How to get a brown paint mixing gray. How to make brown color from paints - Simple Tint Solutions

How to get a brown paint mixing gray. How to make brown color from paints - Simple Tint Solutions
How to get a brown paint mixing gray. How to make brown color from paints - Simple Tint Solutions

Brown and its shades, though, not too bright, but are quite popular due to the application at the design of residential premises, in the tones of furniture, when drawing picturesque canvases. Therefore, the question is how to get a brown color when mixing paints, they will interest everyone.

Colorics and obtaining a certain color from others is a science, the basis of which is a color circle. The main colors in it are only 3: yellow, blue and red. The rest can be made by mixing them between themselves and are called secondary (purple, orange and green). Therefore, before answering questions, how to get brown paint, what basic or other colors will be needed, you need to deal with the rules of mixing the colors.

Basic mixing laws:

1. One color in the circle is the symbiosis of the opposite tones with respect to the center, which turned out to be an additional tone is called achromatic. There are also complementary colors. For example, red - anti-green, yellow - opposite the blue.

2. When the paints are mixed, nearby in a circle, there are new ones. So that it turns out orange, combine red with yellow, the green paint is obtained by mixing yellow with blue.

3. When connecting the same shades, you can get similar mixtures.

Methods of mixing flowers

To get brown, there are several methods. You can mix either building paints (acrylic, oily), or intended for painting and drawing (watercolor, oil, gouache, etc.). It is important to take clean and classic tones.

Let's see how to get brown when mixing paint:

  • Classic method - Mix together green paint with red.
  • Using three colors - Mix yellow and blue with red in the same proportions (as you know, yellow and blue together give green kel).
  • Intermediate option - Blue to connect with an orange color or gray with orange.
  • Complex combination - Yellow and purple, instead of purple, can use purple, i.e. Yellow and orange with purple - this option is less popular, it is difficult to control the resulting paint and its nuances.
  • Additional method - Green and purple mix with orange tone Guashi.

Article on the topic: Mixing Rules Yellow and Green: Combinations and Color Characteristics

It is worth noting that to obtain brown can be used when mixing both dark and light colors of basic or additional colors.

On video: Getting brown different saturation.

Dark brown tones

How to get a dark brown? This question is solved simply: you need to add black paint into the usual brown, however, adding to do not spoil, mixing the massly thoroughly.

Other possible dark shades:

  • Mustard - is done when connecting red, yellow and black with the addition of a drop of green.
  • Chocolate - from a combination of blue and orange, slightly lightened white. As a result, the shade of milk chocolate will appear.
  • Marsala - Mix red with brown (its shade is darling, almost chocolate).
  • Brown - made a little red in brown paint.
  • Chestnut - can be obtained if in a dark brown drop a little red.

Light brown tones

Make a brown lightweight will help the addition of a white spike. There are other popular bright shades. For example, a brown tone with copper, gray or honey nuances, coffee-milk - such shades can be used if you add white paint in different ratios.

The addition of yellow makes the color of the ocher, and the tobacco is obtained when mixing 4 of the colors: yellow, green, red with white.

Using natural raw materials

For a long time, since ancient times, the question of how to create a brown color was solved with the help of plant components: beet juice, onion husk, sorrel, blackberry or blueberries. Now someone will hardly want to paint a sweater or other clothes in the way of extriving natural juices. Easier buy ready-made chemical dye. However, such information can be useful.

One of the known methods is staining with natural coffee. How to do it for the blouse, describes below:

  1. First you need to cook coffee (per 100 g of ground you need 2 liters of water).
  2. Coffee beam cool and strain through 3-4 layers of gauze.
  3. The resulting solution is placed in a basin and heat on fire up to 80ºС.
  4. Blouse for staining put in a hot solution made and bring to a boil.
  5. Boil 15 min, constantly mixing the contents, which is necessary for uniform staining.
  6. The fabric or thing is removed from the basin, you should give water drain.
  7. The blouse is better to dry in a straightened form on her shoulders.

Classic brown paint is not always needed, often it is necessary to make a lighter or dark tone. What colors will be required to get a red-brown paint go other halftone, we will tell in detail.

The easiest way to make dark brown paint - add a black component to the available ingredients. Implement should be implemented in small portions (depending on the total volume) so as not to spoil the desired result. The decision on the need to add a new portion of black is accepted only after careful mixing.

The color of bitter chocolate, as otherwise, is called a dark brown shade, can be made in another way. Required:

  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • in conclusion, add some black.

In order for the brown paint of dark shades to acquire even more rich and intense tone, collect a cocktail from blue with yellow with the addition of scarlet. The result should be first-class.

Make a light brown paint will help add to the main composition of white dyes. Apply clarifying colleges with less caution than darkening. In case of overdose, return the saturation will help the introduction of major tones. In addition to Belil, the function of the clarifying elements performs:

  • yellow - gives a shade of ocher;
  • red allows to achieve the effect of rust, it will be interested in getting red-brown paint.
  • make a tone more contrasting will help the blue ingredient.

Comment! To obtain a combat of good quality, mix basic components is most often not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to contact the additional color palette.

Light brown mineral paint is formed when adding ocher, Umbra or Siena. Saturation of earth pigments contributes to the achievement of an excellent result. And finally, some more combination options for various household situations:

  • Make a chestnut will help connecting a dark brown and red flat.
  • Lighten the chocolate, where the sources were blue and orange tone, is capable of white. The result will be the shade of milk chocolate.
  • To brown paint acquire a golden tint, it is saturated with a white and yellow color.
  • If necessary, get the most dark tone from the base color, instead of green in combination with orange, use a black kel.

Brown mineral paint applied in construction and when interior design, its appearance will help estimate the following photo:

Advantages of mixing and problem moments

The decision to make an independent brown color by mixing is not always considered the best option. In which cases, brown paint, made at home, will help to achieve the goals and when it is better to avoid experiments by resorting to buying a ready-made kolacher, consider detail:

  • The creative process of drawing on the canvas with acrylic compositions is the perfect field for mixing experiments in various proportions and obtaining all sorts of shades.
  • When the repairs remained suitable jars with an unused color, and the brown is just required in the design - please, inspire the search for the desired tone.
  • If any home need to paint the surface in brown is accompanied by the absence of the desired paint in the store.
  • Repair is in the planning stage, interior design provides for a brown? It is not necessary to initially acquire various components for mixing, pick up the finished kernel among a wide range of building stores will be the best solution.

Tip! Experiments on mixing colors when painting hair at home is not recommended. Leave this field of activities to professionals or pick up the initially suitable shade.

Small secrets of mixing

Proposals of specialists can be useful to beginner experimenters:

  • If the resulting color does not match expectations, additional color is added to small portions. To a greater extent, this concerns the darkening tones, correct the excess of the clarifying element is possible by increasing the main components.
  • The resulting dye is tested on a small area. Not always the surface background will correspond to the composition in the bank.
  • Before starting to adjust the non-liked Koler, wait for it to dry on the surface, shades with time may change.

There are many ways to make an independently necessary kel. It may be necessary in the creative process of the artist or designer. But when mixed, it is necessarily taken into account the feasibility of experiments with combination. Perhaps it is easier to turn to the finished product and not resort to experiments.

Brown mineral paint has a mass of shades, how to achieve the desired, tells the following video material:

Red, blue and yellow - the main colors of the spectrum. Mixing them between themselves, you can achieve various shades of green, purple, brown, orange and all other colors.

There are several ways to get brown, mixing the colors of the base. The proportions will be very approximate, as the base colors may also differ in shades. Therefore, you first need to achieve the desired mixing of two colors, and then adjust the shade with the help of the third.

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Purple and yellow

To get a brown color from violet and yellow, follows:

  • Mix red and blue. These paints in equal proportions will give a dark saturated shade of purple;
  • Gradually add yellow. The more yellow, the little brown-purple shade will be brown;

If the shade turned out to be too light, it can be darkened with purple or blue.

Green and red

Brown with a shade of red can be obtained by mixing green with red. For this you need:

  • Mix in equal proportions blue and yellow to get green;
  • Add red. The more red, the darker it turns out a brown color.

Orange and blue

Chocolate color is obtained by mixing blue and orange. For this you need:

  • Mix yellow and red to get orange;
  • By adding to orange blue, you can get a brown with a dark or bright chocolate tint.

Black and white

To darken or clarify the shades of brown, you can use artificial colors of paints - black and white:

  • To achieve chestnut color, the obtained dark brown should add red, or initially mix red and black;
  • Red brown is obtained from mixing orange and blue. To make the tone lighter, but not to increase the brightness, you can dilute it with white;
  • To get a golden shade, red-brown should be stronger than white and increase the amount of yellow;
  • The middle shade of brown can be darkened and lighted with black and white colors. You should not use auxiliary colors in large quantities (it is better to adjust the shade of the main colors of the spectrum), as in the end it may turn out gray;
  • Dark brown can be obtained from orange darkened by black instead of blue;
  • For light brown, you need to dilute yellow white, and then darken it with dark brown or black.

Beige color is considered classic when designing interior rooms. At the same time, it is unusually universal, as it can be combined with other colors and used in a variety of interior design styles. Next, we will look at how to get this color, and in what cases beige paint for walls will be the most relevant.

Painted beige paint wall


It must be said that beige has a lot of shades. If you have successfully choose additional colors, you can get very attractive and unusual design solutions. Moreover, in beige tones can look good enough any room, be it a bedroom, living room or kitchen.

However, it is not necessary to get involved and create a completely beige interior, as in the end it will look pretty boring and uncomfortable. All the advantages of this tone are disclosed in reasonable use and combination with other colors, bright and contrasting. Therefore, it is possible to limit the walls of the walls.

As for the style, Beige is a "favorite" tint of all traditional directions. However, it is no less great looks in ultra-modern styles.

All this thanks to the ability to look completely different, depending on the lighting, architecture and additional tones, which are applied with it.

Selecting paint

Before you consider how to get a beige color paint for walls, you will get acquainted, what kind of interior paint coatings can be used for designated goals. Nowadays, there are a lot of options, and all of them are much more perfect of those oil paints, which were used everywhere in apartments and houses a few decades ago.

So, the following types of compositions are most popular with painting of walls:

  • Water-dispersion;
  • Alkyd;
  • Polyurethane.

To make the right choice, you need to get acquainted with more details with their features.

Acrylic water-dispersion paint

Water dispersive

Water-dispersion paints and varnishes are of different species, but they are combined by what they are made on the basis of the dispersion of water and polymers.

Due to this, similar compositions are environmentally friendly and absolutely no smell. Therefore, they are currently the most popular.

As a rule, water-dispersion LCPs are absolutely white, and the necessary tone is achieved using the use of the flaker.

How to get a brown from gouache

So you do not have to break your head, what kind of paints mix to get a beige color. It is enough just to decide on the proportion of a suitable flaper to achieve the desired tone.

Latex water-dispersion paint

Depending on the type of composition, water-dispersion coatings may have different characteristics:

  • Acrylic - have moisture resistance and well tolerate temperature differences. On the surface, the material forms an attractive matte coating. Compared to other types of water-dispersion dyes, the price of this material is the most affordable.
  • Latex paint - has even better waterproofing, less demanding to the quality of the base than the acrylic compositions, has a dirt-repellent effect, as well as high elasticity. When dried, it can form both matte and glossy surface.
  • Silicone paints - have all the advantages of acrylic and silicone coatings, so they are characterized by the best operational qualities and high durability. In addition, they are able to even hide on the surface of the crack to 2 mm width. The only drawliness of the material is its high cost.

In the photo - a kel for beige paint


This type of dyes is also very popular due to the following advantages:

  • High coating strength;
  • Good resistance to environmental impacts;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Good decorative qualities - when dried, it forms an attractive bright glossy surface. Moreover, it is convenient to work with this material with your own hands, as it, when applied, does not leave divorces and other flaps.

Alkyd interior paint

Alkyd paints, in contrast to water-dispersion, initially have a certain color. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately acquire a beige coating, or read below how to get a beige color from the paints and detect this procedure.

The disadvantages of the material include only a toxic unpleasant odor, which is distinguished in the process of applying and drying the composition. In addition, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the first time after painting, the smell can be periodically resumed.

Tip! Before purchasing a painting composition, it is necessary to make sure that its application is applied to the walls of the walls.

Polyurethane paint


Polyurethane paints and varnishes, which differ, first of all, good adhesion and coating strength are also excellent performance. Like alkyd compositions, they are different tones, including a beige coating.

Among other advantages of polyurethane LCP, it is possible to highlight high resistance to mechanical effects and good wear resistance.

Getting beige color

Now consider how to make a beige color from the paints. The need for this procedure may occur if, for example, you failed to find the composition of the right color.

The instruction is extremely simple:

  • In white paint, add quite a bit brown and well stirring it.
  • Then you can mix a little orange paint or yellow and red, after which the composition should be mixed well.
  • If necessary, the tone can be corrected by the addition of one or another color. In addition, you can give the dye any desired shade.

    For example, if you add more red, you can get a peach color.

Here, in fact, the whole secret of receiving beige color.

Getting beige paint


Mix the coloring formulations from one manufacturer and one brand so that they are compatible with each other.


Beige color, as we found out, relevant for the walls in any interior. And, if the paints of this color did not turn to hand, it is easy to do it yourself, mixing the above colors.

At the same time, to obtain one or another shade, it is possible to experiment with their proportions. Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

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Since Cocoa's oscillatory beans hit the European continent, there are no rest to confidence.

All new and new exquisite sweets are inherent in products obtained from the exotic fruits of chocolate trees.

Sweet tooths are also not sitting in place.

Each of them, at least one day, was lucky enough to make a delicacy at home, using both specially purchased ingredients and various trifles from home reserves: nuts or vanilla, raisins or dried fruits.

Inventors of new forms of antidepressant (namely, they are chocolate) do not stop on the achieved, improving culinary skills, inventing fresh sweet combinations and configurations. But for a start, the newcomer of the home chocolate industry would not hurt to familiarize themselves with the basic recipes and the general principles of manufacturing real chocolate at home.

Chocolate at home - general preparation principles:

Do not save on products! The main ingredients of chocolate - cocoa powder, butter, sugar or honey, as well as nuts and raisins. Having bought a little less ingredients, you risk getting a delicate quality and taste.

When cooking chocolate at home, remember that the normal temperature in the preparation of high-quality chocolate is not too high: not higher than 32 degrees Celsius. It is easy to check manually: Touch your hand to the mixture - and, if it does not burn the skin, then your chocolate is not yet ruined.

Experts say that the mixture should not be put on an open fire, although individual recipes indicate that this method. But it is better to use a double boiler or water bath.

Do not start cooking chocolate with industrial scales. Start with a small portion. If taste and quality arrange you, it means that you can make a larger portion of the delicacy.

So that the filling turned out to be "inside" your sweets, add it alternately with chocolate.

Filling for the preparation of delicious chocolate at home:

Filling for home chocolate can be any sweetness that you like. One sweet kid is prettier than nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts) and dried fruits (raisins, kuraga, prunes), another cytrus zest, the third - a cracker or wafer crumb. Stuffing is crushed and add already to a hot mixture, then stirred and spilled by forms.

Recipes that will help you prepare delicious chocolate at home

Classic chocolate: nothing superfluous

Do not even try to prepare an exact copy of the shop tile, if not stored with cocoa butter. It is this rare ingredient that allows sweets to preserve the form. But if your hunt for rareholders was still crowned with success, you will get a delicious delicacy. This recipe is for successful hunters.


Curious cocoa - 200 grams;

Cocoa oil - 40-50 grams;

Creamy butter - 20 grams.

On the water bath or in a double boiler, both types of oils (cocoa and creamy) should be melt, then add a vaga cocoa to the mixture, sugar (powder) and stir, until the composition becomes homogeneous. Then the contents of the bowl are slightly cool, pour into the harvested molds and put in the refrigerator.

Vanilla chocolate "Exquisite" with nuts and dried fruits

If you stopped on vanilla chocolate, then you need the following products:

Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l;

Milk - 100 ml;

Butter cream - 125 grams;

Sugar or sugar powder - 1 cup;

Vanillin is half h.

How to make brown paint

Walnuts, raisins and dried fruits.

In the container, pour milk, then put on a slow fire and warm up. Vanillin and sugar add to preheated milk without removing a bowl from the fire and constantly stirring the mixture. Then you need to make a separate water bath, to melt the butter in it and pour the already melted oil into the container with milk and sugar. Cocoa powder is added there after mixing the previous ingredients. Then the capacitance remains on slow heat for about 25 minutes. The dried fruits or nuts chosen as the filling are added immediately before the chocolate spill in forms. A few hours in the refrigerator, and your delicacy is ready.

Coffee chocolate "For true gourmets"


Cocoa powder - 50 grams;

Milk is dry - 250 grams;

Sugar - 500 grams;

Creamy oil - 250 grams;

Boiled ground coffee - 1 h;

Dried fruits, nuts, lemon zest, vanilla (to taste).

Prior to the start of the main process, the chief "flavorer" should be prepared - coffee. Of course, the dosage depends only on your taste, but the following actions are assumed in the basic recipe: 3/4 cup of water for one spoonful of coffee. When coffee boils, you need to add a zest or vanilla to it and continue to boil 4-5 minutes on low heat.

Then removed from the plate a liquid to strain from coffee cake and put the capacitance on fire again. When the coffee starts to "eat", it is necessary to add cocoa and sugar to the mixture, and then boil for another five minutes.

Now the turn of dry milk will come - it should be added here, mix it thoroughly, turning off the fire and dissolve in the resulting chocolate oil, pre-chopped by pieces. Stuffing - nuts, candied nuts, raisins, dried or prunes - are added to almost one-hand delicacy at your discretion right before spilling through the molds.

Milk chocolate "Gentle"


Cocoa Powder 4 Art. l;

Creamy oil - 50 grams;

Sugar - 1 tsp;

Milk - 100 grams.

In a suitable bowl, you first need to pour milk and heat it on medium heat. Next, there is a spill sugar and cocoa powder. In the meantime, the oil melts in a separate container on a water bath, and then pours to a bowl with the main mixture, which, after adding the oil, should be brought to the boil. After the fire should be reduced and cook chocolate for another 2-3 minutes.

Chocolate "Total grading"

Cooking, who tried the next recipe, argue that the taste of this product is not much different from the shop tiles. But in its composition - the available ingredients behind which the maternity hostess and the store are not necessary to run - they will always be in the kitchen cabinet and the refrigerator.


Powder Kaka - 150 grams;

Creamy butter - 70 grams;

Sugar or sugar powder - 100 grams;

Milk - 5 tbsp. l.;

Flour - 1.5-2 hours l.

On slow fire, heat milk should be warm up, gradually pour sugar (or sugar powder) and cocoa. Separately, on the water bath, you need to melt the oil, and then pour it into the milk mixture and mix. Continuing to stir, you need to bring the mass to a boil, and then turn off the fire.

Flour for chocolate is first sifted through a fine sieve, added to the mixture and is thoroughly mixed - so that no lumps remained, as if you were preparing the dough for pancakes. Now it is necessary to turn on the fire again and hold a mixture on it about 2 minutes to boil.

As a result, the mixture will remind sour cream in thick. A bit cold chocolate should be pouring into the shape, smeared by oil, and then put in the freezer for hardening. After 3-4 hours, the treat will be ready.

Chocolate bitter "Elementary, Watson!"

In this recipe, neither tricks nor the abundance of components are not provided.


Cocoa powder - 100 grams;

Creamy oil - approximately 50 grams;

Sugar sand - 1 hl.

How easy it can be understood from the list of ingredients, in this chocolate cocoa powder will be the most. Because chocolate is bitter or proud. More experienced confectioners will change the ratio of sugar and cocoa. But one detail should be considered: it is based on these proportions that are preparing more complex chocolate desserts.

The process itself is very simple: the creamy oil is cut into pieces. It is necessary to melt on a water bath, then add a mixture from cocoa and sugar. The result is a mass with a consistency of thick sour cream. The composition must be brought to a boil, and after cooking approximately 2 minutes, stirring evenly. Further, everything, as in other recipes: Chocolate should be able to cool down somewhat, pour over the molds and put in the refrigerator or freezer.

Home chocolate "Honey"

A simple process of preparing this honeycomb chocolate is compensated by the rarity of two main ingredients and long expectations of the finite product readiness.


Curious cocoa - 400 grams;

Cocoa butter - 200 grams;

Liquid honey - 100 ml.

In a water bath, as it should be in cases with the "right" chocolate, it is necessary to melt cocoa oil, then pour into the same cocoa with small portions and pour liquid honey. The mixture was warm to a temperature of about 40 degrees (not higher, since in this case the properties of the honey are spoiled), and after pouring in forms. For readiness, honey chocolate must "stand out" at room temperature from 8 to 12 hours until it turns out.

What you need to know in the manufacture of real chocolate at home - secrets, tricks and useful tips

The more add cocoa, it will turn out more bitter.

But the hardness of the delicacy also depends on the amount of cocoa!

If the chocolate cooked with flour is poorly frozen in the freezer, add more flour to the next time.

If instead of white sugar cook chocolate with brown cane, then the delicacy will become much more useful. Cane sugar contains valuable minerals, besides, makes chocolate tastier.

Chocolate chilled in the freezer - it will be hard, in the refrigerator - softer.

Milk stipulated by the recipe can be replaced with water, although the confectioners are not recommended for this experienced.

From silicone molds, chocolate is easier to extract.

Red, blue and yellow - the main colors of the spectrum. Mixing them between themselves, you can achieve various shades of green, purple, brown, orange and all other colors.

There are several ways to get brown, mixing the colors of the base. The proportions will be very approximate, as the base colors may also differ in shades.

How to get brown, mixing paints

Therefore, you first need to achieve the desired mixing of two colors, and then adjust the shade with the help of the third.

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Purple and yellow

To get a brown color from violet and yellow, follows:

  • Mix red and blue.

    These paints in equal proportions will give a dark saturated shade of purple;

  • Gradually add yellow. The more yellow, the little brown-purple shade will be brown;

If the shade turned out to be too light, it can be darkened with purple or blue.

Green and red

Brown with a shade of red can be obtained by mixing green with red. For this you need:

  • Mix in equal proportions blue and yellow to get green;
  • Add red. The more red, the darker it turns out a brown color.

Orange and blue

Chocolate color is obtained by mixing blue and orange. For this you need:

  • Mix yellow and red to get orange;
  • By adding to orange blue, you can get a brown with a dark or bright chocolate tint.

Black and white

To darken or clarify the shades of brown, you can use artificial colors of paints - black and white:

  • To achieve chestnut color, the obtained dark brown should add red, or initially mix red and black;
  • Red brown is obtained from mixing orange and blue. To make the tone lighter, but not to increase the brightness, you can dilute it with white;
  • To get a golden shade, red-brown should be stronger than white and increase the amount of yellow;
  • The middle shade of brown can be darkened and lighted with black and white colors. You should not use auxiliary colors in large quantities (it is better to adjust the shade of the main colors of the spectrum), as in the end it may turn out gray;
  • Dark brown can be obtained from orange darkened by black instead of blue;
  • For light brown, you need to dilute yellow white, and then darken it with dark brown or black.
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Brown, like all other colors, has many shades and each specific person is perceived in its own way. If you need to draw a brown dog or paint the fence in this color, then we will try to help you. The recipes will indicate the basic proportions of the mixed paints, but to make a depth or brighter shade, they can vary. We also tell you how to get a brown color from vegetable raw materials, for example, for independent staining of white blouse.

Brown - how to get by mixing other colors

Any artist will tell you that at the heart of absolutely all colors lie three main: red, yellow and blue. It is from them that consists of the whole range of colors, which means you can get the same brown by mixing three basic. Brown turn out if:

  • First, mix in equal proportions red with blue, and then add a little yellow in this purple color. If you need a dark brown, then you put a little, if bright is more.
  • Stir blue and yellow (ratio 1/1) and achieve green. Add a red color to it red until you get the shade of brown, what you want.
  • Take red and yellow paint and make orange from their mixture. To the orange, add blue - you will have a brown, resembling chocolate.

Taking the basis of these knowledge, you can use not only three main colors for mixing, but the rest. Meaning Ready:

  • Purple and blue.
  • Green and red.
  • Orange and blue.

Brown - how to get it different tones

Any resulting brown can make darker or light. For this:

  • In the dark brown, add a small amount of red - as a result, get the color of chestnut.
  • Chocolate (made of orange and blue paint) can brighten the white - get the color of the milk chocolate.
  • Brown will acquire a golden shade, if they add colors white and yellow to it.
  • The darker shade of brown will get if to orange instead of the green add color black.

Brown - How to get from vegetable raw materials

For coloring clothes in a brown color in ancient times, beet juice, blueberries, blackberries, sorrel, etc. were used. Nowadays, it is unlikely that someone will squeeze these juices and mix them in basins. It is best to contact a clothing color workshop or buy a ready-made brown sweater. But if you urgently want to dress in the evening brown blouse, then paint it with natural coffee. For this:

  • Cook coffee from 100 grams of powder and 2 liters of water.
  • The resulting decoction is student and strain through several layers of gauze.
  • Fill the solution in the pelvis and heat it up to 80 degrees.
  • The stained thing is wetted in warm water.
  • Lower the wet thing in the hot coffee cup and wait for the boil.
  • Keep the pelvis on a plate of 15 minutes, constantly stirring its contents. It is necessary so that the blouse or skirt is evenly painted.
  • Remove the fabric from the pelvis and let the drain of the liquid.
  • Dry blouse on the shoulders, and the skirt is consolidated on the rope clothespins for the belt.

In this video, you will find ways to obtain not only brown, but also many others.