The problem of the work of the dog's heart Bulgakov. "Dog heart" analysis briefly

The problem of the work of the dog's heart Bulgakov. "Dog heart" analysis briefly

What is this book about " dog's heart"? The ironic story of Bulgakov tells about the failed experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky. What is it? In finding a response to the question of how to "rejuvenate" humanity. Does the hero have to find the desired answer? Not. But he comes to the result having more high level significance than conceived experiment.

Kievlyan Bulgakov decided to become a singer of Moscow, her homes and streets. So the Moscow chronicles were born. The story was written in the prechistan alleys by order of the magazine "Nedra", well acquainted with the work of the writer. The chronology of writing the work is laid in three months of 1925.

As a doctor, Mikhail Alexandrovich continued his family's dynasty, describing in detail in the book the operation on the "rejuvenation" of a person. Moreover, the doctor N.M. known in Moscow Pokrovsky, Uncle the author of the story, became the prototype of Professor Preobrazhensky.

The first reading of the typewritten material was held at the meeting of Nikitsky Saturdays, which immediately became aware of the leadership of the country. In May 1926, the Bulgakov was searched, the result of which did not make himself wait: the manuscript was seized. The idea of \u200b\u200bprinting his work at the writer was not realized. The Soviet reader saw the book only in 1987.

Main problems

The book is not in vain concerned the vigilant guards of thought. Bulgakov managed gracefully and sophisticated, but still quite clearly reflect the topical questions - challenges of the new time. Problems in the story "The dog's heart", which affect the author, do not leave readers indifferent. The writer argues on the ethical science, the moral responsibility of the scientist for its experiments, the possibility of the destructive consequences of scientific adventurism and ignorance. The technical breakthrough could turn into a moral decline.

Problem scientific progress It is acute at the time of his impotence before the transformation of the consciousness of the new person. With his body, the professor coped with his body, but he could not control the spirit, so Preobrazhensky had to part with ambitions and correct his mistake - stop over with the universe and return the dog's heart to the owner. Artificial people could not justify their proud title and become full-fledged members of society. In addition, endless rejuvenation could put under the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress itself, because if new generations are naturally not replaced by the old, the development of the world will stop.

Is it really attempted to change the country's mentality for the better at all fruitless? Soviet authority I tried to eradicate prejudices of past centuries - it is this process that stands for the metaphor of the creation of Sharicikov. Here he is a proletarian, a new Soviet citizen, his creation is possible. However, the problem of education arises before its creators: they cannot take their creation and teach it to be cultural, educated and moral with a complete set of revolutionary consciousness, class hatred and blind faith in the correctness and infallibility of the party. Why? It is impossible: either a manifold, or a pitcher.

Human defenselessness in the vortex of events related to the construction of a socialist society, hatred for violence and hypocrisy, the absence and suppression of the remaining human dignity In all its manifestations - all these are slapped, which the author swam on his era, and all because it does not put individuality in a penny. Collectivization touched not only the village, but also the souls. It was becoming more complicated personality and more difficult, because the public has made all new and new rights on it. Universal equating and equalization did not make people happier, but turned them into rows of any meaningful biorobots, where the tone set the most gray and mediocre of them. Rudeness and nonsense became the norm in society, replaced revolutionary consciousness, and in the image of Sharicikov we see the sentence with a new type soviet man. From the dominion of the Svondera and the problems of the intelligence and intelligentsia, the power of dark instincts in the life of the individual, total rude interference in the natural course of things ...

There is no answer to some questions that are delivered in the work.

What is the meaning of the book?

People have long been looking for answers to questions: What is a person? What is his social purpose? What role does everyone play in the creation of the medium that would be "comfortable" living on the planet Earth? What are the "paths" to this "comfort community"? Is the consensus between people of different social originwho adhered to opposing views on certain issues of being occupying alternative "steps" in intellectual and cultural development? And, of course, it is important to understand the simple truth that society develops due to unexpected discoveries in a particular branch of science. But does these "discoveries" always be called progressive? Bulgakov on all these questions is responsible with the irony characteristic of him.

A person is a person, and the development of the personality implies independence in which the Soviet citizen denied. Public purpose of people is to make their job workshops and do not interfere with others. However, the "conscious" heroes of Bulgakov only chant the slogans, but they do not work for the benefit of their incarnation into reality. Each of us in the name of comfort should be tolerated to dissent and do not interfere with people to confess. And again in the USSR, everything exactly, but on the contrary: the talent of Preobrazhensky is forced to defend his right to defend his right to help patients, and his point of view is brazenly condemned and persecuted with some insignificance. They can live in the world, if everyone will deal with their work, but there is no equality in nature and can not be, because from the very birth we all differ from each other. It is impossible to maintain it artificially, since there can not start a semissioner to begin to be ingeniously operated, and a professor is to play at the balalaica. Imposed, not real equality only hurts to people, will prevent them from adequately evaluate their place in the world and with the dignity to occupy it.

Opening mankind is needed, it is understandable. But it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel - trying to reproduce a person artificially, for example. If a natural way is still possible, why is it analogue, and even such a time-consuming? Before people stands a lot of other, more significant threats to which it is worth paying all the power of scientific intelligence.

Main topics

Tale multifacene. The author affects important topics, characteristic not only by the era of the beginning of the twentieth century, but also being "eternal": good and evil, science and morality, morality, the fate of a person, attitudes towards animals, building a new state, homeland, sincere human relations. I especially want to highlight the topic of the Creator's responsibility for your creation. The struggle of ambitions and principle in Professor ended with the victory of humanism over pride. He resigned with his error, recognized defeat and took advantage of the experience to correct the mistakes. This is how every creator should do.

Also relevant in the work of the identity freedom and the borders that society, as well as the state, is not entitled. Bulgakov insists that a full-fledged person is the one that has freedom of will and belief. Only he can develop the idea of \u200b\u200bsocialism without caricature forms and branches, irremunities. The crowd of the blind and always visited primitive incentives. But the personality is capable of self-control and self-development, she must be able to work and live for the benefit of society, and not to configure it against him in vain attempts of a violent merger.

Satire and humor

The book opens with a monologue of the stray dog, facing "citizens" and gives the exact characteristics of Muscovites and the city itself. The population "eyes" of the dog is inhomogeneous (which corresponds to reality!): Citizens - comrades - gentlemen. "Citizens" are serving in the cooperative of the centerochoza, and the "Lord" - in the Okhotny Row. Why rich people a rotten horse? This "poison" will receive only in Mosselprom.

You can "find out" a person in the eyes: who have "Such in the soul", who is aggressive, and who "holly". The latter is the most nasty. You are afraid - you should "fuck". The nasal "scum" - wipers: row "Human purification".

But the cook is an important object. Nutrition is a serious indicator of the state of society. So, the Barsky Cook of Tolstoy Counts is a real person, and the chefs from the Council Normal nutrition They make such a thing that even the dog is inexcess to the dog. If he became chairman, then actively steal. Ham, tangerines, wines are "Brothers Eliseev former." The doorman worse than cats. He misses a wandering dog, crouching in front of the professor.

The education system "implies" Muscovites "educated" and "uneducated". Why learn to read? "Meat So smells for the mile." But if there is at least some brains, you will experience letters without courses, like, for example, stray dog. The beginning of the Sharikov education is an electrician store where the tramp "reserved" insulated wire.

Receptions of irony, humor and satire are often used in combination with trails: comparisons, metaphors and personification. Special satyric Reception You can consider the method of initial presentation of characters by preliminary descriptive characteristic: "Mysterious Mr.", "Rich Chudak" - Professor Preobrazhensky "; "Handsome-trapped", "bite" - Dr. Bormental; "Someone", "Fruit" is a visitor. The inability of Sharicikov to communicate with tenants, formulate their demands, gives birth to humorous situations and questions.

If we talk about the state of the press, then the mouth of Fyodor Fedorovich writer argues on the case when as a result of reading soviet newspapers Before dinner, patients lost weight. It is interesting to assess the professor of an existing building through the "hanger" and "calorie rack": until 1917, the doors of the parade did not close, as the dirty shoes and the upper clothes were left below. After March, all Kalosh disappeared.

Main idea

In his book MA Bulgakov warned that violence is a crime. All living on Earth has the right to exist. This is an unwritten law of nature, which needs to be followed to prevent the point of non-return. It is necessary to keep the cleanliness of the soul and thoughts for life, so as not to indulge inner aggression, do not spill it out. Therefore, the violent intervention of the professor in the natural course of things is condemned by the writer, therefore leads to such monstrous consequences.

The civil war fell down society, made it marginal, Khamsky and the vulgar on the basis of his own. Here they are, the fruits of violent intervention in the life of the country. All Russia 20s - rough and ignorant balls, which does not seek labor at all. His tasks are less elevated and more selfish. Bulgakov warned contemporaries from such a development of events, having made the vices of a new type of people and showing their inconsistency.

Main characters and their characteristics

  1. The central figure of the book is Professor Preobrazhensky. Wears glasses in the gold rim. Lives in a rich apartment consisting of seven rooms. He is alone. Everything is devoted to work. Philipp Philippovich leads the reception at home, sometimes it operates here. Patients call it "magic", "sorcerer". "Creates", accompanying its actions with singing excerpts from the opera. Loves theater. I am convinced that every person should strive to become a specialist in his own business. Professor is a wonderful speaker. His judgments are built in a clear logical chain. He says about himself that he is a man of observation, facts. Leading a discussion, fonders, enters the excitement, sometimes goes to a cry if the problem hits it for living. Attitude towards a new building manifests itself in his statements about Terror, paralyzing nervous system man, about newspapers, about breaking in the country. Carefully refers to animals: "Hip, poor fellow". In relation to living beings, only affection and the impossibility of any violence preaches. Suggestion of humane truths - the only way Impact on all living things. Interesting detail In the interior of the apartment of the professor - a huge owl sitting on the wall, a symbol of wisdom, so necessary not only scientist with a world name, but also to every person. At the end of the "Experiment" finds courage to admit that experiment rejuvenation failed.
  2. Young, beautiful Ivan. Arnoldovich Bormental - the assistant of the professor who loved him, sheltered as a new young man. Philipp Philippovich hoped that a talented scientist would be released from the doctor. During the operation in the hands of Ivan Arnoldovich literally everything flashes. The doctor is not just a scrupulously applies to his duties. Doctor's diary as a strict medical report-observation of the patient's condition reflects the entire range of his senses and experiences for the result of the "experiment".
  3. Schwonder - Chairman of the Household. All his actions resemble the puppet convulsions, which someone invisible manages. The speech is confused, the same words are repeated, which sometimes causes indulgence smile from readers. The Swedder does not even have a name. He sees his task in doing will new powerwithout thinking, it's good or bad. For the sake of achieving its goal is capable of any step. Mustache, he distorts the facts, slander on many people.
  4. Balls - the creature, something, the result of the "experiment". Bess and low forehead testifies to the level of its development. Uses in your vocabulary all the swiss words. Attempting to teach him good manners, the taste of the beautiful was not crowned with success: Drinking, stealing, mocks women, cynically insults people, soul cats, "makes animal actions." As they say, nature is resting on it, because it is impossible to go with it.

Basic motifs of Bulgakov's creativity

The multi-faceted creativity Bulgakov amazes. You seem to travel by works, meeting familiar motifs. Love, greed, totalitarianism, morality is only particles of one whole, "worst" from the book in the book and creating a uniform thread.

  • In the "notes on cuffs" and in the "dog heart" the faith in human kindness sounds. This motive is central and in the "Master and Margarita".
  • In the story "Devilia" fate clearly little man, ordinary screw of the bureaucratic machine. This motive is characteristic of other works of the author. The system suppresses them in people top QualitiesAnd it is terrible that over time it becomes the norm. In the novel "Master and Margarita" in the "psychushka" held writers whose creations did not meet the ruling ideology. Professor Preobrazhensky talked about his observations when he gave the patient before dinner read the newspaper "True", then they were lost in weight. What would contribute to the expansion of the horizon and allowed to look at events from opposite angles, it was impossible to find in the periodic press.
  • Egoism - this is what the majority is guided negative characters Bulgakov books. For example, the balls from the "dog heart". And how many troubles could be avoided, provided that the "red beam" would take advantage of the appointment, and not for mercenary purposes (the story " Fat eggs")? The foundations of these works are experiments, reaching against nature. It is noteworthy that Bulgakov was identified experiment with the construction of socialism in the Soviet Union, which is dangerous for society as a whole.
  • The main motive of the writer's creativity is the motive of his home. The comfort of Philip Philippovich's apartment ("Lamp near Silk Abazhur") reminds the atmosphere of the turbine house. The house is the family, the Motherland, Russia, which the writer has a heart sick. With all his work, he walked homely well-being and prosperity.

Interesting? Save on your wall!

M. A. Bulgakov came to the literature already during the years of Soviet power. He was not an emigrant and experienced all the difficulties and contradictions of the Soviet reality of the 30s. Xx in. The theme of the disharmony, brought to the absurdity due to the intervention of a person in the eternal laws of nature, with brilliant craftsmanship and talent revealed to Bulgakov in the story "The dog's heart". Eternal problem the best minds In Russia - the relationship between the intelligentsia and the people. What is the role of the intelligentsia, which is how to participate in the fate of the people - the author of the story in the distant 20th year was made to think about it. Xx in. In the story, fiction elements are combined with a household background. Professor Preobrazhensky - Democrat on origin and beliefs, a typical Moscow intellectual. He hoses the tradition of students of Moscow University: to serve as science, helping a person and not harm him, to cherish the life of any person - good and bad. His assistant, Dr. Bormental, reverently belongs to his teacher, admires his talent, skill, human qualities. But it does not exist in him, that Holy Service is the ideas of humanism, what we see from Preobrazhensky.

Bormental is capable of angry, indignant, even apply force if it is necessary for the use of the case. And these two people do an invisible experiment in world science - transplant stray PSU Man's pituitary gland. The result was C. scientific Vision is unexpected and phenomenal, but in domestic, everyday plan, he led to the most deplorable results. The creature formed in this way has the appearance of his human donor - Klima Cegulkin. This hybrid is rude, undeveloped, self-dressing and brazen. He, by all means, wants to get out of people, become no worse than others. But he cannot understand that for this it is necessary to overcome the path of long spiritual development, work on the development of intelligence, horizons, mastering knowledge.

Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov puts lacquered boots and a poisonous color tie, and in the rest of his suit is dirty, untidable, tasteless. He, with the help of the Schwonder-governing houses, is prescribed in the apartment of Preobrazhensky,

It requires the "Sixteen Arshin" of the living space, even trying to bring his wife to the house. He believes that it enhances its ideological level: reads a book recommended by the Swededer - Engels correspondence with Kautsky. From the point of view of Preobrazhensky, all this bluff, empty sweat, which in no way contribute to the mental and spiritual development Sharicikova. However, from the point of view of the Swedder and the like, the balls are quite suitable for the society, which they with such pathos and use are created. Sharicikov even took a job in state InstitutionMade it with a small boss. To him, become a boss - it means to transform outwardly, to get power over people. So it happens. He is now dressed in a leather jacket and boots, rides a state car, manages the fate of the poor sex of the secretary. Professor Preobrazhensky still does not leave thoughts to make a man from Sharicikov. He hopes to evolution, gradual development. But there is no development and will not, if the person himself does not seek him. In fact, the whole life of the professor turns into a solid nightmare. The balls are home drunk, sticks to women, breaks and crashing everything around. He became a thunderstorm not only for the inhabitants of the apartment, but also for the tenants of the whole house. And what are able to set the balls, if you give them a complete will? It is terrible to imagine a picture of the life that they are able to create around themselves. So the good of the intentions of Preobrazhensky turn the tragedy. It comes to the conclusion that violent intervention in the nature of man and society leads to disastrous results. In the story of "Dog's Heart", the professor corrects his mistake - the balls turn into PSA again. He is pleased with his destiny and himself. But in life such experiments are irreversible. And Bulgakov managed to warn about it at the very beginning of those destructive transformations, which began in our country in 1917

Problems and artistic peculiarity of the story M. A. Bulgakov "Dog's Heart"

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov was born in Kiev, in the family of the teacher of the Spiritual Academy Athanasius Ivanovich Bulgakov. He began to compose, according to the testimony of loved ones, early. Mostly it was small stories, satirical poems, dramatic scenes. Gradually, interest in Bulgakov works increases. It becomes obvious that the talent of the artist was at Bulgakov, which is called, from God. Fame to the writer brought the novel " White Guard", Reworked later in the" Turbine Days "play. Big success had a comedy "Zoykin Apartment" and humorous Collection Stories "Dlavoliad" (1925). However, since 1928, the situation of the Bulgakov has been created around the name of Bulgakov, the name of the writer becomes like an out of law. Pieces "Running", "Ivan Vasilyevich", "Bagher Island", Roman "Master and Margarita" - far from full list Works who have not seen the light during the author's life. In the same list, there is a story "The dog's heart". This work, written in 1925, saw the light only in 1987 in the magazine "Banner". The basis of the story was a risky experiment. The choice of such a plot of Bulgakov is not accidental. Everything that happened then and what was called the construction of socialism, was perceived by the author of the "dog heart" precisely as an experiment - a huge scale and more than dangerous. Skeptical Bulgakov also belonged to attempts to create a new perfect society revolutionary, that is, non-exclusive violence, methods, to raising the same violent methods of the new, free man. For the author, it was unacceptable interference in the natural course of things whose consequences could be deposited to all, including for the "experimenters". About this "dog heart" and warns the reader.
One of the main characters, a professor Preobrazhensky becomes an expressive of copyright thoughts. This is a major physiologist. It appears as an embodiment of education and high culture. According to convictions, this is a supporter of old pre-revolutionary orders. All his sympathies on the side of the former homeowners, breeders, manufacturers, in which he says was order and he lived comfortably and good. Bulgakov does not analyze political Views Preobrazhensky. But the scientist expresses very certain thoughts of breakdown, about the inability of the proletarians to cope with it. In his opinion, first of all, people need to teach elementary culture in everyday life and in production, only then the case will work, the devastation will disappear, there will be order. People will become others. But this philosophy of Preobrazhensky suffers collapse. He can not raise in the ball reasonable man: "I was angry for these two weeks more than in the last fourteen years ..."
What is the reason for the failure of Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormental? And it's not just in genetic engineering. Preobrazhensky is confident that purely animal instincts affecting behavior former PSA Sharicov, you can negose: "Cats are temporary ... This is a matter of discipline and two or three weeks. Trust me. Another month, and he stops throwing them. " The question is not in physiology, but that the balls are the type of a certain environment. The dog becomes a man, but his actions determine the genes received from the drunkard and Hama Klima Chugulkin: "... he is no longer a dog, namely human heart. And the most lousy of all that exist in nature! " The contrast between the intellectual start, embodied in the intelligent people, the physiologists of Preobrazhensky and Bormental, and the dark instincts of "Gomunkula" Sharicikov (with a low, beveled forehead) is so decaying that it creates not only a comic, grotesque effect, but also stains in tragic tones.
An important role is played here and Schwonder. He tries to influence, bring up Sharicikov. This is not the dog, not the person in a conversation with Preobrazhensky literally repeats the words and phrases of the Schwonder not only about the rights, but also about their superiority over the bourgeois: "We did not live in universities, I did not live in apartments from 15 rooms with baths ... »Naturally, an attempt to raise a new person in yesterday's ball is a satirical lung of the writer against the Svondera. It is worth noting that Satyra and humor Bulgakov achieve in this story high degree skill. Enough to remember the brilliantly written scene with a rejuvenated old man boasting love adventures, or the scene with the "passionate lady" is not the first youth, which, to keep the lover, is ready for everything. These scenes are drawn through the perception of PSA. "Well, you", "he thoughtfully thought, putting his head on his paws and treated from shame." Comic and the image of the Schwonder, who decided to raise the Sharia in the "Marxist spirit": the process itself, the process of alternating balls is drawn in sharp satirical and humorous colors. In a plot, it is built in contrast - the smart and gentle dog becomes a rude, uncompatible Ham, in which the inherited properties of Klima Cegulkina are explicitly manifested. The vulgar speech of this character is merged with his actions. They become gradually increasingly outrageous and intolerable. It scares the lady on the stairs, then he, as a crazy throws behind the cats, disappears, then disappears on the Kabaks and Tractors. As a result - a humorous scene with a criminal police, who came to the epilogue of the Name of Schwonder's denunciation of Sharia; Professor explains a lot. He places PSA as proof of his innocence and explains: "That is, he spoke ... It does not mean to be a person ..."
The innovation of the story "The dog's heart" is not only in the satirical and humorous skill of Bulgakov, but also in the complex philosophical concept of this work. According to the author of the "dog heart", humanity turns out to be powerless in the fight against dark instincts, waking up in humans. The tragedy was that in the life of the balls quickly dispersed. And they, in the words of the polygraph of Polygraphych, "sulfate-stortified" ... So, we understand that Bulgakov in the story "The dog's heart" with a huge impressive force, in his favorite manner Grotesque and humor raised the question of the power of dark instincts in Human life. His satire in the address of the ball, Schwonder, Klimov Castowders reached the highest degree of skill and expressiveness. Sympathy of Bulgakov on the side of Preobrazhensky. But faith in the fact that dark instincts in the lives of people can be negotiable or with the help of science, or with the help of the general efforts of the team, - the faith of this writer is not. It can be said that the story is painted into pessimistic tones.
In a wide and diverse flow of literature of the twentieth years, Bulgakov broke rapidly and took a prominent place in it. He created a number classic works In many genres. Mikhail Afanasyevich became one of the founders of the new satire. He defended universal ideals, melted flames, which, unfortunately, not burning so far ...

Moral problematics of the story of Bulgakov "Dog's Heart"

1. The tracking.

Prose M. A. Bulgakov.

2. The main part.

2.1. The "Dog's Heart" is thinking over the moral side of life.

2.2 Plot works.

2.3 The image of Professor Preobrazhensky.

2.4 balls - type of a new person.

2.5 Schwonder - a representative of power.

3. Conclusion.

Social subtext works.

Reasonable and moral always coincide.

Life I. creative way Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, one of the largest Russian writers, coincided with tragic events The stories of our country began the twentieth century. In his work, social and moral contradictions of the epoch were especially bright. Prose writer who combined unusual The features of satire and fiction, handed over his worldview in the period of universal disorder and chaos. M. A. Bulgakov most worried moral problems, especially exacerbated in this period of history.

The story "The dog's heart" was written in 1925. but wide circle Russian readers were able to get acquainted with the work only in 1987, when the story was published in the magazine "Banner". The plot is based on

the scientific experiment of a talented professor of Preobrazhensky, who by surgical intervention was able to turn the dog to a person. New person, Balls, quickly coming out from under the control of the professor and begins to live

his life. The balls turn out to be incredible, rough, cruel creation.

Professor Preobrazhensky - An image of a talented scientist and a beautiful person. It is undoubtedly clever, educated, intellectane. Preobrazhensky is not only the luminaries in its field of science. He is cultural, thinly feeling art man. The versatile interests of the professor are not limited to one medicine. He is interested social life His country, deeply rejoicing for her destiny. Preobrazhensky loves music, disassembled in it, admires works by art. He has a civilian courage, entering into a conflict with representatives of the new government. In the mouth of Preobrazhensky Bulgakov invests his thoughts about the Soviet strict and those terrible events that occur in Russia in the era of the revolution. However, this wonderful person I forgot about the moral side of the case when I was taken as an experiment on the creation of a person. Preobrazhensky, without thinking, takes on the function of the Creator, God, forgetting that it is not forces. Professor's tragedy is that he could not foresee the consequences of his actions.

The work opens with a monologue of Sharicikov - dogs, homeless and unhappy. Reading these lines, experiencing sympathy and pity for a poor being, offended people. But, having transplanted the miserable ball, the pituitary of the recidivist and an alcoholic Klima Chugulkin, the professor did him badly

service. Turning into a person, polygraph polygraph of the balls causes disgust: "Man vertically challenged ... forehead hit his small embroidery. Almost directly over black rubber strings began a thick headbrush. " The first words of Sharicov are rude street expressions and curses. He brazenly, aggressive, self-confident. From man balls took worst traits. Professor Preobrazhensky, seeing his creation, first hopes to re-educate Sharicikov. He is trying to teach him to live among people, to train the elementary rules of behavior. But everything is in vain. Klim Chugowki wins Preobrack. The life of the inhabitants of the Preobrazhensky apartment turns into a nightmare. The balls becomes a thunderstorm not only the professor and his household, but also the inhabitants of the whole house. Watching him, the scientist understands which consequences can lead Sharicov's activities. With bitterness, Professor understands his mistake and returns everything to its place. But in life, such experiments are not so easy to fix. The writer warns society that any actions that depend on the fate of people should be well thought out, and the consequences are predictable. Reflections on responsibility for their own actions of Bulgakov suffers on social soil. Before his gaze, a great social experiment unfolded, when the Soviet government tried to create a new society of proletarians. Acting with cruel methods, the Creators of the Revolution, as well as Professor Preobrazhensky, did not think about the consequences. Schwonder, a representative of a new government, no less ugly and unpleasant than balls. He is also stupid, unhappy, vigorous and at the same time malicious, cruel. Schwonder believes that he has the right to teach others and is trying to raise the true proletarian from the Shariarikov. It is the result

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov was born in Kiev, in the family of the teacher of the Spiritual Academy Athanasius Ivanovich Bulgakov. He began to compose, according to the testimony of loved ones, early. These were mainly small stories, satirical poems, dramatic scenes. Gradually, interest in Bulgakov works increases. It becomes obvious that the talent of the artist was at Bulgakov, which is called, from God. Fame to the writer brought the novel "White Guard", reworked by subsequently in the play "Turbine Days". Great success had a comedy "Zoykin Apartment" and a humorous collection of the stories "Dlavoliad" (1925). However, since 1928, the situation of the Bulgakov has been created around the name of Bulgakov, the name of the writer becomes like an out of law. Pieces "Running", "Ivan Vasilyevich", "Bagher Island", Roman "Master and Margarita" - a far from a complete list of works that have not seen the light during the author's life. In the same list, there is a story "Dog's Heart". This work, written in 1925, saw the light only in 1987 in the magazine "Banner". The basis of the story was a risky experiment. The choice of such a plot of Bulgakov is not accidental. Everything that happened then and what was called the construction of socialism, was perceived by the author of the "dog heart" as an experiment - a huge scale and more than dangerous. Skeptical Bulgakov also belonged to attempts to create a new perfect society revolutionary, that is, non-exclusive violence, methods, to raising the same violent methods of a new, free person. For the author, it was unacceptable interference in the natural course of things, the consequences of which could be deplorable for all, including for the "experimenters". About this "Dog's heart" and warns the reader.

One of the main characters, a professor Preobrazhensky becomes an expressive of copyright thoughts. This is a major physiologist. It appears as an embodiment of the formation and high culture. According to convictions, this is a supporter of old pre-revolutionary orders. All his sympathies on the side of the former homeowners, breeders, manufacturers, in which he says was order and he lived comfortably and good. Bulgakov does not analyze the political views of Preobrazhensky. But the scientist expresses very certain thoughts of breakdown, about the inability of the proletarians to cope with it. In his opinion, first of all, people need to teach elementary culture in everyday life and in production, only then the case will work, the devastation will disappear, there will be order. People will become others. But this philosophy of Preobrazhensky suffers collapse. He cannot raise a wise man in the ball: "I was angry for these two weeks more than in the last fourteen years ..."

What is the reason for the failure of Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormental? And it's not just in genetic engineering. Preobrazhensky is confident that purely animal instincts, affecting the behavior of the former PSA Sharikov, can be negotiable: "Cats are temporary ... This is a matter of discipline and two or three weeks. Trust me. Another month, and he will stop throwing them. " The question is not in physiology, but that the balls are the type of a certain environment. The dog becomes a man, but his actions determine the genes received from the drunkard and Hama Klima Chugulkin: "... he is no longer a dog, namely the human heart. And the most lousy of all that exist in nature! " The contrast between the intellectual principle embodied in the intelligent people, the physiologists by Preobrazhensky and Borneta, and the dark instincts of the Gomunkula Sharicikov (with a low, beveled forehead) is so decaying that it creates not only a comic, grotesque effect, but also stains in tragic tones.

An important role is played here and Schwonder. He tries to influence, bring up Sharicikov. This is not the dog, not the person in a conversation with Preobrazhensky literally repeats the words and phrases of the Schwonder not only about the rights, but also about their superiority over the bourgeois: "We did not live in universities, I did not live in apartments from 15 rooms ... "It is natural that an attempt to raise a new person in yesterday's ball is a satirical lungs of the writer against the swords. It is worth noting that Satira and humor Bulgakov in this story achieve the highest degree of skill. It is enough to remember the brilliantly written scene with a rejuvenated old man, bragging his love love, or the scene with a "passionate lady" is not the first youth, which, to keep the lover, is ready for everything. These scenes are drawn through the perception of PSA. "Well, you for a hell," he thoughtfully thought, putting his head on his paws and treated from shame. " Comic and the image of the Schwonder, who decided to raise the Sharia in the "Marxist spirit": the process of humaniflowing the ballovikov is drawn in sharp satirical and humorous colors. In a plot, it is built in contrast - the smart and gentle dog becomes a rude, uncompatible Ham, in which the inherited properties of Klima Cegulkina are explicitly manifested. The vulgar speech of this character is merged with his actions. They become gradually increasingly outrageous and intolerable. It scares the lady on the stairs, then he, as a crazy throws behind the cats, disappears, then disappears on the Kabaks and Tractors. As a result - a humorous scene with a criminal police, who came to the epilogue of the Name of Schwonder's denunciation of Sharia; Professor explains a lot. He places PSA as proof of his innocence and explains: "That is, he spoke ... It does not mean to be a person ..."

An innovation of the story "The dog's heart" is not only in the satirical and humorous skill of Bulgakov, but also in the complex philosophical concept of this work. According to the author of the "dog heart", humanity is powerless in the fight against dark instincts, waking up in people. The tragedy was that in the life of the balls quickly dispersed. And they, in the words of Polygraph Polygraphic, "strangled-strangled" ... So, we understand that Bulgakov in the story "The dog's heart" with a huge impressive force, in his favorite manner Grotesque and humor raised the question of the power of dark instincts in Human life. His satire in the address of the ball, Schwonder, Klimov Castowders reached the highest degree of skill and expressiveness. Sympathy of Bulgakov on the side of Preobrazhensky. But faith in the fact that dark instincts in the lives of people can be negotiable or with the help of science, or with the help of the general efforts of the team, - the faith of this writer is not. It can be said that the story is painted into pessimistic tones.

In a wide and diverse flow of literature of the twentieth years, Bulgakov broke rapidly and took a prominent place in it. He created a number of classic works in many genres. Mikhail Afanasyevich became one of the founders of the new satire. He defended universal ideals, melted flames, which, unfortunately, not burning so far ...

M. A. Bulgakov is one of the most striking and talented writers of the mid-20th century. The topics of his works remain relevant and retain deep meaning, thanks to its versatility and originality. One of the most famous works It is the story "Dog's Heart".

The work was written in 1925, but only 1987 were able to publish it. The ban on publication was directly related to the content of the work and almost direct criticism of the realities of the Soviet reality of the 20s.

The name of the story "The dog's heart" can be interpreted in different ways. The first, the most obvious, - the author just chose such a name based on the events described in the work (the hero lives with the heart of the dog). You can also interpret the word "dog" and in figurative sense, that is, "very bad" (for example, "dog life", "Dog work"). Given this value, it can be concluded that the Sharicikova "Dog's" heart. From good i. cute PSA It turned into an evil, mercenary and rude misunderstanding.

The topic of the work is an incredible experiment that ends with the transformation of a dog in a person, as well as the consequences to which it led. Using grotesque, the author introduces the elements of fiction in the usual urban reality. The action begins with the fact that Professor F. F. Preobrazhensky is re-following the experiment on the transfer of pituitary and seminal glands of a man's stray. The operation gives an amazing result - the dog begins to gradually turn into a person. Moreover, over time, it is increasingly reminders of his "donor" - thief and drunking of Klima Cegulkin. So the homeless dog the ball becomes a polygraph of polygraphic balls. Professor Preobrazhensky and his assistant Dr. Bormental are trying to instill good manners and raise it, but all their efforts are in vain. Their ward receives documents and requires a residence permit, constantly comes drunk, sticks to the servant; He begins to work in the department for catching stray cats, brings home a woman and writes to the professor to the nose. The balls literally ruins the life of the professor, and also ruins his faith in the possibility of re-education.

The author puts several problems in front of the reader. This is the question of interference in the laws of nature - Professor Preobrazhensky move the most so good intentions, but the result is directly opposed. He is forced to deal with the unforeseen consequences of his experiment. The author also affects the relationship between the intelligentsia and the people in the post-revolutionary time. In ironic tones of Bulgakov, describes stupid bureaucratic wires and bureaucrats. It condemns illiteracy, ignorance and stupidity.

Contrast is often used in the work - Professor Preobrazhensky and his environment is opposed to aggressive and configured and absount to peacedisclosed through the images of the Schwonder and other members of the jack. Also, the author often uses grotesque and irony, emphasizing the shortcomings and meaninglessness of what is happening.

The final is instructive. Good intentions of Preobrazhensky turn around the tragedy. The only output was the return of the ball to its original position.

(3 estimates, average: 3.67 out of 5)

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