Tale of temporary years. The meaning of the "Tale of Bygone Years" in the history of Russian chronicles

Tale of temporary years. The meaning of the "Tale of Bygone Years" in the history of Russian chronicles

So, the chronicles are vaults, but not only vaults of preceding works, but also vaults of ideas. They receive their reflection various ideologies.

We have seen the above that in the "Tale of Bygone Years" are reflected by the old twinkers - the butterwrites and Yanya Pashtich are dropped. Together with them in the "temporary years" elements of the druzin ideology were penetrated. This doublet ideology affects not only the stories are dropped and yany. So, for example, under 1075, in the story of the arrival in Kiev, the German embassy held the idea that the squad is more expensive than any wealth. "It's worth nothing, because it lies dead," says the ambassadors about the wealth of Svyatoslav. ( This material will help competently write and on the topic of the age of temporary years of chronicles. Summary does not allow to understand the entire meaning of the work, so this material will be useful for a deep understanding of creativity of writers and poets, as well as their novels, stories, stories, plays, poems.) It is better than warriors. After all, brave guys will achieve more than that. " In similar expressions, he speaks in the chronicles and Vladimir Svyatoslavich, when his squad came to him: "Silver and gold will not have a diploma, and the friend of Silver and gold, as my grandfather and my father got a friend of gold and silver" (in the "Tales of Temporary years "under 996). Particularly bright oppression of the squad is felt in the story of the "Tale of Bygone Years" about the greeks of the Greeks of Svyatoslav. But the same opposition is noticeable and in the story under the 1073 year about the flight of Prince Iaslav in Poland "with the wealth of many", about which Izyaslav, cheating, thought: "This will gain warriors." Finally, the same opposition of gold is also sounded in other annals.

Naturally, the question is subject to: how could a degradinal point of view on the political events of his time could penetrate into the monastic chronicle? The answer to this question again lies in the consolidated character of the "Tale of Bygone Years". The chronicle is not only the arch of the preceding historical materials, but sometimes the arch of various ideologies. At the same time, it should be noted that the sepitude and focus of the political point of view of the chronicler does not contradict his desire to preserve in its chronicles more or less similar point of view, similar in their orientation, although sometimes different on source positions. The ideology of the "old squad" at the end of the XI century was aimed against the new policy of the princes, and she gives herself to feel in the chronicles of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, who was in a quarrel with Svyatopolk. For the chronicler, it is often not important, from what positions the princely power is criticized, the criticism itself is important.

The same should be said not only about the political ideology of the chronicler, but also about his worldview as a whole.

IN medieval society Religion and church played a very big role. It is often said about divine interference, about divine help and in ancient Russian literature. The author is sometimes drawn with a prayer to God, the Lady and Saints. This is basically a form of medieval consciousness, and for prayer and appeal to God often costs a very specific thought: sometimes the consciousness of their patriotic debt, sometimes joy about the release of captivity or on the occasion of victory, sometimes hope for the future welfare or grief. The medieval person is used to pouring his feelings and thoughts in church traditional form, clothe them into ceremonial clothing. But he acted, he did, hoped his actions always, based on real circumstances and taking into account his real opportunities. It cannot be called a contradiction - this is the custom of living, - the custom, deeply caring in the tradition of the Middle Ages. It is customary to talk about the religious worldview of the chronicler. However, it should be noted that the chronicler does not at all differ in the sequence in this religious point of view on events. The stroke of the chronicler's narration, its specific historical performances very often go beyond religious thinking and are purely practical. The chronicler largely receives its religious point of view in the finished form, and it is not a consequence of its peculiarities for him. Since its religious representations of the chronicler receives from all of their details from the outside, they must adhere to them officially, they can largely disperse with his personal experience, with his practical activity as a historian. Russian political thought found an expression in close relationship with real events of their time. She concretely relied on the facts of modern history. It is not characterized by independent abstract constructions of Christian thought, who focused on the chronicler from the earthly world to the distracted issues of his gap with the death of each person. That is why, fortunately, for the historical knowledge of ancient Russia, the chronicler was not so often guided by his religious philosophy of history, did not subordinate to her entirely his story, but only externally joined his religious interpretations of certain events to his business and, in general, quite realistic The story of events. It is important to note that in the choice of moments, about which the chronicler found it necessary to go into religious reflections, the same medieval "etiquette" of the writing craft was affected, which we have already talked about. The religious and didactic comments of the chronicle have always caused the same phenomena of the life described by him: the crumbs, the marines, fires, devastation from enemies, sudden death or heavenly signs.

Here is an example of such a solemn expression of hope and historical optimism. Under 1093 the chronicler talks about one of the most terrible lesions of the Russians from the Polovtsy N about the suffering of Russian prisoners in Polovtsy Captation. Having finished this story, the chronicler exclaims: "Yes, no one will dare say that God hates us! Yes, it will not be! Who loves God as us? Who he honored so, how did he glorify and ascend us? Nobody! "

So, the moment of religious did not permeate the whole chronicle presentation.

In this inconsistency in the chronicler, the value of the chronicle, since only thanks to this inconsistency in the chronicle, the experience, direct observation, elements of realism in the description and the story, political topicality - everything is so rich and so much is so valuable, Russian chronicle.

Returning back to the topic that "" the arch of the preceding historical material. In fact, in the "Tale of Bygone Years", we are by no means dealing with a single author's text belonging to one author. It is clear, for example, that the texts of the Russian treaties with the Greeks under 907, 912, 945 and 971 were not invented by the chronicler, that these are documents only included in the chronicler in their chronicle.

Completely distinguished in the "Tale of Bygone Years" and translation sources. The chroniclers used as historical sources of various conversion writings, they made sampling, painstaking, on the basis of documents, recreating the historical past Rus. These translations reached us completely; Therefore, it is not difficult to install, from where, from which place of one or another essay is taken by the chronicle of some text and how it is reworked for inclusion in the chronicle. Of the translation sources of historical information, we point out primarily the Greek Chronicle George Amartol (that is, the "sinful") and his not known to us by the name of the Greek successor. The chronicler himself refers to this chronicle: "Says Georgy in the chronicle ..." refers to the chronicler and the chronograph (under 1114), from which he also leads excerpts in different places "Tale of Bygone Years". The chronicler enjoys the chronicler as a historical source and the "chronicler soon" of the Konstantinople Patriarch Nikifora, from where he borrowed the chronological calculation under 852. From the translation of Greek lives of Vasily, the chronicler leads to 941, the description of the Military Action Igor under Constantinople. Refers the chronicler and on the authority of "Revelations" Methodius Bishop Patari under 1096 ("Methodius indicates them ..." - about Polovtsy). The chronicler gives a large excerpt from Methodius. There is no doubt that a big legend about the beginning of Slavic diplomas under the 898 year is also not invented by the chronicler, but leads to them from some Western Slavic sources. It is more difficult to identify individual Russian legends that included the "Tale of Bygone Years": about the baptism and death of Olga, about the first martyrs-Varyags, about the baptism of Russia with a "philosopher's speech", about Boris and Gleb and others. It is even more difficult to identify those previously preceding the "post of temporary years" of the chronicle that its compiler and its predecessors enjoyed. What was the composition of these preceding "tales of temporary years" of the chronicles? What kind of extractive historical sources did each of the chroniclers used when these chronicles were compiled? It is not easy for all these questions, here are possible for the most part only assumptions - some more convincing, others less.

The close observation of the text "Tale" immediately detects individual parts that could not be written by the author of the beginning of the XII century. The chronicler of the XII century could not know that the defeat of Vsevolod Polovtsov in 1061 occurred exactly on February 2, that Rostislav Ttumutokansky died on February 3, 1066, which in 1065 fishermen caught in the set of a non-breed of a freak that on March 3, 1067 there was a battle on Nemig, and Much.

In addition, in the "Tale of Bygone Years", explicit inserts are found, destroying the logical development of the story. So, for example, telling Olga Treek Mystery to the murder of her husband - Igor, the chronicler concludes: "And they won the Drevlyan." It would seem, after these words, we should expect information about the Dani, which Olga laid on the defeated. But it turns out that with the Drevlyans, it is not all finished: the Trees are indulging in their cities, after which the chronicler talks about Olga's second victory - about her fourth revenge; And only after that, they already follow the words: "I placed tribute to them." It is clear that the story about the fourth revenge of Olga Drevlyans is artificially inserted into the chronicle text.

Or another example of insertion: in 971, seeing decline in his squad, Svyatoslav decides to return from the Byzantine limits for the new army. "I will go on," he says, "I will give more squads." And he really fulfills his decision: "I went to the rooks to the thresholds." But between the story about the decision and the story about the execution of this decision there is a story about the conclusion of the Svyatoslav of the world with the Greeks and the extensive text of the contract. It is clear that here we are dealing with insert.

Inserts in the text "Tale of Bygone Years" were found to various researchers. The presence of these inserts suggests that the "Tale of Bygone Years" is still more ancient. Obviously, the compiler of the "Tale of Bygone Years" used the works of its chronicles predecessors, expanding them with these inserts and continuing the statement of events until its time.

The restoration of the chronicles preceding the "Tale of Bygone Years" belongs to the fascinating pages of philological science. We only give some of the considerations that give the opportunity to restore the work of the predecessors of the "Tale of Bygone Years".

This compiler of the "Tale of Bygone Years" was, apparently, the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor, who worked about 1113. In the immediate form of the work of Nesor not preserved. It is preserved only in alterations and refinement of subsequent editors. These editors belonged to another political orientation and to another, hostile Pechersan, the monastery, seized the name of Nestor from the title of chronicle. But in one of the lists, the name of Nestor was still preserved: "Nestor, the Chernoriza Fed of the Pechersky Monastery." You can think that this is not a later insert, since in the XIII century the name of Nestor was associated with the creation of the "Tale of Bygone Years": in his message to the Bishop of Simono 1232, the polycarp, among other bends, the Pechersk Monastery mentions Nestor, "Ince it is written by the chronicle" .

True, the recognition of Nestor is the compiler of the "Tale of Bygone Years", several objections were encouraged. Researchers referred to contradictions between the individual information reading in the "Tale of Bygone Years" about the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, and those that are given about the same monastery in reliably owned by Nerontar of works, in particular in the life of one of the founders of the monastery - Feodosia. However, these contradictions can not testify to the auto auto auto industry: "Tale of Bygone Years", as A. A. Chematov proves, was compiled by Nestor for 25 years later, the Feodosiya's lives, and those who contradict her, the Feodosiya seats are not belonging to Nerstar: they are in it As part of the part, which was entirely borrowed by Nestor from the previous chronicle arch.

In favor of the authorship of Nesor, the following consideration should also be given: already two early life works of Nestor - "reading" about the princes of Boris and Glebe and the lives of Feodosiya Pecherski - characterize it as a writer, inclined to large historical generalizations and a thorough check of historical material. He calls those who are recorded by the events or who could be verified by their information. In the life of Feodosia, he refers to the testimony of not only the monks of his Pechersk Monastery - contemporaries Feodosia, but also on third-party persons: in the Chernihiv Hegumen Paul, on the Vestubitsky Hegumen Sofronia, at Boyari Gehuevich Zeslav and others.

The readiness manifested by Nesser in creating the "Tale of Bygone Years" is exceptional. However, Nestor does not follow the literary manner of its sources, or if it should, then only in some cases. It uses Byzantine works not as literary samples, but as historical sources. He enjoys their historical information, but not ideas and does not imitate them.

It is wonderful that, using the information of its historical sources, Nestor freely rebuilds their text: reduces and simplifies stylistically.

Sometimes a patriotic hand is felt in the stylistic processing of sources. Nestor not only changes the style, but partly, very carefully, processes and the most lighting of events. So, for example, in the life of Vasily, the newly refers to the battle of Igor's troops with the Greeks: "And there was a battle between them, Rus was defeated, and they beat their Greeks of the burning." Nestor is subject to this event like this: "And there was a cruel battle between them, barely defeated the Greeks" ("Tale of Bygone Years", 941 years).

High literary formation of nonzero, its exceptional readiness in the sources, the ability to choose everything is essential in them, compare the disorders, etc. made the "Tale of Bygone Years" not just a meeting of the facts of Russian history and not just a historical and publicistic essay associated with urgent, but The transit tasks of Russian reality, and the whole, literary stated history of Russia.

The patriotic elevation of the story, the latitude of the political horizon, the living sense of the people and the unity of Russia constitute an exceptional feature of the creation of Nesor.

The historical consciousness of Nestor is above his predecessors. He is interested in the root causes, the origin of the people, the state, the princely kind, the names of cities and tribes. He is more than his predecessors, is a researcher. His surveys in the area of \u200b\u200bchronology are amazing. He inquisitively seeks to understand the contradictions of sources and builds its complex historical hypotheses. Before us is a thinker historian.

The chronicler compared books with rivers: "For they are rivers that fall the universe" ("Tale of Bygone Years" under 1037). This chronicler comparison as it is impossible to suit the chronicle itself. The greatest summary of the chronicles of Russian history can really be liken to the solemn and powerful flow of a large Russian river. In this course, numerous tributaries have been combined in the chronicles - works of various genres, sparing here in a single and majestic integer. Here and the preceding chronicles, and legends, and oral stories, and historical songs created in various environments: Druzhinny, Monastic, Prince, and sometimes craft and peasant. Of all these origins - "Spring of Wisdom" - Born and "Tale of Bygone Years" - the creation of many authors, a work that reflected in itself and the ideology of the tops of the feudal society, and folk views in Russian history, folk about her Duma and Folk Aspirations, the work of the epic And lyrical at the same time - a kind of courageous meditation over the historical paths of our Motherland.

"The Tale of Bygone Years" - the work is native to any Russian person. She tells about the beginning of the Russian land, about the beginning of the Russian people by the voice of distant and at the same time close to us Russian people of the XI - early XII century. We are negotiated to her calm presentation and always find new and new ones in it, which not seen before we first depth.

The "Tale of Bygone Years" is in full form, with additions or with abbreviations, all Russian chronicles have begun for half a thousandth. It was very important, since she constantly reminded his readers about the unity of Russia, about the former independence of Russia at the time of the alien Ordane Iga, she taught patriotism and cried to preserve peace between princes. It was opened by the chronicles of Vladimir, Tver, Rostov, Moscow, Kiev, Galitsky, and subsequently Belarusian and Ukrainian. In one form or another, it affected all the stories of ancient Russia.

And now, when we are standing in front of a significant anniversary of the thousand five hundred thousand "Mother of the Cities of Rusky" Kiev, it is one of the biggest shrines for the three fraternal peoples - Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian, testifying to their unity, the glory and greatness of our common past.

In the publication, which lies in front of our readers, the "Tale of Bygone Years" entered not completely. We have chosen from it only those stories that have become an indispensable element of knowledge of all educated personwhich entered Russian literature by serving the basis for poems, historical leads, dramatic works, operas and paintings. We wish the reader a happy meeting with this wonderful work of our antiquity.

D. S. Likchev

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In the introductory part there is a biblical legend on the division of the Earth between the sons of NO NOY - Sym, Ham and Jafete - and the legend of the Babylonian pillar, leading to the separation of "single kind" on 72 people, each of which has its own language. Having determined that "Language (people) Slovesque" from the Japthe tribe, the chronicle narrates further about the Slavs inhabited by them, about the history and customs of the Slavic tribes. Gradually, narrowing the subject of their narration, the chronicle focuses on the history of Pollas, tells about the emergence of Kiev. Speaking of ancient times, when Kiev Polyana were danutrics of Khazar, "Tale of Bygone Years" with pride notes that now, as it was destined, the Hazars themselves are danted by Kiev princes.

The exact indications of the years begin in the "Tale of Bygone Years" from 852, as the chronicler claims, Russia is mentioned in the Greek Chronicles: This year, the Kiev princes Askold and Dir attacked Constantinople. The chronological statement is immediately given - the countdown of the years who passed from one to another significant event. Ends the calculation of the calculation of years from "Death Yaroslavl to death of Svyatopolch" (i.e. from 1054 to 1113), from which it follows that the "Tale of Bygone Years" could not be prepared before the second decade of the XII century.

Next, the chronicles are narrated by the most important events of the IX century. - "Varryagov's vocation", The campaign on the Byzantium of Askold and Dira, the conquest of Kiev Oleg. The legend included in the chronicle of the origin of the Slavic diploma ends important for the general concept of the "Tale of Bygone Years" by the statement of the identity of Slovenian and Russian languages \u200b\u200b- another reminder of the place of Polyan among the Slavic peoples and Slavs among the peoples of the world.

In subsequent chronicle articles, talk about the prince of Oleg. The chronicler cites the texts of his contracts with Byzantium and folk legends about Prince: the story about the campaign of him to Tsargrad, with spectacular episodes, undoubtedly folk nature (Oleg approaches the walls of the city in the rooks moving under the sails on land, hides their shield over the gates of Constantinople, "Showing the victory"). There is also a well-known legend of the death of Oleg. Volkhv predicted the prince death from his beloved horse. Oleg decided: "Nicoli is the same on Hy, I do not see him more than that." However, afterwards he learns that the horse is already dead. Oleg laughed at a false prediction and wished to see the bone of the horse. But when the prince stepped his foot on the "forehead" (skull) of the horse, he was otvayn the Snake "Identious" "from his forehead", he died and died. The chronicle episode, as we know, the basis of the ballads A. S. Pushkin "Song about Oleg's meaning".

Oleg inherited in Kiev "Table" Igorwhich the chronicler considered the son of Rüric. It is reported about two campaigns of Igor for Byzantium and the text of the agreement concluded by the Russian prince with the Byzantine emperors-co-gentlemen was given. Igor was unexpected and inglorious: on the advice of the squad, he went to the land of Ridge for the collection of Dani (usually tribute collected his governor). On the way back, the prince suddenly appealed to his soldiers: "We go with the tribute to Divi, and I envied, look like more." Drevlyan, having heard that Igor intends to collect tribute to the second time, outraged: "Throwing a wolf (if the wolf is having something) in the sheep, then it's not to carry it out a herd, it's not to kill him, Tako and CE: they don't kill him, then you will not kill him . But Igor did not return the warning of the Drevlyan and was killed by them.

The story of the death of Igor in the chronicle of very brief; BUT B. folk memory Legends have been preserved about how the widow of Igor - Olga revenged the ridge for the murder of her husband. Traditions of the etiibolis are reproduced by the chronicler and are read in the "Tale of Bygone Years" in Article 945

After the murder, Igor Drevlyan was sent to Kiev to Olga ambassadors with a proposal to marry their prince Mala. Olga pretended to be the "Luba" of the words of the ambassadors, and told them to appear the next day, while not on top and not on foot, but quite an unusual way: By order of Princess, Kievans were supposed to bring Drevlyan to the princely courtyard in the roys. At the same time, Olga orders to dig up near his terme deep pit. When the triumph of the Trees (they sit in the Floor "proud", emphasizes the chronicler) contributed to the princely courtyard, Olga ordered to relieve them together with the root in the pit. Going to her edge, the princess with a grin asked: "Do you honor?". "We are the forest (worse) Igor Death," answered Drevlyan. And Olga ordered to fall asleep them alive in the pit.

The second embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich consisted of noble Treated "husbands", Olga ordered to burn in the bath, where the ambassadors were invited to "bezing". Finally, the Druzhina Drevlyan, sent to towards Olga, so that with honor to introduce it to the capital of Mala, Prince ordered to kill during TRIZNES - a memorial feast at the grave of Igor.

Attentive consideration of the legends about how Olga revenged three times, reveals symbolic meaning The subtext of the legend: each revenge corresponds to one of the elements of the pagan burial rite. According to the customs of that time, the dead mans were buried, putting in the root; For the dead man was prepared by a bath, and then his corpse was burned, triction was arranged on the burial day, accompanied by military games. The story about the three seats of Olga was already read in the "primary arch". In the "Tale of Bygone Years", another legend was made - about the fourth revenge of Princess.

By interrupting the Druzhina Drevlyan, Olga nevertheless could not take them to the capital - the city is estimated. Then the princess again resorted to tricks. She turned to besieged, convincing that she was not going to impose their heavy tribute, as Igor once, but asks a negligible redemption: three sparrows and three pigeons from the house. Drevlyan again did not guessed Olga's insidiousness and readily sent her the required tribute to it. Then the warriors of Olga according to her order were tied to the birds of the birds "Cerr" (grilled clutch, dried ruts) and let them go. Birds flew into their nests, and soon the whole city was covered by fire. People who tried to escape the flight were captured by the warriors of Olga. So, according to legend, the princess revenged for the death of her husband.

Entilly depicts the chronicler son Igor - Svyatoslav, His warlikeness, knightly straight line (he seemed to warn his enemies in advance: "I want to you"), unpretentious in everyday life. The chronicle tells about the campaigns of Svyatoslav for Byzantium: he almost reached Constantinople and suggested, winning the Balkan countries, move their capital to Danube, for there, according to him, "there is a Sereda Earth", where all the benefits are flown - precious metals, expensive fabrics , Wine, horses and slaves. But the plans of Svyatoslav were not destined to come true: he died, hitting the ambush Pechenegs at the Dnieper thresholds.

After the death of Svyatoslav between his sons - Oleg, Yaropolk and Vladimir - the civil struggle broke out.The winner of it came out Vladimirwho has become in 980. The united ruler of Russia.

In the section "Tale of Bygone Years" dedicated to the Prince Vladimir, a big place occupies the topic of the Baptism of Russia. The chronicle reads the so-called "The speech of the philosopher", With which the Greek missionary addressed to Vladimir, convincing the prince to adopt Christianity. "The speech of the philosopher" had a great informative value for the Old Russian reader - the entire "sacred story" was summarized in it and the basic principles of Christian religion were reported.

Various folk legends around the name Vladimir were grouped. They were reflected in the chronicles - in the memoirs about the generosity of the prince, his crowded piras, where all the warriors were hardly invited, about the exploits of obscure heroes who lived in the times of this prince, - about the victory of the hotel-leatherhead over Pechenezhsky rich or about the old man, his wisdom The city of Belgorod, liberated from the siege of Pechenegs. These legends will still go below.

After Vladimir's death in 1015, a civil struggle broke out between his sons again. Svyatopolk - the son of Yaropolk and the prisoners-monastery, which Vladimir, destroying his brother, made his wife, killed his summary brothers Boris and Gleb. A brief story about the fate of the princes-martyrs, about the struggle of Yaroslav Vladimirovich, with Svyatopolk, who ended with a military defeat of the last and terrible Divine Retribution was read. When Svatopolk is broken in battle. He appealed to the "attack" to him, "and the rash bone of His, not the seasure of Koni." Svyatopolk seems to be followed by pursuing heels, he hurts his warriors who carry it on her stretchers. "Gonim God's anger", Svyatopolk dies in the "desert" (in a blind, unplaced place) between Poland and the Czech Republic, and from his grave, according to the chronicles, "comes ... Smyrah". The chronicler enjoys the case to emphasize that the terrible death of the Svyatopolka should serve as a warning of Russian princes, to protect them from the resumption, the brother-in-law contention.

In 1037, in the chronicle tells about construction activities Yaroslav (in particular, on the bookmark of the famous Sofia Cathedral in Kiev, fortress walls with gold gates, etc.). Important Has placed in Article 1054, the death testa of Yaroslav, who called on his sons to live in the world, take care of the land "father of his and grandfather of his own", which they found "the work of their great", to obey the eldest in the Kiev princess.

The last decade of the XI century. It was full of rapid events. After internecine wars, the instigator and the indispensable participant of which Oleg Svyatoslavich was ("the word about Igor's regiment" refers to his Oleg Gorislavlich), the princes gather in 1097 in Lisher to the congress, on which from now on to live in peace and friendship, keep holdings of the Father and Do not encroach on other people's diets. However, immediately after the congress, a new atrocity was accomplished: the Volyn Prince Davyd Igorevich convinced Kiev Prince Svyatopolk Iaslavich's fact that the Terbell Prince Vasilko is malicious against them. Svyatopolk and Davyd lured the cornflower to Kiev, captured him and the eyes of his eyes. The event shook all the princes: Vladimir Monomakh, according to the chronicler, complained that there was no such evil in Russia "Neither Dedekh Oh, nor from our ours." In Article 1097, we find a detailed story about the dramatic fate of the Terebovsky Vasilka; It was probably written specifically for the chronicle and fully included in its composition.

We do not know exactly how the final part of the "Tale of Bygone Years" looked out of the second edition. In the Lavrentiev Chronicles, the text of Article 1110 is artificially convertible: the record of the Churchrist Sylvester should be directly behind the story of a wonderful sign in the Pechersk Monastery, which is considered as an angel's phenomenon; At the same time, in the Ipatiev chronicle, following the description of the sign, the argument of angels is read, which, undoubtedly, was part of the initial text of Article 1110, that is, it should have been present in the text of the second edition of the "Tale of Bygone Years". In addition, it is not known whether Article 1110 was the last in this edition: after all, in the prescription Sylvester, it was reported that he wrote "Book Si Chronicler" in 1116. The question of the relationship of the second edition of the "Tale of Bygone Years" and the third edition remains the controversial , like that which text the second editorial office "Tale" was completed.

5. "Word about Igor's regiment." Idea content, art form, communication with folklore.

"Words about the regiment of Igor" was open famous collector of ancient Russian manuscripts graph A. I. Musin-Pushkin at the end of the 18th century. From this time, an intensive study of this outstanding monument began old Russian literature.

The researchers analyzed the text "Words", his artistic advantages, language, considered the ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe monument, the historical horizon of his author, found out the circumstances of the detection of the "Words" manuscript and the principles of his publication. Most of these issues are currently deeply and comprehensively studied.

Controversy about writing the word "words"

In research literature on the "Word", a controversy of the monument or the time of its creation is essential.

Differences for the antiquity of the "Word" arose after the death of the manuscript in the fire of 1812. The reasons for the emergence of a "skeptic look" on antiquity "words" were several. First, at the beginning of the 19th century. Scientists too little knew about the literature of ancient Russia, and therefore "the Word" seemed to them unnaturally perfect for the level of artistic culture of Kievan Rus.-second , embarrassed unclear, "dark places" "Words", an abundance in it incomprehensible wordswho at first tried to explain on the material of other Slavic languages. But the main reason for the occurrence of mistrust to the "Word" was the direction in Russian historiography of the early 19th century, which is referred to "Skeptic school." Doubt on the authenticity of the "Words" was only a private episode in this trend: "Skeptics" were also questioned by the antiquity of Russian chronicles, a collection of ancient Russian laws - "Russian truth", writings of Cyril Torovsky and so on

In the middle of the 19th century After opening "Zadonshchina" (about Dmitry Donskoy and Mama "Gol.orda"), Senior of the known lists of which is dated to the end of the 15th century, doubt the antiquity of the "words" stopped. However, in the 90s. of the same century Louis Leo He put forward the hypothesis that not the author of the "Zadonshchina" solely "Word", but, on the contrary, "the word" is the imitation of "Zadonshchina". This assumption L. lesion was developed in the works of the French scientist, Academician A. Mazon, and later in the works of the Soviet historian A. A. Zimin . A. A. Zimin believed that the "word" was written on the basis of the "Zadonshchina" in 18 V. And the author of him was Joil Bykovsky, Yaroslavl Archimandrite, who has acquired a collection with the "Word" by A. Musin-Pushkin.

Subsequent studies of the entire amount of questions affected by A. A. Zimin's hypothesis: the relationship between "Words" and "Zadonshchina", the language and style of "Words", the history of the find of the collection and the publication of the "Words" by A. I. Musin-Pushkin, personality characteristics and Creativity of Joel Bykovsky - with very evidence approved the authenticity and antiquity of "Words".

Writing time "Words" and the question of his author -the monument could be created no later than October 1, 1187 - the time when Yaroslav Osmomysl died, since he is mentioned in "Word" as a living.

Historical basis Words and its basic idea:

The word is based on the history of the unsuccessful campaign of Novgorod-Seversky Prince IG. St. in 1185 in the Polovtsy. The prince acted alone alone, resorting to the help of only three close princes (brothers of Vsevolod's brows, the son of Vladimir and her saint. Svyatoslav). He did not inform the ruler of Kiev, his senior cousin Prince Svyatoslav Kievsky. The trip ended in a major failure (Polovtsy won, all the princes were captured, the honor of the whole genus, Russian lands began to suffer because of Polovtsy raids (southern). The word is not a documentary, consistent historical story about the campaign, but a lyrol-epic The response to the events of that time, i.e. the narrative is conducted through the personal perception and the deep emotional attitude of the author. The word poetically evaluates historical events. In this regard, bright the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe monument sounds. it - Call for the unity of Russian princes (The story about the unsuccessful campaign for the author was a reason for reasoning, about which tragic consequences there is a disunity of princes in Russia). The political ideal for the author is a strong and authoritarian princely power. It was the Kiev throne that should be uninstalling Russian princes.

Composition "Words"

"The word" begins extensive entry in which the author remembers the ancient singer "Slav" Boyana, wise and skillful, but nevertheless declares that he will not be in his work to follow this tradition, he will behave his "song" "on the eponym of this time, and not on the clamping of a boyna."

Having determined the chronological range of his narration ("from the Stargo of Vladimer to the current Igor"), the author tells about the bold plan of Igor "Write" his shelves to the Polovtsy Earth, "Spit the Shelving Don." He seems to "try on" to his theme poetic Maneru Boyana.

Genre "Words"

The composition "Words" is unusual for the historical story. We see that the author's focus not so much a consistent story about the events of the campaign, how much reasoning about him, assessment of the act Igor,meditsa about the reasons "tugs" and sadness engulfed all Russian land in the present, appeal to the events of the past with his victories and misfortunes. All these features "Words" summarize us question about the genre of the monument. This question is even more important that in the ancient Russian literature, with its strict genre system, "the word" (like a number of other monuments) it turns out as if outside the genre system. A. N. Robinson and D. S. Likhachev compare the "Word" with the genre of the so-called "chanson de gesture" - "Songs about the exploits", the analogies in this case are, for example, "Song of Roland" or other similar works of Western European feudal epic.

In a word" the epic and book principles are combined. Epos Polon Calls to the Protection of the country ... It is characteristic of his "direction": the call comes from the people ( hence the folklore principle), but he turned to the feudals - the golden word of Svyatoslav, and hence book principle.

Poetics "Words" so unique language and style it is so colorful and distinctiveAt first glance, it may seem that "the word" is completely outside the sphere of literary traditions of the Russian Middle Ages.

At all style monumental historicism It manifests itself in the "Word" diverse and deep. The action "Word" is deployed on huge space From Novgorod the Great in the north to Ttumutokani (at the Taman Peninsula) in the south, from the Volga in the east to Galich and the Carpathians in the West. The author "Words "Mentions In their appeals to the princes many geographical locations of the Russian land . The acting persons "Words" see Russian land as if "panoramic vision", as if with big height. Such, for example, the appeal of Yaroslavna from Putivly not only to the Sun and the wind, but also to the distant Dnieper, which can take her beloved husband from Polovtsy captivity to her. Yaroslav Osmomysl controls its principality, also in emphasized "spatial" borders, backing the mountains of Ugors, "the courts of the row to the Danube." The Battle of Battle with Polovtsy acquires all-time scales: black clouds, symbolizing enemies of Russia, go from the sea itself.

Already mentioned the historites of "Words", also a characteristic feature of monumental historicism. And events, and actions, and the quality of the characters "Words" are estimated against the background of all Russian history, against the background of events not only 12, but also 11 in.

Department of Literature


in the discipline "History of Russian literature"

"Tale of Bygone Years" - Literary Monument of Ancient Russia

Performed student


St. Petersburg

About g l and in l and e:

Introduction 3.

1. The story of the emergence of the Russian chronicle "Tale of Bygone Years" _ 6

2. "Tale of Bygone Years" as a historical source and literary monument_ 11

3. Style originality "Tale of Bygone Years" _ 16

4. Involvement "Tale of Bygone Years" in a literary aspect 19

Conclusion 21.

List of used literature_ 22


Relevance of work . The main source of our knowledge about Ancient Russia is medieval chronicles. Currently, more than two hundred lists of chronicles are known. Most of them are published (fully or in the form of discrepancies to other lists) in the full meeting of Russian chronicles. One of the most ancient and well-known - "Tale of Bygone Years" is the chronicle, which received its name according to the first words of the Testa of the Time of Anniversary ... "and the narrative of the events of the Russian history of the middle of the IX - early XII centuries. According to the outstanding Russian scientist DS Lihachev, the "Tale of Bygone Years" with its world-historical introduction, with its wide desire to justify the place of the Russian people among other peoples of the world, with its special attention to heroic, to military fences, to the glory of the Russian Weapons introduce us to the atmosphere of an epic folk-song attitude towards Russian history. Before us in the "Tale of Bygone Years" is largely epic, poetic attitude towards native history. That is why "Tale of Bygone Years" is not only a product of Russian historical thought, but also Russian historical poetry. Poetry and history are in it in an inseparable unity. Before us, the work is a literary and monument of historical thought. "

Tradition calls the author of the "Tale" of the monk of the Pechersk Monastery in Kiev Nestor. For a long time it was believed that Nestor was the herald of Russian chronicles, but later it was established that even the chronicle arches existed before him. "Ancient", "Nikon Arbor", "Initial Lay".

Studying "Tale" continues until now, however, despite the significant array of literature dedicated to this literary monument, researchers disagree in many aspects of the appearance and interpretation of the chronicle. The first in Russia began to study the annulary V.N. Tatishchev. He wondered to create his grandiose "Russian history", he turned to all those famous in his time, chronicles, lasted many new monuments. After V.N. Tatishchev "Tale of Bygone Years" studied A. Schlezer. If V.N. Tatishchev worked as if styling, connecting additional information of many lists in the same text, and walked in the footsteps of the ancient chronicle - the summers, then the Schöhchcher worked deep into, detecting a lot of things in the text itself, mistakes, inaccuracies. Both research approaches with all their external differences were similarity in one: in science, the idea of \u200b\u200ba non-volatile form was enforced, in which the "Tale of Bygone Years" reached us. This is the great merit of both wonderful historians. The next major step was made by the famous archeographer P.M.Tractors. And V.N. Tatishchev, and A. Shlezer represented a "tale of temporary years," as the creation of one chronicler, in this case Nestor. P.M.Trupheska expressed a completely new look at the chronicle as a set of several earlier chronicles and such villages began to be considered all the annilates that were reached. Thus, he discovered the path not only to a more correct study of the chronicles and arches that did not reach us in their original form reached us.

An unusually important step was made by A.A.Shakhmatov, who showed that each of the chronicles, starting from the XI century and ending the XVI century, not a random conglomerate of heterogeneous chronicle sources, and the historical work with its own political positionThe locally dictated by the place and the creation time. According to A.A. Chehamatova, the chronicle, which is customary to refer to the tag of time years, was established in 1112 by Nestor - presumably the author of two well-known agiographic works - readings about Boris and Gleb and the lives of Feodosia Pechersk. The history of chronicle of chess associated with the history of the country. It was possible to intercept the history of the state of the source history. The data of source studies are not an end in itself, but the most important help in recreating a picture of the historical development of the entire people. And now, starting to study one or another period, first of all seek to analyze the question of how the chronicle and its information are related to real reality. Lack of approach developed by LA Chesshold, however, is that the critical source analysis actually coincided with the study of the history of his text. Outside of the interests of the researcher, there was a large set of problems associated with the history of the values \u200b\u200band meanings that have existed during the creation of a chronic wrote. This gap was largely filled with studies of such wonderful scientists as: I.N. Danilevsky, V.M. Istrin, A.N.Nadsov, A.A. Likhachev, M.P.Pogodin and many others.

purpose Works - show the historical and artistic peculiarity of the "Tale of Bygone Years", to assess the importance of "stories" as a literary monument of ancient Russia.

1. The history of the Russian chronicle of the "Tale of Bygone Years"

Analysis of literature on the history of the emergence of the "Tale of Bygone Years" shows its discussion in science. At the same time, in all publications about the "story" emphasizes the historical importance of the chronicle for the history and culture of Russia. Already in the title "Tale of Bygone Years", there is a response to the question of the purpose of the Chronicles: In order to tell the "Excudation, the Russian land went, who in Kiev initiated the first of the princes, and the Russian land began to eat." In other words, to tell about Russian history from the very beginning of it and before the formation of the Orthodox state under the collective name of the Russian land.

Revealing the issues of chronology, I.N. Danilevsky wrote that traditionally chronicles in a broad sense called historical writingsThe presentation in which is conducted strictly by year and is accompanied by chronographic (annual), often calendar, and sometimes chronometric (hourly) dates. According to the species signs, they are close to Western European Annalam (from Lat. Annales Libri - annual reports) and chronicles (from Greek. Chranihos - relating to time). In the narrow sense of the word chronicles, it was customary to call the chronicle of the chronicles that have survived in one or several similar lists. But scientific terminology in the chronicle materials is largely conditional. This is due, in particular, with the "lack of clear boundaries and the complexity of the history of chronicle texts", with the "fluidity" of the chronicles, allowing "gradual transitions from the text to the text without visible gradations of monuments and editions." To date, "In the study of the chronicles, the use of terms is extremely vague." At the same time, "any elimination of the ambiguity of terminology should be based on the establishment of this ambiguity itself. It is impossible to terms about the use of terms, without finding out first of all all the shades of their use in the past and present, "believes D.S. Likhachev.

According to M.I.Sumcholynova "All Russian chronicles the very name of the" Chronicles "," Chronicles "," Temperats "," TIME TRAINING SHIP ", etc. It is consistent with their perovical form: none of these names would be decent if they were not denoted by the time of each event, if the summer, years did not occupy the same important place in them as the most events. In this regard, as in many others, our chronicles are similar not so much with the writers of Byzantine, as with those temporarys (Annales), which were published from the VIII century, in the monasteries of the Romanesque and German Europe - regardless of the historical samples of classical antiquity. The initial basis of these Annals were Easter tables. "

Most of the authors believe that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Trestle of the Tale of Bygone Years belongs to Nermer, a scribe of a wide historic horizon and large literary talent: even before working on the "Tales of the Championships of the Year", he wrote the "Life of Boris and Gleb" and "Life of Feodosia Pechersk". In the "Tale of Bygone Years", Nestor set himself a major task: to drastically recycle a story about ancient period Rusi's stories - "How to go Russian land".

However, as A. A. Chematov showed, the "Tale of Bygone Years" was preceded by other chronicle crops. The scientist leads, in particular, the next fact: "The Tale of Bygone Years", which preserved in Lavrentievsky, Ipatievsky and other chronicles, was significantly different in the interpretation of many events from another annals, who narrowed about the same initial period of Russian history - the Novgorod first chronicle of the youngerie. In the Novgorod chronicles there were no texts of contracts with the Greeks, Prince Oleg was called the Voevoda at the young Prince of Igor, otherwise it was told about the campaigns of Russia to Tsargrad and so on.

A. A. Chematov came to the conclusion that the Novgorod first chronicle in his initial part reflected another chronicle arch, which preceded the "Tale of Bygone Years."

The prominent researcher of the Russian chronicle of V. M. Istrin made unsuccessful attempts to find the differences in the "Tale of Bygone Years" and the story of the Novgorod first chronicle of a different explanation (that the Novgorod chronicle would definitely reduce the "tale of the time years"). As a result, A. A. Shamatov's conclusions were confirmed by many facts produced by both them and other scientists.

The text of interest to us is covered by a long period - from ancient times before the second decade of the XII century. It is quite reasonably believed that this is one of the oldest chronicle archives, the text of which was preserved by the chronicle tradition. Separate lists it is not known. On this occasion V.O. Klyuchevsky wrote: "In the libraries, do not ask the initial chronicle - you will probably not understand and ask:" What list of chronicles need you? " Then you, in turn, come to beware. There is still no one manuscript found, in which the initial chronicle would be placed separately as it came out from under the pen of an ancient compiler. In all famous lists It merges with the story of her successors, who in later arches reaches usually until the end of the XVI century. " . In different chronicles, the text of the story reaches different years: up to 1110 (Lavrentiev and lists close to him) or until 1118 (Ipatiev and lists close to it).

At the initial stage of studying the chronicles, researchers proceeded from the fact that those found in the discrepancy lists are a consequence of the distortion of the source text during repeated rewriting. Based on this, for example, A.L. Schrelzer put the task of recreating the "purified nestor". An attempt to correct the accumulated mechanical errors and rethinking the chronicle text, however, was not crowned with success. As a result of the work done by A.L. Schrelzer was convinced that over time, the text was not only distressed, but also corrected by correspondence and editors. Nevertheless, a non-vocabulary appearance was proved, in which the "Tale of Bygone Years" reached us. This actually raised the question of the need to reconstruct the initial type of chronicle text.

Comparing all the lists of chronicles available to him, A.A.Shakhmatov revealed the discrepancies and the so-called general places inherent in the chronicles. Analysis of detected discrepancies, their classification was allowed to identify lists with coinciding discrepancies. The researcher grouped lists by editors and put forward a number of complementary hypotheses explaining the occurrence of differentials. Comparison of hypothetical arches made it possible to reveal a number general damninherent in some of them. So the alleged source texts were recreated. It turned out that many fragments of the chronicle of the chronicle were borrowed from very early arches, which, in turn, made it possible to move to the reconstruction of the oldest Russian chronicle. Conclusions A.A. Chessatova received a complete confirmation when the Moscow arch of 1408 was found, the existence of which was predicted by a great scientist. In full the path that A.A. did Chess, became clear only after publishing his student MD. Locked workbooks of their teacher. Since then, the whole story of the study of the chronicles is divided into two periods: pre-Shahmatovsky and modern.

When editing the initial text (the first edition of the Tale of Bygone Years) was changed so much as A.A. Chess came to the conclusion about the impossibility of its reconstruction. As for the texts of the Lavrentiev and Ipatiev editions of the story (they are customary to be called respectively the second and third editions), then, despite the later alterations in subsequent vaults, Chessov managed to determine their composition and allegedly reconstruct. It should be noted that chess fluctuated in the assessment of the stages of work on the text of the Tale of Bygone Years. Sometimes, for example, he believed that in 1116 Sylvester only rewrote Nestor text 1113 (and the latter was sometimes dated 1111), without editing it.

If the question of the authorship of Nesor remains controversial (there is a number of instructions that are fundamentally divergent with the data and lives of the Feodosius), then in general the assumption of A.A. Shahmatov about the existence of three editions of the Tale of Bygultural Years shares most of the modern researchers.

Based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe political nature of the ancient Russian chronicles, A.A. Chess, and for him MD. Squels and other researchers believe that the birth of the chronicle tradition of Pa Rusi is associated with the establishment of Kiev Metropolis. "The custom of the Byzantine Church Administration demanded, when opening a new department, bishop or metropolitan, to draw up a historical note on the causes, place and persons of this event for the work of the Patriarch Synod in Constantinople." It was supposedly a reason for the creation of ancient arch of 1037. Laters that were constituted on the basis of the Tale of Bygone Years, researchers represent that CygyBo journalistic works written, what is called on the evil of the day, then some medieval fiction, they are simply texts that are systematically with Amazing perseverance and perseverance "add" - hardly on inertia.

At the same time, the whole story of studying shows that the goal of the creation of chronicle should be quite significant so that throughout the centuries, many generations of chroniclers continued to work, started in Kiev in the XI century. Moreover, "the authors and editors kept the same literary techniques and expressed the same views and public life and moral requirements."

As believed, the first edition of the "Tale of Bygone Years" has not reached us. The second edition was preserved, compiled in 1117 by the Igumen of the Vestubitsky Monastery (near Kiev) Sylvester, and the third edition, compiled in 1118 on the command of Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich. In the second edition, only the final part of the "Tale of Bygone Years" was recycled; This edition and reached us as part of the Lavrentiev Chronicles of 1377, as well as other later chronicles. The third editorial office, according to a number of researchers, is presented in the Ipatiev Chronicle, the senior list of which is Ipatievsky - dates back to the first quarter of the XV century.

From our point of view, the final point in the study of the origin of the "story" has not yet been delivered, it shows the whole story of studying the chronicle. It is possible that new hypotheses on the history of the creation of the greatest monument of Old Russian literature will be nominated by scientists on the basis of newly discovered facts.

Scientists have established that the lunches were conducted in Russia from the XI to XVII century. Back in the XIX century. It became known that almost all preserved chronicle texts are compilations, crops of previous chronicles. According to D.S. Likhachev, "In relation to the chronicles, a set of more or less hypothetical monument, i.e., the monument is intended, underlying its lists or other alleged arms." Nestor "Tale of Bygone Years" is obliged to its wide historical outlook, introducing facts to the chronicle world HistoryAgainst the background of which the history of Slavs is deployed, and then - the history of Russia. Thanks to the state view, the latitude of the horizons and literary talent of Nestor, the Tale of Byversion, was "not just a meeting of the facts of Russian, history and not just a historical and journalistic composition related to the pressing, but the transient tasks of Russian reality, and the whole, literary stated history of Russia" , notes D.S. Likhachev.

In the introductory part of the story, the biblical legend of the division of the Earth between the sons of NO NOY - Sym, Ham and Jafete - and the legend of the Babylonian pillar, which led to the separation of the "single kind" on 72 people, each of which has its own language: "Three Flood Sons of Noah divided the land - SIM, XAM, IFET ... "

Having determined that "Language (people) Slovesque" from the Japthe tribe, the chronicle narrates further about the Slavs inhabited by them, about the history and customs of the Slavic tribes. Gradually, narrowing the subject of their narration, the chronicle focuses on the history of Pollas, tells about the emergence of Kiev. Speaking of ancient times, when Kiev Polyana were danutrics of Khazar, "Tale of Bygone Years" with pride notes that now, as it was destined, the Hazars themselves are danted by Kiev princes.

The exact indications of the years begin in the "Tale of Bygone Years" from 852, as the chronicler claims, Russia is mentioned in the Greek Chronicles: This year, the Kiev princes Askold and Dir attacked Constantinople. The chronological statement is immediately given - the countdown of the years who passed from one to another significant event. Ends the calculation of the calculation of years from "Death Yaroslavl to death of Svyatopolch" (i.e. from 1054 to 1113), from which it follows that the "Tale of Bygone Years" could not be prepared before the second decade of the XII century.

Next, the chronicles are narrated by the most important events of the IX century. - "Variagov's vocation", campaign on Byzantium Askold and Dira, the conquest of Kiev Oleg. The legend included in the chronicle of the origin of the Slavic diploma ends important for the general concept of the "Tale of Bygone Years" by the statement of the identity of Slovenian and Russian languages \u200b\u200b- another reminder of the place of Polyan among the Slavic peoples and Slavs among the peoples of the world.

In subsequent chronicle articles, the reign of Oleg. The chronicler cites the texts of his contracts with Byzantium and folk legends about Prince: the story about the campaign of him to Tsargrad, with spectacular episodes, undoubtedly folk nature (Oleg approaches the walls of the city in the rooks moving under the sails on land, hides their shield over the gates of Constantinople, "Showing the victory").

Igor Chronicler considered Rüric's son. Two campaigns of Igor on Byzantium are reported and the text of the agreement concluded by the Russian Prince with the Byzantine Emperors-Coordarents: Roman, Konstantin and Stephen. Igor's death was unexpected and inglorious: on the advice of the squad, he went to the land of Ridge for the collection of Dani (usually a tribute was collected by his governor Svevend). On the way back, the prince suddenly appealed to his soldiers: "We go with the tribute to Divi, and I envied, look like more." Drevlyan, having heard that Igor intends to collect tribute to the second time, outraged: "Throwing a wolf (if the wolf is having something) in the sheep, then it's not to carry it out a herd, it's not to kill him, Tako and CE: they don't kill him, then you will not kill him . But Igor did not return the warning of the Drevlyan and was killed by them.

Olga brought himself three times for the death of her husband. Each revenge corresponds to one of the elements of the pagan burial rite. According to the customs of that time, the dead mans were buried, putting in the root; For the dead, they prepared a bath, and then his corpse burned, triction was arranged on the burial day, accompanied by military games.

Enthusiastly depicts the chronicler of Son Igor - Svyatoslav, his militantness, a knightly straightness (he would definitely warned his enemies in advance: "I want you to"), unpretentious in everyday life.

After the death of Svyatoslav between his sons - Oleg, Yaropolk and Vladimir - the civil struggle broke out. Vladimir came out the winner of it, who became the one-chased ruler of Russia in 980.

In the "Tale of Bygone Years", dedicated to Vladimir's princess, the topic of the Baptism of Russia is a great place. In the chronicle, the so-called "philosopher's speech" is read, with whom the Greek missionary turned to Vladimir, convincing the prince to adopt Christianity. "The speech of the philosopher" had a great informative value for the Old Russian reader - the entire "sacred story" was summarized in it and the basic principles of Christian religion were reported.

After Vladimir's death in 1015, a civil struggle broke out between his sons again. Svyatopolk - the son of Yaropolk and the prisoners-monastery, which Vladimir, destroying his brother, made his wife, killed his summary brothers Boris and Gleb. A brief story about the fate of the princes-martyrs, about the struggle of Yaroslav Vladimirovich, with Svyatopolk, who ended with a military defeat of the last and terrible Divine Retribution was read.

The last decade of the XI century. It was full of rapid events. After internecine wars, the instigator and the indispensable participant of which Oleg Svyatoslavich was ("the word about Igor's regiment" refers to his Oleg Gorislavlich), the princes gather in 1097 in Lisher to the congress, on which from now on to live in peace and friendship, keep holdings of the Father and Do not encroach on other people's diets. However, immediately after the congress, a new atrocity was accomplished: the Volyn Prince Davyd Igorevich convinced Kiev Prince Svyatopolk Iaslavich's fact that the Terbell Prince Vasilko is malicious against them. Svyatopolk and Davyd lured the cornflower to Kiev, captured him and the eyes of his eyes. The event shook all the princes: Vladimir Monomakh, according to the chronicler, complained that there was no such evil in Russia "Neither Dedekh Oh, nor from our ours." In Article 1097, we find a detailed story about the dramatic fate of the Terebovsky Vasilka.

Short review The compositions of the Tale of Bygone Years show the complexity of its composition and a variety of components both by origin and by genre affiliation. In the "story", in addition to short weather records, the texts of documents, and the retelling of folklore traditions, and plot stories, and excerpts from monuments of translation literature were included. Theological treatise is found in it - "Philosopher's Speech", and the story of Boris and Gleb, and Catema Legends about the Kiev-Pechersk monks, and the church commendable Word of the Peodosia Pechersky, and a relaxed story about Novgorod, who went to pay to the Kudesnik.

If we talk about the story of "Tale", it should be emphasized that the artistic generalization in ancient Russia was mainly based on a single particular historical fact. Almost all events are attached to a specific historical event or a specific historical person. As you know, ancient Russia during the IX-X centuries. From the fragile tribal union turned into a single early refortel state. Hiking Kiev Princes Oleg, Igor and Svyatoslav introduced Russia to the sphere of European politics. The close diplomatic, trade and cultural relations of ancient Russia with its southern neighbors - with the Bulgarian "kingdom and especially with the largest state of South-Eastern Europe - Byzantia prepared the ground for the adoption of Christianity. What was reflected in the "story". Obviously, Christianization of Russia demanded a radical restructuring of the worldview; The former pagan views on the origin and device of the Universe, about the history of the human race, the ancestors of Slavs were now rejected, and Russian scribes were in dire needed writings that would set forth the Christian ideas about world history, would give a new, Christian interpretation of the world order and the phenomena of nature. Describing the literature of Kievan Rus, D.S. Likhachev notes that it was devoted in mainly ideological issues. Its genre system reflected the worldview, typical of many Christian states in the Epoch of the early Middle Ages. "Old Russian literature can be considered as literature of one topic and one plot. This plot is world history, and this word - meaning human life».

We also note high citizenship and patriotism of the literary monument under consideration. The patriotism of the ancient Russian literature is connected not only with the pride of the authors for Russian land, but with their sorrow about incurred defeats, with the desire to enhance the princes and boyars, and sometimes with trying to condemn them, excite the readers anger against the worst of them.

Thus, the "Tale of Bygone Years" is not only a unique historical source and a literary monument, but also a sample of the true patriotism of the Russian people, love to their homeland.

3. Style originality of the "Tale of Bygone Years"

The stylistic peculiarity of "story" deserves special attention, because in the modern literary tradition, the chronicle genre is absent. The nature of the chronicle genre is very complex; The chronicle refers to the number of "uniting genres", subordinate to themselves genres of their components - historical stories, lives, teaching, praise, etc. And nevertheless, the chronicle remains a one-piece product that can be investigated and as a monument of one genre, as a monument Literature. In the "Tale of Bygone Years," as in any other chronicles, two types of narration can be distinguished - actually weather records and chronicle stories. Weather entries contain events, while the chronicle stories offer descriptions of them. In the chronicle story, the author seeks to portray the event, bring certain specific details, reproduce the dialogues of the actors, in a word, to help the reader to present what is happening, cause it to empathize.

So, in the story about the pattern, which fled from the Pechenegs of Kiev, to convey the request of the princess Olga Voevod, the pretimi, not only the fact of transferring the report itself, but it is describing how the matures ran through the Pechenezhsky mill with a bridle in his hand, asking for as if The missing horse (at the same time an important item is not missed that the tag was able to speak in Pechenezhsky), about how he, having reached the shore of the Dnieper, "Summary of the Ports" and rushed into the water, how the pretija warriors fell down on the boat; Pretic dialogue with Pecheneza Prince and Dialogue. This is precisely the story, and not a brief weather record, such as: "Vntychi defeat Svyatoslav and tribute to them", or "Tsaritsya Volodymereya Anna", or "Pois Māstislav on Yaroslav with Kozara and Castoga", etc.

At the same time, the chronicle stories themselves relate to two types, largely determined by their origin. Some stories tell about the events, modern chronicles, others about the events that took place long before the deciption of the annals, these are oral epic legends, only subsequently contributed to the chronicle.

The stories triumph is triumph, the trick. So, who fought with Russia, the Pechenezh Prince offered Vladimir to put a warrior from his troops, who would face by force with Pechenegs. No one is solved to accept the challenge. Vladimir is saddened, but here it is a certain "old husband" and offers to send for his younger son. The young man, according to the old man, is very strong: "From the decetry of Bo, who hit him who hit him" (i.e. threw it to the ground). Somehow, the father recalls, the son, having accepted on him, "Pretoring the worms of his hands" (ripped the skin with his hands, which the meal at that moment: the father and son were telhevniki). The young man calls for Vladimir, and he shows the prince of his power - enough for the side of the bull running past and pulls out "skin with meats, Elico his hand is a hunt." But nevertheless, the young man is "Seredia Body," and therefore Pechenezh Bogatyr's bogatyr fell with him - "Presely Kelo and Strays" - laughs at his opponent. Here (as in the story of Olga revenge), the surprise suggests a negative hero; The reader knows about the strength of the young man and triumphs when Kozhemayaka "Help" by the hands of the Pechenezh's hero.

Some chronicle stories are combined by a special, epic style image of reality. This concept reflects primarily the assembly approach to the subject of the image, its copyright position, and not only purely language Features presentation. In each such story in the center - one event, one episode, and it is this episode that makes it the characteristic of the hero allocates its main, memorable feature; Oleg (in the story about the campaign to Tsargrad) - this is primarily the wise and brave warrior, the hero of the story about Belgorod Kisel - the Unnamed elder, but his wisdom, in last moment Saving the city deposited by Pechenegs, and is the characteristic feature that he gained immortality in popular memory.

Another group of stories is drawn up by the chronicler or its contemporaries. It is distinguished by a different behalf of the narrative, there is no elegant completion of the plot, there is no epic conciseness and a generalization of the images of heroes. These stories at the same time can be more psychological, more realistic, literary processed, as the chronicler seeks not just to tell about the event, but to set out it to make a certain impression on the reader, to force it somehow referring to the characters of the narration. Among such stories within the "Tale of Bygone Years", the story of the blinding of Vasilka Terebovski (in Article 1097) is especially allocated.

Emotionally bright appears the episode about the terrible fate of the slander prince, he causes sympathy for him, a desire expressed by him to appear before God "In the Blood Shorter", as it would be reminiscent of the inevitable retribution, serves as a publicistic excuse for the "earthly" actions of the princes who spoke of war against Davyd Igorevich In order to restore the rights of Vasilka at the expense taken from him.

So, together with the chronicle narrative, a special, subordinate to the chronicle genre be formed is a genre of a story about princely crimes.

All the chronicle narration permeates the etiquette, especially in the part of its part, which is designed in the style of monumental historicism. The chronicler selected in these cases for his narration only the most important, state events and acts. In the style of monumental historicism, such as the presentation of the events of the time of Yaroslav Wise and his son is Vsevolod. For example, a description of the battle on the alte, brought by Yaroslav to the victory over the "Okayanny" Svyatopolk - the killer of Boris and Gleb (in the "Tale of Bygone Years" under 1019).

The combination of styles of monumental historicism and the epic in the "Tale of Bygone Years" created her unique literary appearance, and its stylistic influence will be clearly felt over the course of several centuries: the chronicles will apply or vary those literary formulas that were first used by the creators of the Tale of Bygone Years, Imagine the characteristics existing in it, and sometimes quote the "story", introducing fragments from this monument to your text.

4. Even the "Tale of Bygone Years" in the Literary Aspect

Evaluating the importance of "stories", it should be primarily emphasized the globality of the goal that all chronicles put in front of them - show the origins of the emergence of Russian land in the historical perspective. Superbate assumed the multiplicity of the presentation, the coverage of a wide range of historical events in its nature. All this set the lead to the depth, which provided its social polyfunctionality.

This is an exceptionally bright literary phenomenon that has enlightened not only many historical events, but also reflecting the social and political views of the time.

The fact that chronicles used the rich traditions of oral public speeches also testifies to the importance of "stories" for Russian literature. Oral origins were mainly given material, content and ideas for the construction of Russian history, partly its stylistic design, language. The traditions of writing entered all this material into the composite framework familiar to the medieval book. Contracts, legal documents and establishments also contributed to the formation of Russian literary languageAnd to some extent participated in the formation of the language of Russian literature.

It is important to note that the Middle Ages did not know the "copyright", the author's ownership in our sense of the word. The reader dominated the author - he was sometimes also a correspondence, and the editor of the book. Consequently, the "Tale of Bygone Years" is the result of collective literary labor. That is why attempts to restore the initial "author" text "Tale of Bygone Years" (A. Schlezer) or find a single author for the chronicles of Kiev XII century. (Tatishchev, Schlezer) and Novgorod XI century. (Tatishchev, Miller) have long been left by science.

The shape of the arch, in which the ancient Russian historical "story" is clothed, is closely related to the special historical consciousness of its authors. The reader appreciated the documentary, the reality of what happened, and not subtleties artistic image. At the same time, the reality for the reader was signs, wonders, predictions, etc. These factors should also be attributed to the peculiarities of the "Tale".


Summarizing the following conclusions set forth in this work.

1. "The Tale of Bygone Years" is the arch of the chronicles. Composing his arch, each chronicler first took care of obtaining the works of his predecessors, contracts, messages, testations of princes, historical stories, lives of Russian saints, etc., and so on. Having collected the entire material affordable to him The chronicler joined him in the weather. This circumstance attaches a "story" a special depth, content and diverseness of the presentation.

2. The analysis of the content of the story shows that the "etiquette" of the writer's craft is associated with ideological representations of the Middle Ages about the holy, about the vulnerament, about the ideal type of prince, about the motives for which the enemies attack Russian land, about the causes of natural disasters (browsers, droughts and etc.). The chronicler was not far from politics and worldly passions. The stroke of the chronicler's narration, its specific historical performances very often go beyond religious thinking and are purely pragmatic.

3. The special value of the chronicles gives personal experience of its creators, direct observation, elements of realism, political topicality - everything is so rich and so much is so valuable Russian chronicle.

4. "Tale of Bygone Years" - the fruit of collective labor of the ancient Russian recorders, a unique historical and literary monument of ancient Russia, which is determined by the significance of the purpose of the work, deep historicism and valuable documentary, composite and style of the chronicles; High patriotism and citizenship of its creators.

List of used literature

1. Danilevsky I.N. Bible and tale of temporary years (to the problem of interpretation of chronicle texts). // Patriotic history. - 1993.-№ 1.

2. Danilevsky I.N. The idea and name of the Tale of Bygone Year // Patriotic Hist. - 1995.- №5.

3. Eremin I. P. Literature Ancient Russia (etudes and characteristics). M.-L., 1966.

4. The history of Russian literature X - XVII centuries: studies. Manual for students ped. In-Tov on special. № 2101 "Rus. Yaz. or T." / L. A. Dmitriev, D. S. Lihachev, Ya. S. Lurie et al.; Ed. D. S. Likhacheva. - M.: Enlightenment, 1979. - 462 p., Il.

5. Source studies domestic history. Sat Art. M., 1976.

6. Istrin V.M. Essays of the history of the ancient Russian literature of the Domoskovsky period: 11-13 centuries. GH., 1922.

7. Istrin V. M. Comments on the early Russian chronicles. - Iory, t. XXVI. GH., 1923; t. xxv11. L., 1924.

8. Klyuchevsky V. O. Course of Russian History // Klyuchevsky V. O. Works: at 9 t. M., 1987. T. 1.

9. Likhachev D.S. "Oral chronicle" as part of the "Tale of Bygone Years". - "Historical Notes", 1945, vol. 17.

10. Likhachev D.S. Russian chronicles and their cultural and historical importance. M.-L., 1947.

11. Likhachev D. S. Comments. - In the book: Tale of the time of age, h. 2. M.-L., 1950.

12. Likhachev D. S. Man in the literature of ancient Russia. M.-L., 1970.

13. Likhachev D. S. Literary etiquette of ancient Russia (to the problem of study). - "Todrl". M.-L., 1961.

14. Likhachev D. S. Poetics of the Old Russian literature. L., 1971.

15. Likhachev D.S. Great Heritage (Classical Works of Literature Ancient Russia). - M., Contemper, 1980.

16. Likhachev D.S. Textology; On the material of Russian literature X-HUP centuries. 2nd ed., Add. and recreated. L., 1983.

17. Nosonov A. N. The history of Russian chronicles. XI - beginning of the XVIII century. M., 1969.

18. Tale of temporary years, t. I. Introductory part. Text. Notes. GH., 1916.

19. Tale of temporary years. - SPB., 1996.

20. Squakes M.D. The history of the Russian chronicles of the XI-XV centuries. / Premium. To Peat. V.G. Vyovina. St. Petersburg, 1996.

21. Prokhorov G. M. "Tale of the invasion of Batiya" in the Lavrentiev Chronicles. - "Todrl". L., 1974, t. XXVIII.

22. Sukhomlinov M.I. About the ancient Russian chronicles as a monument to literary // Research on ancient Russian literature. - SPB., 1908.

23. Cottages O. V. "The Tale of Bygone Years" and the "initial arch" (textural comment). - "Todrl". L., 1976.

24. Shakhmatov A.A. Speech about the oldest Russian chronicle crops. St. Petersburg., 1908.

25. Chessov A.A. Review of the Russian chronicles of the XIV-XVI centuries. M., 1938.

26. Shakhmatov A. A. "The Tale of Bygone Years" and its sources. - "Todrl". M.-L., 1940.

27. Shakhmatov A. A. Collection of articles and materials. / Ed. Acad. S. P. Obnorsky. M.-L., 1947.

Likhachev D.S. Great Heritage (Classical Works of Literature Ancient Russia). - M., Contemper, 1980.

Tale of temporary years. - SPB., 1996.- S.7.

Danilevsky I.N. The idea and the name of the story of the time year // Patriotic history. 1995.-№5.

Likhachev D.S. Textology; On the material of Russian literature X-HUP centuries. 2nd ed., Add. and recreated. L., p. 367.

Likhachev D.S. Textology ... p. 368-369.

Sukhomlinov M.I. About the ancient Russian chronicle as a monument to literary // Research on the ancient Russian literature.-SPb., 1908.c. fifty.

The main works of A. A. Shamatov on this issue: the search for the most ancient Russian chronicle crops. St. Petersburg, 1908; "Tale of temporary years", t. I. Introductory part. Text. Notes. GH, 1916; Kiev initial arch of 1095 - in the book: Chessov A. A. Collection of articles and materials. Ed. Acad. S. P. Obnorsky. M.-L., 1947.

Istrin V. M. Comment on the beginning of Russian chronicles. - Iory, t. XXVI. GH., 1923; t. xxv11. L., 1924.

Cresankov M. D. History of Russian Chronicles of the XI-XV centuries. L., 1940, p. 16-44; Likhachev D.S. Russian chronicles and their cultural and historical importance. M.-L., 1947, ch. 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9. See also: Lurie Ya. S. On the Shakhmatov method of studying the chronicle archives. - In the book: the source studies of domestic history. Sat Art. M., 1976, p. 93-99; Cottages O. V. "The Tale of Bygone Years" and the "initial arch" (textural comment). - "Todrl". L., 1976, t. XXX and others.

Klyuchevsky V. A. Course of Russian History // Klyuchevsky V. O. Works: in 9t. M., 1987. T. 1.S. 92-93.

The history of Russian literature X - XVII centuries: studies. Manual for students ped. In-Tov on special. № 2101 "Rus. Yaz. or T." / L. A. Dmitriev, D. S. Lihachev, Ya. S. Lurie et al.; Ed. D. S. Likhacheva. - M.: Enlightenment, 1979. - 462 p., Il.

See: Likhachev D. S. Poetics of Old Russian literature. L., 1971, p. 48-50.

See: Eremin I. P. Tale of temporary years as a monument of literature. - In the book: Eremin I. P. Literature Ancient Russia (etudes and characteristics). M.-L., 1966; Likhachev D.S. Russian chronicles and their cultural and historical importance, ch. 7; He is Man in the literature of ancient Russia. M.-L., 1970, ch. 2 and 3; Cottages O. V. Supply narration in the annals of the XI-XIII centuries. - In the book: The origins of Russian fiction, p. 31-66.

Likhachev D.S. Russian chronicles and their cultural and historical importance, p. 215-247.

Prokhorov G. M. "The story of the invasion of Batiya" in the Lavrentievsky chronicle. - "Todrl". L., 1974, t. XXVIII, p. 77-80.

Likhachev D.S. "Oral chronicle" as part of the "Tale of Bygone Years". - "Historical notes", 1945, vol. 17, p. 201-224.

1. "The Tale of Bygone Years" as a sample of Russian chronicles. Sypotheses of formation, genre originality, features of the language and style of the monument

One of the oldest and most popular forms of ancient Russian literary creativity was the literature. Arising in the XI century, it continued until XVIII century. "The Tale of Bygone Years" is the earliest of the chronicles that have reached us. Refers to the beginning of the XII century. This arch is known as part of a number of chronicle collections that have survived in the lists from which the best and oldest are the Lavrentievsky 1377 and the Ipatiev 20th anniversaries. The chronicle absorbed into large quantities Materials of legends, leaders, legends, oral poetic legends about various historical faces and events. This chronicle that reached us sets out the events of Russian history until the 10th anniversary of the XII century. Hypothesis formation "PVL \u003e\u003e1 hypothesis - Academician Chematov. He believed that the oldest Kiev arch arose based on the Greek chronicles and local folklore.

In 1036, a Novgorod chronicle creates, then these two sources - the oldest Kiev arch and Novgorod chronicle are combined in 1050. An ancient Novgorod arch arises.

In 1073 Composed by a monk Nikon, the 1st Kiev-Pechersky arch, on the basis of the 1st Kiev-Pechersk Code and the Novgorod Code created in 1095. The 2nd Kiev-Pechersky arch (initial arch) - he served as the basis of PVL.

2 hypothesis - Istrin - He does not agree with Chess, he believed that there was a Greek chronicle that was translated

3 hypothesis - Likhacheva - rejects the existence of ancient Kiev arch 1039. And binds the history of creating a specific struggle, which was to lead to the Kiev State against Byzantium, against its religious and political claims.

In 30-40gg 11V. By order, I. Wise was recorded about an important historical event "Tale of the beginning of the spread of Christianity in Russia."

At 70g 11v. In the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery there is a registration of the Russian chronicle. The chronicles of the monk Nikon, who gives this narrative form of weather entries (by year).

In 1073, the 2nd Kiev-Pechersky Arch (unknown author) is created, and on the basis of the 2nd is created by the monk Nester in 1113, the first editorial office "PVL", the 2nd edition is created in 1116 by Monk Sylvester, 3rd Editors in 1118g unknown Author

4 hypothesis - Rybakova - He believed that the weather brief records began to be conducted in Kiev with the advent of the Christian clergy since 867 with the prince of Askold. At the end of the 10th century, the 1st Kiev chronicle of the church was created at the Tintin Church. The fishermen shares the point of view of Chekhmatov on the existence of the Novgorod Code of 1050 g, he believed that the chronicle was created with the active participation of the Novgorod Postener of Ostromira and this "scratching chronicle" should be dated 1054-160.


- Editorial "PVL" was created in 1113g. The monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nester (historical events of the end of the 11th beginning. 12VV. - served as the events "PVL" - this is the struggle against the nomads-Polovtsy, in the center of the figure of Svyatopolka Izyaslavovich)

2nd edition Created at 1116. Igumen of the Vedubitsky Monastery Sylvester (in the foreground here is the figure of Vladimir Monomakh, his merits in the fight against the Polovtsy and the establishment of the world between princes)

3rd edit - was created by an unknown author, the confessor of Mstislav Vladimirovich.

The folk basis is felt in the church legend for visiting the Russian land to the apostle Andrey. The legend argued that Christianity did not receive Russian Earth from the Greeks, but the alleged student of Christ himself - Andrei. This is how justifying Rus's religious independence from Byzantium.

The "Tale of Bygone Years" contains 2 basic ideas: the idea of \u200b\u200bindependence of Russia and its equality with other countries (in the description of hostilities) and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of Russia, the Russian prince's kind, the need for the Union of Princes and the condemnation of the strife ("Legend of Varyag"). The work allocates several main topics: the topic of uniting cities, the topic of military history of Russia, the topic of the peaceful activity of the princes, the topic of the history of the adoption of Christianity, the topic of urban uprisings. Composite originality of the "Tale of Bygone Years" manifests itself in the conjunction of the set of genres in this work. In part, because of this one year, the messages of different content were placed. The chronicle was a set of primary genre formations. Here we find the weather record - the simplest and oldest form of narration, and the chronicle story, the chronicle of the legends. The proximity of the chronicles to the living literature is found in the stories of the 2-eyed martyrs, about the basis of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery and its devotee, about the transfer of the relics of Boris and Gleb, about the breakdown of Feodosia Pechersk. With the genre of tombstones, necrological articles that often contained verbal portraits Dead historical figures, for example, the characteristics of the Tmutarakan Prince Rostislav, poisoned during the Pear of the Byzantine warrior. Symbolic landscape sketches. Unusual natural phenomena are interpreted by the chronicler as "signs" -Presentability of more than the coming death or glory.

2. Genres of church eloquence (didactic, epidictic). "The word about the law and grace" Metropolitan of Illarion as a sample of epidictic eloquence

The first original works of ancient Russia belonged to the liturgical instrumental and religious genres, they were intended to pronounce in churches and pious Orthodox readings. Religious and worldly in ancient Russian books were inseparable. And the military story, and the chronicle interpret events from a religious point of view. All that is happening is explained by the participation of providence: the events are committed either by the will and grace of God (good events), or the closure of God as punishment for the sins of Russian princes and their subjects (invasion of the interemphetics, cropping, natural disasters).

"The word about the law and grace"

This is the first preserved work of the ancient Russian literature. It was written about 1038. The priest of Illarion, who became the first Russian metropolitan (from 1051) - a native of Russia (the former Metropolitans were Greeks). "The word" of Illarion belongs to the genre of solemn church eloquence. It was read by him in just built by the Kiev Cathedral of Saint Sophia. In the "Word" reveals the meaning of the festivities of the Annunciation and Resurrection of Christ (Easter). Following the ideas of one of the first preachers of Christianity of the Apostle Paul, Illarion opposes the law (the Old Testament is the basis of the religion of Jews, Judaism) grace brought by the people of Christ (New Testament). Thanks to the law, people learned to distinguish sin from virtue, but could not defeat sin and death. Only the grace of Christ got rid of people from the power of sin committed by Adam's first man. Such is the main topic of "Words". Illarion glorifies Russia and her princes: Vladimir Svyatoslavich, Krestny Rus, and his son Yaroslav Wise. He argues that later (in comparison with other peoples), the adoption of Christianity Russia does not cause damage to its dignity: a country adopting baptism is just as beloved by God as other countries. This thought of Illarion was of particular importance: Rus took the baptism from the Byzantine Empire, and the Byzantines believed that the peoples were baptized with them become subjects of empire. Illarion challenges this political idea.

Monuments of church and secular eloquence are divided into didactic and epidactic. Didact. Krasnor-I have to find, teaching, information and controversy. Such is "the teachings of the monomacha" for its sons, which is instructions in the region. Management of state and morality. Epidatic. Krasnor-E is the genus of the celebration, the words, appeal to the fundamental issues of human being. Beautiful pr-p of this kind of merit-y-"Word about law and grace."

Agiography as a genre of ancient Russian literature. "Tale of Boris and Gleb" and "Life of Feodosia Pechersk" as samples of early Russian aiography

Common genre of the elder. Lit. lifeimmediately. By itself, the lives are spinning. Saints, revered by the Church for Feats, accomplish them in the name of God. Scientific name Zhiya-Ageiography (Agios-Saint, GRAFO-I write). The creatures are rigorous canons constituting the All-Forests: a leisurely narration from a third party, entry, life and imprisonment. Agiogr-Yu is often comparable with the icon-painting and in a manner and on the SP-BU presenting the idea.

Boris and Gleb dedicated to a whole cycle of works in Russian literature. The most perfect in a literary relationship of the Boris-Glebsky cycle consider<<Сказание о Борисе и Глебе>\u003e. The task of aguograph - to portray the suffering of the saints and show the greatness of their spirit in the face of imminent death. Boris knows in advance about the plans of the Svyatopolka kill him, and in front of him there is a choice or to go to "fight Kiev" and kill him, or with his death, to put the beginning of Christian relations between princes-humility and subordination to the eldest. Boris chooses martyrdom. The psychological complexity of this choice is shown, which makes the picture of his death truly tragic, and to enhance the impact on the reader, the author repeats the scene of the kill of the prince. In the "Tale" there is a lot of prayers, especially inspired by Boris prays before his death. Intonation of crying literally permeate the "legend", determining the main tonality of the narration. All this corresponds to the agiographic canon. But also for the work is characterized by a tendency towards the individualization of the gortgage character, which contradicted the canon, but corresponded to the truth of life. The image of the younger brother Gleb did not duplicate the greatest characteristics of the senior. Gleb is an inexperienced brother, so with complete trust refers to the saint. Later, Gleb cannot suppress the fear of death, pray for killers about mercy. The author created one of the first in Russian literature psychological portraits, rich in subtle mental experiences of the hero. For Gleb, the martyr's fleet is still premature. Psychologically reliably, the image of the holy antihero Svyatopolka. He is obsessed with envy and pride, he is eager for power, therefore, it is characterized by the epithets "Okayanny", "Prescrup". For the crime committed, he carries a well-deserved sentence. He smashes Yaroslav Wise, and Svyatopolk dies in the run. He is opposed to Boris and Gleb, and Yaroslav, who became a murderer of the divine retaliation. In order to surround the heroes of Holly halo, the author at the end speaks of their posthumous miracles and praises them, putting into a row with famous church figures. Unlike traditional lives, the "legend" does not describe the lives of heroes from birth, but speaks only about their villainous murder. Brightly pronounced historicism also contradicts the canons of life. Therefore, we can say that the "legend" combines the living elements in itself, and the elements of discrepancies with the canon, the genre of the originality of this work is manifested.

Life-genre, telling about the life of a real historical person, canonized after death. "Life of Feodosia Pechersky" was written in the ink of Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor. Following the genre canon, the author sat down traditional images and motifs. In joining, he self-sustained, in the stories about his childhood, Feodosia speaks of his spirituality, speaks of posthumous wonders. But Nestor violates one of the main genre rules-depicting -\u003e saint outside of the specific time and peoples. The author seeks to convey the color of the era, which turns the work into a source of valuable historical information. We learn from it, which charter regulated life in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, as the monastery of Ros and Rogatar, intervened in the fight of the princes for the Kiev table, contributed to the development of a book in Russia. The main part of the life sometimes resembles the "Agiographic Chronicle" of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, since it includes stories about spiritual mentors, associates and pupils of Feodosia. In addition to the monastic life, Feodosia shows his participation in the political life of Russia, which also increases the value of "lives" as a literary monument.

tale epidictic eloquence of monomah

4. "The teachings of Vladimir Monomakh." Reflection of the author's political and ethical views in the work. Genre and poetic features of the monument

"Teaching" Vladimir Monomakh-Wonderful Monument of Literature. It is written in the form of teaching children. In the councils, data in it, not only his experience was reflected state Worker, far-sighted politics and commander, but also literary education, writing talent, his ideas about the moral appearance of a Christian. This "teaching" reached us in the Lavrentiev chronicle. Compositionally consists of 3-parts: actually teaching; the story of Monomakh about his life, including the campaigns; Letter Monomakh to Oleg Svyatoslavich. Monomah created an image of an ideal prince, hen in terms of glory and honor of Russian land. He is unquestioned by the eldest, lives in the world with equal princes, strictly observes Christian commandments and becomes indispensable. In the autobiographical part, many descriptions of the battles and tricks of the prince. Stories about these campaigns are in the form of a listing, practically not concentrating on the details. This part of the praise God and gratitude to gratitude for God to defend him all his life. Vladimir Monomakh freely owned different styles Speech by varying them in "teaching" depending on the topic and genre. The autobiographical part is written simply, the idle language close to the conversational. The "high syllable" is characteristic of the arguments of the ethical and philosophical plan, permeated by biblical quotes and rhythmically organized. Many fragments of the message to Oleg Svyatoslavich are permeated with a subtle lyrical feeling, for example, please let him go to the widow of Izaslav to mourn it together.

"The teaching" of Vladimir Monomakh went beyond the framework of a private document. It possesses the philosophical depth of reflection about God and man, life and death that did not lose their importance to valuable practical advice, the poetic pattern of style, autobiographical elements, which helped the "Epistle" to enter the Golden Fund of World Literature.

5. Genre of walking in the ancient Russian literature. Thematic and poetic peculiarity of "Going by Igumen Daniel in the Holy Land" and "Care for the Three Seas" Athanasius Nikitina

Borrowing genre telling about the real travel. There are pilgrimage, merchant, embassy and earth-like walking. Signs of the genre of walking: events - really historical; According to the composition-chain of travel essays, connected by chronological or topographic attribute; The narrator is not necessarily educated, but possessing compulsory personal qualities - courage, energetic, diplomacy, religiousness, he does not seek to embellish, idealize events; Language-simple, conversational ancient Russian, the use of foreign words for nominative function, most often comparisons are used by the first sample of this genre - "pilgrimage circulation of IHUUMA Daniel to Palestine." The work begins quite extensive entry. Daniel uses self-use, talks about the purpose of writing: so that people who could not travel have gained spiritual pleasure. But the 2nd side of his goal-work, the creation of the "bunch" of the talent given to him. . For "walking", the merge of the legendary, whose source could be the Bible, apocrypha, folk legends, with real, topographically reliable. Features "Caring Iguman Daniel": descriptions of holy places; A lot of real landscape sketches, it seeks the limiting concreteness of the depicted; retelling or mention of zeal, biblical or apocryphic legends; narration about the journey and reasoning about the narrator. Also striking the versatility of the interests of Hegumen: In addition to holy places, it is interested in practical questions of the irrigation system of Jericho, the extraction of Fimiam on the island of Cyprus, the special planning of Jerusalem, built in the form of a 4-finite cross. For the style of the work is characterized by laconicism and the stubbornness of the linguistic agents. Daniel avoids abstract words, preferring a simple vocabulary of a particularly important character. Epitts are usually descriptive or evaluated. The simple language is explained by the fact that hegor from the very beginning gave itself the installation to write simply and is understandable for ordinary people. The circulation of Iguman Daniel "is valuable as a thorough guide for Russian pilgrims and the source of archaeological information about Jerusalem. In his work, the first in its genre was formed the main canons writing the walking, which later became distinctive features for this genre.

"Hoggling for the three seas" is a monument of literature in the form of travel records made by a merchant from Tver Athanasius Nikitin during his journey to the Indian state of Bachmani in 1468-1476.

The essay of Nikitin was the first Russian work that exactly describing the trade and non-religious journey. The author visited the Caucasus, Persia, India and Crimea. However, most of the notes were devoted to India: its political structure, trade, agriculture, customs and traditions. The work is full lyrical deviations and autobiographical episodes. In the text, Turkic, Persian and Arabic words in Cyrillic record are repeatedly found. The latter part of the "Haming" is written on the mixture of these languages \u200b\u200b- the final prayer of Afanasia Nikitin. Probably using foreign language vocabulary, the author wanted to hide part of the information (for example, a delicate nature). So, he writes: "In the same time, Kakucha Chektur and an educational department: Sequisch Ilsen Iki resident; Akichany Altya Alta Zhetel Ber; Bulara Passoys. And Krad Korrashi scum Chjar Funa Hube, Pesza Funa Hube Sia; Kichkar Avenue Kichy Kichi. " Translated from Turkic this means: "In India, there are a lot of walking women, and therefore they are cheap: if you have a close connection with her, give two live ́ la; Want to start your money on the wind - give six live ́ lei. So in the places are headed. And slaves-concubines are cheap: 4 fun - good, 5 fun - good and black; The black-sticking ambitant is small, good. "

There are even inserts that coincide with prayers from the Quran: "I can go worse, lasaille guy Almyul Giaibi Va Chagaditi. Huya Rakhman Ragima, Hobo I can Lang. "-" He is God, in addition to which there is no God, knowing all the secret and explicit. He is gracious, merciful. He has no like. "What approximately corresponds to 22 Ayatu 59 Sura:" He is Allah, there is no deity, except for him, who knows the hidden and contemplated. He is gracious, merciful! ". In spite of everything, the author continues to hurt the soul for his distant homeland. He writes on the Turkic word, dubious from the point of view of official power: "And Rus Er Tangryd Saklassn; Ollo Sakla, bad sakla! Boo Daniad Munu Kybish Ering Ektur: Nekiye Urus Yei Bureyari Aka Togil; Upus, Ering Akodan Bolsin; Rod Kam Dareret. Ollo, Lodovo, God, Danjyra, "What does" and Rus God will save! God, save her! Lord, keep her! There is no country in this world like her, although the Emirs of the Russian Earth are unfair. Yes, the Russian land will be arranged and In her justice! God, God, God, God! (Appeal to God in Arabic, Persian, Russian, Turkic)! "

6. "The word about the regiment of Igor" as an outstanding monument of the literature of Kiev Rus. History of opening and publication of the monument. Idea, genre and poetic peculiarity of work

Layer ́ in o regiment ́ AND ́ gorezhe "-kalo-known monument of literature of Kiev Rus. The plot is based - the unsuccessful campaign of the Russian princes to the Polovtsy, undertaken by Novgorod-Seversky Prince Igor Svyatoslavich in 1185. "The word" was written at the end of the XII century. Among the works of the ancient Russian literature "The Word about the regiment of Igor" occupies a very special place. Its international fame is so great that the product of the medieval author can be attributed to peculiar symbols of the culture of Kievan Rus. "The word" translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world is studied by representatives of various fields of humanitarian knowledge, caused a huge number of responses in the culture of the new time. Despite the long history of study, this monument still causes a lot of questions from researchers, gives rise to scientific disputes, and sometimes skeptical judgments. One of the most famous collectors of book treasures of ancient Russia was Count Alexey Ivanovich Musin-Pushkin (1744-1817). The name of Musina Pushkin entered the history of culture due to the opening and publication of the "Words about the regiment of Igor". The question of how the world-famous work was found, always remained difficult, confusing. The collector himself did not like to spread about his acquisitions and only shortly before his death, after the Moscow fire of 1812, who destroyed the manuscript "Words", told that he had acquired it from the Bastal Archimandrite of the Yaroslavl Savior-Preobrazhensky Monastery of Joil (Bykovsky) (1726-1798 ). In November - December 1800, the first edition of the "Word was published. The monument was printed in Moscow, in the Senate typography with a circulation of 1200 copies. The book was named publishers as follows: "Iroic song about the campaign at the Polovtsov prince Novagoda - Severskago Igor Svyatoslavich, written by ancient Russian language in the outcome of the XII century with an arrangement of the currently used adverb." From that moment on, a serious study of the monument begins. The first edition of the "Words" also placed the beginning of the artistic development of this work in the culture and literature of the new time.

In the "Word ..." talks about the unsuccessful campaign of Novgorod-Seversky Prince Igor Svyatoslavich, his brother Vsevolod, the son of Vladimir and the nephew of Svyatoslav against Polovtsy in 1185. The feudal fragmentation of Russia's 12th century, the lack of political unity, the enmity of the princes and, as a result, the weak defense of the country, gave the possibility of Polovtsy to perform permanent raids, robbed crushed principles. Prince Igor collects the army and walks by campaign on the Polovtsy, who ends with defeat.

The author draws an image of Igor as an embodiment of princely valor. In the campaign, he acts with an exceptional courage, executed "cultivated spirit", military honor, desire to "eat the Great Shelter". This is noble, courageous manReady to give your life for my native land. But vanity, the lack of a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for the unity and joint struggle of all princes against the enemy, the desire for personal glory led Igor to defeat.

The author shows that the cause of the lesion lies in the feudal fragmentation of Russia. He convinces the need for the unity, the resurrection of the old ideals of "britative", as was during the time of the "old Vladimir". He seeks to pass his alarm for fate native land All Russian princes. The author appeals to them, recalling their debt to his homeland and calling for the defense of the Fatherland, to the cessation of princely gravity in the face of the overall danger of enemy invasion.

Call for unity by the author "Word ..." was embodied in the form of Russian land. She is- central Image Works. The author perceived his homeland as a whole. He describes the events of Russian life for the previous one and a half century, from the "first time" to "this time", comparing the past with the present. Intelligence, conflicts, fratricide reset - this is the exposure of the vice, from which the whole Russian land suffers. In the circle of the narration introduced huge geographic spaces: Polovtsaya Steppe, Don, Azov and Black Sea, Volga, Ros, Dnipro, Danube, West Dvina; Cities Kiev, Polotsk, Korsun, Kursk, Chernigov, Pereyaslavl, Belgorod, Novgorod - All Russian Earth. The author is proud of his land, he is confident in its power. Russian land for him is not only Russian nature, Russian cities, it is, first of all, the people. The author talks about the peaceful labor of Paramen, disturbed by the gravestics of the princes, about the mountain of all Russian people, about the death of his heritage. This is the pain of the homeland, the hot love of the author to her.

The genre of the word is very peculiar. He forms an idea of \u200b\u200bthe spiritual appearance of a person. And indeed, from the "Word ..." We learn not only about events, but also in colors we present the character of all its participants.

The background of the poems is the wind, the sun, thunderstorm clouds, in which the blue lightning, morning fog, say the shout in the morning, ravines and rivers - a typical folklore landscape. Like "Tips" of the approaching trouble from nature. Russian land in "Word" is filled with voices and noises, even inanimate items in it speak and feel. Yaroslavna, the wife of Prince Igor, turns to the forces of nature: the wind, Dnieper and the Sun, calling them to help the prince. Plach (folk genre) Yaroslavna - spontaneous, unconscious, but, undoubtedly, the rejection of war. The poetic imagery penetrated the picture of agricultural labor. The kind of cruel care causes the author of the association with sowing, harvest, threshing, which is also characteristic of oral folk creativity.

. Thematic and artistic peculiarity of the "Words of Daniel Sharpen" ("Daniel Charging")

Until now, the researchers have not come to a common opinion, whether the "prayer" and "word" is one work, only changed with the subsequent "editors", or these are two different works written in one style, but with different semantic loads. Two main differences between "words" and "prayer" is:

The discrepancy in contacting the princes ("The Word" was addressed to Yaroslav Vladimirovich, "Dairy", - Yaroslav Vsevolodovich). And from this, perhaps a simple correspondence error, or summing up the next "editor" of the text of the work under its principality, there are still disputes about the time of creating this work. And the second is the content of texts. In the "Word", Daniel simply appeals to the prince, asks him about mercy, she laughs him with his distorted examples from the Bible and life arguments. In "Praying", the author sharply criticizes the boyars, thereby, as if referring to the prince with a request to help not only, but also to everyone else simple people In their confrontation of evil boyars self-made.

Despite the various names and appeals to different princes it is believed that this is the same work, since the general ideological and sense load is the same in all editions. "Dairy" was openly and for the first time partially published N. M. Karamzin.

"Dairy" is a sponsored letter, the petition, with which Daniel turns to the prince. And, after reading the text, it is impossible to understand which category the author believed. Moreover, the "editing" of the text for all time before the publication adds a certain confusion to the interpretation of data on publishing and accessories of Daniel to a certain profession.

Large work in this direction was conducted by D. S. Likhachev in his "Great Heritage":

"Such an expression, as" dolti a stone, "indicates an acquaintance with the technique of a stone embelting. By the way, subsequently "Vdodoto" - the tool of the bit - here is in the same sentence, as well as "Secho", "Special attention deserves special attention to Daniel's guusli:" Frames are built "...", "Daniel says Casting iron, tin, gold, about the stretch of flour, fishing by a non-color, a cavity of horses, sowing of food, forging iron, blanks, archery, plumage arrows and challenge. "

And then, in his study, Likhachev himself also answers the questioned by himself - "How does such a number of images taken from various employment professions? Obviously, this is an abundance of images taken from life, from the labor life of the people, lies in direct relationship with so acute and persistently declared by Daniel his belonging to the lower segments of the population. The low position of Daniel on the stairs of social relations is not only the fact of his personal life, it determines his literary position, the very style of his work and his ideology. \u003e

"Prayer" compared to other works, according to criticism of Likhachev, most of all relies on the life of the time. And it makes it possible to learn how our ancestors lived. distinctive features The works lies in the fact that all household traits in the work do not go in the order of the narration, and as if caught from life, to underline a certain moment and Russian life, while the most common, penetrates the poetic system: "How Tolo disappears when it often They swim and the person - when he is a lot of people, "" Zlatto melts fire, and man with misfortunes. "

Also interesting distorted quotes from the Bible and Psalmier. In them, Daniel appeals to the prince as the Most High, from which she can also get both food, and protection from everyday victims:

"For the Scripture says: I give you to open, you will not be rejected, you will not be rejected by the kingdom of heaven; For it is written: put your sadness on God, and he will impregnate you forever. "

Despite the undoubted education of the author of "prayer" in its examples, the appeals clearly felt rudeness in speech, its simplicity. Daniel as if she flashes her. Perhaps that is why many "editors" and "co-authors" are so easily entered into this style, absolutely not disturbing it.

"For I like that fig tree Damnation: I do not have the fruit of repentance ...", and everydays: "Wheat, well grinding, clean bread gives, and a man in the attack acquires a mature mind," and from ordinary life:

"If someone in sadness will help a person, then as a student water in a hot day."

The author is comprehensively developed and therefore, it can be assumed that all his distortion and junning - a kind of game imposed by the need for princely assistance. To all this, Daniel knows the price, he demonstrates knowledge, ridicules the negligent assistants of the prince and advises himself in advisers:

"My lord! Do not look at my appearance, but see what I'm inside. I, Mr., at least robe and Sudden, but the mind is abundant; Yun age I have, and the old sense in me "

"After all, it does not heat the ships, but winds; Not fire splits iron, but pushing furs; So the prince does not fall into a mistake, but the advisers are introduced. "

The text constantly comes across Daniel Stupidity and the warning of the prince from her.

"For the beggar wise is that gold in a dirty vessel, and a rich smashed yes stupid - that the silk pillowcase, straw packed,"

"As in the leaning fur to pour and stupid learning,"

"If the sinit of an eagle, Kolya floats the stone on water and if the pig will begin to bark, then the stupid mind learns",

"With a good adviser, consulting, the prince of a high table will achieve, and with the bad adviser and smaller will be deprived."

All these tips, like many others, are not devoid of humor. The author of the ridiculous stupidity exalts himself in front of the prince. Also about some humor, the works are also talking about comparisons with alternative paths of the existence of Daniel. He honestly tells the prince that he could not steal, otherwise would not ask him for help. This is a rather tricky psychological course in the work. If he does not know how to steal and speaks about it so honest and most prince - it means it is.

"Do you really tell me: Lit like a thief? If you knew how to steal, I would not appeal to you. "

Despite the fact that Daniel was not a high social situation all his narration is impregnated with the style of a subtle humor, ridicuing eternal vices. But despite this, he managed to convey his attitude through ordinary household realities. The whole value in "Prayer" is that the person of that era tried to convey the truth about his life, having squeaked his appeals to praise:

"I saw, Mr., your kindness to me and resorted to the forefish of your love"

"That's why I call for you, obsessed with poverty: hunt me, the descendant of the great king of Vladimir"

. "Kiev-Pechersky Catema" as a sample of church literature of the XIII century. Features of composition and poetics

The genre of "Catema", a collection of works on the saints of any one terrain, had a wide geographical framework of walking and a centuries-old history before it began to develop in Russian lit-re. Translation trees were known in Russia for another 11-12 centuries. In the Russian lit film, the first work of this genre was a gradiment of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, founded in the middle of 11V. The Cader was created in 12-early 13 V. His new editions were created at 14, 15, 17 centuries. The composition of the grades and the principle of layout in it changed from the editorial board. Very early in it included chronicle articles related to the history of the most famous monastery, as well as the works of the Fedoshevsky cycle (the compositions of Peterosius Pechersky, "Life" and "praise" by the Holy). The basis of this candeque is the correspondence of the Vladimir bishop Simon with the monk Kiev-Pechersk Monastery by Polycarp. In this correspondence raised the issues of moral behavior of monks and personally the most polycarp itself, which was involved in the power and power. And, dreaming about needleness, he turned for help to Simona. The dissatisfied position of a simple monk, the polycarp dreamed of Sana Bishop, he tried to get him with the help of the princess of Upsulia-Anastasia, the daughter of the Grand Prince Vsevolod Yuryevich (a great nest). A concerned about the state and actions of polycarp, Simon wrote him an integrity-mentioning message. In it, he calls Polycarpa by Sunrolubets, accuses him of "Malnuts and High Resilience," calls him to assist him, repent, love a quiet and serene monastic life and even threatens him with a curse. Simon emphasizes cultural the value of k-p Monastery for the whole of Russian land. He reinforces his thoughts by the "tale of the Saints of Pechersk" and the story about the construction and decoration of the Pechersk Church. Built in 1073g, the 1st section is dedicated to its construction and painting. The emergence of the church is associated with Varyag Shimon, who came to the service to the Kiev prince Vsevolod Yaroslavovich. The image of the future church is twice in the vision of Shimon: during a storm at sea and during the battle with Polovtsy, the sizes are indicated by the Virgin.

The intrazhanski composition of the grazing is very diverse: there are messages, gradious lives, teachings, wonders, visions, signs, oral monastic legends in it. All gradious lives have an effortful character. The main actors, along with monks, still demon. In Catema Life, there is no holistic narrative about the life of the saint from birth to posthumous miracles; The author is limited to one or more episodes, but the most bright and significant. The remaining news of the holy is given in a compressed form. These lives are very concise, idle, there are many template comparisons, few allegories and rhetoric. The stories of the Catema arose on a folk basis, while maintaining the epic of images, a taller tag of the narration and many dialogues. The style of the Catema is brief and idle, teaching in the form of an entertaining and plenty story. FEATURES OF CATERICA: Presentation of the life of heroes, informativeness, lack of idealization of heroes. These features are inherent in the epic style of the work.

. The theme of nationwide unity and heroism in the "Tale of the Battle on the river Kalka"

E Collision of Russians with Mongol-Tatars in 1223. The chronicles of the story about this battle are preserved in 2 lists - Novgorod, Lavrentievsky chronicle.

The story was created, most likely, in a denunciation environment and the author was from Galico-Volyn lands.

The story consistently and thoroughly talks about the appearance of an unknown people at the borders of Kievan Rus. Tatars at the appearance of them in Russia made a stunning impression.

Mi who ran into M-Tatars were Polovtsy. M-Tatars returned from the Caucasus and went to Russia. Russian princes began to prepare for the campaign, but their inconsistency and egoism led to defeat. Russian warriors died in the battle: Alexander Popovich, Dobrynya Ryaznich and 70 "brave" warriors. One of the main perpetrators, the author considers Kiev Prince Mstislav, who did not help the other Russian princes, when the healing of Polovtsy, who turned to flight, the Russian warriors turned off. The cruelty of the new enemy is emphasized in the episode, where he is talking about where the Russian princes connected by the princes, putting them under the boards, over which the Tatars began to dine to emphasize this complete indifference with the suffering of the enemy.

The author of the story claims that it was the princely gravestics that, as it were, opened the goal to the Russian land. During the battle, the inconsistency of the actions of the princes, their mutual unfriendly ("envy,", as the chronicler recognizes).

Cast Mongols, the Polovtsy turned for help to the Russians. Russian princes decided to help the Polovtsy and meet an unknown enemy outside their land. They came to meet Mongols. The false retreats were lured by the Russians and Polovtsy to the shores of r. Rolling. In June 1223, the battle occurred on Kalka. Russian princes troops acted separately. They were fascinated by the pursuit of the retreating light cavalry of the Mongols and fell under the blow of their main forces. Mstislava's troops, Daniel Galitsky and Mstislav Chernigov were defeated. Kiev shelves of Mstislav Older did not participate in battle, but were surrounded and forced to surrender. On the prisoners of the princes, Mongols put the boards and strangled, pouring on them. However, the Mongolians did not go to Russia, because they did not have enough strength.

On the other hand, the victory elevated and strengthened the power and authority of the Moscow Prince, the chief organizer of the victory.

In the 1380 Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich, near his banners, almost all of the northeast Rus and inflicted a crushing blow to the Golden Horde. Victory showed that the Russian people have forces for a decisive fight against the enemy, but these forces can combine only the central government of the Grand Duke. The victory over Mama significantly strengthened Moscow's authority in the eyes of the whole people.

The need to struggle for their liberation leads to the cohesion of the folk forces, at the same time the political association of Russia around the single center, which Moscow becomes. The formation of a Russian centralized state contributed to the development of national culture. The basis of the topic of literature becomes the topic of the formation of a centralized state.

10. "The Tale of Ryazan Batym". Topic, Problems, Features of Compositions and Poetics

The story consists of 4 parts:

1) the appearance of Batya at the rod borders. Earth, Embassy of the Ryazantians to Batu headed by the CN. Fedor, the death of Fyodor (for refusing to bring Batha his wife) and his wife of Eupraxia (jumped from a high terme with the son of Ivanov and crashed) - her feat of loyalty, courage, the strength of the wife of a Russian woman. The first part ends in a sore cry of Yuri Ingorievich and all Ryazantians.

2) Heroic Protection of Ryazan Yuri Ingorievich (with the brothers David and Gleb; Yuri Vsevolodovich, Grand Duke Vladimir refused to help) , the death of defenders and the ruin of Batya Ryazan (Baty broke into the city, to the Cathedral Church, drove the princess Agrippin, the mother of the prince, with sneughters and other princes, and the bishop and the "Sacred Chin" betrayed the fire, the church of the szęg, many people with swords of the Sosk, and Other in the river Skilled, the whole city defeated).

3) the feat of Evpathy Kolovrat (This is an epic hero to become the heroes of the Russian epic. He endowed with hyperbolic power. Courage and courage. He is a living personification of the heroic feat of the entire Russian people, the cat. Can not put up with the enslavers and seeks to take revenge on the land of the Enemy. The focus is on the image of Evpathy's behavior. Battle, his feat was transferred to the feat of the whole squad. He fearlessly drives around the Ordane regiments and beats them mercilessly - so that his sharp sword was stuck. Batya covers fear, and he sends his hero of Hostov, Evpathy in the duel, won by fear Mongols are forced to apply the "villocks" richar against the Russian hero and kill him when his body is brought, the enemy has respect for his recent enemy and bowes to his bravery and courage. In the gust of generosity, Baty gives the body of Evpathy I survive, finally exhausted his squad and lets her without harming her. The enemy, on which Oh was spent so much strength that cost so many lives of Tatar army, it causes a sense of amazement, delight and worship before his military valiation in a warrior professionally).

4) Update Ryazan Ingvar Ingorievich. (The last part begins with an emotional crying of Prince Ingvara, he is sadly mourning killed; the story ends with the story of the renewal and reviving Russian people Ryazan)

In the story, the relationship with oral folk art is pronounced:

it was based on the legends and legends that arose immediately after the events depicted, oral poetic works

this is a hyperbolic description of the battle (the Russian warrior one beats with a thousand, with two thousand Tatars)

this is a feat of Evpathy Kolovrat (in this story for the first time in the history of others. Lit-Ryne appears a plug-in episode - Novella is a feat about him). This is an epic hero to become richaries of Russian epic, as well as heroes, it is endowed with hyperbolic power, courage and courage. He is the personification of the heroic fell of all Russian people.

All the work is a sample of military story, which has absorbed significant elements of folklore: the globe of the Russian warrior, standing on the protection of his land, loyalty, courage, the forces of the married love of a Russian woman.

. "Life of Alexander Nevsky." Traditions and innovations in the monument

Life of Alexander Nevsky Most likely created at the end of the 13th century. And it was written by a person who personally who knew the prince, his campaigns. We see the praise of a courageous warrior, the defender of the Russian land - Alexander Nevsky. Choosing two victorious battles of Russian troops under the post of Alexander - a picture of Russian battles with the Swedes on the Neve River (1240) and with German Knights on Ice Child Lake (1242), the author tried to present the descendants of the Grand Duke and his army, as endowed with heroism, dedication and persistence in the name of the interests of the Russian people of the mythical warriors - heroes. The narrative is distinguished by lyrical tonality. The author competes for the first time external description Prince. An unknown author who perfectly owned various literary techniques, skillfully connected the traditions of military stories and lives. The bright face of the young hero of the Nevsky Battle of 1240 and Ice clogging 1242, the winner of the Swedish and German knights, the defender of Russia from foreign invaders and Orthodoxy from the Roman Catholic expansion, a pious Christian became a model for subsequent princely lives and military leaders.

Portrait of Prince:

He was higher than other people, his voice was like a pipe in the people, the beauty of his face is similar to the beauty of Joseph, his strength was part of Samson's power, he was equivalent to Solomon, courage - the Roman king Vespasian. With these brief general certificates, all the characteristics of Alexander) are exhausted.

Nevsky is depicted in life, first of all, as an ideal prince and a warrior, endowed with all positive spiritual and physical qualities in the highest degree. The author glorifies beauty, strength, wisdom and courage of Nevsky.

12. Reflection of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe centralization of the state in the "Tale and Mamaev Boy". The difference of the work from other leaders of the Kulikovsky cycle

In the middle of 15V created. It came to us in numerous lists (more than 100). Battle of D. Donskoy with the army of Mamay (the victory of the Russians over the Tatars). Talking about the battle of Russians with Tatars, who were supported by traitors - Ryazan Prince Oleg Ivanovich and Lithuanian Prince Yagailo. Two Sons Yagailo performed on the side of Dmitry.

A lot of new narrative details appeared in the "C": the package of Tyutchev's Tyutchev's package to Mama with gifts, a visit to the Don Troitsky Monastery, where he blessed Sergius Radonezh, the cat. predicted to him the victory, the bogatyr-monk match of Alexander with his mother (death of both), Dmitriev's test will take before the fight (he listens to the land, cries of animals, birds), the exchange of clothes and a horse with a boyar Mikhail Brenka, his heroic death instead of the prince, after the fight For a long time they could not find the wented prince. Of all the works of Cycle S. - the most detailed, plot fascinating story about the battle on the Kulikov field on September 8, 1380 G. S. reports a whole number of details about the Kulikov battle, not recorded by other sources. For example, only in C. Throughout the actions of the ambulance regiment of the Serpukhov Prince Vladimir Andreevich, who decided the outcome of the battle in favor of the Grand Prince of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, only in S. reported on the pilgrimage of Dmitry Donskoy in the Trinity Monastery and the blessing of Dmitry Sergius, and t. d.

"C" consistently transfers all events associated with the Kulikov battle. For the first time in 150 years in foreign yoke, Russian RATI was to go beyond Russia for open battle with enslavers. Russian troops switched Don on the night of September 7-18. They are located on a relatively small culish field, rugged by the streams and arms. In the rear of the Russians proceeded, on the left in the rocket bushes there was a Don, on the right - the forest, and behind him - the river. In the "Tale of Mamaev Boy" says that this place was chosen because there was nowhere to retreat. In such a battle, "each other ... dying" and the Russian warriors were prepared, inspired by love for Fatherland.

A thick fog over the culish field began to dissipate only for 11 o'clock in the morning. Russian rati opposed equal in the strength of the Tatar army. According to the "Legend", the battle was opened by the fight Alexander Perevost (Monk) and Tatarina Checky. Both heroes died pierced by spears. The fight began the Tatar cavalry, which the Russian shelves managed to smoke. Dmitry Ivanovich courageously fought. In the center fiercely fought a large regiment, whose soldiers the sun slightly blinded her eyes. And on the left flank, the Tatar cavalry has already cut off the road to the Don Brods. The outcome of the battle decided an ambulance regiment who was in the Dubrava. They were commanded by Serpukhov Prince Vladimir Andreevich (Dmitry's cousin). Maama's army did not expect the emergence of fresh strength and appealed to flight. In panic fear, people were drowning in a sword, Don and even in the hardest. After completing the harassment, Vladimir Andreevich returned to the Kulikovo field. The Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich, barely live, in broken armor, found hard.

The "C" has strengthened the religious element. Emphasized the piety of the prince numerous monologues-prayers.

In the story a lot of speeches, character dialogs. Detailed listing.

The Tatars were defeated by the coalition of Russian princes, headed by the Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich.

The outcome of the battle is a very large political event in the history of Russia. On the one hand, the victory of the Russians was the first serious attempt to liberate Russia from the Tatar Iga, which has been launched for more than 150 years.

13. Tale of the Kulikovsky cycle. "Zadonchina". Thematic and stylistic peculiarity. Communication with "the word about the regiment of Igor"

september 1380. The Battle of the Coalition of the Russian Princes, headed by the Grand Dmitry of the Russian Dmitry Ivanovich, has occurred on the Kulikov field, with the Mongol-Tatar army, reinforced by hired detachments, under the guidance of the Ordane ruler. It was the first large battle of Russians with enslavers after the establishment of the Mongol-Tatar yoke (1237), which ended with the full defeat of Mongol-Tatars.

"Zadonshchyna" tells about the Kulikov battle (1380), the victory of Dmitry Donskoy and his cousin Vladimir Andreevich over the troops of Mamia. Author Ryazan Priest Sophonius, wrote a story at the beginning of 15V. I reached us in five lists of 15, 16 and 17 centuries, of which three, including the oldest, were not fully preserved.

The work is imbued with a sense of deep admiration for the feat of Russian warriors, patriotic pride. "Z" - emotional, lyrical response to the events of the Kulikov battle. The main idea is the greatness of the Kulikov battle. The work is based on real events of the Kulikovsky battle, but this is not a consistent historical story about the preparation for the battle, about the battle itself, about the return of the winners from the field of Brahi, and the emotional refraction of all these events in the author's perception. Present is intertwined with memories of the past. The author himself described his work as "pity and praise the Grand Dmitry Dmitre Ivanovich and his brother, prince Vladimir Ondreyevich." "Pity" is crying for the dead, for the difficult share of Russian land. "Praise" - glory to the courage and military valor of Russian warriors and their leaders. About many events that tell in detail the "Tale of Mamaev Boy", in 3. It is said by one or two phrases, semi-dollar.

The author of the poem is inspired by the images "words about the regiment of Igor" and folk poetry, often uses the text "Words". The author 3. He turned to the "Word" as a model in order to compare and oppose the political situation in Russia's time "Words (80s. XII century) with the 80s. XIV century. The main ideological meaning of" Words "was held in The calling of the author to the Russian princes to forget the internecine spread and combine their strength to combat the external enemies of Russia. Author 3. In the victory over the orders, he saw a real embodiment of his brilliant predecessor: the united forces of Russian princes were able to defeat Mongol-Tatars who were considered before invincible.

.Story about the collection Russian troops

.Mention of Boyana and his songs

3.Speech by Russian troops in the campaign - the prince's encouraging speech

4.Evil natural phenomena (signs) - the author draws pictures of thunderstorms, wind, clouds, a cry of birds and animals, bloody dawns - unlike the words, the sinister signs of nature foreshadow the defeat of Maama's army.

5.The grief is not distributed in Russian land, but in Tatar troops.

. Crying wives: Princess and Boyarin. Their crying are built, like crying Yaroslavna, on the appeal to the wind, Don, Moscow River.

In the "C", first, the victory, then defeat, in "Z" first defeat, then victory.

The community of the idea "C" and "Z" is a civil idea of \u200b\u200bnational freedom, patriotism, desire for unity.

14. Weaving words. "Life of Stefan Perm" and "Life of Sergius of Radonezh" Epiphany Wombsto as samples of medieval Russian aeography

Epiphany woven (born in Rostov) entered the history of literature, first of all, as the author of two extensive lives - the "Life of Stefan Perm" (Bishop Perm, Krestny Komi and created for them the alphabet on native language) written at the end of the 14th century. , and "Life of Sergius of Radonezh", created in 1417-1418.

Expressive-emotional style arises in the Balkans, then the name "Weaving words" is obtained in Russia. "Weaving words" - allowed to praise both church and public figures.

The basic principle from which the misadies occurs in his work is that augiographer, describing the lives of the saint, should show all the means to show the exclusiveness of his hero, the greatness of his feat, the extension of his actions from all ordinary, earthly. From here and the desire for an emotional, bright, decorated language, different from ordinary speech. Epiphany lives are overwhelmed by the quotes from the Holy Scriptures, for the feat of his heroes should find analogies in biblical history. They are characterized by a demonstrative desire of the author to declare his creative impotence, about the futility of their attempts to find the necessary verbal equivalent to the high phenomenon. But it is this imitation and allows the epiphany to demonstrate all its literary skills, to stranger the reader with an endless nearby epithets or synonymous metaphor or, creating long chains of single-handed words, to make him think in erased meaning of the concepts of concepts. This technique and got the name "Weaving DVILLS".

« Life of Stephen Permsky"(The author was familiar with Stephen). Stephen was a missionary - this is his feat, led by educational activities, created Zyryan ABC. (Pam-sorcerene, Penagnikov Magi - the competition between PAM and Stefan (Fire and Water), the PAM is scared, and Stephen passes and defeats).

Life is the genre of ancient Russian literature describing the life of the saint.

IN this genre There are different agiographic types:

  • life-Martyri (story about the martyrdom of the saint)
  • monastic life (story about everything life path righteous, his piety, asceticism, wonderful wonders, etc.)

Characteristic features of the agiographic canon - cold rationality, conscious extension from specific facts, names, realities, theatricality and artificial pathetics of dramatic episodes, the presence of such elements of the life of the saint, which the aguograph did not have any information.

Very important for the genre of monastic lives of a miracle, revelation (ability to teach - God's gift). It is a miracle makes movement and development in the biography of the saint.

Epiphany wovel. "Life Sergius Radonezh"

Written 20 years after Art. Perm. Large actuality and documentaryness of presentation, more direct, lyrical style. More loft.

Less emotional and rhetorical epiphany woven in the life of the spiritual educator of the Russian people Sergius Radonezhsky. Life shows in the face of Sergius Radonezh, the ideal of humility, love, meekness, beggar and nonstusting.

Literature and library studies

The main ideas of the initial chronicle. Already in the very name of the story of the time of the time of this year, there is a collapse of the Russian Earth who in Kiev, the first of the princes and sputter, the Russian land began there to be a guidance on the ideologicalness of the chronicle. Stand in the center of attention of the chronicle. The topic of the Motherland is determining leading in the chronicle.

"Tale of the timeless years" as a literary monument: content, artistic features, connection with folklore.

The main ideas of the initial chronicle.Already in the title -"SE TEST OF THREE YEARS, IS IS IS IT THE RUSSIAN EARTH, who in Kiev began the first of the princes, and the Russian land began to eat" -contains indication by idean-thematic content Chronicles. Russian land, its historical destinies, starting from the moment of the emergence and ending the first decadeXII. c., stand in the center of attention of the chronicle. The high patriotic idea of \u200b\u200bthe power of the Russian Earth, its political independence, religious independence from Byzantium is constantly leading the chronicler when he contributes to the "dedication of antiquity deep" and truly historical events of the recent past.

The chronicle of the legends are extremely topful, prescribed a sharp condemnation of princely gravity and strife, weakening the power of the Russian Earth, calling for the Russian Earth's power, not to post the Russian lands in the fight against external enemies, first of all with steppe nomads - Pechenegs, and then Polovtsy.

The topic of the Motherland is determining leading in the chronicle. The interests of the Motherland dictate the chronicler of this or that evaluation of the deeds of the prince is the measure of His glory and greatness. The living sense of Russian land, the Motherland and the people informs the Russian Chronicler that the unprecedented latitude of the political horizon, which is inconspicuous by Western European historical chronicles.

From written sources, the chronicles borrow a historical Christian-scholastic concept, tying the history of Russian land with the general course of the development of the World History. The "Tale of Bygone Years" opens the biblical legend of the division of the Earth after the Flood between the sons of NO NOY - Sym, Ham and Yafet. Slavs are descendants of the pile, that is, they, as well as the Greeks, belong to a single family of European peoples.

Finally, it is possible to "install" the first date-6360.- (852) - references to"The chronicle of the Greek" "Russian land."This date allows you to put"Numbers for a number", i.e. to start a consecutive chronological presentation, more precisely, the location of the material"By summer" - on years. And when they can not attach any event to one or another date, are limited to simple fixation of the date itself (for example:"In the summer 6368", "in summer 6369").The chronological principle gave ample opportunities for free handling of the material, made it possible to make new legends and stories into the chronicle, eliminate old, if they did not meet the political interests of time and author, complement the chronicle of the records of the events of recent years, the contemporary of which was its compiler.

As a result of the application of the weather chronological principle, the presentation of the material gradually developed an idea of \u200b\u200bhistory as a continuous consecutive chain of events. The chronological connection was supported by the genealogical, generic bond, the continuity of the rulers of the Russian Earth, ranging from Rurik and ending (in the "Tale of Bygone Years") Vladimir Monomakh.

At the same time, this principle attached to the chronicle fragmentaryness, to which I. P. Eremin drew attention.

Genres entered the chronicle.The chronological principle of the presentation allowed the chronicles to include in the chronicle heterogeneous in nature and genre features material. The simplest narrative unit of the chronicles is a concise weather entry that is limited only to the fact statement. However, the admission to the chronicle of this or that information indicates its significance from the point of view of the medieval writer.

In the chronicles, the type of expanded recording is also represented by not only the "acts" of the prince, but also their results. For example:"IN summer 6391. Near Oleg Wawati Cullent, and inspiring A, IMAKI Dan, on the black kuna, "etc.

And brief weather record, and more detailed - documentary. There are no trails decorating on them. The recording is simple, clear and laconic, which gives it special significance, expressiveness and even magty.

In the center of attention of the chronicler - Event -"SATO STIVE IN THE SUCH FORCES."They are followed by the news of the death of the princes. It is less likely to make the birth of children, their marriage. Then information about the construction activities of the princes. Finally, reports of church affairs, occupying a very modest place. True, the chronicler describes the transfer of the relics of Boris and Gleb, puts the legend of the beginning of the Pechersk Monastery, the death of Peterosi and the stories about the memorable black workers of Pechersk. This is quite explained by the political significance of the cult of the first Russian saints Boris and Gleb and the role of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery in the formation of the initial chronicle.

An important group of chronicle news make up information about the heavenly signs - the eclipses of the Sun, the Moon, earthquakes, epidemics, etc. The chronicler sees the connection between the unusual phenomena of nature and the lives of people, historical events. Historical experienceassociated with the testimony of Chronicle George Amartol leads the chronicler to the conclusion:"The signs of Bo in the sky, or the stars, whether the Sun, whether by the birds, whether Everber, not for the benefit; But the signs of Sitza for evil are, whether the ratios is manifest, whether the death is manifesting. "

Various news on their topics can be united within one chronicle article. The material included in the "Tale of Bygone Years" allows you to allocate historical legend, toponymic legend, historical legend (associated with a druzin heroic epic), augiographic legend, as well as historical tale and a historical story.

Communication of chronicles with folklore. On the events of the last last chronicler draws material in the treasury of folk memory.

Appeal to the toponymic legend is dictated by the desire of the chronicler to find out the origin of the names of Slavic tribes, individual cities and the very word "Rus". Thus, the origin of the Slavic tribes of the radar and nodgy is associated with the legendary people from the Lyakhov - brothers of the Radim and Vyatko. This legend originated from the Slavs, obviously, during the period of decomposition of the generic system, when the hardened tribal foreman to substantiate his right to political domination over the other members of the genus creates a legend of allegedly ingenious origin. To this chronicle legend is close to the legend of the vocation of the princes, placed in the annals under 6370 (862) at the invitation of Novgorod, from behind the sea"Prince and Volodya" Three brother-Varyag's brother came to Russian land with their own: Rurik, Sineus, Trourway.

Folklore legends confirms the presence of an epic number three - three brothers.

The legend of the vocation of the princes served an important argument To prove the sovereignty of the Kiev state, and did not testify to the inability of Slavs to independently arrange their state, without the help of Europeans, as they tried to prove some scientists.

A typical toponymic legend is also a tale of the founding of Kiev in three brothers - Kiw, cheek, choriv and sister their libery. On the oral source of the material introduced into the chronicle indicates the chronicler himself:"Ini, not welcomed, the robos, Yaka Kiye has a carrier."The version of the national legend about Kie-carrier the chronicler with indignation rejects. He categorically declares that Kiev was a prince, performed successful trips to the Tsargrad, where he accepted the Great Honor from the Greek Tsar and founded the town of Kyiv on the Danube.

Outflows of ritual poetry times of the generic system filled with chronicle news about Slavic tribes, their customs, wedding and funeral rites.

The chronicle of the marriage of Vladimir in the Polotsk Princess Rogned, about his abundant and generous pears, arranged in Kiev, is ascebated to the folk legends, the Corsun legend. On the one hand, the prince-pagan appeases with his unbridled passions, on the other - the perfect governor-Christian, endowed with all virtues: madness, humility, love for the night, to the monochable and monastic rank, etc. Contrast comparison of the prince-pagan With Prince-Christian chronicler sought to prove the superiority of the new Christian morality over the pagan.

The prince of Vladimir was heated by the heroic of the folk tales already at the endX - early XI century.

The spirit of the people's heroic epic is imbued with the legend of the victory of the Russian young man Kozhemyaki over the Pechenezh gigan. As in folk epicThe legend emphasizes the superiority of a man of peaceful labor, a simple artisan over a professional warrior - Pechenezhskoy bogature. The led images are based on the principle of contrast comparison and broad generalization. The Russian young man at first glance is ordinary, no noticeable person, but it is embodied that huge, the gigantic force, which the people of Russian possesses, decorating their land and protects it on the battlefield from external enemies. Pechenezh warrior with their giant sizes harorily on the surrounding. The humble Russian young man, the younger son of the Kozhevnik, is opposed to boastful and arrogant enemy. He makes a feud without puffiness and barraffication. At the same time, the legend is timed to toponymic legend about the origin of the city of Pereyaslavl -"Ringing the glory zone,",but this is an obvious anachronism, since Pereyaslavl has repeatedly mentioned in the chronicles before this event.

With the folk fabulous epic, a tale of Belgorod Kiere is connected. In this language, the mind, the resourcefulness and an amusement of the Russian man is glorified.

The folk basis is clearly felt in the church legend about visiting the Russian land as an apostle Andrey. By placing this legend, the chronicler sought "historically" to substantiate the religious independence of Russia from Byzantium. The legend argued that the Russian land received Christianity not from the Greeks, but allegedly the student of Christ - the apostle Andrei, who once passed the way"From the Varyag in the Greeks"in Dnieper and Volkhov, Christianity was predetermined in Russian land. The church legend on how Andrei blessed Kiev Mountains is combined with a popular legend of visiting by Andrei Novgorod Land. This legend is housed and is associated with the customs of the residents of the Slavic North to bathe in hot wooden baths.

Most of the chronicles dedicated to eventsIX - End X Centuries are associated with oral folk creativity, its epic genres.

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