Gallery owner 42 0
Visagiste 69 0
Actor 65 0

* - according to the Federal State Statistics Service for 2017.

** - expert assessment of the portal's editors on a scale from 0 to 100. Where 100 is the most in demand, the least competitive, with a low entry barrier in terms of knowledge and the availability of knowledge and the most promising, and 0 is vice versa.

Those who cannot live without psychological tests were not lucky this time. We propose this article instead of the test "To be or not to be a designer." Her topic will affect you - then you should be designers (if you are able to master technologies and, of course, work with customers). If it does not become close - not to be. Or not yet. The article is about the design of the environment, but if you want, you can think in a similar vein about other types of design ...

Are you ready to reinvent artistic images in your chosen art form every day? And if you are not ready, but do not imagine life without art, perhaps you will enjoy fulfilling the duties of an art manager?

In art, everything is interconnected: for example, artists are inspired by the works of composers, and they are able to translate literary works into musical works - from operas to popular hits. However, at the moment of choosing a creative profession, rarely anyone hesitates between a theater university, a conservatory and studying at the faculty of painting. Even with talents in several areas, such people from childhood, as a rule, prefer only one of the arts, attending a music school or, say, a literary circle. At the same time, another problem is very common - the problem of choosing between a creative and a "normal" profession: sometimes the entire entourage of an applicant insists on a more "realistic" version, which means anything but creative.

How to believe in your talent and convince parents and the selection committee of it? How to turn viewers, listeners and readers of your works into admirers of your talent? How to carry your inspiration through your long years of creative career? What is the role of creativity in professions that are not directly related to art? These questions will be answered by the articles in this section, as well as the history of art, for which most real creators are distinguished by their love.