Modern city near Moscow. The historic cities of the Moscow region: the newest story

Modern city near Moscow. The historic cities of the Moscow region: the newest story
Modern city near Moscow. The historic cities of the Moscow region: the newest story

The territory of the modern Moscow region was inhabited for more than 20 thousand years ago. Within the field of the area known numerous mounds, the settlement of the Iron Age. The mounds of the X-XII centuries are widespread. Until the IX-X centuries, the territory of the Moscow River basin and the adjacent lands were mainly the Finno-Ugric peoples of Meriana and Meshchera. Slavs, this territory began to actively mastered only in the X century.

In the middle of the XII century, the state of the current Moscow region was part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. By the same time there is an active foundation of cities (Volokolamsk, 1135; Moscow, 1147; Zvenigorod, 1152; Dmitrov, 1154). In the first half of the XIII century, all Vladimir-Suzdal Earth, including the land of land, was conquered by Mongol-Tatars.

The history of the Moscow region is inextricably linked with many military events of the vague time - the Troitsky siege, the first and second militia.

Moscow Principality (1263-1547)

In the XIII century, the land around Moscow became part of the Moscow principality, which was subsequently the center of the association of Russian lands and the stronghold of the fight against the Mongol-Tatar Igog. In 1380, Konaz Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy led his troops from Kolomna to Tatar-Mongola and then won on the Kulika field.

It should be noted that the territories of the current Southern (Zaoksky) regions of the Moscow region were part of the Ryazan principality, finally affiliated to Moscow only 1520 year. The defensive role of near Moscow monasteries - Iosifo-Volotsky under Volokolamsky, Savvino-Storozhevsky in Zvenigorod, Trinity-Sergius Monastery was significant.

Russian empire

Moscow County

In 1708, the Moscow province was established by the decree of Peter I, which entered most of the territory of the current Moscow region.

In 1812, the Borodino battle took place near Mozhaisk, which became the largest battle of the Patriotic War of 1812.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries, the light industry (especially Textile) was developed in the Moscow province; Bogorodsk, Pavlovsky Posad, Orekhovo-Zuyevo became important centers.

In 1851, the first railway line appeared on the territory of the province, which connects Moscow and St. Petersburg; In 1862, a movement on the line to Nizhny Novgorod was opened.


The Moscow province was located in the center of the European part of the Russian Empire, bordered in the north and northwest with Tverskaya, in the northeast and east - with Vladimir, in the south-east - with Ryazan, in the south - from Tula and Kaluga, in the West - with Smolensk provinces.

The province area was 128,600 km² in 1708, 32,436 km² - in 1847, 33,271 km² - in 1905, 44,569 km² - in 1926.

Province until 1917

1712. The province is divided into several Ober-Commandant provinces (in 1715-1719, called Landractic shares), including Serpukhovsky, Zvenigorodskaya, Kashirskaya, Vladimir, Kaluga, Kostroma, Rostovskaya.

1719. The province is divided into 9 provinces: Moscow, Pereslavl-Ryazanskaya, Kostroma, Suzdal, Yuriev-Polskaya, Vladimirskaya, Pereslavl-Zalesskaya, Tula, Kaluga. The Moscow provinces included 16 cities with Districts (with 1727 - County): Moscow, Dmitrov, Wedge, Ruza, Volokolamsk, Mozhaisk, Tsarev-Borisov, Maloyaroslavets, Serpukhov, Tarusa, Obolensk, Kashira, Kolomna, Zvenigorod, Vereya, Borovsk.

1727. The Moscow Province was transferred to the Uglitskaya and Yaroslavl province of St. Petersburg province.

1760s. Borisovsky and Obolensky county of the Moscow province are eliminated.

1775. The western parts of the province became part of Smolensk vanity, Bezhetsky and Kashinsky counties - to the composition of Tver pricer.

1776. Borovsky, Maloyaroslava, Tusar district departs to Kaluga priest.

1777. The Kashirsky County was part of the Tula pricer, the northern provinces of province to the composition of Yaroslavl governorship.

1778. From the parts of the Moscow province, Vladimir, Ryazan and Kostroma vicarity were allocated.

1781. From the fragments of the former Moscow province, mainly within the borders of the Moscow province, a new Moscow province is organized in the composition of 15 counties: Volokolamsky County, Mozhaisky County, Varea County, Podolsky County, Nikitsky County, Serpukhov County, Kolomna County, Bronnitsky County, Moscow County, Resurrection County, Klin County, Dmitrovsky County, Zvenigorodsky County, Bogorodsky County, Ruz County.

1796. Bogorodsky, Bronnitsky, Podolsky, Nikitsky and Voskresensky counties are eliminated.

1802. Bogorodsky, Bronnitsky and Podolsky county restored.

1861. The volost division was introduced.

Map of Moscow province for 1821

Gubernia in 1917-1929

In 1919, Sergiev County with a center in Sergiev was formed.

In 1921, the Orekhovo-Zuyevsky and the Resurrection County were formed, the Roeing and Ruz County were abolished.

In 1922, Leninsky county with a center in Leninsk is formed.

In 1923, Yegoryevsky County from Ryazan province and Kashir County from Tula province are attached to the province.

Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of January 14, 1929, the Moscow province and all of its deaths were abolished, the territory of province was part of the newly formed Central Industrial Region (from June 3, 1929 - the Moscow region).

It was formed on December 18, 1708 and existed to the administrative reform of 1929.

Located in the center of the European part of the Russian Empire, bordered in the north and northwest with Tverskaya, in the North-East and East - with Vladimir, in the south-east - with Ryazan, in the south - from Tula and Kaluga, in the West - with Smolensk provinces .

History of Moscow province

Educated in 1708.

In 1712, the Moscow province was divided into several Ober-Commandant provinces (in 1715-1719, called Landractic shares), including Serpukhovsky, Zvenigorodskaya, Kashirskaya, Vladimir, Kaluga, Kostroma, Rostovskaya.

In 1719, the Moscow province was divided into 9 provinces: Moscow, Pereslavl-Ryazanskaya, Kostroma, Suzdal, Yuriev-Polskaya, Vladimirskaya, Pereslavl-Zalesskaya, Tula, Kaluga. The Moscow provinces included 16 cities with Districts (with 1727 - County): Moscow, Dmitrov, Wedge, Ruza, Volokolamsk, Mozhaisk, Tsarev-Borisov, Maloyaroslavets, Serpukhov, Tarusa, Obolensk, Kashira, Kolomna, Zvenigorod, Vereya, Borovsk.

In 1727, the Uglitskaya and Rostov province of the St. Petersburg province were transferred to the Moscow province.

In the 1760s. Borisovsky and Obolensky county of the Moscow province are eliminated.

In the 1770s. Borovsky, Maloyaroslava, Tuskaya county departs to Kaluga priest, Kashirsky county - to Tula.

In 1782, a new Moscow province in the Moscow province is organized within 15 counties: Volokolamsky County, Mozhaisky County, Varea County, Podolsky County, Nikitsky County, Serpukhov County, Kolomna County, Bronnitsky County, Moscow County, Resurrection County, Klin County, Dmitrovsky County, Zvenigorod County, Bogorodsky County, Ruza County.

In 1796, Bogorodsky, Bronnitsky, Podolsky, Nikitsky and Voskresensky county are eliminated.

In 1802, Bogorodsky, Bronnitsky and Podolsky county were restored.

County of Moscow province

Part Moscow province Until 1917 included 13 counties:

County County city Area,
(1897), people
1 Bogorodsky Bogorodsk (11 102 people) 3 068,5 222 341
2 Bronnitsky Bronnitsy (3,897 people) 2 051,0 130 304
3 Vareysky Vereya (3,707 people) 1 623,3 54 074
4 Volokolamsky Volokolamsk (3,091 people) 2 138,0 80 984
5 Dmitrovsky Dmitrov (4,480 people) 2 974,6 119 686
6 Zvenigorodsky Zvenigorod (2,381 people) 2 012,3 84 375
7 Klin Wedge (4,655 people) 3 095,9 115 162
8 Kolomna Kolomna (20,277 people) 1 861,4 111 927
9 Mozhaisk Mozhaisk (3 194 people) 1 621,5 53 967
10 Moscow Moscow (1,038,591 people) 2 393,0 1 203 926
11 Podolsky Podolsk (3,798 people) 2 160,4 86 311
12 Ruzian Ruza (2 349 people) 1 984,1 55 522
13 Serpukhovsky Serpukhov (30 571 people) 2 252,4 112 002

In the early 1920s, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky, Leninsky (center - Leninsk (now Tald)), Sergievsky (Center - Sergiev (now Sergiev Posad)), the Resurrection counties are joined by Egoryevsky and Kashirsky counties. The center of Bronnitsky County was transferred to Ramenskoye. Liquidated belief and Ruz district.

This composition existed to its liquidation in 1929.

the USSR

In November 1917, the Soviet government was established in the province.

On January 14, 1929, in the course of the consolidation of the units of administrative-territorial division of the RSFSR, the Central Industrial Region was formed. She entered the Moscow, Ryazan, Tverskaya, Tula, part of the Vladimir and part of the Kaluga province. The area shared on 10 districts: industrial - Moscow, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Kolomensky, Kimrsky, Serpukhovsky, Tula, Tver; Agricultural - Ryazan, Bezhetsky and Kaluga. The center of the region became Moscow. A few months after the institution, June 3, the area was renamed Moscow. On July 30, 1930, the districts were abolished, and the areas formed in the districts were sent to direct submission to the Mosobliskol.

In January 1935, the Kalinin region was formed, 26 districts were transferred from the Moscow region.

In September 1937, in the course of disagreement from the Moscow region, the Tula and Ryazan regions (77 districts) were allocated.

In 1941-1942 On the territory of the Moscow region there was one of the most significant military operations of the Great Patriotic War - the battle for Moscow.

In July 1944, the Kaluga region was formed, Borovsky, Hydnynichsky, Maloyaroslavetsky and the Razdansky districts were transferred to its composition from the Moscow region. In the same year, Vladimir region was formed, a Petushinsky district was transferred from the Moscow region.

In 1946, the Ryazan region and in 1957 were transferred to the Tula region regions transferred from these areas to the Moscow region in 1942.

The Moscow region, like many other areas, Krai, the Republic of USSR was repeatedly awarded the Order of Lenin: January 3, 1934, December 17, 1956, December 5, 1966.

the Russian Federation

According to the Constitution adopted in 1993, the Moscow region is the subject of the Russian Federation.

The territory of the modern Moscow region according to the archeology was populated by a person about 20 thousand years ago and has since been actively used by man. The archaeological finds are confirmed by archaeological finds: Zaraskaya Parking - the oldest monument of the era of the Upper Paleolithic (early Stone Age); Parking Neolithic in the village. Fishermen Dmitrovsky district, village Zhabki Yegoryevsky District, Village Belivo Orekhovo-Zuevsky District, village of Nikolskoye Ruz district, etc.; Mogilniki Fatyanovsky culture of the Bronze era (serm. II thousand BC. e); Sherbinsk town in Domodedovo on the right bank of the Pahra River (Iron Age, End II - Nach. I thousand BC. E).

The history of the Moscow region began I thousand AD. rich and diverse. A monument of the federal value of the Lukovnya is found on the territory of Patolsk in the umbrella of the Pahra River. There were settlements from the V century to N. e. by the XVII century n. e. Not far from Domodedov, on the left bank of the Pahra River, the Starosjianovskoye settlement of the VI-XV centuries is located. The cultural layer of the settlement contains ceramics of the Dyakovsky culture - the ancestors of the tribes Mary and Weigh. It is worth noting the mounded necropolis of venical XII-XIII centuries. Near the estate "Gorki Leninsky"; Monument of the archeology of the federal value Akatovskaya Kurgan Group of the XII-XIII centuries. near Balashikha associated with the population of the Pekhork Valley; Curvich's population disappeared by the city of the XI-XII centuries of Island, who was standing on the same river in the territory of the modern Mozhaisk district.

Until the IX-X centuries, the Land of the future Moscow region inhabited mainly Finno-Ugric peoples of Meriana and Meshchera. Slavs began to penetrate this territory from the Dnieper from the IV-VI centuries, the active development of these land began only in the X century (Odintsovsky Kurgans, Akatov Kurgan Group). The population was engaged in hunting, fighting, fishing, agriculture and cattle breeding.

Moscow region in the period of the formation and development of statehood

The history of the formation of the state in Russia is inextricably linked with the lands of the modern Moscow region. So, from the middle of the XIII century, they were part of the great Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. In 1236, the Grand Duke Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich allocated the Moscow Principality in Son Vladimir's lot. The center of the principality was the city of Moscow formed by Yuri Dolgorukin allegedly in 1147. By the same time, the foundation and other first cities of the lands of the future Moscow Principality include: Volokolamsk - 1135, Zvenigorod - 1152, Dmitrov - 1154. Crafts and trade were concentrated in the cities, they became the supporting points of the Prince of Power.

In the first half of the XIII century, all Vladimir-Suzdal Earth, including Moscow region, was conquered by Mongol-Tatars; During the Tatar-Mongolian Iga, the territories were repeatedly subjected to looting. From the specific principalities of Vladimir-Suzdal Land during the years of Tatar-Mongolian Iga, Moscow was most raised; It was the center of the unification of Russian lands in the XIV-XVI centuries and the stronghold of the fight against the Mongol-Tatar IGOM. It should be noted that the territories of the current South (Zaoksky) regions of the Moscow region were part of the Ryazan principality, finally affiliated to Moscow only in 1520.

In 1238, Northeast Russia was broken by the invasion of Khan Batya, the territories near Moscow were repeatedly subjected to a plunder. Against the background of Tatar-Mongolian yoke, the wrestling of Moscow princes for power with neighboring principalities.

It was Moscow from the specific principalities of the Vladimir-Suzdal land that was at the head of the fight against the Mongol-Tatar Igi and the Center for the Union of Russian Land and received the greatest development. At the beginning of the XIV century, the Moscow Principality expanded, Kolomna, Pereslavl-Zalessky and Mozhaisk, entered the staff. In Dmitry Donskoy, in 1376, the principality approved its influence in the Volga-Kama Bulgaria.

And in 1380, the troops of the already united Russian lands led by the Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy was to meet the army of Maami and then won on the Kulikov field. The Kulikovsky battle (September 8, 1380) ended with the defeat of the Horde, which became a turning point in the fight against Mongol-Tatars.

Kolomna, Mozhaysk, Serpukhov, Zaraysk and other cities of the current Moscow region became cities-fortresses in the fight against Horde, Lithuania and the Crimean Tatars. In addition to cities, near Moscow Monasteries - Iosifo-Voloqsky near Volokolamsk, Savvino-Storozhevsky in Zvenigorod and Trinity-Sergiev, played a significant defensive role.

The protection of the Moscow principality in the southern borders was also carried out fortresses in Zaraysk and Serpukhov; Fortresses in believer and Mozhaisk were called upon to accept the blows of Poles and Lithuanians from the West (in 1600 near Mozhaisk, by order of Boris Godunov, the fortress of Borisov Town was also erected, not reached our days.

Cities preserved a defensive function until the XVIII century.

The pronounced internecine war in the principality in the second quarter of the XV century ended with the victory of the Grand Duke Vasily Dark. Then the territory of the Moscow principality was 430 thousand square meters. km. With a population of 3 million people.

In the XV-XVI centuries under Ivan III and Vasili III on the lands of Russia, with the exception of the Polish Lithuanian and King, the Russian State, including Yaroslavl, Rostov, Tver Principles and the Novgorod and Pskov Republic, were formed. At this time, agriculture continues to develop on the Moscow lands, especially three-poly crop rotation. The value of feudal, landlord land in land increased, the reservoir economy was developed. Unnemedial classes also undergo positive changes, trading flourishes. Moscow Region Cities are known since the crafts, for example, Serpukhov - leather production and metalworking, Kolomna - brick production.

Events of the troubled time (from 1598 to 1613), the first and second folk militia also unfolded on the territory of the modern Moscow region. It is worth noting the unsuccessful siege of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery for the troops of Falsmitria II, which lasted 16 months - from September 1608 to January 1610. At that time, the monastery was already an influential religious center and a powerful military fortress from 12 towers.

Another famous abode, originating in the XVII century: Novojerusalem Monastery - based on the territory of the current Istra in 1656 by Patriarch Nikon. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe monastery was to recreate the Palestine Saints Saints. In the XIX and at the beginning of the twentieth century, the monastery became a popular pilgrimage center. In 1920, a museum was created in the monastery. In 1991, he was named "Historical and Architectural and Art Museum" New Jerusalem ". Today the museum is one of the largest in the Moscow region. The stock assembly includes archaeological, historical, ethnographic and artistic collections and has more than 180 thousand storage units.

In the XV-XVI centuries, trade flourished in the Moscow lands, the development of agriculture continued - in particular, the three-headed crop rotation spread. The value of feudal, landlord land in land increased, the reservoir economy was developed. There was an increase in non-targeted classes. Moscow became the center of the formation of the All-Russian market. The cities have developed a craft (for example, in Serpukhov - metalworking and leather production, in Kolomna - brick production).

Moscow region in the period of the Russian Empire

In 1708, by the decree of Peter I, the Moscow province was created as part of 50 counties, in which, along with the current territory, included the territories of modern Vladimir, Ivanovo, Ryazan, Tula, almost the entire Yaroslavl, part of the Kaluga and Kostroma regions.

In 1719, Moscow Province was administratively divided into 9 provinces, one of which included the modern territory of the Moscow region.

In 1766, in order to establish the exact boundaries of land ownership in the Moscow province, general intertarization was launched; In the second half of the XVIII century, the first general plans appeared in the near Moscow, which posted the beginning of a regular layout.

In 1781, there were significant changes in the administrative division of the Moscow province: from the former territory of the province, Vladimir, Ryazan and Kostroma vicarity were allocated, and the remaining territory was divided into 15 counties. This scheme existed, not undergoing special changes, until 1929.

On the territory of the Moscow province there were many important events of the Patriotic War of 1812. On September 7, one of the largest battles of war - Borodino battle took place on the Borodino field under Mozhaisk. On September 14-18, the Russian Army under the command of M. I. Kutuzov, after leaving Moscow, the famous Marsh Manover was taken; Coming out of Moscow in the Ryazan Road, the Army passed the Army for Borovsky, and went to the old Kaluga road, breaking the Napoleonic army to the southern chopped areas of the country. In the 19th day abandoned by residents, six days was raging - the invaders did not receive neither the beds nor food and after the retreat from Moscow, which lasted the big losses in the battle at Maloyaroslavets, came across Borovsk and faith to the old Smolensk road.

In the second half of the XIX century, especially after the peasant reform of 1861, the Moscow province survived a strong economic rise. By this time refers to the formation of the railway network. In 1851, the first railway line appeared on the territory of the province, which connects Moscow and St. Petersburg; In 1862, the line was opened on the line to Nizhny Novgorod, in 1863 it began to move to Sergiev Posad, in 1866 the road was introduced into the actions of Moscow - Ryazan, in 1866-68 the railway from Moscow was built to Kursk, in 1872 it was Open the railway from Moscow through Smolensk to Warsaw.

The second stage of intensive railway construction came to the 1890s - 1900s - then lines were built on Rzhev, Savelovo, Pavelets, Bryansk. Finally, the on the eve of the First World War was commissioned the 11th beam of the Moscow Knot, Lyubertsy - Arzamas. The settlements, which turned out to be near the railways, received a powerful incentive for development, while the location of the settlements away from the railways often contributed to their economic outset.

The main branch of the province in the second half of the XIX century continued to remain textile. The development also received mechanical engineering, the establishment of a lot of intensive railway construction. So, in the second half of the XIX century, a large Kolomna engineering plant was opened, during the same period the Carriage Plant in Mytishchi began to operate. In 1883, the Klimovskoye plant of weaving machines was opened; In Lyubertsy, the production of agricultural machines was launched. At the same time, the size of arable land in the Moscow province was reduced (for example, for 1860-1913, arable space decreased by 37%).

Such residents of agriculture have risen as gardening, suburban gardening, dairy animal husbandry. The population of the Moscow region increased markedly (and if in 1847 1.13 million people lived in the province, then in 1905 already 2.65 million; Moscow, the same day before the First World War was a city with a million population.

Moscow region during the USSR

In November 1917, Soviet power was established in the Moscow province. Transferred in March 1918 of the capital from Petrograd to Moscow contributed to the economic lift of the province. After the Civil War, most enterprises have been restored; The industry structure of the industry as a whole has been preserved, but along with the textile, the knitted and garment industry developed, enterprises of the heavy industry appeared.

The electric power industry began to develop - in 1922 he gave the first current Kashirskaya GRES; In the 1920s, a large plant "Elektrostal" was formed.

In the 1920s - 1930s, many near Moscow churches were closed during the anti-carote activities of the state, later the cult facilities were performed various non-initial functions (warehouses, garages, vegetable stores, etc.), many were empty and destroyed, some cultural monuments were completely lost; The restoration of most injured temples was started only in the 1990s.

On January 14, 1929, the Moscow province was transformed into a Moscow region consisting of 144 districts, united in 10 districts. The capital was translated into Moscow.

In 1931, Moscow was derived from the Moscow region and acquired administrative and economic independence. The modern borders of the Moscow region finally took shape in the post-war period.

Since the 1930s, restructuring began the sectoral structure of the economy of the Moscow region. The largest development of the heavy industry (primarily mechanical engineering) was obtained. The value of the chemical industry has increased (for example, a major plant for the production of mineral fertilizers and a cement plant "Giant" were built in Voskresensk. In the east of the region developed peatwork. In Moscow, several dozen major enterprises of various profiles were built. At the same time, the development of cities was slowly, where the industry was developed weakly developed. In 1935, a timber protective belt was allocated for the recreational purposes around Moscow with an area of \u200b\u200b35 thousand hectares.

In 1941-1942, one of the most significant military operations of the Great Patriotic War was occurred on the territory of the Moscow region - the battle for Moscow. It began at the end of September - early October 1941. The Mozhaisk Defense Line was put into action. There was an evacuation of industrial enterprises to the East. With a special force of battles near Moscow flashed from mid-October. On October 15, the State Defense Committee of the USSR decided to evacuate Moscow. On October 18, the German army entered Mozhaisk, on October 19, a siege position was introduced in Moscow and nearby areas. Tens of thousands of residents of the Moscow region went to the militia. The offensive of the enemy was able to suspend.

However, in mid-November, the general onset of German troops continued; Fights were accompanied by big losses on both sides; These days, under Volokolamsky, a combat feat was made by 28 guardsmen from the division of General Panfilov. On November 23, the German army managed to master the Wedge and Solnechnogorsky, walled in the Kryukov area, Yahroma, Red Polyana. On December 5-6, the Red Army passed into counteroffensive. During December, most of the occupied cities of the Moscow region were released from the fascist troops. The front line was moved to 100-250 km from Moscow. Military actions caused considerable damage to the population and household. For the restoration of the economy it took several years. During the war, some cultural monuments were injured (so, a substantial damage was inflicted by the Novojerusalem Monastery, where, in particular, in 1941 the largest architectural construction was blown up - the Resurrection Cathedral.

In July 1944, the Kaluga region was formed, Borovsky, Hydnynichsky, Maloyaroslavetsky and the Razdansky districts were transferred to its composition from the Moscow region. In the same year, Vladimir region was formed, a Petushinsky district was transferred from the Moscow region. In 1946, the Ryazan region and in 1957 were transferred to the Tula region regions transferred from these areas to the Moscow region in 1942. The last major change for Soviet times occurred in 1960, when a number of territories of the Moscow region departed to Moscow.

In the postwar years, the economic potential of the Moscow region continued; The links of production and science intensified, a number of Naukogradov (Dubna, Troitsk, Pushchino, Chernogolovka) were founded. The main industries of industry chemicals, engineering, precise instrument making, electric power industry. The leading sectors of specialization by the beginning of the 1980s of the Moscow region were the manufacturing industry and science.

The development of transport continued: a system of main gas pipelines and high-voltage power lines was created, an electrification of the main railway areas was carried out, the formation of a network of main roads was carried out (the construction of the Moscow Ring Road) was carried out (one of the largest projects was the construction of MCAD). The population of cities increased rapidly; Powerful Moscow city agglomeration was formed. To ensure the growing population of agglomeration of food products in the Moscow region, large poultry farms, livestock complexes were built; In the state farm in 1969, one of the largest greenhouse plants in the country was organized.

Moscow region in the Russian Federation

The economy of the Moscow region experienced a deep crisis in the 1990s; In 1996, the volume of industrial production amounted to only 30% of the 1990 volume; The number of employed has decreased by almost 500 thousand people; The greatest losses suffered processing industries. In the deep crisis, science was also.

The growth of the economy that began in 1997 was stopped by the 1998 crisis. However, from the first half of the 2000s, the rapid restoration of the economy began after the crisis, the gross regional product was grew by a high rate, but the complete restoration of industrial production on the pre-crisis level did not occur (in 2002, the volume was only 58% of the 1990 level).

In the 2000s, as a result of administrative transformations, new cities (Moscow, Golitsyno, Kubinka, etc.) were formed as a result of the administrative transformations of the existing urban-type villages.

From July 1, 2012, a significant part of the territory of the Moscow region, including three cities (Troitsk, Moscow and Shcherbinka), was transferred to the composition that New Moscow; As a result of this transfer, the territory of the Moscow region decreased by 144 thousand hectares, and the population is 230 thousand people. With appropriate growth in Moscow.

In 2014-2015, the city of Korolev and the Jubilee, the city of Balashikh and Zheleznodorozhny, the city of Podolsk, Klimovsk and the village of Lviv region were united, respectively.

The modern appearance of the Moscow region is determined by large industrial centers - Podolsk, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Lyubertsy, Mytishchi, Dmitrov. Well developed heavy and lightweight industry, in particular, chemical and petrochemical industries, black and non-ferrous metallurgy, engineering and metalworking, as well as textile, food, forest, woodworking and pulp and paper industry.

The authorities of the Moscow region, together with developers and leading experts in the field of urbanistics, discussed the development of historical cities in the region in the field of urbanism. Experts of the KB "Arrow" presented to the participants their vision of the newest history of these unique locations.

"The historical cities of the Moscow region, unlike similar locations in countries such as Spain or United Arab Emirates, are not doring from time, but continue to actively participate in the life of the region. However, this affects their architectural look at the best way. We went to the experiment, Asking experts of urbanists KB "Arrow" to develop their vision of the development and transformation of historical cities. In their work, they planned the goals we want to achieve. The next stage will be the development of a plan of their implementation, "said Herman Elinyushkin, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region. The main problem of the historic cities of urbanists called the cyclic degradation of the urban environment. "The quality of the medium is reduced, the population outflow occurs from the cities, the economy is worse, the city environment suffers even more," said Yuri Grigoryan, architect, head of the project "Project Meganom", director of training programs for the Institute of Media, Architecture and Design "Arrow".

Despite the significant differences in the historical cities of the Moscow Region, urbanists managed to bring their classification. Specialists of the KB "Arrow" allocated 4 types of historic cities depending on their development potential:

  1. The attraction city, developing successfully and having even greater potential for the development of the tourism and real estate market.
  2. Fair city, which has great potential for changes in the urban environment.
  3. The city is a factory with the lowest development potential.
  4. A monument is a low potential for changes in the urban environment, but possessing a unique historical heritage.

According to Yuri Grigoryan, a qualitative environment is formed in the presence of a clear strategy and worked out mechanisms for its incarnation. The implementation of the plans will be possible in the presence of a commercial component, the developers are sure. "The success of the modernization of the historic cities of the Moscow region depends on the economic factor. The authorities need to interest and involve not only large business in the process, but also medium and small," commented Sergey Korutochkov, CEO RDI. Urbanists are confident that to preserve and develop the potential of historic cities today, it is possible not only by investing a large number of media, but also through cooperation between the state and society. You can start improvements today, experts say. "The most obvious thing we can do without global changes is to work with the islands of the urban environment as the estates and museums. The historical environment there already exists and bears its value, you need only to support it and expand," says it Mikhail Alekseevsky, Head of the Center for City Anthropology KB "Arrow".

International sectoral exhibition "Construction Week of the Moscow Region" - a unique congress and exhibition event that has federal status. This year about 200 exhibitors, 160 speakers of the business program from 6 countries took part in the exhibition. Partners and sponsors Events: PIC GC, FGC "Leader", SU-155 GK, Morton Group, MICC GC, RDI Group, Urban Group, Croste Concern.

For more information:
Anna Nikolaeva,
Press service of the exhibition "Construction Week of the Moscow Region - 2014"
[Email Protected], 8-926-890-85-95

Moscow region during the time of Kievan Rus

Already in the middle of the XI century, signs of crushing for independent principalities and land began to be discovered in ancient Russia. New and new principalities appeared. The significant feudal states of this period were Rostov-Suzdal, Galico-Volynskoye, Town-Pin Principality, Novgorod and Pskov Feudal Republic.
The influx of the population contributed to the rise of the Rostov-Suzdal Earth. Local princes began a stubborn struggle for mastering the great reign. Prince, new cities, Dmitrov, Kostroma, and others were founded by Yuri Dolgorukkoye, and Dmitry and Vse. Andrei Bogolyubsk and Vsevoloda, a large nest occurred by new feudal centers, the crushing of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, inside which the principles of Pereyaslav, Rostov, Suzdal, Yaroslavl, appeared in the XIII century Tver, Moscow, etc.
Another information gives Karamzin: on the command of Khan Mengu-Timur, the Moscow graveyard is forcibly populated in the forests in the forests with a raggy Mordovo-Finnish people and notable tatars.
The first specific prince in Moscow was the son of Alexander Nevsky Daniel Alexandrovich, who received a label in 1277. From the 1330s of Moscow Princes, with rare exceptions - holders of the Khan cereal label. With the further expansion of the land of the Moscow Princes and the centralization of the authorities by the end of the 15th century, became the center of the United Russian Kingdom.

Moscow region in the XIII-XV centuries.

In 1247, the Moscow Princess went to the CN. Mikhail Yaroslavich Khorb. From 1267 in Moscow, Daniel was rejected, the son of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. At the beginning of the XIV century. The Moscow Principality has significantly expanded due to the accession of Kolomna (1301), Pereslavl-Zalessky (1302), Mozhaisk (1303). Relying on growing material forces, Moscow princes led a stubborn struggle for political primacy in Russian lands. Prince Yuri Danilovich, based on the support of Novgorod the Great, as well as using the Golden Town Khanov, in 1318 he became the Grand Duke Vladimir, but from 1325 the Grand Diction was transferred to the Tver Prince. Ivan Danilovich Kalita acquired great trust of Khan and in 1328 became the Grand Duke Vladimir. The skillful policy of Ivan Kalita provided the Moscow Principality a long-lasting respite from Mongolian invasions, which contributed to the rise of its farm and culture. Heir to Kalita Grand Prince Semyon Ivanovich Proud (1340 - 1353) called himself "Grand Duke of All Russia." In the 1360s, after the struggle against the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod Prince, the Grand Diction was established for Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy (1359 - 89). Moscow has become the center of collecting forces against the Mongol-Tatar conquerors; Moscow troops beat off the attacks of Mongol-Tatars in the Nizhny Novgorod and Ryazan Principles, and in 1380 Dmitry Ivanovich headed the communal forces who moved towards the troops of Mamia. The victory in the Kulikov Battle of 1380 secured the leading position of the Great Moskovsky Principality in Russian lands. Dmitry Ivanovich handed over the first time for the first time to his son Vasily Dmitrievich (1389-1425) as his "perception", without the sanction of the Goldenopa Han. The territory of the Grand District of Moscow at the end of the XIV - early XV century. It was consistently expanded, in 1392 Nizhny Novgorod was annexed, the influence of the Grand Duchy of Moscow in the possession of the Novgorod Faudal Republic was significantly increased. Inside the Grand District of Moscow, in the 1st half of the XIV century. The lots were formed, but in the hands of the senior heir, the advantage of the material forces in relation to other Moscow princes was always focused. A long war in the Grand Duch of Moscow, which happened in the 2nd quarter of the XV century, ended with the victory of the Grand Duke Vasily II Vasilyevich Dark (1425 - 1462). By this time, the territory of the Grand District of Moscow was 430 thousand square meters. km with a population of about 3 million people. In the 2nd half of the XV century. The Great Principality of Moscow has become the main core of the folded Russian centralized state. Attaching the territory of the Novgorod Republic (1478), the Grand Duchy of Tver (1485), and other land, Moscow princes became the great princes of "All Russia."

Moscow region during Peter I

On December 29, 1708, Peter I issued a decree on which all Russia was divided into eight provinces (Moscow, Ingermanland (Petersburg), Smolensk, Kiev, Arkhangelogo, Kazan, Azov and Siberian). So for the first time the Moscow province was created. It turned out to be very extensive. Along with the actual suburban lands of the provincial, the territory of modern Vladimir, Ivanovo Ryazan, Tula, almost all Yaroslavl, partly Kaluga and Kostroma regions, only about 50 counties. It was difficult to manage such a territory, so according to the following reform of 1719, an intermediate territorial unit was introduced - the province. As part of the Moscow province turned nine provinces. Moscow region launched in the Moscow province. The rest of the provinces were beyond the modern Moscow region. The Moscow Province, as the central in his province, was under the control of the governor. The rest of the provinces were managed by the governor. The governor carried out an administrative, police and military power on the territory entrusted to him. The first Moscow governor was appointed in 1708 by the boyar Tikhon Nikitich Streshnev. The relative of the royal family, he was an educator ("uncle") Peter I, invariably entered his closest environment. In 1711, the so-called. Streshnev became a senator, and Vice-Governor Vasily Semenovich Ershov, who came from the courtyards of the princes of Cherkasy, was appointed by the "ruler of the Moscow province. Then the governors were MG. Romodanovsky, K.A. Naryshkin. In the following years, the Moscow province was headed by the Sanovnik as a Governor General. Sometimes he was named Commander-in-Chief of Moscow. Among Moscow Governors General are the most famous S.A. Saltykov, who played a prominent role in the top of Anna Ioannovna, Z.G. Chernyshev, Hero of Smolensk War, Vicer of Belarus, S.A. Golitsyn, M.N. Volkonsky and others.

Moscow region in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

The new page in the history of the Moscow province is opened during the reign of Catherine II. In 1775, a "institution for the Office of the provincial All-Russian Empire" was published. Extensive provisions arising in the Petrovsk era were abolished. On the basis of previous provinces, about 50 new provinces with about the same population was established. The province was directly shared by the counties. Thus, the foundations of a two-bred local government system were laid, which existed until 1917. The new Moscow province in accordance with this reform was established in 1781. On the territory she was somewhat less than the modern Moscow region.
Before the reform on the territory of the Moscow region there were only 10 cities. Therefore, a few more cities as new county centers should be created. For this reason, the city of Bogorodsk appeared on the Vladimir Road (the former village of Rogodh). The city became the palace village of Bronnitsy. To the south of Moscow on the Pakhra River there were 2 more cities: Podolsk - on the site of the former sat down, and Nikitsk, converted from the village of Kolychev. At the same time, the large village of Voskresenskoye near the Novojerusalem Monastery became the city of Voskresensky.
The Moscow province, according to Ekaterina II reform, consisted of 15 counties: Moscow, Zvenigorodsky, Ruza, Mozhaisk, Voskolovsky, Volokolamsky, Klinsky, Dmitrovsky, Bogorodsky, Bronnitsky, Kolomensky, Nikitsky, Podolsky, Serpukhovsky, Varea. Subsequently, Nikitsky and Voskresensky counties were abolished. And therefore, in the XIX and at the beginning of the 20th century, the Moscow province had only 13 counties. At the same time, a Kashirsky County was formed on the territory of the neighboring Tula province, and as part of the Ryazan - Zaraysh and Yegoryevsky, which became later at the limits of the modern Moscow region.
In the XVIII-XIX centuries, the light industry (especially Textile) was developed in the Moscow province; Bogorodsk, Pavlovsky Posad, Orekhovo-Zuyevo became important centers. In 1851, the first railway line appeared on the territory of the province, which connects Moscow and St. Petersburg; In 1862, a movement on the line to Nizhny Novgorod was opened.

Moscow region during civil war

In the fight against foreign invaders and White Guards, the Moscow province occupied one of the first places. The Moscow Committee of the Bolshevik Party and the Moscow Council paid a lot of strengthening of the Soviet authorities, the fight against sabotage, the establishment of urban economy.
The summer of 1918 was heavy for the Soviet country. The fiery ring of fronts washing the Soviet republic.
In the difficult days of the intervention of German imperialists in Moscow, shelves were hastily formed, battalions and immediately went to the front. By February 24, 1918, about 60 thousand people were recorded in the Governoral of the Red Army. The Moscow Union of Working Youth "III International" called on the youth of the city and provinces to create detachments to protect the revolution. Moscow youth amounted to a strong core of the revolutionary army.
The Moscow Council of Professional Unions turned to the working with the appeal: "All in the ranks of the Red Army." To prepare the commanders of the Red Army various types of accelerated courses were opened. In April 1918, a week of the Red Army was held in all counties of the Moscow province. In May 1918, a mandatory military service was introduced in the country.
On November 7, 1918, Moscow Province solemnly celebrated the first anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
One of the wonderful manifestations of genuine labor heroism, firmly included in the life of Soviet people, was born in Moscow Governors in 1919. These are communist Saturdays. Destroy - the result of the imperialist war - heavily undermined the national economy. Poor worked railway transport. In the locomotive and carriage depot hundreds were "patients" the locomotives and cars in which the country was very needed. Lacked workers hands for their repair.
On April 6, 1919, the Communist Cell Station Sorting the Moscow-Kazan Railway listened to the message of the chairman of the depot of locksmith Ivan Efimovich Burakova about the current moment in connection with the approach of Kolchak to the Volga and the work of railway transport. At the suggestion of I. E. Burakova, a decision was made: April 12, on Saturday, after work, from 8 o'clock in the evening until 6 o'clock in the morning Sunday, additionally work on the repair of steam locomotives.
April 12 at 8 pm 15 people (of which 13 of the Communists) began to work. Worked continuously for 10 hours and the three steam locomotive was repaired. These locomotives were used to send military echelons to the Eastern Front. The Communist Cell Station Sorting decided to continue weekly night work from Saturday to Sunday to complete victory over Kolchak. Bolsheviks of the Moscow-Kazan Railway, having learned about this wonderful workers, decided to organize a massive subbotnik. The Communists believed that they should not spare their health and life to conquer the revolution, so they made all the work for free.
On May 10, 1919, the first mass subbotnik was held. 205 people participated in it. The work took place with a big lift. 4 locomotives, 16 wagons were repaired, unloaded and loaded 9300 pounds of various cargo. Labor productivity reached 270%.
The message about Saturdays lightning spread throughout the province. Communist cells picked up the initiative of the Communists of the Moscow-Kazan Railway. The Moscow Committee of the Party correctly appreciated the significance of the Saturdays, obliged all members of the party to take part in them and created the department of Saturdays at the Committee.
In the second half of 1919, the interventions and the White Guards moved the center of gravity of the struggle against Soviet Russia to the south. The main blow should now apply the Denikin army. Yudenich came to Petrograd. Poland moved his troops to Soviet Belarus. The enemy threw all his strength to defeat the Red Army and capture Moscow. The offensive of the Denikin army revived the forces of internal counter-revolution in Moscow. The conspiracy headed by the National Center was revealed. The head of the National Center N. N. Shchepkin was arrested at that moment when he took the Denikin Messenger. He has found records with plans for the onset of the Red Army, Denikin's report on the location of our troops and other spyware. The conspirators had at their disposal a large number of weapons and even artillery. The speech was supposed to start in Vyshnyaki, Volokolamsk and Kuntseva, then capture radio and telegraph in Moscow. The arrest of conspirators ripped the Denikina plan to rely on the armed performance of his supporters in Moscow.
In October 1919, Denikin's troops took the eagle and approached Tula. Never still approached the Moscow province so close. All the Communists were mobilized and divided into groups. The location of each group and its task (security, patrol, etc.) were accurately defined. District Councils began recording wishing to take part in the protection of the city from the White Guard performances.
Communists were sent from Moscow to the South Front. The first detachment was departed in early October. Then left the second group, the third. And so almost every day. Moscow accompanied to the front of his best sons. In October 1919, 3628 Communists were sent.
By November 7, 1919 - the second anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution - a fracture at the front was already perfect, and the Red Army drove Denikintsev south. People, meeting the holiday, celebrated the elimination of the Denikin threat.
In November 1917, the Soviet government was established in the province. As an administrative-territorial unit in the RSFSR, the Moscow region appeared on January 14, 1929 (until June 3, 1929 was the name of the Central Industrial Region) from the abolished Moscow, Ryazan, Tverskaya, Tula, part of the Vladimir and part of the Kaluga province, as part of: Moscow, Orekhovo-Zuevsky , Kolomna, Serpukhov, Tula, Tver, Ryazan, Bezhetsky and Kaluga districts. The center of the region became Moscow. In September 1937, the Tula and Ryazan regions were allocated during disagreement from Moscow.

Moscow region during the Great Patriotic War

At dawn on June 22, 1941, fascist Germany, treacherously attacking the USSR, interrupted the peaceful labor of the Russian people. The Great Patriotic War began. The forces of socialism entered into a fatal battle with the forces of fascism. The entire Soviet people arose to defend the freedom and independence of their homeland.
On July 2, at the meeting of the first secretaries of Moscow district schools, it was to decide on the formation of the divisions of the national militia. On the same day, in the evening there were numerous rallies in all parts of Moscow, in which people were recorded in the division of the national militia. In the detachments walked all who could wear weapons. July 4th state
The Defense Committee adopted a special decree "On voluntary mobilization of workers in Moscow and the Moscow region in the folk militia division."
In accordance with the Decree of the USSR SCC dated July 2, 1941, "on the general mandatory preparation of the population for air defense" under the leadership of the Moscow party organization was reorganized and expanded the system of formations of local air defense. All district police station teams have now represented individual personnel battalions created in each district of Moscow and in the twelve largest cities of the region. In addition, by decision of July 9, the regiment was organized
Restoration of roads and bridges, energy recovery regiment and a separate battalion for the restoration of urban economy.
From Moscow and the Moscow region, mass evacuation began after October 10, the State Defense Committee decided to relocate from the capital to the deep rear of metallurgical plants and all major enterprises that produced military equipment, weapons and ammunition. For a month and a half was evacuated east about 500
The largest factories and plants, more than a million skilled workers, engineering and scientists, many institutions, theaters, museums. The city remained utility enterprises, workers of urban economy, transport, trade, bakery, medical institutions.
As a result of the evacuation of the factories for some time, the production of ammunition and weapons decreased dramatically, and the need for them was exceptional. It was especially necessary for the army new types of weapons: automata, reactive installations and shells to them, the newest systems of anti-tank guns.
The Moscow Council adopted the most urgent measures to restructure enterprises of the local industry and urban economy for the production of ammunition and weapons. During the time I had to abandon the repair of urban transport and the production of consumption items. But the production of machine guns, mortars, garnet, mines and shells has been established even on dish and haberdashery factories. Toy factories began to produce bottles with a combustible mixture.
On November 15-16, 1941, the onset of the German-fascist troops on Moscow strikes the 3rd and 4th tank groups, on November 18, the 2nd tank army resumed the offensive southeast Tula. The blow of a huge strength, engaged in the first days of the offensive, brought the enemy success. Soviet troops were forced to move away on a wide front to the Volga southeast of G. Kalinin (Tver) and from the turn of the Lama River of the South Sea. As a result, the enemy got the opportunity to develop success in the Klin direction. The Germans hoped to break through the defense, break out on the Volokolamsk highway and move to Moscow. The group of tank fighters of the 1077th Rifle Regiment of the 316th Division made its immortal feat of the Dubosekovo road. 28 people took on a blow of 50 enemy tanks. Their rifle-machine-gun fire attack was repulsed. Abandoned tanks abandoned in battle and a new group of automatic gunners were also stopped. Grenades, bottles with a combustible mixture and fire from anti-tank guns, brave Panfilovtsy beat 14 tanks, the rest turned back. After that, two more attempts were made to overcome this line, but it was not possible to break through the defense. This battle lasted 4 hours, the enemy lost 18tants here and dozens of soldiers. Subsequently, the street was named after the heroes of Panfilov. The Germans were also stopped in many turns near Moscow and, even considering that the advantage in guns and shells was on the side of the fascists, by the beginning of December, the offensive of the Nazis near Moscow was stopped. The enemy's hopes to seize Moscow did not come true. Exhausting and exhausting the enemy, the Soviet troops switched to counteroffensive and, defeating the Army Center, forced him to go to defense. The victory near Moscow had a huge strategic and political importance. The front was emptied to the West by 100-250 kilometers. The battle near Moscow had a great influence on the change in the situation on the other fronts of the Great Patriotic War and on the entire course of World War II.
Hundreds of thousands of patriots participated in the unfolded partisan and underground struggle in the occupied by the enemy areas. Only in the suburbs in 1941 operated 41 partisan detachment and 377 sabotage groups.

Moscow region in the postwar years

After the defeat of the fascist invaders, near Moscow, the rapid restoration of the affected areas of the Moscow region began. Great help in this was the plants and factory in Moscow. New plants are built in the area, older are reborn. Heavy industry products increase significantly. With the rapid development of the heavy industry, much attention is also paid to the growth of light industry.
The main branches of mechanical engineering in the Moscow region are transport, machine-tooling and agricultural engineering. This includes: Kolomna Plant named after V. V. Kuibyshev, producing diesel locomotive, Mytishchinsky Machine-building plant, Machine-planning plant "Komsomolets" in the city of Yegoryevsk and others.
Machine-planning plants are in Kolomna, Dmitrov. A large enterprise is a Lyuberetsky plant of agricultural machine names of Ukhtomsky. In Elektrostal, there is a heavy engineering plant that produces equipment for metallurgy and coal industry.
The enterprises of the Moscow region produces equipment for various industries: road vehicles in Dmitrov - Dmitrovsky excavator plant, equipment for the food industry in Bolshev, and others.
A textile engineering base has been created: in Podolsky district - the Klimovskoye plant of weaving machines, in textile areas - plants for the manufacture of textile equipment parts. Podolsk also has a plant for the production of sewing machines.
In the region, a high-quality steel "Elektrostal" plant was built, a powerful chemical industry was created using phosphoritis deposit in the Voskresensk-Egoryevsk area. Thus, a chemical plant producing mineral fertilizers is working in the city of Voskresensk.
Due to the huge construction in Moscow and in the field, building materials from local raw materials are of particular importance. Cement plants (Podolsky, Novo-Shchurovsky), limestone (Podolsky, Shchurovsky, Gzhelsky), refractory brick (Podolsky, Lobnensky, Kudinovsky), silicate bricks (Lyuberensky, Korenevsky, Mytishchinsky), gypsum products (Pavshinsky), Novomoskovsky plant ceramic products.
After the expulsion of the invaders from the Moscow Region, the Moscow Regional Committee of the Party and the Executive Committee of the regional council made a decision - in a short time to restore agriculture. In the difficult conditions of the post-war period, the collective farmers and employees of state farms overcame numerous difficulties.
The collective farms of Kolomna, Lukhovitsky, Ramensky and other areas that were not exposed to occupation, actively helped the victim collective farms. So, for example, Kolomna collective farms were transferred to the collective farms of the Virusky district several thousand heads of cattle, hundreds of new homes in the villages of Mozhaysky district, were rebuilt in the villages of Mozhaisk district. Moscow took the patronage of the ruined areas of the region, work factories and the factories of the capital helped to restore collective farms. The Moscow Energy Institute forces by teachers and students rebuilt the power plant in the Lotshinsky district.
Already by the end of the war, the collective farms and state farms of the Moscow region sowed almost the entire pre-war Pashny Square, and in 1948 the sowing area exceeded the pre-war level. The population of cattle and pigs increased in the region, the productivity of public animal husbandry increased. However, the achieved level of agriculture is far from consistent with the growing needs of the population.
In 1960, the collective farms occurred in our country. This has created conditions for better use of technology, more successful development of public economy.
It is also important to strengthen collective farms by senior personnel. The Moscow Committee of the Party recommended the chairmen of the collective farms of 710 specialists and practitioners from the plants and buildings of Moscow.
The September Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU 1953 and the subsequent decisions of the party and government on agricultural issues contributed to the steep rise of collective farms and state farms of the Moscow region. Only in 1954-1955 the collective farms and state farms of the region received 1892 tractors, 545 grain and 582 silage combines, a significant number of other agricultural machines.
In early 1956, on the eve of the XX Coupss Congress, agricultural workers of the Moscow region entered into a socialist competition with the Kiev region of the Ukrainian SSR, assumed high commitments to increase the production of milk, meat and vegetables. Under the leadership of party organizations, the workers of the Moscow region have achieved a significant increase in agricultural products in 1956. For the high level of production of livestock products and an increase in the sale of their state, the Moscow region was awarded in 1956 by the highest award - the Order of Lenin. At the same time, 2383 employees of agriculture of the region were awarded with orders and medals.
In response to a high award of the workers of the collective farms and state farms of the Moscow region, they had a commitment to achieve even more lifting of all branches of agriculture. One of the events for rapid increase in grain production was the development of virgin and landscale lands.
The Soviet people perceived the development of virgin and landlord lands as their native, blood business. Thousands of Soviet patriots responded to the conscription of the party and governments, who left for new places to take part in solving the most important state problem.

Moscow surrounds the real ring from the vintage fortresses. We have collected for you all the preserved Kremlin of the Moscow region. You can visit each of them in one day, along the way, looking at the city itself - all these places are ancient, interesting, with their own unique history and monuments.

  1. Brand. Kremlin XIV century, with high earthen shafts. Its walls were always wooden. In the Kremlin Christ Cathedral, the hero of war of 1812, General Dorokhov, was buried. Route M1, 98 km from Moscow Ring Road.
  2. Volokolamsk. Kremlin XII century. The city of the lamp on the lamp was founded by the Novgorodians, then Moscow, then Vladimir troops precipitated. The city was strengthened: a wooden Kremlin was built on a high hill on earth shafts, the height of the fortifications reached about 25 meters. The Kremlin has preserved ancient Resurrection Cathedral of the XV century. M9, 100 km from the Moscow Ring Road.

  3. Dmitrov. Kremlin XII century. The historic center of the city is a Kremlin, an obscured ring of powerful earth shafts. At the end of the XVI century, the trees were strengthened with a high wooden tys. In the troubled time strengthening burned down and no longer restored, but the shaft was left and now serves as a favorite place of rising citizens and tourists. In the center of the Kremlin stands the ancient Assumption Cathedral of the XVI century. Route A104, 54 km from MKAD.

  4. Zaraisk. Kremlin XVI century. By decree of the Grand Duke Vasily III in Zaraisk in 1528-1531, a stone fortress was built. Even before her, the city was strengthened by shafts and a wooden fortress - an incentive. Powerful walls and 7 towers have been preserved to this day. Route M5, 140 km from MKAD.

  5. Zvenigorod. Kremlin XIV century. On the high shore of the Moscow River, Prince Yuri Zvenigorodsky built strengthening - a high shaft and a wooden wall with the towers, and inside the cathedral, preserved and understood. At the foot of the hill there is a spring, where local residents are gaining very tasty water. Route A107 between M1 and M9, 46 km from Moscow Ring Road.

  6. Kolomna. Kremlin XVI century. Initially, Kolomna was reinforced with a wooden wall with shafts. The powerful stone walls of the Kolomna Kremlin with a length of about 2 km, a width of 4-5 meters and a height of up to 20 meters were built in 1525-1531 on the command of the Grand Duke Vasily III. This is the largest area of \u200b\u200bthe Kremlin of the Moscow region, which enlists the 2 acting monastery, the Cathedral complex and several streets, where people live to this day. Route M5, 92 km from Moscow Ring Road.

  7. Mozhaisk. Kremlin XIII century. The city on a high hill over the Mozhaica River was reinforced partially wooden, partially global wall, later rebuilt in stone. In 1802, brick walls were disassembled. But there was a magnificent non-neutic Nikolsky Cathedral on a hill, prominent from afar. Route M1, 93 km from MKAD.

  8. Ruza. Kremlin XV-XVII centuries. Ruza was not an independent principality. The high hill, surrounded by the three sides of the rivers, and with the fourth - moat, was an excellent fortification, on which only in troubled time, in 1618 they put a wooden tyne, which allowed the city to reflect the Pole attack. To the Kremlin, this fortification can be attributed with a large proportion. Route A108, between M1 and M9, 93 km from the Moscow Ring Road.

  9. Serpukhov. Kremlin XIV century. Initially, the Kremlin, as in other cities, was a wooden-earthen, built strengthens were with a specific Knyaza Vladimir Herbrom. Stone fortress with wide low sandstone walls was erected in 1556. In the Soviet times, the walls of the fortress were almost completely disassembled - stone blocks went to the construction of the Moscow metro. Route M2, 85 km from Moscow Ring Road.