Drawings in the Valley of Nask on the map. Nasky lines are related to sacred rituals? NASKA - Geoglyphic Territory

Drawings in the Valley of Nask on the map. Nasky lines are related to sacred rituals? NASKA - Geoglyphic Territory
Drawings in the Valley of Nask on the map. Nasky lines are related to sacred rituals? NASKA - Geoglyphic Territory

Geoglyphs of Nask in Peru, created in a set of centuries before the heyday of the Empire Inca, are the most important proof of the existence of mysterious ancient culture On the territory of Peru. These lines and geoglyphs are drawn by one continuous line, located on the NASK plateau and reaches tens of meters in length, so they are visible only from the air.

German scientist background Dananen in his book "Answer God" argues that these lines were created as signals for planting aliens's spacecraft. And the German doctor of archeology Maria Riete called these patterns with strange confirmation of the existence of ancient Peruvian culture:

"Naska lines are nothing but a documented story of ancient Peruvian science. The ancient inhabitants of Peru created their own alphabet to describe the most important astronomical events. Lines of Nask - Pages of the book written on this strange alphabet "

From the air, you can watch various figures, such as large giant spiders, lizards, lamas, monkeys, dogs, hummingbirds, etc., not to mention zigzags and geometric projects. There are many remaining questions regarding these lines. For example, as they remain intact after hundreds of years, or how they managed to create in such sizes, accurately recreated all the proportions

In 1927, Medzhie Hesphe, a student of the famous Julio Telo, the father of Peruvian archeology, reported on mysterious incomprehensible geoglyphs on the territory of the Peruvian Plateau. Initially, this did not attach any importance, scientists were engaged in studies of other more significant sites, such as Machu Picchu

In the same year, a researcher from the USA did not attract a researcher from the USA. ancient history Peru. In one of his first trips to the south of the country, he stopped at the top of the plateau and saw extensive lines on both sides of the road. After a thorough study, he was amazed to find that on one of the figures the perfect form of a bird's flight was displayed. Kosovo spent on the study of NASK's lines for almost 20 years, in 1946 he returned home, offering to study the drawings of Nazca tribes to German doctor of Archeology Mary Rayhe. Maria devoted all his life to this work

Maria Riete was studied lines of Nask. For 50 years. She explained how these lines were used by the ancient Peruvian astronomers - they were a giant sunny and lunar calendar, covered in the sand, legends and myths. local residents

The lines themselves are applied to the surface in the form of a furrow to 135 centimeters width and up to 40-50 centimeters depth, while white stripes are formed on a black stony surface. This is also noted such a fact: since the white surface is heated less than the black, then the difference in pressure and temperatures is created, which leads to the fact that these lines do not suffer in sand storms.

Hummingbird has a length of 50 meters, Spider - 46, Condor spread from the beak to the tail feathers by almost 120 meters, and the lizard has a length of up to 188 meters. Such huge dimensions of the drawings cause admiration, almost all drawings are made in this huge scale in one manner when the outline is outlined by one continuous line. The true form of images can be observed only from a bird's height. There is no such natural elevation nearby, but there are middle size Hills. But the higher the rising above the plateau, the these drawings are becoming smaller and turn into incomprehensible scratches.

Among other animals captured Naska - Kit, dog with long legs and tail, two llamas, various birds, such as herons, pelican, seagull, hummingbird and parrot. From reptile there is an alligator, iguana and snake.

On the map are all geoglyphs, with detailed names. To enlarge click

So who still created geoglyphs Nask? Locals or aliens? This is a giant sunny and moon calendar Or Landmarks of the Space Ship? You cannot find out the answers to these questions, as Nazca lines are one of the most big secrets in the world.

Palpa plateau

Palpa plateau is located in the state of Peru ( South America). It is 20 km north of Nask Plateau, and in the area twice it is less. It is noteworthy natural formation by geoglyphs (a geometric figure, made in the earth's ground and having a length of at least 4 meters), but is much less popular with people than the southern neighbor. It is explained by the fact that Naska was first. Mysterious drawings on it are studied since 1946. Palpa became aware of the general public in 1993, thanks to Erich von Danikin (Rod. 1935).

This is a Swiss, by education a Ufologist. In 1968, did he publish a bestseller called "Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved secrets of the past". The circulation of the book amounted to 60 million copies. This figure emphasizes how many things are experienced to mysteries and secrets of the past.

It was this person that drew the attention of the public to the mysterious geoglyphs of palp, which in terms of quality and execution skill significantly exceeded the relevant images on the Naska Plateau. It seemed the impression that wizards with higher qualifications worked in the north. At the same time, there is a steady opinion that Palpa's drawings in their age are much older than similar creations of Naska. Therefore, an ancient civilization in these places eventually lost certain skills over time. This conclusion causes many questions, answers to which no one has.

Flat hill peak. The nature could not create this

What rushes into the eyes first is the unusual tops of the hills. They are absolutely flat. It seems that all irregularities are cut off by some unknown mechanism. At the same time, the slopes have an ordinary rugged natural relief. On flat vertices and mysterious lines and strips are located. They intersect, superimposed on each other. This suggests that one lanes were first created, and then others were applied on them.

The width of some bands comes to several hundred meters, and the length reaches 20 km. At the same time, the edges are perfectly parallel. But not only geometric shapes are affected. The plateau contains anthropomorphic geoglyphs. These are images resembling people. Those today there are eight. There are also images of animals and feathers. All of them possess different sizes and made with high skill.

Anthropomorphic geoglyph

The main attraction of Palpa Plateau is, perhaps, very complex geometric images. Even at first glance, they feel that some kind of hidden information is laid in these creations. That's just what, for whom and why? It is incomprehensible.

You can consider, for example, a drawing consisting of three circles. They are located next to each other. Two extremes have small diameters, and the central circle significantly exceeds them in size. With each other, the circles are connected by lines and, thus, are a single composition. The length of this image is a kilometer.

Images of circles

The composition includes two triangles, superimposed on each other and forming a star with six ends. In the center of the star are two circles of different diameters. A smaller circle lies in more. In the last, in turn, there are two rectangle intersecting with each other. They depicted a square, and in its center there is an image resembling a star with 16 rays. Around these geometric drawings Located small pits round shape. Some circumference are not fulfilled with solid lines, but similar round lines.

In a kilometer from these complex geoglyphs, there are no less complex and peculiar other drawings. They also form a composition that called the "Sunclock" composition. The center is located Zigzag, turning into a spiral. It forms six turns, in the form of the corresponding circles. Nearby are stripes and lines, chaotic crossing each other. On the very edge of the composition there is a drawing, reminding its outlines with the human head. Her horns crowned, and the snake is depicted under it.

Complex geometric image "Sunclock"

An image of this reptile is uncharacteristic for palp plateau. It is also uncharacteristic for drawings on the Naska Plateau. Snakes loved to depict the Inca. They painted them everywhere, where only possible. Especially loved to apply poisonous creatures on the walls of residential buildings and palaces. The snake in this civilization was associated with wisdom and long-life.

Causes many questions another geoglyph. Hears the name "Table". And indeed, it is very reminded from above. There is a table on a flat vertex and consists of 15 longitudinal and 36 transverse lines. And the line dashed, and in the places of their intersection crosses are formed. Nearby is an image of a person. It crosses many thin lines. And they, in turn, overlaps the circle. Along her is eight squares. What is this composition, for what purposes is made - a complete riddle.

The drawings are huge, so you can see them, only rising into the air on the aircraft, helicopter or on hot-air balloonUnless there is at hand. Why did an ancient civilization make similar images? Fully drawings, even the artists themselves could not see, if only they did not have any aircraft.

It causes bewilderment, but the accuracy of images is even more striking the modern person. The same circles have an ideal form. It can be assumed that the ancient masters used the usual rope. A pegs drove into his hands, a rope was taken, tied to him, and a man drew the perfect round line on Earth. Thus, the masterpieces were created in those distant times.

The explanation is good, but everything resumes in the soil plateau. The climate in this area is dry, there is no rain, the winds too. The track left on Earth can preserve its shape for centuries. No wonder geoglyphs lived to this day. If the ancient masters used familiar to modern people The tools of labor, they were in close proximity to lines and figures. Accordingly, the soil should keep traces of ancient people.

But nothing like the geoglyphs is not observed. Soil is nine smooth. It seems that there was never a man's foot on it. So how was the image on the ground? Could not ancient master To be parted to the working platform through the air, and then hang in a special cradle over the earth and create masterpieces, whose age is estimated in a thousand years. No reasonable explanation for this does not come to the mind.

Maybe this aliens depicted themselves

It suggests only one version - alien. Representatives from another Planet visited the land, came into contact with the locals and for some reason they brought to the ground mysterious drawings. Naturally, at the same time, some unknown modern man technologies. Apparently for aliens, the drawings on the ground had very great importanceSince the appropriate area with the most suitable climate was selected.

But the Palpa plateau and Naska are not the only one in their own way. Old-timers of these places argue that if you go east to the mountains, you can meet a few more places with mysterious geoglyphs. In their form, those more intricate and incomprehensible. People of science and tourists, however, so far only to the Naska plateau. It is most promoted and is popular throughout the world. Palpa plateau and unknown alpine plains in the East have no interest in anyone. However, this is a matter of time. Their queue will come. But will it help you reveal the mystery of mysterious drawings? There is no clear and clear answer.

These gigantic drawings are distinguishable only with big height: Only fluttering on the plane above the Naska Plateau - the fact that it is spread in the southern part of Peru, you can see this " picture gallery", Consisting of images of birds and animals, colors and insects. The correct outlines of the lizard, hummingbirds, monkeys, cordra and spider crosses numerous straight lines, spirals, triangles, trapezoids and other geometric shapes.

Where did this heritage come from, what purpose was the ancient artists, withdrawing desert masterpieces and, finally, which technologies allowed them to observe perfect proportions The drawings, the size of the smallest of which is 46 meters, and the largest - Pelican - reaches 285 meters? These issues occupy the heads of scientists from the very moment when the Geoglyphs of Nasks were discovered - from 1939, when the plane flew over the desert with an American archaeologist aboard.

The technique of performing all drawings is the same: the contour of the image is a single inseparable line, which stretches for tens and hundreds of meters and often crosses the hills, depressions and dried river beds. Tell me for mercy - how without the help of special devices and control from the height, it was possible to spend all these straight, curves and broken, never rejected from the specified direction either by half generators?

Yes what hundreds of meters - some lines geometric figures stretch 8 kilometers! Not having the opportunity to rise high above the "canvas", to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the pattern and, moreover, the correctness of the resulting direction is more than difficult. And that is not all. Careful studies of drawings and figures have shown that all geoglyphs are subordinate to rigid mathematical laws.

How was these "canvas" created? Like many other geoglyphs, with the help of riveting trenches: moving along a given contour, the ancient creators fucked the deserted land, digging the soil on the length of the entire figure to 120-140 cm in width and 25-35 cm in depth. Thanks to the peculiarities of a semi-desert climate, the Pictures of Naska are preserved to this day.

Another riddle, which does not give rest to the researchers: how it happened that the working numerous trenches workers (remember that some lines have a lot of kilometers) did not leave any traces of their stay - at least a wipe trail? By and large, scientists have no accurate answers to any of actual questions - only hypotheses.

Is that the time of creating drawings and lines managed to determine relatively precisely - geoglyphs were formed up to 12 centuries, when the valley settled the inches. So, the authorship of the wondrous patterns is attributed to the predecessors of the Incas - the civilization of NASK. On the purpose of creating a "gallery" in the desert one can only guess. Based on the fact that huge paintings are distinguishable only from a high height, it is logical to assume that the ancient people inhabited by the desert thus tried to communicate with the deities.

According to other versions, representatives of the Naska civilization have tried to reproduce with the help of patterns and patterns, the heavenly card of constellations or transferred to someone encrypted message. One of the affiliation of assumptions is completely deprived of common sense: allegedly stacked on the face of the earth Signs served as a landing strip for alien ships. One thing is clear: questions in the geoglyphs of the Naska Plateau, there are still much more than the answers - huge drawings in the midst of the desert and to this day remain unsolved secrets.

The Naska desert is located in the south of Peru, 450 kilometers from Lima. This is the region of residence of the pre-Civilization of Naska (I-VI century AD).

The people of Nask led the war and engaged in trade, but the main activity for them was fishing and agriculture. In addition to this NASK was beautiful artists and architects - we can judge this on the found ceramic products of this culture and the ruins of the ancient cities. Many testimonies have been preserved high level The development of this civilization, the main of which are undoubtedly the Lines of Nask are huge geoglyphs in the desert, visible only from a bird's eye view.

What to see

Lines of Nask.

Giant drawings in the desert, depicting animals and different items - the Lines of Nask - were found in 1926. Researchers suggest that geoglyphs were created in 300-800 by the Civilization of Nask. They were called "the most huge calendar of the world", "the gigantic book about astronomy" - the exact appointment remains unknown.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe territory on which Nask lines is 500 km2 and is located in the desert, where the rains go only half an hour. It was this fact that allowed geoglyphs to preserve to this day.

For the first time, these drawings were described in 1548, but many years no one paid serious attention to them. Perhaps this was due to the fact that it is possible to consider them only from the height, and flying on the aircraft over the desert began significantly later. At the beginning of the 40s of the 20th century, during the construction of the Pan American highway, one American professor invited to study the hydrology of the coast, flew regularly over the valleys on small aircraft. It was he who drew attention to strange lines folded in huge drawings. The spectacle shook and struck him. Professor Kosovo and other scientists have dedicated many years to the study of these lines. They managed to detect the connection of the location of lines with the Sun on the days of the summer and winter solstice, as well as instructions on the moon, planets and bright constellations. It seemed that the civilization of Naska arranged a giant observatory here.

The technique of creating geoglyphs was very simple: the upper darkened layer was cut off the soil and was here the same, along the resulting light strip, creating the framing lines of the roller darker color. Over time, the color of the lines darkened and became less contrasting, but we still can see the drawings left by the Naska civilization.

How to view
Nask has several companies that make excursion flights on small aircraft over the desert. Such, since because of the number of people who wish to inspect the lines of places to the desired date in last moment may not be.

An alternative way to see the lines - climb the survey site on the EL Mirador highway. The cost of lifting 2 salts (20 rubles), but you can see only 2 drawings.

Palp Lines (Palpa Lines)

In contrast to the NASK drawings, the palp line consists more of the images of a person and geometric patterns. According to archaeological studies, the palp line relate to more early periodthan Naska lines. Flying Palpal Palp Line can see the image of Pelican, the image of a woman, men and a boy, whom archaeologists nicknamed "family." One of the palp lines is a hummingbird image - similar to one of the geoglyphs of Naska lines. Another line is read by archaeologists as a dog image near the square. Near the city of Palpa can be seen famous image Sunny hours and Tumi - ritual knife.

Ruins Kauachi (Cahuachi)

The most important I. mighty city Naska civilization was Kauachi (Cahuachi) - the city in the Valley of Nask, 24 km from modern City Naska. Excavation is still underway here. To date, the city remains:

  • The central pyramid is 28 meters high and 100 meters wide consisting of 7 steps. Religious ceremonies were held here.
  • Step Temple Height 5 and 25 meters width
  • 40 buildings from Adoba (unreasonable brick)

Next to the city was a necropolis, in which scientists found untouched burials with various subjects, which were taken to put in graves (dishes, fabrics, decorations, etc.). All finds can be seen in the Archaeological Museum of Antonini (Museo Arqueológico Antonini) in Nask.

Necropolis Chauchilla (El Cementerio de Chauchilla)

Necropolis Chauchwali is 30 km from Naska. This is the only place in Peru, where you can see Mummy ancient civilization Directly in the graves where they were found. This cemetery was used from III to the IX century AD, but the main burials refer to 600-700 years. The mummies are well preserved due to the dry climate of the desert, as well as the embalming technologies that Naska were used: the bodies of dead people were wrapped in a cotton fabric painted with paints and impregnated with resins. It was the resin that helped to avoid the decomposing action of bacteria.
The necropolis was discovered in 1920, but was officially recognized as an archaeological monument and were taken under protection only in 1997. Before that, for many years he suffered from marauders who melted a significant part of the Treasures of Nask.

2 hours excursion with guide - 30 salts

Entrance ticket to necropolis - 5 salts

San Fernando Reserve (Bahía de San Fernando)

Approximately 80 km from Naska there is a reserve, very similar to parakas. Here you can also see Penguins, Sea Lviv, Dolphins, different birds. And besides, the Andean Fox, Guanako and Condora meets in San Fernando.

It's hard to get here and there are almost no tourists here. In San Fernando, you can spend time alone with nature and the quiet ocean!

Catalyok Aquets (Cantayoc)

Naska was a very developed civilization. In the conditions of the desert, where the river is filled with water only 40 days a year, NASK farmers needed a system to have water throughout the year. They solved this problem by creating a magnificent system of aqueduct. There are some of them - Catalyok Aqueducts (Cantayoc) are less than 5 km from Naska and are a chain of spiral-shaped wells.

When to go

Naska is located in the desert, where it is almost always dry and sunny. From December to March the most hottest time in this region, the average daytime temperature is kept in the 27C area. From June to September - the coldest months of the year, when the daily temperature is only 18c.

How to get to the Nari

Naska is 450 kilometers south of Lima. You can take here on your own by car on Pan American highway, or one of the numerous buses that go in this direction. Bus trip will take 7 hours.

Considering the huge drawings on the surface of the earth, the pictures of which are made from the air, the question arises, could this make people? Most. mysterious place The planet is considered to be Plateau Nask, which surprised scientists another 100 years ago with their mysterious drawings. To date, scientists have shown various theories of the appearance of these drawings, but none of them gave an accurate answer about the origin of these masterpieces.

Let's follow the studies of scientists and try to find some explanations to these drawings.

Plateau Nask or Pampa, as it is called, is located at a distance of 450 km from the capital of Peru _ Lima. Its length is 60 km, and 500 square meters. meters covered different mysterious lineswhich make up mysterious drawings. Pictures present in this area are images of geometric shapes, animals, insects and amazing people. external view. Drawings can be seen only from the air, as it is huge images.

When examining the area it was found that the drawings are dug in the sandy ground to a depth of 10-30 cm, and the width of some lines can be up to 100 meters (!). Pictures lines may have a length of several kilometers, while literally without changing from the effect of the form of terrain. The lines rise and descend from the hills, but their continuity and perfect evenness is not broken. Immediately the question arises, who is the creator of such a picture in the wilderness - unknown people or aliens from a distant cosmos? But on this question, scientists have not yet managed to find an answer.

To date, scientists with accuracy managed to establish the age of this "painting". Scientists carefully examined the remains of plant and organicfound in places of drawings, found that the drawings were created in the interval, starting from 350 BC. 600 BC BC.

But this fact is not exact evidence of the date of the appearance of drawings, since these items could get here later than creating drawings. There is also another scientific theory, which says that the drawings are the work of the Naska Indians, who could inhabit this area of \u200b\u200bPeru (even before the arrival of the Incas). After the disappearance of this people on Earth, there was not a single historical mention of them, except for burials. And therefore scientists cannot accurately claim involvement of this nation to drawings.

Let's look at B. historical sourcesin which the drawings of Nask are mentioned. For the first time they mentioned Spanish researchers in their manuscripts, which are dated XV - XVII centuries. Nowadays, these information sources attracted the attention of modern scientists, but the most interesting discovery have become available when creating first aircraftSince the patterns of the drawings add up to a single whole and open their mystery only from a bird's eye view.

The first scientist, who opened the drawings of Nask, became the Peruvian archaeologist Mexerage Kates, who saw them part from the elephant of one of the mountains in 1927. At the same time to explore Naska steel in the 40s, then the first photographs of the drawings made from the aircraft appeared. These studies were led by the American historian Paul Kosovo. But in fact, on the eve of the first photos of the drawings of Naska, they were discovered by pilots who were engaged in finding water sources in the desert. I was looking for water, and found the most mysterious riddle of our planet.

Kosovo at one time put forward one of numerous theories, which assumed that the drawings are nothing more than a huge astronomical calendar. He brought similar drawings from the starry sky for clarity. It turned out that some lines show the direction of constellation and point to the sunrise point and sunset. The theory of Kosli was developed in the work of mathematician and astronoma Mary Rayhe, which devoted more than 40 years to systematization and study of the NASK drawings. She managed to find out that the drawings in the Naska desert were made manually.

Birds and animals were the first printed figures, and then various lines were conducted on top of these drawings. Also, the scientist managed to find sketch sketches, which were later embodied in full. Ancient "artists" used coordinate poles for more accurate orientation on the terrain and the preparation of accurate drawings. These landmarks were at some points of the figures. If the figures can be observed only with high height, it suggests that the people who applied them to the surface of the Earth could fly. Thus, a new theory appeared that the creators of NASK drawings were extraterrestrial civilization or created an airfield for aircraft.

Subsequently, it turned out that Naska is not the only place that has similar images. 10 km from the plateau (near the city of Palpa) there are similar drawings and lines, and at a distance of 1400 km at Mount Solitari is a huge statue of a person surrounded by lines and drawings similar to Nasca's drawings. On the territory of the Western Cordiller in the immediate vicinity of Naska there are two drawn peeled labyrinths, with different direction turns. What is the most amazing that the space ray falls into the period of 1-5 times a year and illuminates this area for 20 minutes. There is even a statement of local residents, which if you get into this beam, you can cure from various diseases. Similar drawings were found in various countries of the world - Ohio (USA), England, in Africa, Altai and Southern Urals. They are all different, but one unites them that they are not intended for earthly review.

Conducting excavations on the territory of Naska, scientists have found regular riddles for themselves. The shards found the drawings on which there were evidence that residents of this area knew about penguins. Scientists could not find another explanation to the found penguin figure on one of the shards. Also, archaeologists managed to find many loygads and tunnels. Some of these structures are an irrigation system, and the other part belongs to the underground city. The tips and ruins of underground temples are located here.

One of theories is the hypothesis of the origin of the NASK drawings associated with the activities of alien civilizations. For the first time, such a hypothesis put forward a Swiss writer Erich von Denicen. He argued that our planet in the Nasca area was visited by aliens, but he is not sure that the drawings are their hands. According to his theory, the drawings are designed to call aliens who left our planet. Triangles informed pilots-aliens about the presence of lateral wind, and rectangles about the landing place.

Straight lines in the form of recesses could fill with a combustible substance and be a signage to the direction of the landing strip. This theory is fantastic and not seriously perceived in scientific Worldbut even a writer managed to sow doubts about scientific theories The origin of the drawings of Naska. Then the theory of energy flows arose, which indicates the relationship of mankind with an alien mind. One example is the huge image of the "Parakas Kandelara" - the drawing on the mountainside on the Peruvian Parakas Peninsula.

Scientists believe the candelabr is an information source about our planet. In the left part of the picture is hidden information about the earth's fauna, and in the right part of the Flora. The general image is made in the form of human face. Where there is a top of the drawing Ancient residents of Naska installed a pointer, which is a scale of civilization. For the same theory, there is an opinion that our civilization was created by aliens from the constellation of Leo. Perhaps the composition of direct lines was created by aliens to designate take-off strip For their ships.

There are other evidence of this theory. Scientists from England managed to explore the component muscular mass Mumiy Incas. And the results turned out simply stunning. The blood of the Inca did not have analogues with the blood groups of residents of the earth historical period. This blood group is a very rare combination ...

But of course, the truth is born in the dispute. And therefore, they found those who discard all the alien theories. In the early 80s, a group of students, taking with them wooden shovels, created an "elephant", which is similar to the drawings of Nask. But their conviction did not greatly affected and in our time there are many supporters of alien participation in creating huge drawings.

Options for theories of the appearance of large drawings on Earth:
Pictures of animals are created as the memory of world Flood.
Naska drawings are one of the ancient zodiac calendars.
Drawn figures are created for ritual ceremonies of water culture, and the line is the direction of aqueduct.
The trajectory of the drawings was used for sprint race (the truth is hard to believe it).
The lines and drawings of Naska are an encrypted message, a certain code. It has a number of pi, radian degrees (360 °), a decimal calculus system, etc.
The drawings are drawn with shamans under the action of strong hallucinogen (though, the theory is funny).

No matter how many theories of the emergence and purpose of NASK drawings were not put forward, but the mystery remains not disclosed. In addition, it mysterious plateau He presents all new riddles to mankind. In this area, Peru constantly departs new researchers. This area is available for both scientists and tourists, but does a person get a curtain of mystery that closes the true purpose of the drawings from us?