Bestiary. Beings of Slavic mythology

Bestiary. Beings of Slavic mythology
Bestiary. Beings of Slavic mythology

With evil spirits in Russia was bad. Bogatyreys recently divorced so much that the population of the Gorynya fell sharply. Only once she flashed Ivan's ray of hope: called the Susanin Elderly Guy promised him to hold him to the very lair of one-eyed lingerie ... But it came across only a bold ancient hut with knocked out windows and a broken door. On the wall it was scratched: "Checked. Lich not. Bogatyr Popovich. "

Sergey Lukyanenko, Julius Burkin, "Island Rus"

"Slavic Monsters" - Agree, sounds dyed. Mermaids, Lessel, Water - all of them are familiar to us since childhood and make you remember the fairy tales. That is why the fauna of "Slavic Fantasy" is still undeservedly considered something naive, frivolous and even slightly stupid. Now, when it comes to magical monsters, we often remember zombies or dragons, although there are such ancient creatures in our mythology, compared to which Monsters of Lovecraft may seem small packed.

The inhabitants of Slavic pagan legends are not a joyful domain Kuzya or a sentimental monster with a scarlet flower. Our ancestors seriously believed in that evil, which we now consider it worthy of only children's horror stories.

Until our time, there was not a single original source describing fictional creatures from Slavic mythology. Something was covered with a darkness of history, something was destroyed during the baptism of Russia. What do we have, except vague, contradictory and often unlike each other legends of different Slavic peoples? Related references to the works of the Danish historian Saxon Grammar (1150-1220) - once. "Chronica Slavorum" of the German historian Helmold (1125-1177) - two. And finally, it should be remembered by the collection "Veda Slam" - a compilation of ancient Bulgarian ritual songs, according to which conclusions can also be drawn about the pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs. The objectivity of church sources and chronicles by virtue of obvious reasons is under great doubt.

Book Veles.

"Wellez's book" ("Velesov Book", the smell of Isenbeca) for a long time issued for a unique monument of the Old Slavic mythology and history, dated of the period of 7 century BC - 9th century of our era.

Her text was allegedly carved (or burned) on small wooden planks, some "pages" partially rotted. According to the legend, the "book of Veles" in 1919 discovered the White Colonel Fedor Isenbeck under Kharkov, who took her to Brussels and transferred to the study of Slavist Mirolyubov. He made several copies, and in August 1941 at the occurrence of Germans the signs were lost. The versions were put forward that they were hidden by the fascists in the Archive of the Archings of the Aryan Past, with Anneterbe, or were taken out after the war in the United States).

Alas, the authenticity of the book initially caused big doubts, and recently it was finally proven that the entire text of the book is falsification, performed in the middle of the 20th century. The language of this fake is a mixture of different Slavic laws. Despite the exposure, individual writers still use the "Book of Veles" as a source of knowledge.

The only one existing image of one of the boards of "Book of Veles", beginning with the words "Veles Book I dedicate."

The stories of Slavic fairy creatures may envy another European monster. The age of pagan legends is impressive: according to some calculations, it reaches 3000 years, and roots goes into neolithic or even mesolith - that is, about 9,000 years before our era.

The general Slavonic fabulous "animal" was absent - in different localities they talked about completely different beings. The Slavs did not have marine or mountain monsters, but the forest and river evil was found in sufficiency. There was no giantovania: our ancestors were very rarely thought about evil giants like Greek cyclops or Scandinavian Etunov. Some wonderful creatures appeared at the Slavs relatively late, during their Christianization - most often they were borrowed from Greek legends and were introduced into national mythology, thus creating a bizarre mixture of beliefs.


According to the ancient Greek myth, Alkion, the wife of the Fessenian king Keik, having learned about the death of her husband, rushed into the sea and was turned into a bird called alkion (kingfisher) in her name. In the Russian language, the word "alkonost" entered the distortion of the old statement "Alkion is a bird."

Slavic alkonost - a paradise bird with an amazingly sweet, frantic voice. She lays eggs on the seashore, then immerses them in the sea - and the waves calm down for a week. When chicks are hatched from eggs, the storm begins. In the Orthodox tradition, the alkonost is considered the divine Messenger - she lives in the sky and descends down to convey to people the Higher Will.


Winged snake with two trunk and bird beak. Lives high in the mountains and periodically makes devastating falls on the village. It is so much so much that it can not even sit on the crude ground - only on the stone. Aspid is invulnerable to ordinary weapons, it cannot be killed by a sword or an arrow, and you can only burn. The name from the Greek Aspis is a poisonous snake.


A variety of rolling forest spirit, small, puzzled, with round cheeks. Not sleeping in no winter. Loves to fool your head in the forest, shatting on their cry "AU!" from all sides. It turns out the travelers in the deaf thicket and throws them there.

Baba Yaga

Slavic Witch, Popular Folklore Character. Usually depicted in the form of a nasty old woman with disheveled hair, hooked nose, "bone foot", long claws and several teeth in the mouth. Baba Yaga - the character is ambiguous. Most often, it performs the functions of the pest, with pronounced inclined to cannibalism, however, if this witch can voluntarily help the Hero Hero, asking him, falling in the bath and bestowing the magic gifts (or informing valuable information).

It is known that Baba Yaga lives in a deaf forest. There is its hut on chicken legs, surrounded by a palico from human bones and skulls. Sometimes it was said that on the gate to the house of Yaga instead of constipation - hands, and a small toothy mouth serves as a keyhole. The house of Baba-Yagi is enchanted - it is possible to enter it only saying: "Hut-hut, turn to me before, and to the forest back."
Like Western European witches, Baba Yaga can fly. To do this, it requires a large wooden stupa and a magic broom. With Baba Yaga, you can often find animals (families): black cat or crows that help her in the witchcraft.

The origin of the estate "Baba Yaga" is unclear. Perhaps it came from Turkic languages, in possibly formed from the Starozerbian "Ega" - a disease.

Baba Yaga, bone foot. Witch, ogood and first pilot woman. Pictures of Viktor Vasnetsov and Ivan Bilibina.

Izba on Kurkogakh

Forest hut on curious legs, where there is no windows or doors - this is not fiction. This is how the temporary housing of the hunters of the Urals, Siberia and Finno-Ugric tribes were built. The houses with deaf walls and the entrance through the hatch in the floor raised by 2-3 meters above the ground, they were protected from the hooching to the grozunov supplies, and from large predators. From similar structures stored stone idols Siberian pagans. It can be assumed that the figure of some female deity, placed in a small house "on chicken legs", and gave rise to the myth about Baba Yaga, who hardly fits in his home: legs in one corner, head - in the other, and his nose rests In the ceiling.


The spirit living in the baths was usually presented in the form of a little old man with a long beard. Like all Slavic perfumes, debris. If people in the bath are picked up, burn out, faint from the heat, spacked boiling water, hear crackles of stones in a furnace or a knock into the wall - all this is a banner.

A large banner harms rarely only when people behave wrong (wash on holidays or late at night). Much more often he helps them. The Slavs Banya associated with mystical, lively forces - they often took birth or gadal (it was believed that the jannik could predict the future).

Like other spirits, the banner was embarrassed - left him a black bread with salt either burned under the threshold of a stuffed black chicken. There was a female variety of a banner - a banner, or by-piece. In the baths also lived Shishiga - the evil spirit, showing only those who go to the bath, without praying. Shishiga takes an image of a friend or relative, calling a person with him to steam and can fervent to death.

Baby Chelik (Steel Man)

Popular character of Serbian folklore, demon or evil sorcerer. According to the legend, the king bequeathed three sons to issue their sisters for the one who first asked their hands. One night, someone with a thunder voice came to the palace and demanded the youngest princess. The sons performed the will of the Father, and soon lost in a similar way to the middle and older sister.

Soon the brothers were sensed and went on their searches. The younger brother decided the beautiful princess and took her to his wife. Looking out of curiosity in the forbidden room, Tsarevich saw chain chain in the chain. He introduced himself as a Bashie Bashch and asked for three glasses of water. The naive young man washed a stranger, he restored the strength, ripped the chains, released the wings, grabbed the princess and flew away. Heat, Tsarevich went to search. He found out that thunder voices who demanded his sisters in his wife, belonged to the Lords of Dragons, Sokolov and Orlov. Those agreed to help him, and together they defeated the evil Bash of Chelin.

This is what the Bashli Bashl looks like in the view of V. Tauber.


Live dead rising from the graves. Like any other vampires, giveurdlaki drink blood and can empty whole villages. First of all, they kill relatives and acquaintances.


Like an alconospota, a divine female bird, the main function of which is the implementation of predictions. Well known surcharge "Hamayun - Bird Bird." Also knew how to manage the weather. It was believed when Hamayun flies from the side of the sunrise, a storm comes after her.

Gamayun-Hamayun, how long can I live? - ku. - Why so ma ...?

Divia people

Semi suite with one eye, one foot and one hand. To move, should have been in half. Live somewhere on the edge of light, they grow artificially, throwing out like iron. The smoke of their blacksmiths is brings with me, the OSPA and fever.


In the most generalized representation - home spirit, patron saint, a small old old man with a beard (either all covered with hair). It was believed that each house has its own house. In their homes, they were rarely called "house", preferring a gentle "grandfather."

If people installed a normal relationship with him, fed (left a saucer with milk on the floor, bread with salt) and considered him a member of her family, then the house "helped them carry out small work on the house, followed the cattle, guarding the farm, warned about the danger.

On the other hand, the bridal house could be very dangerous - at night, the people twisted the bruises at night, kept them, destroyed horses and cows, noisy, beat the dishes and even put a house. It was believed that the house lived behind the stove or in the stable.

Dreekavak (drake)

Semi-free creature from the folklore of the southern Slavs. Its accurate description does not exist - some consider it to animals, others - a bird, and in Central Serbia there is a belief that Dreekawak is the soul of a dead unresolved baby. It is converged only in one thing - Drechawak knows how to shout terribly.

Usually the drake - hero of children's horror stories, but in remote areas (for example, Mountain Zlatibor in Serbia) even adults believe in this creature. Residents of Tometino Polane village from time to time report on strange attacks on their cattle - it is difficult for the nature of the wounds to establish what it was for the predator. The peasants claim that they heard terrible screams, so Dreekawak was probably narrowed here.


Familiar from childhood image, a beautiful bird with bright, dazzling fiery feathers ("how the heat is burning"). The traditional test for fabulous heroes is to get a pen from the tail of this feathery. For the Slavs, the firebird was rather a metaphor than a real being. She personified fire, light, sun, perhaps - knowledge. Her closest rhodium is a medieval Phoenix bird, known in the West, and in Russia.

It is impossible not to recall such the inhabitant of Slavic mythology, like a bird Rarog (probably distorted from Svarog - the Glav-Kuznets). Fire Falcon, which can also look like a vortex of the flame, Rarog is depicted on the coat of arms of Rurikovich ("Rargs" in German) - the first dynasty of Russian rulers. Strongly stylized piking Rarog began to resend the trident in time - this appeared the modern coat of arms of Ukraine.

Kimikor (Shisimor, Mara)

Angry Spirit (sometimes - the wife of the house), which appears in the image of a small ugly old woman. If the kimikora lives in the house behind the stove or in the attic, it constantly hurts people: noise, knocks on the walls, interferes with sleep, tears yarn, beats the dishes, straightening the cattle. It was sometimes it was believed that the kievors became dead without baptism of babies, or Kickimaru could be inserted into the house of evil carpenters or cookrs. Kimikor, who lives in a swamp or in the forest, brings much less harm - basically only scares the protested travelers.

Koschey Immortal (Kashing)

One of the well-known Old Slavonic negative characters, usually represented in the form of a thin, skeleton-like old man with repulsive appearance. Aggressive, Avengean, Zhadalad and Skup. It is difficult to say whether he was a personification of the external enemies of the Slavs, an evil spirit, a powerful wizard or a unique type of undead.

It is indisputable that Koschey owned a very strong magic, the people fleeled and often engaged in favorite for all villains in the world of the work - kidnapped girls. In domestic fiction, the image of Koschery is quite popular, and it is represented in different ways: in the comic light ("Island Russia" Lukyanenko and Burkina), or, for example, cyborg ("Fate Koshchey in the Cyberozoic Era" Alexander Torina).

The "branded" feature of Koschery was immortality, and far from absolute. As we will probably remember, on the magic island of Buyan (able to suddenly disappear and appear before travelers) is a big old oak on which the chest hangs. A hare is sitting in the cheese, a duck, in a duck - an egg, and in the egg - a magic needle, where the death of Koschery is hidden. It can be killed, breaking this needle (according to some versions - breaking the egg about the head of Koshiya).

Koschey in the view Vasnetsov and Bilibin.

Georgy Millyar is the best artist of the roles of Koschery and Baba Yagi in Soviet film shops.


Forest spirit, animal defender. Looks like a tall man with a long beard and hair throughout the body. In fact, it is not angry - walks through the woods, protects it from people, occasionally shown on the eyes, for which any appearance can take a plant, fungus (giant speaking aunt), an animal or even a person. Leshogo can be distinguished from other people on two signs - his eyes are burning with magic fire, and the shoes are hoping back in advance.

Sometimes a meeting with the leishers may endure the departing - will lead a person to the forest and will quit for the excitement of beasts. However, those who respectfully relate to nature may even make friends with this creature and get help from it.

Famously one-eyed

Spirit evil, failure, symbol grief. There is no relative to the appearance of definiteness - it is either one-eyed giant, or a high thin woman with one eye in the middle of his forehead. Famously often compared with cyclops, although in addition to one eye and high growth, they have nothing in common.

Before our time I reached the saying: "Do not be famously if it is quiet." In the direct and allegorical sense, the famously meant Bed - it was tied to a person, he sat down on her neck (in some legends, the unfortunate tried to drown a famously, rushing into the water, and sang himself) and prevented him to live.
From Likha, however, it was possible to get rid of - to deceive, drive the power of the will, or, as it is occupied, it is mentioned - to convey to another person along with any gift. According to completely gloomy prejudices, it could be famously come and devour you.


In the Slavic mythology, mermaids - a kind of religious evil. They became drowns, girls who died near the reservoir, or people swimming in a nurse. Mermaids were sometimes identified with the "Mavels" (from the Old Slavonic "Nava" - the dead) - children who died without baptism or strangled mothers.

The eyes of such mermaids are burning with green fire. By their nature, they are creatures nasty and evil, grabby people behind their feet, pull under the water, or lure from the shore, they wrap their hands and drown. It was believed that the laugh of mermaids could cause death (this makes them similar to Irish baths).

Some beliefs called the mermaids with the lower spirits of nature (for example, good "Beregini") who do not have anything in common with drunkenness and willingly saving sinking people.

Also "Wood Mermaids", living in the branches of trees, were also distinguished. Some researchers are ranked to the Mermaids of Poland (in Poland - Lakanitsa) - lower spirits who take the appearance of girls in transparent white clothes living in the fields and helping the field. The latter is also a natural spirit - it is believed that he looks like a small old man with a white beard. Field dwells on the cultivated fields and usually patronize peasants - except in cases when they work at noon. For this he is sitting on the peasants of halfening, so that those with their magic deprived their minds.

It should also be mentioned by a waterman - a type of mermaid, baptized drowning, not belonging to the discharge of the unclean, and therefore relatively good. The drains love deep pools, but most often will be pulled out under mill wheels, ride them, spoil the millstones, watered water, wash the holes, the networks are drunk.

It was believed that the drain was waters of spirits who appear in the guise of old men with a long green beard of algae and (rarely) fish scales instead of leather. Puchglase, thick, crazy, water lives at great depths in the pools, commands mermaids and other underwater inhabitants. It was believed that he travels around his underwater kingdom riding in the catfish, for which this fish was sometimes called the "thistle horse".

Water in nature is not malicious and even acts as a patron saint of sailors, fishermen or motels, however, from time to time he likes to shake, dragging the gone (or offended) bathing bag under the water. Sometimes water has endowed the ability to turnurnum - transform into fish, animals or even a log.

Over time, the image of water as a patron of rivers and lakes has changed - he began to be considered as a powerful "sea king", living under water in a chic palace. From the spirit of nature, water turned into a kind of magical self-made, with whom the heroes of the people's epic (for example, Sadko) could communicate, to conclude agreements and even win his cunning.

Water in the representation of Bilibina and V. Vladimirov.


Another creature with a woman's head and the Body of Owl (Owl), which has a charming voice. Unlike Alkonosta and Gamayun, Sirin is not a messenger over, but a direct threat to life. It is believed that these birds are inhabited in the "Indian lands next to the paradise", or on the Euphrates River, and sing such songs for the saints in heaven, having heard that people thus lose their memory and will, and their ships are crawling.

It is not difficult to guess that Sirin is the mythological adaptation of Greek sirens. However, unlike them, the bird Sirin is not a negative character, but rather a metaphor of the temptation of a person of a different kind of temptation.

Solovy Robbing (Solovy Odikmantevich)

The character of the late Slavic legends, a complex image that combines the features of the bird, an evil wizard and hero. The nightingale-robber lived in the forests under Chernihiv near the river currants and for 30 years I stunned the road to Kiev, no one is missing there, stunning travelers with a monstrous whistle and roaring.

The Solovya-Robber had a nest on seven oaks, but the legend also states that he had a terme and three daughters. The epic hero Ilya Muromets was not frightened by a sacrup and knocked him an arrow from Luka, and during their battle whistling, the robber threw the entire forest in the district. Bogatyr brought a captive villain to Kiev, where Prince Vladimir for the sake of interest asked the nightingale-robber to comprehend - to check whether the truth was the truth about the super-abilities of this villain. Nightingale, of course, whistled, so so that I almost destroyed the half of the city. After that, Ilya Muromets took him to the forest and cut off his head so that such a disgrace was not repeated (according to another version, the straw-robber in the future made an assistant to Ilya Muromets in battle).

For his first novels and poems, Vladimir Nabokov used the alias "Sirin".

In 2004, the "Motherland" Baba-Yaga was announced by the village of Cook (Pervomaysky District of the Yaroslavl Region). Her "birthday" is celebrated on July 26th. The Orthodox Church made a sharp condemnation of "worship Baba Yaga".

Ilya Muromets is the only epic hero, canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Baba Yaga occurs even in Western comics, for example, "Hellboy" Minto Mintol. In the first episode of the computer game "Quest for Glory" Baba Yaga - the main storyline. In the role-playing game "Vampire: The Masquerade" Baba Yaga - Vampire Clan Nosferatu (differ in uglyness and secrecy). After the departure of Gorbachev from the political arena, she left the underground and interrupted all the vampires of the clan Burut, who controlled the Soviet Union.

* * *

List all the fabulous creatures of the Slavs is very difficult: most of them have been studied very weak and represent local varieties of spirits - forest, water or home, and some of them were very similar to each other. In general, the abundance of intangible creatures is very distinguished by the Slavic Bestiary from more "landed" assemblies of monsters from other cultures
Among the Slavic "Monsters" there are very few monsters as such. Our ancestors led a calm, measured life, and therefore the creatures whom they came up with themselves were associated with elementary elements, neutral in their essence. If they confronted people, then, for the most part, only protecting the mother-in-country and generic traditions. The stories of Russian folklore teach us to be kindly, tolerant, to love nature and respect for the old legacy of the ancestors.

The latter is especially important, because the old legends are quickly forgotten, and instead of mysterious and mischievous Russian mermaids come to us by Disney fish girls with seashells on breasts. Do not be ashamed to study Slavic legends - especially in their initial, unadapped for children's books. Our Bestiary Archaic and in some sense is even naive, but we can be proud of them, because he is one of the most ancient in Europe.

Mythological genre (from Greek. Words Mythos is a legend) - the genre of art dedicated to the events and heroes that the myths of the ancient peoples are told. Myths, legends and legends have all the peoples of the world, they constitute an important source of artistic creativity.

The mythological genre is formed in the Renaissance, when the ancient legends gave the richest plots for Pictures S. Botticelli, A. Manteny, Georgeon,
In the 17th - early 19th century, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe pictures of the mythological genre is significantly expanding. They serve to incarnate a high art ideal (N. Poussin, P. Rubens), bring together with life (D. Velasquez, Rembrandt, N. Paussen, P. Batoni), create a festive spectacle (F. Bush, J. B. Tapolo) .

In the 19th century, the mythological genre serves as the norm of high, ideal art. Along with the themes of ancient mythology in the 19th and 20th centuries, the topics of the German, Celtic, Indian and Slavic myths became popular in visual arts and sculpture.
At the turn of the 20th century, the symbolism and the style of Modern revived interest in the mythological genre (Moro, M. Deni, V. Vasnetsov, M. Vrubel). He received a modern rethinking in the chart of P. Picasso. See more historic genre.

Mythical creatures, monsters and fabulous animals
The fear of an ancient man in front of the powerful forces of nature was embodied in mythological images of gigantic or nasty monsters.

Created by the rich imagination of the ancients, they combined the part of the body of familiar animals, such as a lion's head or a snake tail. The body composed of the heterogeneous parts only emphasized the monstrity of these disgusting creatures. Many of them were considered the inhabitants of the sea bumpin, personifying the hostile power of the water element.

In the ancient mythology, the monsters are represented by rare wealth of forms, colors and sizes, more often they are ugly, sometimes - magical and beautiful; Often it is a semi-semoretum, and sometimes completely fantastic creatures.


Amazon, in the Greek mythology, the tribe of women warriors, leading their own genus from the god of war Ares and Niada Harmony. They lived in Malaya Asia or in the foothills of the Caucasus. It is believed that their name comes from the name of the custom. Slice from girls left chest for more convenient ownership of the battle bow.

The ancient Greeks believed that these fierce beauties at a certain time were married to men from other tribes. They gave birth to fathers or killed, and girls were brought up in the militant spirit. During the Trojan War, Amazon fought on the side of the Trojans, so the Kverrets Achille, Greek, defeating their queen Penfisile, Ryano denied rumors about love with her.

Statched warriors attracted not one Achilla. In the battles with Amazons, Hercules also participated in the Testa, who kidnapped the Queen of Amazon Antiopu, married her and with her help reflected the invasion of the viritatives in the Attika.

One of the twelve famous feats of Hercules consisted in the abduction of the magic belt of the queen of Amazons, the beauties of the Ippolites, which demanded from the hero of a considerable self-control.

Magi and Magi.

Magitians (wizards, magicians, sorceresses, sorcerers) are a special class of people ("wise men"), who enjoyed great influence in antiquity. Wisdom and the strength of Magi was to know the secrets inaccessible to ordinary people. Watching the degree of cultural development of the people, his magicians or sages could be represented by various degrees of "wisdom" - from simple ignorant signs to truly scientific knowledge.

Kedrigerne and other magicians
Dean Morrissi.
In the history of the Volkhvov, mentioning the history of prophecy, about the gospel instructions on the fact that during the birth of Christ in Jerusalem "came from East Magi and asked where the Born King Jewish" (Matthew, II, 1 and 2). What were these people from which country and what religion - this evangelist does not give any instructions.
But the further statement of these Magi, that they came to Jerusalem, because in the east the star born king Jewish, which came to worship, shows that they belonged to the category of those eastern Magi, which were engaged in astronomical observations.
Upon returning to his country, they betrayed contemplative life and prayer, and when the apostles dispersed for the preaching of the Gospel around the world, the Apostle Thomas met them in Parfia, where they accepted baptism from him and became the preachers of the new faith. The legend says that their relics were subsequently found by Queen Elena, they were first in Constantinople, but from there were transferred to Medialan (Milan), and then to Cologne, where their skulls, like a shrine, are stored and accredited. In honor of them in the West, a holiday was established, known as the holiday of the three kings (January 6) and they were made by general patrons of travelers.


Harpia, in the Greek mythology of the daughter of the Marine Deity of Tavmante and Oceanids, the number of which hesitates from two to five. Usually they are depicted by the disgusting half-semi-semi-seen.

Bruce Pennington

The myths are referred to Garpiy as about the evil kidnappers of children and human souls. From the Garpius of Dicky and God of the Western Wind of Marshmallow, Divine Freaky Koni Achilla was born. According to legend, Garpii had once dwell in Crete Caves, and later - in the kingdom of the dead.

Dwarfs in the mythology of the peoples of Western Europe. Little men living underground in the mountains or in the forest. They were with a child or with a finger, but possessed supernatural strength; They have long beards, and sometimes goat legs or goose paws.

Lived gnomes much longer than people. In the depths of the earth, the little man kept their treasures - precious stones and metals. Dwarfs - skilled blacksmiths and could have the magic rings, swords, etc. They often performed as the benevolent advisers of people, although black gnomes sometimes kidnapped beautiful girls.


In the mythology of Western Europe, the goblins are called mischievous ugly beings living underground, in caves that do not carry sunlight leading active nightlife. The origin of the word Goblin is apparently connected with the Spirit of Gobelinus, who dwells in the lands of Evre and the mention of which are found in the manuscripts of the XIII century.

Adapting to life underground, representatives of this people became very endless creatures. They could do without food for a whole week and did not lose their strength. They also managed to significantly develop their knowledge and skills, became cunning and inventive and learned to create such things that no mortal had the opportunity to do.

It is believed that goblins love to cause people smallquarters - to send nightmares, unwind noise, break up the dishes with milk, put the chicken eggs, blow the soot from the furnace to a clean house, to blow up the flies, mosquitoes and OS, whining the candles and spoil the milk.


Gorgon, in the Greek mythology of the monster, the daughters of the naval deities of Forky and Keto, the granddaughters of the goddess earth gay and the sea of \u200b\u200bPonta. Their three sisters: Sfeno, Eurial and Medusa; The latter, in contrast to the older, the creature is mortal.

Sisters lived in the extreme West, off the coast of the world river Ocean, near the garden hesperid. Their appeal was inspired by the horror: the winged creatures covered with scales, with snakes instead of hair, a fanging mouth, with a gaze to the stone all the living.

Perseus, the liberator of Beauty Andromeda, decapitated sleeping jellyfish, looking at her reflection in a brilliant copper shield given to Him Athena. From the blood of the jellyfish, the winged horse of Pegasus appeared, the fruit of her connection with the Lord of the Sea Poseidon, who hit the hoof the hoof the Helikon knocked out the inspiration of poets.

Gorgon (V. Bogure)

Demons and demons

The demon, in Greek religion and mythology, the embodiment of a generalized idea of \u200b\u200ban indefinite shapeless divine force, an evil or beneval, determining the fate of a person.

In Orthodox Christianity, "demons" usually give "demons".
Demons, in the Old Slavic mythology - evil spirits. The word "demons" - the general Slavonic, goes back to the Indo-European Bhoi-Dho-S - "Causeing Fear". Traces of ancient significance are preserved in archaic folklore texts, especially conspiracies. In the Christian ideas of demons - the servants and spies of the devil, they are the warriors of his unclean troops, oppose St. Trinity and the Heavenly Assistance to ArchReart Mikhail. They are enemies of the human race

In the mythology of Eastern Slavs - Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians - the general name of all the lower demonological creatures and spirits, such as children, devils, demons etc. - - unclean power, evil.

According to popular beliefs, the evil spirits are created by God or Satan, and according to beliefs - it appears from non-secret children or children born from intercourse with unclean power, as well as suicide. It was believed that the devil and the features can hatch from the rooster egg, wearing under the left. The evil spirits of omnipresent, but its favorite places were empty, chatters, swamps; Crossroads, bridges, pit, waterways, pools; "unclean" trees - willow, walnut, pear; underground and attic, place under the furnace, bath; Named representatives of the unclean respectively: leshel, Wildreck, Water, Bolder, House, Ories, Banner, Underfloor etc.

Demons Ad

Fear before the extradiil forced people not to go to the forest and the field in the Russian week, do not leave the house at midnight, do not leave open dishes with water and food, close the cradle, wrap the mirror, etc. However, the person sometimes entered the union with the unclean force For example, he wondered, removing the cross, he treated with conspiracies, sent damage. This was done by witches, sorcerers, characteristics, etc..

Vanity fuss - all fuss


The first references on the dragons belong to the ancient Sumerian culture. In antique legends there are descriptions of a dragon, as an amazing creature, not like any animal and at the same time having similarities with many of them.

The dragon image appears in almost all myths about the creation of the world. The sacred texts of the ancient peoples identify it with the pristine power of the Earth, the initial chaos that joins the fight against the Creator.

The dragon symbol is the emblem of warriors in the Parfyan and Roman standards, the National emblem of Wales, the keeper, depicted on the noses of the ships of the ancient Vikings. The Romans Dragon was a cohort icon, from here Modern Dragon, Dragun.

The dragon symbol is a symbol of the highest power of the Celts, the symbol of the Chinese emperor: his face was called the face of the dragon, and the throne is the throne of the dragon.

In the medieval alchemy - the warning (or otherwise the world substance) was denoted by an ancient alchemical symbol - a snake-dragon, biting himself behind the tail and called Uroboros ("Tail Eater"). The image of the Umoboros was accompanied by a signature "everything in one or united in everything." And the creation was called Circular (Circulare) or Wheel (Rota). In the Middle Ages, during the image of the dragon "borrowed" different parts of the body in various animals, and, like a sphinx, the dragon was a symbol of the unity of the four elements.

One of the most common mythological plots - a battle with a dragon

The battle with the dragon symbolizes those difficulties that a person needs to overcome to master the treasures of internal knowledge, win the victory over its lowland, dark nature and achieve composure.


Centaurs, in Greek mythology, wild creatures, semi-bedrooms, the inhabitants of the mountains and the forest scale. They were born from Ixion, the son of Ares, and the clouds adopted by the possibility of Zeus, the appearance of a hera on which Ixion was attempted. They lived in Fessiona, they fed on meat, drowned and famous for a violent temper. Centaurs were fought without tired with their neighbors Lapifa, trying to steal wives from this tribe. Defeated by Hercules, they settled throughout Greece. Centaurs are mortal, only Chiron was immortal

Chiron unlike all centaurs, was tempted in music, medicine, hunting and military art, and was also famous for his kindness. He was friends with Apollo and brought up a number of Greek heroes, including Achilles, Hercules, Tekes and Jason, taught the healing of Asclepia himself. Chiron was inadvertently injured by Hercules an arrow poisoned by the poison of the Lerneysian hydra. Suffering from the incurable Rape, Centaur has eased death and refused immortality in exchange for the liberation of Zeus Prometheus. Zeus settled Hiron in the sky in the form of the constellation of the Centaur.

The most popular from the legends, where the centaurs appear, is the legend of the "Centauromekhiya" - the battle of the centaurs with the lapiphs invited them. For guests, wine was in a novelty. At the feast, the churred Centaur, Euryition insulted the king of the lapiphs of the pith, trying to kidnap his bride with hipodami. The "Centaurome" FIDIA or his student depicted in Parfenone, Ovidi selled in the book of XII "Metamorphosis", she inspired Rubens, Pierri Di Kozimo, Sebastian Ricci, Jacobo Bassano, Charles Lebedna and other artists.

Painter Jordano, Luka pictured the plot of the famous history of the Battle of Lapiphs with Centaurs who decided to kidnap the daughter of King Lapipho

Reni Gwido Opera, abducted

Nymphs and mermaids

Nymphs, in the Greek mythology of the Divine of Nature, her lifeless and fruitful forces in the image of beautiful girls. The most ancient, lialyads were born from the blood drops of loose uranium. Distinguish the nymph of aquatic (oceanids, nonbeys, niada), lakes and swamps (Limnades), mountains (Orestiad), grove (Alseida), trees (DRIADA, GAMADRYAD), etc.

J. Waterhouse 1901

Nymphs, owners of ancient wisdom, secrets of life and death, healer and propheted, from marriages with gods gave birth to heroes and priests, such as Axillia, Eak, Tiresia. Beauty, who were usually dwelled away from Olympus, attendation of Zeus were called into the panels of the father of gods and people.

Gheyn Jacob De II - Neptune and Amphitrite

From the myths associated with nymphs and nonresses, the most famous myth about Poseidon and Amphitrite. One day, Poseidon saw at the shore of the island of Naxos as the dance of the sister-nonbeid, the daughters of the marine elder was sting. Poseidon was captured by the beauty of one of the sisters - an excellent amphitrite, and wanted to take her on his chariot. But Amphitrite was hidden from Titan Atlas, who keeps the heavenly arch on his mighty shoulders. For a long time I could not find Poseidon's beautiful amphitrite, daughter is stolen. Finally, she opened her shelter Dolphin. For this service, Poseidon placed Dolphin among the heavenly constellations. Poseidon kidnapped at the satin of the beautiful daughter of spawning and married her.

Herbert James Draper. Sea melodies, 1904


Satir in exile Bruce Pennington

Satira, in the Greek Mythology of Forest Perfume, Fertility Demons, together with Sileni members of Dionysus, in the cult of which they played a decisive role. These falls on the wine creatures are covered with wool, long-haired, with protruding horns or horsepower, tails and hooves; However, the torso and their head are human.

Clear, smoky and lustful, satires frolicked in the forests, chased nymphs and men, organized evil converges to people. The myth of the Satire of Marcia, who, picking up the flute, the browning goddess Athena, caused the musical contest of Apollo herself. The rivalry between them ended in that God not only won Marcia, but also lived with unhappy skin.


Etuns, tourists, in the Scandinavian mythology, Giant, in the later Scandinavian tradition - trolls. On the one hand, these are ancient giggles, the initial population of the world, in the time of preceding the gods and people.

On the other hand, Yatuna is residents of a cold rocky country on the northern and eastern outskirts of the Earth (Yotunheim, Utgard), representatives of the elemental demonic natural forces

T. rolly, in German-Scandinavian mythology, evil giants who lived in the depths of the mountains, where they kept their indiscreted treasures. It was believed that these unusually ugly creatures had a huge force, but were very stupid. Trolli, as a rule, tried to harm a person, kidnapped his cattle, destroyed the forest, pulled out the fields, destroyed the roads and bridges, were engaged in cannibalism. A later tradition likes trolls to various demonic creatures, including the gnomes.


Fairies, according to Celtic and Romanesque peoples - fantastic female creatures, wizard. Fairy, in European mythology - women with magic knowledge and power. Fairy, usually, good wizards, but there are "dark" fairies.

There are many legends, fairy tales and great works of art, in which the fairies are creating good deeds, become patrons of the princes and princesses, and sometimes they themselves act in the role of wives of kings or heroes.

According to Welsh Legends, Fairy existed in the guise of ordinary people, the times of beautiful, but sometimes terrible. At wishes, creating magic, they could take the kind of a noble animal, flower, light or could become invisible to people.

The origin of the word fairy remains unknown, but in the mythologies of European countries it is very similar. Word Fairy in Spain and Italy correspond to "FADA" and "FATA". Obviously, they are derived from the Latin word "Fatum", that is, fate, rock, which was recognition of the ability to predict and even manage human destiny. In France, the word "Fee" comes from the Starofranzesky "Feer", which apparently appeared on the basis of the Latin "Fatare", which meant "charming, okold". This word says about the ability of fairies to change the usual world of people. From the same word, the English word "Faerie" - the "magic kingdom", which includes the art of witchcraft and the whole world of fairies.


Elves, in the mythology of the German and Scandinavian peoples of the Spirit, the ideas about which they rise to the lower natural spirits. Like the Alvam, the elves are sometimes divided into bright and dark. The bright elves in medieval demonologies are good spirits of the air, the atmosphere, beautiful little men (increasing inch) in the caps of flowers, inhabitants of trees, which, in this case, can not chop.

They loved to drive away dances during the lunar light; The music of these fabulous creatures has been blocked by listeners. The world of light elves was an aptheim. The bright elves were engaged in spinning and weaving, their threads are a flying web; They had their kings, wars, etc.Dark elves - gnomes, underground blacksmiths stored in the depths of the treasure mountains. In medieval demonology, elves sometimes called lower spirits of natural elements: Salamandr (fire spirits), Sylves (air spirits), Undines (water spirits), Dwarfs (Earth spirits)

The myths that have come down to this day are full of dramatic stories about the gods and heroes, fighting dragons, giant snakes and evil demons

In Slavic mythology, there are many myths about animals and birds, as well as beings endowed with a bizarre appearance - half-semi-substituable, humanoconse - and extraordinary properties. First of all, it is a wolfwolf, wolf-tree. Slavs believed that the sorcerers could progress to the beast of any person. This and reminiscent of the centaur, a frisky receiving agent-semi-point Polkan; Wonderful half-hearted grazers Sirin and Alkonost, Hamaun and stood.

Interestingly, believing that the southern Slavs, which at the dawn of times, all animals were people, but those who committed a crime turned into beasts. In exchange for the gift of speech, they received the gift of foresight and understand what a person feels.


In the culture of each people there are mythical creatures, possessing both positive and negative qualities.

Some of them are known all over the world. Others, on the contrary, are familiar only by a specific ethnic group.

In this article we give a popular list of mythical creatures with pictures. Moreover, you will learn about their origin, as well as related to them.


Faust with Gomunkul

To this end, it was necessary to observe many different conditions, with the mandatory use of Mandragore. Alchemists were confident that such a little man could protect his owner from the troubles.


This is one of the most popular mythical creatures in Slavic folklore. Most know about it from fairy tales. Until now, some believe that the house can affect the life of the owner of the house.

According to the myth, so that he does not make anyone from the owners, it must be treated with different treats. Although often it leads to consequences.


In Slavic mythology, this night spirit. Usually they scare naughty children. And although the Babai does not have some particular way, often they say about him, as an old man with a bag, in which he plant harmful children.


Nefilima lived in times before the flood, and they are even mentioned in the Bible. These creatures are fallen angels, who once delighted the beauty of earthly women and entered them into sexual relations.

As a result of these ties, nefilima began to be born. Literally this word means "those who make others fall." They were very big growth, and also differed in incredible strength and cruelty. Nefilima attacked people and produced serious destruction.


Baanow Shi

In Scottish mythology, they meant a bloodthirsty creature under it. When a man saw a crow that turns into a beautiful girl in a dress, it meant that Baanavan Shea himself was before him.

The evil spirit was not whale wore a long dress, because he could hide his deer hooves. These evil mythical creatures have had men to themselves, and then they drank all the blood from them.



One of the most famous mythical creatures found among different peoples of the world. Under the clutter means a person who can reincarnate in animals.

Most often are shortenings. Similar modifications can occur at the request of the iswolf itself, or in connection with the lunar cycles.


The peoples of the North called the hostess of forests. As a rule, it was depicted in the form of a beautiful girl. Weredweed serve animals and birds. It is friendly tuned to people, and if necessary, can help them.


Vendigigo is an evil spirit-eater. He is a tary opponent of any excesses in human behavior. He likes to hunt and suddenly attack his victims.

When a traveler turns out to be in the forest, this mythical creature begins to make frightening sounds. As a result, the person is thrown on the ones, but he cannot escape.


In Japanese myths, these are perfumes that the sorcerer of the Omma-before. Despite its small sizes, they can enjoy in animals and birds to then manage them.

Manipulate siquies for the magician is very dangerous, because at any time they can start attacking it.


This mythical creature is described in the work of an ancient Greek poet of the Gesiod. Hydra has a snake body and a lot of heads. If you cut off one of them, two new ones immediately grow off.

It is almost unreal to destroy the hydra. She guards the entrance to the kingdom of the dead and is ready to attack anyone who will meet her on the way.


In English mythology, water fairi is so named. Turning into a wooden saucer, slowly floating along the water stroke, they try to get into the trap of women.

As soon as the woman affects such a saucer, the fighting in the same moment enough of her and drags her to the bottom, where she will have to be care for his children.


These are pagan evil spirits in the myths of the ancient Slavs. They represent a greater danger to a person.

Heavyly stick to people and can even put them in them, especially if they are alone. Often these mythical creatures take the appearance of poor old people.


In the legends of many European countries, the male demons, thirsty for women's love.

In some old books, these creatures were represented in the form of fallen angels. They possess so high reproductiveness that whole nations appeared from them.


In most people, he knows that the mythical being Leshel is the owner of the forest, vigorously follows all his property. If a person does not do anything wrong with him, he belongs to him friendly and can even help find a way out of the forest age.

But he can intentionally get bad people to walk around their possessions, knocking them off the way. Leshel knows how to laugh, sing, clap your hands or sob. With the onset of cold weather, he goes underground.

Baba Yaga

One of the most popular characters of Russian fairy tales. Baba Yaga is the owner of the forest, and all animals and birds are observed.

As a rule, it appears in the form of a negative character, but sometimes it can come to help different heroes.

Baba Yaga lives in the hut on the couch legs, and also knows how to fly on a step. She invites you to go to your abode of children to eat them later.


Living in the forest, this mythical creature attacks the lost people and then eats them. In the dark, the day of the shishik prefers to make noise and wander through the forest.

According to another belief, shishigi love to mock people who begin to be taken for any work, pre-praying. From this follows the popular belief that they teach people to the correct routine of life.

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Even led in this article comprehensive proof in the form of photographs. Why i spoke about mermaidsyes because mermaid - This is a mythical creature, found in many stories, fairy tales. And this time I want to tell about mythical creatureswho existed at one time on giving: grants, DRIADA, Kraken, Griffins, Mandragora, Hypogrif, Pegasus, Lerneysian hydra, Sphinx, Chimera, Cerberry, Phoenix, Vasilisk, Unicorn, Vfuln. We will get acquainted closer with these creatures.

Video from the channel "Interesting Facts"

1. Vivenn

Vivene "This creature is considered a" relative "of the dragon, but he has only two legs. Instead of anterior - Non-surface wings. It is characterized by a long snake neck and a very long, movable tail, an ending sting in the form of a heart-shaped arrow tip or a spear. With this stall of the Vfulnna, the victim collapses or prick, and under the appropriate conditions even pierce it. In addition, the sting of poisonous.
Vfulnna is often found in alchemical iconography, in which most of the dragons) personifies the primary, crude, non-translated matter or metal. In religious iconography it can be seen in the paintings depicting the struggle of Saints Mikhail or George. You can also wiverna also find in heraldic coat of arms, for example, on the Polish coat of arms of Lapet, the coat of arms of the family of drake or hosts from Coonwald.

2. Aspid.


Aspid - In the ancient Azbukovniki, the mention of Aspide is found - this is a snake (or a snake, aspid) "the winged, nose has a bird and two trunks, and in which the land will continue, the land will be led by Earth." That is, everything collapses and devastated. The famous scientist M. Zablin said that aspid, according to popular belief, you can meet in the gloomy northern mountains and that it is never to sit on the ground, but only on the stone. To speak and lime snake - the destroyer can be only a "pipe voice", from which the mountains are shaken. Then the stunned aspid of the sorcerer or a zeroar grabbed the ticks and kept, "while snakes did not die"

3. Unicorn

Unicorn - symbolizes the chastity, as well as serves the emblem of the sword. The tradition is usually in the form of a white horse with one horn out of forehead; However, according to esoteric beliefs, it has a white torso, a red head and blue eyes. In the early traditions, the unicorn was depicted with the bull body, in later with the body of a goat and only in late legends with a horse body. The legend claims that he is not tired when he is being pursued, but it is pounding to go to the ground if a virgin approaches him. In general, unicorn is impossible to catch, but if it can be able to hold it only with a golden bridle.
"The back was bent him and the ruby \u200b\u200beyes glowed, in the withers he reached 2 meters. Just above the eye, almost parallel to the earth, I grew horn; straight and thin. The mane and the tail have crumbled with small curls, but lowered and unnaturally for albinos black The eyelashes threw fluffy shadows on pink nostrils. " (S.Drugal "Vasilisk")
They feed on flowers, especially love rosehip flowers, and honeyfish, and drink morning dew. They also seek little lakes in the depths of the forest in which they bathe and drink from there and water in these lakes usually becomes very clean and has the properties of living water. In Russian "Azbukovnikh" 16 -17 centuries. Unicorn is described as a terrible and invincible beast, like a horse, the whole strength of which is enclosed in Horn. The nogue of the unicorn was attributed to the healing properties (according to the folk representations, the unicorn by its horn purifies the water poisoned by the snake). Unicorn is the essence of a different world and foreshadows happiness.

4. Vasilisk

Basilisk - The monster from the head of the rooster, the eyes of the toad, the wings of a bat and a dragon body (for some sources a huge lizard) which exists in the mythologies of many nations. From his gaze is all the living. Vasilisk - is born of an egg demolished by a seven-year-old black rooster (in some sources from the egg squeezed) in a warm dung bunch. According to legend, if Vasilisk will see his reflection in the mirror he will die. The habitat of Vasiliskov is the caves, they are its power supply, because it eats Vasilisk only stones. He can only leave his asylum at night, because it does not tolerate the crock of the rooster. And he is afraid of unicorns because those too "clean" animals.
"He moves the horns, the eyes are so green with a purple sweat, a hood warthfall is swelling. And he himself was a purple black with a spiked tail. The triangular head with a black and pink mouth wide open ...
His saliva is extremely poisonous and if it gets to live matter, then the replacement of carbon on silicon will immediately go. Simply put, all the living turns into a stone and moves, although there are disputes that Identify me too, but those who wanted to check it back did not return .. "(" S.Drugal Vasilisk ").
5. Manticor

Manticor "The story about this is a terrible creature can be found in Aristotle (IV century to our era) and a stonia of the older (I era). Manticor size with a horse, has a human face, three rows of teeth, the lion's body and the tail of the scorpion, red eyes, poured blood. Manticor runs so quickly that in the blink of an eye overcomes any distances. It makes it extremely dangerous - after all, it is almost impossible to run away, and the monster feeds only with fresh human meat. Therefore, on medieval meniamiars, you can often see the image of a manticor with a human hand or foot in the teeth. In medieval works on natural history, the Manticor was considered a really existing, but inhabitable in deserted places.

6. Valkyrie

Valkyrie- Beautiful Virgin Chariters who fulfill the will of Odin and are his companions. They invisibly take part in every battle, giving victory to someone who are awarded her gods, and then carry the dead warriors in Valgalu, the castle of Ovenly Asgard, and they are serving them at the table. The legends call both heavenly Valkyrie, which determine the fate of every person.

7. Anca

Anca- In Muslim mythology, wonderful birds created by Allah and hostile to people. It is believed that Anca exist to this day: they just have so much that they are found extremely rare. Anka is in many ways similar to its properties with Phoenix bird, having lived in the Arabian desert (it can be assumed that Anka is a Phoenix).

8. Phoenix

Phoenix- in monumental sculptures, stone pyramids and buried mums of the Egyptians sought to find eternity; It is quite natural that it was in their country that the myth of a cyclically reviving, immortal bird should arise, although the subsequent development of the myth was committed by the Greeks and the Romans. Adolv Erman writes that Phoenix is \u200b\u200ba patron of jubileev, or large temporary cycles in the mythology of Heliopolis. Herodotus in the famous passage sets out with an underlined skepticism the initial version of the legend:

"There is another sacred bird, her name Phoenix. I myself never saw her, except with drawn, for in Egypt, it rarely appears, once every 500 years, as the residents of Heliopolis say. According to them, she flies when she dies Father (that is, she herself) if the image is correctly shown its size and magnitude and appearance, the plumage of it is a golden one, part of red. The appearance of it and dimensions resemble an eagle. "

9. Echidna

Echidna - half-seed half, daughter Tartara and Rii, gave birth to Typhon and many monsters (Lerneysian hydraulic, cerper, chimeura, unay lion, sphinx)

10. Heads

Sliding- Pagan evil spirits of the ancient Slavs. Also, they are also called Criccuses or Choman - swamp spirits, which are dangerous that they can stick to a person, even to make it, especially in old age, if a person did not love anyone in life and he had no children. Head has a not quite definite appearance (says, but invisible). She can wrap a little man, a small child, a beggar old man. In a catalyne game, the worst personifies poverty, poverty, winter darkness. In the house of the Children, most often settled behind the oven, but loves and suddenly jump on his back, the shoulders of man, "ride" on it. There may be somewhat worst. However, manifested by some smelter, they can be transferred, locked, concluding in some container.

11. Cerberry

Cerberus - One of the children of the echid. The three-headed dog, on the neck of which move with the Grozny hiss of the snake, and instead of the tail he has a poisonous snake .. He serves Aida (God of the kingdom of the dead) stands on the eve of hell and protects his entrance. She followed that no one came out of the underground kingdom of the dead, because from the kingdom of the dead there is no refund. When Cerberus was on Earth (this happened because of Hercules, which, on the instructions of the Tsar, Eurisfay brought him from Aida) The monstrous dog dropped a drop of bloody foam from the mouth; Of which the poisonous grass rose aconite.

12. Chimera

Chimera - In Greek mythology, the monster of the monster and the neck of the lion, the goat's body and the tail of the Dragon (on another version of Chimera had three heads - lion, goats and dragon) seems to be a chimera - the personification of the fire-drying volcano. In the figurative sense of chimer - fantasy, unrealized desire or action. In sculpture, chimeras are images of fantastic monsters (for example, chimeras of the Cathedral of the Paris's Mother of God) But it is considered that stone chimeras can come to life to bring horror to people.

13. Sphinx

Sphiefc or Sphing in ancient Greek mythology winged monster with the face and breasts of a woman and a torso lion. It makes it up of the outline dragon of Typhon and Echidnas. The name of the Sphinx is associated with the verb "Sphingo" - "compress, suffer." The hero of the hero on the income in the punishment. The Sphinx is located on the mountain near FIV (or on the city square) and asked everyone a riddle held ("Which of the living beings in the morning walks on four legs, in the afternoon on two, and in the evening on three?"). I could not give a rays in the Sphinx killed and thus destroyed a lot of noble phivans, including the son of King Creonte. The king depressed with the grief announced that he would give the kingdom and the hand of his sister okasto to the one who would save the fiva from the Sphinx. The mystery was solved by the Oedip, the Sphinx in despair rushed into the abyss and crashed to death, and Oedip became the Fivansky king.

14. Lerneysian hydra

Lerneny hydra - The monster with the bodies of the snake and the nine heads of the dragon. Hydra lived in a swamp near the city of Lern. Crawled out of his logo and destroyed whole herds. Victory over Gyuto was one of the feats of Hercules.

15. Niaja

Niaja - Each river, every source or a stream in Greek mythology had their boss - the nayad. This is a fun tribe of patrons of water, propheted and healers did not cover any statistics, he heard every Greek with a poetic vest in the banner of the waters of the careless chatter Naj. They belong to the descendants of the ocean and the the fisids; There are up to three thousand them.
"All names for them to call anyone from people are not under power. Knows the name of the flow only one who is close to dwells "

16. Ruchh

Ruchh - The east has long been told about the Giant Bird of Ruchh (or Hands, Fear, Foot, Nagai). Someone even met her. For example, the hero of the Arab fairy tales of Sinbad-Seaido. Once he found himself on a uninhabited island. After examining, he saw a huge white dome without windows and doors, so big that he could not get to him.
"And I," Syndbad tells himself, "he walked around the dome, measuring his circle, and counted fifty full steps. Suddenly the Sun disappeared, and the air was darkened, and the light turned out from me. And I thought that the cloud found in the sun (and it was summer time), and was surprised, and raised my head, and saw a bird with a huge body and wide wings, which flew through the air - and it was she covered the sun and tanned him over the island . And I remembered one story, which people were told for a long time ago, namely: on some islands there is a bird, called Ruchh, who feeds his children with elephants. And I was convinced that the dome I walked around - Egg Ruchh. And I began to surprise the fact that Allah was great. And at that time the bird suddenly sank to the dome, and hugged him with wings, and pulled his legs on the ground behind him, and fell asleep on it, and there will be Slary Allah, who never sleeps! And then I, unleashing Chalm, tied myself to the legs of this bird, saying to myself: "Maybe she will take me to countries with cities and a population. It will be better than sitting here, on this island. "And when it rose dawn and climbed the day, the bird starred from the egg and swayed into the air. And then it began to descend and dropped on some land, and, reaching the earth, I Quickly embarked on her legs, fearing the bird, but the bird did not know about me and I did not feel. "

Not only a fabulous Sinbad-Sea - but also a real Florentine traveler Marco Polo, who visited Persia in the XIII century, India and China, heard about this bird. He told that Mongolian Khan Khubilai once sent the birds of faithful people. The deaths found her homeland: the African Island of Madagascar. They did not see the bird itself, but they brought her pen: it was twelve steps long, and the pen rod in diameter was equal to two palm trunks. They said that the wind produced by the wings of Ruchh winds a man from his feet, claws her like bullish horns, and meat returns youth. But try to catch this ruh if she can carry a unicorn along with three elephants stronged on her horn! The author of Encyclopeda Alexandrova Anastasia knew this monstrous bird and in Russia, called fear, legs or feet, gave her new fabulous features.
"The feet-bird is so strong that the will of raising can, in the air flies and four legs walk on the ground," the ancient Russian "Azbukovnik" of the XVI century narrates.
The secret of the winged giant tried to clarify the famous traveler Marko Polo: "It's name is this bird on the islands of the hand, and we don't call our own, but then - vulture!" Only ... heavily grown in human imagination.

17. Hukhlik

Hukhlik in Russian superstitions of water traits; Out of The name of Hukhlyak, Hukhlik,, apparently, happened from Karelian Huhlakka - "Caught", TUS - "Ghost, Ghost", "Dressed Strange" (Cherepanova 1983). The appearance of Hukhlyak is unclear, but they say that it is similar to shilicoon. This unclean spirit appears most often from the water and becomes especially active during the shin. Loves to make fun of people.

18. Pegasus

Pegasus - in greek mythology Winged horse. Son Poseidon and Gorgon Jellyfish. Born out of the body killed by the Gorgon. The Pegasus got because he was born at the origins of the ocean (Greek. "Source"). Pegasus ascended to Olympus, where he delivered thunder and lightning Zeus. Pegasus is also called the horse of the muses, since he knocked the hippocrase from under the ground - a source of music, which has a property to inspire poets. Pegasus is just like a unicorn can only catch the golden bridle. On another myth, the gods gave Pegasus. Bellorofontu, and the one takes off on it, killed the winged monster Chimera, devastating the country.

19 hippogrif

Hippogrif - In the mythology of the European Middle Ages, wanting to designate the impossibility or inconsistency, Virgil says about an attempt to crush the horse and the griff. Four centuries later his commentator service claims that vultures or griffins are animals that the front of the body is an eagle, and the rear is lion. To reinforce your statement, he adds that they hate horses. Over time, the expression "Jungentur Jam Grypes Eguis" ("crossing the vultures with horses") has become a saying; At the beginning of the sixteenth century, Louis Ariosto remembered him and came up with Hippogriff. Pietro Michelly notes that hypogrif is more harmonious creation, even the winged Pegasus. In "Fury Roland" given a detailed description of the hypogriff, as if it was intended for the textbook of fantastic zoology:

Not ghostly under the magician horse - a mare
Born on the light, his father was hiking;
In his father, he was a bird wide, -
The Father was in front: like that, Reliva;
Everything else, like the uterus, it was
And called the horse is the hypogrif.
Rifey mountains limits are glorious by them,
Far beyond the seas

20 Mandragora

Mandrake. The role of mandragora in mythopoietic ideas is due to the presence of certain sleeping and exciting properties in this plant, as well as the similarity of its root with the lower part of the human body (Pythagora called Mandragore "a humanoid plant", and Columella is "grass-receiving"). In some folk traditions, the guy of Mandragora's root distinguishes the male and female plants and even give them the appropriate names. In the old herbalists, the roots of Mandragora are depicted as men's or female forms, with a bunch of leaves growing out of the head, sometimes with a dog on a chain or agonizing dog. According to beliefs, the one who will hear the moan, published by Mandrague when digging it from the ground, must die; To avoid the death of man and at the same time satisfy the thirst for blood, allegedly inherent on Mandragore. When digging Mandragora was put on a binding dog, which was thought to die in agony.

21. Griffins

Griffin- Winged monsters with a lion torso and eagle heads, gold guards. In particular, it is known that the treasures of the Ripey Mountains are guarded. Flowers faded from his cry, and the sickness of grass, and if there is someone alive, all the dead fall. The eyes of the griffin with a golden sampling. The head in size resembled the wolf's head with a huge frightening view with a beak in foot long. Wings with a strange second joint so that it was more convenient to fold them. In Slavic mythology, all the approaches to the Iriemic Garden, Alakura Mountain and an apple tree with gold apples. Suggest griffins, Vasiliski. Who will try these gold apples - he will receive eternal youth and power over the universe. And the apple tree itself with gold apples wakes dragon palm. Nor walking, no equestrian pass.

22. Kraken

Kraken - This is the Scandinavian version of Saratan and the Arab Dragon, or the Sea Snake. Spin from Kraken's width into one and a half miles, in his tentacles are able to embrace the largest ship. Huge this back is from the sea, like a huge island. Kraken has the habit of dimming the sea water by eruption of some liquid. Such an approval gave rise to the hypothesis that Kraken is an octopus, only increased. Among the youth works of Tenison, you can find a poem dedicated to this remarkable substance:

Spokon of centuries in the ocean puchin
Ground Kraken Discordable sleeps
He is blind and deaf, on the car a giant
Only at times the pale beam slides.
The giants of the sponge pegs over him
And out of the depths, dark holes
Polyps Ensured Khor.
Stretches the tentacles like hands.
Millennia Kraken honors there,
So it was and so will continue
While the last fire will burn the puchin
And the heat will fall a lively solid.
Then he will come from sleep,
Before Angels and People will appear
And, with how to pop up, will meet death.

23. Golden dog

Golden dog.- This is a gold dog that guarded Zeus when the Kronos pursued. The fact that Tantalt did not want to give this dog was the first strong misdemeanor in front of the gods, which then the gods took him down when choosing punishment.

"... in Crete, the birthplace of the thumbnail, there was a golden dog. Once she guarded the newborn Zeus and had a wonderful Goat Amalfoy. When Zeus grew up and took power from Croon over the world, he left this dog in Crete to guard his sanctuary. The king of Ephesazarey, choosing the beauty and strength of this dog, secretly arrived at Crete and took her on his ship from Crete. But where to hide a wonderful animal? I thought about it for a long time during the path of the sea and finally decided to give a golden dog to storage tantalu. The king of Sipila hid a wonderful animal from the gods. Angry Zeus. He called on his son, the messenger of the gods Hermes, and sent him to Tantalon to demand the return of the Golden Dog. In the blink of an eye, she was rushed from Olympa to the fastest Hermes, appeared before Tantalle and told him:
"Tsar Efhes, Padarery, kidnapped a golden dog in Crete from Zeus's sanctuary and gave it to you. Everyone knows the Gods of Olympus, nothing can hide mortals from them! True Dog Zeus. Beware of the Horn of the Thunder!
Tantalum also answered the Baznik of the Gods:
- In vain threaten to me anger Zeus. I did not see the Golden Dog. Gods are mistaken, there is no her.
A terrible oath swore tantal in what the truth says. This oath even more angry Zeus. That was the first insult inflicted by tantalum gods ...


DRIADA - In Greek mythology, female spirits of trees (nymphs). They live in a tree that is guarded and often gibbles along with this tree. DRIADES The only of the nymphs who are mortal. The nymphs of trees are inseparable from the tree in which they live. It was believed that the planting trees and caring for him enjoy the special patronage of Dryad.

25. Grants

Grant - In the English folklore, the werewolf, which is most often mortal under the guise of a horse. At the same time he walks on the hind legs, and his eyes are pomp with a flame. Grant - Urban Fairi, it can often be seen on the street, at noon or closer to sunset Meeting with a grant foreshadows misfortune - a fire or anything else in the same spirit.

There are so many of them, they all are famous for their own, unlike others. Whether it is a story or simply appearance (scales, ears or tails ^^) - it makes them part of his world.
The world, in which they are not all ready to let! But we are not long? Look at one eye and all!
Go down below ... And here they are!
Elf. Strange ears who give them some mysteriousness and unity with nature. More often they meet exactly where the "Great Mother" reigns with all its anti-antholes and crawls and fellow. An interesting kind of creature, such a cute look, but such "Arrr" are strong and ready for all for the sake of protection of those who have become a kind of family for them ...

Ltd., but these creatures are generally unusual to the brain and bones, well, to the tail, yeah. They lure the peasants-fools with their singing into the water - and all remember, as called! But the beauty still those, always under the parade, are always ready to conquer the heart of the opposite sex. And they enjoy sailors with special demand ... So, boys, be careful ... And then Hapanut, will be wilted and there is no you!

Centaurs - like a person, and it seems no. But in different legends and myths, they most often were represented as a good part of all the lives. Always on the side of good and light. But they have forces at least debug. Anyone can fight back.
By the way, if you turn your eyes to the sky, then you can also notice a centaur in the form of a constellation!

Medusa Gorgon is a terrible creature. Beautiful girl, and on the head, Mother of God, wriggle snakes. UU. Kiss what. And if you look at her eyes - everything, the order immediately, did not have time to come to my senses. Those still monsters of the mythical world. By the way, she has no poisonous hair, so if you meet it in your way, you can immediately pray!

Fairies are cute creatures living near reservoirs and colors. Rarely the fairies were evil, rather, they reflected in nature, loving peace and peace and preserving beauty in everything they see them in fairy tales and cartoons. But evil thoughts are also often hidden under kindness, so you need to be quite careful when meeting with them. Careful, these cute wings can mislead you!

Well, and finally, just a couple of beautiful mythical pictures with creatures, unlike anything in this ordinary and routine world. Very unusual, beautiful and damn mythical, dooo!