Shishkin Ivan biography. The most beautiful pictures of Shishkin Shishkin his paintings

Shishkin Ivan biography. The most beautiful pictures of Shishkin Shishkin his paintings

The artist came from a rather ancient and rich merchant kind of shishkina. Born in Elabuga in 1832, 13 (25) January. His father was quite famous in the city of a wealthy merchant. He tried to give his son a good education.


From 12 years old, Shishkin studied in the first Kazan gymnasium, and at the age of 20 he entered the Moscow School of Painting. After his end (in 1857), he continued his studies at the Imperial Academy of Arts as a student of Professor S. M. Vorobyov. Already at that time, Shishkin liked to draw landscapes. He traveled a lot in the vicinity of the Northern Capital, visited Valaam. The beauty of harsh northern nature will inspire him all his life.

In 1861, at the expense of the Academy, he went on a trip abroad and he studied in Munich, Zurich, Geneva, Düsseldorf for some time. There he met works by Benno, F. Adamova, F. Did, A. Kalam. The trip lasted until 1866. By this time, the title of academic was already received at the homeland of Shishkin for his work.

Return to the Motherland and Peak Career

Returning to his homeland, Shishkin continued to improve the landscape technique. He traveled a lot in Russia, exhibited at the Academy, took part in the work of the mobile exhibition partnership, a lot of drawing with a pen (the artist mastered this technique being abroad). He also continued to work with the engraving "tsarist vodka", taking into account in 1870 to the circle of St. Petersburg aquaphors. His reputation was flawless. He was considered the best landscape and engraver of his time. In 1873, he became a professor at the Academy of Arts (received the title for the painting "Forest Wilderness").

A family

Biography Shishkinasano, that the artist was married twice, and the first marriage on the sister of the artist F. A. Vasilyeva, and the second marriage - on his student, O. A. Lagod. He had 4 children from two marriages, of which only two daughters lived to mature age: Lydia and Ksenia.

The artist died in 1898 (suddenly). At first he was buried in the Smolensk cemetery, but then the ashes and gravestone moved to the cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Other biography options

  • The year of birth of the artist is definitely not known. Biographers data differ (from 1831 to 1835). But in official biographies, it was customary to indicate 1832 years.
  • The artist perfectly painted with a pencil and pen. His works performed by the pen really liked the European public. Many of them are stored in the art gallery in Dusseldorf.
  • Shishkin was an excellent naturalist. That is why his works are so realistic, the spruce is like a fir, and pine on the pine. He knew the Russian nature at all and the Russian Forest in particular.
  • The most famous work of the artist "Morning in Pine Bor" was created in collaboration with K. Savitsky. A little earlier than this painting was written by another, "Fog in Pine Bor", which was so liked by the authors that they decided to rewrite it, including some genre scene. Masters were inspired by a trip along the Virgin Vologda Forests.
  • The largest collection of shishkina works is stored in the Tretyakov Gallery, a little less - in the Russian Museum. A large number of drawings and made by the artist engraving is in private collections. Interestingly, a collection of photographs Engravy Shishkin was released

Artist Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin The greatest landscape officer, an amazing master of writing forest landscapes, and to this day he remains an undisputed leader in Russian landscape painting to create an incredible amount of cloths with forest species. A real connoisseur of forest vegetation, colorful shapes of trees, velvety foliage, forest glads with bright grass lit through trees with sunny rays, scenic hemps overgrown with moss and surrounded by various mushrooms. The artist Shishkin, no other than the other in the nature of the forest, all hidden beauty in wild overgrown places where the leg of a man rarely stepped out.

All this unprecedented predominant beauty artist for the first time in Russian visual arts was able to show in his works.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin - biography. The artist Shishkin was born in 1832 in a small town on the banks of the Kama River in Elabuga, which is in the Vyatka province in the family of a poor merchant. In 12 years, his father is taken to study in the first Kazan gymnasium.

The study in the gymnasium lasted for a long time, feeling his calling to the visual art of Ivan Shishkin without accustomed in the gymnasium to grade 5, leaves it and arrives in Moscow to study in 1852 the School of Painting, Drainics and Architecture. After studying in it until 1856, the young artist is accepted into the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, learning the necessary skills from Professor Vorobiev S. M ..

Of course, the Academy of Shishkina did not really like educational topics and a young artist in his free time was content by writing in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, sometimes he went to write etudes on the island of Valaam. All this very much helped Shishkina to develop the abilities of a young master, knowing in pencil drawings the shape of the branches of trees, shrubs with a foliage later reproduced in etudes.

For pencil drawings in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, he was awarded with two small silver medals. And later in 1859, Ivan Shishkin deservedly receives a small gold medal for a beautiful landscape in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. Shishkin painted with his success stubbornly a lot of work, revealing large knowledge, fascinated by places on Valaam and Kukko, he creates work, for which in 1860 a large gold medal is awarded and deserves a retired trip abroad.

In 1862, Shishkin is first sent abroad by visiting Munich, Zurich, Geneva and Düsseldorf, where he wrote a picture of Düsseldorf vocality, subsequently for this work Shishkin is assigned an honorary title.

Also abroad, he paints drawings with pen and deserves a lot of attention of foreigners who were very surprised and shocked by the unprecedented decorated with the talent of the draftsman Shishkin. Some of these drawings were placed in the Düsseldorf Museum at the level of the works of the famous artists in Europe. But Shishkin wounded in his homeland and in Russian places, he understood that the Russian landscape could not write abroad and he was returning to Russia in 1865.

In Russia, the artist is again poured into art circles, visits exhibitions and artists of artists. It works tightly with drawings and etudes, it creates a gorgeous product of the painting of the woods, Shishkin, exactly stitching the features of the Russian landscape, creates a number of works in 1869 g. At sunset, living in the Bratseno manor, he creates a wonderful summer landscape noon. Neighborhood of Moscow.

1870 Ivan Shishkin is poured into the artist of the artists of the Mobile under the leadership of I. Kramsky. Entering the founders of mobile exhibitions of artists who do not agree with the academic impositions of that time.

Shishkin faithful to his work continues to engage in creativity creating new fabrics and at a mobile exhibition exhibits new paintings: evening, pine forest birch, birch forest and painting Forest wilderness very well-appreciated by contemporaries, many positive feedback wrote to this picture Prakhov A. V. for this work Ivan Shishkin awarded the honorary title of professor in landscape painting. In 1878, the master again shocks his new scenery of rye, on the 6th mobile exhibition. The work had a lot of positive feedback.

In 1877, Ivan Shishkin marries Artist Olga Antonova Lagoda, their beautiful house is very visiting by his colleagues and friends, where there were feasts and gouli.

In 1883, Shishkin wrote a picture with a big and chic oak in the valley, the picture was named among the valley of the Rusty.

In 1884, a very air landscape with an extensive panorama called the forest Dali-called artist.

1887 The picture of the oak grove in which Shishkin masterly transmits the state of mighty oaks with thick sinking bits, with dynamic shadows and affectionate rays of the sun.

In 1889, Ivan Shishkin creates one of his brightest calends is a picture

Morning in a pine forest, the picture is saturated with morning forest air, there is a feeling of virgin forest wilderness, a picture and popular to this day and there is probably no equal to this Shishkin masterpiece.

In the 90s, the artist creates a number of paintings, some of them, beautifully transmitted wilderness of the forest in the vicinity of Oranienbaum in the Forest Forevinsky forest. Peterhof.

Accurately handed over the status of rainy weather in the picture of the rain in the Dubov Forest, on the poem of M. Lermontova Shishkin creates an unusual picture in the north of the wild on request P.P. Konchalovsky lonely snow-covered pine rises standing on the background of the lunar night.

In 1898, the artist writes his new product of the ship grove, one can say this final work of the master, in which the entire talent accumulated in life and the skill of the Great Artist is demonstrated. Shishkin, like his colleague Kramskaya died, as an artist, right behind the easel when writing his new regular picture, it happened in March 1898, he left his descendants his very rich heritage.


Many of his paintings have gained huge popularity of not only contemporaries, these paintings are known today and today a large circle of admirers of his works. No one before Shishkin with such stunning frankness did not lead the viewer about his love for his native Russian nature.

Works I. I. Shishkin became a classic of national Russian landscape painting and gained huge popularity. Today, the images of his landscapes can be seen in many places on various reproductions, gift packaging, souvenir boxes and even candies with famous bears, all this talks about the great love of the people to his great creativity.

Many artists are learning on the picture Shishkina, many people are always enchanted by his works. Reputation of his famous landscapes knows every child. Of course, it does not work out and without critics and some critical artists clearly resting against the photorealism of the artist, but it's all from the evil or comes from the ignorance of creativity of the Great Master and not inability to create that either closely similar.

Ivan Ivanovich was born in January, 25 numbers (either the 13th old style), in 1832. Native land for him became the city of Elabuga, who was in the Vyatka province. The painter took place from the ancient Vyatka kind of Shishkina. The father of Shishkin was the merchant Ivan Vasilyevich Shishkin.

In 12 years, Ivan Ivanovich was determined in students of the first Kazan gymnasium. However, he studied in it to grade 5, made a decision and left the gymnasium. Instead, he entered the Moscow School of Architecture, painting and science. After graduating from studying in this institution, he continued to study at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg: he was a student of Vorobyeva S.M. Classes at the Academy did not satisfy Shishkin, so he stubbornly wrote etudes and painted on the island of Valaam and in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. Thanks to such classes, he was increasingly penetrated with the acquaintance with local forms, it was all better to pass it with a brush and pencil. In the very first year of study at the Academy Ivan Ivanovich, 2 small silver medals were already awarded for an excellent drawing, in which he handed over the scenery of the surroundings of St. Petersburg. 1858 brings the artist a large silver medal through a view of Valaam. In 1859, Shishkin was awarded a little gold medal for a drawing with a landscape of St. Petersburg. And in 1860, for the type of locality Kukko, Ivan receives a large gold medal.

Together with the last award, Shishkin also gets the opportunity with the help of which he can go abroad as a pensioner of the Academy. And here, in 1861 the painter goes to Munich. There he visited the workshops of great artists (such as Franz and Benno Adamov, who enjoyed very popular with animalists). In 1863, Ivan moved to Zurich. Here he is under the leadership of a collera, which at the time was considered almost the best of the pictorial animals, wrote from those animals of nature, sought them. It was in Zurich a landscape for the first time I tried the engraving "royal vodka". After Zurich, the next goal of Ivan became Geneva, where he familiarized himself with the works of Kalam and Did. From Geneva Shishkin went to Dusseldorf. Here, by order N. Bykov, he wrote a picture called "View in the vicinity of Düsseldorf". In the future, this very picture was sent to Petersburg. And it was with the help of her Shishkin received the title of academician. However, not only painting was engaged in Ivan Ivanovich abroad, he also drawn and feather. His works of this kind have given foreigners in great surprise. In addition, several such works were placed next to the drawings of Europe's leading masters in Dusseldorf Museum.

Ivan Ivanovich missed the Fatherland, so in 1866 he early, until the expiration returns to St. Petersburg. From this time, he often travels in Russia with an artistic purpose, almost annually puts on the show of the work at the Academy. After the establishment of the exhibition partnership at such exhibitions did drawings with pen. In 1870, Shishkin enters the circle of aquaphors and engraves "tsarist vodka" again. With this art since then the painter does not neglect and takes exactly the same time as other types of its activities. Ivan's work every year fastened the reputation of an unmatched aquafortist and in general one of the best painters of our country. At the disposal of Shishkin was a manor in the village of Express (now - Leningrad Region, Gatchina District). 1873 became very important for the artist - "Forest Wilderness" was advised by the Academy to award Shishkina the title of professor. After the adoption of a new academic charter, Shishkin in 1892 invited the landscape workshop as the head, but this position did not lie on his shoulders for a long time. Ivan Ivanovich died in March 1898, sitting at his easel and working on a new product.

Recall today creativity Ivan Shishkin

"School", "a verst post in the development of the Russian landscape" - so wrote about Shishkin contemporaries. I suggest that day to remember our, no doubt, the national heritage, to see the paintings again, read the old photos about this and extract old photos.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin was born on January 25 (13th old style) of 1832 in Elabuga (Vyatka province) in a poor merchant family. His father, Ivan Vasilyevich, rented a mill and traded the grain, but in addition to this was passionate about the history and archaeology, developed and embodied the water supply system in Elabuga, wrote leadership and books, renovated the old tower of the city for his money.

Father Shishkin, Ivan Vasilyevich. Portrait of V.P. Vereshchagin

It was his father who encouraged the development of a creative alkali in his son - praised for success in drawing, together with him he was carved on a tree, and eventually sent to study in the Moscow School of Painting, Drainies and Architecture, where the young Ivan came to the class of Professor Portrait Painting A.N. Mokritsky, who noticed the talent of a landscape driver from a young man, and helped him develop in the right direction, which later Sishkin recalled with gratitude.

I.I. Shishkin, self portrait, 1854

During his studies, Shishkin occupied the question of why the Italian or Swiss landscapes were so fascinated by the color and juice (including in the execution of our artists), unless it is impossible to achieve the same, drawing native expanses. And this "nationality" turned out to be more relevant "here and now": at the same time and other artists increasingly began to turn to the whole Russian, the writers did not lag behind. Yes, and realism began to appreciate and enjoy success.

View of the island of Valaam, 1858

Shishkin worked on his paintings with such a zeal that sometimes it seems that every bladeing and every leaf is not left to them, and often with such accuracy that it could be used as an illustration in the botanical atlas.

Young waln threshold, 1870

Lopuhi, 1878.

Of course, there were those who say that emotions are lost behind such thoroughness, called him "photograph" and "copyist", but the time puts everything in its place: many people do not know the name of Shishkin, even by our immense far from art? Are there anyone those who do not know the author of the "the most painting with the bears" or "of that field with rye"? Shishkin landscapes have long ceased to be just a phenomenon in art, they are inextricably linked with Russian nature, they - as if she herself.

In front of a thunderstorm, 1884

Chalash, 1861.

Autumn forest, 1876

Landscape with lake, 1886

In the north wild ..., 1891

Misty morning, 1885

Kama near Elabugi, 1895

Road in rye, 1866

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin is deservedly called an excellent draftsman. He did not part with a pencil, and everywhere did an outline of everything that it seemed interesting to him, whether it was a broken tree branch, clouds or dried leaf.

Landscape with carts, beginning 1870s

Creek in the forest

In the summer in the field (shepherd with a herd), the beginning of 1860s

Forest River, 1893

Trees in the field. Bratseno, 1866.

Village, 1874.

Letter Shishkin parents with sketch, 1858

By the way, he received his first awards for the drawing, being a student of the Imperial Academy of Arts, where he did, finishing the school. His successes were repeatedly celebrated by medals, and at the end, along with the Big Golden Medal, Shishkin was awarded a three-year travel abroad. True, he left only 2 years later, he was where native places occupied more, and he spent time in an embrace with the road album, making sketches from nature.

View of Elabugi, 1861

Abroad, he worked in Germany, the Czech Republic and Switzerland.

I.I. Shishkin in Dusseldorf, photo, 1864/65

Despite all European beauties, he pulled him home, he wanted to write Russian nature. Although, it should be noted, in this journey they created a picture "View in the vicinity of Düsseldorf", for which he was assigned the title of academician.

View in the vicinity of Dusseldorf, 1865

Dresden. Bridge Augustus, 1862

Beech forest in Switzerland, 1863

Swiss landscape, 1866

Upon return, he travels in Russia, and becomes a member of the partnership of mobile art exhibitions along with Repin, Kramsky, Vasnetsov, Surikov and others. At this time, Shishkin finally formed a recognizable style, in which there is no place of romanticization, but there is the beauty of nature in itself, and at the end of the 60s he writes one of his most famous works - "noon in the vicinity of Moscow."

Noon in the vicinity of Moscow, 1869

The artist insanely loves the forest, regularly leaving his debrals from the very early morning, and without tired working on the etudes and sketches. It should be noted that there is always a majestic forest in his paintings, and even a solemn.

Forest Stoutine, 1892

Pine Bor, 1895

Winter in the forest (France), 1877

Birch grove, 1878

Oak Grove, 1887

Meadow on the edge of the forest. Siverskaya, 1887.

Chopping Forest Forest, 1895

I.I. Chishkin with peasants, photography, 1890

Often in the pictures of Shishkin in nature, truly epic power, and do not often appear people or animals. It is not interesting and the fact that the bears on the canvas "Morning in the Pine Forest" (1889) wrote not Shishkin, and his friend, the artist Konstantin Savitsky, whose signature from the picture was removed by her by the Pavle Tretyakov.

Morning in a pine forest, 1889

A lot of shishkina and works on which it is focused on the scale, the spacious, the power of nature, but, on the contrary, on something small, on the individual components - weed herbs, fern, the tops of the pines, etc.

Tops of pines, 1890s

Flowers at the fence, mid 1880s

Snow-grass. Pargolovo, 1884.

Hesterns, 1892.

In 1873, writing his next picture - "Forest Wilderness", at the age of 41, Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin received the title of professor at the Academy of Arts.

Forest wilderness, 1872

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin was a very fruitful artist, they say about such "worked, not to give up hands."

I.I. Shishkin at work on the picture "Mordavin oaks", photography, 1891

Ivan Kramskaya. Portrait I. I. Shishkin. 1873.

On one sketch of Shishkin wrote: "Razdly, space, land, rye, God's grace, Russian wealth." And, probably, something similar swears in the head of the majority, looking at his famous painting "Rye" (1878).

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin was married twice. Evgenia Aleksandrovna Vasilyeva, the sister of another talented Russian landscapeist Fedor Vasilyeva, who was met with her, who immediately fell in love with her, was to fall in love with her. Three children were born in this marriage, but both sons died still at a young age, and their mother was survived. Shishkin hardly tolerated loss, and only after 7 years he married the second time. His second spouse became an artist Olga Antonovna Lagoda, who died a month and a half after the birth of their daughter. Until the end of the life of Shishkin about his two daughters and his sister Olga Victoria cares about him.

About whom of the domestic painters can be said: "The most Russian artist"? Of course, this is Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. The biography of the master is the life path of a talented person who is not burdened with psychological or mental pathologies, that is, by moving by many representatives of the world of art. After all, talent, according to many, is a certain deviation from the norm, a peculiar anomaly. However, about Ivan Shishkin so does not say even the deepest psychoanalyst.

The globility of the artist

Artist Shishkin, biography and creativity of which are well known and studied - a vivid example of a good soul, God's sparks, hard work and love for their native nature. His talent developed on gracious and clean soil

What does the Biography of Shishkin artist look like? From birth, a good family, Orthodox traditions, kindness, care and careful attitude towards each creature, who met on the way. Such a minority was reflected in every picturesque canvase, which created Shishkin.

The biography and paintings of the artist will be discussed in this article in a somewhat unusual perspective. We drive great love and respect for the master. His life and creativity are devoid of scandals and mysteries.

Early recognition and popularity

The fame itself found Ivan Ivanovich, and she came to him pretty early, without infecting dangerous probably, deep inner world, patriarchal education, high morality and spirituality created him strong immunity. But this disease - Glory - destroyed very many lives and destroyed entire fate.

"Morning in a pine forest"

Wonderful and honest was Ivan Shishkin. His biography is a description of the personality, rare on its mental qualities. Interesting in this regard, the story with the famous picture "Morning in the Pine Forest". The canvas was written in co-authorship with Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky. Savitsky offered an idea. He wanted to draw a landscape with a bear family.

Ivan Ivanovich drew a virgin deaf forest, according to which the man's leg did not go. For Shishkina Gloomy Nature - nonsense. In all its pictures there are or rays of the midday sun, or a lot of open sky, or a water, or the road. "Morning ..." is completely devoid of all this. Accident? Gloomy mood? No one! The picture turned out to be full of life and joyful fresh energy. Three Bear-Sosques can like to frolic in a similar way, just being complete. The strict Mother-Medvedian would not allow noisy near the human dwelling. Moreover, she does not have two kids, as is usually usual, and already three. The Medveditsa and two cubs drew Savitsky, and the third, that on the right, for greater harmony and believability, Dorissed Shishkin.

The work was very much liked by the famous collector Peter Tretyakov, but he demanded to smear Savitsky's signature, leaving the authorship for Shishkina. Savitsky agreed, although she considered the decision unfair. Very frustrated because of this Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich. A brief biography of a noble person who can compromise is shown on the example of history with this picture. After all, Ivan Ivanovich wrote her for Savitsky and picked up a landscape for the background, corresponding to the plan of a friend, because he himself did not like such deaf places. Tretyakov decided the fate of the picture in his own way. He had some kind of friction with Savitsky.


How few artists Ivan Ivanovich disassembled in the intricacies of the image of nature. Where did you get my knowledge of Shishkin? The artist's biography is closely and inextricably linked with the central part of Russia, with its forests, fields and rivers. He was born in Elabuga in a merchant family. And merchants in those days were a respected estate - educated and cultural.

Ivan Ivanovich's father loved books, fond of history, even wrote a book about his native land. Being a rich and successful entrepreneur, he spent considerable funds for charity, whether it is building a church or

Interest in the painting of the son called in it approval. The boys bought paints, paper, hired good teachers. Ivan, in childhood, even painted the fence of his home, which information was preserved in the archives of his hometown. After all, the biography of Shishkin is not a secret and does not have white spots. Everything is clean and transparent as the rays of sunlight on his landscapes. Not being complex and not undergoing sharp takelets and falls, the biography of Shishkin, an artist and a person, was by no means serenely happy and even.

Professional education

Ivan Ivanovich received a good education. He studied in Moscow in the School of Painting and Sculpture, then in the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. These educational institutions gave excellent fundamental knowledge in the field of art and architecture. They became a successful start for many talented people. I did not exception and Ivan Shishkin.

The biography of the artist shows that he was serious and conscientious to study the craft. Vocational education gave the artist an understanding that a picturesque picture is difficult to handle the ability to handle light and shadow, to see everything, but to capture on the canvase only characteristic and basic.

Attitude towards craft

Some amateurants argue that Shishkin's paintings are a kind of photograph of that time.

If chronologically consider the pictures that Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich wrote, a brief biography, not even a brief, and complete traced in his works. They have no politics and social orientation. It is obvious. In his paintings - sensitive attitude to detail. Hence and accuracy, and life in his paintings. Judge for yourself.

There was a certificate of a conversation held between Ivan Ivanovich and Ilyoy Efimovich Repin. Considering the sketches of the forest, Shishkin asked Repin, which tree was fused along the river. Repin was surprised: "I do not know, what's the matter?" Ivan Ivanovich explained that each breed of wood from moisture behaves in different ways. Some logs will swell, others - drown, and the third - repel water. Apparently, he believed that it was important to correctly depict the brica, which were made by rafts. Then only the picture will look reliably. If you use colors, suitable larch, which is sinking in water, then the picture will be a feeling of unreliability, disharmony.

It is precisely accuracy in detail and made a picture of "Morning in the Pine Forest" such a famous. Everything is exactly and honest there. Therefore, his paintings are so loved and popular. Their calm harmony never caused disputes and conflicts.

Lovers of "fried" facts and future secrets have no need to dig in the personal life of the artist. There's all honest and clean. Biography Shishkin, his spiritual experiences, ups and downs - all this in his paintings. For his life, Ivan Ivanovich 66 years old lived, he wrote several hundred paintings.

Artist noon

Why Ivan Shishkin is called an artist noon, it's not difficult to guess. In general, landscape players love to portray nature during sunrise or sunset, in a thunderstorm, storm or fog. Ivan Ivanovich chose this time of day when the shadow is practically absent, and expressiveness and reliability are achieved in other ways. Having lived all my childhood in Elabuga, absorbing the beauty and peace of your beloved edge, Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin will be returned to the dear heart of the scenery. The biography of the artist closely gloves the milestones of his fate and the picturesque canvas created by them. Characteristic in this sense "Rye".


She was written in Elabuga in 1878. The midday sun does not create shadows, but we are clearly feeling the impulses of the wind through the lumber of the summer day. They just began to flutter heavy spikes. A few minutes later the thunderstorm will break out, which moams the earth, and the grain does not occur.

Landscape full of life and healthy energy, but why in the background - dried pine? So in real life does not happen. This tree has long had to cut on firewood. What does Shishkin's biography about this period of his life? He recently buried his wife and two little sons. So in real life there is no, we repeat. I do not agree with such a fate and artist, but he is trying to accept, looking for a way to learn how to live in a new reality. From here and the road leaving in the field. What is ahead? "Is it worth going through it, trying to cure from hot work?", Ivan Shishkin thought. The biography of the artist is encrypted in his creations. This is undoubtedly.

Attempt to start a new life

After a series of tragedies with loved ones, Ivan Ivanovich tried to drown the grief in an old way. However, the hands of the hands were not in his character. Gradually, he coped and began his life at first. Shishkin's biography contains information about his second marriage, but he ended the tragedy. Young wife died. More Ivan Ivanovich was not looking for a companion of life. Helping to raise and educate two girls from the first marriage came the sister of the second wife.

Paintings as a reflection of the situation in the country

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin was born on January 13, 1832, and died on March 8, 1898. Judging by his drawings, it was the most beautiful, the most relaxed, most fused and serene time for our country, only occasionally dumbfounded, but, in general, the rich and flourished. It was in those years when ordinary students who have good performance received a state scholarship and studied in part in Russia, partly in Italy, France, Germany or other countries. It was also with Shishkin.


How did Ivan Shishkin live? Biography are brief and piercing read in his last work-testament "Ship Grove". Not breaking under the blows of fate, and until the end of the life, he preserved light and Christian humility in his heart, without letting the darkness and shadow of the offense and disappointment.

Hundreds of years will be held, and people looking at Shishkin's paintings will find out how our planet looked like when there were still forests and undeveloped territories. They will cover the sense of tenderness to their land, to their small homeland. Artist Shishkin, biography and creativity of which are inextricably linked with Russia, wrote not only domestic landscapes. He has a whole layer of work done in Germany, Switzerland and Finland, where his eldest daughter lived with her husband. He often came to her, and, working at the Plenuel, for his plots chose such places that were reminded to him by Elabuga, I will understand the kama, pine groves.