Peruvian plateau. Nasca lines in Peru: mysterious geoglyphs in the desert

Peruvian plateau. Nasca lines in Peru: mysterious geoglyphs in the desert
Peruvian plateau. Nasca lines in Peru: mysterious geoglyphs in the desert

We continue our series of stories about mysterious ancient objects. Today we will tell you about the geoglyphs of Naska in Peru, created in the midst of the centuries before the heyday of the Incas Empire, and who are the most important evidence of the existence of mysterious ancient culture in the territory of Peru. These lines and geoglyphs are located on the plateau of Nask and reach tens of meters in length, so they are visible only from the air.

The German scientist background is Danicen in his book "Answer God" argues that these lines were created as signals for planting aliens spacecraft. And the German doctor of archeology Maria Riete called these patterns with strange confirmation of the existence of ancient Peruvian culture:

"Nasca lines are nothing but a documented story of ancient Peruvian science. The ancient inhabitants of Peru created their own alphabet to describe the most important astronomical events. Lines of Nask - Pages of the book written on this strange alphabet "

From the air, you can watch various figures, such as large giant spiders, lizards, lamas, monkeys, dogs, hummingbirds, etc., not to mention zigzags and geometric projects. There are many remaining questions regarding these lines. For example, as they remain intact after hundreds of years, or how they managed to create in such sizes, accurately recreated all the proportions.

In 1927, Medzhie Hesphe, a student of the famous Julio Telo, the father of Peruvian archeology, reported on mysterious incomprehensible geoglyphs on the territory of the Peruvian Plateau. Initially, this did not attach any importance, scientists were engaged in research of other more significant sites, such as Machu Picchu

In the same year, the explorer from the USA, the floor of Kosov, who was very attracted by the oldest history of Peru, arrived in Peru. In one of his first trips to the south of the country, he stopped at the top of the plateau and saw extensive lines on both sides of the road. After a thorough study, he was amazed to find that on one of the figures the perfect form of a bird's flight was displayed. Kosovo spent on the study of NASK's lines for almost 20 years, in 1946 he returned home, offering to study the drawings of Nazca tribes to German doctor of Archeology Mary Rayhe. Maria devoted all his life to this work.

Maria Riete studied the Naska line for 50 years. She explained how these lines were used by the ancient Peruvian astronomers - they were a giant solar and lunar calendar, covered in the sand, legends and myths of local residents.

The lines themselves are applied to the surface in the form of a furrow to 135 centimeters width and up to 40-50 centimeters depth, while white stripes are formed on a black stony surface. This is also noted such a fact: since the white surface is heated less than the black, then the difference in pressure and temperatures is created, which leads to the fact that these lines do not suffer in sand storms.

Hummingbird has a length of 50 meters, Spider - 46, Condor spread from the beak to the tail feathers by almost 120 meters, and the lizard has a length of up to 188 meters. Such huge dimensions of the drawings cause admiration, almost all drawings are made in this huge scale in one manner when the outline is outlined by one continuous line. The true form of images can be observed only from a bird's height. There is no such natural elevation nearby, but there are an average hills. But the higher the rising above the plateau, the these drawings are becoming smaller and turn into incomprehensible scratches.

Among other animals captured Naska - whale, a dog with long legs and tail, two lines, various birds, such as herons, pelican, seagull, hummingbirds and parrot. From reptile there is an alligator, iguana and snake.

On the map are all geoglyphs, with brief names. To enlarge click

So who still created NASK geoglyphs? Locals or aliens? Is it a giant solar and lunar calendar or spacecraft benchmarks? You cannot find out the answers to these questions, as Nazca lines are one of the biggest

What is NASK drawings?

Scientific images on Naska Plain in Peru (South America) - Mystical Attractions of the Planet Earth. They look like lines on the earth's surface area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 500 square meters. m, which are made in the form of recesses. Vych has an approximate parameters of 140x50 cm, its color becomes white on a dark rock surface.

At close range, it is noticeable: such a tint of "scratches" was obtained using the clearance of the tons of volcanic rock. As a result, a deserted basis - a sand-clay base with a yellowish tide was denied. Surprisingly, no pictures of Nask There are smooth and continuous contours regardless of what landscape they pass - hilly or flat.

At the same time, many geoglyphs are drawn, over 10 thousand of which - stripes, more than 700 - geometric textures in the form of trapezoids, triangles and spirals, up to 30 - frontispisis of birds and animals, insects and.

The history of the appearance of drawings

The first mention of geoglyphs appeared in 1553 in the book Pedro de Ciez de Leon (Spanish historian). The first saw a part drawings in the desert of Nazk Archaeologist from Peru Mexia Xsessle, who stood in one of the days of 1927 on the mountainside.

Detect all mysterious patterns and install the coordinates of the pictures of Nask It was possible only in 1939 by the American Archaeologist Semi Kostoka, who flown over the plateau. Since in the desert they look like ordinary depressions, being on earth, they can not be considered, and from the height, the outlines of all figures are clearly visible.

The history of the appearance of the drawings seems obvious. They are made in southern Peru by local residents who, in continuation of several centuries, ornamed desert areas along the coastal. The ancient Peruvians applied mysterious signs to the ground with the same method as the ancient Indians using a dark tinge of soil as a "canvas".

But on the question: "Why?" There was no response yet. Scientists also have not yet established an accurate age of images. Local residents argue that the drawings are made by Hedgehogs - Vihacchami. Say, they captured their presence in the Mountain Range of Andes a lot of millennia ago.

But scientists have already proven that all pictures on the plateau of Nask Delivered in different time intervals. The most ancient appeared in the VI century. BC, the youngest are considered to be those drawn in I c. AD

Location and dimensions of drawings

Geoglyphs are scattered along the rocky desert of Nask between the cities of Naska and Palpa. Significant number of their number is located above the Sukhodol of the Inhenio River. Another mystical pattern is shown on these drawings in the form of a giant-trident, which knocks out in the rock at the town of Parakas.

Among the giant images there are no figures of Homo Sapires or something connected with it. The largest of the unknown artists turned out: a spider length of 46 m, the hummingbird, stretching at 50 m, a monkey, prostrated on 55 m, Condor, who traveled his wings at 120 m, lizard, whose length is 188 m, and pelican, whose length - 285 m.

Almost all images have enormous parameters and are performed with solid bonding. The line stretched to the horizon crosses and lay down on each other, forming mysterious drawings to their association. Because of this desert Nask. acquired the traits of a huge drawing board.

Assumptions of scientists about the drawings of Nask

The mysteriousness of the appearance of images is not yet amenable to study. Scientists have a lot of versions and hypotheses relating to, among other things, the answer to the one who and when did the drawings of Nask. Some researchers believe that the drawings appeared in 750-100 BC. During the flourishing period of Parakas culture.

Others are on the fact that the images were executed between II century. BC. and VI. AD, when in this area the rules are the civilization of NASK. The third group of experts is inclined to the belief that geoglyphs are applied to the plateau in the XI - XVI centuries. During the Empire of Incas. The fourth is its point of view: the drawings "painted" extraterrestrial beings in the period 12960 - 10450 years BC

As a result, various assumptions arose about the occurrence of geoglyphs.

- These drawings were treated with ritual, so used in antiquity in the occult ceremonies.

- Geoglyphs - Golyan Astronomical Calendar: Displayed on the map drawings of Nask Very reminiscent of month.

- They helped the ancient people of Naski contact with Viracoo deity.

- Outline is the runway of the airfields.

- Plateau Nask served as a cosmodrome for take-off and landing interplanetary missiles.

- Images - fires on the source platform for balloons.

- Geoglyphs appeared due to the energy effect of UFOs.

Photos of drawings of Nazk. It shows that they are placed on the earth's surface of the map of the astral sky, and the figure of the spider is the coordinate system of the giant star concentration in the constellation Orion.

- In the image called the information about the star HD42807 Constellation Orion.

- Floors related to flora and fauna are drawn as a reminder of the global flood.

- Abs and images are ancient zodiac.

- The outlines speak of the worship of the Mountain Deity. For the ritual, the Indians took plants causing hallucinations, and conducted "Skarla flights" over the valley.

- Pictures - an indispensable attribute of solemn dances in honor of the cult of water, and straight lines denoted a water and sewer system.

- NASK geometry is the theory of numbers and measurements, cipher with a coded number "PI".

- Geoglyphs denote generic signs with which various families marked the territory captured by them.

- Figures and images on the plateau - the giant-card of the well system, which is placed on the outlines of mysterious patterns.

There are scientists and those who believe: the deposit located in Peru drawings of Nask It lies in the giant geoglyph "Trident El Candelabro" (its parameters 128x74 m), known under the pseudonym "Candelabr". It is located on a rock in the Pisco Bay at Cape Parakas at a 150-meter height, and you can only see it from the sea.

It is worth conducting an imaginary line from the median teeth of "Candelabra" and make sure that he shows on the Naska Plateau. Experts believe that "Parakas's Kandelabra" symbolizes Atlantis and contains important information about Mother Earth.

Based on numerous expeditions to Peru, some scientists had the impression that the NASCA plateau was created by a petrified sealer stream in the form of "languages", sleeping from the peaks.

Moreover, the "languages" was frozen between the cliffs on the return path then the tsunami in the Pacific Ocean then. This is also said to be found in the high-altitude lake Titicaca (4 km above the sea line) of flora and fauna, which live in salted water of the sea, and not in a freshwater reservoir.

Geoglyphs of Nask in Peru, created in the midst of centuries before the heyday of the Empire Incas, are the most important evidence of the existence of mysterious ancient culture in the territory of Peru. These lines and geoglyphs are drawn by one continuous line, located on the NASK plateau and reaches tens of meters in length, so they are visible only from the air.

The German scientist background is donated in his book "Answer God" argues that these lines were created as signals for planting aliens spacecraft. And the German doctor of archeology Maria Riete called these patterns with strange confirmation of the existence of ancient Peruvian culture:

"Naska lines are nothing but a documented story of ancient Peruvian science. The ancient inhabitants of Peru created their own alphabet to describe the most important astronomical events. Lines of Nask - Pages of the book written on this strange alphabet "

From the air, you can watch various figures, such as large giant spiders, lizards, lamas, monkeys, dogs, hummingbirds, etc., not to mention zigzags and geometric projects. There are many remaining questions regarding these lines. For example, as they remain intact after hundreds of years, or how they managed to create in such sizes, accurately recreated all the proportions

In 1927, Medzhie Hesphe, a student of the famous Julio Telo, the father of Peruvian archeology, reported on mysterious incomprehensible geoglyphs on the territory of the Peruvian Plateau. Initially, this did not attach any importance, scientists were engaged in studies of other more significant sites, such as Machu Picchu

In the same year, the explorer from the USA, the floor of Kosov, who was very attracted by the oldest history of Peru, arrived in Peru. In one of his first trips to the south of the country, he stopped at the top of the plateau and saw extensive lines on both sides of the road. After a thorough study, he was amazed to find that on one of the figures the perfect form of a bird's flight was displayed. Kosovo spent on the study of NASK's lines for almost 20 years, in 1946 he returned home, offering to study the drawings of Nazca tribes to German doctor of Archeology Mary Rayhe. Maria devoted all his life to this work

Maria Riete was studied lines of Nask. For 50 years. She explained how these lines were used by the ancient Peruvian astronomers - they were a giant solar and lunar calendar, covered in the sand, legends and myths of local residents

The lines themselves are applied to the surface in the form of a furrow to 135 centimeters width and up to 40-50 centimeters depth, while white stripes are formed on a black stony surface. This is also noted such a fact: since the white surface is heated less than the black, then the difference in pressure and temperatures is created, which leads to the fact that these lines do not suffer in sand storms.

Hummingbird has a length of 50 meters, Spider - 46, Condor spread from the beak to the tail feathers by almost 120 meters, and the lizard has a length of up to 188 meters. Such huge dimensions of the drawings cause admiration, almost all drawings are made in this huge scale in one manner when the outline is outlined by one continuous line. The true form of images can be observed only from a bird's height. There is no such natural elevation nearby, but there are an average hills. But the higher the rising above the plateau, the these drawings are becoming smaller and turn into incomprehensible scratches.

Among other animals captured Naska - whale, a dog with long legs and tail, two lines, various birds, such as herons, pelican, seagull, hummingbirds and parrot. From reptile there is an alligator, iguana and snake.

On the map are all geoglyphs, with detailed names. To enlarge click

So who still created geoglyphs Nask? Locals or aliens? Is it a giant solar and lunar calendar or spacecraft benchmarks? It is impossible to find out the answers to these questions, as Nazca lines are one of the largest secrets in the world.

Plateau Nask. Located in the south of the state of Peru. Because of the dry climate and lack of water and vegetation, this area is also called the Naska desert. The name of the plateau is associated with

Precucumbian civilization,
existing in these places in the time interval of 500 g. BC . and 500 g. N.E. His fame of plateau Nask. Due to geoglyphs - huge drawings drawn on Earth, to see which is possible only from the air.

Opening of Naska geoglyphs.
The mysterious drawings in the desert plateau became known back in 1553 from the Spanish priest Pedro Ciez de Leon. Traveling through the territory of the modern state to Peru he wrote in his records about the many lines drawn on Earth, called "Dear Incas" and about some signs, also drawn on the sand. The first of these signs with the air managed to see the American Archaeologist Semi Kostoka, who flown over the extensive plateau in 1939. A great contribution to the study of NASK drawings was made by the German archaeologist Maria Riete. In 1947 she flew over the plateau on the plane photographed Geoglyphs with air.

Description of the draws on the plateau of Nask
Geoglyphs have dimensions of several tens of meters, and Naska lines extend to many kilometers and sometimes go even by the horizon crossing the hills and beds of dried rivers. Images are applied to the surface by extracting the soil. They form a groove of about 135 cm wide and 30 -50 cm deep. Pictures have been preserved to our days due to a dry semi-desert climate. Today it is known about 30 drawings depicting geometric shapes, animals and only on one is shown. manoiding The creature is about 30 meters high, similar to astronaut. Among the images of animals, spiderman, hummingbird, whale, condor and monkey are the most famous. Geoglyph, depicting Condor is one of the largest in the desert. Its length from the beak to the tail is 120 meters. For comparison: spider size is 46 meters, and hummingbirds - 50.

Mysteries of the geoglyphs of the desert Nask
Mysterious drawings left archaeologists and historians many questions. Who created them? How and for what purpose? From the ground, geoglyphs are not possible. They are visible only from the air, and nearby there is no mountains from where these lines and drawings could be seen. There is still a question that there are no traces of ancient artists next to the drawings and lines, although if the car erupts on the surface, traces will remain. It is noteworthy that the monkey and whale depicted on geoglyphs do not live in this area.

Studying Plateau Nask
Some scientists believe that geoglyphs had a ritual value for the ancient residents of the valley. Since they could only be seen from the air, then only the gods could see them, to which people were treated with the help of drawings. Many researchers adhere to hypotheses that NASK images were created by the same name of civilization, living in these places in the 2nd century BC. Researcher Geoglyphs Maria Riete believes, the drawings first were made on small sketches, and then they were applied to the surface in a natural value. As evidence, it provided sketch in these places. In addition, on the ends of the lines depicting drawings, wooden columns driven into the ground were found. They could serve as coordinates of points when applying geoglyphs. Research results have shown that the images were created at different times. Intersecting and standing alone on another line, they suggest that the ancient painting covered the land of the valleys in several stages.

Various versions of the origin of heglyphs
Many historians and archaeologists adhere to astronomical Versions of drawings. The ancient residents of the Nasca desert could be well in astronomy. The created gallery is a kind of star of the starry sky. This version adhered to the German archaeologist Maria Riete. American astronomer Phillies Pitlugi in favor of this version leads the fact that the geoglyph depicting a spider is a drawing showing the accumulation of stars in the constellation Orion. However, the British researcher Gerald Hokins is confident that only a small part of the lines and drawings of the Naska desert are associated with astronomy. Some Ufologists suggest, the drawings were a benchmark for planting aliens alien ships, and the NASCA Plateau lines flew the role of run-and-meeting lanes. Skeptics do not agree with this version of at least because the aliens space ships capable of overcoming dozens of light years are not required overclocking. They can rise in the air vertically. We studied in the 70s of the last century Naska Plateau Jim Woodman came to the conclusion that the ancient residents that created these drawings could fly in a balloon. He explains this image of this aircraft on clay statuettes that have survived since ancient times. To prove Woodman, a balloon made from by-material, which could be delivered only in the nearest district. Hot air was served in the bowl and he was able to fly a long enough distance. The German archaeologist Maria Riete mentioned above called geometric shapes and a Naska plateau lines encrypted text that looks like a set of letters and signs.
There is still no consensus on the origin and appointment of mysterious geoglyphs. Plateau Naska remains one of the greatest secrets on our planet ...

At about four and a half hundred kilometers south of the Lima, the modern capital of Peru, and forty kilometers from the coast of the Pacific Ocean is the Plateau Nask, the mystery of which excites the imagination of many researchers is no longer one dozen years.

Now it is not necessary to get here to get here - a comfortable two-storey bus from Lima Domacks you on a flat Pan American highway to Naska literally in a few hours. A small town on the edge of the desert is welcomed by tourists with very cozy hotels of the most different rank. And in local restaurants you can not only eat and relax with a weak Peruvian cocktail "Pisk-suro" or drinks, but also to see the colorful Indian show. And of course, listen to the famous "Condor" in the most unexpected arrangements.

Tourists in Naska love, because they make it possible to exist well to exist to local population in a very unwriting area of \u200b\u200bthe country. After all, do not be such a foreign stream here, it is completely unclear, due to which people could survive here.

Naska Plateau is an amazingly smooth and completely lifeless desert in one of the most dry places on the ground. The rains fall here on average every two years and continue no more than half an hour, although in this case it is sometimes difficult to call them rains. And the proximity to the equator leads to the fact that even during the local "winter" months in the afternoon, the plateau warms up so much that hot air flows are visible, rising up from stones, which for many years in these conditions received the so-called "desert tan" - Dramed of heat and sun.

And yet here, where, it would seem, nothing else can be, on the surface of the plateau, the images of animals and people, geometric shapes and lines were intertwined on the surface of the plateau. Rectangles, trapezoids, triangles, figures of whale, monkeys, spider, edge, hummingbirds, unknown animals and plants. Together, all this forms a strange bizarre pattern, which covers the huge area - a few hundred square kilometers. It is this pattern that attracts numerous tourists here, whose stream is enough even in order to maintain the lives of a local airport with small walking planes, from which tourists have the opportunity to consider the most impressive details of the mysterious pattern on Earth.

"For many centuries, the historical monument has been created on the southern coast of Peru, which has no equal in the world, it is not inferior to Egyptian pyramids on scale and accuracy. But if we look, keeping the heads, on the monumental three-dimensional facilities of a simple geometric shape, then here you have to look at a high height of wide expanses, covered with mysterious lines and images that are drawn on the plain as if a giant hand ... "(M. Ryheh." Secrets of the desert ").

Who created the giant "Molbert" - nature or man? .. Who, when and why did the lifeless desert so painted? .. Where did the strange drawings come from? ..

The answer to these questions is now for many years they have been trying to find not only professional archaeologists and historians, but also enthusiasts lovers worldwide. The versions that are nominated about the origin and purpose of lines and drawings are so diverse and sometimes so fantastic, which form a mixture, no less bizarre than the Geoglyphs of Nask. And the information about the desert plateau and images on its surface is so seasonable with the most incredible rumors and speculation that sometimes even a very sophisticated reader is extremely difficult to understand the real state of affairs on the NASCA plateau and understand what the source is set in real facts, and in which there is nothing but Frank fiction and fantasies of the author, who (alas, and this is not at all uncommon) himself has never been and geoglyphs did not see geoglyphs ...

In principle, it would seem, there is nothing special strange in the very fact of the drawings, because a man always loved to draw. And he painted on everything that came under hand - on paper, on the walls, on the stones. This is such a thrust for a self-expression, which can be traced from the earliest periods of human existence as such.

The desire for drawing in humans is so great and has such a long root that researchers even use special terminology to distinguish one images from others. So frescoes are images on the walls (both natural caves and artificial structures). Petroglyphs - drawings on stones and rocks. Geoglyphs - Images on Earth ...

Next to the same Plateau NASK, on \u200b\u200bsome of the surrounding mountains there are, for example, petroglyphs, which are applied both directly on the rocks forming the mountain and on large shredded boulders.

What then is strange in that there are geoglyphs here - drawings on earth? .. And why is such close attention to the plateau of Nask? ..

Geoglyphs are known on various continents. There are in Australia, in European England, in North American California. There are several countries in South America at once - in Chile, in Peru, in Bolivia. However, if in other regions of the planet, these are single images of predominantly animals and people who do not represent something particularly amazing, then in the central regions of Peru we are facing lines, strips and geometric shapes. In addition, at least quite large, but still a limited space of the Naska plateau takes place, the incredible concentration of geoglyphs takes place - their quantity is calculated here by thousands! .. And this is the uniqueness of this region, its cardinal difference from all others. places.

First of all, images of animals reaching sometimes in the amount of tens and even hundreds of meters attract Naska. So, say the pattern of the hummingbird has a length of 50 meters, spider - 46, the Condor stretches from the beak to the tail feathers by almost 120 meters, and the lizard stretches in length 188 meters. The same images are most famous.

But such informative drawings are just over three dozen. Everything else is geometric shapes: 13 thousand lines are now numbered on Nazka, about hundreds of various spirals, over seven hundreds of rectangular and trapezoidal sites. Among these strict forms are scattered countless "half-penny figures", zigzags, strokes, segments, straight rays and curvilinear formations. In addition to everything, the plateau is located more than a dozen of the so-called "centers" - points, of which lines and strips are departed in different directions.

Literally a phantasmagoria on the huge "Molbert", where he left the memory of herself a lot of "artists", adherents of various styles and directions ...

"Naska is something mysterious, mysterious. Naska is shrouded in an impenetrable and incomprehensible cover of mystery. This is something fascinating, deceptive, in its own way logical and at the same time absurd absurd. The news that Naska carries us is incomprehensible and mysterious, and any hypotheses about it contradictory. Naska appears with something unthinkable and unsolved, almost meaningless and able to drive crazy. But if the Graphic "Messages", which are given lands in the vicinity of the modern city of Nask, are just cyclopeic children's drawings, thoroughly devoid of any meaning and arising from a strange quirk or whim, this means that all the laws of logic are violated on the NASD plateau ( E.Deniken, "signs facing eternity").

Theories and hypothesis

During the study of the Geoglyphs of Nask, a lot of various versions of both the creation of drawings on Earth and their destination are put forward. Here we will only give them (far from complete) a list with brief comments. And some, most informative, consider more further.

So, here are some theories (even the most incredible) proposed by different people - archaeologists, historians, writers, scientists, and simply enthusiasts, inspired by the secrets of Naska geoglyphs.

Erich von Deniken - the cult of aliens

The theory of Erich von Denikena is the most famous. He put forward the idea that the long-time aliens from other stars visited the land. Including they were noted on the plateau of Nask. In this place they landed, and in the process of planting aircraft, the stones were bloated in all sides with rocket exhausts. When approaching the Earth, the power of the energy of the flourishing of gases increased and the larger soil strip was increased. Thus, the first trapezoids appeared. Later, aliens flew away and left people in ignorance. Like modern cults, they tried to call the alien gods again, creating lines and figures.

Floor Kosovo - Observatory

Kosovo put forward the assumption that the Naska plateau was something like an ancient observatory, where the lines and bands indicated directions to the position of heavenly bodies (stars and planets) at a certain point in time. This hypothesis was completely refuted during the Hawkins Expedition.

Maria Riete - Astronomical theory

Maria Riete, the most famous researcher of Nask Plateau, preferred an astronomical theory, according to which the lines indicated the directions of the sunrise of important stars and planetary events, such as the solar solstice, and the paintings of the spider and monkey symbolized the Constellation of Orion and the Big Maulus.

Alan F. Elford - Negroid slaves

Elford expressed the hypothesis that the NASK lines were created by some "Negroid slaves of Tiaanac culture." After the revolution occurred, the Negroid population destroyed some figures, which, according to Elford, explains the formation of zigzag lines. Later, these people went to the northern direction and founded Chavin culture in Peru and Olmek culture in the territory of Mexico.

In my opinion, this hypothesis is completely and completely suited from the finger. Culture Tiaunaco, Chavin and Olmekov have absolutely nothing in common among themselves. Moreover: in Tiaunakia and Chavin de Untara there are ruins of structures related to ancient highly developed technical regulation of civilization (see the author of the author "Peru and Bolivia long before the Incas"), while Olmek culture is a full primitive .

Robert Best - Memory of Livne

Robert Best from Australia put forward the idea that Naska's drawings denote some "memorable places" about a large flood caused by prolonged shower from heaven (such as the Old Testament World Flood).

Gilbert de Jong - Zodiac

Gilber de Jong on the results of its own measurements on the Nasca plateau came to the conclusion that geoglyphs are images of zodiac constellations.

Robin Edgar - Solar Eclipse

Robin Edgar from Canada believes that the shapes and the Naska line are designed to observe the so-called "God's eyes" during complete solar eclipses.

Simon Weisbard - Astronomical and Meteorological Calendar

Simon Weisbard believes that Naska's geoglyphs initially represented a gigantic astronomical calendar. In the future, the system of lines and drawings was used in the Naskan culture as a system for meteorological forecasts of the Nascanian culture.

What a forecast can be in the desert, like Nask? .. Pretty obvious - hot and dry. This is confirmed by the preservation of lines, which otherwise would have been washed off with rains for a long time. So create a lot of lines and drawings for a similar one-to-one forecast has absolutely no meaning.

Jim Woodman - balloon theory

Jim Woodmann conducted an experiment with the launch of a balloon made by Aimar Indians from local materials. After this, Woodman's experiment proposed the theory that the Nascans used balloons both to create geoglyphs and for the funeral of their leaders.

Prof. Anthony Eugeni - Water Cult

Anthony Eument believes that there is connections between lines and some underground water channel system. Thus, the Naska Indians allegedly noted the cult of water. And figures and lines were used for ceremonial dances.

Prof. Gelan Siveman - Tribal Signs

Michael Co - Ceremonial Places

Famous Majanist historian, researcher of Meso-American cultures, Michael Co. believes that the lines are sacred ways for some religious rites. And the first lines were created in honor of the oldest celestial and mountain deities that brought water into the fields.

Prof. Frederico Kaufman-Digger - Magical Lines

The famous archaeologist proposed the theory according to which the Lines of Naska - magic lines having their origins in the cult of the cat's deity in Chavin de Uantar.

Georg A. Von Brojig - Sports Stadium

Brynig expressed the idea that the Naska Plateau was used to race for ritual purposes. This theory was supported by Professor Hoimar von Ditfurt.

Marcus Rainendel / David Johnson - Water Cult and Lot

David Johnson believes that Naska figures are markers for groundwater. The trapezoids show the flow of flows, zigzags - where they end, the lines indicate the direction of flows. Rainendel, complementing Johnson's theory, explains the character of the figure to the use of the vine to search for groundwater.

Karl Munk - Ancient "Geomathic Numbers"

According to Mulk, the ancient buildings around the world are accurately placed in the global coordinate system tied to the position of the Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau in Egypt. The locations of these places correspond to the geometry of their construction, which was allegedly based on a very ancient system of numbers called Munct "Geomatri". Nazca lines are also located in accordance with the "geomatric code system".

There are plenty of similar theories. But alas. Something thorough testing of "evidence" of such theories quickly reveals that the authors are pulling out of the total mass of the ancient objects only those suitable for the "substantiation" of their theory, ignoring the existence of objects that do not fit into this "theory."

Herman E. Bossi - Naska code

Bossi theory is based on the analysis of geoglyph, called the mandala or zodiac (more often "Estrella"), which was discovered by Erich von Denicen in 1995, Bossi believes that this picture contains encoded information about the HD 42807 star and its planetary system. In other figures, in his opinion, this code is also used.

Thomas Vic - Cathedral Plan

Vic saw the plan of the cathedral in the geoglyph "Estrella".

It remains only unclear what kind of cathedral, and what would do this drawing on the desert plateau ...

Prof. Henry Stirlin - Weaving Machine

Stirlin believes that the Naska Indians used the lines system as a weaving machine. In the neighboring culture, parakas fabric was made from a single thread. But the Indians had no wheels, no weaving machines, so they organized hundreds of people who kept this thread. Their position on Earth and was determined by lines.

Dr. Zoltan Zelko - Map

Hungarian mathematician Dr. Zelto Zelko analyzed the system of Lines of Naska, comparing with other ancient places in Peru, and put forward a hypothesis that the Plateau Nask could be a 100-kilometer card with an area of \u200b\u200b800 kilometers, which displays the area around Lake Titicaca with a scale of 1:16.

Evan Holdingham - Hallucinogens

Evan Hadingham believes that the decision of the Mystery of Nask in the use of a powerful hallucinogenic plant like psilocybine. With its help, the Indians allegedly arranged "Shaman flights" to view the surface of the plateau. And the lines themselves are designed to worship a certain "Mountain Dejection".

Prof. Dr. Oldon Mason - signs for gods

The main interest of Mason is ancient burial and deformed skulls of the Naskan culture. He considers geoglyphs signs for heavenly gods.

Albrecht Cotman - writing system

Albrecht Cotman tried another approach to the secret of Naska. He divided the drawings into separate parts and analyzed their geometry. So he divided the bird with a length of 286 meters on 22 parts and as a result "found" that the head consists of two parts, the neck is from five parts, the body is from three, and the remaining twelve parts form beak. Cottman believes that geometric signs, drawings and their parts are a system of writing with gigantic and small letters.

William H. Isbella - demographic theory

For this theory, the rulers of Nask ordered to draw lines to control the population. Isbell believes that the Nascans could not store a harvest for a long time, and in fertile years the population increased dramatically. When the Indians worked on creating lines, they could not at the same time to produce children.

Wolf Galiki - Signals from extraterrestrial life

Canadian Galiki recognizes the undoubted signs of the extraterrestrial race in the system of Nazka. He believes that only at such a point of view, explain a similar grand plan and work on its implementation.

Siegfried Waxman - Cultural Atlas

Siegfried Waxman saw a cultural atlas of human history in the Naskan system.

Ivan Koltsov - the graves of the leaders

In accordance with the Koltsov hypothesis, the drawings on the NASK plateau indicate the place of the burial of local leaders.

Vladimir Babanin - Map of Ancient Civilizations

According to Babanin, the NASCA geoglyph system is a map of the Earth, where the places of ancient crops are marked with specific geoglyphs. Including the deceased continents of Atlantis and Mu.

Alla Belokon - traces of alien civilization

According to this version, the Naska line is created by the energy streams of an unknown nature with the aircraft of the alien civilization, which combines them with the so-called drawings on the UFOs produced. According to Belokon, the scheme of our solar system is reflected in the NASK geoglyph system.

Dmitry Nechau - Communication with the Great Pyramid

In the geoglyph "Estrell", according to Necha, the geometric proportions of the Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau are displayed.

Eduard Vershinin - Navigation Signs

Geoglyphs on the Nasca Plateau served as navigation signs for learning young pilots of aircraft ancient highly developed civilization.

Igor Alekseev - mining of minerals

Lines and drawings are a sidewrition of the activities of alien civilization in the search and mining of minerals or chemical elements.

Andrei Sklyarov and Andrei Zhukov - scanning with aircraft

According to the version voiced in the film "Peru and Bolivia long before the Incas" (see the video below) the plateau is partially created by people in different periods and, perhaps, part of the drawings are created by a highly developed civilization, which as a result of a worldwide focus was destroyed. The Sklyov Group found traces of a sealer flow stopped here, descending from the mountains when returning to the Pacific Mass of the mass of water by a giant tsunami, who fell into South America.

As mentioned earlier, the presented list does not exhaust all existing versions.

Consequences of the World Flood

When even before the expedition of the Foundation for the Development of Science "III Millennium" 2007 in Peru (in search of any patterns in the location of lines and figures), I tried to analyze the pictures of the plateau of Nask and Palpa, made from space, I found a very curious detail for which before For some reason, no one paid attention. When viewed from the space, all this terrain looks like a dry mouth of the river, or as the stream frozen in place. Moreover, it looks like not only directly the area of \u200b\u200bNask and Palpa, but also the region is ten and even hundreds of kilometers north. The general picture, as it were, fixed or "photographed" huge water-village streams, a powerful front descended from the mountains.

There are no rivers such a width on Earth. Such powerful villages that would be generated by conventional climatic factors and at the same time (and in this, looking at the frozen picture, do not have to doubt) would come down from the mountains at the front hundreds of kilometers, also not recorded. But there is a feature of the relevant relief. Therefore, the idea that we have is the case with traces of such an extraordinary and large-scale cataclysm as a global flood.

In the biblical version, the World Flood - the punishment of people who enjoyed God for their sins, flooding all the land with the help of water flow from heaven. In the waters of the Flood died all living things. Only the righteousness of Noah with his family and those animals, which he at the direction of God took the board of the floating ark. Similar motifs are traced in ancient legends and legends on all continents.

Historical science has previously relevant to the reality of the Flood. Now, under the fairly strong pressure of facts, historians and archaeologists, they prefer either to write off everything on local floods, or simply bypass the theme of the Floct "by default".

According to the ideas of supporters of the so-called "alternative history", the World Flood - the planetary scale cataclysm, which really had a place, but completely different scenario, rather than this is reflected in the Old Testament.

As a whole series of researchers representing "alternative" directions in history, during the events of the World Flood from the Pacific Ocean to South America, a huge tsunami collapsed to South America, which, being a few kilometers a height, reached even remote mountain areas, leaving behind a lot of "scars "And the consequences that have long been noted by researchers.

In particular, in Lake Titicaca, located on the border of Peru and Bolivia at the height of four kilometers, found species of animals and plants, characteristic not for fresh reservoirs (what is now Titicaca), and for sea depths. They were brought here a hunger tsunami.

The same destructive wave, desiccated everything in his path, pulled the trees and shrubs with the root, killed people and animals, stirring their remains among themselves. It is such a picture and found archaeologists in the mass of the regions of South America - including on the altiplano alpine plateau, where the Lake Titicaca is located ...

Usually the Fault Description is limited. But we can produce simple logical arguments, extending the effect of the consequences of the cataclysm.

It is quite obvious that after all the dramatic events, the water brought here with tsunami and the accuracy of the considerable part of the continent naturally had to go somewhere. It could not evaporate instantly. Could not also fully absorb soil. So it is quite obvious that the bulk of the water, which was on land because of the tsunami, inevitably had to go back to the Pacific Ocean. What she did.

Only at return it was not just water, but water that entered the dirt, clay, sand, small stones and other "garbage". It was essentially the same powerful union, rushing a wide front from the mountains to the ocean and visible now from Space on "Scars", left for them on the western outskirts of the South American Mountains.

Finding into some hidden and deepening, this stream - in fact, the village stream has already stopped, forming peculiar "mud lakes". In the future, water from such "lakes" evaporated, exposing "dirt", having spent on all the laws of physics, by this time to settle at the bottom in such a way as to form a smooth surface, which in the future and used the ancient "artists" as the "canvas" or "Easel" for its geoglyphs. This is how such a flat plateau of the Type of Naska was formed, which as if someone specially aligned. Only this "someone" was let and catastrophic, but quite natural events ...

This logical assumption completely confirmed a number of geological features on the spot, which our 2007 expedition drew attention.

For example, the Naska Plateau on its outskirts does not go to the surrounding mountains as it usually happens in the foothills - more or less smoothly and gradually increasing its level. Instead, the picture is something similar to the fact that the plateau seems to "imply" from the gorges between the mountains.

Moreover. Above the level of the plateau is here, then the peaks of low mountains rise there, which turned out to be flooded with a selee flow, but not completely. And the terrain relief here is fully consistent with the scenario of the development of events, which is associated with the volume of waters of the honest tsunami in the Pacific Ocean.

Finally, such a development of events is fully confirmed by the very sealer character of deposits that make up the plateau of Nask and Palpa. Where small rivers cut through a flat surface on the outskirts of the plateau (and in such places where modern road builders attached to the hand, which deepened into geological layers), the structure of these sediments is visible, which absolutely accurately coincides with the fact that it should have remained after the gathering Powerful village - stones, clay, sand and other garbage, mixed in chaotic mess. We have seen a similar "incision" of deposits just when they drove the petroglyphs in the surrounding mountains (see earlier) along the "leakage" along the valley between the mountains of this village ...

However, if the plateau of Nask and Palpa was formed as a result of the events of the World Flood, then the geoglyphs were naturally created after these events. This is quite obvious - because it is impossible to draw on what is not yet. In addition, geoglyphs created to the flood would be simply washed away by the very tsunami that covered South America. Everything is simple ...

But then it turns out (according to existing flood time estimates) that the lines and drawings have not previously appeared at least the middle of the XI millennium BC. This is the lower border of the dating of geoglyphs. And how long they were formed, determine the same geological characteristics, alas, until it seems possible.

Those who are interested in the events of the World Flood in more detail, can recommend familiarizing them with them in my book "Inhabited Earth Island" or "Sensational Story of the Earth", which are published by the publishing house "Veche". Electronic versions of these books can be found on the Internet. We will not deepen into unnecessary parts of the Flood and return to geoglyphs.

Archaeological dating

Archaeologists and historians believe that geoglyphs of palpates and the Nari of all about one and a half thousand years - as much as, in their opinion, there are also local culture, representatives of which seemed to create geoglyphs. But in fact, this assumption is based on the data of the radiocarbon analysis of the balance of the entire one-sole wooden carriage, which was found on one of the lines. Meanwhile, it is rather obvious that the peg could appear here much later than the picture - almost at any time, and it is possible that there is no connection between the peg and the pattern.

True, recently there have been reports of "confirmation" of this age during dating the thermoluminescent method of ceramics fragments found both in the dumps of stones and in some ancient ruins of primitive buildings on the lines. However, these results can be questioned on the same considerations. Both fragments of ceramics and buildings could appear significantly here later than the lines themselves. After all, it is still literally with fifty years ago or a little more on the plateau of Naska, no one forbade the construction (and outside the territory that is now the protected construction is now).

Another thing, if the find was made on top of the line, and under it. But in this case, the hope of accurate determination of the age of the line is not so big.

The radiocarbon dating method is based on measuring the amount of radioactive carbon isotope, which accumulates, for example, in the plant during its life and decays after its end. The thermoluminescent method is associated with the measurement of the sample glow occurring when it is heated. Both methods are used in archeology and declare as "very reliable". However, there are both the skeptic approach, which claim that the real measurement error using these methods can achieve even several hundred percent. I also adhere to a skeptic point of view and believe that these methods can only give the biggest estimates, and not exact dating at all ...

I recently, I got the following information on the measurements of a certain researcher named Brly Warwick:

"On the stones heated to the high temperature, there remains a manganese oxide flashes, as well as traces of clay and iron. The bottom of the stone is covered with fungi, lichen and cyanobacteria. Such stones next to lines can be used to analyze the organications using the C-14 method. It is assumed that these stones were moved during the lines. Thus, an accurate date between 190 BC was determined. and 600 AD But only nine stones were analyzed! "

Let us leave the number of analyzed stones aside - nine pieces are really very little for any categorical conclusions. It is much worse that the author of the above quotation is clearly not understood in the conditions of the NASK plateau, nor in the method of conducting empirical research.

First, no clay on the surface of the plateau is not. There are only stones and very small, similar to dust, sand. Secondly, natural clay as such for analysis on the content of radiocarbon is simply useless. Analysis on the radiocarbon of ceramics created, as is known, from clay, relies on the assumption that the organizing agent goes directly in the process of creating ceramics. For the stones near the geoglyphs, no connection of hypothetical clay (even if she could have been able to turn out somehow) with the move of stones from place to place simply no. Thirdly, the heat and extremely low humidity in the Naska desert absolutely does not contribute to the formation of any fungi and lichen on the sun in the sun (about cyanobacteria, I don't say anything - I do not know). And fourthly, even if mushrooms and lichens were miraculously there, then there are absolutely no guarantees that they were formed at the time of moving stones, and not before or later.

In general, it can be said that Brei Warwick immediately unknown what. And it is absolutely impossible to take into account his "dating" ...

Since 1997, leading positions in official archaeological studies occupies the NASKA-Palpa project, led by the Peruvian archaeologist Johhi Isla and Professor Marcus Rainel from the German Archaeological Institute with the support of the Swiss-Liechtenstein Foundation for foreign archaeological research. The main version based on the results of the work is reduced to the fact that geoglyphs created local Indians in ritual purposes associated with the cult of water and fertility. However, how much can be judged by affordable materials, no other version of the authorship of the drawings by archaeologists was not seriously considered. So the "result" was actually set in advance ...

Moreover. Main research This international team of archaeologists is not at all on the geoglyphs themselves, but nearby - in the places of the ancient settlements of local cultures. As for the geoglyphs directly, only one and only attempt to carry out excavations on one of the palp plateau strips was taken. And during the 2007 Expedition, when visiting an archaeological mission, we had the opportunity to get acquainted with the results of these excavations.

Alas. A very weighty report, abundantly supplied with photographs and schemes, recorded only that under the geoglyph was the usual soil plateau. I could not find anything.

Therefore, the main base for dating to one and a half thousand years so remains the fact that mysterious drawings are simply located on the habitat of the cultures of Naska and Parakas known here. Although following such logic, it could be easily attributed to the construction of the Egyptian pyramids to modern Arabs - they also live near the pyramids ...

Who is before?

The fact that a number of geoglyphs are created by our contemporaries, no one has any doubts. It does not even dispute historians who are simply default and calculated, as a rule, do not take, considering only obviously ancient drawings.

But if there are ancient and modern geoglyphs, then their story already has a certain dynamics. And if so, it would be quite logical to assume the presence of such dynamics and in the past. That is, it is assumed that the ancient geoglyphs were created at different times.

It seems to be a rather banal logical consideration, but for some reason it is completely not taken into account by the overwhelming majority not only by representatives of academic science, but also those who adhere to the so-called alternative views on the past. For some reason, those and others are trying everywhere and in everything to look for a single authorship.

Meanwhile, the previously presented styles comparison already reveals quite visually different authorships from different drawings. Moreover, the difference is two groups of drawings on the ground is colossal! ..

Then, in order to understand the entire historical picture of the life of geoglyphs in its development, it is not enough to divide them only on "modern" and "ancient". And even if you do not take into account the difference literally striking the difference between the patterns and geometric shapes (lines, rectangles, trapezes, etc.), then in this case, with a slightly more or less attentive look, you can see the difference between different ancient geoglyphs.

For example, the analysis of the most popular and widely known drawings (and at the same time the most extended size) in addition to the "contour style" reveals in them the presence of clear mathematical patterns, which determined Mary Rayhek. She, alas, could not determine what exactly these patterns were (a little later), but still unequivocally stated their presence, conducting careful measurements of many drawings.

However, along with these "mathematically verified" geoglyphs there are such pictures in which any patterns there is no point in noting - the naked eye shows that there are no there. The drawings themselves are very casually, and the components of their lines and curves are clearly walking from side to side. This is usually drawings of fairly small size, which, in addition, is to the outskirts of the plateau. And if in the design of the "mathematically verified" drawings there are doubts, then in their ability to create simple curves of the drawings of doubts no longer have no. Here (even with a more detailed analysis), there is also a feeling of a perfect different authorship in two different types or "subgroups" of the drawings.

Meanwhile, the drawings on the plateau are very few - just over three dozen. Geometric shapes, lines, rectangles, trapezoids and other things are tens of thousands. But literally a little more close look allows you to identify the same situation with ancient lines and geometric shapes. They can also be divided into two categories heavily different from each other, clearly having completely different "authors". One group of such geoglyphs is made very high quality, and has even boundaries - as a rule, these are those images that stretch for many kilometers, sometimes even crossing some small mountains, ravines and other relief features, absolutely ignoring height differences.

The second lines group is already much less qualitatively. Stones having a darker color with the main light surface are removed much less thorough - small pebbles remained lying in their place. As a result, such lines are even worse than visible (although they are viewed on a general background). These geoglyphs have not very large sizes and often possess uneven borders, which is easily noticeable to the eye and does not require any accurate measurements. And in comparison with large quality lines, representatives of the second group leave an impression almost a hack.

Strip with crooked edges

The difference between large and high-quality on the one hand and small and hartyardous on the other was so clearly rushed into the eyes of all members of the expedition, which was surprisingly the fact that neither academic historians nor alternatives were still not mentioned about it anywhere. Meanwhile, the consequences of this observation are literally global.

The difference between the two groups of geoglyphs at closer looks is so obvious and so much so much that by itself generates a version of creating them at different times (at least) with two completely different cultures. Not only by Indians or only aliens, namely two completely different groups of "authors"! ..

But this is the most important thing - this difference is so great that it does not boil down to a simple difference in the size and quality of the geoglyphs. It indicates the strongest difference in the technologies and the possibilities of different "authors", that is, a strong difference between the levels of development of those crops that have created geoglyphs at different times.

And this is what curious.

Currently, in historical science, the dominant position occupies a kind of "linear" approach, in accordance with which society develops "from simple to complex". The retreat, of course, is allowed, but not only with a fundamental nature. Separate cultures may experience ups and downs, but in general, the level of development of civilization is increasing. Hence, as a result, more ancient societies are considered more primitive, and later cultures relate to more developed technologies.

On the plateau of Nazka, the linear development scheme "from simple to complex" is clearly broken.

If the geoglyphs were the work of the hands of Naska cultures and parakas, then (especially taking into account the grand scale, requiring a long counting time of all the plateau - see at least calculations of Alla Belokon) Most likely it would be to expect a gradual complication of geoglyphs and improving the quality of their execution - along with By developing the Indians experience in creating lines and drawings. Instead, the most complicated large lines, stripes and trapeziums have the greatest degree of wear due to later damage and natural erosion, which indicates their very honorable age.

Moreover, if you follow the banal logic, the area covered with drawings and lines is most likely gradually increased around some of the most ancient center. Accordingly, the periphery should be gradually growing and the perfection of their execution would be gradually. Meanwhile, the most simple and casually performed geoglyphs are clearly not to the center of the plateau, but to its outskirts.

And if you attach the authorship of all the ancient geoglyphs by the Indians, then by the mutual arrangement of different geometric figures and drawings and their quality of execution, should conclude that the cultures of NASC and Parakas did not develop at all over time, but on the contrary - they experienced some Not clear reasons for the most powerful degradation. Meanwhile, real archaeological finds during the excavations at the place of residence of representatives of these cultures are absolutely no signs of such degradation. And since the facts are contrary to the logical consequence of some initial assumption, it means an erroneously itself this initial assumption.

Given all this, it is necessary to state that in reality there was a completely different procedure for the development of events on the plateau.

"The earliest author" was some very highly developed civilization, as a result of the activities of which appeared "mathematically verified" figures, as well as smooth, large and extended lines, stripes and figures, crossing some complex relief parts and demanding large labor costs with their creation . It is these geoglyphs that are striking most of the researchers and ordinary spectators with their scope and accuracy.

Apparently, they provided a strong impression on modern tourists, but also the Indian tribes who lived here, whose representatives tried to imitate perfect ancient samples. However, the possibilities of the Indians were incomparably less, and therefore it was possible to create only reduced and less qualitatively performed "copies" curves. So there was a second group of "Halturn" geoglyphs ...

By the way, the difference between the level of execution of two groups of geoglyphs is so large, which makes you remember those whom our ancient ancestors called the "gods".

Historic science believes the "gods" of pure fiction, the fantasy of our ancestors, and categorically denies even the very possibility of existence in ancient times highly developed civilization, although our ancestors themselves in the reality of the "gods" absolutely no doubt. Meanwhile, over the past few years, during a variety of expeditions of the Foundation for the Development of Science "III Millennium", we have already identified thousands of artifacts - signs of the real existence of such an ancient civilization, which even modern humanity has exceeded the level of development of technology. The number of detected facts is so great that we consider it necessary to recognize the long-time dispute "was not" such a civilization already for yesterday's day. At the moment, the existence of an ancient highly developed civilization is simply proven. And the study has long shifted to the plane of studying the peculiarities of this civilization, its origin, technologies and real possibilities.

And by the way, South America (especially the territory of Peru) is characterized by the fact that the most vivid, most irrefutable evidence of the use of some kind of civilization of the highest technologies is found here, in many respects superior our current opportunities ...

By the way, a little earlier, the imitation version is not only not contrary to the imitation, but even quite consistent with the position of archaeologists and historians who have stopped at the versions of the "religious-mystical" geoglyphs.

The ancient residents of Naski and Palpa saw huge drawings of some "gods" - that is, representatives of highly developed civilization - and worshiped "divine creations", copying them and performing some religious or cult rites on the lines.

Could it be so? .. why not?!.

However, there may be different variations of this version. For example, it is possible that even high-quality lines and figures could be made in several stages different if not civilizations, then cultures (even if the "gods"). It is also possible that even the earliest lines could be created by people - but under the supervision and at the direction of the "gods", which simply used local Indians as an unqualified workforce ...

Be that as it may, the facts are derived that the most ancient and largest lines are made by representatives of another civilization or with direct participation. And not even so important, there was this earthly civilization or aliens on another planet. The main thing is that it was a very highly developed civilization for which air flights did not constitute absolutely no problems (see below). As clearly did not make up problems and create such a huge number of lines on a desert plateau. Or at least organize their creation ...

Signs of other civilization

The versions about the creation and use of the geoglyphs of the NASK by pilots of some sufficiently perfect aircraft involves a very highly developed civilization that visited these places in the deep past. Whether the representatives of the earth civilization are survived in a hurried cataclysm, like Vershinina, or representatives of alien civilization, like Danikin. And it is quite natural to expect that such a civilization was to leave after a more significant evidence of its presence, rather than strange drawings, stripes and geometric shapes on a desert plateau.

As already casually mentioned earlier, in South America traces of activity ancient highly developed technically, civilization is not just a lot, but a lot. Moreover, it is in South America that these traces are most indicative - the difference between the quality of the processing of solid rocks (such as granite, basalt, diorita and others) and the possibilities of local Indian civilizations are obvious so much that there is no doubt. Almost all the most famous megalithites are structures from large and even huge stone blocks - on South American mainland, it was precisely this highly developed civilization, which even the possibilities of modern humanity exceeded.

I will not stop in detail here on the peculiarities of local megaliths, as it goes beyond the subject of this book. The same one who will be interested in a detailed description of the South American ancient objects, I can recommend familiarizing yourself with my book "Peru and Bolivia Long to Incas", published by the publishing house "Veche". Here, it is also mentioned only about direct, direct evidence of highly developed technologies left in ancient times.

Traces of application of such technologies are visible, say, in Tiaanako (modern Bolivia) in the complex forms of blocks of solid andesitis (local granite) - the creation of such internal angles and for the modern industry is a complex task. This requires the use of very developed machines (Machine -!) Technologies and durable tools that local Indians did not have and could not be. The same thing that the machine technologies were used here, for example, a block on which the ancient masters left a shallow incision with neatly drilled deepening.

Similar cuts created by also explicitly machine tools can be seen on the horizontal surface of a small step cut out in a sheer cliff in Olitantambo on the territory of Peru. Moreover, in this case, we are confronted with double cuts of the width of everything in a millimeter, which are physically impossible to obtain any "shock" methods (simple material molding).

A deeper incision can be seen on a diorite cliff on the territory of the archaeological monument to Saksayuan, located near the ancient capital of Inca Cusco and the famous "gear" three-tiered wall from huge sides. Here, the ancient masters for some reason climbed the rock in length of about ten meters and then broke off from her "piece" by several hundred tons - just as we work with glass cutting with glass or ceramics. Only here the incision has a depth of order of centimeter-two, but it is made as it requires the skill of glass cutter - in one pass tool. Similar to such solid material is possible only with the help of powerful stationary equipment using durable steel saws with diamond nozzles. And here, it seems that something like our "Bulgarian" was used (only the modern master in one pass could deepen only at a millimeter-one and a half, and then an order of magnitude more -!). For the use of "Bulgarian" - that is, a disk saw - clearly indicate the preserved traces of such a tool nearby on the same rock, from which in this case somehow cut a small piece - see.

However, basic megalites with signs of use of highly developed technologies are concentrated in remote mountainous areas. But in the area of \u200b\u200bgeoglyphs such obvious traces is not observed. There are no megalithic structures in the usual sense of the word - that is, structures from large blocks.

It is clear that such a highly developed civilization that was able to create such megalithic structures in the mountainous regions, to overcome the distance of several hundred kilometers to the plateau of Nasca, did not constitute any problems. Its level of development is such that it has long had to master flight flights and create very perfect devices for this. So she could well be here. But this is only a logical assumption, and I would like to see something "more tangible".

One of let the very indirect evidence of the presence here such civilization can be found in some features of the cultures of Nask and Parakas.

"The creators of culture Parakas had a strange addiction to experiments with their skulls. The babies have been strongly exposed to a painful operation on the deformation of the skull, as a result of which parakasts head acquired a wedge-shaped form. Sometimes kids have not kept so harsh tests, as evidenced by the tragic find in one of the burial grounds. Here, in 1931, a tiny child with a head pulled by a cotton tape was discovered. Under the tightly wrapped ribbon was two dense pads - one pressed on the frontal, and the other on the occipital part of the skull. The result was the perfect wedge-shaped form of the head - but the baby had no longer a chance to rejoice out. "(Ursova," Ancient America: Flying in time and space ").

Fashion on a similar strange (and very painful, among other things) an execution, as a result of which a person's head takes an elongated form, is found in various regions of the planet. But the greatest number of such deformed skulls is found precisely in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cultures of Nask and Parakas. Here, this practice has taken straightforward manico-incomplete scales.

And this is what curious. In the practice of deformation of the head everywhere, in all regions, a certain pattern is clearly traced: with all the variety of methods and methods of impact on the shape of the cranial box (from the tight dressing caps to special wooden devices) clearly dominates the desire to achieve only one result of the deformation - the elongated head. Nowhere and never sought to another form ...

There is a completely natural question: what are the origins of such a massive (and uniform in all regions!) The desire for an extended form of the head? .. The question is far from idle, if we consider the data of modern medicine that such an impact on the head besides inconvenience and unpleasant sensations. Promotes the emergence of regular headaches and seriously increases the risk of negative consequences for human mental and physical health.

Historians do not give any intelligible response to this question, writing off everything at best on a cult rite with incomprehensible motivation. However, even with the strength of the impact of religion and the cult on the whole way of life of people, it is clearly not enough. For such a "fanatical desire for deformity" there should be a much more powerful incentive. And the incentive is sustainable enough if you take into account the widespread and the duration of this "tradition."

Recently, more and more researchers are inclined to the neurophysiological version. The fact is that the change in the shape of the skull affects the various areas of the cerebral cortex, which should, in theory, contribute to certain changes in human psyche. However, so far, all this is only in the field of hypothetical assumptions, and among the practicing deformation of the skull tribes, something is not observed any particular positive shifts in mental abilities. Yes, and ministers of cults (shamans and priests), for whom the abilities, for example, to fall into the trans or dive into meditation, they do not seek to deform the skull at all, preferring less radical means ...

And here it makes sense to draw attention to the version that Erich von Daniken put forward - a supporter of the version of the real existence of the ancient "gods", which were representatives of alien civilization.

Daniksen suggested that the roots of the strange tradition of the deformation of the skulls lie in the desire of local Indians to resemble the "gods", that is, representatives of the alien civilization, which were just an elongated shape of the head. And this assumption, it would not seem to be strange, it has a very real basis.

The fact is that among the skulls of the elongated form in South America are found and those who may well qualify for the role of the skulls of the "gods"!

For the first time, Robert Connoli drew serious attention to these skulls during his trips, during which he collected various materials about ancient civilizations. The detection of these skulls has become a surprise for himself.

The first thing that rushes into the eyes is an abnormal form and dimensions that do not have anything in common with a skull of modern person besides the most main features ("Box" for the brain, jaws, holes for the eyes and nose) ...

However, the main thing is that during the deliberate deformation, you can only change the shape of the cranial box, but not its volume. And the skulls, which they drew the attention of the conill, exceed by the volume of the usual human skull almost twice! ..

Strictly speaking, among people there are cases of increased sizes of the cranial box - in some diseases. However, in cases of such a strong deviation of the head from normal sizes, people are close to the state of the "vegetable" and before the adult state do not live, and here we are faced with the turtles of clearly adult individuals (which the specialist will easily determine at least the state of the teeth) ...

Moreover, with the artificial deformation of the bone of the skull at the joints slightly diverge. The offset is not so great to affect some tangible measure on the volume of the cranial box, but it is very clearly noticeable to the eye. And such a displacement can see on the deformed turtles almost any tourist who looked, for example, in some of the museums in Peru.

Meanwhile, on those turtles that have a volume significantly more than human and which they drew the attention of the conill, in the articulation of the bones of the skull, no signs of their displacement are not noticeable. And in general, they look at all deformed, but quite natural - even if they are unusual for us.

Do these skull belong to the topics of aircraft that created geoglyphs on the Nask Plateau? .. It is unlikely that you can give it some specific answer. But the fact that it can be a skull at least conifers of those most authors of the drawings on Earth is quite admissible hypothesis ...

However, there are much more significant arguments in favor of the version of the creation of geoglyphs precisely developed civilization. The fact is that in some features of drawings, lines and geometric figures on the plateau of Nazka, such oddities are found that are most logically explained within this version.

Frozen mathematics

The Geoglyphs of Naska to a certain extent very strongly "lucky" that they were interested in Mary Rayhe at one time. The fact is that Riete was a mathematician for education.

If the study of drawings and lines on Earth, only archaeologists and historians were engaged in the land, then they, being poured humanities, undoubtedly, would only reproduce a general type of geoglyphs with one or another degree of accuracy of the resulting image and would be engaged in only the analysis of iconography from standpoints of styles . So they are trained, and as a result there is not only their approach to the description of ancient objects, but also the principle of perception of objects, their thinking.

Mathematics thinks completely different. It is not enough for him to reproduce something on a scale. He is trying to describe the object on his, mathematical language. That is why Riekhe not only was the general card reader of NASK geoglyphs. Her sketches and schemes depicted in the desert objects are accompanied by numerous mathematical parameters of individual elements of these objects, among which, for example, the radius of curvature, the location of the center of this curvature, the corners between the tangents at different points and the like.

But the style of thinking mathematics is such that the researcher does not just describe the studied object. Mathematics is looking for possible patterns. And Reich, as a result of their many years of research, found that the patterns in the drawings and lines are not just there - the geoglyphs of Nask are literally "permeated" with mathematics! ..

"The method of performing fine figures, and the layout of the lines and the" centers "on the surface of the plateau is subordinate to mathematical logic. So the beauty and harmony of the drawings is explained by the fact that, as Mary Rehet installed, all the curves of each other and with the straight lines are perfectly conjugate, that is, they are implemented according to strict mathematical laws. Mathematical laws are obeyed and enveloping sinusoidal elements, which are very often used in the images "(A. Belokon," Figures of the Desert of Naska and Circles on the Grain Fields as a result of the energy effects of UFOs on the ground ", a report at the 10th anniversary conference" Ufology and Bioenergo Informatics " , October 2002)

The subordination of geoglyphs with rigid mathematical logic made a strongest impression on Astronoma Gerald Hawkins - the head of the 1973 expedition, during which the geodetic parameters of many lines were measured and was refuted by the hypothesis of an ancient observatory. Describing this expedition to the hot desert of Naska, Hawkins used a very emotional, but a capacious expression - "Life in the hell of frozen mathematics."

However, for us, perhaps more important is not the emotional state of Hawkins, but the fact that he was identified during his expedition. According to the measurements carried out in this expedition, large lines of the NASCA plateau are made at the limit of modern (!) Geodesy and aerial photography techniques. Their average deviation in the direction does not exceed 9 angular minutes. That is, only two and a half meters for a whole kilometer of length! And this is despite the fact that many of the lines crosses ravines and small hills. For primitive cultures of Nask and Parakas, this is an impossible result. It requires very developed measuring technologies! ..

A number of researchers paid attention to one strange circumstance. Those images on the Nask Plateau, which, throughout the logic, would be supposed to be symmetrical (spider, condor and others), actually possess a very pronounced asymmetry. This oddity rushed so much that forced some kind of logical explanation. And in recent years, a number of publications have appeared, in which the authors are independent of each other come to the same conclusion - the symmetry disorders in the Geoglyphs of NASK is not the result of the negligence of their creators, and the inevitable consequence of the fact that the ancient authors ... painted projections of three-dimensional images !

Here is what writes, for example, on this occasion I.Aleksayev:

"Condor is drawn in two intersecting planes. Pelican seems to be two perpendicular. A very interesting 3-D view has our spiders (1 - original image, 2 - straightened, taking into account the planes in the figure). And this is noticeable in some other drawings ... And see how the three-dimensional volume in the tree is inhabitually laid. This is how it is made of a sheet of paper or foil, I simply straightened one branch "(I. Alkesev," Geoglyphs of Nask. Some observations ").

Kiev geologist, specialist in historical artifacts R.S.Furdu and his colleagues advanced even further. They conducted a computer experiment with the image of the Condor, which showed that the corresponding distortion of the shape of the picture could occur if the three-dimensional original was projected to the desert surface at an angle of 14 ° to the horizon from a height of 355 meters above the Earth! ..

Only imagine the ancient Indians-shamans who manage to one and a half thousand years ago not only to create a balloon and climb it to a height of three and a half hundred meters, but also holding a three-dimensional figure of the Condor, to lead from this height of the Indian Workers on Earth so as in the end to obtain an accurate projection of the figure. It is unlikely that someone will object to the fact that the picture turns out to be completely over the edge of reality ...

I. Alkesev decided to try to make the original three-dimensional figure of a strange creature, which, when projection, would give a well-known geoglyph, similar to chicken with nine fingers, and received a curious result.

"The paws had to frustrate, the ancients were portrayed slightly exaggerated, and no creature walks on tiptoe. But in general, it turned out immediately, nothing even had to think - everything is in the figure (specific joint, body deposition, the position of the "ears"). What is interesting - the figure was originally balanced (stood on the legs). Automatically the question arose, and what is it, in fact, for the animal? And in general, from where the ancient dug plots for their wonderful exercises on the plateau? " (I. Alkesev, "Geoglyphs of Nask. Some observations").

In 2010, Alekseev managed to solve the task that Maria Rayhe was able to resolve. He found the most mathematical patterns that are laid in Naska geoglyphs. And he came out to this solution literally half an attitude.

Trying to play Naska's drawings using a computer in a simple graphic editor Paint.Net, it found that the fewer lines applied from hand, and the more used in the editor of the creation of lines with a variable curvature - the greater the similarities with real geoglyphs. As he himself writes, he even sometimes had the feeling that the authors of the drawings on the Nask Plateau were used by creating the same software! ..

But to create lines with a variable curvature in modern graphics editors, the so-called Bezier curves are widely used.

Bezier's curve is a special case of Bernstein's polynomials described by Sergey Nathanovich Bernstein in 1912. Bezier curves was developed in the 60s of the 20th century, independently of Pierre Bezier from the Renault automotive company and the de Castelzhio field from Citroen, where this method was used to design car body. Due to the simplicity of the task and change management, the Beziers curves were widely used in computer graphics for modeling smooth lines.

"And now, at one fine moment, I suddenly found that with a certain skill in working with the Bezier curves, the program sometimes very seemed to draw contours. At first it was noticeable on the roundings of the spider's feet, when these roundings became almost identical to these roundings. Further, with the correct positions of the nodes and when they are combined into the curve, the line sometimes repeated the contour of the pattern almost accurately. And the fewer nodes, but their position and settings are more optimal - the greater the similarity with the original.

In general, spiders - almost one Bezier curve (more correctly spline Bezier, successive connection of curves Beziers), without circles and straight lines. If further work there was a feeling that was reacted into confidence that this unique "Naskansky" design - and there are combinations of beam curves and straight lines. The right circles or arcs were almost never observed.

And not the curves of the Bezier tried to describe Maria Riete, mathematician for education, making numerous measurements of radii? " (I. Alkesev, "Geoglyphs of Nask. Some observations").

"But truly skill of the ancients I imbued with the drawing of large drawings, where there were almost ideal curves of huge sizes. Once again I remind you that the purpose of the drawing was an attempt to look at the sketch, on what was in the ancients before applying to the plateau. I tried to minimize my own creativity, resorting to the Dorisovka of damaged places only where the logic of the ancients was obvious (as, for example, the tail at Condor, falling out and clearly modern rounding on the Spider's body) "(I. Alkesev," Naska Geoglyphs. Some Observations ").

Alekseev managed to reproduce almost all the main drawings known to the Naska Plateau. In the future, relying on the materials of his article, on the website of the Laboratory Forum Alternative History, a kind of "dynamic" experiment was held. The man tried to draw a spider image from hand over the photo in a specialized graphic program. The hand, naturally, was trembling and knocked down. The program smoothed the "manual" flaws in accordance with the algorithm of curves Beziers. At the same time, the final curve was automatically perfectly located on the original photo! ..

Rayhe only almost reached this decision formulated by it the task of identifying mathematical patterns of the geoglyphs of the NASCA plateau, although the foundations of these patterns were prescribed by Bernstein at the dawn of her youth. Did not come, most likely, just because it did not find that time when computer use curves Beziers became widely available.

It is clear that any reasoning about knowledge of Naska cultures and Parakas Crums Beziers are far beyond how rational logic. There were no modern computers with graphic programs. The observance of the corresponding mathematical patterns could only have such a civilization, which had a level of development, at least comparable to our.

It turns out that Danikien was right - geoglyphs not only turned to heavenly audience, but also created by them. And the Indians of the local cultures of Naska and Parakas clearly have nothing to do with these celestial audience.

Only now it is no longer just an assumption, but a hypothesis having a strict mathematical justification!

It is possible that if the Indians are not themselves, their ancestors knew that Naska's geoglyphs were created highly developed civilization. And created at all manually, but with the help of special mechanisms.

"... In this regard, interest is the following picture. A worthy competitor to the famous "astronaut" from the temple of the inscriptions in the Mexican Palenque. It is possible that this is an episode from some Naskan myth who missed us, but the fact that the "Kobog", devouring items similar to the stones, is used as a kind of vehicle for a warrior with a kophetelka and full ammunition - is depicted quite unequivocally "(I. Alekseev, "Geoglyphs of Nask. Some observations").

And one more thing, noticed by Alekseev. When experimenting with Bezier's curves when drawing the so-called "Pelican" - a huge geoglyph, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200b280 by 400 meters, he found a rather strange detail.

"A single drawing, which, because of its sizes and ideal lines, looks at the drawing absolutely, as in the desert (and on the sketches of the ancients, respectively). Call this image Pelican is not entirely correct. A long beak and something similar to the goiter still does not mean Pelican. Ancient did not designate the main detail, which makes the bird bird - wings. And in general, this image is non-functional from all sides. It is impossible to walk on it - it is not closed. And how to get to the eye - jump again? From the air to consider due to the specificity of the details is inconvenient. With the lines, it also does not associate particularly. But, nevertheless, there is no doubt, this object was created intentionally - it looks harmoniously, the perfect curve bassifies the trident (apparently, transversely), the beak is balanced by diverging straight behind. I could not understand why the feeling of something very unusual remains from this picture. And everything is very simple. Small and thin details are spaced for a considerable distance, and to understand that in front of us - we must translate with one small detail to another. If you move away for a considerable distance to cover the figure in the entire one, then all this petty is so merged and the meaning of the image is lost. It seems that this drawing was created to perceive the creature with a different size of the "yellow" spot - the zone of the greatest visual acuity in the retina. So if any drawing claims to unearthly graphics - then our Pelican is the first candidate "(I. Alkseyev," Geoglyphs of Nask. Some observations ").

Little conclusion

As you can see, if you do not close within the framework of a very simplified version of the creation of geometric figures, lines and drawings on the Nazca Plateau by Indians of local cultures and take into account the available geoglyphic features, the Mystery of the NASCA Plateau is closely related to questions that are far beyond the limited desert area on the South American coast. And in order to find a decision of the puzzle of geoglyphs, they must be viewed together with the whole mass of others, it would seem that completely extraneous facts. Discover geoglyphs from all other history can not.

Only not the story that is spelled out in textbooks. A stories rejected by modern academic science, but being a tremendous number of confirmations as in the form of real artifacts (no matter how they reject archaeologists and historians), and in ancient legends and legends (how many of their historians and archaeologists did not write off on empty fantasies Our ancestors).

Will we ever be able to solve all the secrets of geoglyphs? .. I do not know.

It is clear only one thing - you can not get closed within a single version. And even more so you can not neglect real facts in the please of some kind of pre-selected hypothesis.

If the facts indicate that geoglyphs on the Plateau of Nask, Palpa and other regions were created by different "authors", then it is necessary to look at this case in a dynamics - given the development of the process in time (which does not necessarily have exactly the development of simple to complex). It is necessary to separate some "authors" from others. And taking into account this, the main issue in attempts to understand the chaos of the drawings on Earth, the question is - who created something from it. Dumping everything in one pile, in the secret of geoglyphs, I certainly not understand ...

"So what is it ... Is that Naska? .. Naska is like hundreds of thunder strikes in the mind. If her eyes knew how to scream, they would do it in Nask. The message of the NATIA has been triggered and confused, any theory of her contradictory ... This landscape seems unreasonable, insoluble, meaningless and brain-shifting brains "(Erich von Danikhen).

Detailed scheme. Part 6.

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