How to draw a beautiful bouquet. How to draw a bouquet of flowers with a pencil phased

How to draw a beautiful bouquet. How to draw a bouquet of flowers with a pencil phased
How to draw a beautiful bouquet. How to draw a bouquet of flowers with a pencil phased

Flowers constantly surround a person and accompany him literally all his life. It is difficult to find an artist who would not write a still life with a bouquet. However, it is not necessary to be a professional to draw a bouquet of modest daisies, proud roses or elegant lilies.

Simple tips on how to draw a bouquet of flowers in stages, will help any novice artist write your own picture.

How to draw a simple bouquet

Regardless of which colors a bouquet will be, the first stages of drawing should be the same:

  1. Outlined common contours bouquet.
  2. Schematically, ovals and lines, denotes buds and stems of colors.
  3. Middle flowers, the largest leaves and petals.
  4. Draw buds, flowers, stems and leaves, given the features of specific colors.

Do not take complex bouquets for the first picture. It is better to start with a light childhood, consisting of 3-5 simple flowers.

A bouquet depicted in the photo can be painted easily and quickly. Good job will give confidence and help write more complex still lifes.

How to draw a bouquet of real colors

Draw abstract flowers is easier than drawing cornflowers, roses or gladiolus. However, the bouquet of real colors looks more realistic, it turns normal drawing In an excellent picture.

In order to draw a bouquet of colors with a pencil or paints, it is necessary:

  • Determine which colors will be a bouquet. Beginner artists are better limited to 1-2 species. The more species of plants enters the bouquet, the more difficult and the work will be more and more.
  • Examine how the selected flowers look like, what forms and sizes have their buds, opened flowers, stems and leaves.
  • See which patterns and colors are characteristic of these colors. If the drawing is made with a pencil, the patterns and shades should be conveyed by transitions between light and shadow.

The figure shows an example. phased drawing Bouquet of roses.

The drawing is performed by a pencil, at the request of the artist, the bouquet can be painted or left in black and white gamma.

Work with paints will require additional effort and patience. The video shows the lesson drawing a bouquet of gentle purple flowers. Beginner artists can advise first to spread the sheet of paper, outline the contours of the future bouquet, schematically denote buds, stems and leaves, and then take the brushes and paints. Gradually, the need for preliminary sketches of the pencil will disappear, it will be enough to mentally imagine a bouquet, and you can immediately draw paints.

  • From this article you will learn how to draw one of the most beautiful colors in the world - rose. Many people have a holiday associated if not with roses, then with a lot of colors, bouquets and small flower compositions.
  • Raise the mood and beautiful pattern of roses, which can be made as a simple pencil and paints. The signed figure will be transferred to the perpetrator of the celebration atmosphere of the holiday for a very long time.
  • Pail on a sheet of paper one rose or a whole bouquet can even be a novice artist if you follow our step by step guides. Via simple pencil And you can not only pass the main forms of the flower, but also draw the petals, bring their beautiful bends to paper.

How to beautifully draw roses bud Phased Pencil: Scheme

If you decide to portray the revealed rose bud, then you will need to draw every petal. Draw, not strongly pressing on a simple pencil so that it was easy to remove extra lines. Just add on every line of the line, check with the original picture.


  • Start drawing from the top of the bud. Here, the main thing to adhere to the form of a spiral, which resembles not fully opened bud.
  • After that, a slightly retreating down, start drawing the petal: the largest and most developed more than the rest in size, and then others are smaller.
  • When the rose acquires recognizable contours, proceed to add volume. Having retreated from the top of the bud, draw the bottom of it. If you shifted long lines, the flower will look no loose.
  • Draw petals on the sides of the flower. If you decide to portray a lush flower, add more petals.

How to draw a phased pencil rose: scheme

  • Despite the fact that the rose is a sophisticated flower for drawing, artists often depict it on their canvases. If you are just starting to comprehend drawing aza, it is better to stop your choice on simpler colors.

For those who still decided to portray a rose, without having much experience in drawing, the wizard reveal its secrets in master classes. Here is some of them:

  • You can draw a rose without experience in drawing flowers. The main factors of creating beautiful drawing are the presence of desire and the absence of a rush.
  • Help helps to reveal to the artistic talents of even those who, with difficulty, the simplest drawing is obtained.
  • To begin with, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with several basic drawing lessons. Now there are many sites where such information is available and informative.

Roses are well combined with other flowers

  • Look at the lessons on which it describes in detail about the techniques of pencil strokes, about how to make it easy to do, and what paper it is better to take a simple pencil paper for drawing, and what kind of painting with watercolor paints.
  • It is also worth picking up and pencils of the corresponding degree of hardness. However, do not overload yourself to unnecessary information. One or two lessons will be enough to portray the flower not worse than an experienced artist.
  • Try to draw simple bulk objects. It will help you understand how to have items on paper.

  • Be careful and do not hurry, because the extra lines will not decorate your drawing, and they can only lead to irreparable errors. Yes, if you draw a simple pencil, all additional lines can be erased (drawn without strong pressure), however, real artists avoid applying unnecessary contours.
  • Try before drawing to explore the selected object to the picture in small details Secondly, to reflect in your imagination.
  • To begin with, draw a flower with a unacceptable bud. His contours will be much easier to portray a novice artist. Follow the step-by-step explanations, drawing new lines to the initial contours.
  • Regular classes will help you to transfer even on paper complex forms and pictures.

Step 1: Draw a rose bud and stem

  • We carry out conditionally horizontal lineseparating sheet for two halves. In the upper half of the leaf, begin to draw a circle. We do not need the perfect circle, the main thing is to guess with the size of the initial contour.
  • After all, inside the circle we will place a bud. We spend all auxiliary lines without pressing a strongly pencil.
  • When the drawing is ready, we will get rid of them with the help of an eraser. We carry out two parallel curved lines under the circle. It will be stem.

Step 2: Draw Petals

  • In the center of the circle, we draw a unproofy part of the bud. After that, it will be conditionally divided by a bud of two halves (on our example this auxiliary line of blue).
  • Now it will be easier to navigate: we have the right and left part of the bud, on which we need to draw petals.

Draw petals

Step 3: Draw the leaves and add buddes

  • We will pay attention to petals.
  • You do not need to copy them exactly: just give them natural bends.

Add leaves

Step 4: Draw Petals

  • At this stage you need to portray the leaves on the stem. You can also include fantasy and draw a few twigs with the leaves, so that the picture winsly looked, and the flower did not seem lonely on a sheet of paper.
  • Drawing twigs with leaves, try to give them more realistic sizes and shapes. Too large leaves Immediately spoil overall impression From the picture. Dorisu, resilience on leaves.
  • Drawn the petals in more detail. Additional lines can be deleted now, and you can do this at the final stage. Just need to keep in mind that the beauty of roses lies in the correct image of the petals.
  • We begin to spend the lines under the top, previously drawn the container of the petal, connecting the edges. Each petal will be depicted by two lines, so we can create the impression of a bit bent along the edges of the petals. Two lines of petals will also help the shadow on bud correctly.

Draw shadnes

Step 5: Draw Shadows

  • Rosett is almost ready. We only need to give it the volume with the help of shadows. In order to portray a falling shadow, imagine which side of the rose is under the light source.
  • The deepening between the petals fill in darker shadows, trying to press a pencil a little more. At the junction of petals, we also draw dark areas.
  • After all the shadows are applied to the flower, a little thumb with a pillow of shaded plots. Such a simple reception allows you to smooth out sharp lines, which will make a drawing more gentle.

Step 6: Finishing

  • You can make this step to finishing and remove all the auxiliary lines of the eraser. Rose will look more realistic if tinting with a simple pencil is replaced with colored pencils or paints.
  • Decay the leaves of roses can green, and bud - bright red or any other suitable tint. Drawing ropes with paints or colored pencils, do not forget also draw the shadow with deeper shades. Otherwise, the flower will look like "flat", two-dimensional.

Decrade a rose

Simple rose drawing scheme

Video: Drawing lessons. How to draw a rose

How to step by step to draw a rose pencil on cells?

  • Draw in cells like both children and adults.
  • If you need to pre-mark on the landscape sheet, so that the picture fits into the conditional boundaries, then when drawing through the cells it is only necessary to take into account the scale of the planned pattern and clearly adhere to the scheme.

  • If you do not know how to draw, it will not be difficult to carry schematic images to the cell on paper. The main, attentiveness and some free time!

Drawing roses by cells

  • And with a set essential materials With this drawing method, it is quite easy: pictures can be created by markers, colored pencils, markers, black and white using one simple pencil or even a conventional ballpoint handle.
  • One prerequisite: The presence of notebook in the cell.
    You can transfer ready to paper simple schemes Pictures, or invent our own, taking as the basis of the photo you like or a picture. Knowledge of various complex methods of drawing can not be needed.

  • Why do we suggest drawing roses? Yes, because these flowers are perfectly coping with the task of decorating any diary, notepad.
  • When drawing through the cells, it is necessary to start with the light schemes themselves in which it is provided a small amount of Cells for filled with colored pencils.

  • After simple pictures It will start to get out without any effort, you can proceed to handling complex schemes in which several colors are involved.

Video: Pictures in cells

How to draw a bouquet of roses in a vase with a pencil and paints?

Restrained to draw roses buds, disclosed in varying degrees, you can proceed to more complex drawing - image of a bouquet of roses in a vase.

Step 1: Prepare a draft and try to transfer the drawing sketch to it. This will help to navigate in the sizes of the future picture. We can also be able to outline in which part of the sheet it is necessary to start conducting the initial lines.

Please note that the flowers in the vase are not located smoothly, but slightly inclined.

Step 2: Bouquet can be drawn without additional elementsHowever, most often collected flowers together draw in a vase.

Step 3.: Flowers collected in a bouquet should be different in size and degree of disassemble. Other flowers will be appropriate in such a still life. The main thing is that all elements are proportional to.

Step 4: when all the flowers will take their permanent place In the figure, start to give the volume with the help of the shadows, deciding with what point the light falls on the bouquet of roses.

How to paint the heart with a rose pencil and paints?

The drawing, which shows a rose with a heart, will decorate and a postcard for the birthday room, and Valentine. Let's try and we draw a heart next to one of the most beautiful colors - a rose.

  • To begin with, we carry out the contours of the big heart. It will serve as the main element of the drawing to which we will "hold" the missing details.
    We will proceed to draw roses: chant the initial lines of the bud at the bottom of the heart.

Draw a big heart

Add multiple petals.

Draw accommodation on the leaves

It remains the most interesting thing: decorate the picture and arrange in the frame.

Beautiful drawings of roses for sketching

If you find it difficult to draw flowers from the photo, then try to draw the contours of the pictures made by experienced artists. Even with this method of drawing, it is possible to show fantasy and choose the colors yourself, experiment with their saturation.

Video: How to draw a rose watercolor

Gorgeous, gorgeous, dishonled, velvet ... and that's all that we will draw today. Such wonderful bouquets of a man sometimes give their ladies. By the way, you can and drawn too. The main thing is to try to be the most natural possible. Do you know why men give women flowers? We will represent what thoughts are born in the male head:

  1. You have been addressed to you, and you are in love with a classmate. It is chic, steep and terribly beautiful. How to approach such a chick you do not know, but your thought is born - to give a bouquet. You podkraulil her at the entrance somehow in the evening and solemnly handed your broom. Although, stop! It seems that it was last century.
  2. Now you are already older, you think that flowers are money for the wind and give them only when you go on a birthday to a familiar Chouvich. And then you are thinking about to give a device from DNS would be better. Well, and my mother on the eighth of March gives - the tradition is.
  3. Well, all, dude, you got! Now you are really in love! And urgently need to be achieved so that it becomes yours. But the girl is tajancan, the date is not shown. A phrase was made to the brain: and there is a love, it turns out. And then there is a bouquet in the course, but better bouquetche. Not a fact, of course, that will be fat. But there is some probability
  4. You are already wise by year. Family, work, work, family and again work. Hmm, is it time to refresh the setting? And now it has come a wonderful evening, and you are already sitting with friends in the bar, and then you have a club, well, or a bath. Lights - it's time to the native bed. But the instinct of self-preservation suggests that any item from the kitchen inventory can be collapsed at home. And in order to protect your native fifth point, you buy a bouquet in the nearest stall! Here it is, salvation!

We talked about the most interesting. And now we will proceed to the main.

How to draw a bouquet of roses a pencil phased

The first step is planning the outline of the whole composition: the bouquet itself, bow and vases. All details are large. This is just the pattern markup. The second step is now in the form of an oval sketching buds. From everyone down the stem. All colors are linked with a beautiful gift bow. It must be placed in the existing circuit. Make some notes. DNO VAZA MAKE ROUND. Step Three make up rose buds. Outliate their incorrect shape. Thickening the stem using the second line. Let's show the curls of the bow. Gently argue the vase. Step fourth perhaps the most sophisticated stage. Inside each booton, we draw neatly rolled petals. Under them - Chasselistic. By the way, the lessons of botany will come up here. Pitch fifth draw leaves. There are many of them, they fill almost all the space between the stems. On the vase - vertical lines. Now critically look at your drawing and add missing strokes. We wash the auxiliary lines. Here, you can safely paint a bouquet! And you can hand your picture as a gift.

This lesson got into the lung category, which means that in theory can repeat it and small child. Naturally, parents can help with young children to draw a bouquet. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, I can recommend a lesson "" - he will require greater dooms from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What do you need

In order to draw a bouquet, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take a mediated special paper: novice artists will be much more pleasant to draw on such.
  • Compared pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each you need to use for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Shelf for rubbing hatching. You can use conventional paper twisted in the cone. She Lego will rub the hatching, turning it into monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Phased lesson

Any flower has its own unique features that are difficult to convey in one lesson, even even large, so it is better to draw not from the lesson, but from nature. I do not say that the lesson is bad, but to see a bouquet in front of him - it is practically required condition Successful performance lesson. Only so you can achieve maximum truth.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to draw your attention to the lesson "". It will help to increase your workshop or just deliver a little pleasure.

Simple drawings are created using contours. You will be enough to repeat something, and only what is shown in the lesson to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to present it. What do you draw in the form of simple geometric tel. Try to make sketches not with contours, but rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, you will see that it becomes easier to draw.

Tip: Create an outline as few thick strokes as possible. The thicker the outline will be - the more difficult it will be erased later.

The first step is more precisely zero, you always need to place a sheet of paper. This will give you to understand where it will be the drawing specifically. If you place the drawing on the half of the sheet - the second half you can use for another picture. Here is an example of the markup of the sheet in the center:

Step 1. Before proceeding to drawing any object, you need to consider it carefully and see what simple figures It can be compiled. Look at this tulip. What do you think about which simple geometric shape he looks like?

Step 2. Well, of course, oval!

Step 3. Therefore, we will use ovals as a basis for drawing our tulips. Draw two oval at a low angle to the vertical sheet:

Step 4. In the lower end, we will put the point and spend an arc from it to the upper end of the reference line by which we will draw petals. Do the same with the second oval.

Step 5. Challenge the line of the stems and the two largest leaves for each flower.

Step 6. Draw the petals of each flower in sample:

Step 6. The tulips are thick stem. We will draw lines on both sides of those that we have outlined future stems.

Step 7. Let's start drawing. Tulips have very wide and long leaves.

The first sheet, the largest, draw, relying on the baseline:

Step 8. The second sheet, a little smaller, hid behind the first:

Step 9. At the left tulip there are three sheets, and the third in the lower part is superimposed on the second tulip stem:

Step 10. Similarly, how we painted the sheet in step 7, draw a large sheet of the second tulip, what to right.

Step 11. We will add two more small leafs for the second tulip on both sides of the stem. Please note the left leaf is behind big sheet first tulip.

Step 12. Well elastic lines.

Step 12. Drawing ready. It remains to paint it out!

Step 13. And now that you have learned to draw tulips, then, having learned a little, you can draw any bouquets of these wonderful spring colors!

Now you know how to draw a bouquet of flowers and hope that you could repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is as interesting and fascinating. Share the lesson B. social networks And show your results to friends.

    If you try to try well, you can draw such a cute bouquet of colors, even if there is no experience and the scheme that is shown below, will help us in it. And for the beginning, we reserve with simple and colored pencils, an eraser and a sheet of white paper.

    To begin with, you will show three balls, and a thread that goes out of the bottom ball and it will be the base of the stem of the bouquet.

    Then, from each ball form flower, as it is shown in the diagram number two.

    Then we draw the leaves and describe the stem, looking at the scheme in the stages it is not difficult to do it.

    Then we erase the extra contours and supply the main details, and then you can paint our bouquet.

    To draw a bouquet of flowers to be diligent because this issue It is important to work out the details (every small flower) so that the composition looks realistic.

    Below, I propose to familiarize yourself with the option of an image of a bouquet in a step-by-step representation, where the composition consists of different-type colors in a vase.

    First draw the sketch of the vase and the contours of the flowers with stems.

    Then, draw petals in colors.

    Draw a thoroughly stem with leaves.

    We wash the contours of flowers and draw an outer outline of colors in the final version.

    Dorify small details.

    The final version of the picture is as follows.

    A bouquet of flowers to draw is not difficult to eat. Can paint flowers. For a bouquet just need to connect these flowers into one drawing so that they are located next to each other. First, we plan where what flower will be located, and then draw them. It is better to draw a bouquet from a natural bouquet, it will be understood and easier to draw shadows.

    A bouquet can be any. For example, you can draw a bride bouquet, which will consist of small roses and satin ribbons; You can draw a bouquet of wildflowers. And I suggest to draw a bouquet of garden just torn colors. I think it is not difficult. We need to draw again circumference. They are the basis of the drawing. Flowers different sizesTherefore, the circles will also be different. Stems draw. And then in the circles draw the flowers themselves. If the nogot, the petals are narrow and long, if the velvets, then petals are small and wavy along the edges. Draw those flowers. Which will tell you your fantasy. You can draw valley at the edges, but it would be in my drawing. Like this:

    When the flowers are ready almost, we need to draw the middle. Do not forget to draw foliage. I suggest, after all, a bouquet paint paints. It will be very beautiful!

    First you need to solve a bouquet of what color we will draw. It seems to me that it is easier to draw chamomile or roses. Let's try to portray a bouquet of roses that stand in a vase.

    First, we need to draw rose petals and buds themselves. Next, go to the image of the stems with the leaves. In a horse, it remains to trust the vase at its discretion. That's how we gradually painted a bouquet of roses:

    I really like roses flowers. Therefore, I suggest draw a bouquet of roses.

    Of course you can draw any other bouquet. Very beautiful will look daisies, orchids and other flowers.

    So, the first step simply planning the silhouettes of the bouquet, bow and vases.

    in the second step, you need to throw the buds of roses in small ovals. From each flower there should be a rose stem down. A little draw a bow and more clearly denote the circuit of the vase.

    we make roses similar to roses drawing their clearer outlines. More clearly draw a bow and a vase.

    it is necessary to give stalks the volumetric look and buds draw in more detail.

    now draw leaves and finish the drawing

    A bouquet of flowers can be any! If there is no strict idea to portray the valley, poppies or tulips, then the bouquet can be portrayed in a simple way.

    Draws stems, legs, then ovals determine the size of the flowers and from the amount. And after you can draw petals. To come out not quite childish, it is important to pass, show the plane. And after then you draw the leaves and apart our bouquet.

    Draw a bouquet of wildflowers wrapped in beautiful packaging with a bow.

    Such a bouquet is very easy to draw, you can see this for yourself.

    Prepare a sheet of paper and solid, well-dotted pencil and start drawing.

    Draw a bouquet of flowers to start with packaging - paper in which the flowers will look beautifully:

    In order to decorate the packaging, draw a big bow:

    Now proceed directly to the bouquet itself - draw flowers. On the left draw the chamomile: a circle and then petals:

    Then two more of the same daisy flower.