Antistress complex. How to paint the color patterns for coloring "Antistress"

Antistress complex. How to paint the color patterns for coloring
Antistress complex. How to paint the color patterns for coloring "Antistress"

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Recently, art therapy has become very popular. It is that the coloring "Antistress" belongs to it. This is a modern way to stop the fussy course of life and be alone with you, calm down and take yourself in hand, find harmony. A feature of these coloring is the variety of forms and elements.

This time we decided to move away from the usual patterns of phased instructions and to propose together to create this creation from scratch. You will have the opportunity to paint outline patterns, but first let's draw them. It can be animals, flowers, people, cities, mandalas, funny and bizarre pictures. Today we will demonstrate how step by step is born to coloring the antistress with fantastic colors.

You will need:

Mode of flowers

As already said - today we have colored patterns. We draw with a circulation of 4 circles of different sizes. This is the middle of the colors heads. You can place them on the sheet at your discretion. Just do not forget that the petals, leaves and other items will grow around these figures. Therefore, it is not recommended to draw too closely. Otherwise, in the process you will have to wash a lot of details, which will make a drawing inactive.

Since the feature of the coloring the anti-stress is a large number of different details, we take it into account too. Add small circles inside the main figures.

We try to draw the first flower

We depict the petals with wavy lines. They must be as the same as possible. The clarity and correctness of the lines are a prerequisite coloring condition. If the lines are curves, as a result, it turns out at all.

We decorate the petals with small circles similar to butchers. While the hand "remembers" the process of creating round petals, proceed to the image of the second flower from the same pattern.

Getting Started by the Second

Connect the fantasy. Flowers should differ from each other not only in size, but also in shape. The next middle can "give" the role of Narcissus, and draw sharp petals.

On these coloring, it should be as many parts as possible for coloring, so you can safely add the following items.

Decorate with small details the main figures

As the most more flowers are the easiest to color, you can decorate them with small details. Then the picture will be much more beautiful, especially after coloring.

Carefully follow the instructions so that you do not miss anything. An elongated droplets give the flower of magic.

Start small colors

To make it easier to paint, and the image did not look like a smaller number of petals to smaller flowers.

You can come up with your petals options.

You can also decorate the details at your discretion.

Add more flowers

The main elements of coloring are ready. Add a few more colors. They can overlap large flowers, may be behind them. It will make a drawing more alive.

Just do not forget to remove lines that intersect. It is from this that the arrangement of colors will depend.

We should not stay free space on the sheet, so we continue to draw flowers. Fully they do not fit all, so it's not scary if some are half hidden.

Draw leaves

The top of the colors finished. We proceed to the image of the leaves.

In size and form, they should also differ.

Fill out free space

We finished portraying the main details. Now you need to fill the empty space on the sheet.

We do it with the help of different patterns and other interesting details.

Often guests of the site are wondering - how to paint the antistress. What to do? Where to watch painted anti-stress of coloring?In this article we will talk about how to draw beautiful and easy.

And so we take a sheet of paper and pencils. There will be a lot of practice!

Let's go in order. And I offer you a hand with a warm-up hand. Not often, but still it happens to me that they do not obey. Another can be called crucial or, simply say, the hands are not growing out of that place. I think I'm not alone. And, I hope someone from you use it.

In general, in such cases it helps drawing. The goal is to relax your hand, reconfigure it into the necessary movements and, of course, include our right hemisphere, which is just that are responsible for creative abilities. By the way, if there are left-handed left among you, then write. Statistics show that most creative people are left-hand. So, answer!

For warming up, as a rule, I take a sheet of paper or notebook and draw various forms, doodle, rogulins, lines and strokes. Variating the angle of inclination and push strength. Touching different positions of hand. I use how acutely sharpened pencil, so stupid. As you can see, nothing complicated in this exercise. In addition, these exercises act as an antistress for me.

Some worried to start color themselves, are afraid to spoil the drawing. So this exercise will help you. Coloring anti-stress coloring options after workout can be seen here.

Graduation of color

And now stretching color. Perhaps the most frequent question: how to make a stretch?

Stretching can be made in one tone. You can make a few. And it is possible to make a stretching coloring at all to give the volume of the item. Let's figure it out in order.

Let's start with the stretch in one color. This is the transition from a saturated shade to pale and vice versa. Choose a pencil, blacksmith line. And on this line begin to draw squares. We start with the easiest push to be the light as transparent as possible. We draw the following. Slightly increase the pressure.

And so we continue until the color becomes completely solid, saturated, dark. The scheme is such that everything starts with a slight pressure. Just touching the surface of the paper, go to the middle nage and end with a strong pressure on the rod.

Below we draw the following line and do it all the same, but without the use of squares.

This great exercise will help better understand your stuff, your pencils. To understand where and in what case it is better to use one or another degree of pressure. The same exercise has done with several shades. Look for examples of coloring the anti-stress of coloring with the use of graduation of shades.

For greater clarity, we will stretch with gray tones first with squares, and after without them.

The essence of this exercise is to make a stretching from the brighter to the most dark. You can also practice with this exercise with any other pencils. For example, choose purple and yellow. For the second option, red, orange, yellow. I really like this combination.

Let's try to make this exercise immediately without squares on the example of coloring the anti-stress coloring.

Creating a three-dimensional form

Here we will also make a color stretching with you, that is, to do different saturation. We will also make this pencil and several. In this exercise, we will learn how to create the illusion of the form with color. Practice every day in circles.

Draw several identical figures. You can use a circuit, coin or not bother and draw from hand. Accuracy is not required here. One circle we will leave empty to make it with what to compare. In fact, to designate the form of an object, you can use only one hue. The form determines the saturated tone. Alternatively, you can use a black or simple pencil with graphite chiffel.

First, we draw a figure. Secondly, determine the light source. Suppose the light comes from right above. Let's start from light to dark and also do not forget that there is a light spot on the place of direct light enter. Fill the object in the form of the object, that is, in this case, let's go in a circle. And continue to add saturation until it harms a figure and shape. Here the main thing is to remember that as the light gave the light everything becomes rushing, darker.

The same can be done with several color pencils. We will also go from light to the dark. In the case of using several color solutions, we will apply the technique of laying paints. There is one simple principle here - the stronger the pressure, the less opportunity to lay it. It follows from this that here we work very soft. We start with a very easy push. We leave the light spot. From him begins fills light to dark. We use completely easy push. And the more paints we will use, the more the transition will be. Look at how beautiful this technique looks like an example of the painted anti-stress coloring.

Why do you need a white pencil

And now you are ready to start playing the truth! He was not mistaken. He is not superfluous. If you do not have the easiest set, in the set you will find a white pencil and I think at least once thought: Why is it needed? Maybe it is still superfluous?

And now we will analyze the basic ways of using white griffel.

The simplest application:

  • on colored paper
  • over coal
  • simple pencil.

But Mr. We will analyze only use on colored paper. This is a simple material that is found at all. In general, we include fantasy and try on the anti-stress coloring.

The following use is suitable for previous exercises. Used to simulate the transition. They can make a decisive of the applied layers, getting a smooth transition.

Mix colors

But, if we can grow the transition, then we can get a new color. For example, try creating orange. To do this, choose red and yellow. The dark shade (red) is applied by the lower layer, and the brighter shade (it is yellow) we apply from above. And now we can mix everything white. By the way, the key to this technique is the use of easy pressing.

Working with a sharpened tip and even application of each layer give interesting effects. White pencil you can muffle the saturation of the initial shade, get halftone. In addition, in such a way, we, as it were, we water the surface, we make the glossy surface. The painting painted in this way looks very beautiful. They can even hang in the frame on the wall. White griffel is very useful when an luminous or wet surface is image.

In general, learn to think non-standard. So you can achieve very interesting effects and you can find a lot of other ways to apply existing tools.

Dry and wet methods of using watercolor pencils

Tell you about how to use them are not easy, since there are two ways to use: a wet method and dry. Dry method is the way that most often use lovers of coloring. Dry method is no different from drawing. Just watercolor pencils compared to conventional brighter, saturated but everything is fine. Try and you fall in love. Many are used to work on the anti-stress by coloring.

However, if a wet technique is used, then the drawings begin to look as made by watercolor paints. To achieve such an effect, it is necessary to simply use wet paper or moisten the brush after applying the pattern. Despite all the seeming simplicity, you need to be very careful! Before using this technique on their main works, practice. Since with unaccustomed you can get dirt.

There are many techniques of fine work with watercolor pencils. But we will still focus on using transitions. Write in the comments, what tools to paint the anti-stress coloring you like more: simple or watercolor. And whether you want to learn more about the technique of working with them.

And now promised tricks!

There are several techniques that will come in handy to those who often lack paints on the half stone lighter or darker. Here we will need black, white and gray pencils. Black is needed to make colors darker, white to make lighter, and gray to make more muted. And the main trick is that the dark should always be under the light. If you apply dark paint on top of light, mixing will not happen.

It is also not necessary to push too much to the lower layers in the polishing area.

If we smother in the surface of the paper too fast, the result of mixing will not be resistant.

Another very interesting technique, which I learned quite recently. To clarify the hue that does not invite it, we first apply white, and then the colored layer. It turns out a very interesting effect.

Application of strokes

There are a lot of stroke options. They need them in order to convey the texture, thickness, directions and generally convey any desired intended effect.

Types of hatchovka

To determine which type of hatching likes, you can simulate various textures, creating patterns from points and dash on paper. While a group of straight lines can specify the direction of the group, and a slightly curved lines transmit a sense of movement. They help create texture and scope. Try combinations of various hatching options and see what happens. This reception is very useful for coloring the anti-stress of coloring. Options for finished works performed by various types of strokes you can find on our website.

Print anti-Stress coloring Very simple - you need to click on the picture you like right-click and select the "Save As" menu item. Next, you need to start the image on the printer. How seityless is not difficult! Enjoy! Coloring for adults is a unique method of art therapy, one of the few ways to relax in this crazy world with his eternal concerns and problems. Remove your drawing kit - Color pencils, Flamaster, gel pens and start to create! You are guaranteed to get a big charge of positive emotions and relaxation, find peace and a feeling of harmony. Choose the coloring that you liked, download, print and create pleasure!

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Video: Overview of complex paints for adults

Wild cat

Other coloring for adults:


Examples of painted works:

Flowers, Plants - Example Coloring

Floral ornament, patterns - painted example

Different flowers

Methods of art therapy: Coloring Pianok.

Coloring Pianok. - One of the popular sections in the practical psychology of creativity - art therapy. The attending factor in the method is the release of emotional energy (both positive and negative) in the process of the egg schedule, that is, the creation of a certain pattern on it. The writer is used in art therapy relatively recently and is the trend of the last decades - the use of traditional crafts, arts for the purposes of psychological rehabilitation and diagnosis.

Pisancy is an ancient art, the tradition of which has grown wide distribution among the Slavs from time immemorial. Initially, it had a deep sacred, spiritual meaning. Pysanka accompanied the woman all her long life. Waiting for the child, she painted the birds with birds and flowers - symbols of spring, life that should come to a new world. After the appearance of a child, another painting was made on the light - in the form of a young tree, as a symbol of future growth, growing up. As you probably understood, each drawing and the pattern in the pussy has its meaning.

The uniqueness of writing is that the master does not know what the final drawing will be, since it is in the process of creation under wax. Only after the wax convergence opens the whole picture. That is, it is just the perfect way to identify the unconscious in a person, as you need to draw while keeping patterns in thinking. Knowing this feature in creating eggs, it is easy to explain why they are all absolutely unique - because everyone is created by calling the soul. In this, they are very similar to mandalas and mandaling. In general, the pianca is actually too mandala, only a little oval form. And if you look not in profile and on top or bottom, and in general - classical mandala.

The writings have a very pleasant tactile structure - after all, an egg is in its form of life, a real "sprout of the soul". Just try to hold a simple egg in my hand - you will definitely feel the touch of touch, the natural form of the egg.

You can paint both chicken eggs and goose, duck. The latter will fit well, since they are more chicken "traditional" and stronger, it is important in cases if you have not yet had experience with written.

What is art therapy?

In general terms, art therapy is a direction in modern psychotherapy aimed at the correction of human mental state with the help of art and creativity. This definition can be considered a wide sense of the term. In the narrow sense - art therapy is the correction of the psycho-emotional state of the person using the tools of the visual art. Under the pictorial creativity, all types of art techniques are reproduced by the world, it is primarily painting, sculpture, graphics. It is also sometimes attributed to photography, architecture and decorative and applied techniques - sewing, embroidery, knitting, appliqués and others.

History of art therapy

The history of the occurrence of creative therapy is strongly connected with the war - or rather with the sad years of World War II. During the offensive on the Western front of the liberation troops, led by the United States, a lot of cities, villages and settlements were destroyed - both aviation raids and troop battles. As troops are promoted, prisoners were exempted from under German occupation, many of which were minors. Since the conditions for living in destroyed Europe were not suitable, the American command decided to send children to America. It seemed that the problem of street minors was solved - they had everything: food, shelter, good medicine, lack of war .. But everything was not so simple - all the children as a result of the stress of the wars received from the horrors were amazed by various mental disorders, phobias, distrust To people, nervousse. The famous artist Adrian Hill came to the rescue. Since 1938, he spent experiments in tuberculous dispensaries - improved the psychological condition of patients with drawing. He, as well as well-known scientists, Z. Freud and K.G. Jung believed that any object of art created by a separate person is a reflection of the unconscious mental processes of this person himself. Seeing the concentration camperators trapped by fear, he immediately began to work - began to spend the lessons on drawing, modeling, creating installations, sculptures. This gave an almost immediate result - after a while, the children began to feel better, they stopped experiencing fears, it became less nervous breaks and nightmares. The result struck many experts in about-psychological circles and a few years later - in 1960 the American Art Therapeutic Association was created.

Everything coloring Antistress painted are a kind of masterpiece. With these pictures, you can decorate the room, a diary or even transfer the finished pattern on clothes. But what to do if the muse does not come, but do you want to draw? We will tell you where to take inspiration!

Rassers were always popular, but mostly in children. Remember, because in your childhood, you probably had a lot of these wonderful magazines with various pictures, plunging into which you could sit for hours ...

Now they appeared and coloring for adults who help to plunge into childhood and abstract from the outside world. However, many people have forgotten so much to be a child that paint the drawing becomes a problem, while the children paint them easily, without thinking about how to do it.

Reference! A person always admires anything beautiful, made with a soul. It is for this principle that you can take inspiration from the already ready-made, painted coloring.

Especially for this, we have collected many examples of ready-made illustrations looking at which you will definitely want to create something similar or even different from what you have seen. In addition to pictures you have the opportunity to enjoy the process of drawing on video.

Drawing observation will already be fascinated and calmed, and looking at how you paint someone will be easier to paint your work and select "your" color gamut for them.

How to paint the coloring antistress?

So, you took the materials, but do not know what to do, and in my head there are many questions. Where to begin? What is better to draw? By asking these questions, no one even guess how simple the answer to them. You can paint the drawings anything and only if you want to you and precisely at that moment!

You can take in hand pencils, paints, markers, handles, pastel. Yes, everything that your soul is pleased! Materials can be combined, colors can be mixed and the pattern will become only better and starts to "revive" under the brave hand of the wizard. Try to draw in what ever has never been painted and harmony with each other, which would seem to be combined.

Gallery Coloring Antistress painted

Below are pictures that can be downloaded and print or simply inspire and take as a pattern to paint your coloring.

colored Coloring Birds

ara parrot

antistress Coloring Coloring Dog

colored Coloring Lion

colored zebra

colored Coloring Cot

colored Fox Coloring


Do not be afraid to be yourself. Open your nature, your soul on paper and feel like a child. After all, it is for this that are created coloring for adults. Add brightness and saturation droplets in the average days, taking into the hands of pencils, and the usual drawing, under the confident movement of the hand, will turn into a special one.

The article read: 6 428

There are many ways to have fun and distracting from the bustle and affairs, it remains as small - to choose what is suitable for you. Some love dynamic games - racing, ferrers, ranners, shooters. Others prefer more relaxed and measured options like puzzles and coloring. We are talking about the latest now, you can choose a coloring from hundreds of proposed and have a good time. There are many advantages from coloring, for example, they are not difficult, they do not need a company or some brilliant abilities. It is enough to choose a coloring, whether it is difficult or easier, and how to dream. There are usually no rules in the coloring, so you can choose colors and tools (pencils, paints and so on). Ready to feel a little artist? Then for business!

Collapse - it's just

Coloring appeared very long ago and almost immediately liked everyone. At first they were only in life, but with the development of the Internet, they moved to the virtual world. Now gamers and lover lovers can choose themselves, to do this with the help of virtual pencils and paints or first print the picture you like and paint with already "live" paints and pencils, and maybe something else, options for this account. If you look into any book or creative shop, then you will probably notice that the choice of coloring there is just huge. There are both completely simple (with large elements - such ideally suitable for children), and very complex, with unusual patterns, small details and so on. In general, they will be satisfied both lovers and pros on painting pictures. In the virtual world, the choice of plots for coloring is not inferior at all, options are calculated by hundreds, and even thousands.

If you do not wait to gourmet with pencils and paints, then first decide whether you are ready to pierce over the coloring or you need something quickly and, accordingly, it's easier? Newbies are better to start with the simplest options, which will not be much time to go, but you will understand the essence of coloring and decide, like you or better go to search for the game of another genre. Many coloring sorted by complexity, and also by themes. In some cases, they are also divided by the floor.

Coloring for girls typically affect various plots, such as magic, princesses, beauty and outfits, magical beings, etc., does not cost both heroes and heroines of cartoons. The boys most often offer to paint cars and other vehicles, robots, aliens, superheroes and villains, monsters of all stripes or weapons. There are general topics - all sorts of animals, abstraction, geometric shapes, patterns. Some coloring helps simply have fun and distract from worries, while others calm and set up a good mood. Such coloring is called the antistress, they are very popular today. Usually such coloring is a bit more complicated by ordinary, but this does not mean that only geniuses can cope with them. A little patience - and you will be given to any coloring.

A little color - and everything is ready

If the usual coloring is already tested by you and you want something more interesting and more complicated, then definitely pay attention to the coloring anti-stress. The charge of optimism and unshakable calm you are guaranteed. There are two types of such coloring - completely virtual and those that can be printed. In the first case, you will see a virtual coloring picture, for example, a kitty, owl, flower, a car or dragon. Arm yourself with virtual pencils or tassels, with one click on the corresponding button, select Color, and then click on the area you want to paint. You can also choose the color shade, push thickness and saturation. In the second case, you can or completely paint pictures in virtuality, or print a black and white image and paint into reality.

Both options have both pros and cons. For example, virtual paints you do not smear and do not fall around everything around, that is, it will be less. But it will be more difficult for the artist to fully feel the artist, you will have to include imagination. With printed drawings, too, not everything smoothly - they can lose or break if you suddenly do not like something, say, want to change the color, do it will not work, so you need to think about it five times before painting. In any case, before you start, do not be lazy to choose the plot and forget about the hurry, otherwise you will skip all the pleasure of coloring.