Do-it-yourself drawing of mom with a pencil. How to draw a mom beautifully and easily: step-by-step instructions for children

Do-it-yourself drawing of mom with a pencil.  How to draw a mom beautifully and easily: step-by-step instructions for children
Do-it-yourself drawing of mom with a pencil. How to draw a mom beautifully and easily: step-by-step instructions for children

March 8, International Women's Day, is approaching, and many want to please their mother with a touching gift - a portrait. However, drawing a mother beautifully step by step with a pencil is not an easy task even for experienced artists, and for a child it can be very difficult. I will show you how to draw a mom easily and effortlessly - just repeat all the steps of this step by step lesson... You will need a pencil, an eraser and paper, we will paint with any material suitable for this - paints, colored pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens and anything else.

Since we are drawing a portrait of mom for March 8 or for mom's day for children, we will need to draw a face and shoulders. People have an oval face shape, so let's start drawing by building such a base. I leave the top open, there we will draw the hairstyle. You may not succeed the first time, but it doesn't matter - just use the eraser and fix mistakes on the go.

Now we need to draw mom's neck. These will be two smooth lines, you should get something like this.

Now we need to draw beautifully the face of mom. I always start drawing faces from the eyes, and the portrait of my mother on March 8 will be no exception. We draw two almond-shaped shapes, and a little higher - the eyebrow lines. It is especially important here to remember what kind of eyes your mother has and try to repeat their shape.

Below, I draw a neat nose with just two lines. Look, it’s very easy to draw, but it still looks natural. Below, I draw the lips and a light line above the chin.

Correct the contours a little - do not be afraid to adjust the portrait of mom on March 8 with a pencil, if you want it to turn out beautifully. Here I draw the folds above the eyes, the iris and pupils, and the cilia. If your mom has moles, birthmarks, or other features on her face, be sure to reflect them!

The only thing left to do was to draw a hairstyle and ears for my mother. We draw the ears at about the same level as the eyes, and the hairstyle will be the same as that of your mother. At my mom's short hair with a little bang, that's why I draw that way.

Next, you need to draw clothes. I draw a neat collar, you can draw my mother's favorite sweater, top, top of the dress. You can add other details - for example, mother's beautiful beads, earrings and other jewelry that she really likes.

If your mom has a different hairstyle - for example, long hair, a high ponytail, a square or something else - draw with a pencil exactly as it looks. You can get, for example, like this.

And now our portrait of mom needs to be colored in stages! I paint my mother's skin beige, add blush on her cheeks. Hair - pleasant brown tint... My mother's eyes are special - one is green, the other is green with a brown speck, I also reflect this in my drawing so that the portrait on March 8 is more recognizable. Remember to make the eyeshadow orange on the skin. I paint my clothes green, to match my eyes

So, I showed you how a child can draw a mom beautifully on March 8 or Mom's Day. If you decide to draw a drawing of your mother and you succeed, be sure to share the result in the comments, it’s very interesting for me to see. If you have any problems, you can also ask for help in the comments.

For loving mom even the usual scribbles of a native child look like a real masterpiece, touching and very cute. And if the album sheet depicts her own portrait, the gift becomes priceless. It is a pity that these are the drawings that most often upset the "artists" themselves. Kids always try to draw their beloved parent as the most beautiful, bright and fashionable, and older children create a more realistic stage portrait with small details... Both those and others put maximum zeal and a piece of unconditional childish love into the illustration, but the result is not always successful and flawless. As a result: joy for mom, tears for the child! How to proceed to process children's creativity became a real gift not only for mothers, but also for children? The answer is simple: it's worth reading detailed master classes even before the drawing lesson. And then simple artistic basics will help children make a beautiful postcard-portrait with their own hands, using regular pencil or paint.

How to draw a mom for Mother's Day and what to draw for mom for her birthday, see the following sections with step-by-step master classes.

How to draw a postcard portrait for mom with your own hands as a gift for Mother's Day

Every child knows: his mother is the kindest, bravest, smartest and beautiful woman in the world. It is precisely this kind of children who are used to drawing dear ones on funny drawings, small caricatures and colorful postcard portraits. However, most young artists skillfully draws all the small, but so familiar details: curly mother's hair, a mole above the upper lip, a birthmark on the forehead, etc. Do you know how to draw a postcard-portrait for mom with your own hands as a gift for Mother's Day? If not, we will teach you. Follow our step-by-step picture master class.

Required materials for a postcard-portrait to mom on Mother's Day

  • a sheet of thick white paper
  • the pencil is soft and hard
  • sharpener
  • eraser
  • black gel pen

Step-by-step master class on creating a mother's portrait for a postcard for Mother's Day

On a note! Now you know how to draw a postcard-portrait for mom with your own hands as a gift for Mother's Day. It remains to supplement it with beautiful congratulatory inscriptions ("To my beloved mother", "The most best mom"," I love you! ") And small festive details - bows, flowers, frame or ruffles.

How to draw a mother and child with a simple pencil step by step

"Mom" is the first word of the child. She is the most important person in the life of a kid, the most best friend and a faithful teacher. Beloved parent opens the door for children great life, surrounds with warmth and affection, holds the hand tightly during the first timid steps. Mother and child are inseparable in essence, so we will not separate them in our next illustration. Let's find out how to draw a mother and child with a simple pencil without much difficulty.

Necessary materials for drawing "mother and child" with a simple pencil

  • a sheet of thick white or tinted paper
  • soft and hard pencil
  • black pen
  • leaf
  • sharpener
  • a piece of blending paper

Step-by-step instructions with a photo of how to draw a mother with a child with an ordinary pencil

  1. Lay a sheet of heavy white or light-toned paper horizontally on your desk. Divide the field visually into two equal parts. In the center, draw the outlines of two faces - a mother and a daughter.
  2. Add outlines for the hairstyles. Sketch the strands of hair falling over the face.
  3. With a hard pencil, draw the features of the daughter and mother - closed eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, mouth, nose.
  4. Replacing the hard pencil with a soft one, leave shadows on the faces, as in the picture below. Shade the inflowing areas with light strokes.
  5. Blend the shadows around the eyes, under the nose, in the corners of the lips, on the neck and cheekbones with a piece of clean paper. Leave the cheeks unpainted.
  6. Use a soft pencil to paint over the hair, drawing lines from the roots to the ends. To make the hairstyles more expressive and realistic, add some bright strokes with a black pen.
  7. In this primitive way, you can draw not only a mother with a child with a simple pencil, but also a father with a son, grandparents, young people in love, etc.

How easy it is to draw the whole family in stages: mom, dad, daughter and son

Big and Friendly family- every person's dream. And children are no exception to the rule. Boys and girls, as well as adults, are happy to have a warm home with caring parents, brothers and sisters, cheerful joint holidays... Someone lucky enough to be born and live in full family with all that it implies, but for someone a full-fledged house is just plans for the future. Let's try to draw a whole family (mom and dad with a daughter or son), and thus visualize an ideal social unit.

Required materials for drawing "family" with mom, dad, daughter or son

  • a sheet of thick landscape paper
  • soft and hard pencil
  • eraser
  • sharpener
  • colored pencils or paints

Step-by-step master class on drawing a whole family (mom, dad, son and daughter)

What to draw for a mom for a birthday from a daughter or son: a simple step-by-step instruction

The birthday of a beloved mother is a special reason for a daughter and son to draw a beautiful gift for the birthday girl with their own hands according to simple step-by-step instructions. On an elegant white album sheet, you can depict a bright box with a bow, a delicious cake, beautiful bouquet flowers or the mother herself with the baby in her arms. Such unusual drawing will momentarily return the culprit of the holiday to the past and fill the whole day with pleasant nostalgic emotions. See how and what to draw for a mother's birthday from a daughter or son, in a simple step-by-step instruction.

Necessary materials for a drawing for a mother from a daughter or son for a birthday

  • a sheet of thick landscape paper
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • sharpener
  • colored pencils or paints

A simple step-by-step instruction on how to draw a birthday present for mom from a daughter or son

  1. Start drawing with mommy's face. Using the schematic circle shown in the photo, define the tilt of the head. Draw the outlines of the face and hair.
  2. Detail the profile: paint the eyes, eyelashes, wrinkles on the eyelids, nose, lips, teeth, cheeks, and more. Add locks in the auricle and strands in the hair.

    On a note! To make the drawing more accurate and realistic, use one of the photographs of your mother with a baby in her arms as a "nature". It is much easier and faster to depict a non-moving object from a finished illustration.

  3. Sketch the woman's skeleton with straight lines. Draw the lines for the arms and outlines of the baby in the diaper. Its body will be rectangular, and its head will be round.
  4. Detail the baby's head and body, draw handles, ears, depressions on the face.
  5. Following the straight lines of the skeleton, sketch out the woman's torso. One hand supports the baby under the head, the other hugs the legs. Don't forget your mommy's clothes. Locate the collar and cuffs, buttons and other details.
  6. Erase all the guide lines and draw folds in both the woman's clothes and the baby's diaper.
  7. Shade the recessed areas, thus creating shadows. Leave all prominent and well-lit elements white.
  8. Using colored pencils, watercolors or gouache paints, color the drawing.

What to draw for my mother just like that with watercolors or pencils

In the previous master classes, you mastered drawing a mother's portrait, a woman with a child, and even the whole family from photographs, living models, or just from memory. But there are many more original and unusual ideas what to draw for my mother just like that watercolors or pencils. For example, a dining table with a tea set, mom's favorite flower bed or a mother cat with little kittens. The last option is the most relevant and symbolic for a drawing for Mother's Day or the birthday of a dear parent.

The necessary materials for drawing with a pencil or paints for mom just like that

  • sheet of paper for pastels
  • soft pencil
  • eraser
  • colored pastels or watercolors

A step-by-step master class on creating a beautiful drawing for mom with paints or pencils just like that

  1. Lay a sheet of paper horizontally. In the upper central part, draw an oval (the middle of the cat's body), and to the left and below - a circle (the future head of the animal).
  2. Next, draw the outlines of the mother cat's body, her face and ears.
  3. Divide the area below the torso into three parts, forming a triple trapezoid.
  4. In the center box of the trapezoid, draw the outline of the little kitten. Don't forget the baby's ponytail and ears.
  5. Draw one more "baby" on both sides. To make the image more vivid, put the babies in different positions.
  6. Draw the body of mommy, keeping the proportions in the length and thickness of the legs, tail, belly and other details.
  7. Erase all the auxiliary lines with a soft eraser, give the fur of the cats fluffy using dashed lines.

We draw mom:step by step drawing for kids, step by step photos, examples of children's portraits of mom.

We draw a mother with children

Do you still have a portrait of a mother drawn by a child in your family? Today we will draw it with the kids! By analogy, you can make a portrait of a grandmother, sister, beloved teacher of the child and present it for his birthday, March 8, Mother's Day.

Before drawing a portrait, be sure to have a conversation with the children.

Preparing to draw mom with preschool children

Discuss using photos of relatives and friends of the child, illustrations from children's books about the family:

- What is the shape of a person's face?

- What is the shape of mom's face? What kind characteristic signs has a face?

- What color is mom's eyes?

- Are your mom's eyebrows dark or light?

- What color is your hair?

- What hairstyle does mom wear ( short haircut, fluffy hair, hair gathered in a bun at the top or back)?

Draw mom: step by step drawing for kids

Step 1. Draw mom's face

Draw the oval of the face. (You need to draw with a simple pencil, here in the master class a felt-tip pen was used so that you can see the lines more clearly).

Step 2. Draw mom's neck and shoulders

Divide the oval in half vertically (from top to bottom). It is advisable to draw all lines with very light pencil pressure.

Draw the neck and shoulders.

Step 3

- Divide the resulting vertical line into three equal segments.

- Draw two thin points through the points obtained. horizontal lines dividing the face oval into three parts.

Step 4. Draw the eyebrows, mom's eyes

- Draw eyebrows under the upper dividing line. We keep an equal distance of the eyebrows from the center of the face.

- Draw almond-shaped eyes under the eyebrows.

- Draw a circle in the center of the eye - an iris.

- Draw a smaller circle in the iris - the pupil.

Step 5. Draw the nose, mouth, ears of mom

- From the eyebrow line to the bottom dividing line draw a nose.

- Divide the lowest vertical segment in half and draw a line of the mouth - a concave line.

- Above the resulting line of the mouth, draw the upper lips with two curved segments.

- Under the mouth line, draw the lower lips with a more concave line

- Draw ears between the first and second dividing horizontal lines.

Step 6

- And now we take paints and brushes different numbers... With a thin brush black paint draw eyebrows, eye contours, eyelashes. If the eyebrows are light - draw them light paint

- Paint the iris with blue paint. If mom's eyes are of a different color, then draw an iris the right color.

- Draw the pupil with black paint.

Step 7

Paint the lips with red paint. Highlight the mouth line with a thin line with a darker paint.

Step 8. Draw mom's dress and hair

- Draw a dress, preferably my mother's favorite. Draw beads if she wears them. Or a chain with a pendant.

- Draw hair. It is important to convey to children the idea that hair is drawn in the direction of its growth. In this case, in the figure for this article, we drew a bob-type hairstyle. Hair in straight locks falls from top to bottom, covering the ears. Start painting on the right side of the face, moving the brush from top to bottom from the middle of the forehead. Do not forget to keep the brush upright. Pay attention to the fact that we tear off the brush from the sheet of paper, and draw again from top to bottom, and not "here and there."

- If your mother has long hair, draw them below, they will fall on the shoulders, on the dress.

Similarly to the right side, draw hair on the left side of the face.

If the mother has a hairstyle with an open forehead, then as a result of this step, you get something like this portrait of the mother.

Step 9

If mom has bangs, then you need to draw bangs with a thin brush, moving the brush from top to bottom. At the top, draw lines closer to the center, at the bottom - spreading the lines to the sides.

You should watch your mother's hairstyle: there may be short bangs, it goes only in the forehead or from the center of the head. Then in the figure you should draw lines from the center of the head in the shape of a triangle.

These are how different mothers are! Below you will see the drawings of the children who drew their mother according to this master class... Notice how differently they portrayed their mothers!

How to draw a mom: examples of children's drawings

How to draw a beautiful and simple children's drawing for Mother's Day, our interesting thematic master classes, provided with step-by-step explanations, photos and videos, will tell you. Following the advice of these lessons, create with your own hands bright and original artistic compositions for exhibitions and competitions at school and kindergarten everyone will learn. We recommend that novice painters first of all pay attention to pencil drawings, and only then try their hand at paints. Choose the lesson that suits you and get to work. You will definitely succeed, and you can please your loved ones with pleasant and touching pictures on the day of the holiday.

Drawing for Mother's Day in pencil in stages for beginners in kindergarten - master class

Flowers are the most suitable subject for children's drawing pencil for Mother's Day. Even a beginner can easily cope with such a task. little artist and it will take very little time to make a mini-masterpiece. The only thing that should be taken care of in advance is a bright, high-quality consecration of the workplace. Then it will be very comfortable to draw and the finished image will be as natural, attractive and realistic as possible.

Necessary materials for a step-by-step do-it-yourself pencil drawing

  • pencils HB + 2B
  • Whatman sheet of A4 format
  • eraser
  • sharpener

Step-by-step instructions for a step-by-step drawing of a flower in kindergarten

DIY drawing for Mother's Day in kindergarten

Kids in kindergarten are not yet very good at pencils and paints, therefore, when choosing plots for Mother's Day drawings for them, you should give preference to simple compositions with a minimum of small details. In addition, the work should not include a large number of different shades and subtle color transitions. Ideal if the image will use only three to four colors from standard set for children's creativity. Then the children will have almost no difficulties, and no one will panic because they are not able to fulfill the teacher's task.

Essential materials for a simple baby drawing for Mother's Day

  • A4 sheet of white Whatman paper
  • simple pencil
  • set of children's paints
  • eraser
  • brushes (wide and thin)

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a bear cub in kindergarten on Mother's Day

  1. Draw a large circle at the top of a sheet of Whatman paper with a simple pencil - this is the head of a bear. At the bottom of the circle, inscribe one medium-sized oval and another very small one. Make sure that their tops touch each other. This is the tip of the nose.
  2. Draw small circles in place of the eyes with a pencil, and then paint over them with black paint, leaving small white areas - glare.
  3. Draw neat semicircular ears to the head.
  4. Draw the bear's body with a large oval, make one smaller oval on the sides. These are the front legs of the beast. To add a big heart to them - a symbol of a holiday gift.
  5. For the hind legs, draw two parallel lines and finish them with rounded feet, inside which to depict small hearts.
  6. Paint over the whole body of the bear brown paint, the gift heart is bright red, the small hearts on the feet are pink.
  7. On the face, carefully depict a cut of the mouth with black paint, add claws on the paws and legs, wait until the work is completely dry and give it to your beloved mother.

Drawing for Mother's Day in stages for the competition at school

On Mother's Day, the school organizes all kinds of children's creativity contests. One of the most popular and beloved by children of all ages is the drawing and painting competition. The plots for him are very different, but the ideal is the version of family images, where both parents and children are present at the same time. You can draw thematic scenes on Whatman sheets with colored pencils, pastels or watercolors, but the most spectacular, bright and colorful images are obtained using traditional gouache. In addition, this work dries up very quickly and can be hung on the exhibition stand almost immediately.

Required Materials for the Competition Drawing for Mother's Day at School

  • Whatman sheet
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • set of gouache paints
  • brushes (wide and thin)

Step-by-step instructions for making a beautiful drawing for a competition at school

  1. First, using a simple pencil, draw a sketch of the general landscape and determine the border separating the sky from the ground.
  2. Having retreated about 20 centimeters from the bottom edge of the sheet, draw a straight line indicating the road on which the figures of the composition will be located in the future.
  3. In the upper right part of the Whatman paper, mark the hill and, with light strokes, sketch out the contours of the monument and a long staircase leading downward.
  4. Draw a forest and a church building in the upper left part of the sheet, and draw a wide winding river in the center.
  5. Paint the sky in blue color, darker above and very light directly above the trees.
  6. Green paint different shades toned the middle of the sheet. When the background dries up, paint light-shadows on the foliage with more pronounced strokes and make the base look like an autumn park.
  7. Using a wide cover brush, paint the river in blue and blue parallel strokes.
  8. Make way for foreground paint over with gray paint to match the color of asphalt. Set aside the workpiece and let it dry well.
  9. Draw shapes on top of the paints with a simple pencil happy family consisting of mom, dad and two daughters of different ages.
  10. Using a thin brush, paint the figures, depicting them in bright, contrasting colors that are well read against the background of green vegetation.
  11. Carefully paint the building of the temple with white and dark gray paint, and decorate the domes with golden crosses. Also work out in detail the monument, the lanterns next to it and the stairs leading down.
  12. Draw several colored balloons in the sky.

Children's drawing for mother's day with paints for the exhibition - a step-by-step master class with a photo

Almost any subject, from flowers, hearts and animals to still lifes, landscapes or genre scenes from family life... For an exhibition in a kindergarten, simple pictures are suitable, not overloaded with small details, since children 3-6 years old will not yet be able to draw a competent and proportionally correct image with their own hands. More intense plots will be appropriate in the competition at school, because the children, thanks to the drawing lessons, already have some experience in building a composition and are free to use paints, crayons, felt-tip pens and colored pencils.

If you come up with a plot future drawing it does not work on its own, it is quite appropriate to use the tips of step-by-step master classes with a photo. From them you can glean interesting ideas not only for novice little artists, but also for those who already consider themselves to be quite an experienced young painter.

Required materials for a step-by-step children's drawing for Mother's Day

  • a sheet of drawing paper
  • set of paints
  • brush

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a portrait of mom step by step with paints for an exhibition on Mother's Day

How to draw a mother with a child? Step by step tutorials for toddlers and older children.

Mama - main person in the life of every child and the drawing "about mom" is almost the first drawing of every kid. Probably, it has always been this way, and even in those days when people lived in caves, children took out themselves and their mother with a stick in the sand. Modern kids also sometimes practice " rock painting"Drawing cute doodles on the wallpaper. But in this article we will only describe how to draw a portrait for Mother's Day on paper with pencils.

“Mom, Dad, Me” is one of the pictures that kids love to draw.

How to draw a full-length mom and baby with a pencil?

The difficulty of such a task is that everyone's mothers are different, which means they need to be drawn in different ways. Therefore, we will present two simple guides that explain how to depict people using construction lines. And you, by slightly changing their size and adding details, will be able to draw yourself and your mother, similar to the real ones.

We draw mom and daughter in full growth

  • We start drawing with the ovals of the face. Place them in the top third of a piece of paper. Draw a vertical line on each oval - it will mark the middle of the face and the axis of symmetry. Then draw three more horizontal lines, the first of which will be the line of the eyes, the second will be the line of the tip of the nose, and the third will be the line of the lips.

  • Start drawing torsos with geometric shapes... Please note that the mother's body and knees are higher than the daughter's, and the girl's arms end lower than her mother's. It is necessary to draw all these elements exactly, as in the sketch, so that the correct proportions are obtained in the final drawing.

  • Create with the help of smooth lines the outlines of the arms, legs and the whole body.

  • Start drawing faces. The mother in our drawing has a small forehead, so we draw her eyes above the top line, her nose is also small and short, which means it will end above the second line.

  • We also draw the girl's face. Notice how the facial features of our painted heroines are positioned differently in relation to the markup.

  • Now it's time to draw clothes and shoes for mom and daughter. In addition, we still have hands that are not drawn, we will depict fingers and lines on them.

  • Now it remains to carefully erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser, and the drawing can be colored.

The drawing "Mom and Daughter" is ready!

Children are so unique and ingenious in fine arts that their mothers can draw without even relying on sophisticated drawing techniques. Each baby's drawing is filled with love for his mother, and maybe little genius and does not need adult tips for such creativity.

And here is my mother, who is busy all day with work and taking care of children. Children subtly feel the mood of the mother, see how the mother is trying to give all her strength for the good of the family and draw a mother who has not two, but many hands.

There is no need to demand from babies the ideal observance of the proportions of the body in the picture. After all, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the baby was able to convey his thoughts about his mother on paper.

Mom queen and her children - princess and prince

How to teach a child to draw mom

The following technique is suitable for teaching children to draw. The kids will probably be able to draw such a picture.

First, we draw the mother according to the scheme, as in the picture.

Then we draw a boy.

Parents carefully keep the first drawings of kids "about mom" and after years show these masterpieces to their grown children. Sometimes there is a whole folder of such pictures, and the more interesting it is to sort through and examine these pictures on quiet family evenings.

The first drawing "about mom"

How to draw a portrait of mom and baby in pencil?

Those who are good at drawing will be able to depict a variety of portraits of mothers and babies.

And in order to draw a face with photographic accuracy, we propose to apply the method of redrawing from photograph to paper. For this:

1. Take a photo and clear sheet paper, attach them to each other and bring them to the light, so that the outlines of the face are visible on the paper.

2. Outline the facial features.

3. Finish the portrait, adding clarity to the lines and overlaying shadows.

It is easier to draw a mother's face using the diagram below.

Moms rarely get upset if there is no photographic similarity between the portrait and the mother's face. Indeed, the portrait, made with love and small inaccuracies, invariably pleases all mothers who received such a drawing as a gift.

Drawings for children on the theme of mom for sketching

  • Try to draw slender and beautiful mom with my daughter, as in the picture below. The faces will need to be painted.

  • Mothers with children are engaged in a lot of interesting things, for example, playing goodies. To draw this, copy the picture below. If you try a little, adding faces and clothes, you can make them look like you.

Drawing for Mother's Day: Mom and Baby Play Sweethearts
  • What if you can't draw people beautifully, so that they look like real people? Stylize your drawing! You can, for example, paint a picture for your mom in the spirit japanese anime or the way comics draw.

  • To make your drawing look like Japanese cartoons, draw a very big eyes, and make all the lines a little angular.

  • Such drawings with mothers, as in the picture below, look very beautiful, it seems that their heroes are cartoon characters.

  • Mothers are often engaged in interesting and not very interesting activities: they wash the dishes, cook in the kitchen, do something. And in the picture you can depict a mother at some of these cases.

And the smallest will find it easier to sketch simple picture, on which there are few items.