Body art is one of the forms of avant-garde art. The history of the emergence of bodypainting

Body art is one of the forms of avant-garde art.  The history of the emergence of bodypainting
Body art is one of the forms of avant-garde art. The history of the emergence of bodypainting

So what is body art and how is it eaten? For those who don't know: body art is drawing, only on the human body. Here's what the Encyclopedia of Arts says:

“Bodypainting is an art of the body, an avant-garde movement that emerged in the 60s. Representatives of bodypainting used their body as a material or object of creativity, resorting to various, sometimes painful, manipulations: they covered their bodies with plaster, incisions, performed exhausting breathing exercises burned their hair on. A special kind of bodypainting is the artist's self-demonstration; some of the bodypainting manifestations were erotic and sado-masochistic in nature. As a manifestation of actionism, bodypainting has become close to a number of phenomena that have arisen in the mainstream of counter-culture (tattoos, body painting, nudism, sexual revolution). "

Are you scared? In fact, everything is much simpler. Today, bodypainting is a form of artist's self-expression that uses the human body as a canvas. As a rule, nude. Nude is like an open soul. Emancipation comes, freedom, and living picture for the artist.

By the way, whoever tried to be this very canvas knows that the sensations are unforgettable, it's a pity to wash off, you walk until the paint starts to fall off. Why? I think the point is that body painting is like modern Art originates from the painting of the bodies of the ancient tribes of America, Africa and Asia, for them, however, it had a religious significance. This is how ancient people protected themselves from evil spirits. Although we do not believe in spirits, we instinctively want to decorate with something. Therefore, the drawings on the body are so exciting and attractive.

In our country, the first tests of body art were made by Mitki, do you know such people? They had such an action "Geography". They put greasy make-up on the girl's body, then they lowered this body onto a sheet of paper, and an imprint was obtained. After that, these paintings were framed.

So, what the bodies were painted with before is unknown, but today they usually paint with a special make-up. But since it is expensive, it can be replaced acrylic paint... And some artists make their compositions, for example, using ordinary gouache, to which they add a little shampoo for softness. By the way, this way the paint rinses off better.

Artists paint whatever they want on models. One such artist "put on" dresses on models. He put a zipper on their bodies, then smeared everything except this "zipper" with acrylic paint, waited for the paint to dry, and then demonstratively took off the dress. Beautifully, and most importantly unusual, he created the dress himself, took it off himself.

And in the West, artists, do you know what they thought of? They build compositions from living people. First, a drawing of water, earth, plants, etc. is applied to everyone's body. Then all people are placed in pyramids, thus creating "living" landscapes. This is how they have body art festivals.

By the way, in the city of Odessa in early May it is already traditional festival bodypainting. One day in a day it was painted great amount models, after which, they all joined hands and lined up all over the famous Deribasovskaya street. It was the largest picture of the world!

I want to point out that you shouldn't confuse body painting with body art. As a rule, professionals treat markers with caution, and sometimes with obvious disapproval, considering such drawings as rough and ugly. Plus, the paint should be easy to peel off! If you really really wanted to draw something like that on yourself, please do not use markers!

Well, what exactly to draw - give free rein to your imagination, and you will be happy and satisfied!

: poses, gestures, facial expressions, applying signs to the body, "decorations". The object of body art can also be drawings, photos, videos and body dummies.

The body is seen as a thing for manipulation, artists show an increased interest in borderline existential situations. Body art compositions are performed right in front of the viewer or recorded for subsequent demonstration in exhibition halls.


At the same time, another direction of body art developed, in which the artist's body became the object of make-up and costumed dress up: the initial experiments of this kind date back to the mid-1930s, and in the 1970s, the Englishmen Gilbert and George, as well as L. Ontani, R. Horst, H. Wilke, P. Cotton, W. Luti, J. Klauke, L. Castelli, V. Trasov, P. Oleshko, R. and V. Gerlovin.

Types of body art

  • Body painting, lay down art, body painting(English body painting) is the art of painting on the body. This is the most common type of body art, in which painting on the face (face art) and body takes the main place. Well-known nail art is painting nails. Mehndi - body painting using henna, the most durable - lasts three weeks.
  • Tattooing(from Polynesian - "mark") - types of skin modification, consisting in implanting a special coloring pigment into the layers of the skin. Unlike body painting, the drawing is preserved for life. This includes permanent make-up, as well as, for example, cosmetic tattooing of a squirrel.
  • Piercing(English piercing - "puncture", "piercing holes") - inserting objects into holes made for this purpose on the body or face. Sometimes this type includes skies (onlays on the teeth) and "eye implants" (onlays on the white membrane of the eye).
  • Scarification, scarification,scart(lat. scarifico - "I scratch") - a special application of scars on the body, in the finished form representing some kind of drawing or pattern.
  • Implantation(Lat. im - "inside" and Lat. plantatio - "I plant") - a surgical operation of implantation of structures and materials alien to the body. This includes not only subcutaneous and other implants, but also a common breast augmentation surgery.
  • Body modifications(Lat. modus - "measure, kind, image" and Lat. facio - "I do") - changes in the structure of the body - from "elven ears" and a forked tongue to amputations, deformations, corsetting.
  • Self-demonstration of the artist, this species represents a deep offshoot into postmodernism.
    • One of the most famous works Dennis Oppenheim: The artist lay with a book on his chest in the sun until his skin, with the exception of a closed book, was tanned.
    • Vito Acconci documented his daily exercises with photographs and text: the artist got up and down on a chair as long as he could, over several months.

-> Thoughts aloud ->

Culture or ....... what is Body Art!

What is Body Art and its historical appearance.
So what is body art and how is it eaten? For those who don't know: body art is drawing, only on the human body. Here's what the Encyclopedia of Arts says:

“Body art is the art of the body, an avant-garde movement that emerged in the 60s. Representatives of body art used their body as a material or object of creativity, resorting to various, sometimes painful, manipulations: they covered their bodies with plaster cast, incisions, performed exhausting breathing exercises, burned their hair. A special kind of body art is the artist's self-demonstration; some body art manifestations were erotic and sado-masochistic in nature. As a manifestation of actionism, body art has come close to a number of phenomena that have arisen in the mainstream of counter-culture (tattoos, body painting, nudism, sexual revolution). "

Are you scared? In fact, everything is much simpler. Today, body art is a form of artist's self-expression that uses the human body as a canvas. As a rule, nude. Nude is like an open soul. There comes emancipation, freedom, and a living picture for the artist.

By the way, whoever tried to be this very canvas knows that the sensations are unforgettable, it's a pity to wash off, you walk until the paint starts to fall off. Why? I think the fact is that body art as modern art originates from the painting of the bodies of the ancient tribes of America, Africa and Asia, for them, however, it had a religious meaning. This is how ancient people protected themselves from evil spirits. Although we do not believe in spirits, we instinctively want to decorate with something. Therefore, the drawings on the body are so exciting and attractive.

In our country, the first tests of body art were made by Mitki, do you know such people? They had such an action "Geography". They put greasy make-up on the girl's body, then they lowered this body onto a sheet of paper, and an imprint was obtained. After that, these paintings were framed.
So, what the bodies were painted with before is unknown, but today they usually paint with a special make-up. But since it is expensive, it can be replaced with acrylic paint. And some artists make their compositions, for example, using ordinary gouache, to which they add a little shampoo for softness. By the way, this way the paint rinses off better.
Artists paint whatever they want on models. One such artist "put on" dresses on models. He put a zipper on their bodies, then smeared everything except this "zipper" with acrylic paint, waited for the paint to dry, and then demonstratively took off the dress. Beautifully, and most importantly unusual, he himself created the dress, and took it off.
And in the West, artists, do you know what they thought of? They build compositions from living people. First, a drawing of water, earth, plants, etc. is applied to everyone's body. Then all people are placed in pyramids, thus creating "living" landscapes. This is how they have body art festivals.

from English body - body) is a current within conceptual art that arose in the West at the turn of the 60s and 70s. XX century. as a kind of performance, in a cut of the so-called. manuf. arts are created by using the body of the artist, which appears in the form of an impersonal, alienated, depersonalized material of creativity. B.'s predecessors - a. fr. artist I. Klein covered the bodies of the models with blue paint to obtain prints on a horizontally lying canvas, and the Italian Manzoni, resurrecting the archaic rite of laying on of hands, left multi-colored fingerprints on the bodies of gallery visitors, as if turning them into “works. lawsuit ". Treating the body as an impersonal object, artists - adherents of B. - and. follow the ideology of Zen Buddhism, which rejects the individual "I" as an illusory representation. In the mid 70s. in B.-a. the anarchist ideology of punks penetrates, with its pathos of despair, self-destruction, self-torture, cruelty, death. B.-a. subject themselves to dangerous, sometimes fatal tests (shooting at each other, improvising scenes of their own funeral), transforming the artist. galleries in the semblance of medical laboratories, where they publicly torture themselves different ways... A peculiar manifestation of B. - and. got in the feminist movement protesting against fetishization female body bourgeois mass media. The meaning of feminist B.-a. consists in symbolically crossing out the beauty of the female body through self-torture and emphasizing other functions of women in society, consisting in work, raising children, participating in the social movement. The anti-aesthetic character of B. - and. displays plural shares of this movement from the sphere of art as such.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Body art

body art - English: body art) Artistic direction that uses the body, corporeality, posture, gesture as a "raw reality" - non-verbal body language. It is close to pop art, playing on the artifactuality of everyday objects, as well as to happening and performance with their public improvisation. The object of B.-a. serves both the body of the model and his photographs, dummies. Compositions are created according to the principle of living pictures. Philosophical and aesthetic specificity is associated with an increased interest in borderline existential situations: life - death, Eros - Thanatos, consciousness - unconscious, art - non-art. Another dominant is social, racial, national, sexual self-identification, Freudian symbolism, sadomasochistic motives. Pain, violence, risk, bodily suffering are the epicenter of creative interests: J. Pan (France) publicly hurts himself, C. Burden (USA) encourages his friend to shoot him in showroom, R. Schwarzkogler (Austria) cuts off his own flesh piece by piece and dies from blood loss, which is captured on film. These themes acquire special relevance in the 70s, when B.-a. becomes the property of punk culture with its close attention to the problems of aggression and self-destruction. The body as the primary object of property, the right to dispose of it, its life and death, the problem of autonasia and sexual harassment, the body-fetish motive, body-things are modern conceptual aspects of B.-a. The latter also exists in a feminist modification, interpreted by sexual minorities. B.-a. appears in 1964 in Vienna. His first manifestations were the provocative nudist actions of G. Bruce and the experiments of R. Schwarzkogler, associated with various possibilities of body language. Their American followers study the relationship of poetic and bodily language (V. Akkonchi), as well as such angles of corporeality as a grimace (V. Noman), a scratch (D. Oppenheim), a cut (L. Smith), a bite (V. Akkonchi). The French theoreticians and practitioners of B.-a. reflect on the body as an object and means of art, its basis. - M. Zhurniak ("Mass on the Body", "Treaty on the Body"), D. Pan, U. Luty, F. Plushard. In the mainstream of the structuralist tradition, the body is interpreted as a sign, the sliding of the signified and the signifier. B.-a. ironically plays up the Dadaist (see: Dada) traditions: the man-fountain of B. Noumena is a paraphrase of Duchamp's urinal. It has a very playful beginning: the compositions of L. Ontani are copied famous paintings; U. Luti, J. Klauke, L. Castelli play on the possibilities of travesty and make-up; Gilbert and George appear as living sculptures. Postmodern art resorts to biology as an element of installations and performances. Lit .: PluchartF. LArt corporel. P., 1974 (cat. Dexpo.); Vergine L. Il Corpo corne linguaggio. Milan, 1974; Pluchart F. LArt corporel // Attitudes, 1975, 18/20; Dorfles G. Le Body art... Milan, 1977; Groupes, mouvements, tendances de lart contemporain depuis 1945.2 ed. P., 1990. H. M.

Body painting has existed for centuries and is characteristic of different cultures Pacific Islands, Australia, New Zealand and Africa. Popular in India, mehndi, a traditional henna body painting technique, is prevalent even in modern Western cultures.

Since the 1960s, body art has revived in the West, but it is still struggling to be recognized as an art form, which some figures dispute. But this direction has collected an army of followers and fans.

Body art is usually associated with nudity, but it does not necessarily imply a completely nude body, painting can be done on specific areas of the skin of a partially dressed model.

To enjoy body art in all its glory, it is best to attend the related festivals. They are held annually around the world, bringing together celebrity body painters and lesser-known enthusiasts. Most major festival body art takes place in Austria in the city of Bled. This large-scale event attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world. Similar events are held in different regions of America, Europe and Asia.

How to become a body art artist

We admire the fantastic talent of the body painting masters, but it's no secret that anyone can take part. If you prefer to paint rather than be painted, find yourself a model.

First of all, please be patient as body art takes a long time. It is believed that six hours is a very short interval for a full body painting.

The main accessories are brushes, sponges, alcohol, a palette, a bottle of water and, of course, body paints, which are sold in specialized stores. They are non-toxic and safe.

Before starting work, make sure you have a clear idea of ​​what you want to draw. It will not be superfluous to make some sketches.
Body painting can be intimidating at first, but in a friendly atmosphere, both the artist and the model quickly adapt to this. The pressure on the skin should be moderate, but not too light, as it can have a tickling effect. Be sure to tell your model how to remove the paint afterwards. Read the instructions, but one of better ways to remove the pattern - dishwashing liquid.

Use a floor covering and avoid paints of any degree of danger. Finally, clean all accessories and wash your hands.

For inspiration, see a selection of 58 beautiful images body art that can encourage you to create your own masterpiece.

A striking resemblance to a real snake, but in reality these are human hands.

One of the most famous artists on the body, Johannes Stotter created this tropical frog by painting five people.

Another masterpiece by Johannes Stotter.

Urban body graffiti
Illusion is common to all body art, as seen in this ingenious green market setup.

Graffiti on a girl.

International Body Painting Festival 2013
Work from the festival, double painting and true work art.

Flower Girl
Another photo from last year's international festival.

Photo by Federico Rossi
A wonderful example of expressive body painting.

Body art show
Body paintings are used in the theater or create an original show.

Some of the best Halloween costumes are body art.

Starlight Night
Body Art - Body Art and Van Gogh.

Body painting can be great game and camouflage.

Hand painting with henna - mehndi
Traditional technique in India and some countries of the Middle East.

Body painting in the tribe of Africa
Children of the Ethiopian Surma tribe display their traditional body painting.

Incredible makeup
Coloring can create incredible effects on the face and body.

Lotus by Trine Merry
Beautiful flower arrangement by artist Trina Merry.

Body painting - hand
Sometimes the body drawing is stunningly realistic.