Secrets of ancient masters. How to revive and preserve the traditions of the peoples of Russia

Secrets of ancient masters. How to revive and preserve the traditions of the peoples of Russia
Secrets of ancient masters. How to revive and preserve the traditions of the peoples of Russia

    The Tula region joined the All-Russian educational campaign a large ethnographic dictation. How tulyaki wrote this test, see.

    And if you want to try to answer the test questions, then the questions themselves:

    1. The carrier of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russia according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation is:

A) President of the Russian Federation

B) State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

C) the multinational people of the Russian Federation

D) Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

2. Russia has historically developed as a multinational state. Determine what territory the first voluntarily entered the Russian state, if it is known that the Republic of Khakassia celebrates the 290th anniversary this year as part of Russia, and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - the 385th anniversary.

A) Republic of Ingushetia

B) Republic of Khakassia

C) Sakha Republic

D) Udmurt Republic

3. Wooden architecture has a centuries-old history in Russia and, thanks to skilled craftsmen, is known far beyond. No wonder the oldest Russian monastery, founded in X. A century on Athos, wears the name "Xylgurg", which means "anterodel", "carpenter". Wooden architecture masterpieces are preserved in open-air museums in many regions of our country: in the Irkutsk region - in "Talzakh", not far from Veliky Novgorod - in "Vitoslavitsa", in the Arkhangelsk region - in "Small Korela". In which region there is a world famous Museum-Reserve "Kizhi":

A) Republic of Karelia

B) Udmurt Republic

C) Moscow

D) Sevastopol

4. Title the names of the scriptures or drafts of sacred texts, as well as the types of temples with traditional religions of Russia (write the answer in the A-1-IV, B-2-III format, etc.):

A) Christianity 1) truck I) church

B) Islam 2) Tanaz II) Stupa

C) Buddhism 3) Bible III) synagogue

D) Judaism 4) Quran IV) Mosque

5. 65 years ago, Rasul Gamzatov wrote the poem "Soldiers of Russia" about the heroic crew of T-34 Tank, who made a feat when the Crimea is liberated from the German-fascist occupation in April 1944. The deceased crew consisted of seven Russians and a representative of one of the peoples of the North Caucasus - the Hero of the Soviet Union Magomed-Zagid Abdulmanapova. Below is an excerpt from the poem:

Sleep in Simferopol in the grave of fraternal

Seven Russians and _____, my countryman.

Above them tank, their monument to the soldiers'

Still keeps traces of past attacks,

And gratefully brought the country

On the marble plate of their names.

What word is missing?

A) Chechen

B) Alert

C) Nogac

D) Darginin

6. Many enlighteners of Russia, showing care of the development of national languages, at the same time they sought to introduce peoples to all-Russian culture and history, taught love and to small, and to the Great Motherland-Russia. Among them, the great enlightener of the Chuvash people of Ivan Yakovlev, the Bashkir people - Miftidin Akmulllu. For Altaians and televisers means a lot of name Mikhail Chevalkova. Identify the son of which people is the enlightener Kayum Naturi:

A) Ingushi

B) Tatars

C) Udmurts

7. In Yakutsk in 2005, an unusual monument to the family was opened, personifying the friendship of Yakuts and Russians. In the sculptural compositions are: Father - Russian Landlock and Cossack Ataman, Mother - Yakutian Beauty Abakayda Sucu, their son love. Name the name of the Father of the Family - the Great Russian Locker:

A) Semen Dezhnev

B) Vitus Bering

C) Nikolai Miklukho-Maclay

D) Peter Semenov-Tien Shan

8. Appazev Inev is the oldest person of Russia. March 1, 2017 he was 121 years old. In his recent interview, answering the question that today the main thing for residents of multinational, multi-million dollars, the long-liver said: "Russians should always tell the truth, to live in justice, then the benefit will be. If today you will live in truth, then there will be a normal life tomorrow. Today we have a fair ruler in the country, take everything good from this situation. " In the native village of the oldest person there are 43 families, and everyone is one last name - Iliev. Name the region where this village is located:

A) Nizhny Novgorod region

B) Altai Territory

C) Orenburg region

D) Republic of Ingushetia

9. It is known that on the outstanding Russian poet A. S. Pushkin, his nanny of Arina Rodionovna had a great influence, which, according to one of the versions, had a finno-Ugric origin and was from the village of Lammovo in Ingermanland. Specify in which the regions of Ingermanlanders are currently living:

A) Udmurt Republic

B) Republic of Karelia

C) St. Petersburg, Leningrad region

D) Kaliningrad

10. B.XX A century in our country among masters of folk crafts, who were considered before "Menitaki", there were outstanding masters of a woman. The first woman of Dagestan, devoted to the jewelry processing of the metal, became Manaba Omarovna Magomedov. The first woman graveyard on Chukotka - Vera Aroma Emkul. The first artist on Phanekhskaya Lakova Miniature - Sophia Mikhailovna Golikova (Vakurova). Name the famous folk fishing, in which Maria Alekseevna Sychev (Anglovskaya) worked - the first woman dedicated to the secret of applying drawings from a special alloy for metal:

A) Dymkovsky toy

B) art carving

C) Velikyustyuzky black silver

D) naughty filigree

11. "Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern - man and steamer" - all the famous words of the postman Pechekin from the beloved children's cartoon. Under the command of Admiral I. F. Kruzenshtern was the first Russian round-the-world journey. Ivan Fedorovich for the first time put on the map most of the coast of Sakhalin and described the life and morals of the indigenous people of this island. Who are they :

B) Udmurts

C) Lezgins

12. Tatar craftsmen made Matercut Bibs Izy (or Izu) for women's clothing, skillfully decorating them with silk and gold ribbons. Izy wearing only married women. For what purpose:

A) to protect against wind

B) hide breast incision of a female dress

C) just to show prosper

D) exclusively as decoration

13. One of the most famous military pilots of the Great Patriotic War, the Lakes on the Father and the Crimean Tatar for the Mother, in 25 years old became twice the hero of the Soviet Union. In total, during the war, he made 603 combat departures, conducted 150 air fighting, in which he knocked in person 30 and as part of a group of 19 enemy aircraft. Name his name:

A) Alexander Tishrykin

B) Vladimir Kokkinaki

C) Alexey Maresiev

D) Amet Khan Sultan

14. Dancing of each people of Russia contributed to the culture of our country. At the same time, in folk creativity there are a lot of common, such as circular dances: Buryat is Ehor, Ossetian - Simd, among the Russians - dance. And what is the name of the similar dance of Lezgin?

A) Karagod

C) Tally Yar

D) Baryna

15. During the Day of the Patriotic War of 1812, the French army called the representatives of this people "Northern Cupid" for their virtuoso archery. Who are we talking about?

F) Chechens

B) Karelia

C) Bashkira

D) Russians

16. One of the most famous gatherers of Russian fairy tales was Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev. They published more than 70 articles on the study of the fabulous legends of the Russian people, including the "grandfather of the house", "zoomorphic deities of Slavyan", "poetic legends about the luminas of heaven." In addition, A. N. Afanasyev published a collection of "People's Russian Fairy Tales". Specify how many fairy tales included in this collection:

17. Altai folk patriors, kaych, accompany their narration by the accompaniment of an unusual tool resembling Derru - Topshura. This tool is made from a solid piece of sacred for the Altaians of the tree - cedar. What a strings for this tool are made (select the correct option below below):

A) from the intestine of animals

B) from nettle

C) leather

D) from horsehair

18. In the traditional cuisine of many nations of Russia there are drinks made of sour milk: Tatars, Bashkir, Kalmykov, Altaians and others - Katyk, Ayran, Kumy; Chechens and Ingush - Yetsura. And what is the name of the milk drink in traditional Russian cuisine:

B) Varenets

C) yogurt

D) Suorat

19. Defense of this fortress - from morning June 22 and September 1941 - an example of fearlessness, valor and heroism of Soviet people. It has been established that more than 30 nationalities who demonstrated the detriment of the friends of the peoples of our multinational homeland were to death here. What fortress are we talking about :

A) Kronstadt Fortress

B) Fortress nut

C) Petropavlovsk fortress

D) Brest Fortress

20. It is known that by the Decree of Peter I for the first time in Russian, the Holy Book of Muslims Quran and the lives of the Prophet Mohammed were translated. And whose decree Quran was first issued a typographic way to public funds:

A) Catherine II Great

B) Ivan IV Grozny

C) Vladimir the Great

D) Yaroslav wise

21. Saint Innocent (Veniaminov), Metropolitan Moscow and Kolomensky, Archbishop Kamchatsky, Kuril and Aleutsky, spent many years in the Far East of Russia, traveled on dogs and on deer on the northern lands. The love of Aleutov, Koryakov, Chukchi and Tungusov, Koriaki, Chukchi and Tungusov, built a school, who studied the children for the first time, studied the life and traditions of these indigenous peoples for the first time. Specify the city, one of whose founders was the saint and the name he gave:

A) Vladivostok

B) Blagoveshchensk

C) Vladimir


22. Traditionally, one of the most popular and popular holidays that are widely noted on Tula Earth is the Trinity. In the Suvorov district of the Tula region, the trinity is taken to "baptize the cuckoo". It means:

A) baking pies

B) catching the larks

C) fry scrambled eggs

D) weave baskets

23. In the XIX century, in the Moscow province, a very popular element of clothing was the gauge, which were:

A) a variety of shirt

B) light shoes from Berestov

C) knitted hat

D) short turpentine

24. Name the name of the head of folk songs in the Voronezh province, the organizer of the first Russian folk choir:

A) Mitrofan Efimovich Pyatnitsky

B) Igor Alexandrovich Moiseev

C) Mikhail Borisovich Turkish

D) Vitaly Grigorievich Kostomarov

25. Orthodox Saints Peter and Fevronia are patrons of family and marriage. With what city was their life related:

A) with Vladimir

B) with Murom

C) with Suzdal

D) with Moscow

26. About the Russian enamel of Finifsti, known from the X century, enthusiastically responded in medieval Europe. Today it is a "fiery letter" - one of their unique crafts of modern ...

A) Myshkin

B) Rybinska

C) Rostov Great

D) Pereslavl-Zalessky

27. To this day, the tradition came to burn a straw doll on the carnival - the symbol of the Valuely Slavic Divine. Specify one of the names of this straw doll:

A) Kostroma

C) Mokosh

28. In the Chernsky district of the Tula province for the Holiday of Ascension, the peasants baked special cakes, smeared with eggs. What were these pellets called?

A) Lestenka

C) Pirogies

D) Cheesens

29. About Ryazan spoke - "Kosopuses", because they always had a certain item behind the belt. What?

"Forgetting your native language - I'm onmay,

Lost Russian - I will become deaf. "

A) Tanzil Zumakulova

B) Gabdulla Tukai

C) Rasul Gamzatov

D) Costa Hetagurov

It was fifty years ago.

The little ship sailed along the Sukhon River from the provincial city of Vologda to the county town of Veliky Ustyug. Boyfully slapped the plates of the wheels, the steaming overtook the passing and managed the counter-off tugs with a forest, cohesive in local, "hero", ledge. The steamer landed the peasants on the marins of the villages and gained new passengers.

The captain noticed a high young man who wandered along the deck and, admiring, looked at the swimming shores, and sometimes took an album and painted.

Traveling? He asked when a young artist was near him.

How to tell you? .. - Smiled young man. - Travel, because sailing and enjoy nature. But, in general, I come back to my homeland.

Are you local? - Captain was surprised.

The young man had the form of a resident of a big city, not a distant outskirts.

Near the great Ustyug there is a village Kuznetsovo. There I saw the light, my parents live there. I study in an art school. And I'm going to vacation ... - He smiled again. - And I love to travel. So I will not live in your native village, then I will look at friends to Veliky Ustyug. In addition, there is one dream. I live near Sukhona, but I know it only like this, from a steamer. I want to sit in Totme on the boat and to the great Ustyuga is not rushing. Start where it will want to draw, just admire. Very beautiful places here!

You are really an artist! Said the captain with unusual for him. He could not treat indifferently to a person who loves his native Sukhon.

The young man was called Eustafius - this name is often found in the north. And the mother, father and friends reeddied to the Polish Lad - Stasik. And the last name Stasik was also born like the Polish - Schilnikovsky. But Poledrevni was called Shilnikovsky and explained it simply: the ancestors were leaving from the neighboring village of Shillov. Another half of the village is Kuznetsovsky, and the residents nearby village of the village were called the corner.

Stasik loved beauty in everything in nature, paintings, faces, buildings, fairy tales. He loved to travel at least, because during travels and walking wandering more often admire the sunrise and sunset, dreaming, looking at the clouds, where the locks are erected and the white storms will be erected, we meet a casual interlocutor - a neighbor on the night, which Suddenly, there will be such a beautiful toolshchina that I will not forget it forever.

In the evening, after a long journey, Stasik Schilnikovsky saw the native city, great Ustyug, - White houses on the steep coast, the bell tower of the ancient churches, the monastic walls, which were once hidden from the enemies. Not far - mouth of the south, rivers connecting with dryness and forming dvin. Ust-South, Ustyug, - That's where the city name comes from.

Founded in the XII century, exit from Rostov-Yaroslavsky and Suzdal, the city was respectful called Great Ustyug. More than once they were going to rati for distant trips, and the city itself often became a victim of crushing raids - then the Tatars, then Kamsky Bulgarians, then their own Razor-Novgorod.

The city was lying on important trade routes from Moscow and Novgorod to the East. With pride, the famous landlocker travelers Semen Dejnev and Erofee Khabarov, the Church of Kamchatka, Vladimir Atlasov, were remembered with pride. At that time they said:

"Without Ustyuzhan in Siberia, there is no reason to be."

But sometimes the inhabitants of the Great Ustyug and themselves had to pay tribute - tens of thousands of protein, hundreds of Soboley. The city was devastated by spring floods, the fires were deprived of the residents of the bed, frequent crumbs were forced to starve.

Everyone survived the Great Ustyug: and their troubles and their glory. By the end of the XIX century, travelers no longer wrote, as before, that "the city of Ustyug is among the best cities not only by Arkhanghelogodskaya, but also in other provinces of those who are honored." No, he became a small, quiet county town. And only the neurotic beauty, created by another ancestors and stored with contemporaries, remained in an old architecture yes in folk art fishery. The most famous of them is North Mobile.

Suddenly, Stasik Shilnikovsky was unexpected about this mobile, when he was talking to his buddies who found him on the pier.

So, it seems, all the news is reported: About who from friends came to the summer home, who left Veliki Ustyug's great night and moved to the capital, who was misfortune - a fire.

And suddenly one friend said Stasika:

Yes! After all, you have always been interested in a mobile. Do you remember Master Chirkova Mikhail Pavlovich? Some British came to him and offered fifteen thousand. Open, say the secret of mobile.

What is he? - asked Stasik Shilnikovsky. He did not want to even part of the glory of the Great Ustyug sailed somewhere outside the sea.

Refused! "With a happy laughter, he himself rejoicing this outcome of an unusual business, answered the buddy.

Stasik Shilnikovsky really was always interested in northern black.

Mobile is a kind of silver decoration. The master takes a metal plate for brooch, a charm, salt and engraving, cuts the pattern on them. But it is still only pollutation. It must be done so that the engraved drawing is perfectly highlighted, it became black and this color was not condensed. The engraved pattern is covered for this with a black casket - a mixture of a mixture of powder and moistened with water: silver, lead, copper, sulfur, potash, borants and salt. The silver object with a pattern is glowed, the black mixture imposed on it melts, fills the deepening - the grooves of engraving - and solder to silver. Excessive blacks believe, grinding, and a beautiful black drawing remains on silver, which is impossible to destroy.

You look - as if the former silver plate, the old spoon, and from the black drawing it became an elegant, patterned. Her and in his hands, keep it nice!

It seems that the composition is known - take and do. But the creation of mobile is the mystery of a little. It's all about how to mix, in what proportion, in what sequence and when to stop melting. The masters who got this mystery, transmitted from generation to generation, was shouted her eclipse enemy.

Golden and silver jewelry with a mobile did in Russia for a long time. When near Smolensk, archaeologists slipped the ancient burials in Kurgan, called "black grave", they found things there, made thousand years ago: Pansně, Knife, shackles for rogues - and all with a mobile. The finish of tourists turned out to be especially beautiful, of which they saw wine at that time as from the Cups. You can see the figures of people, eagle, fighting dragons, dogs, wolf, rooster. The reduction of Russian masters to prepare Mobile wrote with envy German historians of the X century.

Silver Chernihiv Persian and Jewelry of Tour Rogs with the Black Svyatoslav era and church black items of Kiev Rus are stored in museums. They remained monuments already disappeared artistic crafts. But Velikyustyugian jewelers are engravers, Cherneviki, gilders - managed to convey amazing skill to this day.

It originated and the fishery in Veliky Ustyuh, because through the city, lying on a large trading path, not only lucky silver from Siberia, but also created large warehouses of this precious metal here. The raw material turned out to be at hand, and artists craftsmen always find it easy.

In the XVIII century, the products of Velikyustyugian masters of mobile workers were especially famous. There existed in the city of the Popova Brothers Factory, producing how then wrote, "different smaller things" with an air decoration and a metal casting with a multi-colored enamel - the so-called "finft". In ancient papers, you can find mention of many skillful masters. One of them, Klimin, was even called to Moscow - to teach the local zlatokuznets. Zhilins, Gushchy, Moiseev and others were also famous. About Master Mikhail Navodchikova tell a whole story. This Ustyuzhanin knew how to make very beautiful tapercakes from silver with a mobile. But friends who have learned to ride in Belo Light, persuaded him, and he together with the famous traveler Bering went to Siberia to look for new lands. Emergencies of the centuries youth stretches to the unexplored. Travelers discovered unknown Dotol Islands. The map with the designation of these islands was required in the Senate. Here, then the experienced Ustyug Grevel by gunner and his skill came in handy: he perfectly drawn the card.

Stasik Shilnikovsky did not forget the story about the British, who tried to buy a secret of mobile, and, when settled in Veliky Ustyug, I decided to go to Master Mikhail Pavlovich Chirkov. Father told Stasik, as Chirkov became Engraver and Chernevik.

According to Mother Chirkov, I had a grandson known in the middle of the last century by the Velikoustiy Master Mikhail Ivanovich Koshkov, a man of excessive pride, but also an amazing talent.

Cats was the only one in those times by the master, who owned the secret "black of eternal strength". At nineteen, he already worked independently and had a workshop. For his long, eighty-year-old cats created many beautiful products. Petersburg, Moscow and local robes often asked him to make either silver dishes with a mobile, or stacks or rings. Cats even performed orders of three Russian emperors.

I arrived at the great Ustyug some great prince, and I wanted to visit the old master - about the amazing work of Koskov knew in the capital.

And mobile will not fly away? - an important guest asked, considering the finished brook.

He did not understand that the master was inflicted with this doubt.

Cats improber looked at the prince, silently took a silver brooch with an black pattern already applied to her, put on the anvil and hit the hammer with a sweep. He beat, not regretful. The Grand Duke saw that the brooch was broken, it became longer and wider. To his greatest amazement, black drawing evenly increased.

Master Owl Sleeve forehead covered with drops of sweat, and stretched the shiny brooches. Not a single piece of mobile fell, and the drawing broke into all directions.

So cats clearly showed what his "black eternal strength" is.

A lot of other Great Defense Masters, who also worked with a mobile, tried to find out the secret of Koshkov, but the old man did not care for money and was silent even in Khmel if he was trying to make it possible to make it possible that perhaps he would talk.

Misha Chirkov got into his studies for his grandfather, but he had nothing to do. After all, then, even though you are someone else's, even native, it still walked a student to the master in Kabalu, to service. Now there are no longer in living people who could tell about how in her old time they were taught. But in the archive, interesting documents are preserved - witnesses of the past. Here, for example, one of the "contractual letters", aimed at the Velikoustugian workshop of the silver craft. It turns out that the "for perfect training of silver black mastery" the boy was obliged to be like the owner, "so and her home will be willing, obedient and respectfully and the silver black and white craft to study diligently and before ... term ... Away does not go away. .. And without the permit from the house it is not excited. " The owner was taken to train the craft, pay for the student "pillow", that is, the tax, "and moreover to dress and dress up. Hat, mittens, and in the summer hat and shirt and prosail ... Have your own and theme to be pleased."

So I had to "be pleased to be pleased with Chirkovo, who received a student to her grandfather.

In the first years, he and time did not have to look at the work of the master. As it was headed for the students, he rushed on the blisters, helped around the house.

That and it was heard:

Bear, there is no water again! Well, alive to the well!

Bear, and well, speak samovar!

Bear, where you are unclean wearing! Run by vodka in the zabak!

And the guy shed a well wheel and pulled the water, scrupted Luchin, ran to vodka and, using the old master's boot, like fur, swept half-footed corners in samovar. The owner believed that Samovar on the table must "sing".

Only athloaching a little, the student became in his free minutes look at what Grandfather did.

The beginning of work for Koskova was the sacrament, a lot of importance. He treated the craftsmanship with trembling respect. For several days I fed, went to the bath and only after that, locked in the room and checking whether the doors were closed tightly and even shutters on the windows, started to compose in black. He laughed for a long time - "Cold", as the enviousness said.

But when the cats took the cutter in his hands, he himself called the grand perch:

Look, small!

And the little "glanced."

So it passed eight years. During this time, the cats made sure that the grandson was terminated and hardworking. He said: "You will be an apprentice!"

Put a salary eight rubles per month. And then I decided that it was Michael Chirkov, and not to anyone else would give the secret of skill and the secret of the mobile. And he passed, taking an oath that it would not be small in vain in vain, and he would teach in the outbupping, in turn, the most worthy of those who will meet.

Since then, in Veliky Ustyug, two masters owned the secret of the "black eternal strength" - old and young.

After the death of the grandfather was difficult to chirkov. He could not always find orders: after all, usually work was performed from the customer silver. The willy-noilies had to make concessions to the merchants, make things to taste them and against their will - more and more template flowers.

E. Shilnikovsky. Stack "Golden Hop"

Well, because who pays, he orders music.

But when Chirkov could do what he wanted to tell his taste and experience, he created amazing works: knives, spoons, tobacco. Like the previous Velikyustyugian engravers, it is often on bracelets, napkin rings, the rules portrayed his hometown and did it inspired, with love. It was located on the precious objects the most famous buildings - churches, monasteries, beautiful houses, painted the embankment, the river Sukhona. Chirkov deliberately increased the slides and ravines, and the background gave a somewhat conditionally, about the way it was done on old engravings. To this technique, he wanted to emphasize that the Great Ustyug is ancient city, historical.

Chirkov drew and cut out symbolic figures, hunting and moral scenes, borrowing them from different books of that time.

Sometimes, as it was also accepted in Great Ustyug, Chirkov Golden Background. And so that gold is not too shined, minted with small dots, muffled color.

Here to this is a famous master of Master and gathered Evstathey Shilnikovsky.

The house at the old master stood, as they said, "in the second part" - on the northern outskirts of the city. The young student artist Chirkov met friendly. Yes, he actually differed with hospitality, good nature and cheerfulness - not as an example of his proud grandfather.

I decided to look, "Schilnikovsky explained his appearance. - I want to ask: Is it true that the British offered you fifteen thousand for the secret of the mobile? BUT?

Chirkov grinned, stroked the beard, took off his glasses, which she put on during the work, leisurely stuffed with tobacco inseparable tube, picked up a haze and said:

Well, even though not fifteen, and ten - that's right. I can also add: to live with you in England. And how can I sell what grandfathers and great-grandfather were mined? How from her dry, from native places will leave? Chudaki!

Chirkov took the bracelets from the box. One, with the appearance of the Great Ustyug, seemed to Shilnikovsky especially good. This motive loved to fulfill cats.

He took out Mikhail Pavlovich and tea spoons with a blurred flower ornament.

On that, in fact, the first meeting ended. Schilnikovsky was going to visit, but everything was somehow apparent. The second time they were convicted after the revolution, at the end of the twenties. With the participation of Mikhail Pavlovich Chirkov in Veliky Ustyug, the Artel Demorals on Silver was created. Eustafius Schilnikovsky by that time has already completed training at the Academy of Arts in the class of the famous artist-engraver Vasily Mate, and managed to work in the Velikoustyugian department of the national education instructor on visual arts. He wrote posters, cut engravings on linoleum for a local newspaper, wrote scenery for the city theater. The man is energetic, he managed everywhere and worked in full force.

Somehow he met with Mikhail Pavlovich Chirkov.

Eustafia Pavlovich, I'm now the artistic director Artel, - said the old engraver. - Will you do a few drawings for us?

Schilnikovsky knew that the masters in Arteel often borrowed patterns from different magazines and therefore turned out in the style there was a discernment, the inconsistency of one part of the figure is different. This should be struggling.

Catch something at your leisure! - Shilnikovsky answered readily.

A few days later, he brought four floral patterns, strictly weathered in Velikyustugian traditions: on a black background - silver flowers in a pattername environment of sharp leaves.

Chirkova liked they, and he let the drawings in production.

And then Eustafius Pavlovich did not think that this would be his vocation, the beginning of great work, and everything that he did before, he would only prepare for this case.

Then the meeting was once again.

From China received a large order. For folk need, - said Chirkov.

Curiosity for the sake of Schilnikovsky asked the order. It turned out, it is necessary to make a lot of canteens and tea spoons for Sinjiang, the northwestern province of China. Even there knew about the masters of the Great Ustyug.

Eustiatry Pavlovich thought: But it is interesting! You can use Chinese motifs that attracted Shilnikovsky even during the exercise at the Academy of Arts, to give large flowers, butterflies, more boldly combine mobile and silver patterns.

And he agreed to the Offer Chirkova, promising to submit sketches.

"Cognot stuck - the whole bird is the abyss!" - jumped after Eustafius Pavlovich. But the artist did not disappear, but, on the contrary, found himself. That's really do not know where you will find where you lose! Helped a rich experience received by Schilnikovsky in the workshop of the famous Grarera Mate. However, many complex tasks had to decide, thoroughly breaking their heads, - applied ornamental art has a feature: it must be taken into account that the household item is decorated with a practical purpose.

Eustiatry Pavlovich looked at the Artel "Northern Mobile". Of course, Chirkov is a big master, but he has already become tired: seven dozen years are not a joke.

Little little art leadership Artel moved to Eustafia Pavlovich Shilnikovsky. The cases turned out to be debugged: to develop pictures for new things, prepare for exhibitions, and domestic and foreign, teach young people.

Eustafius Pavlovich with respect to the traditions of Veliko-Ustyug Cherry Art. He knew that the masters loved to stick in the pattern of flowers, depicting a landscape, or even scenes. How not to remember the panorama of the Great Ustyug or pictures inspired by illustrations from old books?

Sometimes it turned out and breakdowns and failures, but Shilnikovsky still chose the right direction. After working on Chinese things, he created pictures for Pushkin fairy tales, Krylov's fables, "Skat-Gorbunka". It was interested in it and modern northern motives, especially since another artist, Mikhail Dmitrievich Rakov, in his drawings already gave Velikustyugian engravers of several northern topics.

Chirkova Schilnikovsky Soviets listened carefully. And the old master said:

It is necessary to separate each form. Barry do clear and defined.

Not immediately given the technique of Estafia Pavlovich. Chirkov looked sometimes, how Shilnikovsky worries, and demanded:

Let me do it myself.

Eustafia Pavlovich admired the wonderful manner of the master and, as they say, wounded himself on the mustache.

World exhibitions in Paris and in New York have brought great success and Artel and Schilnikovsky: from there came medals and diplomas.

Eustafia Pavlovich worked with satisfaction and even joy. An interesting process was happening: the pupil of the Academy of Arts became the soul of artistic folk fishery, handicraft jewelry artel.

And in one manifested the features of the new: in how the secret of Cherny Mikhail Pavlovich Chirkov ordered.

I lived in Veliky Ustyug Girl Masha Angles. She barely turned her thirteen years when she approached the Master Amosov, one of those who knew the secret of the mobile, although not the best.

What do you, Pigalian? - Master asked good-naturedly.

Teach me a mobile to make up, "the girl blurted out.

You?! - Amazov was surprised.

He looked at the girl, not understanding. And whether she is kidding, seen by someone from the unfinime? Among the old masters still preserved the "secret": they hid everything that concerned the technique of production.

Seeing that the girl says sincerely and seriously, Amosov answered:

There was no longer the girls and women to dream. Go, do not amger me.

And Masha left Amosov, although she seemed offensive that the master spoke to her in Soviet times. In the artel she still settled. I studied engraving - first on copper, then on silver. Stubborn and capable, she tried to do everything as best as possible. Engraver is obliged to draw well - after work, she spent clock with a pencil and paper, studying and redrawing ancient patterns, went to the local museum, where Cats and Chirkova were kept.

Mikhail Pavlovich Chirkov was often thought of: who will take the secret of "black eternal strength" from him? He grew up two sons and two daughters. Girls married - they are not to silver and mobiles, they have other interests. And the sons ... Gorky was chirkov to admit that neither Kostya nor Kolya really appreciated his father's talent and were not going to become an engravers. Do they leave a secret? Grandfather bequeathed: "Tell the most worthy." And Mikhail Pavlovich also believed: "There is a reliable person."

True, the gilding of the Korsakov, also from the masters of the old temper, like Amosov. Protead, did not allow him to ask Chirkova, and he persuaded the girls, a girlfriend old engraver:

You will sweep me with your mobile, and Mikhail about Tom do not tell.

And those did not hide anything from Chirkova. Mikhail Pavlovich reports a gilt:

You do not seem to live, Egor. Do you want to seek, and do not let young in sin.

Masha, the corner chirkov has already been kindled. He was not embarrassed as Amosov, the thought that blunt was not a female business. On the contrary: it seemed to him that girls had even more perceptibility, accuracy, accuracy - all those qualities that are especially needed for the manufacture of mobiles.

Artel spoke that it would be time for someone to attach to Mikhail Pavlovich to transfer the secrets of drawing up and smelting in black. Chirkov agreed with this and immediately called:

Masha Anglo.

No one objected. Masha have already managed to learn and love. At the general meeting, all the rules approved this candidacy. Understood the masters that the transfer of the secret is an important event.

Two months taught Mikhail Pavlovich girl.

He took the plates of copper and lead, melted them in a tigel, turned into a powder. Ordered to memorize how many first time it is necessary to take sulfur and how to add silver after that. Then he taught the part to fall asleep sulfur again.

Masha tried to distinguish the color: is not ready?

Do not distinguish, do not try: red and red. But if it is thick, it means that it starts to roll.

It is necessary that the mobile to be smooth, without wrinkles and especially without "Morinchochki" - small holes, as if frozen needles. And it is necessary that the mobile easily worked with: the master should be comfortable.

It will make it up with Mahu, "Chirkov said," they will put it, they will take a drink with a file, and it disappears. Experience on fire - also bad: it does not melt and does not fall on the product.

Two months later, the anglo already independently made up and smelted in black. At the general meeting of the members of the artel, she was awarded the title of Master - it became the holiday and for Chirkova. And he until the end of his life was established an honorary personal retirement. He was then sitting in the hall and recalled his eight years of teachings from his grandfather, dentovech and Rugan. In memory, there were both colole he firelov and Mesil the dough, ran over the grazing to the apprentices and how he had to "be pleased." Yes, other times are other songs!

But right, there were others songs. Maria Alekseevna Korobovskaya began to start production, then she was chosen to lead arteel. When I got married and decided to go to Moscow, Anglovskaya-Sychev taught a good Engraver Manefa Dmitrievna Kuznetsov. That, in turn, also prepared a shift: told about the secrets of the young master Gale Fateeva. Like her teacher, Anglovskaya-Sychev said that "in time it cannot be calculated here," that "in color cannot be distinguished," and you need to follow the thickness and that the wrinkles and "Morinocy" should be afraid.

The "sent" new songs still should be considered Chirkova: with his light hand, women in Veliky Ustyug seized the secrets of "black eternal strength".

Every morning, having come to a large two-story building "Northern Cherni", Eustafia Pavlovich moves around the rooms. In the sector of the workpiece, he looks like a silver cover for cigarets, stacks, cups, rings and broots. Look at the polishing of things and on how the engravers, located in two large halls, cut out the drawing. Velikyustyugian flowers, of course, still preserved in the drawings - traditions should not forget, the flowers are beautiful, - but new plots appeared: the types of Moscow - the Kremlin, the monuments of Minin and Pozharsky, the theme "Abundance", "Peace" and other, close and understandable to Soviet people . The manner, the style remained the Great Defense - those that were developed by centuries.

Three furnaces burn kerosene torches - craftsmen hold the products with forceps, apply a wooden blades of mobile. For two or three minutes, she melts on fire and quickly freezes. Twenty girls remove unnecessary blacks with files, so that other craftswomen are screwed down by Griff. Separate places where it requires a drawing, gold. Then it comes a very responsible process - the "second high": remunement of the gold and unnecessary blacks. Now it remains only to polish, and precious items are ready.

On the tables and shelves - thousands of cup holders, cigarette, padrasigars, spoons, stacks, straws, brooches, rings, handles for knives and forks. Things are prepared for sending to all the ends of the country and abroad. If you look in a magnifying glass for each thing, then there are two small, with poppy branches, bucchs "SC" near the sample sign. This means "Northern Mobile" - the factory brand.

Schilnikovsky goes to her bright room with large windows - it's time to end another drawing.

Eustafius Pavlovich works, bending over a sheet of paper, and thoughts do not give rest - the director says: Look for good, capable boyfriends or a girl, I will send to me to study in Moscow - will be able to change the artistic supervisor. Oh, how true! Perhaps some pictures look old-fashioned. Need to take into account new tastes. Estafia Pavlovich has some one at the same time. "Showth, all I know, and I can, show," he thinks. "But I will definitely and tell: and about the factory of the brothers Popova, and about the cat, and about Chirkovo, and what I achieved."

Great this happiness is to take the beauty born by the people, and returning it to the people. This is the eternal strength of art.

III International Congress of Traditional Artistic Culture, ended on the eve of the district capital, is not only the exchange of experience of scientists and artists, this is a solution to exciting issues, the ink notes.

Chinese souvenirs from Russia

One of these issues is to create a sales infrastructure of crafts, as well as counterfeit combat. "Unfortunately, part of the fourth Civil Code, designed to resolve the turnover of intellectual property rights on the works of science, literature and art, today eliminates the works of people's artistic creativity from the number of copyright objects and, accordingly, makes it impossible to use the institution of related rights to it. In my opinion, this is a serious omission of the legislator. And one of the tasks of the Congress - to develop a consolidated opinion and practical recommendations for solving this problem - told valid state. Counselor of the Russian Federation 3 Class, Associate Professor Yuri Bundin.

Today, the souvenir market is flooded with cheap Chinese fakes that can be at 6 (!) Times cheaper than the original. But our masters are especially offensive that foreign tourists buy them as a souvenir from Russia.

Photo: Press Service of the Vladimir Administration

Congress participants decided to propose the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation to speed up the ratification of the UNESCO Convention on the protection of intangible cultural heritage, and the subjects of the country recommend to make similar regional laws following the example of Tatarstan. Thus, the issues of folk artistic culture will rise to the level of state policy of the Russian Federation.

The second block of measures, which, according to the participants of the Congress, must be adopted by the Government of the country and the subjects of the Russian Federation, is a comprehensive support and popularization of traditional crafts and cultures. The resolution included a proposal to annually hold the festival of folk masters, regional competitions, scientific and practical conferences and exhibitions. Doctor of Art History and Professor Kabardino-Balkar University of Nalchik Boris Malbach It believes that it is necessary to regularly carry out practical work on the revival of art crafts, to identify people's craftsmen and attract them as employees of systemic enterprises of art crafts, to facilitate the personnel training system for such enterprises.

"In the Soviet times, high attention was paid to art fishery. At that time, all tourists took local souvenirs for memory. In order to revive it, investments are needed, "said Boris Khasanovich.

Mysteries artifacts

At the Congress, the Ugra shared experiences in the field of conservation of traditional culture with other regions and countries. The Master of the Cup of Cups will revive forgotten crafts, but still not all the secrets of ancient technologies are revealed.

More than 20 artists and masters presented the author's work at the exhibition "Ceramics - a source of discoveries." The exposition operates at the House-Museum of the People's Artist of the USSR V. Ishoshev in Khanty-Mansiysk, until November 26.

"I used the papier-mache technique, and the material is paper, PVA glue, a hemp thread, vegetable materials - grass, branches," says the designer designer of the center of folk art crafts and crafts of Inessa Scriabin. - My research work is in the recreation of the technology of the Bronze Age. To do this, prepared clay with additives, she searched for several months. And drawings on the vessels - from archaeological finds. "

Master of the Koncedinsky district Svetlana and Ekaterina Lebedev Showed the ancient residents of Ugra, the pattern was applied to ceramic vessels. Mother and daughter held a master class on ancient tournaments - special spinning wooden hemps, covered with skin.

Ekaterina Lebedeva adds wool in clay for viscosity and plasticity, and in the firing there is an interesting color on the vessel. It also draws ideas from archaeological finds from the parking lots, where there were settlements before. It is Chilimka, small atl, Barsova Mountain, Endyr, hulyum-sunt, butt and lucino.

"Atlask ceramics has been little studied, especially in our area. Stamps on ceramics were made before gently, that even modern people cannot repeat this. As at a time when there was no technology, such ceramics were manufactured? Carefully, smoothly, without lines and pencils, without a single flaw! - Catherine reflects. - Either the peoples have been well developed by the eye, or there were some devices. And yet - on ceramics, the ornaments never just did not lie. They all had their place. Each cross and every strip mean something. "

How not to dissolve

Master of the Urai branch of the center of Crafts "School-Workshop of Folk Fries" Galina Tarasova Shows a collection of tobacker from Beresta. In fact, Tabakcoque is now a thing that is not necessary - tobacco does not use. To the question "Why" the answer has already been harvested - the case in cunning castles on tobackerki. Of course, they cannot be compared with modern code locks and safes, but they are made without glue and other fastening materials, which indicates the then agility and ingenuity.

Her colleague Ekaterina Smirnova Speaks about the method of reconstruction and replication of the male and female costume of the merchant class of the cities of Surgut, Mangazea and Berezovo. The seams at work were performed manually, without using the sewing machine, and the fabrics are selected similar to what they found in the territory of these cities.

The main keeper of the inter-settlement center of national crafts and crafts Marina Ipina held a master class on weaving mats. Employees of this institution revived ancient craft of Agan Khanty.

"Previously, they lived in the plaghs, and that the floor was warm, at first they put grass, then the mat, and from above - the deer skins," said Marina Ipine. - It helped to keep warm in the dwelling. Today, the center ordered mats to decorate the interior, or a loved one. "

Educators of the Children's Garden "Teremok" Tatyana Volkov and Marina Zhilikova Came to congress to get acquainted with the technologies of folk crafts.

"Today we tried to draw, the mint saw, made dolls," Marina Zhilikov shared his impressions. - We will teach our pupils. You need to know our traditions, remember how our ancestors lived, how they created comfort. "

According to the Professor of the Moscow State Art and Industrial Academy named after Stroganova Maria Maistrovskaya, the Ugra reveals the revival of traditional folk crafts and crafts.

"The most important thing in the era of globalization in which we live is not to lose themselves and not dissolve in this huge vast sea of \u200b\u200baverage humanity," Mary Maistrovskaya emphasized. - And it is in traditional artistic culture that a person can draw his originality and uniqueness. You are doing this in Ugra with success. "

Photo: / Evgeny Zinoviev

Special opinion

Chairman of the Assembly of the Indigenous Minorities of the North of Yeremy
Ipin: "I want to say a few words about masters. I remembered the story of the Great Hunter Bakhtiyarov. Here he sees a beautifully built house and says: "Master!" - His higher evaluation was like that. Met hunter - "Master!". I met a beautiful woman in a beautiful dress - "Master!". Why a great hunter? Periodically, he cut out on the trees "Here the hunter killed moose," "Here the hunter got Wolverine." But why? He did not do this all. And then, so that another hunter, going through the trail of Bakhtiyar, saw the moose no longer, and left. Let the elk live, summarizes. And so, when I meet with good researchers, scientists, I always remember Bakhtiyarov. I wish you so that you were masters, and that every word of your word, which you leave in the soul of our districts of the district, has multiplied our feeling of excellent. "

On the eve of the Day of People's Unity, on November 3, residents of 84 regions of Russia and 11 CIS countries wrote a large ethnographic dictation. His participants became Gatchinz.

The international cultural and educational campaign was first spent last year.The initiator of the Big Ethnographic Dictation was made by the Udmurt Republic, her idea was supported in 85 subjects of the country, and, as a result, about 40 thousand people took part in the promotion.Their positive responses helped to give an initiative development.In 2017, the federal Agency for CIS, compatriots living abroad, and international humanitarian cooperation, which contributed to the promotion of the status of international ones to carry out a large ethnographic dictation.

The main goal of the cultural and educational action is to evaluate the ethnographic literacy of citizens and draw attention to ethnography as a science that occupies an important place in the harmonization of inter-ethnic relations.

Over all of Russia and on the territory of the participating countries, more than 2500 sites for the dictation opened. If in 2016 in the Leningrad region wasorganized eight sites, then in the current year it was possible to test their ethnographic knowledge on 23 sites, among whichHouse of Friendship of the Leningrad Region, Leningrad Regional Universal Scientific Library, General Education Schools of Municipal Districts.

In the Gatchina district, as in the past year, the action took place in the Gatchina Pedagogical College. K.D. Ushinsky.Dictation wrote 50 people. In addition to students of the Gatchina Pedagogical College, who took part in testing, a large ethnographic dictation wrote ordinary citizens. So, the pensioner Valentina Smirnova admitted that the action came to her, despite difficult questions.

If the historical events of ancient Russia still remembered, then questions dedicated to the peoples of the Caucasus were unbearable, she said.

Nevertheless, Valentina Viktorovna is confident that he answered correctly at least half of the questions.

The graduate of the pedclavor Svetlana Kadamekhov, being on the eighth month of pregnancy, also decided to joincultural and educational promotion.

During pregnancy, it was so relaxed that he decided to arrange a brainstorm. I realized that I don't know much about my country. So, there is where to strive to get missing knowledge in what area, "Svetlana said.

Two-year student of the Faculty of Applied Informatics Pedcolling Daniel Pechugin passed testing to test himself.

I hope that half of the answers will be true. Where did not know the correct option, I tried to reflect on logically, "he admitted.

His idea was supported by a curator of a large ethnographic dictation site in the Gatchina Pedagogical College. K.D. Ushinsky, Pedagogue Natalia Schwidkaya.

Questions are really complex. But, having even general knowledge on history and geography, it was possible to try to guess the correct response by the method of exception, "she believes.

A large ethnographic dictation passed within 45 minutes, during which participants had to perform 30 test tasks.Questions consisted of two groups - common issues and ten questions for residents of a particular region, where testing was held. Thus, the inhabitants of the North-West needed to answer, in which region there is a Museum-Reserve "Kizhi", call the artistic fisheryto apply drawings from a special alloy for metal, whose secrets for the first time a woman was dedicated -Maria Alekseevna Sychev (Anglo).

Director of the Gatchina Pedagogical College. K.D. The Ushinsky Marina Vorontsova noted that such dictations help teachers if possible to adjust the curriculum in order to deepen certain knowledge of students. By the way, at the same time, online testing started on the site of a large ethnographic dictation, during which it was possible to test their knowledge without leaving home.

Each participant of the action received a commemorative certificate about the passage of a large ethnographic dictation.The results of the action will be summed up by the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on December 12th.Results and correct answers to tasks will be published on the

  1. The sovereignty carrier and the only source of power in Russia according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation is (select one correct option from the list below)
    1. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
    2. President of Russian Federation
    3. State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
    4. multinational people of the Russian Federation
    show reply: Multinational people of the Russian Federation
  2. Russia has historically developed as a multinational state. Determine the sequence of the voluntary entry of the territories listed below in the Russian state, if it is known that the Republic of Khakassia celebrates the 290th anniversary this year as part of Russia, and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is the 385th anniversary.
    1. The Republic of Ingushetia
    2. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
    3. The Republic of Khakassia
    4. Udmurtia
    show reply: 4 - 2 - 3- 1
  3. Wooden architecture has a centuries-old history in Russia and, thanks to skillful masters, is known far beyond. No wonder the oldest Russian monastery, founded in the X century on Athos, is called "Xilurgu", which means the "Wheel", "Carpenter". Wooden architecture masterpieces are kept in open-air museums in many regions of our country: in the Irkutsk region, "Talzakh", not far from Veliky Novgorod - in the "Vitoslavlitsa", in the Arkhangelsk region - in Small Korelah.

    In which region is the world famous Museum-Reserve "Kizhi"
    (Select one correct option from the list below)?

    1. Republic of Karelia
    2. g. Sevastopol
    3. Udmurtia
    4. moscow
    show reply: Republic of Karelia
  4. Title the names of the Sacred Scriptures or drafts of sacred texts, as well as types of temples with traditional Religions of Russia
    (Answer the answer in A - 1 format; b - 2, etc.):
    A. Islam
    B. Buddhism
    V. Judaism
    G. Christianity
    1. Trucade, stupa
    2. Quran, Mosque
    3. Tanahs, synagogue
    4. Bible, church
    show reply: A - 2, B - 1, B - 3, G - 4.
  5. 65 years ago, Rasul Gamzatov wrote the poem "Soldiers of Russia" about the heroic crew of T-34 Tank, who committed a feat when the liberation of the Crimea from the German-fascist occupation in April 1944. The crew of the tank consisted of seven Russians and a representative of one of the peoples of the North Caucasus - Hero of the Soviet Union Magomed-Zagid Abdulmanapov. Below is an excerpt from this poem: Sleep in Simferopol in the grave of Bratsk
    Seven Russians and ___ ??? ___, my countryman.
    Above them tank, their monument to the soldiers'
    Still keeps traces of past attacks,
    And gratefully brought the country
    On the marble plate of their names.

    Insert the missed word (select one correct option from the list below):

    1. chechen
    2. alert
    3. darginets
    4. noghec
    show Answer: Avatare
  6. Many enlighteners of Russia, showing care for the development of national languages, at the same time sought to introduce nations to all-Russian culture and history, taught love and small, and to the big homeland - Russia. Among them, the great enlightener of the Chuvash people of Ivan Yakovlev, the Bashkir people -Miftehettina Akmulllu. For Altaians and televisers means a lot of name Mikhail Chevalkova.

    Identify the son of which people was the enlightener Kayum Naturi

    1. tatara
    2. mans
    3. ingush
    4. udmurt
    show Answer: Tatars
  7. In Yakutsk in 2005, an unusual monument to the family was opened, personifying the friendship of Yakuts and Russians. In the sculptural compositions are: Father - Russian Landlock and Cossack Ataman, Mother - Yakutian Beauty Abakayda Sucu, their son love.
    Name the name of the Father of the Family - the Great Russian Surplot
    (Select one correct option from the list below).
    1. Nikolay Miklukho-Maclay
    2. Peter Semenov Tian-Shan
    3. Semen Dezhnev
    4. Vitus Bering
    show Answer: Semen Dejnev
  8. Appaz Iliev is the oldest person of Russia. March 1, 2017 he was 121 years old. In his recent interview, answering the question that today the main thing for residents of multinational, multi-million dollars, the long-liver said: "Russians should always tell the truth, to live in justice, then the benefit will be. If today you will live in truth, then there will be a normal life tomorrow. (...) Today we have a fair ruler in the country, take everything good from this situation. " In the native village of the oldest person there are 43 families, and everyone is one last name - Iliev.

    Name the region where this village is located
    (Select one correct option from the list below).

    1. Nizhny Novgorod Region
    2. Orenburg region
    3. The Republic of Ingushetia
    4. Altai region
    show reply: The Republic of Ingushetia
  9. It is known that at the outstanding Russian poet A.S. Pushkin had a great influence with his nanny Arina Rodionovna, which, according to one of the versions, had a finno-ugrine origin and was from the village of Lampovo in Ingermanland. Currently, Ingermanlanders live mainly in Russia.
    Specify in which regions (select two correct options from the list below).
    1. kaliningrad
    2. Udmurtia
    3. st. Petersburg, Leningrad Region
    4. Republic of Karelia
    show reply: 3, 4.
  10. In the twentieth century in our country among masters of folk crafts, who were previously "male", there were outstanding masters - women. The first woman of Dagestan, devoted to the jewelry processing of the metal, became Manaba Omarovna Magomedov. The first woman graveyard on Chukotka - Vera Aroma Emkul. The first artist on Phanekhskaya Lakova Miniature - Sophia Mikhailovna Golikova (Vakurova).
    Name the famous folk yield, in which Maria Alekseevna Sychev (Anglo) worked - the first woman dedicated to the secret of drawing drawings from a special alloy metal
    (Select one correct option from the list below).
    1. nice filigree
    2. bone carving
    3. velikyustyuzhskoy black silver
    4. dymkovo toy
    show reply: Velikyustyuzhskoy black silver
  11. "Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern is a man and steamer" - all the famous words of the postman Pechekin from the beloved baby cartoon. Under the command of Admiral I.F. Cruisesttern was committed by the first Russian round-the-world journey. Ivan Fedorovich first inflicted the wise part of the Sakhalin coast and described the life and morals of the indigenous people of this island.
    Indicate them among the peoples listed below
    (Select from the list below two correct options).
    1. udmurt
    2. nivhi
    3. lezgins
    show reply: Nivehi, Aina.
  12. Tatar craftsmen made Matercut Bibs Izy (Ilizu) for women's clothing, skillfully decorating them with silk and gold ribbons. Izy wearing only married women.
    For what purpose (select one correct option from the list below)?
    1. only to show prosperity
    2. to protect against wind
    3. exceptionally like decoration
    4. hide breast incision of a female dress
    show reply: Hide breast incision of a female dress
  13. One of the most famous military pilots of the Great Patriotic War, the Lakes on the Father and the Crimean Tatar for Mother, in 25 years old became twice the hero of the Soviet Union. In total, during the war, he made 603 military departures, conducted 150 air bonds, in which he knocked in person 30 and as part of a group of 19 enemy aircraft.
    Name his name (select one correct option from the list below).
    1. Amet Khan Sultan
    2. Vladimir Kokkinaki
    3. Alexey Maresyev
    4. Alexander Tashkin
    show Answer: Amet Khan Sultan
  14. Dancing every people of Russia made a unique contribution to the culture of our country. At the same time, in folk creativity there are a lot of common, for example, circular dances: Buryat is Ehor, Ossetian - Simd, among the Russians - dance.
    What is the name of a similar dance of Lezgin (select one correct option from the list below)?
    1. tally Yar.
    2. karagod
    3. lady
    show Answer: Tally Yar
  15. During the years of the Patriotic War, 1812, the French army called the representatives of this people "Northern Amurs" for their virtuoso archery. Is it a question (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. russians
    2. karelia
    3. bashkira
    4. KECHETS.
    show Answer: Bashkirs
  16. One of the most famous gatherers of Russian fairy tales was Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev. They published more than 70 articles on the study of the fabulous legends of the Russian people, including the "grandfather of the house", "zoomorphic deities of Slavyan", "poetic legends about the luminas of heaven." In addition, A.N. Afanasyev published a collection of "People's Russian Fairy Tales".
    Specify how many fairy tales entered this collection (select one correct option from the list below).
    1. 60000
    show reply: 600
  17. Altai folk patriors, kaych, accompany their narration by the accompaniment of an unusual tool resembling Dombru - Topshura. This tool is made from a solid piece of sacred for the Altaians of the tree - cedar.
    What are the strings for this tool (select one correct option from the list below)?
    1. leather
    2. horsehair
    3. from nettle
    4. from lived and animal guts
    show reply: horsehair
  18. In the traditional cuisine of many nations of Russia there are drinks made of sour milk: Tatars, Bashkir, Kalmykov, Altaians and others - Katyk, Ayran, Kumy; Chechens and Ingush - Yetsura.
    And what is the name of the milk drink in the traditional Russian cuisine (select one correct option from the list below)?
    1. suorat.
    2. varenets
    3. yogurt
    show Answer: Varets
  19. The defense of this fortress - in the morning on June 22 and September 1941 - an example of fearlessness, valor and heroism of Soviet people. It has been established that more than 30 nationalities who demonstrated the detriment of the friends of the peoples of our multinational homeland were to death here.
    What fortress are we talking about (select one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Brest Fortress
    2. Kronstadt Fortress
    3. Peter-Pavel's Fortress
    4. fortress Oreshk
    show reply: Brest Fortress
  20. It is known that by the Decree of Peter I for the first time in Russian, the Holy Book of Muslims Koran and the lives of the Prophet Mohammed were translated.
    And whose decree the Quran was first issued a typographic way to public funds (choose from the list below one correct option)?
    1. Catherine II Great
    2. Ivan IV Grozny
    3. Vladimir Great
    4. Yaroslav Wise
    show reply: Catherine II Great
  21. Saint Innocent (Veniaminov), Metropolitan Moskovsky and Kolomensky, Archbishop Kamchatsky, Kurilsky and Aleutian many years spent in the Far East of Russia, traveled on dogs and deer on the northern lands. The love of Aleutov, Koryakov, Chukchi and Tungusov, Koriaki, Chukchi and Tungusov, built a school, who studied the children for the first time, studied the life and traditions of these indigenous peoples for the first time.
    Specify the city, one of the founders of which was the saint and the name he gave (select one correct option from the list below).
    1. Blagoveshchensk
    2. Moscow
    3. Vladimir
    4. Vladivostok.
    show Answer: Blagoveshchensk
  22. "Samoyed", "Dzhigit", "Kalmyk", "Yakut" is:
    1. the historical names of the courts of the Russian Marine Fleet
    2. names of settlements
    3. names of folk dance
    4. methods of binding marine rigging knots
    show reply: The historical names of the courts of the Russian Marine Fleet
  23. White Island is located in the Kara Sea and is the most northern territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. For the Nenets, it has long been sacred. To put the Chum and take on the island of women they were forbidden: according to local beliefs, this very much does not like the owner of Sir Irik Island.
    The Russian language Sir Irik is translated as (select one correct option below):
    1. White king
    2. White old man
    3. White wind
    4. White hunter
    show Answer: White Old Man
  24. Orthodox Saints Peter and Fevronia are patrons of family and marriage. What city is their life related to (choose from the list below one correct option)?
    1. with Vladimir
    2. murom
    3. with Suzdhal
    4. with Moscow
    show Answer: With Murom
  25. From which of the ancient cities of Crimea began the spread of Christianity in Russia (choose from the list below one correct option)?
    1. Korsun (Chersonese settlement in Sevastopol)
    2. Cafe (Feodosia)
    3. Panticapey (Kerch)
    4. Kerkinitida (Evpatoria)
    show reply: Korsun (Chersonese settlement in Sevastopol)
  26. Representatives of this people dug themselves home on the slope of a hill or mountain, making the entrance corridor from the river. Such a building was called "Caramo" and often it was possible to swim only on a boat.
    For representatives of which people are characterized by such buildings (select one correct option below)?
    1. ossetians
    2. yakuta
    3. sellock
    4. tatara
    show Answer: Sellockups
  27. In the Nizhny Novgorod region there is Lake Svetloyar, with whom the legend is connected about Kite-Grad.
    On the shores of the lake from the XVII century settled (select one correct option below):
    1. mariyza
    2. udmurt
    3. russians
    4. tatara
    show Answer: Russian
  28. This cult facility was erected in 1823 in Moscow in the territory of Tatar Sloboda in memory of the heroism of Muslim warriors, manifested in the Patriotic War of 1812. In 1939 it was closed, and reopened in 1993.
    Name it (select one correct option from the list below).
    1. Complex of mosques Inam and Yardies in Otradnaya
    2. Church of Christ the Savior
    3. Pokrovsky Stavropigial Women's Monastery
    4. Moscow historical mosque
    show reply: Moscow historical mosque
  29. Military topographer Vladimir Claudiyevich Arsenyev and a hunter, a native resident of the Ussuri Territory, Dersu Usala, passed together many kilometers of Taiga and became good friends. VC. Arsenyev wrote two books about his conductor: "In the Ussuri Territory" and "Dersu Uzala".
    Who by nationality considered himself a dertiest sense (select one correct option from the list below)?
    1. russian
    2. greek
    3. chechen
    4. gold
    show reply: Gold
  30. Who is the author of the row:
    "Forgetting the native language - I'm onmay. Lost Russian - I will become deaf "show the answer: Tanzil Zumakulova