Mom portrait drawing stages for children with paints. How beautiful and easy to draw mom with pencil and paints: master class step by step for children

Mom portrait drawing stages for children with paints. How beautiful and easy to draw mom with pencil and paints: master class step by step for children
Mom portrait drawing stages for children with paints. How beautiful and easy to draw mom with pencil and paints: master class step by step for children

March 8 is nearers, International Women's Day, and many want to please our mother with a touching gift - a portrait. However, to draw mom beautifully phased pencil - the task is not easy even for artists with experience, and for a child it can be quite difficult. I will show how to draw mom easily and without more effort - just repeat all the stages of this step-by-step lesson. You will need a pencil, eraser and paper, color we will be with any suitable material - paints, colored pencils, crayons, markers and in general anything.

Since we draw a portrait of my mother on March 8 or on mom's day for children, we will need to draw face and shoulders. People have an oval face form, therefore, let's start drawing from constructing such a basis. I leave the top unlocked, there we will draw a hairstyle. Perhaps you will not work the first time, but not trouble - just use the eraser and correct mistakes on the go.

Now we need to draw your mother's neck. It will be two smooth lines, you should get something like that.

Now we need to beautifully paint face mom. I always start drawing faces from the eye, and the portrait of my mother on March 8 will not be an exception. We draw two almond-shaped forms, and slightly above - eyebrow lines. It is especially important here to remember which eyes of your mother and try to repeat their shape.

Just below, I draw a neat nose in the form of only two dashes. Look, it is very easy to draw, but at the same time such a nose looks natural. Just below I draw lips and a light line over the chin.

Slightly correct contours - do not be afraid to adjust the portrait of my mother on March 8 with a pencil if you want to work beautifully. Here I draw folds over the eyes, the iris, and pupils, as well as cilia. If your mom's mom is on the face there are moles, birthday specks or other features, be sure to reflect them!

The point is left for small - to draw a hairstyle and ears. Ears we draw at about the same level as the eyes, and the hairstyle will be like your mom. My mom has short hair with a small bang, because I draw just like that.

Next you need to draw clothes. I draw a neat collar, you can draw your favorite mother's sweater, top, upper part of the dress. You can add other details - for example, my mother's beautiful beads, earrings and other decorations that she really like.

If your mom has another hairstyle - for example, long hair, high tail, kare or something else - draw a pencil exactly as it looks like. You can get, for example, like this.

And now our portrait of Mom needs to be painted in stages! I'm drawing a beige mammoli, add a blush on the cheeks. Hair is a pleasant brown shade. My mom's eyes are special - one green, the other is green with a brown spexy, I also reflect in my drawing so that the portrait on March 8 was more recognizable. I do not forget to make shadows with orange tone on the skin. Colorful clothes paint green eyes

So, I showed you how the child draw mom beautiful on March 8 or mom's day. If you decide to draw a picture of the mother and you succeeded - I will definitely share the result in the comments, I am very interested to see. If problems arose - you can also ask for help in the comment.

After reading this article, you can try yourself as an artist and draw a portrait of my mother, father or any other person.

Sometimes sitting at home just do not know what to do. You begin to draw a pencil flowers little, but I want to portray something more serious, for example, a portrait. But how to do that? How to learn how to draw?

Many artists of a variety of eras each time exercising in the art of drawing were able to achieve incredible skills. Our task with you is to study the main principles of drawing to learn how to draw a portrait of a man with a pencil and paints. Of course, it is impossible to say that it is very hard. But if you do not know the foundations, then you will not get to paint a beautiful portrait.

To begin with, you should find out which portraits of a person exist. Each of us considers a portrait of a person's face. But is it really? In nature there are a variety of types of portraits:

  • Portrait of an outdoor. Here is the head only.
  • Portrait of cheeky. In this case, a man on the chest is drawn.
  • Portrait of a belt. It shows the image of a person since the head and to the belt.
  • Portrait of generated. In such a portrait, the human body is depicted from the head to the knees.
  • Portrait in full growth.

Also portraits can be divided into such categories:

  • Profile portrait.
  • Portrait of anathetic.
  • Portrait of half a trip.

In the execution of each of these species, some nuances should be taken into account. But, and most importantly, you need to study the human anatomy carefully. Otherwise, you will not be able to correctly depict the proportions of the human body.

If you are a novice artist, then you first need to try to portray a portrait of a woman or a man on the side. After you master this technique, you can proceed to more complex, for example, draw face face.

How to draw a portrait of a man with a pencil: a detailed explanation for children and beginners?

You may be surprised, but many famous artists claim that it is harder to draw a portrait, but nature. Therefore, if you want to try to draw a portrait of a man, boldly begot to work.

So that you have a beautiful sweating, you need:

  • Select a suitable model at your discretion. Yes, you choose the object you must like.
  • Own basic geometry skills. It is required in order to calculate the right places where there should be: mouth, nose, eyes.

Draw a male portrait:

In the face of men, the line is not completely smooth, but more straight. However, it means that they are drawn easier. Accordingly, try not to regret the paper, paint the front circuit until it becomes the necessary outline. Now proceed to draw and follow the following instructions:

  • Make an oval to obtain a contour of the face.
  • Now in the center swipe a clear horizontal line.
  • A little retreat from this line down, draw the second, which will be parallel to it.
  • From the center of the second line, spend perpendicular line. Mark the location of the mouth and the tip of the nose.
  • By oval, retreat a little up, draw your ear.
Start of drawing
  • In the central part of the bottom of the midst, draw pupils and dorisite eyelids
  • Add hair outlines.
  • Draw your eyebrows, make a beautiful hairstyle.
  • Start your lips. To start a smooth line, specify the bottom lip. After that, in a mirror form - the upper lip so that it has a deepening center in the center.
  • Draw your nose. Show the tip of the nose using a slight extended "tick". Spend a couple of arcuate lines from it.
  • From the eyebrow arc on the right, draw a curved ruler so that it deviates to the right.
  • Add details of the circuits of the eyelids and eyebrows.
  • Draw your hair.
  • Dorisinate the missing elements of the ears.
  • Wipe off the auxiliary lines.
  • Start shadows. Make in the area of \u200b\u200bcheered, forehead, the nose is small blackouts, grow them.
  • Singing a little under the eyes and in the neck zone.

With this instruction, you will understand how without any special difficulties you can portray a pencil to portray the male face.

Portrait of a female portrait:

In the portrait of the ladies, give up hard angular lines. In exchange, they will come smoothness and femininity:

  • Sketch oval faces.
  • Swipe a pair of lines. They must intersect and is located in the center of the face, slightly deviating the right side.
  • On the obtained lines, mark the main elements: lips, eyes and nose. Distribute each bending in detail.
  • Spend from the cheekbone down the line, make the chin.
  • Make the folds of the eyelids, eyes and nose.
  • Draw your lips.
  • Now you can proceed with cilia and pupils. Do not forget to show the glare below.
  • Draw ears.
  • Start applying shadows. Take a soft pencil, growing shadows near the eyes, in the area of \u200b\u200bcheekbones, neck and on the nose.
  • Draw an approximate hairstyle.
  • Remove all the extra rules, start to head the portrait.
  • Take hair volumetric, shaking the roots.
  • Strike Strike is more strengthened so that it is dark.

Learning to draw eyes:

As we all know, the eyes are considered a mirror of the soul. Therefore, it is the eyes that you should pay special attention.

  • Make two oval - it will be eyes.
  • Draw pupils and iris eyes.
  • Be sure to draw eyebrows, otherwise you will not have the eyes that you need.
  • Draw cilia. They must look from the arc up or down. In the central part of the eye of the cilia, draw a little shorter.
  • Detail them: Draw a short cilia inside the corner, and on the edges are thick and long.
  • Strike the third part of the eye rosters so that light spots were on the pupils, and the edges were dark.
  • Add shadows to the lower eyelids and at the edges of the corners of the upper eyelids.

We found out that the portrait image needs to adore geometry and know what proportions. Now consider some anatomical features that will be useful to your face drawing.

  • The horizontal line in the center of the eye should be equal to the distance that is between the right and left eye.
  • The same line between the lips should be equal to that distance that is between the right and left pupil.
  • The distance that is located between the mouth and eyebrows is equal to the length of the ear.

If you want to see all the errors of the portrait received, bring a portrait to the mirror. Believe me, all flaws of the image will become more noticeable.

Video: How to draw a man's face with a pencil?

Video: How to draw a woman's face with a pencil?

How beautiful to create a portrait of a girl and mom with a pencil phased?

Prepare all materials for drawing. Soft pencils are well erased on the right paper and do not leave behind the traces. Refuse hard pencils, as they leave behind the traces. Now you can proceed to drawing a portrait, but already at the level of the professional.

  • Fix paper.Secure the paper sheet using the buttons to the special tablet (plywood leaf attached to the wood frame). Attach the tablet to the subframe so that the angle is equal to 45 degrees.
  • We work out all the details.Mark all lines that were specified in the first image of the portrait image. Here, special attention is paid to what part of the person will have.
  • Call each trifle, work all the details. Because you are obliged with you to get similar to a human face.
  • Draw your eyes.There are three rules for which eyes are drawn. The central line - the pupils of the eye are depicted here. Name the eyes themselves and eyeballs. While you have to portray only the contours mark, the strokes are not needed. Eye top should be drawn eyebrows. As soon as you finish with pupils, carefully draw eyelids, and mark wrinkles. Draw over the eyes of the eyebrow line.
  • Draw lips.Lips also have three lines. First, draw the bottom of the lip because it is drawn much easier. After that, draw the upper lip. Each it into two equal parts with a hollow. Make with the help of shadows lips convex. Indicate folds if a person has a smile on his face.
  • Draw your nose.Recover the lips of the tip of the nose. Note it with a check mark, that is, in the form of soaring birds. From one and the other side of this "tick" draw a couple of small arcs. Apply now on the nose shadow.

So, you outlined and drawn the main details of the portrait. You have fulfilled a big job, namely:

  • You were able to determine the seats for the eyes, nose, lips and ears.
  • You schematically depict them on paper.
  • You have drawn every item and each item.
  • You put on the nose shadow.

The final stage of the drawing of a female portrait

The next stage - impose a shadow on a man portrait. This stage is considered very important, since it is he forces the face. Special attention to the eyes. A look that will not have a notch of life, just spoil your work, respectively, work your eyes in special care and thoroughness. Draw the eyeballs, inside durable pupils. Do not make them dark. On each pupility of the right and left eye should be attended by glare.

The last stage in the portrait of a person - draw the oval of faces and shadows. Also draw your hair. You probably remember that at the first stage did you schedule ears? If your portrait has a shortened hairstyle, then thoroughly work each ear. If the hair is long, then you can cover your ears hairstyle.

We impose shadows

Now you will fully come to the help of a soft pencil. The point is: a pencil that has an average rigidity, or a solid pencil, cannot perfectly apply shadows. Many artists have one reception - they make imperceptible strokes pencils. Everything happens as follows: they smear the touches on the paper with the help of a finger pad or a paper bar. Now you can draw a right portrait of a girl and mom with all the nuances and subtleties.

How beautiful to create a portrait of a girl and mom with paints?

Do you want to draw a portrait of a girl or mom with paints, but are afraid that the drawing does not work? Drop your own fears and read our recommendations. For drawing you need to stock such materials:

  • Set of watercolor paints.
  • Soft brushes of various sizes (made of squirrel wool or column).
  • Watercolor paper.
  • Tablet made of wood (we described it a little higher).
  • Solid pencil and eraser.
  • Paper on which you will do sketches.

To begin with, make a few sketches of the future portrait, and also decide exactly how the face of a person will be depicted in the figure.

Phased portrait drawing instruction with paints:

So, you have completed the preparatory process, you can now create a picture. Spice the whole process to the following sequential steps:

  • Draw a portrait with a pencil. This stage is considered very important. Make each line noticeable, do not use the eraser often. Since your paper will be lost, and accordingly, the paints will fall unevenly. You can draw a portrait in advance on a separate paper, and then translate drawing on a special watercolor paper.
  • Now proceed to draw. For a start, apply for paper with the help of paints transparent, very light foaming. Use pale orange face paint. Fit all face wide strokes. Where the glare will be, leave the paper untouched. After that, pick up other shades of paints, and pass the tassel on hairstyle and clothes. Leave the brightest areas intact.
  • Get out eyes and lips. Select the necessary paint. It needs to be diluted with water so that it turned out a pale shade. Slide the resulting paint eye iris. In the same way draw lips.
  • Apply shadow to all face. You can submit a warm reflection of light on one side. Display on chin cold glare from things. Learn this while drawing a portrait, depict them in the figure using additional tones.
  • Next, disperse more carefully in each shadow. Find the darkest sections of the cheekbones, lips, sides and wings of the nose, near the hair and so on. It is thanks to the shadows you can simulate the face and give it a natural volume. There is the main principle - move constantly from the brightest shades to the darkest.
  • Find light intermediate shades of shadows and light: in that area of \u200b\u200bthe person where the light ray falls, there are also dark and bright places. Make as "playing" light and repeat it during drawing on paper.
  • With hairstyle and things, spend the same actions as while working with the face.
  • Final Stage: Take the most thin brush, highlight it the smallest elements and lines. Draw each strand of hair, cilia, lips. Remember - while working with paints, even in very dark areas, paint should be transparent.
  • Draw a background during portrait image, but you can also postpone this process at the last moment. The most important thing is not to work out the background more portrait, but avoid negligence.

We hope you were able to learn in general how to draw a portrait of a girl with the help of paints. Portrait for crashing

Portrait of a man

Video: How to draw a girl's face with paints in stages?

Mom means a lot for every person on earth. Mom is the first of our word and the most important, most important person in our lives. Mom gives us life itself. Thanks to her, we come to this world. Each child loves her mother and respects her. Mom knows how much and always goes away. As we sometimes want to express your love, my tenderness to our mothers. You can do this in different ways. You can just tell mom: "I love you very much!". You can mate a song. You can make some kind of gift with your own hands: a postcard, craft, etc. And we want to try you to give a lesson how to draw a portrait of your beloved mommy. Draw it by following our prompts and give. We think she will be pleasantly surprised and rashrogan. You can do it for any holiday, and it is possible and without reason - just like that. Draw a portrait of your mom in a pencil stepmate.

Stage 1. To begin with, with the help of the line, draw a sheet of paper into four parts with the help of two direct, crossing each other at right angles. To do this, mark the sheet so that the intersection point of the two straight lines was in the middle of the sheet of paper. It turns out a sheet divided into four identical squares.

Stage 2. Cut the bottom straight to the intersection point (center) with a line divide to four equal segments. Note it with points. Through the first point, we will spend direct, parallel to the middle line. And then from the second and third points spend the segments parallel to the middle straight to the end of the sheet of paper. Thus, the bottom of us turned out as if rated.

Stage 3. In the upper part of the sheet, we will spend two segments in different squares at a short distance from each other. From the bottom point of intersection of the vertical straight with a sheet of paper, we begin to build the contours of the face of the mother. We smoothly lead the face line from this point through parallel segments to the first upper square. On the other hand, we make such a line of the contour of the face, symmetrical first.

Stage 4. Draw smooth gentle lines Hairstyle Mom. Look carefully on those lines that we spent in the picture. It is more convenient to do on quadrats. The overall contour is hairstyle. We make bangs and soft strands on the sides of the head. Here we still conduct one additional cut (blue). In the middle, make damage traits.

Stage 5. Now draw even eyebrows. From eyebrows down along the bridges blacks are two equal traits. Without leaving for these features below, draw the tip of the nose and convex nostrils.

Stage 7. Between the upper and lower eyelids, draw eyeballs with pupils. By centuries, make cilia. In the eyes do not forget to show light glare. From the inner edge of the eyeball downwards, do additional direct without reaching the chin.

Stage 8. Without leaving for these additional straight faces, draw a beautiful neat mouth. The upper and lower lips are rather chubby. Below, make a dash, as if a small sneaker.

In our country, Mother's Day has become one of the most beloved and touching holidays, which is celebrated annually Sunday November. This autumn day sounds the most sincere congratulations to Russian mothers - on television, radio, from loving sons and daughters. This holiday reminds us of true family values, and then mom is the heart and soul of the family, the custodian of the hearth and the closest and dear person in the life of everyone. Therefore, all mothers deserve the most sincere words of gratitude for their care, patience and love. And the children love to give moms to crafts made by their own hands: drawings, appliques from paper and dry autumn leaves, funny figures of animals and fairy-tale characters from cones, acorns, plasticine. How to draw a beautiful drawing on the mother's day? Today we will get acquainted with this type of children's fine art - with simple workshops with step-by-step photos and videos. Following our recommendations and a phased description, beginner artists will be able to master the drawing technique with pencil or paints. Such original and original work on the right will take their place among the exhibits at the competition or the exhibition of drawings dedicated to the Day of Mother's Day in kindergarten and school. So, proceed to the creation of art masterpieces!

How to draw a drawing mom on the mother's day with a pencil stages - a simple master class with a photo

Each mom will be pleased to get a touching gift-surprise gift from his beloved son or daughter. As a rule, children give moms to Mother's Day crafts made by their own hands in kindergarten or school. Especially often, mothers get children's drawings together with congratulations, - Drawn let not always skillfully, but incredibly touching and mentally. How to draw a beautiful drawing mom for mother's day? Our simple master class with a photo and a phased description will help beginner artists to master the foundations of drawing with a pencil and reveal their creative talents. And since the flowers are the best gift for a woman, we draw mom's bouquet of the valley.

Materials for a phased creation with their own hand drawing mom for mother's day pencil:

  • paper sheet
  • simple pencil
  • erase erase
  • pencil sharpener

Phased creation of drawing on Mother's Day with its own hands with a pencil:

  1. The drawing on the mother's day is better to draw on white paper A4 paper. First draw the basis of three stalks.
  2. Then add two sheets.

  3. We give stalks volume and draw small twigs, with which the valley flowers are attached to the plant.

  4. On the stem with flowers silhouettes. The end of the lower branch "crowned" berries.

  5. Now draw small details - pestles, flower contours.

  6. On the tops of the stems draw berries, and along - silhouettes of lily of the valley.

  7. The parties of the leaflets are better slightly "wrapped" - it turns out more volume. All flowers need to be drawing.

  8. So that the composition looked more realistic, it is desirable to erase all the intersections of the details lines.

  9. Shape pencil individual fragments of parts and all - our drawing for mom for mother's day is ready! If desired, the composition can be painted with colored pencils.

Beautiful drawing of the mother's day "Mom with a child in the hands" to school - a phased master class with a photo

Children at school age have already possess some drawing skills and may well mascel more composites than in kindergarten. What choose the topic of children's drawing on the mother's day? We offer you to draw a beautiful drawing "Mom with a child in your arms" - such a phased master class with a photo can be used in school in labor lessons. Undoubtedly, your finished drawing for the mother's day will necessarily take the first place in the school competition or exhibition.

The list of necessary materials for the drawing of the mother's day do it yourself:

  • sheet of Watman
  • simple pencil
  • multicolored pencils for painting drawings (optional)
  • erasing rubber

Step-by-step instructions for creating your own drawing of the mother's day:

  1. Before drawing a woman's head, you need to draw a circle and lines inside. The direction of the lines will determine the angle of inclination of the head - these are auxiliary details. Then you can start drawing face shape.

  2. In the outlined places in the face we draw details - eyebrows, eyes and wrinkles near them, nose, lips.

  3. Draw your ear and hair.

  4. We proceed to drawing the body of a woman and a child wrapped in a diaper. We draw the base with the help of geometric shapes and lines - the baby's head indicates the circle, and the body is drawing in the form of a rectangle. At the same time, follow the observance of proportions.

  5. The baby's head is thoroughly drawn - we supply the shape, draw your ear, part of the handle, compressed in the cam.

  6. Now draw a woman's clothing diagram, as well as her hand brushes. Using gum, you need to erase all the extra lines.

  7. Draw details of a woman's clothing, her hands, as well as the legs of the baby.

  8. The finishes of the composition will give hair, falling on the right side of the woman's head. Take the folds on clothes and lines on the body - you can admire the finished pattern in the photo - it turned out quite realistic and beautiful.

    List of drawing materials for mother's day to kindergarten:

    • paper for drawing
    • set of colors - Gouache
    • tassels of different thickness

    How to draw a phased picture with paints on the mother's day with your own hands:

    On the mother's day, in kindergarten, you can arrange an exhibition of drawings - this will be a pleasant surprise for Mom to pride for the artistic talents of their Chad.

    Children's drawing of the Mother's Day stages do it yourself, master classes on video

    Mother's Day Pictures Theme is the most diverse - flowers, cute little animals, balls, cartoon characters and fairy tales, landscapes, portraits. Children's compositions drawn by their own hands are obtained by touching and cute. With the help of our master classes on the video, even a novice little artist will be able to gradually master the drawings and make a beautiful mother's gift for the mother's day.

    Drawing on Mother's Day with your own hands - an excellent opportunity to show the creative abilities of a young novice artist and make the original gift to my mother in her holiday. How to draw a drawing mom on mother's day in kindergarten or school? We picked up the best master classes with step-by-step photos and video on drawing with pencils and paints. With the help of our recommendations, the child will be able to statenly draw a beautiful drawing and please the favorite mother. And the best works can take part in the exhibition or competition of drawings organized by the Day of Mother. Creative success!

Valeria Zhilyeva

Each mother is rejoicing any sign of his own child. It does not matter exactly what the child was presented - drawing, applique, origami or embroidery. This is probably the only person on the entire planet who will be delighted with any little things. Moreover, making a gift is easy - Mom's light pictures are available to everyone.

What can you draw mom for your birthday?

So, what to draw mom's mom's birthday? Development of composition - Important stage. Despite the fact that your mother will like any "Flight of Creative Thought," we need to think over the plot.

Take the reason for the reasonwhich will be given a drawing. We are talking about birthday, it means that the images of the cake, colors, balloons, ribbons and bows are appropriate. You can draw candles on the cake, a gift box or fauna representatives are allowed.

What will be depicted in the picture for the mother depends not only by fantasy and creativity, but also from the presentation of the gift

If difficulties arose with the choice of composition, always you can take advantage of other people's ideas. In our age, emphasize them will not be difficult. It is enough to use the Internet, printed publications or old postcards.

It is necessary to take into account my mother's preferences. To understand how it all looks like, use the draft. It is possible to schematically portray a future masterpiece and only then transfer the idea to a finishing sheet of paper.

How to draw a drawing mom with your own hands?

After determining the concept, you need to figure out how to draw a beautiful drawing for mom as a birthday gift. The next step in the algorithm for creating a gift image will be a sketch.

To make a sketch, a simple pencil is used. Act carefully, not pressed on paper. Otherwise, you risk leaving dents and slits.

In case of error assumes, use the eraser. Carefully remove the resulting "katoshka" so as not to stain the future drawing.

If your painting experience is not great, it is better to perform the basic elements in stages. After applying the sketch, the drawing needs to decorate and add color.

It must be considered the following subtleties:

  1. To make an image expressive You need to circle it with a black gel handle. For this purpose, a thin marvel is also suitable. It is necessary to apply the color after a complete loop drying, otherwise you risks it inadvertently to mold and spoil the masterpiece.
  2. If color pencils are used for coloring, all lines are applied on paper in the same direction.
  3. When working, the paints need to rinse more often. So you save the shade saturated. remember, that paints require complete drying. Up to this point, moving the picture is not recommended.

Gift can be decorated additional decorative details. For these purposes, sequins, special ornament, rhinestones and other elements are used. All this can be purchased in stores specializing in needlework.

Add a beautiful congratulatory text with warm wishes to the created image.

Draw flowers Poetadno

Well, what woman will refuse a bouquet of flowers? Such a sign of attention is always pleasant, especially if it is received from the closest people.

And who said that at the same time a bouquet should be real? The original solution will be draw flowers on paper. For example, it can be a few chic roses. The image is complemented by a luxurious bow and a congratulatory text, decorated in the decorated frame.

We offer a simple step-by-step instruction, which, thanks to schematic images, is understandable to even children. The proposed version of the drawn colors is made in retro style. This attaches a picture of a special charm. Mom, most likely, there will be pleasant and warm memories that she will gladly share for a cup of fragrant tea.

How to statenly draw flowers for my mom's birthday. Look at the video:

Drawing as a gift Mom requires original design. Buy a harmonious frame from a tree or plastic suitable for shades used in a gift picture. Such a gift Mom will be able to be proud of.

Now you can easily draw mom's birthday bouquet of flowers, complemented by other attributes of the holiday. The main thing is to remember that the image should be liked primarily not by the artist, but a recipient of a gift.

Gifts Mom January 23, 2018