Tactical solutions when playing on the middle tank. Right tactics games on average tank

Tactical solutions when playing on the middle tank. Right tactics games on average tank
Tactical solutions when playing on the middle tank. Right tactics games on average tank
5 years ago Comments: 3

Having studied the article, you can master theoretical skills of fighting on the middle tank in World of Tanks. Each representative of this class has its own characteristics and pronounced benefits not only before other types of equipment, but also among themselves. Do not think that if you play on the middle tank well, that this article will be useless to you. After all, this is a kind of generalized text guide on average tanks, in which there are already three and more peppers, which are chosen with the mind, taking into account all the features of certain techniques.

What is the average tank?

So. Most Opinion - Middle Tank Game is a combination of lightweight and heavy tank tactics. That is, it is a skillful and stable, efficient fire on enemy technique. Do not agree with this can not. But, many people forget that some medium tanks have a large armor than a heavy tank and speed than that of the lung. The average tank is a certain ideal that can be used in any situation and with any scenario. Simply put, the average tank will not be a burden in the overall group or defa with heavy tanks. Next about everything in order and more in detail.

How to simultaneously shine and contribute to the promotion of the attacking alliance group?

From the very beginning of the battle, taking into account the card, it is necessary to take such a position from which an enemy group of tanks will be well shot, opposing the attackering group of the Allied Forces. Even one medium tank is able to influence the outcome of this fight, if everything is worked out well and efficiently. It is clear that words words, but in practice another matter. Therefore, consider on the example.

Map "Rybatskaya Bay", Nizhny Respaun.

On the right flank went definitely the number of allied tanks. We are on the T-62a we go to the center and occupy a position in the bushes somewhere on 6 or 7 lines. If you are lucky, then we will be lit a few enemy tanks that are sent to the city. The ideal situation, if in the center, in this mini-town with an expensive, no one. In this case, nothing bothers to help allies in, distracting enemy tanks, inflicting damage from an unexpected place. This will give an advantage in firing strength, since the distracting enemy technique will be vulnerable to the weapons of the allies. At the same time, it will be possible to constantly maintain a stable lit up of enemy tanks, which will reduce the time of their destruction due to permanent fire from several sides - the center, cities and fire from artillery.

Well, the essence of the example should be clear. I am embodying in reality by skill, skill at the same time and lit up, and Damag. With the total tactic, with such a fight, there will be a change of position, after discovering opponents. Of course, getting a damage must be minimal. And this applies not only to games on medium tanks ...

You need to sum up the following.

The game on the middle tank should not include passive aspects. It is necessary to constantly press the enemy. And if the enemies will curse you in a fighting chat, then you know, you are on the right track.

The World of Tanks is quite easy to achieve an average level (conventionally speaking, 51-52% of victories), but now becoming a real master (with a percentage of victories more than 60) is really difficult. This is due to the fact that to study the basics of the game World of Tanks are quite easy: search for shelter, shoot in the stern and the opponent's side, put the forehead itself, and better show only the mask of guns, etc. But these are all the foundations, the subtleties of the game are not so obvious.

In this small article we will point out a few features of the game on medium tanks, which will allow you to achieve a high level of skill on this technique. To begin with, it should be understood that playing middle tanks is not at all as easy as it may seem at first glance. This is due to the fact that they have medium characteristics: medium armor, average speed and dynamics, average piercing and damage. It would seem that it makes medium tanks with universal machines, which should only simplify the game. But in reality, this leads to the fact that inexperienced players begin to use middle tanks in unsuitable roles for them.

First, it is an attempt to play on them, like on heavy tanks. Many heavy tanks, being in the top, are capable of even alone to sell the direction, while they do not go from the rear and the flank or they will not start working as Sau. Attempting to use the average tank in such a manner ends with a natural fast shipment to the hangar: Even in the forehead, most of the average tanks are quite easily made by opponents of the same level. Secondly, it is an attempt to use medium tanks as lungs, that is, work actively light, arrange unexpected raids to the enemy's base with the highlighting and destruction of SAU, etc.

This also does not end with anything good: the middle tanks are not enough speed and dynamics, so in the open field they quickly destroy opponents even with not very rapid and accurate implements. We will not even talk about standing in bushes and shooting on someone else's light, because it is not even tactics PT-SAU (they should also be actively moving and change the position), and useless for the team players who are doing for the fight no more than a couple of effective shots . Characteristics for medium tanks can even be called mediocre, which makes for inexperienced players the game on them sometimes just flour. If at low levels it is not particularly felt, then, for example, the average seventh level tanks are very losing against the background of heavy tanks of the same level. For example, T-43 has cardboard armor, mediocre powder with T-34-85 and not very outstanding dynamics. The German Panther is a literally a hefty barn, which easily makes himself in the forehead even the tanks of the fifth level, and the cannon has a low one-time damage, albeit good accuracy and armor-proof.

From here it follows the main rule of the average tanks: alone you can do little. If heavy tanks are able to restrain the whole flank alone, light tanks highlight enemies, too alone, then you will easily send you to the hangar, and you will not bring any benefit teamwork, but yourself lose your experience and silver. Therefore, you always need to act in the group. In Random, it is quite difficult to say, of course, about a coordinated game and even team cooperation, but it is worth trying. In 30 seconds before the fight, offer the Allied Middle Tank to go together or at least let the team "follow me!". In the end, you can just go with a group of medium tanks. Obviously, the platform game will be the optimal choice. Further, you are profitable different from heavy dynamics, it allows you not to just stand behind the shelter and shoot on the enemy, which is deployed to your forehead, but also bypass it from the flank or even from the rear. Rather, around the flank or even from the rear should be the main task during the collision with the enemy. And here is the complexity of the game on the middle tanks: quite often, neither exact number of opponents in this direction, nor the location. It is necessary to act quickly and decisively, not to substitute for a shot. There is no guarantee that in an attempt to bypass from the flank you will not please under cross-fire. Here, an indispensable experience and ability to quickly assess the situation.

You can ask for the Union Light Tank "Encounter" in this area, but the light tank can already die or do not respond to your request, so there are little hope here. Another tactic is the maintenance of fire because of the spin of the armored allies, but it does not have a lot of benefit from it: after all, the guns of medium tanks do not allow to effectively punch enemy heavy tanks in the forehead. If you are covered with some heavy tanks, you do not need to crowble from behind them, interfere with them or, especially, to sign. Much more efficient will be the tactic of entering the flank or rear. Further, mediocre dynamics does not allow you to wear on the battlefield, but you can change the flank for an acceptable time cut. Middle tanks do not differ in big firing power, but their advantage is mobility, the ability to be where support needs. Therefore, you should stand extremely small. Remember that according to statistics, experienced and productive players pass the distance for the fight about twice as much as bad players with a low percentage of victories. If you can not apply damage, change the position, try to go to the flank.

If the opponent noticed you, drew attention, turned on the gun on you, then you don't have to stand forever behind the shelter - go, maneuver, change the position. The protection of the middle tank is not a strong armor, but its mobility. So, summarize. The average tank, in general, is not a universal machine on which the tactics of other tank classes can be applied. He is, above all, tank support, the most efficient tactic is to turn from the flank, but it is dangerous in that you can fly to the opponent's hidden and quickly go to the hangar. On the middle tank, you need to constantly move, change the position, it will make your game much more efficient.

How to play in st - medium tanks

IN World of Tanks is quite easy to achieve an average level (conventionally speaking, 51-52% of victories), but now becoming a real master (with a percentage of victories more than 60) is really difficult. This is due to the fact that to study the basics of the game World of Tanks are quite easy: search for shelter, shoot in the stern and the opponent's side, put the forehead itself, and better show only the mask of guns, etc. But these are all the foundations, the subtleties of the game are not so obvious. In this small article we will point out a few features of the game on medium tanks, which will allow you to achieve a high level of skill on this technique.
To begin, it should be understood that playing middle tanks is not so difficult at all, as it may seem at first glance. This is due to the fact that they have medium characteristics: medium armor, average speed and dynamics, average piercing and damage. It would seem that it makes medium tanks with universal machines, which should only simplify the game.

But in reality, this leads to the fact that inexperienced players begin to use middle tanks in unsuitable roles for them. First, it is an attempt to play on them, like on heavy tanks. Many heavy tanks, being in the top, are capable of even alone to sell the direction, while they do not go from the rear and the flank or they will not start working as Sau. Attempting to use the average tank in such a manner ends with a natural fast shipment to the hangar: Even in the forehead, most of the average tanks are quite easily made by opponents of the same level.
Secondly, it is an attempt to use medium tanks as lungs, that is, work actively light, arrange unexpected raids to the enemy's base with the highlighting and destruction of SAU, etc. This also does not end with anything good: the middle tanks are not enough speed and dynamics, so in the open field they quickly destroy opponents even with not very rapid and accurate implements.

We will not even talk about standing in bushes and shooting on someone else's light, because it is not even tactics PT-SAU (they should also be actively moving and change the position), and useless for the team players who are doing for the fight no more than a couple of effective shots .
Characteristics for medium tanks can even be called mediocre, which makes for inexperienced players the game on them sometimes just flour. If at low levels it is not particularly felt, then, for example, the average seventh level tanks are very losing against the background of heavy tanks of the same level. For example, T-43 has cardboard armor, mediocre powder with T-34-85 and not very outstanding dynamics. The German Panther is a literally a hefty barn, which easily makes himself in the forehead even the tanks of the fifth level, and the cannon has a low one-time damage, albeit good accuracy and armor-proof.

From here it follows the main rule of the average tanks: alone you can do little. If heavy tanks are able to restrain the whole flank alone, light tanks highlight enemies, too alone, then you will easily send you to the hangar, and you will not bring any benefit teamwork, but yourself lose your experience and silver.

Therefore, you always need to act in the group. In Random, it is quite difficult to say, of course, about a coordinated game and even team cooperation, but it is worth trying. In 30 seconds before the fight, offer the Allied Middle Tank to go together or at least let the team "follow me!". In the end, you can just go with a group of medium tanks. Obviously, the platform game will be the optimal choice.
Further, you are profitable different from heavy dynamics, it allows you not to just stand behind the shelter and shoot on the enemy, which is deployed to your forehead, but also bypass it from the flank or even from the rear. Rather, around the flank or even from the rear should be the main task during the collision with the enemy.

And here is the complexity of the game on the middle tanks: quite often, neither exact number of opponents in this direction, nor the location. It is necessary to act quickly and decisively, not to substitute for a shot. There is no guarantee that in an attempt to bypass from the flank you will not please under cross-fire. Here, an indispensable experience and ability to quickly assess the situation. You can ask for the Union Light Tank "Encounter" in this area, but the light tank can already die or do not respond to your request, so there are little hope here.
Another tactic is the maintenance of fire because of the spin of the armored allies, but it does not have a lot of benefit from it: after all, the guns of medium tanks do not allow to effectively punch enemy heavy tanks in the forehead. If you are covered with some heavy tanks, you do not need to crowble from behind them, interfere with them or, especially, to sign. Much more efficient will be the tactic of entering the flank or rear.

Further, mediocre dynamics does not allow you to wear on the battlefield, but you can change the flank for an acceptable time cut. Middle tanks do not differ in big firing power, but their advantage is mobility, the ability to be where support needs.
Therefore, you should stand extremely small. Remember that according to statistics, experienced and productive players pass the distance for the fight about twice as much as bad players with a low percentage of victories. If you can not apply damage, change the position, try to go to the flank. If the opponent noticed you, drew attention, turned on the gun on you, then you don't have to stand forever behind the shelter - go, maneuver, change the position. The protection of the middle tank is not a strong armor, but its mobility.

So, summarize. Middle tankIn general, is not a universal machine on which you can use tactics of other tank classes. He is, above all, tank support, the most efficient tactic is to turn from the flank, but it is dangerous in that you can fly to the opponent's hidden and quickly go to the hangar. On the middle tank, you need to constantly move, change the position, it will make your game much more efficient.

World of Tanks. allows you to quickly climb to average level - It is necessary that the number of victories amounted to about 52%, but to achieve true skills, in which the percentage of victories exceeds the mark 60, can be very and very difficult. First of all, this is due to the fact that most players are developing only the basic information about the game - learn to find shelters, shoot on the weakest places (feed and board), to substitute the forehead or show only a mask used to the gun.

In this case, the foundations remain the basics, and to detect and explore the subtleties, invisible from the first steps, is not so easy. This small article will reveal for you the most important and essential features of the game using medium tanks, thanks to which, playing on this technique, you can quickly achieve maximum high mastery.

The first thing you need to understand is a certain complexity of the game on the middle tank, which in fact is not so simple as it seems initially. This is due to the fact that such tanks have average characteristics: armor - medium, speed and dynamics - medium, damage indicators and breakage - also average. Therefore, players such tanks often seem universal on which it is very simple to play.

However, in fact, if users do not have sufficient experience, such tanks begin to be used unsuitable for them. Many are trying to play them like heavy cars. Most heavy tanks that are in the top can independently pave the direction by working until they are attacked from the flank and rear, or the active attack will not begin. The use of a medium-sized tank is in a similar way to be very short and crowned with an inevitable hit in the hangar, because most of these tanks are very easily made by opponents with the same level even at the frontal attack.

Just newcomers often use medium tanks, like lungs - actively work light, unexpectedly go to the raids on the enemy base, highlighting and destroying and so on. Is it worth saying that such tactics will be losing. remember, that middle tank It does not have such high speed and indicators of dynamics, which is peculiar to light, and therefore, in conditions of open space, even those opponents, whose weapons are not distinguished by raininess and accuracy can easily destroy it.

Talk about "hurrying" in the bushes and reckless shooting in the enemy's light should not be at all, because such a tactic is not characterized by even PT-SAU, which certainly need to change positions and is actively moving, but is only useless manipulation for the entire team, in which for the whole The player's battle will be able to make only a couple of effective shots.

Distinguishing very mediocre characteristics, the average tanks will be a real test for inexperienced beginners. And if in the initial levels it is still tolerant, then, for example, at the seventh level, such tanks will be in the apparent loss relatively with severe. Thus, TZ-43 is distinguished by thin armor, not too effective with a gun with, and its dynamics and is at all leaves much to be desired.

If you decide to take advantage of the German Panther to play - know that its huge dimensions are not completely key to power, because even the fifth level tanks will be able to pierce it very quickly, and her cannon, although it has sufficient accuracy and does not break through, but Capably applied only the lowest time damage.

So therefore, you should never forget the basic rule of the game on the middle tank: alone you can not imagine anything. Heavy tanks can independently withstand the attack of a whole flank, light tanks independently illuminated enemies, and the average tanks that have decided to perform an individual number are sent together to the hangar, without experience and silver, while substituting all their team and depriving her extra force.
Therefore, always act in the group. Of course, in the conditions of Random, it is very difficult not that it is better to play, but simply interact with your team. But still it is worth trying. For half a minute before the battle, you can offer a joint direction to an ally with such a tank or just lead it for me. Also, a good option will be a group attack by medium tanks. In any case, the platoon game will bring maximum benefit and team, and you!

Remember that, unlike, you are more dynamic, and therefore you can not only stand behind the shelter, waiting until the enemy will substitute your forehead for a shot, but also actively bypass both from the rear and flank. Moreover, bypassing the enemy is your main task when colliding!

The complexity of the game in the middle tanks is mainly related to the unknown of the location and the exact number of enemy tanks at the selected direction. Therefore, you should be extremely careful and, with, decisive and rapidly. Of course, there is no guarantee that bypassing the enemy from the flank, you will not be under cross-fire. It is here that you have to apply all your experience, quickly assessing the situation. You can ask the union light tank to "highlight" your site, but it is very little hope for him, because he can simply not respond or and at all - to die quickly.

Another tactic that will be useful to you is an attack behind the spins of the armored allies. But it is also not too effective, because your guns do not differ in efficiency in the breakdown of the forehead of heavy enemy tanks. If your gaming role is to cover a few heavy tanks, you should not interfere with them, crowing from behind and stealing. It will be best to go from the rear or the flank.

Possessing mediocre dynamics, you cannot freely move around the battlefield, but the change of flank for the required period of time is quite characteristic. Let the fire power of the Middle Tank is not too significant, but due to their mobility, you can always be in the place where other players require support.

That is why try not to stand in vain. According to statistics, players with extensive experience and effectiveness about two times more active than users with a low number of victories. If the damage does not work, change the position and try to penetrate the flank. In the case when you find yourself a detected opponent, and he unfolded to you, do not hope to hide behind the shelter - it will be optimally maneuvering, changing positions or just leave. Your advantage is not in the fortress of armor, but in mobility!

Let's summarize the foregoing. On average tankwhich is not a universal machine, you should not use the tactics of other classes inherent tanks. Such a tank is necessary to support, and the most efficient tactics of the game on it is bypassing from the flank. The danger is that you can be stumbled upon it by chance, and therefore quickly go to the hangar. The average tank is characteristic of constantly moving and change positions, thanks to which the game on it will be much more effective!

7-08-2016, 10:46

Good day to all and welcome to the site! Friends, the theme of our today's conversation will be a very strong and no less famous car, a severe Soviet tank of the ninth level - in front of you, St-1 Hyde.

Indeed, there are people who consider this unit better than top and partly they are right. To understand what this heavy players fell in love, whether it is worth it to download and how to confront this mint in battle, you need to know the ST-I characteristics, it is necessary to correctly equip it with equipment, consumables, train crew, etc.

Detailed TTX ST-1

At our disposal is not the biggest, but very decent classmates in terms of classmates and a mediocre basic overview of 380 meters, which, if desired, can be raised to acceptable values.

No wonder this litigation is called a real fortress, because its strongest side is an incredibly strong tower. The fact is that the CT-I TTX booking this element is very serious. Even PT-SAU of the tenth level makes himself from the forehead, and in most cases the enemy will have to charge gold, if there is no possibility to measure another element of our car.

Regarding the corps, everything is not so good. We are capable of a perfectly tank with a board, showing it under an acute angle, but in the frontal projection of the Tank St-I World of Tanks makes its way without any problems, especially in the NLD.

We can not boast of good mobility. Serious armor makes itself felt in this matter and it is worth noting that, although the ST-1 WOT has a good maximum speed, he gains reluctantly due to the weak ratio of horsepower on a ton, and we have a weak maneuverability.

Instrument ST-I

In terms of weapons, a 122 millimeter gun installed on board, the same as the top hood of this branch is-4, but, of course, some parameters are not twisted for the better.

If you look at a serious one-time damage, there are no complaints, the armorproof is also good, but the rapidity pumped up and because of this, the PMP of the ST-1, the tool is not very good, approximately 1985 without taking into account the equipment.

Even more serious problems with accuracy. The scatter from our shutter is quite large, stabilization flies on both legs, but the worst is the speed of 3.4 seconds. We really minimize a very long time and this parameter of the ST-1 World of Tanks needs to be maximally improved.

As for the angles of vertical tip, they are good. The gun leans down at 8 degrees and in most cases it will be enough for you.

Advantages and disadvantages of CT-I

We reviewed the most important characteristics, the parameters of the machine gun and by and large here everything is clear. However, for simplicity of perception, it is still worth highlighting the main strengths and weaknesses of the heavy tank of ST-1 separately.

Impeccably strong tower;
Strong boards;
Good alfactors;
Decent armored
Comfortable corners of vertical tip;
Not bad maximum speed.
Mediocified frontal armor of the case;
Weak dpm;
A small review;
Mediocre accuracy and very long form;
Bad dynamics and maneuverability.

Equipment for ST-1

In our case, additional modules are pretty easy, but you need to take it seriously, because much depends on your choice. The most important thing is to improve the speed of information, but there are other weaknesses from the machine, so I put the following equipment at ST-1:
1. - An excellent option, especially looking at the fact that the DPM leaves us to be desired.
2. - The most necessary module that allows you to improve accuracy (reduction will start with a smaller circle).
3. - A comprehensive increase in several parameters at once, including damage per minute, information, review.

The third item can be replaced with, which will significantly improve the viewing parameters. But most often we will join the Middle Fight and whether it is worth sacrificing with complex boost characteristics, each decides itself.

Training crew at ST-I

No less important aspect in our game and in the case of this heavy. However, there is nothing fundamentally new here, we are pursuing the same goals, but also forget about such important nuances as, for example, the repair speed should not be. Thus, on ST-1, the pits are swinging in such a sequence:
Commander (radist) - ,,,,
Powder - ,,,
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Charging - ,,,
Charging - ,,,

Equipment for ST-1

With consumables, too, everything should be clear and habitual. If the stock of silver allows, take, and. Such a set will allow you to get out of the smallest damage from the delicate situation (which will often arise), because we must restrain the strength of the enemy, extinguishing damage. By the way, this unit is lit. You can easily take, instead of fire extinguisher. However, for those who have no extra silver or gold, it is better to put equipment in the form ,. With such a set, you can also successfully fight.

Tactics games on st-1

In our hands a very strong car endowed with an unprecedentedly strong armor and powerful weapons. This unit can be without a doubt called a real breakthrough tank, but due to limited mobility, you need to choose the direction of attack carefully.

Of course, at ST-I, the tactics of the fight is positioning on the first line. You must learn how best to play from the tower. Thanks to its fortress and comfortable corners of the vertical tip, you can use various ruins, embankment and terrain so that you almost can be poured.

But it is important to understand that the building of the ST-1 World of Tanks is better not to show at all, occupy such positions where artillery will not be able to shoot you freely and you should always dance. Slightly moving forward-back and back and slightly turning the tower from the side to the side, you complicate the airfast of the vulnerable commander hatch.

In such realities, the Soviet heavy tank ST-1 WOT should play from alpha. By making a shot, it is advisable to hide at the time of recharging. If the tank is not only a tower, try to trust the case, which will increase the corner of the reduced armor and increase the chances of incures or ricochet.

Another good reception, especially in urban maps, will be a rumbing rombing. St-1 Tank has strong boards and showing them because of the building under a good angle, it will also be difficult to break through.

Otherwise, it is better not to stay alone, even such a giant is very vulnerable before the superior number of maneuverable opponents. Follow the mini-card, evaluate the situation in battle and if not sure about some of the directions, it is better not to leave far from the base so that there is a chance to return and confuse the capture.