How to draw a mother and daughter. Portrait of Mom

How to draw a mother and daughter. Portrait of Mom
How to draw a mother and daughter. Portrait of Mom

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Photo gallery: how to draw mom beautiful and easy: phased instructions for kids. What to draw mom as a gift for mother's day, birthday and just so

Does the reason need to please your favorite mother's drawing? Of course not! And although most often postcards and memorable drawings with your own hands, children are presented by mommies for the birthday, March 8 or Mother's Day, can do it and just like that. For example, you can draw a portrait of a mother or the whole family (moms, dads, daughters, son) pencil and attach to the refrigerator, making unplanned a pleasant surprise. A beautiful drawing can be not only a gift to mom, noi part of a memorable card, panel or poster. How to draw mom and what to draw beautiful in her honor and will be discussed further. In this article we tried to collect the lightest interesting workshops of drawings on a given topic for children 8-9 years and older with phased photos.

Master class, how to draw mom beautiful and easy for children 8-9 years old - step by step lesson with photos

Probably the most difficulties cause a question how to draw mom beautifully and easily in children 8-9 years. At this age, artistic talents are quite developed at all, but to give the coronary portraits as in children's garden Already a shame. In this case, the following workshop is coming to the rescue about how to draw mom beautifully and easily for children 8-9 years old with step-by-step photos.

Required materials to draw mom beautiful and easy for children 8-9 years

  • listed album
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • feltolsters or color pencils

Step-by-step instructions, how beautiful and easily draw mom for children 8-9 years

How to easily and quickly draw mom, dad, daughter and son - master class with photo stages

Make my mom nice or arrange the thematic postcard can also be a family portrait. The next master class, how to quickly and quickly draw mom, dad, daughter and son is suitable for students of the middle and older school. Kids, in turn, you can use common elements of the technique from the lesson in order to learn how to quickly and easily draw individual people - Mom, dad, daughter or son.

Required materials to quickly draw mom, dad, son, daughter

  • simple pencil
  • paper
  • eraser
  • colour pencils

Step-by-step instruction, how to easily and quickly draw a family from mom, dad, daughters, son

How to draw mom with a little baby on the mother's day with a pencil - a master class in stages with pictures

Mother's Day is a great reason to give beautiful drawing Mom. For example, you can draw mom with a small child on the mother's day with a pencil, as a symbol of limitless love and care. Detailed instructionsHow to draw mom with a small child with a pencil for a mother's day with pictures, look next.

Required materials to draw mom with a child pencil for mother's day

  • the pencils
  • eraser
  • paper sheet

Step-by-step instructions with pictures, how to draw mom with a small child pencil

What a beautifully draw mom for a birthday from the daughter of a pencil - a phased master class with a photo

Mom's birthday is a good reason for the daughter. Draw something beautiful and memorable pencil or paints. For example, you can draw a very feminine and gentle image of the mother, decorated with flowers. Original ideaThat beautifully draw mom's birthday pencil for your daughter in the master class below.

Required materials to beautifully draw on the birthday mom from the daughter of pencils

  • simple pencil
  • paper
  • eraser

Step-by-step instruction that draw a beautiful mother's birthday from the daughter of the pencil

What to draw mom just so do it yourself - a simple step-by-step master class with pictures

It is not necessary to wait for a special occasion or a holiday to please my mother with a memorable pattern. What to draw mom with your own hands just like that? Most often, children draw bouquets, individual flowers, family portraits. But you can draw mom just so do your own hands and a cute animal, for example, a panda with a heart is a kind of confession in love.

Required materials to draw a picture mom just so do it yourself

  • paper
  • blackmarker
  • colored markers

Step-by-step instructions, what to draw mom just like your own hands

How to quickly draw a postcard mom on mother's day with your own hands - master class with video

Any drawing from master classes is higher, what and how to draw your own hands, including a portrait, you can use for postcard for March 8, a birthday or mother's day. But the following option step-by-step master classHow beautiful and quickly draw your mother's postcard for your own hands for children, is adapted to this format of congratulations. Of course, you can easily draw such a card for mom with a pencil and without reason what is called, just like that.

Here are collected samples children's creativity to official mother holidays - Mother's Day and International women's Day March 8. Hundreds of ideas and ways to draw a favorite mammy - from classic to original. Watercolor, plasticine, wool, as well as silhouette cut, origami and appliqué - all for creating portraits of a cute mother. Teachers share experiences how to teach children to draw in portrait genre their moms, lay out abstracts comprehensive occupations and artistic and creative activities.

Big Gallery Mamina Portraits

Contained in sections:

Publications 1-10 of 271 are shown.
All sections | Portrait of mom. Children draw your favorite moms

Mommin portrait I'm drawing Mamochkin Portrait. Here is her greine eyes. There are no kind and stricter in the world, and I can not lie to them, I can not know. I robs Mine cute mouth. He told me so much fairy tales! On my bruise, it will pass - everything will pass. How many times did he kiss me! I do not want mom's mouth sad, let ...

Who came to me in the morning? - Ma-Urch! Who said: "Get up time!"? - Ma-Urch! Who kissed me? - Ma-Urch! Who is childish loves laughter? - Ma-Urch! Who is best in the world? - Ma-Urch! Drawing with children portrait Mom. - This is a fascinating occupation. Getting Started We took ...

Portrait of mom. Children draw your favorite mothers - the portrait of My Mom (the middle group)

Publication "Portrait" My Mom "(average ..." Educators: Chernivanova S. B, Bulavina L. N. Mother's Day is the most tender holiday created to remember the very an important person, O MOM, who deserves attention every day in a year. Holiday "Mother's Day" in 2018 Russians celebrated on the last Sunday ...

Library of images "Maam-Pictures"

When a child learns to draw looking for a familiar outlines of objects in his doodle. And now the moment comes when you can see the finished pattern. Especially affect the first portraits of mammies. Many mothers are waiting for them with impatience and without hiding emotions view them, looking for similarities and ...

The abstract of educational activities on drawing in the older group "Portrait of Mom" Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about the painting genre - portrait. Tasks: learn correctly position the part of the person. Fasten the receptions of drawing with paints with the whole brush and its tip. Relieve a sense of love and respect for the mother through communication with works of art. Call in children ...

Master class "Production of a portrait of mom" - joint activity of children of the preparatory group and their parents. Summary of the master class on the topic: "Mom Portrait" preparatory Group Educator: Lyudova Lyudmila Ivanovna Priority education area: "Artist-eesthetical." Integration with others ...

Portrait of mom. Children draw your favorite mothers - photo report "Mother's portrait"

On the eve of the festival "Mother's Day". I am with my pupils, decided to cook for lovely and your favorite mammies nimble portraits. FROM large love and trepidation with large effort and patience we plunged into work. Each portrait turned out to be individual and unique. FROM...

Holiday Scenario for Mother's Day "Portrait of Mom" The video phonogram sounds "It is said that the angel of the wings disappeared" the dance of girls "tenderness" after the dance get up in a semicircle. Host: There is in our world the word eternal, short, but the most heartfelt. It is beautiful and kind, it is simple and comfortable, it is spiritual, favorite, with nothing on ...

How to draw a gift to mom - the councils of artists will be very useful. Not everyone can imagine a drawing that can be applied on paper, it is beautifully issued and present.

But knowing some tricks, even the most inept person will find the strength to swall as a brush on a piece of paper. And we will help create unusual drawing As a gift mom.

To draw simple picture, Also, you need an instruction - how to properly display the line, place a visual sheet of paper. As a rule, the most light drawing It is considered not the portrait where the faces are visible and symmetrical features, and landscapes and still lifes. While the hand is not packed, you can try to create several types of drawings using simple techniques.

Sakura software №1

Figure Gift for Mom We will draw according to the principle - easier and easier. To do this, choose the most impaired tree on the execution of the tree, try it in several steps to display on the canvas.

Try to depict multiple curves of lines interconnected.

Add small and thin branches to large branches. These will be branches, as in real trees.

Note the place from where the flowers will grow. Remember that the flowers overlap the trunk and branches of the tree, so in the end they will have to either remove the "hidden" parts or paint.

Add shadows and cores in flowers. Do not forget about strokes and shades. A simple gray pencil has a variety of color shades.

Thought branches short lines, depicting a bark. Flowers indicate folds in the form of small points.

Tip: If you want to make a drawing color, do not strongly emphasize the attention on the branches - they will not be visible in the exact description, as at the beginning. With a big desire, you can add more flowers to hide the trunks completely.

Sakura software No. 2

If it does not work at all, you can create beautiful branches, use liquid watercolor paints and tube:

  • Drip a few drops on paper;
  • With the help of the tube, blow air to the air, directing the air to the other side into which you need to hover;
  • Do the same from the same drop in the other side.

The paint will lead himself in different ways - she can go aside, can go to the arc, and also go beyond the leaf. Practice before starting. In the meantime - we draw a gift for mom according to the planned master class.

Draw several lines from hand, so that the founding of the tree is.

Use paint with plastic bottle. Pulk the bottom into the container with the paint.

Put the bottom of the bottle on paper and immediately remove the bottle. So the paint does not grab, and there will be beautiful petals. If you hold a bottle of paint for a long time on the surface of the sheet, after removing the bottom of the bottle, the paint does not waste according to the formed empty places, and the picture will need to be fincted by a brush.

Do the same with other flowers, but watch the paint do not breathe at the bottom of the bottle, otherwise the adhesive spots will turn out instead of flowers.

For a variety you can use more than colorBut for this you will need different bottles.

As a result, it turns out beautiful treecreated by a simple drawing method.

Easy phased master classes for children will tell how to draw mom with their own hands with a pencil and paints. Portrait of a parent girl can decorate a gift card for birthday or congratulatory poster For Mother's Day. If there is a question that you just do not want to draw mom, you should not despair. We collected the very interesting ideas For children's drawings and offer them to you. Inspire our plots and create bright, elegant, touching and beautiful paintings for loved ones.

Simple master class, how to draw mom, dad, daughter and son

Following simply tips phased master class, the composition with the image of the mother, dad, daughter and son will even draw a child who does not have pronounced painting abilities. If then paint work with bright, colorful paints, it will turn out a full-fledged picture that will become a cute, touching decoration for a home living room or a children's room.

Required materials for creating Mom's drawing, dad, daughter and son

  • paper
  • pencil HB.
  • pencil 2b.
  • erasing rubber

Step-by-step instructions, how to draw mom with dad, daughter and son

  1. Simple pencil HB make a conditional sketch, noting the key figures of the composition (mother and dad).
  2. On the one hand, to paint the boy's figure, and on the other hand, a small dog. Note a conditionally baby (girl), which Mom will hold in his hands.
  3. To work in detail the clothes of all the heroes of the composition, then clearly designate smiling faces of a happy family.
  4. The contours of the composition draw more hard with a 2b pencil so that they read well even from a long distance. After that, the picture will acquire a volume and becomes more realistic and natural.

How to draw mom beautiful and easy for children 8-9 years old - video lesson with paints

In this video, the video is described how beautiful and easily draw your favorite mom. The occupation is designed for children of 8-9 years already familiar with Azami visual arts and able to use paints. Adult help for work is not required. The guys will independently make a preliminary sketch, and then harmoniously mixes the shades and gently paint their picture.

How to draw mom with a child in your hands - the master class in the phased pencil

The phased master class tells how to draw simple pencil Mom with a child in his arms. In general, the work is not too complicated and even a novice artist will cope with it. The only thing to be concentrated is the proportions of the figures and the angle of the facial of the woman. If these parameter is observed correctly, the picture will be very natural and realistic. If you wish, then it will be possible to paint the markers, watercolor or acrylic paints.

Necessary materials to draw a pencil mom with a child in hand

  • list of album paper format A4
  • pencil HB.
  • pencil B2.
  • erasing rubber
  • rule

Step-by-step instructions, as a pencil draw a mother holding a child's hands

What to draw mom for a birthday from my daughter - how to make a postcard with a portrait of mom

The perfect presentation of a mom's mother's birthday from a daughter is a bright greeting card with a portrait portrait, drawn with her hands. A clear similarity to achieve is absolutely not necessary. You just need to add some characteristic elements of clothing and features, for example, hairstyle, specific jewelry that Mom wears in everyday life, lipstick of a certain shade or color of your favorite dress. With such details, the portrait will instantly become recognizable, and the mother will not doubt for a minute that her daughter portrayed it.

Necessary materials to draw a postcard with a portrait of a mother for a birthday

  • white paper sheet A4
  • simple pencil
  • erasing rubber
  • set of colored paints
  • pussy

Step-by-step instruction, like daughter draw mom for a birthday postcard

  1. On paper make a preliminary sketch with a simple pencil. Oval, denoting the face of the mother, arrange approximately the middle of the sheet, ensuring that approximately equal parts of the sheet remain on top and bottom. Then mark the neck and shoulders.
  2. At the next stage, outline the hairstyles and the location of the eyes, mouth and nose on the face.
  3. Empty background for his head Mom paint light yellow paint, shoulders passing into chest Todded with a red and cherry tone. It will be the top elegant dress. For a while, postpone work so that it is completely dried.
  4. On the dry yellow background with a grouse of medium thickness to spend several wavy lines from the bottom brown color. Light green tone to draw on branches of leaves, and pink - extended flower buds.
  5. Different shades brown paint. Pictulate mom's hairstyle. Add a slightly brighter strand so that the hair looks more volume.
  6. Face and neck covered with a gentle beige tone. When it dries, draw eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows and blush on the cheeks.
  7. On the red background of the dress to make a bouquet of three snow-white flowers to make an impression that mom holds a bouquet.
  8. White paint depict earrings and beads. If desired, at the bottom to make a congratulatory signature or stick a picture to a more dense cardboard basis, and to write pleasant festive wishes behind your hand.

What to draw mom just like that - the best ideas for children's drawings

Here are collected here best ideas For children creative workwhich boys and girls can draw mom just so without any reason or the thematic holiday. Plots for this are suitable any, for example, bouquets of flowers, landscape compositions, animals, fairy tale characters And other beautiful, good and pleasant images. You can draw with pencil, paints, wovers, shallow or watercolor. Choose equipment follows from what material to the child is more convenient to work and what images are obtained from young artist Most successfully.

Examples of children's drawings with pencils and masses for mom just like that

A cute and tender heart surrounded by three pink roses made by colored pencils - a wonderful plot for drawing as a gift mom. Work looks very attractive, touching and clearly demonstrates the warmest, good feelingswho are experiencing a child to their parents.

Genre scene, depicting a mother, walking with a carriage in the park, will delight and chalves a woman of any age. Each will remember himself, just taking care of shady alleys, and with pleasure for a few minutes will return to those wonderful and bright days of early youth.

Quickly raise mom's mood simple, colorful and bright butterfly painted with pencils and woven. To create such a picture, you will not need large artistic talents. The main thing is to harmoniously pick up the colors and gently paint the simple picture.

Cute and kind kitten Gav, the hero of the old cartoon, will become an excellent plot for an imperious drawing for mom.

Such an image can be given without any reason, just to deliver native, near man Joy and pleasure.

How beautiful to draw a mother's postcard for mother's day - do it yourself a gift

How to draw as a gift Mother with your own hands and touching card for the mother's day, tells detailed master class With phased photos. Work requires time, attention, perfection and accuracy, but the final result exceeds all expectations. The finished picture is very alive, gentle and causes the most pleasant, bright and joyful emotions.

Necessary materials for creating a beautiful postcard for mother's day do it yourself

  • a4 paper sheet
  • the gel pen
  • set of color pencils
  • erasing rubber

Step-by-step instruction, how beautiful to draw on the mother's day postcard for your beloved mom

  1. Approximately the center of the sheet make the outline of the future flower. A larger range of open petals, and a slightly stretched up with an oval designate a bud.
  2. Conduct a thin line in the center of the drawing, visually dividing the rose in half. Then go to the drawing of the flower core.
  3. Add a few more tiers of petals around the central part of the flower.
  4. Finish the sketch, depicting under the bud of the outline already discontinued petals surrounding the core part.
  5. With the help of black gel knob Cut the contours of roses and a few strokes to add from the bottom of the stem.
  6. Pencil paint around the main drawing. Additional components of the composition: leaves and non-scratching buds on thin stems.
  7. Buton petals Mark yellow pencil, and foliage and stems - shades of green.
  8. The erasing of the elastic is very good to remove the outline residues so that the lines are not visible and only clear contours remained.
  9. Coloring the main petals of the yellow pencil, and the rotten edges are light pink. Dark the edges at the base of the flower brown and orange tone.
  10. This set of shades work all the central rose.
  11. Light green pencil to pass stalks and leaves, and the bud indicate yellow.
  12. Contrast the background to give with the help of blue and purple pencils. Talk them area around the rose.
  13. Carefully grow the strokes and making them gentle and, as if, blurred.

In the article - master classes with pictures that will help beautifully draw mom with a child.

The best gift for mom on March 8, to the day of birth or just like this is a children's drawing, on which it is depicted along with the baby. Draws such with love, the lack of technology can be filled with master classes in the article.

How to draw mom and child with a pencil in stages for beginners and children?

All young children love to draw, and they paint what they are close that they are surrounded by what they understand.
Most main man In the life of a child is a mother. Mom is good, caressing, care, tenderness.

As a rule, small children draw human face or figure schematically, according to the "knob-leg-leg" principle. The most important thing in such drawings is the details. As the main parts - hair, their color, length. Most often on them and the mother is recognized.

  1. Mom must have a dress, even if she goes to work in jeans.
  2. At Moma children's drawing There is some accessory. This is either earrings or print on clothes, something that will help you know the mother.
  3. Next to mom baby. He either stands next to his hand, either playing around. Image of a child Little children also draw a schematic principle of the same principle.

Another thing is older children. Perhaps they are given a task to draw mom for the holiday of March 8. Here you need to try and draw a clear and face, and figure.

  1. Sit together with the child, help him place a sheet of paper so that the drawing is proportional and harmonious.
  2. Via geometric figures Next parts of the bodies of mom and child: ovals - for heads, cubes - for trusts and hips, circles different size For neck, waist and joints of the hands and legs.
  3. Persons are marked.
  4. Let the child focusing on the grid - markup, draws the face of mom and child.
  5. Next, you should choose hairstyles. Mom - with bangs and wavy hair, daughter - with pigtails (as in the picture - instructions, but there may be a son if the boy draws). Hair as they should be screwed.
  6. The contours of the Mom and Child figures should be smoothed, make more smooth, circles - joint joints.
  7. Help the child "dress" figures in T-shirts, skirts and shoes.
  8. Now you need to carefully erase the auxiliary lines.
  9. But what about the accessories, complementing images of mom and daughter? They can trust the bags, and give the baby to the teddy bear in the handle. Denote the folds on the clothes, making a fit. Also, we can also make clothes of a different tone: the daughter is darker, Mom is lighter.
  10. Come up with how to fill the background. For example, to portray nature, as in the picture instruction, or the interior of the room.

Mom and child pencil stages for beginners and children: Step 1.

Mom and child with pencil stages for beginners and children: Step 2.

Mom and baby pencil stages for beginners and children: Step 3.

Mom and child with pencil stages for beginners and children: Step 4.

Mom and baby pencil stages for beginners and children: step 5.

Mom and baby pencil stages for beginners and children: Step 6.

Mom and baby pencil stages for beginners and children: Step 7.

Mom and baby pencil stages for beginners and children: step 8.

Mom and baby pencil stages for beginners and children.

Video: Draw a woman with a child

How to draw two faces: a child and moms in stages?

  1. Paint the oval of faces and in it, spend the central vertical line for the symmetry of the face, as well as horizontal lines where the eyes, nose and mouth will be. Above top horizontal line There will be eyes, between the lines - the nose, and under the bottom - mouth.
  2. When the eyes are drawn, you need to remember that the distance between them is equal to the width of the nose. Above the eyes need to draw eyelids and eyebrows.
  3. Draw lips not lower than half of the nose. Several schematic guide lines can help. Then these schematic lines will be deleted.
  4. The next stage is detail. From oval, you need to outline the contours of the face, draw pupils and add the outline of the nose and lips.
  5. The final stage is hair, the hairstyle of mom and child, erasing the auxiliary lines.

Mom's face stages: Step 1.

Mom's face staten: step 2.

Mom's face stages: Step 3.

Mom's face stages: Step 4.

Mom's face stages: Step 5.

Mom's face stepmate: Step 6.

Important: The child's face should be more rounded than mom, and its features are softer.

Here is another master class for older children and adults: portrait of mother and daughter in profile.

  1. Draw contours of people. To do this, it is desirable to have a solid pencil.
  2. Draw the hair contours.
  3. Detail lips, eyes and nose.
  4. Now take soft pencil And draw them shadows on the faces. Shadows are growing.
  5. Draw the hair with a solid pencil, mild as a dark tone. Highlight individual dark hair strokes.

Portrait of mom and daughter in profile: Stage 1.

Portrait of mom and daughter in profile: Stage 2.

Portrait of mom and daughter in profile: Stage 3.

Portrait of mom and daughter in profile: Stage 4.

Portrait of mom and daughter in profile: Stage 5.

Portrait of mom and daughter in profile.

Pictures Mom and Child Pencil for Singing

You can draw a gradually such a portrait of mom and son.

Portrait of Mom and Son Pencil Phased: Step 1.

Portrait of mom and son pencil stages: step 2.

Portrait of Mom and Son Pencil Phased: Steps 3-4.

Portrait of mom and son with pencil stages: step 5.

Portrait of mom and son pencil stages: Step 6.

Portrait of Mom and Son Pencil Phased: Steps 11-12.

Portrait of mom and son pencil for handling.

Drawings of children on the topic - Mom

Mom is an infinite household. You need to cook, feed, remove, check, wash and many more, a lot of things. Therefore, the drawings of mom and child for the most part look like:

  • mom, gently embracing child
  • mom holding a kid by hand
  • mom as a rod of the whole family, holding hands all together
  • mom engaged in household with playing or drawing child next to her

Video: How to draw mom?