Alexy - singer and her work. "I breathe me": Tatiana's daughter Navka Singer Alexy presented a debut clip "I breathe I breathe": Tatyana's daughter Navka Singer Alexy presented a debut clip

Alexy - singer and her work.
Alexy - singer and her work. "I breathe me": Tatiana's daughter Navka Singer Alexy presented a debut clip "I breathe I breathe": Tatyana's daughter Navka Singer Alexy presented a debut clip
Alexandra Zhulin was born on May 02, 2000 in New York, in the family of the famous Russian figure skater Tatiana Navka and the coach in figure skating Alexander Zhulin. For some time, Sasha lived with parents in the States, but in 2006 the family returned to Moscow - Navka was offered participation in the popular show "Ice Age".

When Sasha turned 10 years old, her parents divorced, and the girl remained to live with her mother. Nevertheless, Sasha communicates well with his father and and even see him regularly.

Unlike his parents, Sasha has not connected his life with a skating sport. The girl from six years old was engaged in large tennis, however, because of the injury, Rogulina had to forget about serious sports.


At 15 years old, the girl began to take the lessons of vocal, choreography and piano games.

"I was not used to doing nothing. My day has always been loaded. It was necessary to fill the emptiness something. So the thought appeared to do dancing and vocals. "

Already at the first lesson, the teacher appreciated the vocal abilities of Sasha and advised her to do on. For the wedding, Navka with the president's spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who passed in Sochi in August 2016, performed the song "I will dance", written for the young singer Sergey Rudnaya and Arseny Ardojan. Video with the performance appeared on the network and gathered several thousand views.

Alexandra Zhulin - I will dance

After that, the metropolitan radio stations contacted her and offered to make the studio recording of the song. So the incendiary composition of Julina, which took the stage pseudonym Alexy, fell into the rotation of the radio. With his hit, the girl had time to speak at various events several times, including the Radio Radio Radio Concert on Red Square.

The girl took the alias to Alexy, because he wanted to beat the name Sasha. On questions, whether she is not afraid that she will be confused with the graduate of the "Star Factory" Alex, Zhulin replies that they have different style and manner, and that season "Factory" went on the air for too long ago: "Those who are listening My music, for sure I will not confuse me! ".

In the summer of 2016, Alexander recorded a new song "I breathe me." The authors of the songs again performed rhots and Ardojan. Soon the video clip was removed on the song, in which the vocalist MBAN Nikita Kiosse appeared.

Alexy - I breathe me

In April 2016, Alexandra, together with other talented girls, the daughter of faith of the Brezhne Sonya Kiperman, an actress Sasha Stsashenova and the singer Sturses Malikova - hit the cover of Elle Girl magazine.

Personal life Alexandra Zhulina

Young daughter Navka more than once tried to impose novels with different famous young people. For some time there were rumors that Alexy in love with the nephew of the artist Dmitry Malikova (a young man is also called Dmitry), but the girl has denied this information.

At the moment, the heart of Alexandra is free, it pays attention not to relationships, but studying and music. She studies, by the way, on some fives.

Favorite Julina Musicians - American Singers

Daughter Tatiana Navka. Today we will talk about the peculiarities of her creative and life path. The performer recently took the conquest of show business.


To understand the question of how old the daughter of Tatiana Navka, it is enough to consider that she was born on May 2, 2000. The future performer was born in the United States. Tatiana's daughter Navka is called Alexander Zhulin. Beauty and nice voice girl inherited from mother. He is the father of a beginner performer. Family lived in New York. In the US, Navka and Zhulin were dedicated to the time of coaching work, and also participated in tournaments.

In 2006, the spouses together with our heroines returned to Russia. Parents decided that the girl should devote himself to sports and gave her to workout. She attended a big tennis section several times a week.

In 2007, the future performer entered the 1st grade. Teachers praised the apparent adhering and her behavior. In 2010, parents divorced. For the sake of the daughter they managed to preserve the relationship.

In 2014, Navka became a second time at Mom. The younger sister of a beginner performer called Nadi. Father is Dmitry Sands.

Our heroine has dedicated to the tennis court for almost 9 years. She participated in international competitions. However, Alexander decided to leave tennis. First of all, sports has taken too much time. In addition, the girl wanted to test himself in another field.


Daughter Tatiana Navka in 2015 declared itself as a singer. The girl introduced the public the composition "I will dance." Singer Alexy managed to find fans among the audience aged 14-30 years. In 2016, the premiere of the clip took place. He was removed for the composition "I breathe I breathe." In this video, our heroine appeared in a romantic image.


Tatiana's daughter Navka successfully combines school at school with creativity. At the same time, the girl has already achieved certain successes in the Russian show business. She devotes a lot of time on vocal and sports. Recorded the song "I will dance" fell to the "Russian Radio". In one week in the station ranking, the composition fastened at 67th place out of 81. Our heroine does not want to stop there. The performer plans to actively continue recording new compositions.

Its strengths should include a bright appearance. She has already tried himself in the model business. In 2015, the girl posed for the Bella Potemkina brand. Also, our heroine participated in presenting this brand. The output of the girl on the podium was very successful. After that, the photographers fell asleep singer offers about work.

Tatiana's daughter Navka Alexander received a name in honor of the Father. Our heroine in 2006 came to Moscow. This journey was caused by the fact that her mother concluded a contract for participation in the realistic show "Ice Age". Our heroine, according to some reports, has double Russian-American citizenship. There is a version that the girl did not just left the big sport. The reason was the injury of the back.

The girl actively devotes time to creative learning: vocals, choreography, solfeggio, piano. Sasha initially did not plan to associate his life with music. She was preparing for learning in MGIMO. She was interested in the Economics Faculty. The composition "I will dance" was prepared by a girl as a wedding gift for Tatiana Navka and Peskov. However, someone from those present at the festival took this performance on the camcorder. Next, the resulting video was published on the Internet. The composition scored a large number of views on the YouTube portal.

Clip for the song "I breathe" was created with the participation of the vocalist of the MBand group. Our heroine is young enough. At the same time, she is trying to already attribute several novels at once. It is believed that it consists in a romantic relationship with the nephew of the singer Dmitry Malikova. The young man got the same name as his uncle. However, it is likely that Dima and Sasha binds friendship. The girl does not need a relationship, as now pays the main time of study and musical creativity. On dates, our heroine practically does not go.

Now you know how you started your creative path of the daughter of Tatiana Navka. The photo of the performer is applied to this material.

The heroine of the article is Alexy - a singer who recently began to conquer the Russian show business. Do you know who is hiding under this pseudonym? If not, we are ready to open the veil of secrets. We wish you a pleasant reading!

Biography: Family

Let's start with the alias of the alias, Alexander Zhulin appears. She was born on May 2, 2000 in the United States. Her parents do not need a special presentation. Mom Sasha - Olympic champion Tatiana Navka. From her the girl inherited beauty and nice voice. Father of our heroine - Professional figure skater

For more than 5 years, the family lived in New York and New Jersey. Being in the US, Navka and Zhulin participated in various competitions, engaged in coaching activities.

In 2006, a married couple and their daughter returned to Russia. Parents gave Sasha in the sport. Several times a week, the girl attended a large tennis section. In 2007, Zhelina Jr. went to the first class. Teachers praised her for sortation and approximate behavior.

In 2010, the parents of our heroine divorced. They managed to preserve friendly relations for the sake of the common daughter. In August 2014, T. Navka became a mom for the second time. Alexandra appeared a little sister Nadia. The father of the baby is Dmitry Peskov (civilian husband of the Olympic champion).

New hobby

Almost 9 years Sasha held on a tennis court. She repeatedly participated in Russian and international competitions. At some point, our heroine decided to leave the Big Tennis. And she had several reasons. First, because of the summer sports, the girl remained at least a minimum of free time. Secondly, she wanted to try himself in another sphere.

Musical career

Alexy - the singer who declared itself in September 2015. The girl presented to the courts of listeners the debut track "I will dance." Young sweet-haired beauty managed to conquer the audience aged from 14 to 30 years.

In August 2016, the premiere of the first video of Alexia on the composition, which will be called "I breathe me". In it, the girl appeared in a gentle and romantic image.


What did Alexya achieve in his years? Singer (see photo above) Student in school. And it does not prevent her from conquer the domestic show business. Girl a lot of time devotes vocals and sports.

The track "I will dance", he managed to get into the rotation of the Russian Radio. On the first week, he took 67th place out of 81. Alexia - singer, which hit the hit parade overtook such famous performers like Dan Balan, Queen Natalia and the Dune group. She is not going to stop there. In the near future, Sasha is going to start recording a few more songs.

Alexy - Singers bright and attractive appearance. Therefore, it is not surprising that she has already managed to try himself in the model business. For example, in October 2015, Alexander Zhulin posed for Bella Potemkina Lucbuka. Also blonde beauties took part in the fashion show of this brand. Our heroine produced a real furyor on the show. After that, designers and photographers literally poured her cooperation proposals.


Now you know who Singer Alexia is. The biography of this charming girl (Alexandra Zhulina) was considered in detail. We wish her success!

Few people expected that the daughter of famous athletes Tatiana Navka and Alexander Zhulin decided to associate his life not with figure skating, like parents, but with music. 16-year-old Alexander Zhulin, taking the creative pseudonym Alexy, has already begun to conquer the tops of the Russian show biz. The radio stations are happy to turn on her first single. "I will dance", and the next day the premiere of the Debut Clip Alexia on the song "I breathe me". Something suggests us, it is only the beginning and we will also hear about the achievements of the young artist. The site decided that it was worth a closer to find out the future star, and therefore did not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with Sasha personally. To be honest, the heir to the loud surname surprised us the seriousness of intentions and at the same time disarmed simplicity in communication.

When you are the daughter of famous skaters, surrounding unconsciously wait that you will continue the sports dynasty. Tatiana's daughter Navka and Alexander Zhulin Sasha's figure skating in his time chose tennis, however, due to the injury, the back was forced to forget about this sport. Now she dressed into creativity and releases singles and clips under the alexia pseudonym.

And if many people's passion for Alexandra music seems strange and illogical, then the site in the course of the interview learned the answers to all the questions and imbued to the newly-made artist of sincere sympathy. Read on and understand why.

site: Sasha, how did you get to sing? Still, he grew up in the family of athletes.

Alexia: There are few people know about it, but I feel great dad, so I'm probably not interested in my mother vocal. When I did not work out with tennis, I realized that this was my chance to embody a childhood dream into reality. On the family council, we decided that it was worth finding good teachers to give me a voice, and try.

"No one thought that in the future I will start writing down the songs and shoot clips - I just wanted to find a thing of the soul, which I could devote to a free time from school."

site: In addition to vokal, what else do you do?

Alexia: Solfeggio. I'm still learning to play the piano - I do almost every day. It is quite difficult to start at the age of 16, but without it nowhere.

Alexia: Switched in the 10th. After graduating from school, I plan to enter MGIMO, most likely to the Economic Faculty.

? Why is the economy, not music?

Alexia: "I like mathematics, I love to solve a variety of tasks, equations. I am also interested in the economy. I want to get a higher fundamental education, which in any case will be useful. "

As for music ... I consider Gnesinka as an option (Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesins, - approx. Site), Faculty of pop-jazz vocals. But not yet sure whether these are those nerves. We have a lot of artists who have not studied in music colleges, universities - they had enough knowledge gained in a music school or during private lessons.

Alexia: I visit the choreographic studio, since I want to move well on stage, put numbers with dance elements. And, of course, I really like the learning process.

Alexia: That's the point that there is no. It all started with my first song "I will dance", which I prepared as a mother's gift for a wedding. It happened that my speech was removed by some of the guests, posted on Youtube, the video quickly scored a lot of views, and soon I was offered to put a single in rotation on the radio.

"Honestly, I did not dream of ether, scene, concerts. Everything turned out spontaneously. Then I already thought, why not try to develop in this area further. Now it tasted and I want to work a lot, my producer Vladimir Nichipruk helps me in this.

site: How did parents treat your choice?

Alexia: Parents supported me always and in everything, they have never been against my hobbies. On the contrary, if I wanted to throw any lesson, they convinced me that it was worth an effort to make a result.

Alexia: I just liked this name for a long time. If I perform under the pseudonym, this does not mean that in this way I am trying to hide my last name, family and pretending to do not use the help of loved ones.

"Clear thing, my mom and dad help me, like any other parents help your children - support me, send something prompted, advise."

Especially since I still study at school and herself, unfortunately, do not earn. But the parents did not "drank me nowhere, did not spend millions on my promotion, as some media writes. I really hope that after some time I can provide myself and pay with my relatives.

Alexia: In some plane, yes, of course, interferes. Many as soon as he heard that "Tatiana's daughter Navka and Alexander Zulina Pope", react tightly and denial. It is said that I have no talent and everything is paid everything, while not even understand the situation and do not want to understand anything. Okay, let it think so.

Alexia: Not anymore. It used to be offended, because, in my opinion, I have a good voice. I do not say that I have excellent vocal data, the superTalant, but there is always to see what to develop.

Alexia: I have never been a "famous" child - for up to 6 years lived in America, then moved to Moscow, where I still study in an ordinary secondary school. She was doing tennis as you remember, but did not work out. Even there, in the sport, it happened, they said that all tournaments were paid, they say, Zhulin plays dishonest. Survived, naturally. But now I understand that you just need to work and not pay attention to the one who says.

"A normal sensible person will never spend his time for negative comments in opposite people on the Internet."

site: You make the impression of a very calm, restrained person.

Alexia: I'm just stressful, but quick-tempered (smiles).

site: Present you in anger just difficult!

Alexia: Nevertheless, it happens often (laughs). This is my big drawback, which I work on. Sometimes anger even helps, especially in work, when you are angry with yourself and try to work at the maximum.

Russian singer and TV presenter. Performs under the pseudonym Alexia.

Alexandra Zhulin. Biography

Sasha Zhulin was born in the family of famous skaters - winner of the 1994 Olympic Games Alexandra Zhulinaand Olympic champion Tatyana Navka, At the time when they lived and trained in the United States. After the divorce of the parents, she was left to live with her mother. In 5 years, the girl began to engage in large tennis and began to win the first victories in professional sports, but after 9 years she was forced to leave tennis due to severe injury. Suddenly formed free time and Sasha's energy decided to invest in a new passion - music. At the age of 15, she began to take the lessons of vocal and piano, and in 16 recorded the first song and released the clip.

Alexander Zhulin is a student of the New York Cinema Academy (New York Film Academy). Despite the creative orientation, Zhulin is going to study at the Economic Faculty of MGIMO.

Sasha Zhulina:

"Many successful actors and singers have a diploma about the end of some special institution, but it does not prevent them from being professionals in their field. I think private classes with teachers will help me. "

Alexandra Zhulin. Creative way

The first clip on the song "I breathe" went on screens in 2016. In Him Sasha starred with a member of the group