How do ukulele do. Ukulele - People's Hawaiian Tool

How do ukulele do. Ukulele - People's Hawaiian Tool
How do ukulele do. Ukulele - People's Hawaiian Tool

Most recently, a small guitar was very popular - Ukulele. But her biggest charm is that it will learn to play it extremely simple. In this article we will show you how you can learn to play at the ukulele in just a week.


At ukulele, it is much easier to play than on a regular acoustic guitar guitar, since the Hawaiian guitar has only 4 strings - salt, up to, mi, la. There are several types of ukulele - soprano, alto, tenor and bass, and depending on the height of the tool itself, the system may vary. We will look at an example of a standard building.


Chords to take on the ukulele relatively easier. For example, a bar, which throws novice guitarists in the heat, does not give any difficulty to play, as the four strings hold on with one finger much easier than the same finger to hold six strings, and the Bar is used extremely rare on the ukulele. Many chords can be taken with only one finger, it greatly simplifies our task.


The strings of the Hawaiian guitar are always nylon (when the guitar can be both nylon and metal), therefore, it is not necessary to bother with the purchase of mediators. And if you do not buy a mediator, you do not have to look for this mediator, and these things are lost more often than socks in a washing machine. Well, naturally corn, whom everyone is so afraid, will be much softer, and they may not be increasing at all, since the strings on the ukulele are very soft, and it's not very easy to clamp them!


Chords are simple for memorization, and here are the schemes for some of them.

On the schemes specified in the picture, many of us are not clear, so let's understand. Vertical lines - this is the strings of our guitar from Lev to the right (salt, up to, mi, la). Horizontal lines are frets. Well, and black dots is a place where you need to put a finger and hold the string to spoke the chord you need.

The battle.

Well, and, of course, the fight. Beat the strings of Ukulele is much simpler than the strings of the guitar. As well as when playing an acoustic guitar, there are several types of combat. You can play: variable up - down, down - down - up-on-up - down, down - up - down and so on. ... but you can simply go through the strings, but it is advisable to start with the second string, and there already as a soul wishes. In general, for such a bitle, the word "battle" is not very suitable, because the grows of the brush, to extract the sound on such a miniature instrument, is required minimal.

Many will read this post and think: "How can this week you can learn to play?", And I assure you, if during the week every day you give at least an hour a day for classes, then for this period you can not straighten with learning a couple of songs and become Star in your company. The most important thing is to configure yourself to work and overcome the difficulties of the first lessons. You do not even imagine how fast our fingers are able to memorize the position on the jiff!

If you learn all the chords presented in this article, you will be able to play almost any song and you will sound very original. The Hawaiian guitar is quite small, and you can always take her with you on any picnic, and will always be in the very center of attention.

And I wish you good luck and inspiration in the development of this beautiful musical instrument, which melted the hearts of millions of people on our planet!

    Select Ukulele. There are several different sizes and, accordingly, the types of sound of ukulele - it is important to choose the most suitable option for yourself. Being a newcomer, you will most likely prefer to choose a cheaper option than invested in an expensive tool; Maybe otherwise. There are four types of ukulele.

    • Ukulele soprano is the most common type. This is the smallest ukulele whose sound is considered classic. The ukulele of this type is also cheaper than the rest, and therefore the beginners most often choose exactly soprano. The length of such a ukulele is an average of 53 cm, the number of frets - 12-14.
    • Alt-Ukulele (or concert Ukulele) is the following in size after soprano. The length is about 58 cm, the number of lads is 15-20. Since alt-ukulele is larger, people with big hands prefer this version of soprano-ukulele. Ukulele of this type also have a deeper sound than soprano-ukulele.
    • The following type is a tenor-ukulele whose length is about 66 cm; The number of lads - from 15. His sound is even deeper than the concert ukulele, and it allows you to extract even more sounds due to even longer griff.
    • The biggest ukulele is a baritone-ukulele, the length of which is from 76 cm, and on the grief of which 19 beings and more. Bariton-ukulele is tuned in the same way as the guitar on the four lower strings, which makes these two tools very similar. Due to the impressive sizes, the tools of this type no longer possess the classic sound of the ukulele, but Bariton-Ukulele will suit you if you need a truly deep and rich sound.
  1. Check out how ukulele is arranged. The building of the ukulele is somewhat different from the structure of a guitar or other string musical instrument. Before you start playing, make sure you understand how the tool is arranged.

    • The housing of the ukulele is hollow inside and made of wood, like most other musical instruments. Under the strings in the housing there is a small hole - the socket.
    • Vulture Ukulele is an oblong wooden part on which strings are stretched. The top flat surface of the grid is called a grid overlay.
    • Lada is the sections of the grid overlay, separated by metal threshings. For each way for each string there is a note.
    • The head of the grid is a part at its end where the slices are located.
    • Four strings are installed on the ukulele, although depending on the type of ukulele, these strings can be different. The fattest and sounding below the remaining string is the first; Heart above the rest and the thinnest string is the fourth.
  2. Adjust the ukulele. Be sure to set up a tool before each game. To configure the ukulele, rods located on the grid head, rotating which can be strengthened or weakened the string tension.

    • Over time, the strings are stretched, and the tool system is knocked down. This means that you will have to pull them more often.
    • Take the ukulele in front of yourself. The upper left ring is connected to the string C (up to), the lower left - with the string G (salt), the upper right - with the string E (MI), and the lower right - with the string A (la). Accordingly, to change the tension or sound of any string, you need to use the appropriate ring.
    • You will need an electronic or online tuner in order to have a sample of sound for each string. When you have a sample, you can adjust the ring of a string until the string sounds in unison with the sample.
    • If you have a piano or synthesizer, you can try to play a note that matches the string you set up and compare the sound of the desired note with the sound of the string.
  3. Take a suitable position for the game. If you keep the ukulele when playing is wrong, it can negatively affect not only sound, but also, with time, on your wrists. Each time to play at Ukulele, pay special attention to the right pose and posture.


    1. Learn some major chords. Accord is a harmonious consonance of two or more simultaneously played notes. To play chord, you need to hold the strings on different freaks at the same time. To learn most of the chords are simple enough: for this you will be shown the number of the strings, the number of Lada and what finger is the most convenient to hold the desired string.

      Learn the main major chords. Major chords consist of three or four simultaneously played notes, and the difference between these notes is an even number of lads, or an integer tone. Under major sound, it means cheerful and joyful sound.

      Learn the main minor chords. A minor chord is three or more simultaneous notes at the same time, two of which differ by half a tone (three Lada). Under minor sound, in contrast to the major, the sound is sad, melancholic.

    Game on ukulele

      Work on the tempo. Now that you learned some initial chords, directly losing the next few chords in each other can be difficult for you; This means that you lack a feeling of rhythm. So that your game is melodic and connected, the feeling of rhythm needs to be developed.

      • Keep rhythm in accordance with the battle style at first, while you still learn how to quickly rearrange your left hands from one position to another, it will be difficult. As your skills begin to improve, try to stop interrupting the battle between when you change two chords.
      • Try to count to four: it will help to keep the rhythm when playing the battle.
      • If you still have problems with rhythm, try using the metronome. This device makes rhythmic ticking, which allows the musician to correlate his game with him. Tikanya speed is regulated
      • Do not try to immediately start playing very quickly, because with increasing the speed of the game increases the likelihood of error. Start with a slow rhythm and accelerate when you master it.
    1. Learn the whole song. Now that you learned all major major and minor chords, you can play entire songs. You can learn a few songs in two accounts and play the battle and bust.

      • In many tutorial books, some popular songs that beginner can easily learn are presented. Choose one at the local music store and start playing!
      • If you want to learn any of the songs that you like, look for the tabulatures of this song for Ukulele on the Internet. Tabutura is a fairly clear scheme, which indicates which strings and where to clamp to play a song.
    2. Practice daily. The most important thing you can do in order to enhance your overall game skill is to start regularly practicing. In order to become a virtuoso game of the ukulele, it is not necessary to have congenital talent - enough perseverance and adjacent. Pay at least 20-30 minutes a day to workout, which will allow you to become a real master!

    • New, untreated to the optimal position of the string, have a property quickly lose line. To avoid this, try to leave the ukulele overnight with strongly pulled strings to pull them up to the optimal form.
    • Be patient! Over time and practice, you will learn to play chords properly.
    • It's easier to learn to play ukulele sitting. As soon as you type practice, appear in front of the audience and execute songs.
    • If you learn from writing or video tutorials and you will not consult with an experienced ukulelist, you may have the wrong game technique, which will be difficult to rebuild later. Although without loss of training speed, it is possible to do without fulfilling lessons, valuable instructions of an experienced musician can be useful in order to correct any technical inaccuracies.
    • If you are looking for the best collections of songs or teachers, contact your local music store for advice.


    • It is not recommended to play an ordinary mediator on the ukulele, since strings are so rapidly. Instead of an ordinary mediator, use your fingers or a special felt mediator.
    • Be careful not to drop ukulele, it is fragile! Use the case for transporting the tool.

These miniature four-string gitars arose relatively recently, but quickly conquered the world with their sound. Traditional Hawaiian music, jazz, Country, Raggi and Folk - the tool perfectly stuck in all these genres. And he is very simple in mastering. If you even know how to play a guitar a little - you can make friends with ukulele for counting hours.

It is made of wood, like any guitar, and very reminds it outwardly. Single differences - total 4 strings and much smaller size.

History of Ukulele

Ukulele appeared as a result of the development of the Portuguese pinch tool - kavakino.. By the end of the XIX century, the inhabitants of the Pacific Islands were played everywhere. After several exhibitions and concerts, a compact guitar began to attract the attention of US residents. Jazzmen became interested in her.

The second wave of popularity to the instrument came only in the nineties. The musicians were looking for a new interesting sound, and found it. Now Ukulele is one of the most popular tourist musical instruments.

Varieties of ukulele

The Hawaiian guitar has only 4 strings. They differ only in size. The more Menzura - the more in the lower stroke playing the tool.

  • Soprano - The most common appearance. Tool length - 53cm. Configured in GCEA (more about buildings below).
  • Concert - A little larger and sounds pogrom. Length - 58cm, building GCEA.
  • Tenor - This model appeared in the 20s. Length - 66cm, Stroy is standard or reduced DGBE.
  • Baritone - The biggest and young model. Length - 76cm, Stroy - DGBE.

Sometimes you can meet non-standard ukulele with paired strings. 8 strings are divided into pairs and adjust into unison. This allows you to achieve more surround sound. Such, for example, use Yang Lawrence on video:

It is better to buy soprano as the first tool. They are most versatile and their easier to find on sale. If miniature guitars are interested in you - you can look closely to the rest of the varieties.

Stroy Ukulele

As can be seen from the list, the most popular building is GCEA. (Sol-Du-Mi La). It has one interesting feature. The first strings are configured as on ordinary guitars - from the highest sound to low. But the fourth string is salt refers to the same octaveAs the rest 3. It means that it will sound higher than the 2nd and 3rd strings.

Such a system makes the game on the ukulele a little unusual for guitarists. But, it is quite comfortable, and it's easy to get used to it. Bariton and, sometimes, tenor is configured in DGBE (Re-salt-si). The first 4 guitar strings have a similar system. As in the case of GCEA, the string re (D) belongs to the same octave as the rest.

Some musicians use and elevated system - ADF #B. (La-Re-Fa Bemole Si). He finds its application in the Hawaiian Folk-music. A similar system, but with the 4th string (la) lowered to octave, taught in Canadian music schools.

Tool Setup

Before you begin to master the ukulele, it must be configured. If you have experience in handling guitars - there should be no problems. Otherwise, it is recommended to use the tuner or try to set up for rumor.

With the tuner, everything is simple - find a special program, connect a microphone to a computer, pull the first string. The program will show the height of the sound. Two ring until you get For the first octave (denotes as A4). Similarly, adjust the remaining strings. All of them lie within the same octave, so look for notes, up and salt with a number 4.

Setting up without tuner assumes the presence of musical hearing. You need to play on some tool (even on a computer MIDI synthesizer) the necessary notes. And then adjust the strings so that they sound with the selected notes in unison.

Basics of Games on Ukulele

This part of the article is designed for people who have never touched the plug-in tools, for example, to the guitar. If you know at least the basics of guitar skill, you can safely go to the next part.

Description of the basics of music letters will require a separate article. Therefore, we turn right to practice. To play any melody you need to know where what kind of notes is. If you use the standard system for Ukulele - GCEA - all the notes that you can extract are collected in this picture.

On open (not shed) strings, you can play 4 notes - la, mi, up and salt. For the rest of the sound, it is necessary to clamp strings on certain freaks. Take a tool into hand strings from yourself. With your left hand you will press the strings, and right - play.

Try to clamp the first (it will be the lowest) string on the third Lada. You need to press the finger tip right in front of the metal spawning. Finger with the right hand pinch the same string - and notes will sound.

Further need hard workouts. The technique of sound recovery here is exactly the same as on the guitar. Read the tutorials, watch the video, train - and after a couple of weeks, your fingers will tearly "run" along the vulture.

Chords for Ukulele

When you can confidently pinch the strings and extract sounds from them, you can proceed to the study of chords. Since the strings are less here than on the guitar - then chords clap much easier.

The picture contains a list of major chords that you will use during the game. Points Names are marked on which the strings must be clamping. If there are no points on some string, it means that it should sound in an open form.

At first, you will only need the first 2 rows. it major and minor chords From every note. With their help, you can play accompaniment to any song. When we cope with them - you can master the rest. They will help you decorate your game, make it brighter and alive.

If you do not know what you can play at Ukulele, visit It collected a huge variety of songs for this wonderful tool.

Ukulele became one of the most popular tools among young people - a compact, not requiring connection and easy to master the guitar gained popularity worldwide. Strengthen the popularity of Ukulele also helped such musicians like Tyler Joseph. (Twenty One Pilots), George Formby, George Harrison (The Beatles) and Jake Shimabukuro. The latter, at one time, became a real sensation on YouTube.

Editorial website did not go around this miniature guitar. In this material, we will tell you how to play at Ukulele, talk about strictly and configure the instrument, as well as consider simple chords and sorts.

What is ukulele

Ukulele- This is a Hawaiian variety of guitar with four strings, and sometimes - with eight strings (four pairs of dual strings). According to the main version, from the Hawaiian language, the name of the tool is translated as "Jumping flea", since when the game of the movement of the fingers reminds the movement of this insect.

The tool invented Portuguese Manuel Nunese In the 1880s. Núñez developed the ideas laid in Bragini (miniature guitar from Madeira Island) and Kavakyno (Portuguese miniature guitar). Ukulele quickly spread to the islands of the Pacific Ocean, and in Europe and North America became known thanks to the tour of the Pacific Musicians in San Francisco in 1915.

There are five types of ukulele, characterized in size and sounding:

  1. Ukulele soprano (53 cm);
  2. Concert Ukulele (58 cm);
  3. Ukulele tenor (66 cm);
  4. Ukulele Bariton (76 cm);
  5. Ukulele-bass (76 cm).

The most popular view of Ukulele is ukulele-soprano.

Stroy Ukulele

Standard system Ukulele - G, C, E, A.

The strings of the ukulele are configured as follows (from the bottom to the top):

  • Salt (G);
  • To (c);
  • Mi (E);
  • La (a).

Comparison of ukulele vultures and an ordinary classic guitar.

The ukulele coincides with the construction of an ordinary guitar on the Fifth Lada. The main advantage of such a building is that you can play ukulele everything you can play on a regular guitar from Fifth Lada.

Note that the standard system of ukulele differs from the standard guitar system: the lower open string (the thick of) is not the lowest note of the tool, as on a regular guitar.

Ground Ukulele is short, which allows, without fears for strings, rebuild the instrument to any convenient system.

Building ukulele identical to guitar

Ukulele can be configured into a regular guitar system so that the sound of the tool coincides with the first four strings of the ordinary guitar. In this case, the system of ukulele will look like this:

  • Mi (E);
  • C (B);
  • Salt (G);
  • Re (D).

How to play ukulele: basic chords

To understand how to play ukulele, we will study several basic chords. These chords are the necessary minimum and the basic chord dictionary for those who are just starting to master the ukulele.

Chords are easy to explore. So that the hands and fingers are accustomed to the instrument, play these chords with each other in any order.

Major and Minor Gamma

Gamma to Major for Ukulele

Gamma to Minor (Natural) for Ukulele

The simplest gamma for ukulele will be used to get used to the tool. Play them with the help of a large and index finger pad or nail, gradually moving to the game a pinch of two fingers.

Gradually combine the game with a pinch with the game of fingers - the technique of the game in Ukulele implies an active combination of combustion and battle.

Major and Minor Pentatonics

You can use three fingers to play on the ukulele - large, index and medium. Such a technique of the game is similar to the injury of the string on the classic guitar: the thumb is responsible for the game on the lower strings (third and fourth), and the cautious and middle fingers play on the top strings (first and second).

To train the basic principles of how to play ukulele by busting, practice on the pentatonic. The development of pentatonic will help better get used to the crosspower of the strings and come in handy in those moments when two sounds in a row are located on one string.

Boot game on ukulele

You can play the battle on the ukulele with the help of an index finger or chopping. Boots down (from yourself, up arrow on tabulature) make the index finger, pull up (to yourself, down arrow) - with pads. Strong strikes must be calm, but strong enough.

Use the battle scheme with other chords that we have studied earlier. Combine them in any order to find pleasant combinations of chords. The essence of this example is to learn how to play any chords and achieve independence of the left and right hand when playing.

After the rearrangement of chords and the game fights will not cause problems, complicate the example. Play the first note chord on the fourth string with a thumb - these places are indicated by the Latin letter P on tabulature. Training this exercise, you will learn to combine the receptions of the game.

Bruel game on ukulele

This exercise will help achieve the independence of the fingers when the game is busting. Secure your finger for each of the four strings:

  • The fourth string (the fattest) is a thumb ( p.);
  • The third string is an index finger ( i.);
  • Second string - Unnamed finger ( m.);
  • The first string (the thinnest) - a little finger ( a.).

All sounds must be removed on the same volume. Train the game of the bust and the actions of the fingers to achieve even, smooth and clear sound.

I recently met a small and very peculiar store. There, in addition to vinyl plates, luminous harmonica, and also heaps of what I absolutely do not understand, sell ukulele. This place is so called ukulelenny. Ukulele is a small four-string guitar. There are 5 species of these guitars, the dimensions of which from 53 to 76 centimeters in length (this is so Wikipedia I say). Neudar, shorter. In general, it is a very funny thing, especially in the hands of some puzzled kids. Funny, awkward, but very popular.

Here, for example, familiar persons (and at the end of the famous Hawaiian musician Israel Kamakavivo "Ole, as reinforcement of the above \u003d))

But, considering that my few attempts to play guitar or piano were more similar to the convulsions of the low-minded [ah, a cute "dog waltz" ...], it will not be about music.
Since these inexpensive guitres and especially unwittered, with the ukulele, which is not done. In addition, they are completely different forms. A classic topic, of course, traditionally holiday-island-Hawaii.

In Ukulely, they decided that with a brush I would manage to manage a little easier than the strings and offered such a baby to paint. They didn't know that the brushes did not hold in his hands already 5 years 5, and then, 5 years ago, I am only the coronal washing at the institute ... Well, we will not be about sad. But unexpectedly my hand, tempered by pencil and liners, took confidently for the brush [well, almost].

I immediately decided to repeat the outlines of the bit. No fantasy flight, dry landed logic, so to speak. From here, balloons, crowns of trees and corsets appeared in the head. With a corset, it turned out wonderful, although, again, a banal allegory: guitar \u003d female mill. The logic was picked up, the inner artist seems to be rented. So I was born 3 guitars.

The woman guitar was pleased to be especially, so I decided to continue the topic (so much Thank you to customers: no restrictions by the artist, competent people \u003d)).

This time my hands got the smallest ukulele, that 53 cm.

To begin with, we take a photo with a string.
--- On the previous ones, everyone was filmed: and the strings, and the boots, and the rods, but, as a result, they realized that it was not at all necessary. Rings need to be removed only if it is supposed to sow the background on the grip head. The absence of the melting is generally interferes with: when it is clear where the picture is interrupted, it is easier to put the drawing (in addition, only the master can remove the thresholds, and it costs money).

Then, I draw a simple pencil sketch with a simple guitar.
--- In fact, you first need only the external borders of the figure: everything inside will be closed by the background. I draw internal content because it is my first sketch. The fact is that I was [a brown artist] the subject myself dictates a picture, the guitar itself suggests that it should be depicted on it. [I understand how it sounds, I understand ...]

Next follows a long and tedious process of painting the main tone.
--- choose color, good paint (bad will not fall, checked) and we went to the layer behind the layer ...I paint acrylic. Since it did not work with him, the ratio of price-quality had to pick up at random. I can say for sure that the gamma cannot be used at all, but the palm is only in very small quantities.

Only after that I draw a real sketch, after seeing inspiring and teaching pictures.
--- first on paper. Then I transfer to a guitar with a simple pencil, which is easy to erase the eraser. I even in this case guitar dictates my own and from the paper sketch, I'm far away from the paper sketch. But the desired mood is preserved.

Now re-draw the basic elements (I have a corset bone), add volume tone.
--- Basic colors I have Studio Acrylics and Polycolor. But everything else is Ladoga, which I actively dilute the basic.

Now the most delicious - details.
--- Recruit a seat, butt, lace, saturately shadows. The main thing is not to overdo it \u003d) and do not forget to add a logo. I draw two at once: your JMOT and a small girlet in 1 gram is the logo of ukulelenny.

To sneak with a varnish, sticking your scotch all that was not closed.
--- The bridges and the lower part of the griff, by the way, I taped immediately until the start of all work, so as not to blur paint.

Now just scroll varnish.
--- I use the terrible stinky rubbish - without the restless varnish spray Borma Wachs. This is for restoration work on a tree. It sprays well, it does not react to change the temperatures and happens matte and glossy. Glossy Crookes Since on the previous ukulele number 3. And the matte gives a light gloss (it can be seen on the photo of the side of the guitar: a thin light strip at the top is a varnish) and it does not glorify the light. [I love frosted much more, it can be seen what is drawn at least.] Let everyone dike a night / day, and better day.

Remove the tape, stretch the strings. Voila \u003d)