Scenario holding a children's holiday "Journey to the country of fine art. Scenario "Journey to the Country of Art" on the Slide screen from various events, from all over the district

Scenario holding a children's holiday "Journey to the country of fine art. Scenario "Journey to the Country of Art" on the Slide screen from various events, from all over the district

The scenario of the holiday on the visual arts "in the country of pictures". Leading: Hello guys! I am an artist and today I invite you to the holiday of visual art. We meet the summer holiday! Sun holiday! Holiday of Light! The sun, the sun, hotter Gray, there will be a holiday of fun! So we took paints in your hands and did not become in the house boredom. To be fun, bright colors do not regret (multi-colored pieces of paper are thrown into the air, like salute). Song sounds "Children love to draw." Guys, is it true? Well, what to hide, the children love, very love to draw. Today we will go on a journey, in the magical and colorful country pictures. * The stand is placed a drawing with a multi-colored gate, which are revealed, and there is an image of the main characters, the queen of tassels and her assistant pencil. What kind of miracle beauty? The painted gate appeared on the way, they do not enter or enter them! Multicolored gates in the meadow built someone. He tried the master he, he took paints for the gate. But in order to open the gate, it is necessary to guess the riddles associated with the visual art. Listen carefully and guess. - Multicolored sisters scored without a water. 1 Uncle Long and Light Wears Water Beard. And the sister with him will draw a house and smoke. (Tassels and paint) - If a pencil worked on her work. (Elastic) - black Ivashkaide shirt. Where the nose will hold, there is a note. (Pencil) - she looked at her pigtail without a pap, then the painted pigtail in the album leads through the pages. (Tassel) - White pebbles melted. On the board traces left. (Chalk) - Multicolored kids are pumped in a narrow house. Only I will release a void on Voluget, there you look, -crady! (Color pencils) All the riddles have solved. Oh, what are the well done! Once or twice, since two open the gate! Welcome to the rainbow country pictures! Who meets us at the gate of pictures? Yes, this is our old familiar queen tassel and her assistant pencil. Assistants leading, dressed in suits of tassels and a pencil. Tassel: - Hello guys, see you, I am very glad! So hurried, rushing, I dressed up for a holiday. Pencil: - I am a Queen's assistant and I go behind her next. Only asks, I paint, I love the picture. 2 Tassels: - To get to my country, you must answer the question: what three colors are the main, choose them from my magic palette and attach to the stand. One person from the team find one color (red, yellow, blue). The master accommodates on the color bench. Well done, coped! Today, traveling through our country, you will help us and fulfill our tasks. - Leading: Three colors, three colors, three colors. Guys, isn't it? And where do we have green, get orange? And if we are paints on couples mix? Tassel: from blue and red (here it is) We will get color (purple). Pencil: And the blue we are mixed mixed - what color do we get? (green) - leading: and red plus yellow, for everyone it is not a secret, let us give us, of course (orange color). (On the stand are placed the right colors.) Pencil: There were paint paints, and now composite. Leading: 1. Now we go to the museum. What happened in our museum? All paintings were removed on the restoration and confused. We need to help the custodian of the museum and disassemble paintings by genres. Recall what genres are separated by paintings, depending on what they are drawn. Tassel: If you see a cup of coffee on the table, or Morse in a large graphic, or a rose in a crystal, or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake, or all items right away, it means still life. Pencil: 3 If you see that someone looks at you from the picture - or the prince in the rainter or maybe, the topworn, a pilot or a ballerina, or a ring, your neighbor, necessarily the picture is called a portrait. Leading: If you see, a river, or spruce and white frost are drawn in the picture, or a garden and a clouds, or a snowy plain, or a field and slab, it is definitely called a landscape. And so, you should help disassemble paintings by genres, separate landscapes, still lifes and portraits (each team disassembles their paintings). Pictures in order! Well done! Leading: 2. Guys, and who is the painter-restorer? That's right, he restores the paintings if he was damaged. And what is this pencil such sad sitting? What happened? Tell me, can we help you? Pencil: I painted portraits of fabulous heroes for brushes, but someone spoiled them. What is oh, oh, oh, where is the fabulous hero? All the pictures were damaged, divided into pieces. Leading: Do not worry, pencil, guys will help you. Now we will all be artists - restorers and restore your portraits of fabulous heroes. Children in their team collect puzzles with the image of a fairy-tale hero, who will cope with the task faster. 3. Leading: Well, now the contest is creative. Here you are three sheets, as if three large canvas, let's start together, we will play paintings. The drawing rules are explained. Initially, each team draws a clock (one element) on its sheet (one element), then, developing fantasy, children from another team are drawing the picture adding one 4 element. When the pictures are completed, you need to come up with a name and most closely justify your drawing. (For each contest, the winning team receives a red circle, the second is green, the rest - yellow. In the creative competition everyone is given red mugs). 4. Competition "Cleaxography" The blots sometimes grieve, appearing in our drawings, but there are blots unusual picturesque and fantastic. As the clouds in the sky, when we consider them often it seems that they resemble a bird, ship, dragon. And now the pencil and brushes will give you beautiful blots, and you, with the help of a marker, Dorisite what is like Kleax looks like, by contacting the contour with a marker. 5. WHERE: Who built a rainbow in the sky over the earth? Seven colors, seven bridges bent the arcu? (Children answer the rain and the sun) in the sky the sun, there are clouds in the sky and their color is different cold and burning. And paints on the rainbow together decided the color of their own in half divided. Warm like the sun, cold like a cloud, how to figure out which one is better? What colors are warm, what are cold? And now divide the multicolored pieces on the cold and warm (children are given multicolored squares). Our holiday continues and we will walk to walk. To do this, you need to make a bridge - a rainbow to go out on it. Tell me the tassel and pencil how are the colors of the rainbow, in which sequence? They are laid out on the floor multicolored circles in the desired sequence and for them children as the bridge overlook the street. 6. Introducing: Our last contest for all. This is a drawing contest on the asphalt on the topic "Magic Country" (Magic Flowers, Trees, Birds, and TD.) Draw everything you could see in this country. Each child takes her site and draws. The competition can be assessed as the collective work of the entire team or as an individual work of everyone. The jury led by a tassel and pencil summarize the contest. Results: 5 Our journey approached the end, now we will see which team scored most of the red circles, what kind of green and what yellow. Here are the results of the drawing on the asphalt (the team of the winners team or if the work was estimated separately by the team of which the winner). Digure are handed. Shout loudly. Crying together. Wins always friendship !!! We thank everyone for participation and activity in our journey in picturesia. Let's say goodbye to our friends to the queen tassel and pencil. See you in visual art. Song sounds "Children love to draw." . 6.

Municipal establishment of additional education of children

Children's Music School No. 22 Volga Roo


"Travel to the country of art"

Performed : Lecturer

Vinogorov Nadezhda Anatolevna

Kazan 2015.

Scenario "Journey to the Country of Art »

Lead : Hello, dear guys, dear parents! We are very happy to see you in our children's art school. Today we will tell you about the activities of our school. We hope that many of you will replenish the ranks of our students.

N. yesna : Hello, dear fairy. I heard that there is such a school where you can draw, and there are different tools there, and you can learn to dance. Do you know anything about such a school?

Fairy : Hello, Dunno. Of course I know. There is a special school where children draw, dance and learn to play different tools, such as flute, guitar, piano, bayan, violin and many other wonderful tools.

Dunno : Good fairy, can you do so that I studied there? I want to draw, dance, play guitar, flute, piano and on all-all tools!

Fairy : Dunno to learn in such a school, you need to choose that art what you want to do.

Dunno : But I do not know what to choose me, will you help me?

Fairy : Of course I'll help! Come on with the guys to travel to the country of art and you will choose what you are interested.

Fairy waved a magic wand.

Fairy : Guys, we ended up in an amazing country, a country of fine art! This type of art is perceived visually. This is painting, sculpture, graphics, photo art. Painting is a kind of art created by paints that are applied to a flat surface. These are drawings. Guys, you all painted, and for you this type of visual art is very familiar. Students from the Art School prepared their work for you. (There is a show of children's work in painting, graphics and sculpture on the projection board).

Fairy : Now we will go to the country of choreographic art. The word choreography is translated as dance art. At all times, people loved to dance. Dance is very closely connected with the health and beauty of man. Dances produce the culture of movements, deliver a man joy and pleasure. Dance styles carry the culture of many centuries. In addition to the magnificent movement, the dance has a story, legends, outfits, everything that forms his aesthetics, which is one, separately from all of the rest attracts people to themselves. (During the story on the projection board, there is a show of dance groups in costumes). Guys from school arts will perform Russian folk dance for you.

Fairy : We will now go to another wonderful country, the country of musical art. Music is a kind of art with which we can pass your spirits and feelings. Today we will get acquainted with musical instruments. They appeared a long time ago. People did them from sea shells, animal bones, plants, and, after many centuries, they acquired a modern appearance. And then combined into groups. Some instruments are called string, other keys, wind and shock.

The country of Spain is known for its Arena, where people are competing with bulls from a long time. And many centuries ago brave knights danced on royal receptions, composed and sang serenades. And the tool on which they accompanied themselves are known to everyone. This is a guitar. (Entering on the stage of the student with a guitar, the fairy is suitable for him). Of all the tools of the new time, the guitar is the oldest. It is known from the 13th century. Look at it (showing gestures). It has a flat body and a form resembles an eight. She has a vulture and 6 strings, and therefore it is called a string tool. Strings are attached for the rods, the sound is extracted with the help of fingers. The guitar fell in love with various nations and began to consider it with their folk instrument. Listen to how this tool sounds. (The number on the guitar is performed).

Now we will get acquainted with the tools that are called String-Myshkov. String - because they have strings. And the ground - because the sound is extracted with the help of fingers and a bow, which is made of wooden canes and horse-hair. (Included a student with a violin). Violin is known from the 16th century. She is small. She has 4 strings and the sound is very high. The violins were made by the Italian masters. These were whole families. The most famous of them is the Stradivari family. Stradivari violins are very valued. The secret of manufacturing some of them is still not open. They have been preserved until now. Only the best performers get the right to play the violins of Stradivari. On this instrument, the famous Italian violinist Niclow Paganini played. Listen to how this tool sounds.

(Executables the number on the violin).

200 years ago, the Italian master Bartolomeo Christophai from the city of Florence made a tool in which with the help of hammers located inside the housing, they were removed as loud sounds - forte and quiet - piano (shows on the tool). Therefore, the tool received such a name - piano.

Listen to the execution on the piano.

(Performed room on piano).

Fairy : Now we will get acquainted with the Russian folk instrument Droj. In Russia, Domra appeared in the 16th century. In this instrument played chomori - stray actors and musicians on different fairs and festivities and folk holidays. They sang comic songs in which they raised greedy and evil people, unfair rulers and Popov. For this, the crumbs were persecuted, and their tools were destroyed, they were burned in front of everyone. But Domra survived. And today it is played as 400 years ago.

(Common Domrist ensemble).

Let me listen to how this tool sounds.

(Executables number).

Another Russian folk instrument is Balalaika.

(It turns out a student with a balalaica).

Balalaika appeared in Russia under Peter I, at the beginning of the 18th century. On her, as well as at the domre, played crumbs on holidays and fairs. Together with Droja Balalaika is part of Russian folk instruments. The first such professional orchestra appeared at the end of the 19th century and was called Velikorvsky. He was organized by the composer and Balalatechik Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev.

(Performed number on the balalaica).

And another tool with which we will meet today are a block flute.

(Incoming an ensemble block - flutists).

This is a tool on which everyone is playing from children to professionals. A block flute is easy to learn, compact, sweet and very convenient. It can be found At the concert of old music, since this is a popular tool of the Middle Ages, at novice musicians - hot spirits.

(Executables number).

Fairy : Dunno, did you like our journey to the country of art?

Dunno : Yes, I liked it very much! I realized what I want! I want to play a balalaica!

Fairy : I am very glad for you, Dunno! We are waiting for you to our art school in the new academic year!

Fairy : Dear girls and boys, dear parents! We hope that you enjoyed our journey. We are waiting for you in the new school year as students of our Children's School of Art!

Sounds of calm music.

Lead 1:

Hello guys. We gathered here for a holiday dedicated to music.

Music surrounds us everywhere. It has incredible magnetism and energy.

Lead 2:

"Music not only gives us pleasure. She teaches a lot. She, as a book, makes us better, smarter, kinder "- so said the famous Children's composer Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky.

Lead 1:

The wind sings a little

Lipa sighs at the garden -

Sensitive music lives everywhere -

In the sheel of herbs, in the noise of a dowel,

Just listen to.

Cleaning the stream

Thunder falls from the sky -

This melody is forever

The world fills nature!

Silent tears their Iwa drops from the fusion ...

Just welcome nightingry night

Ringing branches, rainy

The world fills nature.

Birds meet sunrise,

Swallow the sun is glad!

Sensitive music lives everywhere

Just listen to.

Lead 2:

Today we will not only hear music, but also show our knowledge, skills and talents. And it will help us in this musical relay.

Lead 1:

Let's split on the team. The defeating team will receive a musical token - notch.

Lead 2:

We will give you a chastushki, and your task to fulfill a verse together and in character! 2 min to prepare.

(Distribute ductushki)


Oh you, Russian chastushka,

Loves, the people honor you!

Despite all the century

You do not take time!

Eh, a chastushka dear,

How do we not love us?!

Without a perky song-joke

Very boring to live!

"Where there is a joke, there is fun," -

Calculated the people a long time.

And so he is a holiday

Have fun and sings!

Oh and nice chastushki

Sans our people

How much humor, zador!

Where does he only take them?!

Sprinky Chastushki.

For fun and soul

You do not stand in place

Sing us and dances!

At the end, the presenters perform also a couplet-chasting.

Lead 1:

Lead 2:

And now a little history ...

Lead 1:

"The history of the appearance of the piano":

Who knows that the first key-string musical instrument was called "English chessboard". This distant ancestor was born, like chess, in the east, and at the beginning of our millennium was brought to Europe. The keys were not obliged, and square black and white. Modern piano has a lot of strings. The thinner of the string, the higher the sound. The thicker - the sound below. The 1st tool had one string, which was clinging to crochet to remove the sound. Then the keycorder (with a more quiet sound) and the harpsine (sonorous fellow) - with several strings. On the Clavesis, all the sounds were the same forces (louder and quiet could not have been played). The Italian master Bartolomeo Christophahor created a tool in which the hammers covered with leather were struck by the string. The power of the sound depended on the strength of the blow. This tool was called piano - "loudly, quiet." Among the musical instruments, he has no equal in the ability to sound so diverse. It is simultaneously multily powerful, and the singement is gentle.

Lead 2:

"Bird - Music" Danzkovsky.

Lower the hand to the keys -

The magic suddenly comes

And pure sounds are born,

Silver scattering around.

Exactly seven colors at the rainbow,

And the music - seven notes.

On earth for our joy

Always music lives!

Bird music wings waving

Not someone waves, but I ...

Like Suns of red daisies,

Bloom on each window.

Rain and snow will draw from the branches,

There will be people again and again

From the piano, as if from the cells,

Bird music to the world to release.

Lead 1:

(Sounds the piano play "Feeling")

The following competition is called "Musical term in a square". Who is the first to give up - raises his hand and go ahead(follow the tasks).

Lead 2:

And now the teams get rebuses - they are also musical(p.102) Well done!

Lead 1:

And now the musical quiz! Raise your hand and answer. For each correct answer, the team receives a token.

1. What can be attributed to folklore? (Vocalize, Concert, Chastushka)

2. What was called in the medieval Russia of the wandering musician, singer, dancer and actor? (jongleur, scrooch, comedian)

3. What is the name of the first public performance on the theater scene or concert stage? (debut, creative evening, benefit)

4. How rus. A composer created a lot of operas on fabulous plots? (Roman Korsakov, Prokofiev, Dargomyzhsky)

5. What is called music. The play, executable usually in the evening clock in front of the house of Beloved in Spain and Italy? (serenade)

6. Name Rus. nar. Dance of the rapid, perky Har-ra with a clear rhythmic pattern, accompanied by feeding? (Baryna, Gypsy, Trepak)

7. What do you call a group of several performers? (ensemble)

8. Who can be called the performer? (musician, singer, instrumentalist) - all three answers

Counting points for the competition.

Lead 2:

Today we learned about music and about yourself so much interesting. Let us sum up the relay.

Lead 1:

We want to tell you the wish with the words Rus. Composer D.D. Shostakovich:

"Love and explore the great art of music. It will open you a whole world of high feelings. It will make you spiritually richer, cleaner, perfect. Thanks to music, you will find new, unknown for your strength. You will see life in new colors and paints. "

Lead 2:

We want to complete our holiday music song. Sing us!

(Song sounds "Closing Circle").

Open Day Scenario:

Day 1

For 1 - 6 classes


On the porch, near the entrance to the CDT (with bad weather in the lobby in front of the entrance)

Pinocchio: (fun)

I am a cheerful Pinocchio, my nose is sharp, my nose is long!

Look at me - I'm made from the village!

(sad) Very hurried, and then I got stuck ...

I lost my key, while friends fled to you! (crying)

Leading: Who is this crying here? (Children: Pinocchio! Or Pinocchio: I!)

What kind of reason this time? (Children or Pinocchio: Lost Key)

Oh oh-oh, what a grief, how door to open now and see the world of creativity, but the guys will surprise everyone?

Pinocchio: Oh guys ... Help, and you are helping me, I know one task is not a simple test, my key is not simple, the key was my golden. If we cope with the set, very complex tested, the key will return itself, only part of the gold.

Leading:And the parties of such 3, nor miss one, the guys help himself, and perform the setting! (goes out)

Pinocchio:To begin you the guys - I propose to dance. We look, repeat - I remember everything! (Competition: "Dance Teacher", Pinocchio for fun music, shows the guys of the movement that they must repeat)

Buratino: Well done boys! And here is the first part of our golden key.

Leading: You should not stop the following task! Just listen carefully, answer the choir and try not to get confused!

    In the new year before smoking

He ate candy and jam.

He lived on the roof he, poor thing,

His called ...

(Cheburashka - Carlson)

    He plays a little sign

For passersby on the harmonica.

The musician knows everyone!

His name - …

(Shapoklyak - Crocodile Gena)

    From a blue stream

The river begins.

This song sang a ring

Three cheerful ...

(Piglery - Little Raccoon)

    He was a puffy rain,

With a patch went home,

And, of course, honey loved

(Crocodile gene - Winnie the Pooh)

Leading: Well done boys! Perfectly coped with the task, and here is the second particle of our key.

Pinocchio: Last task left! Guys, now I will show movements, and you repeat after me! Well, try?

Leading:We expected the bus (look in the distance)

See, ran down (running on the spot)

Jumped, shocked (swinging on the sides, one hand up, as if on the handrail)

Is there a place for the window? (bring hands to the eyes)

Who is tired, he can sit down (squat)

And about the weak not forgotten? (no head swing)

Quickly gave way (get up)

We turned to the neighbors

And smiled at each other. (Smile - smile)

Pinocchio: Wonderfully guys, and let's try to quickly.

(Repeated 2 more times)

Pinocchio: Here are the guys well done, worked out from the soul!

The key is assembled and can now hand over the door!

(pass in the hall of the 1st floor, open the door, playing music)

Leading: Here it is, what kingdom - creativity, games and dance.

Pinocchio: Guys, it is here who lives the masters of dancing, games, needlework, drawing and singing. And they were waiting for you ... Do you want to meet them?


Pinocchio: Well, then you are a map of the study of the mysterious routes of the world of creativity, but I have time to run to school, learn the alphabet! But I think ... no, no, I am sure that we will still see you with you! (runs away)

Leading:Well, what guys go get acquainted? (Ko needlewoman)

Simple steel hook
And threads - once and two! -
Need to have arisen

They are subject to all patterns
Crochet or needle:
So did the clothes
And earlier on Earth.

So magic thread
Knitted how could
All our generations
Normal needle.

Those connections will not interrupt
And with thread that now
They will break away,
To please your eyes.

Leading: And we continue our fascinating journey through the magical world of creativity: (Film about chirliding and aerobics)

Leading:Next workshop - "Call voice"

The ocean is noisy and purr cats
Buzz and fly on the sky of bugs,
Ring bells, cups and spoons,
And singing a lot of stores hears.
And mug, and a fly, bladeing and spike
Have, have, have their own voice.

Host: (Theater Studio)

And again, we look into each other.

And again, as before, we can not solga.

Perhaps we chief discovered the secret:

After all, the joy is greater, probably no.

Long live scene.

(Film about TsDT)

Open Day Script

"In the world of creativity - we open the doors"

Day 2.

For 7 - 11 classes

Heroes:Lead 1.

Lead 2.

Lead 1:Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you on our holiday.

Lead 2:Today we will open your doors to the fascinating world of creativity, art and culture.

Lead 1:Only we have a wonderful variety of classes, and I am confident that everyone will find something like.

Lead 2: Well, then I will not delay!

Lead 1: Sure! But both in any fabulous kingdom, the doors in our creative world just do not open.

Lead 2: And what to do?

Lead 1: The most important thing is not to worry, I know how to do it! We have to fulfill 2 difficult tasks!

Lead 2: I think that the guys will be easy with them! True guys? (Children: Yes!)

Lead 1: Well, then proceed! So the first task:

Guys are offered 2 words: creativity and peace, you need to come up with a new word for each letter, but the most important thing is that they are directly related to culture and art.

Lead 2:Well done boys! You perfectly coped with the task! And here is the second: every hour and every day a person turns out a sea of \u200b\u200bnecessary and unnecessary information through television, phones, radio and print publications. New information may be much, not very much and very little. Such small, short news called the "news of one line". Try and you will make a short one-time news about the event that happened. At the same time, you must consume 5 words data in one sentence:

Newspaper, artist, photographer, news, circulation.

Decoration, tape, material, hands, creativity.

Scene, Intermission, Mimica, Director, Actor.

Lead 1: Wonderful guys, you coped with this task. And now we can challenge our creative world's doors!

Lead 2: And we will make it solemnly ... (cut red ribbon)

Lead 1:Well, let's start getting acquainted with our circle associations and masters of your business.

Be in the dense of life events
Don't miss big discoveries
And masterfully own the pen,
As well as Russian language
Be only honest and truthful
In your estimates, fair, you will teach you a professional - Svetlana Viktorovna!

(Circle Association "Yun.zhurnalist")

Lead 2:A professional of his business that anyone will teach the embroidery with satin ribbons, paper plastic, decorating interior items, a snaps of a cast material, testoplastic, queening, textiles and a lot - a lot of others, Oksana Vladimirovna!

(Circle Association "DPI - Lotos")

Lead 1:In the eternal circle they run again and again,

Not knowing peace, two clock arrows.

The beginning of the concert, intermission and finals ...

And again the excitement is filled with the entire hall.

Guys, in TSDT there is also theatre studioWhere you can learn not only the skills of acting skills, the technique of speech and plastic formulations, as well as you can try yourself as real directories.

Lead 1:Well, at the end, I suggest watching you a movie about all Circle associations of CDT.

(Film about TsDT)

Lead 2:To new meetings!

Scenario of the festive event dedicated to the Day of Cultural Workers of Russia and the International Day of the Theater

Music playing, scenes open, full blackout

Conversation for the frame

Melpomene - Do you sleep? Are you sleeping, the house of art, dear?

DI - What?

Melpomene - I ask, are you sleeping? Why don't you answer?

DI- Melpomen, are you? Well, how can I answer you if I sleep.

Melpomen - Sorry!

DI - Did you want something?

Melpomene - Today is a special night. And tomorrow in your house an unusual day. All the culture of the area will be visiting you. Tomorrow, your day.

Slowly beats the heart

DI - Melpomen, do you hear the heart beats?!

Melpomene- Yes, I hear, and whiche is a heart?

DI - This is the heart of the scene!

Melpomene - Are you playing the creator again?

DI- Our whole life is a game…

Melpomene- ... And the people in it are the actors. I know. Let's look better not her birth!

The muffled light turns on. A viper appears on the scene. Girls dancing with white tissues. At the end of the dance, the beam of light falls on the swing, on which sit the girl scene, the girls are suitable for her, feed her hand to go down and run away.

Scene - Where am I? Who am I?

DI- You, our brainchild, I am your creator. House of art.

Melpomen - And I am your patroness - Melpomen.

Scene - And who am I so?

Melpomene - You're a scene! You are the embodiment of art and creativity!

Scene - So, I need someone?

DI - We need your power. After all, you can connect things that, to connect not to everyone.

Melpomene - artist and scenery, dancer and production.

DI - director and script, artist and makeup, book and reader.

Melpomene - Culture and theater.

DI "You are, the scene, you can connect everyone so that I am your creator of the art house, lived.

Melpomene - And I, Melpomen, your patroness, was happy.

Scene "Ok, I'll do everything, but I'm afraid that I can not cope."

DI- You will have the most wise, the most friendly, the most talented team, the team of cultural workers, library workers, directors and actors of the Bain district.

Playing solemn music, turns on full light, on the slide screen.

Melpomene - Meet! Here it is, the rainbow talents of the Bain Earth!

purple cloth.

DI - Our little stars - children's creative teams of institutions of culture of the Bain district.

Music is changing, girls from the scene runblue cloth.

Melpomene - The most plastic, elegant - choreographic teams of institutions of the culture of the Bain district.

Girls raise fabric up, on the photo slide screen

blue cloth.

DI- the most exciting, the most fascinating - theatrical teams of the cultural institutions of the Bain district.

Girls raise fabric up, on the photo slide screen

Music changes, girls from the scene rungreen cloth.

Melpomene - The most talented, the most vivid - folk creative teams of the cultural institutions of the Bain district.

Girls raise fabric up, on the photo slide screen

Music playing, girls with a scene runyellow cloth.

DI- The most vocabulary, the most beautiful - vocal teams of institutions of the culture of the Bain district.

Girls raise fabric up, on the photo slide screen

Music changes, girls from the scene runorange cloth.

Melpomene- Our most sparkling stars are musical groups of cultural institutions of the Bain district.

Girls raise fabric up, on the photo slide screen

Music playing, girls with a scene runred cloth.

DI - The most valid, smart and sociable-collections of the libraries of the Bain district.

Girls raise fabric up, on the photo slide screen

Melpomene- Here is this in the area, big, bright and beautiful rainbow talents.

Girls raise all cloth up. Sound fanfares and applause.

Full light and laser lighting turn on.

    Song "Hymn of Cultural Workers"

Leading- We welcome you from the pure heart
The wishes and sincerity in it sounds.
Now we will open the magic door
And the holiday will be filled with light house.
Leading - Let only music ruffles in the hall
And songs like strings sound silver,
We will send problems in distant Dali
And the souls will be filled with warm and good.
Presenter - Lovely, good cute people
For you, we are ready to create scene,
To the holiday, we will not be shy

Our work, you can not love!


Presenter - Good day, ladies and gentlemen!

Leading - Hello Dear Spectators and Guests of today's holiday!

Presenter - We are glad to welcome you in the district Bain House of Culture!

Lead- Where are the most talented cultural workers gathered!

Leading- Real masters of your beloved business!

Lead - Congratulations to all, with the International Day of Theater!

Leading- Happy Culture Workers in Russia!


Lead - And on the stage for congratulations, the head of the administration of the Bain district Yury Nikolaevich Kregov, Chairman of the district council of deputies Galina Mikhailovna Kotelnikov and the head of the Department of Culture, Youth, Sports and Tourism of the Beisk District, Yuri Mikhailovich Koscheev.

The Word of Honorary Guests


Leading - Common photo for memory!

General photo for memory

    Dance "Shayk" - Abakan

Melpomene - Scene, dear, why are you so sad?

Scene - I'm excited. I worry that I do not cope. After all, they are all so different and there are so many! How do I connect them all?

DI "They are different only in appearance, inside, each of them, to madness in love with her profession, to his vocation - to give people joy, give their hearts.

Scene - What should I do? Where to begin?

Melpomene- Among all this diversity of talented people, you need to find souls that breathe in one thing, they suffer from one idea. To today, on the day of art, they are all as alone by connecting their destinies in a single impulse, will write a new chapter in the history of the culture and art of the Bain district.

Scene- I understood everything! I run!

Scene runs away

    Violin - Abakan

Playing music, leaves the scene

Scene- I found! They are so interesting, sing, dance, embroidered with a cross, poems compose. Everyone can and everyone can. And most importantly, they are united by one - the love of creativity, their profession, they give the joy to their audience.

Melpomene - And who are they?

Scene - These are cultural workers! Directors, art leaders, methodists, choreographers. Local teachers and decorative and applied creativity, sound operators and artists. A lot of them! They are all very talented and interesting. I can see how to congratulate them.

DI- Sure you may!

Music plays, leading

On the slide screen from various events, from the whole area

Lead - There is such a profession - to give people warmth, love and joy. This is about us, about cultural workers.
Leading - The largest number of holidays falls on our share. Without our participation, it is difficult to imagine almost all professional holidays.
Lead - In those days, when other people are actively resting, cultural workers should work to please vacationers, providing them with a festive mood.
Leading - Today we celebrate our holiday.
Together - holiday of festive people!


Lead - We know how to do everything that no one has ever taught us in a single educational institution of culture.
Leading - Sew, draw and milking a cow. Screw the nails and score screws.
Lead - Break and repair the equipment. Glit windows and cover the roof.
Leading - compose music and write poems. Shave, paint and dance.
Lead - To blame at work, root and sing. Quote Pushkin and swear like a shoemaker.
Leading - Teach children and adults to all that we did not teach us, and what we taught us the scene.
Lead - We worry as children, before each visit to the scene, and as parents, before going to the scene of each of our pupil, an adult or a completely child.
Leading - And who is covered with gray and cold, then standing behind the scenes, when suddenly the light was not caught up at the right moment, the music did not play or confetti did not hit ..
Lead - And also did not include a microphone, did not have time to change the children or, even worse, from the sovereign, the performer was not the next room, and not a suspect of an electrician's event .... Or a fireman checking everything in order in this crazy house ...

Together - House of Culture
Leading - And who can during the presentation simultaneously sit in the hall behind the mixing console, blinking behind the scenes light, to undressing out the scene on the go there we go there, while giving them valuable instructions, as on stage, do not faint with the form of fellow villagers, friends and relatives.
Lead - Yes! And then still begging his head to run somewhere far behind forgotten costumes or requisite, and then suddenly, as not what happened, with a smile to ears, play on the stage, and he moved three times in different costumes, of different sizes.
Leading - Many people joined it, and he was so skillfully reincarnated on stage and in life, it works at work and at home, lives on one budget salary and manage to buy expensive concert things. A person without which no holiday will be passed in the world.
Lead - This is a modest cultural worker!
Together - Happy holiday! Festive people !!!

    Song "Children of the Earth" - RDK

Music plays, leading

Presenter -There are people who are the most honorable people for cultural workers and for our audience. These are veterans of culture! Let's stand up and put it loudly! They gave all their lives!


Leading - Veterans of culture! You are special people
From a special alloy, from a special ore!
Don't bend your shoulders under the weight of everyday life
And we are closed closely veterans of the row.
Presenter - You gave a lot for the culture of your beloved,
Your memory is kept every day every hour.
About others say: life swears past.
You are in the thick of events and then, and now.
Lead- You are for many examples, veterans of culture,
Your experience and mind - treasure for the young soul!
Hearts did not burn new money bills,
You worked honestly, getting pennies.
Presenter - Against lias, you got up to the truth,
You appreciated things trusted words.
Veterans of culture, who is present in the hall,
I still bow to you for all your life!

Film from photos "How young we were"

    "Under the sky of Paris" - Music School (Piano, Accordion)

Music plays, leading

Presenter - How many kindness and joy we carry people, and how happy from it yourself ... All events are very cordially. And the long time is remembered, they are moving again.
Leading - Weekdays of the cultural man - conversations with people, work of circles, writing scenarios, rehearsals. No person should be overwhelming.
Presenter - Therefore, cultural workers have a huge circle of acquaintances and friends. And today, our leaders came to celebrate this day with us - heads of rural settlements. Help and support, which we feel throughout our creative life.

Leading - The heads are invited to the heads of the Administrations of the villagers of the Bain District.

Congratulations from the heads of settlements

    Dance "Shayk" - Abakan

Presenter - Yes! It is said that we do not drag bricks ...
Leading - Although we still drag them.
Presenter - Yes! It is said that our work is called "not beyond a" ...
Leading - Although they themselves are so speaking, hitting the scene, suddenly they do not eat, pale and freeze as inserted, feeling on themselves the views of hundreds of demanding eyes.
Presenter - Yes! About our scenarios say that such a writer, everyone can compose ...
Leading - And at the same time, taking a simple pencil into the hands, they cannot write stiffs.

Presenter - Dear Colleagues!!! Do not listen to anyone. Our profession is the most important on earth !!!
Leading - Without our participation, people are not born and do not die, do not marry and do not go into the army, where the holiday needs a holiday there always appears. Presenter - People are always waiting for the holiday from us, and let's not forget about it. Let's give it to give them a good mood.

Leading - Despite everything!

    "Bim-Bom" - RDK

Music plays, scene comes out the scene

Melpomen - Scene, honey, what are you well done!

Scene - But I did not fully fulfill my task. There are people who do not work, but serve, serve me, serve the theater. Give themselves theatrical art!

Di Let's look at their world, the world of the theater!

Music plays, leading

Presenter - Theatre! How much means the word
For everyone who was there many times!
As important and sometimes new
It happens for us!
Leading - We dying on performances,
With the hero together tears ...
Although sometimes we know perfectly
That everything is sad about anything!
Presenter - Forgetting about age, failure,
We strive in someone else's life
And from someone else's grief cry
With someone's success, we swell!
Leading - In the performances, life like on the palm,
And everything will open at the end:
Who was a villain who hero
With a terrible mask on the face.
Presenter - Theater, theater! How much knows
For us sometimes your words!
And can it be otherwise?
Together - Theater is always right in the theater!

Lead - At the scene for congratulations, honorary guests of today's holiday are invited -

Congratulatory word from guests

Presenter -Theater lives inside each of us. We are all heroes of some comedy, tragedy or musical. Each of us is very talented, each in its own way. Directors, screenwriters, actors, costumes, make-upers, cascaders, artists.

Leading -If you fold the puzzle from all this diversity of talents, then a performance or an etude, theatrical sketch or theatrical parade, prologue or final, a humorous scene or a children's fairy tale.

Presenter -And I want to say much thanks to all people who serve the scene, their difficult profession.

Leading - People whose fate, one way or another, are associated with theatrical art.

Presenter -This salute from stars for you !!!

Salute from Star

Leading -What a miracle - to be in a fairy tale
With the heroes of the coming suddenly legends!
We are surprised by their costumes, masks,
Captures actions moment.
Presenter -They sing, flaw, reflect ...
Glow passions is transmitted to us.
Game your soul to us.
Their art is the theater, not Balagan.
Lead - Today I slave the skill of actors,
Congratulate on the day of the theater
Make-ups, costumes and soufflers -
We thank everyone for the magic!

    Monologue Theater "White Piano"

    Military Historical Club "Mergen" - Abakan

    Dance "Shayk" - Abakan

Playing music, leaves the scene

Scene - How cool it turns out!

Melpomene- Do not rush! You have forgotten about some talented people.

Scene - I did not forget, now everything will be!

DI- Well, let's look!

Music plays, leading

Leading - I heard the ear of the ear:
The librarian is now not in fashion
And without it will give us all the answer
Not replaced by anyone
Lead- Let the new century raging behind the wall
Computer Web for Thoughts Website
But I have a nail library
Their wonderful world and their un are old.

Leading - We have people at the celebration, whose profession is indispensable, modest, but, nevertheless, absolutely necessary in cultural society. This is a librarian.

Lead- It is they who are conductors in a diverse and inexhaustible world - the world of books.
Leading - And on this holiday, we want to say the best words to those who over the years worked in our wonderful library system of the Bain district!

Fanfare. Applause.

Lead- The director of the library system is invited to congratulate on the scene.

Tatiana Viktorovna Schefer

Lead- Well serve in the library,
River moving
Feeling and stranded and depth.
And blessed silence.
Leading - Twilight condensed canopy.
It's good that the day is a worker.
In the still waters of libraries
We do not unravel, forever.

Leading -Dear friends, for library workers and for all the cultural workers of the district, video congratulations.

    Video interview

    Violin - Abakan

Playing music, leaves the scene

Scene -Well, everyone is happy, all over couples. Actor with a role, musician with a tool, director with a staging, a song with notes. Only I am completely alone.

Melpomene- You are not alone! You have a couple. This is your viewer!

Artists overlook the scene, bring large mirrors.

DiAfter all, art, culture, it is not us, singers, musicians, actors, it is you - our viewers!

Rotate mirrors on the auditorium

Leading - how imperceptibly passed time,
We have become cleaner with you and kind.
Not grateful in the world of our business,
The fact that it is to please people.

Lead - Let the solemn moment ended
But the long impressions of the bright way.
After all, in the Brich, the wheel is still twisted,
In the applause we still sink!
Leading - We are born to live among the people,
To touch the mind, the soul is cheering ...
So as not to attack him yawning ...
I always wanted to sing, dance and live ...
Lead - So be happy, and peaceful sky,
So that the laughter sounded on the holiday every time ...
And remember, the viewer and the reader, where they were not ...
Culture works for you!

Leading - In order not to happen to not happen, we always and everywhere will give you your joy, your heart!

Playing "Anthem of employees of the culture of the Bain district"

Hearts fall on the scene

Leading -To new meetings!

Presenter -Happy holiday!