How are unusual paintings from wax pencils create? Such ordinary and unusual wax chalk can melt wax chalk for drawing.

How are unusual paintings from wax pencils create? Such ordinary and unusual wax chalk can melt wax chalk for drawing.
How are unusual paintings from wax pencils create? Such ordinary and unusual wax chalk can melt wax chalk for drawing.

Modern artists for writing paintings use the most unusual techniques and strange items. Today, no one will surprise the pictures of, and even. Instead of paints, artists apply.

Not exceptions and wax pencils. It turns out that it can be done not only, but also to create masterpieces. The article will consider several techniques for creating paintings from ordinary drawing items.

Method No. 1 "Chips". To create a picture, prepare wax pencils of different colors.

Remove the paper wrapper from them.

You can make chips from pencils with two options. Using sharpeners. She removes a thin layer of colored waxed with pencils.

Or you can grate pencils on the grater. You will have a smaller crumb. Both shallow wax size is necessary to create a picture. So patterns will turn out more diverse.

Prepare a canvas for the painting. In order for the drawing to have saturated paint, it is better to use the fabric. On paper, the color will look like fad. Put the cloth crumb from pencils. It can be stripes or other figures.

Cover from top of the parchment that hostesses are used to baking.

Well warp the iron and swing the paper. At high temperatures, the wax will start melting.

When you handle the entire surface, slowly remove the paper. You should not do sharp movements, otherwise the drawing is lubricated.

Leave the wax to frozen. Optionally, you can decorate the sides of the canvas.

Method No. 2 "Pictures using a hair dryer". Melt wax with pencils will help the hairdryer. At the same time, the option of creating paintings does not need to be removed wrapped with pencils and grind. Stick them on canvas.

Lift it so that the pencils are located on the top of the base.

Turn on the hair dryer and direct hot air to wax. Gradually, it will melt, and flock down.

When using such equipment, the original paintings are obtained.

Figures from wax pencils can be anyhow. If you arrange a color wax in the shape of a heart, then the inner part on the canvas will be clean.

Or glue a paper stencil on the material before we melt wax.

Then remove it after working with the hairdryer. Additionally, you draw an empty place or decorate sparkles.

With this option, the creation of paintings is the drawing in the form of strips. Make bright spots on canvas can be different. Cut the pencils in small pieces. Attach them on canvas.

Warf wax hairdryer. If you slowly rotate the hair dryer around the pencil, then the drawing of a round form.

Colors and place them choose depending on the desired composition.

Method 2 "Adhesive Pistol". Often in needlework use a glue gun to connect parts of the decor. It can be applied to write paint wax. This device has a heating instrument in its design. It is he who can melt wax pencils.

Instead of glue rods prepare pencils. If necessary, then cut the extra wax. Insert the pencils into the adhesive gun, and turn on the device into the outlet.

When the wax starts to melt, bring the device to the canvas and click on the lever. The wax will drip on paper, creating bizarre patterns.

Color wax remnants collect together and make colored crayons for children's creativity.

Create paintings from wax pencils is easy. Make such an original masterpiece you can do it yourself, if you use these technicians.

Wax chalks love all children. Do you remember how it is convenient and interesting to paint everything in a row? I still love this indescribable feeling of the contact of the wax pencil and paper ...

But wax crayons can not only draw - the spectrum of their use is quite wide. For example, unusual color is prepared on the basis of chalk. It's amazing how much you can come up with if you free your fantasy from the usual framework! These colored candles - Fruits of bright imagination ... Just admire!

Candle of colored chalk

  1. To begin with, take a box of colored chalks.
  2. Choose your favorite colors that are harmoniously combined with each other.
  3. As a candlestick, you can use a glass glass. For the candle, you must need a wick!
  4. Wick wick to the cup, it is desirable to do it right in the middle.
  5. Place a plastic cup of wax remnants from old candles. Heat wax in the microwave.
  6. Cut the wax chalk to pieces and add them to the molten wax.
  7. Put the candlestick at an angle to conveniently pour a melted wax there.
  8. Melt pretty shallow with wax in the microwave, pour a liquid mass into the candlestick. Give her to frozen for 20 minutes.
  9. Now put the glass in the other side and take another color wax layer in the candlestick. Also give him to frozen.
  10. The last layer neatly pour from above, let the candle feel good to dry.
  11. Brilliant result!

    In this video, you can squeeze all the subtleties of cooking colored candles from wax chalk.

By adding a few drops of essential oil into liquid wax, you can make a candle fragrant! Produce candles From chalk you can with the child, because it is so easy. And the most important thing is that it is possible to achieve impeccable favorite flowers by mixing melted small shades. Make a unique candle suitable for your

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Why ask? Yes, here I have this cream. For hand only. Yes, and the face is just washed with water. Without soap. And we do not use tonics.
So I want to know the opinion and experience of the same as me. Happy New Year everyone!



Hello everyone. I have always been amazed by spoiled teenagers who scandalite with parents because of an iPhone on color, but such a story happened to me: this year we had a lot of spending: buying a house, furniture, kitchen repair, child birth ... In general, I did not clear on the New Year's gift, although I stutter several times that I want a new iphone 11 Pro. Well, yesterday, I found the same phone under the Christmas tree, but ... in gold, and I wanted a fashionable Midnight Green that was fashionable this season. In theory, it can be changed to the green, but I'm afraid to offend your husband and seem ingrateful. What should I do?



I decided to write here, because it is very annoying, and what to do and how to react - I do not know. Thank you very much for the advice.
I have a daughter for 11 years, and my colleague daughter is 13 years old. She could not get pregnant from her husband for a very long time, divorced and gave birth to a casual man who sometimes helps them. I gave birth in marriage, then my husband went to the other.
Collaborative all the time about his daughter tells in an excellent degree. What English she knows perfectly and speaks with a British accent, even the English teacher is amazed by her innate abilities. She dances from five years old and her in a dance mug always put the first parties or solo. She floats like a little mermaid, she delays her breathing for six minutes. Horse riding like a real rider. All boys in the class run behind her herds, girls are built up to sit down with her for one desk. A, well, the fact that beautiful is by itself. The photo does not show that we, envious aunts, do not smooth it.

And now my sister transferred his son to class where this girl learns. After some time, we accidentally talk about her, and it turned out that this girl is very timid, stuttering from excitement when teachers or classmates speak with her. She is high and complete, she has very thick legs and a long a little horse face with a heavy lower jaw, she is scary awkward, walks by a rotational. It does not go to the pool at all with the class, she is allergic to chlorine. He learns so-so, because of the timidity does not answer, even if he knows the topic, and those teachers who do not regret it, often put the top three. Generally learns between 3 and 4. No one runs behind it from the boys, but on the contrary, tease and laugh at it. And the girls do not want her to take it into their company, snort. She sits alone, in any class events never participate, the most latter is always resorted to physical education.

And now when at work, my colleague begins to tell the unprecedented about his daughter, I always want to somehow respond, and how I do not know. If she just told, otherwise it always speaks as it were to the rest of the rest. Someone says "My completely fell away from the hands, the lessons do not, walks, not to drag home," she's immediately: "And my clever immediately, how comes from school makes all the lessons, then English is engaged in Skype for two hours, then boils to mine. The arrival of the soup, vacuuming, embroiders, then at leisure sew aprons, tacks and laughs the curtains. " Six her diary put from delight. And so always. I want to somehow give her to understand that I know how in fact things are with her daughter, but I don't want it to look like I'm from envy I do it.

What would you do?


tatyana Konyukhova

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Since the invention by the cousins \u200b\u200bof Edwin Binni and Harold Smith in 1903, color pencils became an almost integral part of children's life. Remember your childhood and your children's albums, made by multicolored doodles of inept lines and strokes. Drawing with colored pencils, perhaps, not bypassed a single person on Earth, because drawing lessons begin with a kindergarten and continue in the elementary school classes from the pencils, along with watercolor.

No other commercial product can compare with the versatility of the pencil. The most important thing is that wax pencils are absolutely not toxic, produced from natural materials, organically clean and are available in more than 120 colors. In fact, with their help, you can get much more colors and shades, mixing them directly on paper in the process of drawing.

Pencils and chalks undoubtedly play an important role in the development of thrust for creativity in the child. As for the market of this product, here we see several different types of pencils: ordinary classic, glowing in the dark (luminescent), with flavors, with sequins and water-soluble. But, despite a variety, they all have the same basic ingredients: paraffin and pigments that determine their specific color.

Methods of manufacture

First, we need to make a paper tube. They will serve not only for the form for our homemade drawing accessories, but also to be protected in the subsequent arms from the brand dyes.

The tubes are made very simple. You just need to wind on a round blank of a suitable diameter of several layers of any paper, sizing layers of PVA glue so that they are dense enough. How much will you have to hide the layers depends on the density of the paper itself. As a result, it should be approximately such tubes as in the illustration.

Methods of making self-made drawing accessories for only two.

First method, similar to an industrial method, affordable, however, for playing at home with their own hands.

First we melm the paraffin or stearin from the sparks of the candles (the beeswax is also suitable). We add ordinary food dyes in the melted paraffin and about one tablespoon of boiling water. All this needs to be thoroughly mixed up to uniformity of the color of the mixture and pour into the forms, that is, in the very tubes of paper.

In industrial conditions, special hardeners and pressing are applied to give pencils the necessary hardness, but we can do without it.

Second method, no less affordable way to make small chalk for drawing with your own hands is to use instead of the ordinary soap paraffin.

You will need a half-table of soap flakes, again food dyes and boiling water. Soap flakes must first dissolve in hot water. Water should not be much, but exactly so much so that the mixture is pasta consistency. If the water is a break and the mixture will not be thick enough, you will have to evaporate.

By dissolving soap flakes completely to the uniform composition of the paste, add a food dye into it, and mix all this before receiving the coloration uniformity. At the same time, make sure that there are no air bubbles in the paste, otherwise the shameles will be broken. And in the end, pour into your tubes from paper and leave them to dry for a day.

Make new wax pencils is also easily possible from broken or written. Just melts them and fill in forms.

If, in the subsequent you wrap pencils in colored paper or the original wrapper, they can quite become the most original handmade gift.

By the way, one of the most interesting facts about color pencils: on average, the child spins about 700 pencils, ranging from its first attempts to draw, up to its decade.

Children are often fond of drawing and try everything: pencils, markers, chalks. The remaining pieces can be thrown away, and you can, know how to melt wax crayons, give them the second "life" and the opportunity to still serve art. Children can create real pictures from molten wax chalk: it is chips and crumb, for the preparation of which you can use the most residues or wreckage of wax pencils. It suffices to follow the recommendations of the instruction. To melt chalks, you will need to grind them first. To do this, you can use the stationery knife, which is cut by wax chalk. The pieces should be small sizes - not more than 1 cm. Then they will melt evenly, there will be no grains. And one more important point: it is necessary to lay chalks for basic colors. Otherwise you can get a lot of dirty brown.

The second step is the organization of water bath for melting wax chalk. For this, the saucepan is filled with one third with water, put on the stove. From above on it - a metal bowl in which chalk will melt. So, alternately, the color behind the color can be dissolved by several pencils and pour them into a pre-prepared form. If there is no desire to bother with a "water bath", you can apply oven. Preheat it to the maximum temperature and put the silicone shape filled with wax shallow. In five minutes of heating, all pieces are missing. But it should be borne in mind that chalk into each container should be poured with a slide: as a result, the figures of normal thickness turn out. If it is not possible to use the oven, you can apply the microwave. For this, the shape, filled with crushed fine, must be put into the stove for two minutes. Periodically, every half a minute, should be mixed with a mass.

Whatever melting method has been selected, you need to follow the melting process, bearing overheating. When the material is ready, completely melted and is stirred, the form is carefully getting out of the stove and put it cold. The quality of recycled raw materials will not change: the children will calmly continue drawing by molten wax shallow. In addition, there is another way to apply wax remnants: drawing patterns from molten wax chalk. To do this, remnants or pencil debris are also used to be crushed. Many simply rub the pieces on the grater. But you can apply both pencil sharpeners: scroll large pieces in it, and the residues wipe on the grater. So, get a small crumb, which is further used for drawing. Drawing finely not only traditionally, on paper sheets, and still on fabric or knitwear.

For drawing molten shames, it is necessary to make a drawing sketch with a simple pencil, and then fall asleep drawing with a cooked crumb. It can be separate colors or a mixture of colored crumb. It all depends on the fantasy of the author's drawing. Then the leaf of the parchment is superimposed on top and strokes the heated iron. Waxing shallow melted, spread and turn into a fantasy pattern. You can also paint the old T-shirt. For this, a sheet of cardboard will be required, which is placed inside the T-shirts so that the paint does not impregnate on the back of the product. The front part sprinkles with a crumb of wax chalks in the form of patterns, covered on top of paper and strokes hot iron. The wax is impregnated into the knitwear and makes it color. Thus, you can work with creativity together with children: it has a beneficial effect not only in development, but also strengthens the relationship between them and parents.