How the image of Pecherin is revealed. Grigory Pechorin from the novel m

How the image of Pecherin is revealed. Grigory Pechorin from the novel m
How the image of Pecherin is revealed. Grigory Pechorin from the novel m

In the Russian classical literature of "Golden" and "Silver" centuries, characterians who deserve the honorary title are "Heroes of our time". The image of the peopinger, the masterfully depicted M. Yu. Lermontov, adequately enters into their number.

Heroes of time, who are they?

The national cultural tradition was the creation of a certain historical era of a character expressing the most advanced thoughts, aspirations that felt in society. Only to portray such a thinking person aimed in the future was able to only the most insightful talents who caught in the middle of the daily sprouts of the new. A. S. Pushkin became the first creator of such an image. His Yevgeny Onegin - Aristocrat, tired of secular life, gradually turns from the "human society" in a real person. Unlike him, the Lermontov Hero, the ensign of Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin, appears at the beginning of the novel as the identity of the prevailing. And all the content of the book comes down to the painful (throughout the narrative) searching for its life path.

Uniqueness of the image of Pechorin

Pushkin and Lermontov characters in their inner essence are an expression of self-consciousness of the most advanced Russian society - formed aristocracy. They are undoubtedly the heroes of their time - the beginning of the XIX century. The image of Pechorina is much broader that Lermontov put in it. He became the first hero of the psychological novel in Russian literature. Moreover, the creative method for the first time tested by Lermontov, found its continuation among the next generations of writers. F. M. Dostoevsky called the author of the "Hero of our time" with his teacher.

The image of Pechorina Many literary critics correlate with the way Lermontov himself. It is in this aspect that he is considered in this article.

Autobiographical features nested by Lermontov in the main hero of the novel

Indeed, there is common biographical features between the author and the character: military service, participation in hostilities. By the way, the colleagues responded about Mikhail Yurevich as a man with decisive and brave in battle. In the battle on the Valerik River, which is 30 km from the modern city of Grozny, he stormed the combat order of Muab Ahberdil Mohammed with the first rows of brave. Like his literary hero, Lermontov participated in the Caucasian War not in his will, but because of Opal. Like Pechorinsky, the death of the great Russian poet was ridiculous, random and untimely.

Why Mikhail Yuryevich argued that it was the image of Pechorin - the hero of our time? The answer is obvious. This thinking personalities were uncomfortable in the era of the rule of the Emperor Nikolai I, known to the suppression of the uprising of the Decembrists, cut off all sorts of freedoms and the everlasting of the gendarme apparatus. What else happened in those times?

Logic procedure for heads of novel

It was a tragedy of a whole generation of young people who wanted to dedicate the souls of beautiful impulses. " Russia during the reign of Emperor Nikolai I lost its ideals. Painstly and intensely on the pages of the novel is looking for his own demand and does not find her young man that thirsty of freedom. This is exactly the image of Pechorin before the reader. "The hero of our time" is a novel, consistently revealing the evolution of the soul of the main character.

The work consists of five parts connected by no means in chronological order. Each chapter is a separate story. Lermontov does not go down to banal statement, its task is more complicated by an order of magnitude: it tells about the change in the inner world of the hero.

Chronologically, the sequence of events in which the image created by the classic is briefly imposed, starting from his military service in the Caucasus in a combat squad.

Then hero, being injured, undergoing treatment in Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk. Here is his duel with a pears, who ended with the death of the latter.

In the punishment of an option officer, they are sent to serve in the fortress, where he meets a friend in service in the combat detachment of Maxim Maksimovich's headquarters. From the Fortress Pechorin on the affairs of the service turns out to be first in the Casual Stanice. He then goes to St. Petersburg for a short time, after which he follows to Persia through the Caucasus.

Returning to Russia from overseas travel, the main character of the work dies.

The composition of the novel is such that the reader first meets Pechorin from the story of Maximovich awe awe awe, and then from the diary of Grigory Alexandrovich.

Lermontov with the limit force filled the image of Pecherin's problem with the problem. Briefly his "Funny Race for Life", his attempts to change their destiny can be expressed by Shakespeare "to be or not to be." After all, Pechorin is extremely sincere in their search and to achieve the goal is ready to sacrifice everyone.

Tale "Bal". Egocentrism Pechorina.

The logic of the evolution of Pechorin's soul defined the chronological order of the part of the part. Roman begins with the story "Bal". Juniorly hot, this maximal represents the image of Pechorin in it. The "Hero of Our Time" is the reader of an officer who despises secular conventions and wants to gain real happiness in love with free Goriana Bala.

However, unfortunately, what happened - only glowing passions. Soon Bal bored with a young man. He does not know how to respond to other people. He wishes to be realized as a personality only himself, to the people who occurred in the life path refers consumers, considering the absolute dominant only their own interest.

Therefore, throwing the bored Gorianka, he did not even think about the deadly danger, who threatened the girl under the laws of those places on the part of the cruel cazbic. Also, Hero Lermontov did not imagine himself reflections on the fate of Brother beauties - Azamat, who had previously helped him steal Balu, and then forced to leave the family and become an outcast.

Disranged friendship. Tale "Maxim Maksimovich"

The image of Pechorin's spiritual warmth is not different. "The hero of our time" tells in the next part of the novel - "Maxim Maksimovich", about how Pechorin's frivolous and focused on his problems offends inadvertently friendly to him located the former colleague.

Their meeting, despite the preliminary arrangement, to the deepest disappointment of the latter, did not take place. Optional and frivolousness in relation to other people differs the image of Pechorin in this part of the narration.

Taman. Romance investigation

In the third part of the work called Taman, the author represents the reader already another, which has matured the main character.

Its activity is targeted and obvious. Pechorin in the system of male images of the Lermontov work is undoubtedly allocated among officers. Despite the average height, it is strong, deft, energetic. It felt charisma and thirst for activity. It quickly focuses and takes true solutions. The Hero Lermontov will be in the house of the defendants in the house of the defendants and soon reveals the scheme of their simple fishery. However, internal satisfaction does not bring the conducted investigation.

Moreover, he sympathizes smugglers engaged in this illegal fishery to simply have a source for existence. Charismatic Sailor Danko, going beyond the goods in the sea on the serpent boat, and his loving young girlfriend is desperate. And yet, this couple shows generosity, providing all necessary for the life of a blind boy and helpless old woman. Frightened perspective criminal responsibility criminals float. The reader is not clear how the boy and the old woman will live on.

Gregory subsequently even calls them honest smugglers and regrets that in his will got involved in this private cheer.

"Princess Mary." Limit frank Lermontov

Acquired everyday experience and charismaticity is distinguished by Pechorin in the system of male images of the Tale of "Princess Mary". He finally establishes friendly relations with Dr. Werner. They were brought together with general personal features: insight and skepticism, similar to those established views on the egoism of others, occupied, primarily their personal interests.
In friendship, according to Gregory, both comrades should be equal to avoid dominance.

At first, the hero and Junker Grushnitsky became closest, subsequently received an officer rank. Their communication, however, has not turned into friendship. On the contrary, it ended the tragedy. Why did it happen? Let's try to answer.

Psychological self-portrait Lermontov

Pechorin in the image system created by Lermontov occupies a special place. Moreover, the author confesses to all the world's mouth of this hero. If you drop the legend invented by the author (the history of life), we will get a subtle psychological self-portrait Mikhail Yurevich. The poet, according to the memories of contemporaries, was truly reverently only in a narrow circle of people close to the spirit. Therefore, his hero, like the classic himself, sincerely disappointed with the false and falsehood of most others. The reader first seems that the Junker is also not satisfied with the orders of reigning in society. Actually, on the soil of reasoning about this annoying circumstance, a young man and met the peopling. However, soon the insightful hero is aware that the life position of this young man is a solid pose that this officer is soullessly empty and fake. Gregory becomes a shame, he does not accept the chandeliness and lies.

He decides to click on the nose of the throat. His undone, however, is not completely harmless. The hero, using the predisposition of the Junker to the princess of Ligovskaya, he gets acquainted with her and knocks off the girl from a former comrade. True, at the same time, Pechorin himself goes to moral costs towards the Princess Mary, because he falls in her in his senses, not wanting further development of relations.

Could Pecherin be premeditated that the pearshnitsky, the humble slave of puppet concepts about the honor reigning in the highest light will cause him to a duel? Gregory did not want such an event of events. Moreover, he handed him the right of the first shot, thereby offering him an alternative to stop it madness. However, the Grushnitsky shot. Pechorin has no options left, except to shoot seriously. As a result, the Junker was killed.

Lermontov - hostage plot of his book?

How is the artwork of a hero invented with the fate of the author? Pechorina can safely compare with Lermontov, because he in this episode, as it were, anticipate the tragic death of his creator himself. Rock duel in Pyatigorsk began with poding Martynov's poet. Like the previously created his most beloved literary character, Mikhail Yurevich could not postpone false. He himself showed courage in battle, he did not transfer Nikolai Solomonovich Martynov, who was falsely depicted in the society of the ladies hero on vacation. Lermontov began to push the retired major ... As you know, their duel ended in the death of the poet.

Let's return, however, to the story "Princess Mary." Holding her composition, Lermontov, the image of Pechorina generously endowed his own personality. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky wrote that it was in this work for the first time in Russian literature a literal, taking psychologism, taking a soul.

Perhaps that is why the story is written by the author in the form of a diary record of the hero who is in the treatment "on the waters".

Why finish the novel story "Fatalist"?

Opened after the lethal duel, the main character follows to Persia. On the way, he finds himself in the Cossack Stanice, where he spends leisure in the officer society for maps and wine. Military communicate with each other, remembering the fighting episodes. Pechorin's ensign, deeply disappointed in Russian society, but who believes in fate is hard to surprise. However, this case is still happening.

In one society, the lieutenant Vulch is provided with him, without anything that does not believe. Pechorin, having experience in battles, some inner alarm defines that death threatens to this officer. Vulich does not believe in it and trying to prove, one tour of the "Hussar Roulette" plays with him. The charged pistol lifted to the temple gives a mischief. However, when all officers diverge in the posts of quartering, the returning voolich completely pointlessly kills a drunk Cossack with a checker.

Does the image of Pechorina in the novel seem to be a broadcaster? Contemporaries of the author of the book celebrated the deep mysticism of the latter. They mention a hard look of the classic: if Lermontov looked at the back of a man, he certainly turned around. He was amused by this property. For that, he was hated by secular ladies. Related Fact: Mikhail Yuryevich During the only meeting with Belinsky, he influenced Criticism, that he, Dotol, ironically, began to support him everywhere and unconditionally. Psychics would call it a trance.

Mikhail was the last in the family of Lermontov. All his coming ancestors died untimely, and the death of the classic finally stopped the family tree. The contemporaries of the poet recalled the unusual storm, broken down with the calm heaven after the fateful shot of Martynov in Pyatigorsk. And after 166 years old (in Numerology, this is the number of universe), in the spring of 2007, the lightning of the other storms split and burned the pine, growing in place of the duel.

Psychologists note the Ambivalence of Lermontov's personality (the paradoxical connection of the Angelic and Demonic began). His ideal - who dropped humility and defeating Barca former Monk Mcyri. His Pushkin dies with the thirst for revenge and staying in Gordin ("Swinging the proud head"), while the real moves with humility, adopting Christian vows.

Grigory Pechorin, like Lermontov himself, obsessed pride. Although he did not pass the tests either with love nor friendship, but reached that he prevails over human feelings. He could not change the world, but he changed himself. He opened Fatum. Further life search is meaningless, respectively, and the development of the scene of the novel is predictable: the main character is suddenly and illogical. Will Lermontov himself sought to such fate? Who knows. They write that before the fatal duel he was amazingly calm ...


Mikhail Yuryevich in the novel "The Hero of Our Time" created the contradictory and vivid psychological image of Grigoria Alexandrovich Pechorin. The classic endowed his favorite hero with his own creative spiritual warehouse, regimence, nihilism, rejection of lies and a chandeliness. Thanks to this plan of the author, a new genre appeared in Russian literature - a psychological novel.

The peculiarity of all classics is that their essays are often obtained deeper than initial designs. It is possible that that is why all new and new heroes of our time, the image of Pechorin is trying to realize and comprehend.

In the novel "Hero of our time" M.Yu. Lermontov created the image of his contemporary, "The portrait made up of the vices of everything ... generation."

The main character of the novel is the nobleman of Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin, the character is extremely complex and controversial, then paradoxical. Contracted, "oddity" of Pechorina masterfully noticed in the portrait of the hero. "At first glance on his face, I would not give him more than twenty-three years, although after I was ready to give him thirty," the narrator notes. He describes a strong physique of Pechorin, and at the same time immediately notes the "nervic weakness" of his body. A strange contrast represent a children's hero smile and its cold, metallic look. The eyes of Pechorina "did not laugh when he laughed ... This is a sign - or evil in the face, or a deeply constant sadness," the narrator notes. Hero's glance seems to be a carriage of the bold, producing the "uncommon impression of an indispensable question" and at the same time this look - "indifferently calm."

About the "oddities" of Pechorina mentions Maxim Maksimovich: "The nice was small, I dare to assure you; Just a little strange. After all, for example, in a rain, in the cold all day on the hunt; All will be messy, they will be set up - and nothing to him. And another time it sits in his room, the wind smells, assures that she has witned; Stone knocknet, he will work out and pale; And when I went to the boar one on one; It happened, for the whole hour, I would not succeed in the word, but how will it start to tell, so the tumids will spend from laughter ... "

What is the hero behind this "oddity"? What is he really? Let's try to analyze this character.

Pechorin is a Russian nobleman, from those whose "youth passed in the world." However, soon the secular pleasures of "the opposites" to him. Science, reading books, self-education - all these classes also very quickly discovered their meaninglessness and uselessness in life. Pechorin realized that the position of a person in society, respect and honor was determined by the true advantages of his - educational and virtue, but depend on wealth and connections. So, the ideal order of the world was violated in his consciousness at the very beginning of the life path. This caused the disappointment of Pechorin, his boredom, contempt for aristocratic society.

Frustration gave rise to aggression in it in relation to others. And all their positive qualities - courage, determination, willpower, dedication, energy, activity, enterprise, insight and ability to understand people - the hero "drew in his opposite", using them "on the path of evil." I would especially like to dwell on one of the features of Gregory Aleksandrovich.

Pechorin is very active, energetic, in his soul - "Forces immense". However, what does he waste his strength? Abducts Bal, kills the Pereshnitsky, it turns out a meaningless, cruel novel with prince Mary.

Moreover, Pechorin is perfectly aware that he brings suffering to other people. He is inclined to explain his behavior by upbringing, a social environment, "the originality of his divine nature", the fate that invariably led him to the "union of other people's drama" - anything, but not by the manifestation of his personal, free will. The hero seems to be responsible for his actions.

At the same time, he is always active, active, he consistently embodies his ideas. Critics have repeatedly noted a certain unity of the behavior of Pechorin, the unity of self-analysis and action. And the hero himself refuses, from blind faith in predestination in the story "Fatalist".

Let's try to analyze the psychology and the behavior of Pechorina, contacting his life philosophy. Happiness for him - there is only satisfied with ambition, "saturated pride", the main passion is to subjugate the will of others. To live Gregory Aleksandrovich "Bored and Gadko", the feelings of others he considers "only in relation to himself," as food supporting his mental strength. But for yourself, these feelings do not worry. "What a matter to me to the joys and disasters of human ..." - here is the leitmotif of Pecherin's image.

At the heart of the behavior of the Lermontov Hero - egocentrism, which, according to D. N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky, in Pechorin, excessive impressionability, emotional-painful susceptibility to all phenomena of life, actions around others. The researcher notes that Grigory Aleksandrovich is not able to forget his past feelings, including the most bitter, insane. They also own his soul, as well as the feelings are real. From here in Pechorin, the inability to forgive, the impossibility of an objective assessment of the situation.

However, it seems, the feelings of the hero are very selectively manifested in action. According to the observation of A. I. Revyakina, "Pechorin is not deprived of good gusts." At the evening, Ligovsky he regretted faith. During the last date with Mary, he feels compassion, ready to rush to her legs. During a duel with Grushnitsky, he is ready to forgive his enemy if he admits in his own meanness.

However, the good gusts Gregory Aleksandrovich always remain only "gusts." And the Pechorin always brings his "villains" to a logical completion: he kills the Huschnitsky, Rubit Balu, makes it forces to suffer to the Princess Mary. The gusts of the hero to good remain only by his personal feelings that never go into action and which other people are actually known to other people.

The unity of thought and actions persist in the behavior of Pechorin only in relation to its "villains" - here, apparently, there are no feelings of the hero (Pechorin is not a villain by nature), here it acts, guided only by reason, reason. And on the contrary, we are seeing a tragic gap between the sense and action. Where the mind is not present, Pechorin is "powerless" - the sphere of feelings is closed for him. This is exactly what causes the emotional immobility of the hero, his "fossil". Hence the impossibility of love for him, his inconsistency in friendship. From here, it seems, and the impossibility of repentance for Pechorin.

Belinsky believed that the spiritual appearance of Pechorin was dismissed by a secular life that he himself suffers from his challenge, and "Pechist's soul is not rocky soil, but the earth dried away from the earthly life: let her suffer and irrigate the fertile rain, - and she will grow out of themselves Lush, luxury flowers of heavenly love ... ". However, the "suffering" itself is just impossible for him. And in this "spiritual impotence" of the hero.

Of course, a writer is one of the reasons for such an outfit, the writer is a certain loyalty to Lermontov traditions of romanticism. Pechorin is a romantic hero opposed to the world. Hence his demonism, and loneliness among people. As a romantic hero, Pechorin largely reflects the world of the poet itself, his darkness, dreary thoughts, skepticism and sarcasm, secretive. It is characteristic that Onegin at Pushkin still acquires the completeness of the feelings and the living course of life in love for Tatiana. Pechorin dies, returning from Persia. And in this - all Lermontov.

Gregory Aleksandrovich Pechorin - the protagonist of Roman Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov "Hero of our time". It is young, "thin, white", slim, middle rising young man. Gregory Alexandrovich is a retired officer (at the time of action in the chapter "Maxim Maksimovich"), in Velvet Sultuka, pure underwear and new elegant gloves. Pechistan has blond hair, black mustache and eyebrows, hungry, brown eyes and white teeth. Gregory Aleksandrovich is a very rich man and has a lot of expensive things. He does not need a special education and any useful occupation. He believes that there are no happiness, nor glory, nor pleasure. This man loves to be in the center of the general interest, tries to subjugate to himself, so does not love girls with character. In general, it seems like Pechorin loves himself, and even if sometimes someone else, then nothing sacrifices for this. Gregory Alexandrovich himself can not be friends, and others do not really want to fit into the circle of his friends.

From the very beginning of the work, we see Pechorin as not indifferent, at times an inquisitive person who wants to get a lot from life. His actions are surprised, even amazing the reader. He steals the girl, not aware that this act will entail. He is confident that his love for this girl will open the way to a new life. Then he still understands what he hurried with actions, but nothing can be corrected.

During the vain struggle with the society, Pecherin loses his dust, it becomes cold, indifferent. Something like we met. Reading the novel "Evgeny Onegin". Only the departure of faith, his beloved woman, was able to briefly regret the fire in him, return the desire for a new, better life. But it was again just a fleeting passion, passion for this woman disappeared. Or, in any case, Pechorin tried to convince himself.

A man is disappointed in itself in life. He remains to pass his own age traveling. He will no longer return home.

Pechorin is an "extensive person." His ideas, thoughts, opinions and performances are very different from the generally accepted. Throughout the novel, we have never seen it engaged in some kind of service business. Is that in the chapter "Fatalist" Pechorin manages to deceive and arrest the Cossack killer (although it is, strictly speaking, and not his business). But this person puts concrete goals and questions.

One of them is to comprehend the possibilities and psychology of people. This can explain its various "experiments" on yourself and others.

Lermontov is experiencing Pechorina with two feelings: love and friendship. None of them could endure. Gregory Alexandrovich was disappointed in love. He can't be friends, as he believes that one of the friends must be a slave for another.

Pechistan is a man who because of his principles, his vision of life always brings people to Mount. Even in spite of all his desires to be reborn, its true essence does not allow this. He is doomed to loneliness.

The image of Pechorina, depicted by Mikhail Lermontov, is, first of all, the personality of a young young man who suffers from his inaccessibility and constantly resides in captivity of questions: "Why did I live? For what purpose did I born? "

What is he, hero of the XIX century?

Pechorin is not at all similar to his peers, there are neither a drop of desire to move along the latter path of secular youth of that time. The young officer serves, but does not seek to heal. He is not fond of music, philosophy, does not want to go into the subtleties of the study of the military craft. But the reader immediately becomes clear that the image of Pechorin is an image of a person who is headed above the people surrounding it. It is quite intelligent, formed and talented, is distinguished by energetic and courage. Nevertheless, indifference to Pechorina to other people, the egoisticity of his nature, the inability of empathy, friendship and love repelled. The controversial image of Pechorin is complemented by other qualities: thirst to live in full force, the ability to critically estimate their actions, desire for the better. "Feline actions" character, meaningless waste of forces, his actions that hurt others, - all this is not exposed to the hero not in the best light. However, at the same time, the officer himself is experiencing deep suffering.

The complexity and inconsistency of the main character of the famous novel are especially brightly represented by him in words that two people simultaneously live in it: one of them lives in the full sense of the word, and the second - thinks and judges the action of the first. It also tells about the reasons for the beginning of this "splitness": "I told the truth - I did not believe me: I began to deceive ..." The young and full of hopes of the young man in just a couple of years turned into a worn, malicious, bile and ambitious person; As he himself put it - "moral cripp." The image of Pechorin in the novel "Hero of Our Time" echoes the image of Onegin, created by A. S. Pushkin: This is the "Egoist that disadvantaged", disappointed in life, inclined to pessimism, experiencing a permanent internal conflict.

30s. The XIX century did not allow Pechorin to find and reveal himself. He repeatedly makes attempts to forget in the small adventures, love, substitutes himself under the bullets of Chechens ... However, all this does not bring him the desired relief and remains only an attempt to distract.

Nevertheless, the image of Pechorin is an image of richly gifted nature. After all, he is inherent in a sharp analytical mind, he is extremely accurately assessed by people and actions that they commit. His critical attitude was formed not only towards others, but also towards himself. In his diary, the officer exposes himself: a hot heart begins in his breast, who knows how to feel deeply (Bella's death, meeting with faith) and extremely hard to worry, although hiding under the mask of indifference. However, these are indifference - no more than self-defense.

"The hero of our time", the image of Pechorin in which is the basis of the narrative, allows you to see the same person from completely different sides, look into different corners of her soul. At the same time, we see a volitional, strong and active person in which the "vitality" will see "vitality" in the appearance of the officer. He is ready to act. Unfortunately, almost all of his actions in the end cause pain and the Pechistan himself, and the surrounding, its activities are not contemptive, but a destructive nature.

The image of Pechorin is strongly echoes with the Lermontov "Demon", especially at the beginning of the novel, when something demonic, unsupported, remains in the hero. The young man, by the will of fate, becomes the destroyer of other people's lives: It is he who is guilty of he died in Bela, that Maxim Maksimovich was completely disappointed in friendship, in how much faith and Mary suffered. From the hand of Pechorin, in turn, the pearshnitsky dies. Pechorin played his role in how another young officer died - Vulch, as well as "honest smugglers" were forced to leave their native homes.


Pechorin is a person who has no past remains and there is only hope for something better in the future. In the present, he remains a perfect ghost - this is how this contradictory image of Belinsky described this controversial image.

Roman M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" was written in 1840. This is the first psychological novel in Russian literature, exploring the inner world of the main character - a young nobleman, Military officer Gregory Alexandrovich Pechorin.

Disclosure of the image

The image of the peopinger is revealed gradually. At first we see it with the eyes of Maxim Maximich, a fifty-year-old headquarters. The old man tells the author about what had the pleasure of knowing a very strange person G.A. Pechorin. He, according to him, is not a simple "small one, who has a number of inexplicable contradictions: Might a whole day to hunt under the drizzling rain, and he could have a cold due to the open window; It is able to go on a boar one on one, but at the same time getting the knock of the closing window. Maxim Maksimich surprised his ability to be silent for hours, and sometimes it's so telling that "the tummy will spend from laughter."

We also learn about the wealth of Pechorin, about its special purpose: "There are sort of people who have written in the family that unusual things should happen to them!".

Problem Pechorina

The main trouble of Pechorina is that he all rapidly bored. In his youth, he turned to the light, but the highest society quickly bored him, in the formation he received the years, Pechorin does not see sense. Hope for gaining interest in life in the Caucasus is also false: whistling bullets disturbing him no more buzz of mosquitoes. Bal, young Cherkishhenka, was the last chance for Pechorin. But it turned out that "Love Dicarka is a little better than the love of a notable lady."

The internal contradictions of the hero are expressed in his appearance represented by the reader through the eyes of the wandering officer - the author-taller, a close hero in age and social situation.

In the chapter "Maxim Maksimach" we see the main character in a slim defense officer, dressed in the last fashion. It is medium height, blonde, but at the same time with black mustes and eyebrows. In negligence gait and lack of waving hands, the author sees a secretiveness of character. At first glance, the face of Pechorin seems to be a young man, but at best examination, the author notices the traces of wrinkles, in a smile there is something for children. It is significant that the Hero's eyes did not laugh when he laughed. This speaks about evil moral either about the big and hard life experience.

Testing Pechorin

Like many other literary heroes, Pechorin is tested by love and friendship, but does not stand them: kills a friend for a duel, causes pain to everyone who loves him and his beloved people. He himself says that it is capable of causing people only suffering, since "no sacrificing for those who loved." He is an individualist by nature, for the realization of his life goals, nobody needs him, he is able to solve all his problems independently.

Indeed, Pechorin is cruel with many close people. Take even his meeting after a long separation with Maxim Maximić - he took the old man who considered him the son, as a stranger. But it should be noted that he is cruel and with him. There is not a single requirement for others, which he would not fulfill himself. Many of his misfortunes, collisions with society occur due to its maximalism, the requirements from life just immediately, but the impossibility of obtaining proper satisfaction.

In my opinion, Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin - a decent man, smart, strong spiritually. But he cannot find applications to his immense forces and opportunities in the contemporary society, which does not have any spiritual values.