How to refuse to a friend in the request. How politely refuse to not offend a person? How to say solid "no": Tips for psychologists, examples of phrases

How to refuse to a friend in the request. How politely refuse to not offend a person? How to say solid
How to refuse to a friend in the request. How politely refuse to not offend a person? How to say solid "no": Tips for psychologists, examples of phrases
Olga Vorobyeva | 9.10.2015 | 9031.

Olga Vorobiev 9/10/2015 9031

If you do not want or can not fulfill the request of a friend or relative, tell me one of these phrases. They will help politely refuse to anyone.

Honestly confess: I used to know how to tell people "no." I helped everyone who asked for: girlfriends, secondary aids, random fellow travelers, "neighbors" on the storey queue. Not always, their requests were light-fulfilling, often gave me inconvenience.

Once I realized that I need to learn to say "no." And if unauthorized people over time I began to refuse without remorse, then with friends and relatives of things were more difficult - they could be offended by me because of refusal.

As a result, I formulate phrases, which will help to refuse to relatives and friends, and do it as polite as possible. Perhaps these words will come in handy.

Your offer is extremely tempting, but until I can do it

This phrase will suit, for example, if family friends called you with your husband to relax with the tents, and you really don't want to go to the forest because of the annoying mosquitoes and the lack of hot water. And in general, such an option for rest is not interesting for you (probably since studying at the university).

But you are afraid that the refusal will entail unpleasant consequences: friends will no longer offer you not only holidays with tents, but will not be brought into the theater or funny family sites.

I consider such a polite form of failure: you give friends to understand that we are glad to offer them, but explain what circumstances prevent you.

This type of refusal can be applied only a few times. Otherwise, friends will suspect nonladny. However, I see two ways out of this situation: to admit that you do not like to relax with tents or remember youth and still risk.

I would give you money loan, but I have a negative experience

Often, we have to refuse to friends or relatives when they are asking for large amounts of money. I will give an example from life: I always helped my sister if she had lacking money for food to salary. But when she asked to give her a debt to buy a new car, I was tense. Yes, I had some savings, but at that time I planned to fly to rest with the whole family. But the sister, most likely, could not have time to return the money on time.

I had to refuse my native person, saying this phrase. I referred to a real story when the close friend did not return me a debt. She disappeared and even changed the phone number. I lost both friendship and money.

The sister understood me and after the refusal decided to buy a cheaper car. So everyone was in winning.

I can't help you, but I will do for you ...

If you can't or do not want (you have, by the way, full right) to do what a friend or relative asks you, you can deny it that way. The main thing is to offer a pleasant bonus instead of your refusal.

Once a girlfriend asked me to bring her a bag of potatoes from the cottage. And by that time already distributed all extra reserves. I refused to her, but invited all their family to try my new dish -

Say "no" right

General rules of polite refusal:

  1. Before refusing, think about whether the request is truly for you. Weigh all "for" and "against".
  2. During the failure, do not joke and do not smile. Speak firmly, confident.
  3. Try to argue your refusal (if, of course, your arguments will not be offended by a person).
  4. Refusing, do, saying that you are very pleased that a person appealed to you.
  5. Offer to a friend or relative, a way out of the current situation.
  6. Avoid words with a negative color: "Error", "Problem", "Failure", "delusion".

If you are easy to fulfill the request, do what you can ask for a close person. After all, someday and you will have to contact him for help.

One of the most common difficulties is the need to refuse to people. And although there are often situations at work, in which, due to their professional duties, you simply will not be able to say "no", every day there will be other circumstances that provide you with certain freedom of choice. How to take advantage of your right to say "no" and correctly formulate a refusal?

Curlee as follows: without saying "no" at the right moment, you set the needs of another person above their own. Do you really want it? There is a lot of situations at work when your needs are no less important, and in some circumstances even more important than the needs of colleagues. Remember how often colleagues denied you. And you calmly and without irritation took this answer. So why experience due to the fact that someone will be upset if you behave in the same way?

This problem is that the permanent "yes" is easily included in the habit, and the change in the consolidated behavior is really difficult. Remember your colleagues. You can assume what to expect from each of them? Probably yes. Similarly, your colleagues, getting used to your reliability, most likely become to contact you with so much requests that you simply cannot perform them. Thus, the habit of constantly agree to the request for work will lead you to congestion, because you pick up more than you can do or what you should do. This leads to stress, disorder, hostility, conflict and mistakes, and over time, the situation is only aggravated.

So, the ability to deny when you consider it necessary, - an important skill that needs to be seized. You will probably have situations when you want to help someone, even if it is inconvenient to you. Remember: means respect for your needs and rights to the same way as the rights of others, as well as consent, when needed, to compromise.

Act gradually and do not attempt to do everything at once. Try one new skill and exhaust it until you achieve the result. Be prepared for the fact that not everything will succeed immediately. You want to master new skills, and in the learning process, something new is always both ups and falls.

Many do not like to say "no", considering that there is the only way to do is a direct failure. Such "no" may seem rude and aggressive. And this is usually not the impression that I want to make at work. You strive to establish a good relationship with colleagues, but you will inevitably have to refuse someone for yourself - your health and well-being. So you should be able to say "no", but so to demonstrate respect for the needs of another person. There are different ways to refuse that depend on the situation. Here are three basic options.

Direct refusal - The most uncompromising way, and it is rarely suitable for use at work. It is most often resorted to him when someone's rights are violated. In such cases, you can add loudly and firmly: "You don't hear, I said no."

Please provide additional information or promise "somehow another time" - Ability to discuss, despite the fact that the refusal remains among the possible options.

Thoughtful "no" - The most delicate way, as you show that they listened to the interlocutor.

Next, I will explain in detail that it represents each of these options, but the choice will depend on the situation, your attitude towards it and the one who is requesting, because it may be your mentor, direct supervisor, colleague or a member of the team that you really Want to help.

Do not try to radically and simultaneously change your behavioral behavior. This is especially true of failures, since you can shock colleagues that do not expect that Leopard suddenly change its coloring. It is much better to start with a small, hard to train and change gradually.

9 ways to say "no"

Do not hurry with the answer Before answering someone else's request, handle a small pause. You can ask the interlocutor to repeat it again so that you have a few seconds to think. Or tell me: "Let me think ...", check with your calendar or work plan, so that it gives you time to prepare and say "no"
Do not apologize too much Apologize only when you really think it is necessary and appropriate. Many have already become a habit too often repeating the word "sorry". Start sentences with phrases: "Unfortunately ..." or "I'm afraid that ...", but only when it is necessary
Be concise Avoid long, verbal explanations, why you can't do something. A simple phrase "today will not succeed" will be quite enough. The following turns may be useful - of course, when they are pronounced with friendly participation, warmth and sincere regret:
"I am very sorry, but I can't do it."
"Unfortunately, I simply do not have time."
"Sorry, today it will not work." (Sometimes "Sorry" is quite appropriate.)
"Mirror" Behavior of the Interlocutor In this case, you mirrorly reflect what and how you were asked, but still complete the phrase with refusal. Speak in a friendly manner and with regret, see the interlocutor in the eye.
You: "I don't have time after lunch to help you with reports."
Colleague: "But I wanted to start doing this today."
You: "I understand that you wanted to start it, but today after lunch I will not succeed."
Colleague: "But I need to finish everything this week."
You: "I understand that you need to finish this week, but help you today after lunch I can't"
Technique of a paved plate It is very important to insist on your negative solution, since usually the interlocutor tries to make you change it. Especially good it is possible to children! Useful reception In this case, the technique of a pavement plate may be for you: just gently repeat your refusal, as if the interlocutor tried to put pressure on you
Explain the reason for the refusal In this case, you briefly explain the true cause of your "no". Do it only if you want or if necessary. You are not obliged to explain your actions to everyone who can ask you.
"I can't help you today with a report, because after lunch I have a business meeting."
"I have no time for it, because I will be busy with visitors"
Offer to fulfill the request another time In this case, you say "no" now, but perhaps agree to fulfill the request later. In English, this reception is called Rain Check - that is, the reserves of the ticket, giving the fan the right to come to the baseball match, transferred on the occasion of rain. "I can't help you today, because I have all day at meetings, but perhaps I have free time tomorrow."
Ask for more information This is not a final refusal, in this case there is a discussion, a compromise or refusal in the future.
"How detailed should report?"
"Can you start without me?"
Ask time to make a decision Never be afraid to ask for time to think about everything.
"I need to refer with my work schedule, after that I will answer you."
"I can't answer now. I'll call you back later. "

Each of us in life there are situations when you just need to say "no". But for some reason, instead of refusal, we begin to spin and clamp, and in the end we pronounce such hated for ourselves "well, I will try."

After that, endless experiences and remorse are beginning, because it is often not able to restrain the promise, and you have to invent more and more new excuses.

What's wrong

What happens to us at that moment when the heart suddenly stops disturbing, and we do not decide to pronounce a simple short word, fearing offending the interlocutor?

"The ability to say" no "is also a certain skill. If there are some problems, and a person cannot refuse, it is necessary to figure it out and understand how this stop is, "said Natalia Olentsova, the head of the Academy of Successful Women.

Often we get into the situation when it seems as if after the refusal about us will be bad. From here, this insecurity arises, fear will seem rude or unuse. But it is easy to overcome this problem if you follow certain rules.

View from the outside

Let's try to look at the situation from the side. It seems to other people are not difficult to answer us "no". It is on such interlocutors that need to pay attention.

"Look at how other people do. They refuse to you, explaining that it is uncomfortable. But this is not at all means that you do not want to help, "says Natalia Olentsova.

Imagination game

Let's play one simple game. Only now you need to imagine yourself at the place of a person who can easily respond to the refusal. Imagine that our character is all right with self-esteem. How would he do in this situation? How would he say "no"? We boldly reproduce what "heard" just.

Second words

It would also be nice to have their own imaginary dictionary of the most expressions we are going to refuse. Often we succumb to emotions and can or answer too sharply, or reluctantly agree. There are clear formulations that allow you to deny beautifully.

"I would love to help you with pleasure, but I will not succeed. I already have my own plans and your affairs. It sounds quite gently and worthy, "the image makes an example.

No rush

There is no hurry to respond sharply "no" until they have heard the interlocutor. You must always watch yourself and be able to do pauses.

"Do not pour something right away, and it is understood that you feel that you want to do in response to a request," Natalia advises, "then we remember that the most decent woman and deserve to refuse."

Confident perseverance

If we still decided and were able to respond with refusal, there is a chance that your "no" will have to repeat again. The interlocutor can be trapped in every way and invent all new ways to convince us that we should help him. But the second time, as a rule, deny it easier. The main thing is not to justify, but firmly and confidently repeat secret words.

There are a lot of people in the world, which are called trouble-free. You can contact them at any time of the day for help, and they will never refuse. This property of their character is many referred to the advantages of a person, because it is beneficial - always "having at hand" such a "trouble-free" to throw part of its problems.

However, rarely who gives himself a work to think: maybe a person just can not refuse?

In people who cannot say no, it is often not enough time for their own affairs and a personal life, although they can count on their dubious compliment as a good reason for their reliability.

Thoughtless people are always like a magnet, attract people who actively use them inappropriate. We can say that the executioner is looking for a sacrifice, and the victim of the executioner. And even if the "bad task" suddenly rebels and abandoned the role of sticks-corrosive, he will immediately be accused of terry egoism and heartlessness.

There are golden words that should be remembered to everyone: "Live as you want, it yourself is not egoism. Egoism is when others should think and live the way you want. "

Why are people afraid to say no?

People who fulfill other people's requests contrary to their wishes, most often have a soft and indecisive nature. In the soul, they really want to utter "no", but they are so afraid to put in an awkward position or offend the refusal of another person, that through force they force themselves to do what they do not like them at all.

Many people in the future regret that they once wanted, but could not say "no."

Often, people, refusing, utter the word "no" as if they feel guilty of something, "it seems to them that some unpleasant reaction will follow. And indeed, many are not used to that they refuse, and "no" causes a negative reaction with them - they are rustling, breaking relations, etc.

Some people do not say "no" because of the fear of becoming no one needs and stay alone.

How to refuse politely?

Saying "no," we often find yourself enemies. However, it is worth remembering what is more important for us - to offend someone with a refusal or take over the fulfillment of our obligations. Moreover, it is not necessary to deny a rough form. For example, the same diplomats are trying not to pronounce "yes" or "no", replacing them with the words "let's discuss it."

Speaking "No", it is worth remembering that:

this word is able to protect against problems;

may mean "yes" if they pronounce it uncertainly;

successful people more often say "no" than "yes";

reficuring that we cannot or do not want to do, we will feel the winner.

There are several simple ways of polite refusal, which show that this task is for everyone.

1. Frank refusal

Some people believe that, refusing something, it is necessary to immediately call the reason for refusal. This is an erroneous opinion. First, the explanations will look like an excuse, and excuses will give asking hope that you can change your opinion. Secondly, it is not always possible to name the real reason for refusal. If you invent it, in the future, a lie can be exposed and put both in an awkward position. In addition, a person who tells insincere, often gives himself a faithful and voice.

Therefore, it is better not to fantasize, but simply say "no" without adding anything else. You can soften the refusal, saying: "No, I can't do it," I don't want to do it, "I have no time for it."

If a person misses these words by ears and continues to insist, you can use the method of "spoiled record", repeating the same words of refusal after each of its tirada. No need to interrupt the speaking objections and ask questions - just say no.

This method is suitable for refusing to people aggressive and unnecessary.

2. Slow refusal

This technique is suitable for refusing to people who tend to seek their own requests, causing pity and sympathy. In this case, it is worth showing them that you empathize, but you can't help.

For example, "I am very sorry for me, but I can not help anything." Or "I see that it is not easy for you, but I cannot solve your problem."

3. Ronated refusal

This is a fairly polite failure and can be used in any atmosphere - formal and informal. It will also be suitable in refusing to people of older, and with refusal to people who occupy a higher position on the service staircase.

This refusal suggests that you call the actual reason why you cannot fulfill the request: "I can't do it, because tomorrow I go with a child in the theater", etc.

It will be even more convincing if you call not one reason, but three. This technique is called - a refusal for three reasons. The main thing when it is used is the brief of the wording so that the requested quickly caught the essence.

4. Deferred refusal

It may take advantage of this method for whom to refuse to someone in the request - a psychological drama, and they almost automatically meet the consent to any request. People of such a warehouse often doubt their right and tend to infinitely analyze their actions.

The delayed failure allows you to think about the situation, and if necessary, seek advice to friends. His essence is not to say "no" immediately, but ask the time to make a decision. Thus, you can insure yourself from rapid steps.

The reasonable refusal may look like this: "I can't answer now, because I do not remember my plans for the weekend. Perhaps I agreed to meet with someone. I need to see my weekly to clarify. " Or "I need to consult at home", "I need to think. I will say later "etc.

It is possible to refuse people who are asserted and will not suffer objections.

5. Compromise refusal

Such a refusal can be called a refusal half, because we want to help a person, but not completely, and partly, and not on its conditions that seem unreal to us, but on their own. In this case, it is necessary to clearly define the conditions of the help - which and when we can and what is not.

For example, "I can take your child to school with my own, but only let him be assembled to eight o'clock." Or "I can help you make repairs, but only on Saturdays."

If such conditions for the aspecting do not arrange, then we have the right to refuse with a calm soul.

6. Diplomatic refusal

He assumes a mutual search for an acceptable solution. We refuse to do what we do not want or can not, but together with the problem of solving the problem.

For example, "I can't help you, but I have a friend who is engaged in these issues." Or "maybe I can help you otherwise?".

In response to examples of various refusal techniques, it is possible to argue that it is necessary to help people and what, refusing to others, we yourself risk to be in a difficult situation when we have nothing to count on someone's help. Note that it is only about the requests of people who are accustomed to "playing in the same gate," they believe that they are all obliged and abused by the reliability of other people.

It is believed that man is psychologically much more comfortable to agree, than to respond to the refusal. And indeed, many have great difficulties in order to say "no", even if they objectively have all the moral and legitimate rights to refuse. We suggest you do not ignore the right to negative answers and give several soviets, how to learn to refuse And do not worry about this.

Why is it important to be able to say no

Feeling of guilt and awkwardness, anger on yourself and one who turned to you lost time money etc., execution alien work, decision other people's problems etc. - Here are just part of those consequences that those who do not know how to correctly refuse. Plus to what torn plans, problems with friends or family memberswhich "comment" to perform the next request, permanent stress, lack of time and other "joy of life", up to serious psychological problems. And all due to difficulties in order to say no.

Here I will add the fact that many manipulators know perfectly (on a conscious or subconscious level), which of their environment can not refuse, and begin to actively use it. It is in this way some begin to work for two, regularly sit with other people's children or they take on an ongoing basis to solve other people's problems. But even if you were fortunate enough and there are no manipulators in your environment (or they could not adapt you to solve their goals), the ability to refuse in the request or something like you will probably come in handy.

Of course, we do not suggest talking not to everyone (especially before the question was voiced). We just want to help you learn to refuse and not feel bad. Therefore, in this article, we do not offer you universal "rations" for all occasions: in the center of our attention is not excuses, and the process itself, how best to refuse to not offend anyone and do not feel inland torments.

Why and who we don't love to refuse

Before proceeding to practical advice, how to correct people, we will think why we are generally given to us? In relation to different personalities, different reasons come into business, however, you can allocate the most typical. As with many other questions
Knowledge of the cause is needed to further select the correct strategy of actions.

  • Of course, one of the most frequent reasons: we are afraid that because of our refusal, the person will be offended by us. Please note: not "we offended," and "will be offended at us." After all, objective reasons for offended and conflict may not be, but this does not cancel the fact that the refusal is sometimes perceived by asking too close to the heart. Often, it is precisely such unwillingness to offend becomes the main feeling of guilt, which accompanies those who are difficult to speak.
  • Another formally similar reason: someone in principle needs to be about him thought only good "Such a person should like everyone around, and it seems to him that the refusal in the request" will reduce "degrees of love for him and spoil the existing image. To fight with such a state, among other things, it is important to turn to its root cause, improve self-esteem, reduce dependence on someone else's opinion. However, our advice on how to speak correctly, will be useful in this case.
  • Many do not know how to refuse to help, because they have strong internal installation That everyone needs to help. As a rule, this model of behavior is laid in childhood, and although she in itself is very good and humans, in adulthood can deliver a lot of trouble. However, once again we will remind - we do not offer to refuse to everyone, we only suggest learning to speak not to reject only unnecessary requests. Therefore, if you touched the problem of the internal taboo, then even in this case you should try to say not to say.
  • Some prefer not to refuse, because each request / offer to them elevates them in their eyes, raises self-esteem.
    Such people like to feel necessary and helpful, they like the feeling that they need. And here, as in the case of universal adoration, among other things, it is important to work with the root cause of such a state.
  • More mercantile cause: We do not want to refuse, afraid that in the future this person will not help us (will not meet) or that the refusal will come to us sideways. Especially often it concerns working relationships. For example, that the head of the next time will not be allowed to leave early or will not write a premium, and the colleague will not cover late. Read more about why such fear is not always justified, in the material.

    One of the main tips: wire fear refuse And the feeling of guilt arising because of this. This is especially true of such cases when the problem is caused by internal installations and / or if you are dealing with manipulators. Having said "no" once, you will see that the world did not turn over, but to take extra charge tasks, problems, etc. You did not have to. Some people such "experiments" on failures after a series of infinite agreements give a sense of freedom, the feeling that they themselves manage their fate, etc. Perhaps you will like this experience so much that all moral torments that could be associated with this event will disappear by themselves.

    Select the correct way to communicate

    Of course, most people refuse face more difficult than by phone, and orally harder than writing. Remember this and especially at first choose the most convenient way to you. (Most likely, it will be electronic means of communication). Even those who appeal to you on another "canal" to it. For example, if a distant friend calls you, which seems to be completely inappropriate to you, tell me that you need to referred to the calendar, work plan, discuss it with the second half, etc. After some time, write your refusal - for example, by SMS, by mail, through social network, etc. This, among other things, will help you reduce the glow of bad emotions (both with yours and on his side) and, probably, do not give yourself to convince (more below).

    Select a response form

    Sometimes the best refusal: it is just say no (More detailed option - "No, I can not", "No, it will not work", etc.), do not bring any explanations. This is especially true when you are dealing with manipulators (colleagues who have already hung your tasks on you or non-part-party relatives who should all). If they are
    insist on response do not specify a specific reason, And answer the maximum county: "I do not have such an opportunity," "I have already said that I can't do it," "I am not categorically suitable for me." Repeat the same answer (for example, "no, I can't") until you leave.

    Short responses do not allow you to break your excuses and show that you can do everything. In addition, you will not look like justifying (below we will talk about it more). Another advantage: Short answers will help you cut the conversation, and therefore, the chance that the interlocutor will still make you do what you need.

    Of course, this advice is absolutely not suitable if you think how tactfully refuse to a friend, a spouse or another near a person - a word, who you are really dear. In this case, the cause must be caused. And here we go to the next item.

    Do not justify

    In most cases, if you say to someone, there will be an explanation from you. Here is very it is important to indicate the reason, but not justify. In theory, the majority understands the difference between these terms, but how to distinguish one of the other in practice? It seems the main thing even not so much in that particular reason that you will give, how much how you will feed the information.

    Working on the ability to refuse, pay attention to our article on the development of emotional and social intelligence. Those who have high level EQ and SQ are much easier to communicate and understand the emotions of people.

    In particular, do not give out overly many details and do not wind up a person with unnecessary information, do not apologize too much, do not fall out several reasons at once, do not demonstrate the feeling of guilt (as verbally, and non-verbal), etc. Be calm (at least outwardly) and confident. Imagine that you simply talk about the weather outside the window - give the facts, but do not put yourself in the right position or subordinate.

    Excuses are bad, firstly, by the fact that they are poorly perceived by others: if you show yourself actually guilty, then you will be perceived in the same way. Secondly, excuses are able to influence your inner feeling of guilt - if you talk about yourself as if you are to blame, then, most likely, and think too. Thus, even within the framework of the internal dialogue, do not justify yourself, but indicate the reasons.

    Offer options

    If we talk about people who are really expensive to you, then the refusal to logically accompany not only the reason for the reason, but also suggestion of an alternative option. This, firstly, will demonstrate to colleagues / friends / relatives, which, in principle, you want to help them and are ready to meet, however, the requested request you really do not fit. Secondly, it will help you get rid of the feeling of guilt or awkwardness for failure.

    You will see that you do not throw a person to the mercy of fate and that he can solve his problem anyway. Among other things, this advice will help cut off those who are not aimed at searching for compromises or more convenient options for you, but just want to shift their concerns on your shoulders.

    Firmly stand on his

    If you decide to refuse do not convince yourself. If you feel that it is almost ready to say "Well, okay, persuaded" or "well, well ...", then best either interrupt communication or start giving the most brief replies,
    What we talked above. This rule is especially relevant if you are dealing with manipulators, annoying colleagues, arrogant relatives, etc. If you change your mind, for your surrounding it will be an unnecessary evidence that you will accurately agree to everything, it's just enough to press on you.

    The same advice is relevant if you are "lucky" to run into a person who does not know how to make failures. Some this feature is expressed so much that they are "disconnected" when they hear the word "no", and the conversation actually begins to go in a circle. In this case, we suggest you just stop talking. Yes, the last word will remain behind your interlocutor, but by that time you have time to clearly express your position on this issue. Remember: having ears yes hear.

    Consent like refusal

    An interesting and practical option, how beautiful to say there is no in response to an inappropriate request - agree. And at the same time be sure to put your conditions - Perhaps such that will turn your consent to actual failure. For example, if you are asked to take a hacktur, put very high prices or stretched deadlines. If your friends ask you to come to the other end of the city to pour flowers, tell me that you have to do this, just if you ride a taxi, and check if your friends are ready to pay it (money forward!).

    If the colleague asks you to take his project, tell me that he agreed with your boss, so that you have been withdrawn the current task. If the source of problems itself became the boss himself, say that we will take a new task, but then you will not have time to do this and then let the leader himself decides which task you eventually do. If you are regularly asked to go out on weekends, in response to another such request, tell me what you will leave, but then on Monday you will have to take the ran away.

    In all these cases it is very important speak quietly and firmly, without setting ultimatum and not justifying. Moreover, if your vesati agrees to the proposed conditions, it is understood that you, in turn, will have to do what they agreed. Therefore, try to think about what exactly ask for.

    Keep calm [at least externally]

    Calm (At least external) - very important quality for those who want to comprehend the art of delicate failures.
    First, calm will be evidence of your self-confidence. Secondly, sometimes excessive emotionality can lead to conflicts and insults. It turns out this, for example, as follows. Suppose you ask you to sit with a child. Considering that the refusal would lead to a quarrel and proceedings, you initially answer the challenge (although you have not reproached anything else). As a result, your acquaintance for a completely quiet request receives the verbal "buckle". Most likely, this is exactly what will be the reason for his resentment, and not at all that you do not want to sit with the child.

    And of course, the preservation of external calm increases the chances of the fact that in the near future you will achieve peace of mind and inner. And under this we mean that you will start talking faster, really without experiencing moral torments.

    Do not forget to think about yourself

    The problem of many who do not know how to refuse, are very often thinking about others and too little about themselves. In itself, of course, it is perfect, humoring, noble, etc. However, it only becomes harmful if you are dealing with those who worry only about themselves and does not think about you completely. In such cases besides you about you take care of no one.
    When communicating with such people, it is important to put on top of the first place with its own interests, plans, goals, etc.

    Refusing to someone, remind yourself that in fact, you should not anyone. In other words, you can help a person if you consider it necessary, and you can not help - especially if you understand that you actually just use you, because you do not know how to deny.

    Once again, we will repeat that we do not call for absolute egoism or to say there is no one in a row. We urge only to ensure that you weigly approached the incoming requests and suggestions and agreed because you really want and can help, and not because you can't refuse.

    What do not be afraid, refusing to people

    In the last part of the material, we decided to summarize some aspects regarding the two most common concerns related to say no other people. We are talking about the insults and about missed opportunities. Why are they really not so scary as it may seem?

    Do not be afraid of Obid

    This principle is relevant for almost all groups to whom you want to say no. Of course, different approaches will act for different people. So, the insults of the arrogant relatives who have already gotten, are not equal to the offended people about which you really care. In general, it is possible to offer the following here. rationalist model: If you have an adequate person who needs your help, he will not be offended by a motivated failure and on the proposal of an alternative version (or jointly searching it).
    Of course, it can show negative emotions (excitement, annoyance, etc.), however, most likely it will not be about the offense or conflicts. Again, with an adequate person, the problem can be solved.

    If you are offended even because of a trifle, then it is probably the case in one of two options: 1) it's not in refusal as such; 2) in front of you one of the "problematic" types of personality: Manipulator, not quite an adequate person, too narcissistic personality, etc. In the first case, it is logical to deal with the root cause (but not right now, and when you both will go a little from emotions). In the second - the most rational option would be the correlation of the actual need / the importance of what they are asked about, and those inconveniences that it will deliver it. In such situations it is useful to remember that for most manipulators and inadequate people alien concept of gratitude, but they are very easy to sit down on the neck. Therefore, think how much this is terrible for you? Maybe because of her, in fact, it will be only easier for you, since this person will cease to dismiss you?

    Do not be afraid to miss the opportunity

    As we said, sometimes we cannot refuse the boss or, for example, a colleague, because we believe that then it will be aware of this or because of this we will miss any opportunities. Of course, it is impossible to exclude this option, but it is useful to remember the other side of this problem. Often those who always agree to everything, perceive worse those who can firmly and correctly refuse. The fact is that, accustomed to getting your consent, colleagues and management will consider it for granted and absolutely as due. Your endless readiness to meet will not be perceived as your merit and is unlikely to bring any dividends.

    The psychological side of the issue is important. People who agree to all often consider unsure in themselves, with low self-esteem, podliz or as dependent on work
    (in material or morally). This opinion is developing even when nothing of the listed actually applies to the employee. As a result, instead of writing an additional premium or promote such an employee, they begin to use more and more. Although, of course, this is the most common scenario for the development of events, and not a rule. Just hold this principle in your head, going to work for free to work the next weekend.

    The ability to say is not in response to the inappropriate request of a colleague or boss (or agree, but to ask compensation) is more likely to benefit you than infinite consent. Then at least it will not work out that you are sacrificed for the sake of the company to everyone, and it went to you at each other case.

    Of course, if you have already managed to earn the glory of a person who is always ready for everything, refusal to colleagues gradually - First, gently ask for compensation or offer compromises, let's consent, but on your own terms. Otherwise, the likelihood is great that your failures will be detected for whims and cause too vivid displeasure. When colleagues are accustomed to changes in your behavior, your "no" will be perceived quite normal.