Notes. Nikolai Dobrolyubov: When will the real day come? Dobrolyubov When this day comes, the article

Notes. Nikolai Dobrolyubov: When will the real day come? Dobrolyubov When this day comes, the article

The article is devoted to the criticism of the work of Turgenev "On the eve". Dobrolyubov immediately stipulates those principles by which the work of Turgenev will be considered: "We say in advance that we do not know for what purpose, as a result of which preliminary considerations, he portrayed the story of the content of the story" On the eve ". For us, there are no so much important thing that I wanted to say the author, how much, what I had, at least and unintentionally, simply because of the truthful reproduction of the facts of life .... We will interpret about the phenomena of life itself on the basis of a literary work, not imposing However, the author has no advance ideas and tasks. It is impossible to rely on the truth and the living reality of the facts set forth by the author, because his inner attitude to these facts is not easy and not truthfully. Not at all such a relationship of the author to the plot we see in the new story of Turgenev, as in most of its leaders. In the "on the eve" we see the irresistible influence of the natural course of public life and thought that the thought and imagination of the author involuntarily obeyed. "

ON THE. Dobrolyubov also expresses its opinion on the creativity of Turgenev: " Turgenev in fairness can be called the representative and singer of the morality and philosophy, which dominated our educated society in the last twenty years. He quickly guessed new needs, new ideas introduced into public consciousness, and in his works ordinaryly turned (how much the circumstances allowed) attention to the question of the question and was already a vaguely starting to worry society ... Live attitude to modernity saved Turgenev and I strengthened permanent success in the reading public. "

Dobrolyubov gives the characteristic of the creative path of Turgenev. He marks the orientation of Turgenev on the sphere of higher ideas, the desire of the writer make noble ideas into coarse and vulgar reality, far from them declining. Turgenev's works heroes played the role of introductors of new ideas in the famous circle, these are heroes - enlighteners, propagandists. In general, what they did, is a businessman and noble. However, all these gentlemen are excellent, noble, smart, but, in essence, idle people. Drawing their images in different positions and collisions, the city of Turgenev himself treated them commonly with touching participation, with heart pain about their sufferings and the same feeling was constantly excited in the mass of readers. After the "noble nest", the critical remarks of those who were waiting for the main hero of Laurezza much more.

And here is the novel "On the eve". Undoubtedly, Turgenev has already realized that its former heroes cannot win the hearts of readers and excite sympathy, respectively, he is attempting to become an expense on which the advanced movement of the present time is performed. In the "on the eve" there are already different provisions, other types.

Dobrolyubov considers in detail the main characters "on the eve". Elena is characterized by him as a fierce, practically massive, but having a wealth of domestic forces and a tearing activity. Dobrolyubov believes that there is something unfounded in the heroine. But in this inadequacy of the person, in a lack of practical role "we see the living connection of the heroine of Turgenev with all our educated society. According to the fact that the character of Elena is conceived, in its basis it represents an exceptional phenomenon, and if in fact it was an expressive man of his views and aspirations - she would have been alien to Russian society and would not have such a meaning for us as now. In all of our society, now just still awakened the desire to take for the real case, the consciousness of the vulgarity of various beautiful toys, sublime reasoning and stationary forms that we have been kerisy and fooling out for so long. But we still did not come out of the sphere, in which it was so calm to sleep for us, and we do not know well, where the way out; And if anyone finds out, it is still afraid to open it. " This is a difficult, the incoming transitional position of the Company postpones an imprint on a artistic work.

Turgenevskaya Elena is a new attempt (after the Goncharovsk Olga) to create a truly energy, activity. Dobrolyubov believes that Turgenev was not quite possible to outlines this character.

As for Insarov, Dobrolyubov does not see something unusual or extraordinary in it. He never lies, does not change his word, does not borrow money, does not like to talk about his exploits, he does not postpone the execution of the decision taken, his word does not disperse with the case, etc. In addition, Insarov - Bulgarian, dreaming of freeing his homeland This is the main goal of his life. Separately from the Motherland, he cannot imagine himself and may not mind. The hero does not consider his stay in Moscow, the hero does not even consider his weak activity satisfactory even for his personal feeling. He also lives on the eve of the Great Day of Freedom, in which the creature will be lit by the consciousness of happiness, life will be filled and will be real life. The only thing that is afraid of Insarov is that he can delay this desirable moment of making an attitude in the name of the Motherland.

Dobrolyubov notes that the essence of Turgenev Tale is not at all in the presentation of the sample of civil, that is, a public value, as some want to assure. There is no reproach to the Russian young generation, there is no indication of what should be a civilian hero. "Let us understand and feel what insaroves and what Wednesday he got, - the city of Turgenev is given to the image of how Insarov loves and how to love him. Where love should finally give way to live civil activity, he stops the life of his hero and ends the story. "

Thus, Dobrolyubov is asked by the question, and why the Bulgarians appeared in this work, what is his role, and why the Innsarov actually is Bulgarian, and not Russian. Dobrolyubov suggests that Elena is the main face in the "on the eve". In it, "that vague longing about something, she almost unconscious, but the irresistible need of a new life, new people, which now covers all Russian society, and not even one thing about the so-called educated one. In Elena, the best aspirations of our modern life so brightly reflected, and in her surrounding so relief all the inconsistency of the usual order of the same life appears. " She craves to do good, just does not know where this thirst can be applied. The appearance of Insarov gives her the answer to the question - where it is possible to attach his strength, how to make a true good.

As for the time of Insarov, he could not be Russian, Dobrolyubov gives the following answer: society will not pass into itself, and we base this assumption that this Insarians are still someone else's person. The city of Turgenev himself, so well who studied the best part of our society, did not find the opportunity to make it our ... And indeed, there are no such Russians, there should be no such Russian, at least at least. We do not know how new generations develop and develop, but those that we see now actively developed at all so that Insarow can be like. The development of each individual person has an impact of not only its private relationship, but also the entire public atmosphere, in which it is destined to live ... Russian life has developed so good that everything causes it to a calm and peaceful dream in it, and every sleepless person seems Not without reason, restless and completely superfluous. "

In Russian society, of course, occasionally appear heroes like Insarov, but they are more like funny Don kichets, and not on true heroes: "They, for example, suddenly let me save the peasants from the arbitrarians: and not want to know There is no arbitrariness here that the rights of landowners are strictly defined by law and should be inviolable until the laws exist and that restore the peasants actually against this arbitrariness, which means that without having lost them from the landowner. Or, for example, will ask themselves work: save innocent from judicial in a lawsuit - as if we had the judges in our arbitrarity, they do what they want. We are doing everything, as you know, are preferred by law, and in order to express the law anyway, it is not necessary for this, and the habit of judicial freedoms. Here are the Don Quixhotes, we are backward. "

But Elena is a familiar phenomenon for Russian society, it is quite real, because for the best part of Russian society, love and compassion is characterized, the desire to do good.

However, as the Dobrolyubov notes, to meet our feelings, our thirst, you need more: you need a person like Insarov, but Russian Insarov. What is it for us? We ourselves talked above that we do not need the heroes of the liberators that we are the people of the wealthy, and not enslaved ... But aren't our enemies internal? Isn't it necessary to fight them and isn't it necessary for heroism for this struggle? And where do we have people who are able to do? Where are the people of one-piece, since childhood covered by one idea? There are no such people, because our social environment has not yet conducive to their development. And here from her, from this environment, from her vulgarity and petty things and should release us new people, whom the appearance is so impatient and passionately awaits all the best, all fresh in our society. "

Of course, there are no conditions for the appearance of such a hero. Moreover, our Russian hero has to be solved a much more complex task than the one that stood before Insar. After all, the inner enemy to win is much more difficult than the enemy external. "The enemy is internal, dissatisfied everywhere in a thousand different species, elusive, invulnerable, and meanwhile the disturbing everywhere, poisoning your whole life, and does not give you a rest, not see in the fight. With this inner enemy do not make anything ordinary weapons; From him you can get rid of only changing the raw and foggy atmosphere of our life, in which he originated, grew up and intensified, and swallowed himself with such air to which he could not breathe. "

However, is it possible to appear such a hero? Dobrolyubov answers the affirmative: "He finally comes, this day! And, in any case, the eve of not far from the following day: just some night divides them! .. "


For the first time published in "Contemporary", 1860, NO III, Depth. Iii, p. 31--72, without signature, called "New Test Tourgeyshev" ("On the Nameman", Testa I. S. Turgenev, "Russian Bulletin", 1860, NO 1--2). Reprinted under the name "When will the real day come?", With essential additions and changes in the main text, especially in the second part of the article, in the writings of N. A. Dobrolyubov, vol. Iii. St. Petersburg, 1862, p. 275--331. Autograph is unknown.

Prints in this edition according to the text of 1862, established by N. G. Chernyshevsky on the basis of the manuscripts that did not reach us and the devoteed typographic grafts. This text made some clarifications of the stylistic order made by Dobrolyubov in the process of editing the proofreading of the article.

The initial version of the article was prohibited by the censor V. Beketov around 19 February 1860 in the proofreading (see the letter V.N. Beketov to Dobrolyubov from February 19, 1860 with refusal to "skip it in the form as described." - "Covenants", 1913, NO 2, p. 96.). Dobrolyubov was forced to strongly recycle the article, but in a relaxed form, it did not satisfy the new censor F. Rakhmaninov, who browned it from March 8 to 10, 1860. In the Grids (these were preserved in Paper A. N. Pypin (Institute of Russian Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences ). Their detailed characteristic of Dana N. I. Mordovchenko in the section options is full. Coll. Op. N. A. Dobrolyubova in six volumes, t. 2. M., 1935, p. 652--657 "On discussion in this case The text of 1862, see our considerations in the article "Old and New Editions of Dobrolyubov" (NAS. PUB. 555--556), and notes M. Ya. Elinchevskaya "Article N. A. Dobrolyubova" When A real day will come? "" ("Russian literature", 1965, no 1, p. 90--97).). Dobrolyubov had to adapt his article to the censorship requirements. Despite all these processing, the article after pricing attracted the attention of the Main Directorate censors who qualifying it on July 18, 1860, as well as another work of Dobrolyubov "foreign debate on The arrangement of the Russian clergy "and" Anthropological principle in the philosophy "N. G. Chernyshevsky as a work," the amazing major principles of the monarchical, the importance of an unconditional law, the family purpose of a woman, the spiritual side of a person and exciting the hatred of one class to another "(N. A. Dobrolyubov. Full Cathedral cit., t. 2. M., 1935.). Censor F. Rachmaninov, who missed an article, received a reprimand.

I. S. Turgenev, who became acquainted with the article Dobrolyubov on the "on the eve" in her pre-censorship, resolutely spoke out against her printed: "She can't do anything other than trouble," Turgenev wrote around 19 February 1860 N. A . Nekrasov, - She is unfair and cutting - I will not know where to run, if it is printed "(I. S. Turgenev. Full. Coll. Op. Letters, t. IV. M., 1962, p. 41 .). Nekrasov tried to incline Dobrolyubov to some concessions, but he did not agree. Turgenev also persisted in its requirement. Published before the need to choose, Nekrasov published the work of Dobrolyubov, and this was the closest reason to the urgent rupture of Turgenev with the "contemporary".

Reprinted after the death of Dobrolyubov in the third volume of the first edition of his writings with the new title and with the most significant changes in the text, the article "When will the real day come?" It was in the publication of 1862. was perceived by contemporaries and entered the consciousness of reader generations as a document reflected the aesthetic code and a political platform for revolutionary democracy. But in the journal text, the Dobrolyubov article was dramatically highlighted on the overall background of critical reviews of contemporaries about "on the eve" (review of reviews on "On the Names", see the notes I. G. Yampolsky to the article Dobrolyubov: N. A. Dobrolyubov. Full. Coll. Op ., Vol. 2, 1935, pp. 685--688. Wed. G. V. Kurneda. Romanov I. S. Turgenev 50s - early 60s. - "Scientific Notes of the University of Kazan", t . 116, KN. 8, 1956, p. 107--113.).

In the analysis of the novel, Dobrolyubov, it comes primarily from the need to clarify objectivethe meaning of the literary work and considers it impossible to reduce its content to the reflection of author's ideas and intentions. At the same time, as the article shows shows, the critic is not inclined to ignore the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and the ideological position of the author. However, in the center of his attention not so much, "what wantedsay the author; how much is that those saidthey, at least and unintentionally, simply because of the truthful reproduction of the facts of life. "Dobrolyubov belongs to the full confidence in the ability of a realist writer to subordinate its artistic imagination of the life of life, the ability to" feel and depict the vitality of phenomena. "This principle of criticism is therefore cannot be Applied to writers, which didactically subordinate the image of the current reality is not logic of life facts, but "in advance invented program."

Roman Turgenev opened a wide possibility for the formulation of political tasks, which objectively emerged from the picture created by the author of Russian life, although they could not coincide with his personal public aspirations. The main political task of modern times the critic saw in the need to change the "raw and foggy atmosphere of our life" by the forces of Russian insaroys, wrestlers are not against external oppression, but against internal enemies. In these transparent allegory, it was easy to see a call to the People's Revolution, headed by convinced managers like Turgenev Insarov.

But not only in the "on the eve" saw the Dobrolyubs at Turgenev "Live Relevance to Modernity." Restlessness "To the living strings of society" and the "faithful tact of reality" was found in all the work of Turgenev - in particular, in his interpretation of "extra people". Passive, split, reflecting, who do not know what to do, with all the negative properties, they were for him (as well as for Turgenev) "enlighteners, propagandists - at least for one female soul, and propagandists" (characterized by lines M. Gorky Rudine: "Dreamer - he is a promoter of the ideas of revolutionary ..." (M. Gorky. History of Russian literature. M., Gichl, 1939, p. 176).).). Dobrolyubov with sympathy noted the diversity of these individuals, each of which was bolder and fully previous. " Especially interesting in this regard, the interpretation of the image of Lauretsky, in which Dobrolyubov saw "something legitimately tragic, and not ghostly," because this hero has encountered the dead power of religious dogmas or, saying the Ezopov language of Dobrolyubov, "a whole huge department of concepts fueling Our life. " At the same time, not only the program side of the creativity of Turgenev attracted Dobrolyubov, and the fact that he called the "general building" of the Turgenev narration, the "pure impression", produced by its leaders, a complex and subtle combination of the motives of disappointment, falling with "infant exposure to life" Their special feeling that was simultaneously "and sad, and fun" (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in a letter to P. V. Annenkov on February 3, 1859 declared about the "noble nest": "Yes, and that To tell all the works of Turgenev, whether, after reading them, it is easy to breathe, it is easy to believe, heat is felt? What do you feel clear how the general level rises in you, what are you thinking and love and love the author?<...> I have not been shocked for a long time, but what exactly - I can not give myself a report. I think that neither one or the other, nor third, but the general building of the novel "(M. E. Saltykov (N. Shchedrin). Full. Coll. Op., Vol. 18. L., Gichl, 1937, p. 144 ).).

The novel about "new people" Dobrolyzov represented itself not only as a lyrical narration about their personal life. The personal life of the heroes, in the idea of \u200b\u200bDobrolyubov, should enter the component element in such a story, where the hero would appear in front of the reader at the same time both as a private person and as a civil wrestler, facing the face "with parties, with the people, with a stranger government, with their like-minded people , with enemy force. " Such a Roman Dobrolyubov represented itself as "heroic epic" and Turgenev considered unable to create it. His sphere is not a struggle, but only "fees for the struggle" - about it, Dobrolyubov said at the very beginning of the article. Meanwhile, in the personality of Insarov, in his character, in his nature he found exactly the features that the genuine hero of modern epic.

It is curious that these features of Dobrolyubov have made himself long before entering the light "on the eve", and made it in the controversy with Turgenev. So, in the article "Nikolai Vladimirovich Stankevich" ("Contempora", 1858, no iv) Dobrolyubov spoke against the Turgenev morality "Debt" and "renunciation", expressed in the story "Faust" (for this, see: N. I. Mordovchenko. Dobrolyubov in the fight against the liberal-noble literature. - "News of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR" Branch of Public Sciences ", 1936, NO 1-2, p. 245-250.). People of the old generation, who understands the debt as moral veries, as follows" The abstract principle they take without internal heart participation, "Dobrolyubov opposed supporters of the new morality, those who" take care of dragging the demands of the debt with the needs of their inner beings. "In another article -" Literary little things last year "(" Contemporanik ", 1859 , No i) Dobrolyubov again turned the antithesis of "distracted principles" and living, internal attraction and again put it on the basis of the comparative characteristics of old and young generations. Working out the ideological and psychological portrait of "new people" who came to I change the knights of "distracted principles", Dobrolyubov saw in modern figures of people "with strong nerves and healthy imagination", distinguished by calm and quiet hardness. " "In general, he wrote," the young acting generation of our time does not know how to glitter and noise. In his voice, there seems to screaming notes, although there are sounds very strong and solid. "

Now, in the article "When will the real day come?", Describing Insarov, Dobrolyubov found in it the same features that he wrote in due time, speaking of the "young current generation", love for his homeland and freedom at Insarov " In the mind, not in the heart, not in the imagination, she has in his body "," he will do what it entails his nature ", moreover," completely calmly, without stretch and fanfaronad, just as eating and drinking " and so on. Noting with deep sympathy, the new features of the Turgenev Hero, Dobrolyubov clearly saw that in this case "were engulfed with artistic consciousness, literature were taken into literature, built into the type" really existing in the life of the phenomenon and the characters recognized earlier themselves and seen on Russian soil. Turgenev also Insarov is only a friendly friendly to Russian people, but it has developed as a type of not in the context of Russian life.

itit was connected with the Turgenev understanding of the ratio of man and the environment, and this question again brought Dobrolyubov to the controversy with the author "On the eve". In the article "Feligence and Activity", published four months after the article "When will the real day come?", Dobrolyubov opposed the "Turgenev School" with its permanent motif "Wednesday is hired by a person." In Turgenev, a person is powerless against historical circumstances, he was depressed by the harsh power of the social environment and therefore is not able to combat the conditions that oppress the advanced people in Russia. The criticism of the Turgenev Fatalism of the medium, detailed in the article "Feligence and Activities", is obvious and in commented work. The question of the ratio of man and the Wednesday of Dobrolyubs is dialectically: the same conditions that make it impossible to appear "new people", at the well-known level of development will make their appearance inevitable. Now this step in Russia is achieved: "We talked above that our social environment suppresses the development of personalities like Insarov. But now we can make an addition to your words: this environment has now reached the fact that herself will help the phenomenon of such a person." - these words of Dobrolyubov hinted on the fact that the soil was already prepared for revolutionary action. Every other tactics in the conditions of 1860, Dobrolyubov considered liberal contamination, and it was again sounded up to the virtue of Turgenev, who in the speech of Hamlet and Don Quixote, published two months before the Dobrolyubov article about "on the eve" seemed to see the features of the Don In humans of struggle and selfless conviction, in "enthusiasts" and "servants of the idea". No matter how high the Turgenians of the people of the Donkoto warehouse, he still believed that they were fighting with windmills and did not reach their goals. Therefore, Dobrolyubov rejected Don Quixote from himself and his like-minded people and returned it to Turgenev and supporters of the theory of "seeding medium" (see Yu. G. Oksman. Turgenev and Herzen in the controversy about the political nature of the images of Hamlet and Don Quixote. - "Scientific Yearbook Saratov University. "Philology Faculty, 1958, Dep. III, p. 25--29, as well as: Yu. D. Levin. Article I. S. Turgenev" Hamlet and Don Quixote ". On the question of the controversy of Dobrolyubov and Turgenev. - "N. A. Dobrolyubov. Articles and materials." Answer. Editor G. V. Krasnov. Gorky, 1965, pp 122--163.).

Perhaps it is precisely the polemical orientation of a Dobrolyubov against many views of Turgenev and was perceived by the writer as injustice and sharpness. In any case, neither the overall analysis of the novel nor the high assessment of the realistic force of Turgenev art did not give an occasion to such an understanding of the Dobrolyuby article. As for the "troubles" who were afraid of Turgenev, then, apparently, according to his assumption, they could arise for him because of those revolutionary conclusions that were extracted by Dobrolyubov from the analysis "on the eve". In the initial edition of the article, these conclusions were even more sharp and clear. But also in the magazine, and even more so in the text of the composition of the compositions, the revolutionary sense of the article was clearly understood as contemporaries and readers of subsequent generations, primarily the figures of the liberation movement.

So, P. L. Lavrov in the article "I. S. Turgenev and Russian society", placed in the "Herald of People's Will", 1884, NO 2, speaking about the growth of the revolutionary movement in the seventies, compared with the previous period, stopped on Article Dobrolyubov. "Russian Insarov," he wrote, "people" consciously and fully imbued with the great idea of \u200b\u200bthe liberation of the Motherland and ready to accept an active role in it, "they got the opportunity to" express themselves in modern Russian society "(Op. Dobrolyubova, III, 320). New Elena could not say: "What to do in Russia?" They filled prisons. They went to the cautious "(see" I. S. Turgenev in the memoirs of the Revolutionaries-Seventies ", M. --l.," Academia ", 1930, p. 31--32.).

V.I. Zasulich in the article on the fortieth of the death of Dobrolyubov ("Spark", 1901, no 13) noted that in the critical analysis "On the eve of" Dobrolyubov, "a revolutionary will of the smaller youth of the educated classes were clarified with an inadvenous doubt" (V. I. Zasulich. Articles about Russian literature. M., Gichl, 1960, p. 262. See ibid., P. 249 about the article "When will the real day come?" How about the best work of Dobrolyubov, "everything is fully outlined by the author himself , His mood, his unsatisfied need for new people and anxious hope for their appearance. "). In the same room "Sparks" was placed the article by V. I. Lenin "Start of demonstrations". In her, V. I. Lenin, touched upon Dobrolyubov, said that "the writer's entirely educated and thinking Russia, passionately hated arbitrariness and passionately waiting for a national uprising against the" internal Turks "- against the autocratic government" (V. I. Lenin . Full. Coll. Cit., T. V, p. 370.). It is important that in this general characteristic of Dobrolyubov as a revolutionary writer V. I. Lenin relied on the article "When will the real day come?", Where does the Formula "Internal Turks" come from.

1 epigraph to the article is taken by the first line of the poem of Gaine "Doktrin", which was supposed to remind the reader all the poem. We give it translated by A. N. Plesecheva (1846):

Take the drum and do not be afraid,
Kee down a marquatant temper!
Here is the meaning of the deepest art,
Here is the meaning of philosophy all)

Stronger knocking, and anxiety
You are sleeping from sleep!
Here is the meaning of the deepest art ...
And Marshi himself ahead!

Here is Hegel! Here is the Book Wisdom!
Here is the spirit of philosophical start!
For a long time I have comprehended this mystery,
How long was the drummer!

Dobrolyubov very much appreciated this translation and the last two of his stanza quoted into the reviews on "Heine's songs in M. L. Mikhailova" ("Contemporary", 1858, No V).

In the journal, the epigraph was absent.

2 It seems that the criticism of S. S. Dudyshkina, which, in connection with the release of the "Agenda and Stories", I. S. Turgenev (1856), wrote that the analysis of these stories "explains primarily all oscillations and changes at the very view of life "("Woman. Notes", 1857, No 1, Criticism and Bibliography, p. 2. Italics ours).

In the unnecessary addiction to living questions, Turgeneva and A. V. Druzhinin reproached: "Perhaps, he wrote, - Turgenev even weakened his talent, sacrificing modern and practical ideas of the era (" Library for reading " , 1857, NO 3. Criticism, p. 30). Words taken in the Text of Dobrolyubov in quotes are a generalization of judgment on Turgenev critics of the liberal-noble camp, and not an exact quote.

3 Bersenev meant T. N. Granovsky.

4 Dobrolyubov hints that in the censorship conditions, we can talk about the national liberation struggle of any people, except for those that, as the Poles, are oppressed by the Russian autocracy.

5 S. M. Solovyov in his historical works always adversely assessed people's movements, seeing the threat of the integrity of the Russian state. Obviously, here Dobrolyubov has in mind the article S. M. Solovyov "Malorossiysk Cossacks Khmelnitsky "(" Russian Bulletin ", 1859, NO 2).

6 This story reflected some facts of the turbulent biography of I. I. Parkzhnitsky, Comrade Dobrolyubov on the pedagogical institute. From the institute, he switched to the Medical and Surgery Academy, from where the discipline was exiled to the Feldsher to the distant outskirts. Then he entered the Kazan University, but was excluded from there. I went abroad, entered the University of Berlin. Information about its participation in the Polish uprising of 1863 was preserved. See M. I. Shemanovsky. Memories of life in the Main Pedagogical Institute of 1853--1857. - In the book: "N. A. Dobrolyubov in the memoirs of contemporaries." M. - L., 1961, p. 59--69, as well as in the comments S. A. Reiser, ibid, p. 427--428.

7 Dobrolyubov uses an anonymous political review here in the Moscow Gazette of January 9, 1860, NO 1: "In the North American states, the antagonism of the North and the South, Aboliusists and Slavei's adherents was played by Brown's enterprise, outraged slaves in Virginia. This violent and illegal attempt to resolve the issue of slavery did not have success; Brown was execution, and the abolitionists expressed their disapproval of his act, recognized the need to support the slavery of the Negro for the sake of the Federation. Thus, Brown rather damaged the cause of his life and which could be solved only legal path "(p. 9).

6 Dobrolyubov calls Characters Comedy A. N. Ostrovsky: Bruski - "" in someone else's hangover ", Mostly -" His people ", Kabanova -" Thunderstorm ", Ulabekova -" Pupil ".

7 Dobrolyubov leads a poem of F. I. Tyutchev "Russian woman" (the initial title - "my countryman"). In the publication "Poems F. Tyutchev" (1854), which was used by Dobrolyubs, this text did not have the name.

(On the day before. Tale I.S. Romegenev.

"Russian Bulletin", 1860, N 1-2.)

Schlage Die Trommel Und Furchte Dich Nicht.


* Bay in the drum and do not be afraid. Heine [*] (it.).

Aesthetic criticism has now become the belonging of sensitive young lady. From conversations with them, ministers of pure art can draw a lot of thin and loyal comments and then write a criticism in such a way: "Here is the content of the new story inumbering (story story). Already from this pale essay you can see how many lives here and poetry and dishonled. But only reading the story itself can give the concept of fact that the finest poetic shades of life, about that acute mental analysis, about the deep understanding of invisible jets and the currents of public thought, about being friendly and together, the attitude of the attitude to reality, which make up distinctive The features of Talenturgenev talent. See, for example, as subtly noticed these mental features (repetition of one part of the content story and then - extract); Read this wonderful scene, performed by such grace and charms (extract); remember this poetic live picture (extract ) or this is a high, bold image (extract). It is not true that it penetrates into the depths of the soul, makes the heart in Asha beat stronger, revive and decorates your life, it is elevated by the human dignity and the great, the eternal meaning of the holy ideas of truth, good and beauty! Comme C "EST JOLI, ComMe C" EST Delicieux! "*.


* How beautiful it is, as it is charming! (Franz.).

Little familiarity with sensitive young ladies are those who do not know how to write such pleasant and harmless critic. Frankly recognizing this and refusing the role of the "educator of the aesthetic taste of the public," we elect another task, more modest and more proportionate to our forces. We want to simply summarize the data that are scattered in the work of the writer and which we accept as a factor as a life phenomenon that is worth us. The work is not good, but necessary, because, for many classes and rest, rarely, who will be hunting, to look at all the details of the literary work, disassemble, check and put all the numbers in its place, of which this complex report is made about our part of our public Life, and then think about the result and that he promises and what we are obliged to. And this kind of checking and thinking is very unscrewed about the new story of the city of Vengenev.

We know that pure aesthetics [*] * Now accuse us to impose their opinions into the author and prescribe the tasks of his talent. Therefore, make a reservation, although it is boring. No, we do not impose anything to the author, we say in advance that we do not know for what purpose, as a result of which preliminary considerations, he portrayed a story that makes the content of the story "on the eve". For us, there are no so much important thing that I wanted to say the author, how much what I had, at least and unsighted, simply because of the truthful reproduction of the facts of life. We value by all kinds of talented work precisely because in it we can study the facts of our native life, which, without so little, is openly discovered by a simple observer. There is still no publicity in our life, except for the official; Everywhere we are faced not with living people, but with officials who are employees in one or another: in the present places - with purebels, on the BALAH - with dancers, in clubs - with gamblers, in theaters - with hairdressing patients, etc. Everyone bury on his mental life; Everyone looks at you, as if he says: "After all, I came here to dance or to show a hairstyle; well, and be pleased with what I do my job, and do not try, please cut my feelings and concepts from me ". And indeed, - no one disappears anyone, no one is interested in anyone, and the whole society goes apart, annoying, which should converge in official cases, like a new opera, dinner, or some committee meeting. Where can I learn and explore the life of a person who has not dedicated to the observation of public morals exclusively? And then what a variety, what is the opposite in various circles and the estates of our society! Thoughts that were made in one circle with vulgar and backwards, in the other - are still hot condensed; that some are recognized as insufficient and weak, then others seem too sharp and brave, etc. What falls that wins, which begins to watery and prevail in the moral life of society, - we have no other indicator, except for the literature, and mostly artistic works. The artist writer, without worrying about any general conclusions regarding the state of social thought and morality, always knows how, however, to catch their essential features, brightly highlight and directly put them before the eyes of people thinking. That is why we believe that as soon as the artist's writer recognizes talent, that is, decrease to feel and depict the vital truth of the phenomena, then, by virtue of this very recognition, his works give a legitimate reason to reasoning about the environment of life, about that era which caused a writer in the writer or another work. And the measure for the talent of the writer will be here, to what extent is the life of the life, to what extent are the durable and multiply the images that they are created.


* Notes to words marked [*], see at the end of the text.

We found it necessary to express this in order to justify your reception - to interpret about the phenomena of life itself on the basis of a literary work, without imposing, however, the author of any inappropriate ideas and tasks. The reader sees that we are precisely those works for us and in which life has affected himself, and not by the program invented by the author. About the "thousand souls" [*], for example, we did not speak at all, because, in our opinion, the entire public side of this novel would be forcibly driven to a pre-anical idea. Therefore, there was nothing to be interpreted here, in addition, to what extent deftly made up the author of his essay. It is impossible to rely on the truth and the living reality of the facts set forth by the author, because his inner attitude to these facts is not easy and not truthfully. Not at all such a relationship of the author to the plot we see in the new story of Moscoweva, as in most of his leaders. In the "on the eve" we see the irresistible influence of the natural course of public life and the thought that the thought and imagination of the author involuntarily obeyed.

By delivering the main task of the literary criticism - an explanation of those phenomena of reality that caused a well-known artwork, we must seek that in the annex to the Agens Agens, this task has another meaning. The city of Etgenev in fairness can be called the painter and singer of the morality and philosophy, which dominated our educated society in the last twentieth. He quickly guessing new needs, new ideas introduced into public consciousness, and in his works certainly turned (how much circumstances allowed) attention to the question for the queue and already vaguely starting to worry society. We hope in a different case to trace all the literary activities of Moscoweva and therefore now do not apply to this. Let's just say that this is a little author to the living strings of society, it will reduce this immediately to respond to any noble thought and an honest feeling, just that still begins to penetrate the consciousness of the best people, we attribute a significant share of the success that has always been successful in the Russian public. . Of course, the literary talent itself helped a lot to success. But our readers know that the Talenturgenev talent is not from those titanic talents, which, the only power of poetic presentation, are amazed, capture you and entail to sympathize with such a phenomenon or the idea that you are not sympathetic to sympathize. Not violent, impetuous force, and on the contrary - softness and some poetic moderation serve as characteristic features of his talent. Therefore, we believe that he could not cause the overall sympathy of the public if there were questions and needs, completely alien to his readers or not yet excited in society. Some would notice the charm of poetic descriptions in its poses, subtlety and depths in the outlines of different persons and regulations, but, without any doubt, it would not be enough to make a durable success and fame to the writer. Without a living attitude to modernity, everyone, even the most pretty and talented narrator, must undergo the fate of the city, whom also praised, but from which now only a dozen lovers remembers the top ten poems. A lively attitude to modernity was saved by the city of Energyless and strengthened him permanent success in the reading public. Some thoughtful critic [*] even reproached to oncegeneva for the fact that "all fluctuations in public thought" were so strongly affected. But we, despite this, we see here the very vitality of the Talent inurgenev and this party explain why with such a sympathy, almost with enthusiasm has ever since its work.

Nikolay Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov

When will the real day come?

("On the eve", the story I. S. Turgenev. "Russian Bulletin", 1860, No. 1-2)

Schlage Die Trommel Und Furchte Dich Nicht!

Aesthetic criticism has now become the belonging of sensitive young lady. From conversations with them, ministers of pure art can draw a lot of thin and loyal comments and then write criticism in such a way. "Here is the content of the new story of Turgenev (content story). Already from this pale essay, it can be seen how much of the life and poetry of the freshest and flavored. But only reading the story itself can give the concept of fact that the finest poetic shades of life, about that acute mental analysis, about the deep understanding of invisible jets and the currents of public thought, about being friendly and together with a trend to reality, which make up the distinguishing features of the talent . Turgenev. Look, for example, how these mental features are finely noticed (the repetition of one part of the content story and then - extract); Read this wonderful scene, performed by such grace and charms (extract); Remember this poetic, live picture (extract) or this is a high, bold image (extract). Is it not true that it penetrates into the depths of the soul, makes your heart beat more, revitalizes and decorates your life, elevates the human dignity and great, the eternal meaning of the holy ideas of truth, good and beauty! Comme C "Est Joli, Comme C" EST Delicieux! "

Little familiarity with sensitive young ladies are those who do not know how to write such pleasant and harmless critic. Frankly recognizing this and refusing the role of the "educator of the aesthetic taste of the public," we elect another task, more modest and more proportionate to our forces. We want to simply summarize the data that are scattered in the work of the writer and which we accept, as a factor, as a life phenomenon that is worth us. The work is not good, but necessary, because, for many classes and rest, rarely, who will be hunting, to look at all the details of the literary work, disassemble, check and put all the numbers in its place, of which this complex report is made about our part of our public Life, and then think about the result and that he promises and what we are obliged to. And this kind of checking and thinking is very unscrews about the new story of Turgenev.

We know that pure aesthetics will now accuse us in the desire to impose their opinions into the author and prescribe the tasks of his talent. Therefore, make a reservation, although it is boring. No, we do not impose anything to the author, we say in advance that we do not know for what purpose, as a result of which preliminary considerations, he portrayed the story that constitutes the content of the story "On the eve". For us not so much important is that wanted say the author, how much, what those said They, at least and unintentionally, simply due to the truthful reproduction of the facts of life. We value by all kinds of talented work precisely because in it we can study the facts of our native life, which, without so little, is openly discovered by a simple observer. There is still no publicity in our life, except for the official; Everywhere we are faced not with living people, but with officials, employees in one or another: in the pretty places - with purebels, on the balas - with dancers, in clubs - with gamblers, in theaters - with hairdressing patients, etc. Everyone bury on his mental life; Everyone looks at you, as if he says: "After all, I came here to dance or to show hairstyle; Well, and be pleased with what I do my job, and do not try, please cut my feelings and concepts from me. " And indeed, - no one disappears anyone, no one is interested in anyone, and the whole society goes apart, annoying, which should converge in official cases, like a new opera, dinner, or some committee meeting. Where can I learn and explore the life of a person who has not dedicated to the observation of public morals exclusively? And then what a variety, what is the opposite in various circles and the estates of our society! Thoughts made in one round already vulgar and backwardly, in another - are still hot contest; that some are recognized as insufficient and weak, then the other seems too sharp and bold, etc. What falls that it falls, which begins to waters and prevail in the moral life of society, - we have no other indicator, except for literature, and mainly , artistic works. The artist writer, without worrying about any general conclusions regarding the state of social thought and morality, always knows how, however, to catch their essential features, brightly highlight and directly put them before the eyes of people thinking. That is why we believe that as soon as the artist's writer recognizes talent, that is, decrease to feel and depict the vital truth of the phenomena, then, by virtue of this very recognition, his works give a legitimate reason to reasoning about the environment of life, about that era which caused a writer in the writer or another work. And the measure for the talent of the writer will be here, to what extent is the life of the life, to what extent are the durable and multiply the images that they are created.


For the first time published in the "contemporary", 1860, No. III, Depth. III, p. 31-72, without a signature, called "New Test Tourgeyshev" ("On the eve", the story I. S. Turgenev, "Russian Bulletin", 1860, No. 1-2). Reprinted under the name "When will the real day come?", With essential additions and changes in the main text, especially in the second part of the article, in the writings of N. A. Dobrolyubov, vol. Iii. St. Petersburg, 1862, p. 275-331. Autograph is unknown.

Prints in this edition according to the text of 1862, established by N. G. Chernyshevsky on the basis of the manuscripts that did not reach us and the devoteed typographic grafts. This text made some clarifications of the stylistic order made by Dobrolyubov in the process of editing the proofreading of the article.

The initial version of the article was prohibited by the censor V. Beketov around 19 February 1860 in the proofreading. Dobrolyubov was forced to strongly recycle the article, but also in a relaxed form, it did not satisfy the new censor F. Rakhmaninov, who browned it from March 8 to 10, 1860 in the grits. Dobrolyubov had to adapt his article to the censorship requirements. Despite all these processing, the article after printing attracted the attention of the main department of censorship, who qualified it on July 18, 1860, as well as the other work of Dobrolyubov "foreign debate on the situation of the Russian clergy" and "Anthropological principle in philosophy" N. G. Chernyshevsky as a work "Stunning the main principle of the power of the monarchical, the importance of unconditional law, the family appointment of a woman, the spiritual side of the person and exciting the hatred of one class to another." Censor F. Rachmaninov, who missed an article, received a reprimand.

I. S. Turgenev, who became acquainted with the article Dobrolyubov about the "on the eve" in her appropriate editorial office, resolutely spoke against her printed: "She can't do anything other than trouble," Turgenev wrote around 19 February 1860 N. A. Nekrasova, "She's unfair and cutting - I will not know where to run if it is printed." Nekrasov tried to incline Dobrolyubov to some concessions, but he did not agree. Turgenev also persisted in its requirement. Published before the need for choice, Nekrasov published the article Dobrolyubov, and it served as the closest reason to the urgent rupture of Turgenev with the "contemporary".

Reprinted after the death of Dobrolyubov in the third volume of the first edition of his writings with the new title and with the most significant changes in the text, the article "When will the real day come?" It was in the publication of 1862. was perceived by contemporaries and entered the consciousness of reader generations as a document reflected the aesthetic code and a political platform for revolutionary democracy. But in the journal text, the Dobrolyubov article has dramatically stand out on a general background of critical reviews of contemporaries about the "on the eve".

In the analysis of the novel, Dobrolyubov, it comes primarily from the need to clarify objective The meaning of the literary work and considers it impossible to reduce its content to the reflection of author's ideas and intentions. At the same time, as the article shows shows, the critic is not inclined to ignore the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and the ideological position of the author. However, in the center of his attention is not so much that "what wanted say the author; how much is that those said They, at least and unintentionally, simply due to the truthful reproduction of the facts of life. " Dobrolyubov belongs to full confidence in the ability of a realist writer to subjugate their artistic imagination of the course of life, the ability to "feel and depict the vitality of phenomena." Such a principle of criticism Therefore cannot be applied to writers, which didactically subordinate the image of modern reality is not logic of life facts, but a "pre-invented program."

Roman Turgenev opened a wide possibility for the formulation of political tasks, which objectively emerged from the picture created by the author of Russian life, although they could not coincide with his personal public aspirations. The main political task of modern times, the critic saw in the need to change the "raw and foggy atmosphere of our life" by the forces of Russian insaroys, the fighters are not against external oppression, but against the internal enemies. In these transparent allegory, it was easy to see a call to the People's Revolution, headed by convinced managers like Turgenev Insarov.

But not only in the "on the eve" I saw Dobrolyubov from Turgenev "Live Relevance to Modernity." Durability "to the living strings of society" and the "faithful tact of reality" of Dobrolyubov found in all the work of Turgenev - in particular, in his interpretation of "unnecessary people." Passive, split, reflecting, not knowing "what to do", with all negative properties, they were for him (as well as for Turgenev) "enlighteners, propagandists - at least for one female soul, and propagandists." Dobrolyubov with sympathy noted the diversity of these individuals, each of which was "bolder and fuller than previous ones." Especially interesting in this regard, the interpretation of the image of Lavretsky, in which Dobrolyubov saw "something legitimately tragic, and not ghostly," because this hero faced the dead power of religious dogmas or, saying the Ezopov language of Dobrolyubov, "a whole huge department of concepts fueling Our life. " At the same time, not only the program side of the creativity of Turgenev attracted Dobrolyubov, and the fact that he called the "general building" of the Turgenev narration, the "pure impression", produced by its leaders, a complex and subtle combination of disappointment motives, falling with "infant exposure to life" Their special feeling that was simultaneously "and sad, and fun."

The novel about the "new people" of Dobrolyzov represented itself not only as a lyrical narration about their personal life. The personal life of the heroes, in theory of Dobrolyubov, should enter the component in such a story, where the hero would appear in front of the reader at the same time both as a private person and as a civil wrestler, facing the person "with parties, with the people, with a foreign government, with their like-minded people , with enemy force. " Such a Roman Dobrolyubov represented as "heroic epic" and Turgenev considered it unable to create it. His sphere is not a struggle, but only "fees on the struggle" - about it, Dobrolyubov said at the very beginning of the article. Meanwhile, in the personality of Insarov, in his character, in his nature he found exactly the features that the genuine hero of modern epic.

It is curious that these features of Dobrolyubov had a long time ago before the release of "on the eve", and did it in the controversy with Turgenev. Thus, in the article "Nikolai Vladimirovich Stankevich" ("Sovremennik", 1858, No. IV), Dobrolybov opposed the Turgenev morality "Debt" and "renunciation", expressed in the story "Faust". People of the old generation, understanding the debt as moral versions, as follows the "abstract principle that they take without internal heart participation," Dobrolyubov opposed supporters of the new morality, those who "take care of draining the demands of their debt with the needs of their inner beings." In another article - "Literary little things last year" ("Contemporannik", 1859, No. I) Dobrolyubov again launched the antithesis of "distracted principles" and living, internal attraction and again laid it in the basis of the comparative characteristics of the old and young generations. Working out the ideological and psychological portrait of "new people" who came to replace the knights of the "distracted principles", Dobrolyubov saw in modern figures of people "with strong nerves and healthy imagination", distinguished by calm and quiet hardness. " "In general, he wrote," the young acting generation of our time does not know how to glisten and noise. In his voice, there seems to be screaming notes, although there are sounds very strong and solid. "

Now, in the article "When will the real day comes?", Describing Insarov, Dobrolyubov found in it the same features that he wrote in due time, speaking of the "young current generation", love for his homeland and freedom at Insarov "not In the mind, not in the heart, not in the imagination, she has in his body, "he will do what his nature entails", moreover, "absolutely calm, without stretch and fanfaronad, just as eating and drinking" etc. Noting with deep sympathy, the new features of the Turgenev Hero, the Dobrolyubs clearly saw that in this case they were engulfed with the artistic consciousness, literature were entered into the literature, it was built into the type "really existing in the life of the phenomenon and the characters recognized earlier themselves and seen on Russian soil. Turgenev also Insarov is only a friendly friendly to Russian people, but it has developed as a type of not in the context of Russian life.

This is due to the Turgenev understanding of the ratio of man and the environment, and this question once again brought Dobrolyubov to the controversy with the author "on the eve". The article "Feligence and Activity", published four months after the article "When will the real day come?", Dobrolyubov opposed the "Turgenev School" with its permanent motif "Wednesday is hired by a person." In Turgenev, a person is powerless against historical circumstances, he was depressed by the harsh power of the social environment and therefore is not able to combat the conditions that oppress the advanced people in Russia. The criticism of the Turgenev Fatalism of the medium, detailed in the article "Refiniteness and Activity", is obvious and in commented work. The question of the ratio of man and the Wednesday of Dobrolyubs is dialectically: the same conditions that make it impossible to appear "new people", at the well-known level of development will make their appearance inevitable. Now this step in Russia is achieved: "We talked above that our social medium suppresses the development of personalities like Insarov. But now we can make an addition to your words: this environment has now reached the fact that herself will help the phenomenon of such a person, "the Dobrolyubov hinted with these words that the soil has already been prepared for revolutionary action. In all kinds of other tactics in the conditions of 1860, Dobrolyubov considered Liberal Donation, and this again sounded up to the virtue of Turgenev, who in the speech of Hamlet and Don Quixote, published two months before the Dobrolyubov article about the "On The eve", saw the features of the Donity In humans of struggle and selfless conviction, in "enthusiasts" and "Idea ministers". No matter how high the Turgenians of the people of the Donkoto warehouse, he still believed that they were fighting with windmills and did not reach their goals. Therefore, Dobrolyubov rejected the nickname Don Quixote from himself and his like-minded people and returned it to Turgenev and supporters of the theory of the "seeding medium".

Perhaps it is precisely the polemical orientation of a Dobrolyubov against many views of Turgenev and was perceived by the writer as injustice and sharpness. In any case, neither the overall analysis of the novel nor the high assessment of the realistic force of Turgenev art did not give an occasion to such an understanding of the Dobrolyuby article. As for the "troubles" who were afraid of Turgenev, then, apparently, according to his assumption, they could arise for him because of those revolutionary conclusions that were extracted by Dobrolyzov from the analysis "On the eve". In the initial edition of the article, these conclusions were even more sharp and clear. But also in the magazine, and even more so in the text of the composition of the compositions, the revolutionary sense of the article was clearly understood as contemporaries and readers of subsequent generations, primarily the figures of the liberation movement.

So, P. L. Lavrov in the article "I. S. Turgenev and Russian society ", placed in the" Herald of the People's Will ", 1884, No. 2, speaking of the growth of the revolutionary movement in the seventies, compared with the previous period, stopped at the work of Dobrolyubov. "Russian Insarov, he wrote," people "consciously and fully imbued with the great idea of \u200b\u200bthe liberation of the Motherland and ready to accept an active role in it," they got the opportunity to "express themselves in modern Russian society" (Op. Dobrolyubova, III, 320). New Elena could not already say: "What to do in Russia?" They filled prisons. They went to the cautious. "

V.I. Zasulich in the article about the fortieth of the death of Dobrolyubov ("Spark", 1901, No. 13) noted that in the critical analysis "On the eve of" Dobrolyubov managed to "write with an inadvertent doubt with clarity of the educated classes of educated classes". In the same room "Sparks" was placed an article by V. I. Lenin "Start of demonstrations". In it, V. I. Lenin, touched upon Dobrolyubov, said that the writer, who was passionately hated by the arbitrariness, who was passionately hated against the "internal Turks", who was passionately hated against the "internal Turks" - against the autocratic government. " It is important that in this general characteristic of Dobrolyubov as a revolutionary writer V. I. Lenin relied on the article "When will the real day come?" From where the internal Turks come from and the formula.

This text is a familiarization fragment. From the book village. Stories for youth Author

From the book frigate "Pallada" Author Dobrolyubov Nikolay Alexandrovich

Notes for the first time - "Contemporary", 1858, No. 6, Depth. II, p. 195-197. The authorship was established on the basis of the letter of Dobrolyubov to A. P. Zlatovratsky dated July 7, 1858. Werkers I. A. Goncharov "Fregat" Pallada "" caused a large number of critical responses, mainly

From the book is a historical library Author Dobrolyubov Nikolay Alexandrovich

Notes for the first time - Sovr., 1858, No. 12, Dep. II, p. 252-256, without signature. The belonging to the review of the Dobrolyube is established on the basis of the list compiled by Chernyshevsky (LN, t. 25-26, p. 247). "The Historical Library", published under the "contemporary", headed

From the book Watchtime Chensky, or Materialism and Idealism Author Dobrolyubov Nikolay Alexandrovich

Notes for the first time - "Sovr.", 1859, No. 8, Depth. III, p. 262-275, without signature. Entered insignificant changes in ed. 1862, t. III, p. 157-170. The "Watching of the Chensky ..." was published anonymously. The authorship of the drama, General M. P. Rudneva (1803-1867), established in the book: A. F. Pisemsky.

From the book, the educational book of Russian history Author Dobrolyubov Nikolay Alexandrovich

Notes For the first time - "Journal for Education", 1859, No. 8, Depth. Vi, pp. 105-109, without a signature. "The educational book of Russian History" (in five issues) was published in 1859-1870. The reception of Dobrolyubov for the release of the 1st book was published in the "Contemporary", 1859, No. 5 (see t. 4 present. ed.). M. Solovyov

From the book a criminal case. Poor official. Cit. K.S. Dyaconova Author Dobrolyubov Nikolay Alexandrovich

Notes Conditional abbreviations Links to works by N. A. Dobrolyubov are given by ed.: Dobrolyubov N. A. Satr. op. In 9 volumes. M. - L., Goslitizdat, 1961-1964, indicating Toma - Roman number, Pages - Arabic. Belinsky - Belinsky V. G. Mr. Cathedral Op., t. i-xiii. M., Publishing

From the book Paris Secrets Author

Notes "Patriotic Notes", 1844, vol. XXXIII, No. 4, Dep. V, p. 21-36 (valuables. Range around March 30, 1844). Without a signature. Ezhena SH "Paris Secrets" appeared in full translated into Russian in 1843, in the repertoire. In the review "Russian literature in 1843" Belinsky, noting

From the book Russia to Peter the Great Author Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich

Notes The list of abbreviations text Notes adopted the following cuts: Annenkov - P. V. Annenkov. Literary memories. M., Goslitisdat, 1960. Belinsky, Academy of Sciences of the USSR - V. G. Belinsky. Full Cathedral Op., t. i-xiii. M., Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1953-1959. GLB - State Library

From the book one hundred Russian writers. Tom First Author Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich

Notes The list of abbreviations text Notes adopted the following abbreviations: Belinsky, Academy of Sciences of the USSR - V. G. Belinsky. Full Cathedral cit., TT. I-XIII. M., Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1953-1959. "Belinsky and Correspondents" - V. G. Belinsky and its correspondents. M., the department of manuscripts of state

From the book Slavic Collection Author Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich

Notes The list of abbreviations text Notes adopted the following cuts: Annenkov - P. V. Annenkov. Literary memories. Goslitisdat, 1960.Bub - library of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Leningrad. Belinsky, Academy of Sciences of the USSR - V. G. Belinsky. Full Cathedral Op., t. i-xiii. M., Publishing

From the Book of Ghoul. Essay Krasnorogsky Author Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich

Notes in the journal text in the title of reviews of a typo: Krasnogorsky. This fantastic story in Russian literature debuted A. K. Tolstoy, future poet, playwright, author of historical novels. The pseudonym is formed from the name of the red rog estate, in which

From the book Russian literature in 1843 Author Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich

Notes "Patriotic Notes", 1844, vol. XXXII, No. I, Dep. V, p. 1-42 (valuables. Dec. December 31, 1843). Without a signature. The idea of \u200b\u200ba significant part is devoted to the characterization of the current state of literature and broad historical and literary excursions in the twenties. IN

From the book Russian literature in 1844 Author Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich

Notes "Domestic Notes", 1845, t. XXXVIII, No. I, Dep. V, p. 1-42 (valuables. Dec. December 31, 1844). Without a signature. Indeed article only in a small part is an overview of literary phenomena of the expired 1844. Basically, it is directed against Slavophilia. Also in

From the book of the hero of our time. Essay M. Lermontov. Edition Third ... Author Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich

Notes of the hero of our time. Essay M. Lermontov. Edition third ... (p. 435-436). For the first time, "domestic notes", 1844, t. XXXII, No. 2, Dep. VI "Bibliographic Chronicle", p. 52-53 (ts. R. January 31; issued on February 3). Without a signature. Included in the KSSB, h. IX, p. 80-82.Fromo this review,

From the book "Find the most ordinary things a piitetic side" Author

Notes This article in the form of preface opened the second book of Almanach "Aonids" (1797). In the preface to the first Aionid "Aionid", Karamzin defined the tasks of the almanac: "Almost all European languages, a meeting of new small poems under the name is published annually

From the book "LED" Author Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich