Blog\u003e Old Chekursky. The temple of Archangel Mikhail Exile demons, cleansing, cleansing from curses, cleansing from sins, baptism. Exile demons

Blog\u003e Old Chekursky. The temple of Archangel Mikhail Exile demons, cleansing, cleansing from curses, cleansing from sins, baptism. Exile demons
Blog\u003e Old Chekursky. The temple of Archangel Mikhail Exile demons, cleansing, cleansing from curses, cleansing from sins, baptism. Exile demons

Ilorsky temple This is a very beautiful, union church, the altar in which is located a small semicircle, the room is blocked by a stone arched arch, which relies on massive pilasters protruding from the walls. The church leads three entrances, from the North, South and Western Parties. To the entrances B. different time The feathers were attached. Lighted the temple with five small windows. On the walls outside in several places, distinguished embossed slabs with crosses are mounted. Near the temple is a source with healing water.

The temple of St. George the Victorious is surrounded by a fence with a gateway posted from a cobblestone. Near the church, according to the testimony of sources, in the Middle Ages arranged crowded fairs. The Iloraic Temple has long been popularly outside the country and shook pilgrims from all surroundings. In the church was miraculous icon St. George, which was considered healing, and any desire, spoken in the church, certainly came true.
The decoration of the church was once very rich, fame of gold and silver liturgical vessels and bowls stored here, spread throughout the Caucasus. Currently, peaceful icons are kept in the temple of St. George the Victorious most of old treasures.

In the 17th century, during the Turkish Iga, the Iloraic temple, along with many others, was very injured, was partially destroyed and burned. However, valuable vintage inscriptions, drawings and reliefs were stored in untouched. In the courtyard of the church at that time, the parish school was built.
One of the legends tells as one local prince in the forest during the hunt of the deer wounded. Running, the animal disappeared into dense thickets. The hunter pursued him, and blood traces led him to the ruins of the ancient sanctuary. The prince saw the wounded deer, putting his head on the stone throne with the cross-carved in the middle, and realized that the animal was under the patronage of St. George himself. The prince spared the deer and ordered the temple to erect in this place in honor of St. George the Victorian.

Until now, Ilorsky Temple is filled with the strongest energy and is one of the most popular places in the area. Services are still held here, and on the day of St. George the Victorious Many Pilgrims comes here.

On Fridays, there are procedures for the expulsion of demons. That's what one of the visitors of this temple writes about this:

"We arrived in Elzyr to an unsuccessful day. In the temple, the service was planned with the" defibration ". In theological science, exorcism is called expulsion from the human body of evil spirits, the prince of Darkness, with the help of a certain religious ritual. The phenomenon is very old and goes back to the very sources. Christianity, but for the accidentally turned out at this moment in the temple of a person is completely terrible. It is not enough to describe it. I will just say that inside the temple in the one, the first time I managed to stay only five minutes. Before the beginning of the ritual of the "person". Even looked like I did not have time. Pilgrims from all over Russia come to these services. I saw there and the Abkhazians and Russians from Tambov, Nizhny Novgorod., Tyumen. And it was not just tourists, resting, namely pilgrims. Specially arrived in Elzyr and people who need this service. "

In the temple there are many peaceful icons. Usually peaceful icons are trying not to exhibit on the universal review. For example, in the Greek Afonov monastery, and in general, even remove from human eyes if the icon begins to make peace. So crying icon.
On the long-suffering Abkhaz land there is a reason for tears. So many icons cry in Ilorsk temple. And it really produces a very strong impression..

The expulsion of demons has become quite popular with the topic. People who suspect not only obsession, and damage, the evil eye either suffer from languid physical ailments, seek to get to the defibration - a special church chin for the expulsion of demons. Find out if it is true and what is exorcism in the Orthodox tradition.

Exile demons - History of exorcism ritual

Exile demons, or exorcism - an important part of theological science. It is curious that in our time you can leaken to the Catholic Institute and get an exorcist's diploma. The ritual of expulsion of demons from a person is very old, he refers to the appearance of Christianity interested in this incompleteness.

The first exorcist, as indicated in the Bible - the main source of information on this topic, was Sam Jesus Christ. The most famous biblical legend in the midst of those relating to the topic of the ritual of the emission of demons. Speaks about how Jesus Christ expelled demons from some person and instilled them in the body of pigs. Obsessed pigs rushed into the abyss that once again emphasizes the danger of obsession.

At first, only Jesus Christ walked to the demons possessed. Then he received the apostles - after the Holy Spirit came across. It is believed that the followers of the apostles are the clergymen who received the same gift. But at all times of people who were able to drive a demon, there was very not much.

The show from demons was popular in the Middle Ages. Not counting this, it is clear somewhat real cases Exorcism in the past century, most of which have a catastrophic end - the destruction of the priest or obsessed. In Russia, the first written source of the reversal of the devil by the 14th century, the creator of which became the creator of which Kiev Metropolitan, Peter Grave, became the first written source. Over the centuries, the demand for exorcistists has not decreased, and the problem of the unclean power in people still exists.

Where demons expelled from a person in the Russian Federation and Ukraine

Troitko-Sergiyev Lavra in the town of Sergiev Posad

Usually, the blessing of the calculations have clergy from old monasteries. In the Russian Federation there is only one holy placewhere the certificates are held - Troitsko-Sergiyev Lavra in the town of Sergiev Posad. Previously, the exile of demons was carried out in Optina desert. But not so long ago, the monks received a ban on the claim. In Ukraine, such monasteries more is Pochaevskaya Lavra, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra And some others.

Father Hermanfrom Troitsko-Sergius Lavra He is the most famous exorcist of the Russian Federation. Now he is the only permission to hold a person. The personnel of the father of Herman is massive, because of which they are susceptible to tough criticism from other priests, about which is slightly lower. There are cases of healing during the service of the father of Herman, but critics say that the hired actors played the role of obsessed. This is confirmed by the fact that several exorcism sessions are often required. If the demon is quite strong. And on the ledges of the father, German is cured with obsesses brought to beds.

In Ukraine, the most famous exorcist was father Vasily Voronovsky from the Church of St. Misha in Lviv. To chagrin, he died a couple of years. On the this moment exorcism sessions carried out in almost all churches of Ukraine, including Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and the Cathedral of St. Jura in Lviv. It is clear that the monastery in the village is very popular Kolodievka Ternopil region. Rural exorcists work free, considering it by their duty, but they do not answer questions about rites, neither the former obsessed are under the ban.

TO father Abbot Varlama from the Church of Annunciation Blessed Virgin Mary near Kiev Not only come from all over the country, and because of the border. It conducts sessions both personal and group groups for 30 years. Father Varlaam argues that it distinguishes obsession from physical and psychological diseases. He agrees with the fact that the deduction is needed only by obsessed with Satan, and not suffering from spanking, curses and physical ailments. According to the exorcist from Ukraine, even kids are obsessed, who pay for the sins of parents.

How is the exile of demons from a person in the church

The exorcism ritual, or the expulsion of demons so far is carried out on the standard of the ritual conducted by Jesus Christ. It is described in religious literature quite carefully. Rite never changed like the texts that read great amount centuries reversed for the expulsion of unclean. Jesus Christ was not only the first exorcist, and the creator of the only faithful ritual of the expulsion of demons in Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

The ritual of the expulsion of demons in Orthodoxy is referred to. In the process of the ritual, a man's autumn or a group of people with a cross-contempt with a crucifixion, applying it to the body, fumuring incense, swelling with holy water, also reading a special prayer. Exorcism is a special chin, on which the priest must receive permission that it is possible is very occasionally.

Prayer, the purpose of which is the show from demons, is the longest in the Canon of the Orthodox Church. Her reading usually takes about 20 minutes. The text has not changed for several centuries. On modern readings from demons, the same prayers are reading as in antiquity.

It is unrealistic to come to the church and immediately go to the emission session. The priest who agrees to take up such a complex and dangerous thing should receive permission from the bishop to hold the rank. If there is no such permission, it can only read the prayer for the health of a pithful person. In some cases it helps.

Apart from this, the priest must make sure that the point is really in the goat Satan, and not psychological disease. Some confessors can feel the presence of the impurity, and certain conducts simple tests with the help of holy water and crucifixes, which are afraid of demons. Their horror and disgust are not not distinguished. The personal conversation of the suspect in obsession with the priest is a non-coronable part of the detection of uncleani.

If the spiritual person recognized the presence of the impurity, and the permission to the reader was obtained, then the eyewitnesses are chosen from among the close relatives, under which an old ritual is being conducted. Before his start, eyewitnesses are confessable and receive a blessing for presence under the exorcism session. There are strict rules for the selection of eyewitnesses - they should not become an instrument in the hands of the demon, nervous, too, do not allow the terrible spectacle. Eyewitnesses are watching the ritual and fully read prayers.

After expulsing the demon, why it may be necessary and not one session, you should keep a post, praying both to the unhealthy and his relatives, ordering forties and prayers. If a person from which the demon will not change own style Life in coordination with Christian morality, the demon can return.

Exile demons from a person - the dual worldview of priests

The worldview of representatives of the clergy for church countdown divided into two camps. Some are convinced that they make a useful case, kicking out an unclean power of people during worship services. They only benefit in their own actions, because in fact every session are obsessed, outstanding their presence with sonorous clicks, convulsions and other signs of inflating demon.

But many priests believe that the value of exorcism is very hyperbolized. They are convinced that the calculation is a tribute to the occult fashion for fear of damage and the evil eye. On sessions, according to them, occasionally those for whom they should be carried out are true obsessed. Often walking rumors that the understeed in churches are hired actors, but the witnesses of their occurrence publicly refute it.

It is also clear that the conducting of mass counts is gross violation church rank. Excursion is carried out only for the 1st person with a priest who has permission. For a presence on such a session, the blessing of a spiritual person is required as an eyewitness - it is impossible to just go into the temple and see the process of expulsing the demon. Not everyone may be an eyewage exorcism - for this requires strong nervous system, not bad physical and mental health, the lack of grave sins and, in the end, belonging to close relatives of the rampant.

Mass person, on the view of their enemies in the midst of the clergy representatives, faster malware than helpful. Each person in a certain degree is obsessed with demons, but the person needs only those whose physical body took possession devilryWhat is the last stage of obsession. Many people try to cure diseases, evil eye and damage with this church rank, which is incorrect. Moreover, on such sessions, it is completely actually not only not to get rid of your own negative, and "pick up" someone else's.

If this is speech About the presence of real obsessed, no one knows who can accommodate the demon, expelled from the 1st of them. Therefore, the selection of eyewitnesses and assistants of the priest so strict - in the same room with evil spirits should not become her tool.

In general, there are several churches on the area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation and Ukraine, where sessions are expelled to demons from people. But most of the priests are confident that such rituals are needed only to people who suffer from obsession, and not negative magic programs and physical diseases. Apart from this, there are canons for which this church rite should be held.

Dear friends! By virtue of your work, I have to go on business trips, even more often probably, what I would like. And taking this opportunity, I will describe the places in Russia by Mother, where he visited, traveled, visited historical and holy places. Maybe someone wants to visit them. Wags spiritually evolving. Attend holy places. Someone will need treatment. Here is one of the places. Was twice here.

The old Chekur temple of Archangel Mikhail in the Republic of Tatarstan.
Exile demons, cleansing, cleansing from curses, cleansing from sins, baptism, the village of Old Chekur temple of Archangel Mikhail.

In the Temple of Mikhail Archangel, which is in the village of Old Chekursky, they are ride not only from the Volga region, but also from the Urals, Peter, Siberia and other ends of the country. I also saw the European Union number.
The abbot of the temple - Father Oleg - is very widely known in the area. As for the adjacent areas, then everyone produces information as can, usually, from the words of relatives and acquaintances, ever visited the temple. Therefore, it is difficult to get here for the first time, as well as make yourself an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening here and how exactly.
And here is the same thing that makes wide famous father Herman in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and a few more priests in the country (according to some data, there are less than two tens) - namely, the healing is obsessed.
Perhaps most frequent questionWho is asked by the unreleased people: why not every priest takes on the execution of this rite and why for this you need to go to a deaf salt, which is incomprehensible where is and how is it going there?
The answer here is one: most priests are afraid of this. After all, in order to expel an unclean spirit, it is necessary to be impartial himself. Otherwise, it may be so risky that the junction can become a deplorable for the expelled. And, of course, the atmosphere of the temple itself is important - a tireless prayer, post and permanent worship. This will not meet in big cities, and therefore treatment occurs where there is the necessary conditions for this.
The rite occurs on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The usual number of visitors of the temple these days - from 200 people and more, and in the summer, during the vacation period, their number can reach up to 800. There is no such number of sick churches, and in these cases they remain outside, slowly changing places with those who visited them service.
The eyes do not see, but the ears hear. Against the background of the prayers of the priest and singing, the choir suddenly be heard, then howl, then evil cries. Someone shakes in convulsions, someone falls to the floor and wrinkles, someone growls or squealing. These are laid on the floor near the native, and Oleg Father repeats prayer. He himself heard the sounds that people published, it is not taken to describe their condition. This cracked state was at my first visit to the temple.
For most, the treatment process takes about a minute in time. The priest makes a world formation, lays a cross on the head of the sick and says prayer. Next steps They differ - one requires the laying of a cross to another sore place, another other actions. In severe cases, the priest demands that the harm appeared.
Address: Republic of Tatarstan, Yezhozhansky district, the village of Old Chekur, the temple of Arkhangel Mikhail.
How to get to:
From turn on with. It is about 25 km from about 25 km until the forest end. Further we are waiting for the appearance of the pointer the lower checkursky (and the bottom, and the top, and the old one - in one place) and we turn to the right. If you do not see immediately, I will tell you anyone who will meet on the way.

I advise you to read!
PS: In the war atheists do not happen! Verified personally.

Holy source and font.

Temple of Archangel Mikhail.