September 1 in the park poster. Where to go with the child in the last weekend in front of the school

September 1 in the park poster. Where to go with the child in the last weekend in front of the school

Yu Bileu Park Gorky and III Biennale Art Mosmmosphere Street Wave Art, Exhibition of Japanese Artist Tadasi Kavamata and Festival "Alley of Soaring Umbrellas", Exposition of the Korean Photography and Concert of Classical Music. Plan your weekend in Moscow and St. Petersburg together with the cultural digest of the portal "Culture.rf".

Moscow: Exhibition "Tadasi Kavamata. On bird rights "

Moscow: Exhibition "Finding My Street"

Moscow: Festival "90 years Gorky Park"

MOSCOW: III Biennale of the art of street wave "Art Mosmosphere"

In the big wine storage center of modern arts "Vinzavod" opened the main project III Biennale of the street wave art. The exposition includes picturesque graffiti and calligraphic compositions, installations and artists of artists from Russia and abroad. The works will be presented in three sections: "Online" - about the influence of digital technologies on human life, "postintenet" - about art in the post-course era and "offline", where the works of artists who do not use in their works of Didjital technology will be presented. Guests can visit the exhibition "Street art in Russia from the 1980s to 2010" with video recordings from personal archives of street artists, sketches and rare photographs. And in the Cinema Center "October" will show documentaries about the graffiti masters.

Moscow: Exhibition "Landscapes of old Moscow. Watercolor"

See how the capital looked in the XVIII-XIX centuries, you can at the watercolor school Sergey Andriyaki. Here we posted a collection of drawings of the old Moscow from the funds of the historical museum. The exposition included watercolors, created in the last centuries: "The view in the Kremlin at the Spassky Gate" and the "Triumphal Gate on the Passion Square" of Fyodor Alekseeva, "The view of the Educational House by Moscow-River" Illarion Moshkov and "The View of the Kremlin because of Moscow - as Moskvoretskaya Tower, Fedor Yasnovsky and others.

St. Petersburg: Exhibition "Fabulous Country of Striting"

St. Petersburg: Alley of Soaping Umbrellas - 2018

This Saturday, the festival "Alley of soaring umbrellas - 2018" is completed in the salt alley. Under installation of multi-colored umbrellas, the festival guests are waiting for creative workshops, dance flashms, photo shoots and theatrical performances. In the afternoon, the string quartet Fumo Rosso will perform - the musicians will perform the compositions in the tango rhythm.

St. Petersburg: Exhibition "Cho In Jin. Riddles Island Jeju »

The exposition of photos of Cho In Zhyn in the center of Rosphoto is dedicated to the Island of Jeju, the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Black and white landscape snapshots are made in the style of traditional Korean graphics: clear lines of stones and trees are combined with a blurred background. Photos are printed on the material similar to paper, which artists of East Asia usually used.

In 2018, the wait of the calendar wisdom of knowledge fell on Saturday, thereby extinguishing vacation days. Naturally, this circumstance in itself has become a holiday for most schoolchildren. And if you meet the day of knowledge at the thematic festive event, it is undoubtedly, it will be remembered on September 1 not only to those who this year will go for the first time in the first class, but also to other students who have already managed to "smell like" school life.

Is free!
The most large-scale event dedicated to education, in general, and the Day of Knowledge, in particular, September 1 Will passed on the VDNH. More than 200 Russian and foreign companies will be introduced in the "city of Education" innovative solutions and technologies in the field of education. As part of the event, the Olympiad of Megapolis, WorldSkills Show, Flashmob "Profession of the Future", the city festival of Khakatonov and Quests.
The guys of all ages together with graffiti professionals will create a large-scale cloth; Surgent in the football discipline "Panna"; We take part in the dance flash mob; try on the role of pilot, becoming a member of the "Racing of Drones"; collect the lego tower; will get acquainted with the newest samples of business and interactive games; will contribute to the improvement of ecology; Will be in virtual reality.
Opening playgrounds at 10:00.
Free admission.

Is free!
September 1 It is worthy to note on the site "Spasskaya Tower for Children" of the same festival.
On the day of knowledge in the historic tent organized by the state historical museum, an interactive theatrical program "Going to the ball", the program "ABC BALA" and master class are presented. September 1 In the children's program: master classes, quests and interactive programs of the tents, speeches of the orchestras at railway stations and in Moscow parks, as well as a performance on horsemane.
Opening playgrounds at 10:00.
Free admission.

Is free!
September 1 In all of its sites, the guys are happy to take the festival "Floral Jam". In addition to the visitors fairs, numerous interactive programs are waiting.
Young Muscovites are waiting for master classes on botanic and floristry, restaurant and souvenir chalets. Guests of the holiday will learn how to make original eco-models and decor items, will visit free excursions and recognize the secrets of gardens, parks and squares of the capital. And all visitors are waiting for sports fields, culinary school and entertainment programs.
The festival will last until September 9, 2018.
Free admission.

"First call!" Problenit September 1 For anyone who comes to the State Kremlin Palace. Children and parents will be congratulated by famous artists, singers and leaders, popular in adolescents and schoolchildren: MBand, gangs, glitch'oza, Quest Pistols Show, Christina Orbakaite, Jasmine, Alsu, Marseille, Milan Gogun, Diana Gursky, Angelica Varum, Natalia Podolskaya, Daniel Danilevsky, Show-ballet Art Force. And besides, the guys are waiting for many entertainment: master classes, animated programs, communication with the heroes of cartoons, games and photowons.
Beginning at 18:00.
Ticket price from 1500 rubles.

Special Program for Knowledge Day September 1 Prepared and biological museum.
Visitors will be able to consider under the microscope of the cells of the skin of the arms, the fruits of rowan, strange and mysterious mosses and lichens. Also, under the microscope, it is possible to consider the most tiny inhabitants of water bodies - infusories of the tufella, amoebus, travelers, lakes and many other microscopic residents of lakes and rivers.
Start at 12:00.
Enter the ticket to the museum.

On the day of knowledge, the Darwinian Museum invites schoolchildren in the distant past. Here you can find yourself at the bottom of the Ancient Sea and in the thickets of prehistoric forest; Meet face to face with dinosaurs and look into the cave of Neanderthal and in the housing of therigonian. You can make an imprint of a mammoth drawing, left an ancient artist. Then, continue the journey through the ancient world in the paleopark. And in interactive paleobeside, real fossils can be found: ammonites, Belemnitis, Ihhthiosaur, Plesiosaurus.
Exposure works on an ongoing basis.
The entrance to the tickets to the museum, for first-graders - free.

Celebrate the day of knowledge of schoolchildren calls and the Museum "History Tank T-34". True, thematic events are scheduled for September 2 . Girls and boys will be able to get acquainted with new expositions and presentations of the complex, take part in an interactive quest with a guidebook, become owners of memorable prizes, to carry out memorable photo shoots.
Special gifts prepared for first-graders 2018.
Beginning at 11:00.
Enter the ticket to the museum.

A number of events held September 1 , require preliminary agreed actions not only between parents, but also with the organizers of the holiday. There are in mind the events that are invited exclusively group of schoolchildren.
For example, the Polytechnic Museum at the VDNH invites friendly classes in "Join the game!" . From September 1 to September 8 The territory of the museum will turn into a game field. It would seem: throw a cube, move forward, perform the tasks and come to the finish line first. But everything is not so simple. Polytech changes the rules! Unusual scientific tasks, experiments, measurements, calculations. The new game is a good reason to play and work together with new friends.
Cost for a group: 15,000 rubles.

Turn a ruler September 1 In a fascinating and enchanting scientific holiday, the show of the madman Professor Nicolas offers.
For the day of knowledge, Nicolas prepared several scientific shows for different ages, trying to organize everything so as to interest each participant and everyone has an interest in learning. All wonders of science are easily due to the laws of physics, mathematics and chemistry.
So, for example, the program "School Science" is perfect for September 1. Each child will be able to take part in it, and each show will be associated with any section of science: experiments with pressure, sound, state of matter. All shows are held in a fun, entertainment manner, and most importantly - they are all absolutely safe.
By the way, a scientific show dedicated to the Day of Knowledge can be both indoors and outdoors.

Why would it be September 1 Do not go to the exhibition class. In our city on this day of expositions there is a lot, and their "multidirectionality" is able to please both "humanitarians" and "technories".
So, the very original exhibition will delight its guests September 1 Darwinian Museum. In his walls on the day of knowledge, the exposition "Nodokh and all-all-all" opens.
The guys will fall on the pages of the living book, where he sounds different voices of the "Bird School", tell the history of the heroes of "fairy tales for people", there are beasts, birds and reptiles from the poems "Mochnaya ABC" and "Naughty". Here you can, lifting the phone of an old phone, hear how Boris Nodoka himself reads his poems.
The exhibition is open until December 9, 2018.
Log in with tickets to the exhibition hall.

Being in ancient Greece, you can visit the art center of the vehicle. The Labyrinth Minotaur is open here, guests of which will see the wise tree and the keeper of the Golden Rune. The latter will tell about the Medusa Gorgon, about the curious Pandore, about the greedy king of Midas, about the apple of discord. In the maze, surprises and his owner are waiting for Minotaur. From the labyrinth, you can get on the thread tied to its entrance.
The exhibition will last until September 15, 2018.
Ticket price: Children - 350 rubles; Adult - 600 rubles.

The Russian National Museum of Music invites visitors to the exhibition "Sound and ... Universe, Man, Game," where you can find out how the sound is born, which properties have, as affecting a person.
Here you can manage the whole orchestra, get the initial skills of the game on the electric drum, electric violin and electric piano; create nature sounds; Compare "Voices" of world capitals; Listen to famous works in different musical genres; to be in space where the sound moves unpredictable manner; Check how accurate your musical hearing is; and hide in the room of absolute silence.
Ticket price: adult - 400 rubles., Preferential - 200 rubles.

The exhibition "3" tooth "young visitors will present a biological museum. Here are the teeth of Meghalodon - the species of extinct sharks.
Paleontologists are judged about the sizes of sharks only on the teeth. This is the only thing that remains from the ancient "death machine". The largest of the teeth - up to 17 cm. Divided from two sides. The tooth for the tooth, there were about a thousand in the mouth at Meghalodon. At the exhibition you can see the teeth of Meghalodon and for comparison, the jaw of a modern shark.
The exhibition is open until September 9, 2018.
Login on tickets to the museum.

The historic Museum has an exhibition "Turgenev. Moscow time" by the 200th anniversary of the writer's birth. Its Moscow time is a family arrival in the capital, study in guest houses and Moscow university, first love, first publications and theatrical performances, unforgettable meetings. Among the exhibits of the exhibition: Dugarrotypes, autographs, interior items of houses in which the writer, personal belongings of the owners. Portraits and landscapes will create an atmosphere of the city of 1820-1880s, will introduce him to his literary addies. One of the topics of the exhibition is the image of the Turgenev Girl.
The exhibition will last until September 30, 2018.
Login on tickets to the museum.

In the house I.S. Ostrukhov in the tube opened an exhibition "Vladimir Mayakovsky. There we are, "which is a kind of microblog of the poet, consisting of its statements, photographs and newsreel, memorial things and artistic works, correspondence and documents. The viewer is offered a "journey" in Europe and America with the ability to look at the world by the eyes of Mayakovsky and from his time, to evaluate its political and aesthetic views, civil position.
The exhibition is open until October 10, 2018.
Login on tickets to the museum.

The Museum-Manor "Kolomenskoye" represents the exhibition "Sovereigns Fuckers". The exposition is dedicated to court fun during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and talks about the traditional forms of theatrical ideas for Russia. One of the installation installations will recreate the image of the interior in the dross Palace of the Kremlin during the organization in it theater. A layout of the theatrical scene was created in the hall, the place for the queen and Tsarenen was decorated, the stylized throne of the sovereign Alexei Mikhailovich, where the visitor can sit in the royal closure and listen to the Prologue uttered at the beginning of the performance. Here is a detailed description of the scene, the content of the presentation, the composition of actors and viewers.
The exhibition is open until October 15, 2018.
Login on tickets to the museum.

Where to go on the day of knowledge, read also.

notes the Darwinian Museum. Only on September 1, first-graders can visit an interactive educational center for free. At the entrance to the center of guests will meet Chameleon Charlik. It will help better know himself: check the vestibular apparatus and the reaction rate, measure the pulse and compare it with the heartbeat of the hummingbird, see the world from the height of a bird's eye and the eyes of a small mouse, to find out what role smells and sounds play in the life of man and animals.

Museum "lesson without a portfolio" For school groups will be held at the Polytechnic Museum. In the program: Music (all about termenvox), informatics (as a hydrocomputer), biology. Plus a lot of interesting things about robots, how to tame lightning, and whether it is possible to live on other planets.

If all summer children were not in the city, reduce them to the exhibition "Alice in the country of science"in Pavilion №64 "Optics" at the VDNH. The exhibition organized a Polytechnic Museum, and she is very cool. Exhibits are revealed from the point of view of science the essence of amazing phenomena described in the famous English fairy tale Lewis Carroll.

In the innopop of September 1 will be held thematic master classes in mathematics , Where the guys refresh the knowledge of the multiplication table, architecture, computer animation, recognize the principles of work in Photoshop and even create a micromulitician in this program, and also construct the Mobile House of Indians - Tipi.

September 1 The day of financial literacy In Masterslavl, a simple and understandable language will be told about complex financial concepts. In the program of the day: entertaining financial games, thematic riddles and puzzles. In the branch office of Sberbank, the guys will be taught to determine the authenticity of the bill, and will also tell you how to plan personal finances and what is your contribution.

IN museums-Manads For younger students, interesting museum programs will be held: in Kolomna, children will get acquainted with the life, customs and traditions of Kolomna peasants; Antique myths and legends in the Palace N.A. will tell in Lublino Dolaova; Izmailovo will host the program "The Tsarevich and Your Signwater" program.

If you are lucky with weather or wants to scale, - September 1 in Moscow will host several interesting festivals with a children's program:

Annual Festival "Back to school!" On the network of stores "Moscow House Books" will be in full swing. In the store on New Arbat, 8 will show the theater view, there will still be a cheerful quiz and an interactive show. Venue is a literary cafe.

On the first day of autumn charitable festival "Delopark" to help incurable sick children will be held on two platforms - in the Hermitage garden and in Pereovsky Park. On this day, kids and schoolchildren are waiting for creative workshops, children's fitness, mobile and board games, school goods fair, aquagrim and other entertainment. For adults - a saturated musical program: "Mind of Turman", Petr Nalitch with the ensemble of soloists of the youth symphony orchestra and others.

Within military Music Festival "Spasskaya Tower" the walls of the Moscow Kremlin will have thematic tents: historical, military, musical. Kremlin School of Riding, Central Children's Store and Museum "Lights of Moscow" organize their own venues with exhibitions and master classes. Under the guidance of an instructor athlete, you can ride a pony, take part in the quest game. In the tent of the Central Children's Store every day will be devoted to a separate topic: a circus, painting, space, the nature of Russia.

If you want for the city, - in ethnomir will also celebrate Knowledge Day. Master classes, excursions and lectures dedicated to knowledge, books and writing of different countries will be held here. In the program of the day: The history of the appearance of books, the study of Egyptian writing and hieroglyphs, the excursion "Wise men of all times and peoples", an interactive quest game "Journey to World of Books" and other workshops and seminars.

In Moscow, there are many entertainment for every taste and wallet, and in this article I prepared a list of the 10 best places where to go with a child in Moscow.

In recent years, hundreds of places have appeared where you can go with a child in Moscow. However, among this diversity it is very difficult to choose the best and decide where it is better to spend time with the whole family.

For those who are limited in the budget, a great choice will be numerous fleets of Moscow, where you can perfectly spend the whole day with a child without much costs. The capital of our Motherland is full of contrasts, and there are such entertainment, for which half a monthly salary will have to lay out. In my personal rating of places where to go with a child in Moscow they did not get.

So, where can I go with a child in the capital and enjoy the time spent with your family?

Give 10 best places where to go with a child in Moscow.

№10. Moscow Theater of Children's Books Magic Lamp

A small and cozy puppet theater with a spiritual atmosphere in the center of Moscow offers performances for the smallest kids, just 3 years old. The theater is located in the center and has a flexible booking system: if suddenly the child fell ill, you can cancel directly on the day of the performance. I recommend to go with a child in Moscow to the play "Kitten named Gav".

Price:900-1200 rubles

№9. Sokolniki park

One of the largest parks of Moscow Sokolniki is a great place to go with a child of any age. There is an amusement park, a lot of bicycle riding tracks, rollers and skiing in the winter season. Also in winter there is a rink. Unlike the other popular Gorky Moscow Park, in Sokolniki absolutely everywhere you can drive on the stroller and here is not so crowded. Here you can look at the ducks and swans on the Golden Pond, see the proteins (just do not feed them, please), play on one of the many playgrounds, ride the train (as in the photo). And if you are looking for where to go with a child with disabilities in Moscow, Sokolniki will become an excellent option: here is friendly to the strollers, and on the territory there is a playground of an Emerald city, which takes into account the needs of kids with features.

Price:is free

№8. Moscow planetarium

The oldest planetarium of Russia and one of the largest in the world, the Moscow planetarium can please the astronomy lovers of any age, although I recommend coming here with children from 6 years, because fewer kids can be bored and incomprehensible. Immediately I will say that it is necessary for the planetarium all day or break a visit for two days: a lot of activities and information. It is necessary to visit the Great Star Hall and the Uranian Museum, as well as the Lunarium Interactive Museum (Children under 6 for free). I do not recommend going to the theater of exciting science - boring and definitely not worth an additional 600 rubles. Tickets can be bought in advance, but discounts do not apply on the site.

Price:from 550 rubles, many benefits

№7. Moskovsky circus on color boulevard.

Circus Nikulina is one of the oldest and well-known circuses of Russia, where you can go with a child of any age. If you live in Moscow or turned out to travel here, this is a mandatory place to visit. An extraordinary atmosphere of childhood, an interesting program, which looks at one breath of children from 2 to 100 years, the ability to take pictures with circus animals (alas, expensive). I highly recommend going to the program "Circus Magic", regardless of your children: adults come out with the presentation almost happier than younger generation.

Price:from 500 rubles

№6. Lenin "Leninierier"

One of the best free places to go with a child in Moscow. Although, from a technical point of view, the park is located in the Moscow region, it is just two bus stops from the Domodedovskaya metro station. The park is designed for the most different age category, and it's better to come here for a whole day, to opening at 9 am. At noon, you can already get in a long queue, and the wait will take from half an hour to one and a half: the number of people on the territory is limited to avoid repairs. The atmosphere of fairy tales and fun reigns in the park: you can see a mini-performance, jump on a trampoline, climb in a rope town, see your favorite fabulous characters, "swim" in the pool with balls and make aquagrima (for additional pay).

Price:is free

№5. Indoor skating

One of my most favorite entertainment is ice skating. And even though I love open skating rinks very much, their indoor fellows greatly exceed the first quality of ice: for this reason, it is much more pleasant to ride children on them, and the people are much smaller. The covered rollers in Moscow great many, and I advise you to choose the one that is closer to your home so as not to carry far heavy skates and warm clothes. I am at the location of the rink "Grad" in the TC "City-Lefortovo": Skania session lasts one hour, the schedule is published on the site. There is a rental service and sharpening skates.

Price:up to 12 years old - 250 rubles, adult ticket - 350 rubles

№4. Oceanarium on Dmitrovskoye Highway

The largest oceanarium of Russia is located in the Rio Shopping Center at Dmitrovskoye Highway. Compared to the oceanarium, Moscow is much more modest in size and diversity, but, nevertheless, there is something to see: bloodthirsty piranhas, sharks, fish "Dori", penguins, jellyfish and rods, as well as many other inhabitants of sea depths. You can come with the smallest.

Price:on weekdays: Children under 5 years old - free, from 5 to 14 - 250 rubles, an adult - 500 rubles. On weekends 50 rubles more expensive

Number 3. Aquapark Kwa-Kwa Park

Great place where you can go to the whole family with children in Moscow. In the photos he is huge, in life - a little smaller. But, despite the dimensions, here you can find a lot of interesting hills, fountains, attractions. Carefully examine the age limitations: on interesting slings there is a restriction by age from 10 years, and for children for 3-8 years there is a children's town. I recommend to go to the water park in the warm season, since with deep minus temperatures there is a draft: it is easy to hire.

Price: Children up to 4 years old - free of charge, from 120 to 150 cm - from 540 rubles, adults - from 940 rubles

№2. Kidzania

One of those places that I look and terribly envy modern children: in childhood I would swallow the hat to go here. Kidzania opened in Moscow quite recently, but thousands of fans have already gained, including in my face. This is a game of game learning, built in the form of a city where kids can try themselves in hundreds of different professions: cook, dentist, policeman, firefighter. The child will have their own passport and even the salary he can spend on entertainment or in the store. If your child is older than 7 years old and quite independent, then you can save at the cost of a ticket for yourself and wait for it outside the park. The duration of stay in Kidzania is 4 hours, but in the summer holidays the restriction does not work, and here you can spend a whole day.

Price: Children - from 390 rubles, adults - from 500 rubles

And here is my personal favorite in the list of places, where to go with a child in Moscow:

№1. Museum of Experimentarium

If you are looking for where to go with a child in Moscow, I strongly recommend the experimentarium museum. I was already in the museum several times, and always came out with positive emotions. It is interesting here both adults and children: everything you can touch with your own hands, carry out experiments, learn a lot about physics, chemistry, space, solve puzzles, jump and run. In addition to the most interesting permanent exposition in the museum, classes, lectures and shows are held every day: there is a schedule on the site. In my opinion, this is the best ratio of "price-quality" among all places where you can go with a child in Moscow.

Price: Children up to 3 years old - free of charge, from 4 to 16 - from 450 rubles, adults - from 550 rubles

But, in fact, despite this list of the best places where to go with a child in Moscow, no matter where you will go; The main thing - do not forget to take a good mood with you, and then even the usual walk in the park will bring you and your child joy! :)

Where else to go in Moscow?

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