Profitable house I. B

Profitable house I. B
Profitable house I. B

Kamenneostrovsky Ave., d. 1-3
Small landing st., D. 5
Kronverksky Ave., 15

1899-1904 - Arch. Fedor Ivanovich Lidval

Appeal home of the architect F.I.Lidwala is a new type of profitable home with an open landscaped Curdnener Dvor. Three corps are a whole complex of different-styled buildings, characterized by picturesque asymmetry, a variety of windows, combinations of natural stone with a differentfactory plaster. The facades of all three buildings are decorated with sculptural reliefs with images of birds, animals and stylized plants. The northern three-story wing was a family mansion of leadership with apartments. In this case, MAYOLICOVY furnaces were installed, faience washbasins, marble fireplaces. The ceilings and walls in the rooms were wooden, trimmed with oak and birch. At various times, the architect M.E. Vämakhtor, artist K.S. Petrov-Vodkin, actor Yu.M. Yuryev lived in this house.

Lidval Fedor Ivanovich (1870-1945) - Russian-Swedish architect, academician of architecture. The main works of the architect was the income houses, which he designed in the new for the time of Modern style. For projects, F.Lidwal, buildings were built not only in St. Petersburg, but also in Moscow, Kiev, Astrakhan, Kharkov. In 1910-1912, it was engaged in the construction of the building of the hotel "Astoria". In 1918, the architect went to Stockholm. In Sweden, the architect built several residential and public buildings.

The unusual complex of buildings in the style of Modern opens the Kamennoostrovsky Prospect. The multi-level corps with erkers and niches are combined by a semi-open Kurdonör Courtyard. They are remarkable by the variety of window openings, a combination of finishing materials and artistic design of facades. The house mainly located five-bedroom apartments with bathrooms, front rooms, buffet, kitchens and balls.

How it all began

Until the XX century, the land plot, where the Lidval House is now, passed from one owner to another. At different times there were stone and wooden mansions, non-residential buildings, and even a lamp and bronze factory. Some structures were demolished, others were erected ... so it went on until the site acquired Ida Lidval - an enterprising woman, which the Portnovskaya workshop got from her husband.

Ida Baltazarovna had 8 children. Family lived in the old house. In the workshop were engaged in sewing men's clothing and uniforms for the imperial yard. After the death of her husband, the grown sons were gradually connected to the activity of the company. The work in the workshop went well, and Ida began to think about the construction of a modern dwelling, which could be combined with an income home.

The land for the construction of the generic nest was bought on credit. The funds were issued by Mrs. Lidval by credit society secured by the future property. The woman received a loan 42% by bonds for a period of 37.5 years, and six months later - permission to build on its plot. The project of the future house, a woman entrusted to her son - a young graduate of the Academy of Arts. And Fyodor Lidval did not deceive the expectations of his mother.

Erecting architectural masterpiece

The construction of the house was conducted in four stages and began with the construction of a minor small landing street. Each body was built over two years. Over the years of construction of the architectural ensemble, the growth of the professionalism of the architect and the formation of its individual style is clearly traced.

The first building of 4 floors was not highlighted by special expressiveness, but the features of the early modernity were already traced in its lines and finishing.

The second, five-storey, housing after construction, as it were, closed the territory of the courtyard-Kurdoner. The architect lined the lower floor with red granite and potted plates, set multiple stucco elements by the facade of the building, emphasizing the style of the Northern Modern.

The third, three-storey, body was intended, in fact, for the residence of the Family of the leaders, and the construction of an architectural complex was completed with the last 4-host case. In these buildings, marble fireplaces, faience washbasins, Dutch and Maitolike ovens installed. The rooms were decorated with wood, stucco, painting, mosaic plates. Stained-glass windows and fireplaces were installed in the front pane, in windows - glasses with a diamond face.

Each building was receiving, restrooms, service rooms, part of the premises were assigned to heating and lighting, laundry and ironing rooms.

Guestrooms of an income house

The Lidvalee family lived in her mansion until the October Revolution. With the onset of the turning point in the history of Russia, she moved to Sweden.

Residential homes were people of different classes. Among them are foreign subjects, representatives of the elite, teachers of gymnasiums, artists, architects, artists, merchants.

The biography of the house was decorated with the names of Bankeera Kamenka, General Kuropatkina, Artist Petrova-Vodkina, Artist Yuryeva, Chemist Gorbova, Opera singer Freidkov, etc.

Fedor Lidval became the first architect in St. Petersburg, applied in the finishing of the facade potted stone and expanded the amount of finishing materials. It was Lidval who used a large parade courtyard in the architectural composition, which goes outside, turning down, thus, to the back plan for the arrangement of the "courtyards".

Name: Profitable house of leaders in St. Petersburg (RU)

Location: Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Creature: 1899-1904

Style: Modern, Art Nouveau

Architect (s): F.I. Lidval

Building architecture

Kirillov V.V.
Architecture of Russian Modern (Formological Analysis Experience).
M., Publishing House Mosk. University, 1979, 214 p. 38 Il.

Houses with Kurdoner and the deep construction of the composition began to appear at the beginning of the 1900s. A typical example of such a decision can serve as the lidvalee's profitable house. Despite the incorrect configuration of the site, the housing on the part of the Kamennoyostrovsky Prospect form a symmetric composition with a deeply welding front courtyard. The deep disclosure of the complex determined the comprehensive elaboration of the volumes of cases. The second opened yard was from M. Posadskaya Street. The configuration of the house with a system of large landscaped and comfortable courtyards contributed to the best illumination of apartments and the improvement of life. The rational organization of the house affected the diverse planning of apartments.

The house has been provided with rich aristocratic apartments for 12-15 rooms, with the front and black stairs, and apartments for people of medium wealth with 4-6 rooms, as comfortable. In the planning of the house, it was possible to avoid uncomfortable rowing rooms and reduce the amount of dark premises used mainly under the storerooms. In the zone of rich apartments received an interesting spatial resolution of the lobby with the front stairs. However, rational features are connected in layout with decorative and picturesque qualities of early modernity. Despite the orderliness, a group of different plates with deep plans is generally perceived picturesquely.

The facades of the house are diverse by varying the shapes of the windows of the Erkers and Balconies. The combination of windows in solid vertical "chains" is noteworthy, the use of narrow windowed windows in the form of a hexagon, with both jumpers. The decorative effect is achieved not so much stucco decorations as (rich textured treatment of the wall surface. The lower base of the house and portals are treated with rough stone, and above various types of textured plastering are applied. Ornamentality is made by the rhythm of windows and a small mesh discharge of their bindings. In the rhythmic facades of the facades The role also plays an alternation of textures. Large-scale measure facades set rizazalites, erkers, color spots of wall decorations. However, they are composed in such a way that they interrupt the floors, make their border with a bright. Freely, without conforming with the symmetry of the facade, balconies and erkers are placed on the side of the front The yard angle is resolved in the form of three, part of each other. In the beveled corners of rizalits and windows, the voltage of the forms is felt. All this makes an unstable facade system.


  • Kirikov, Boris Mikhailovich Architecture of St. Petersburg Modern. Mansions and profits / Boris Kirikov. - [ed. 4th, with change]. - St. Petersburg: Kolo, 2012. - 576c.: Il.

Imperial Petersburg was a city of great opportunities. In case of hard work, enterprise and good luck could succeed even from long-range edges that did not have connections or Russian roots. So, starting from scratch, I made a career of Swede Yuhan Petter Lidval, who became a court tailor. He really glorified this surname already his son, Architect Fedor (Frederick) Lidval, whose buildings are recognized as the reference of the St. Petersburg Modern.

In the late 1850s, Yuhan Petter moved from the Swedish depths to the Russian capital. He settled in the port of the workshop. The master of the workshop soon died, and his widow decided to tie fate with an energetic and charming swede. The marriage was short-lived - the spouse of Yuhan Petter died of smallpox. The workshop moved by inheritance to the Lidval.

Yuhan Petter, who turned into Ivan Petrovich, confidently behaved his own business. In the circle of the Scandinavian community, he met the ID of Amalia Fleshau, and in 1867 they married. Eight children were born in a prosperous and wealthy family. The Lidval Workshop specialized in sewing men's clothing, livrey and uniforms for court employees. The company was listed by the supplier of the imperial yard. It was a flourishing of her many hurdled orders related to the unexpected adder to the throne of Alexander the Third after the murder of his father Alexander Second.

Gate and facade of the income home of the leaders on Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt, No. 1-3

Ivan Petrovich Lidval died in January 1886. The business of her husband continued Ida Amalia (Ida Baltazarovna Lidval). Gradually, the growing sons were connected to the activities of the company. The workshop worked in an old house owned by Lidvali, on a big maritime street, No. 27. The new influx of orders was caused by the secondary and coronation of Nikolai second. By the beginning of the 20th century, 150 people worked in the workshop.

The conditions favored the intention of I. B. Lidval to create a modern dwelling - a generic nest, connecting it with an income home. She acquired an extensive plot at the very beginning of the Kamennoostrovsky Avenue, No. 1-3. For the choice of the author of the project, the case was not: in the family there was his architect - Fedor Lidval, a recent graduate of the Academy of Arts. Mother provided his son with a happy opportunity to build her first major structure on such a noticeable place and express their creative individuality in real construction. The end-to-end site was built up from 1899 to 1904 in four days, ranging from the minor small landing street, No. 5, where he comes out a narrow side, and ending with the wings of Kurdonyra, opened to the avenue. If you consider this ensemble of residential buildings in the sequence of their construction, you can see how the skill of the architect was grew and his special version of the modern style was folded.

Ladder in the northern wing of the lidvalee house. Photos of Konstantin Kotova

The modest facade on a small landing is not striking and does not differ from the ordinary building. But in its asymmetry, wavy lines, the game of different textures of plastering already appear features of the early modernity.

Following, in 1901-1902, the transverse case, closing the depth of Kurdonyra, was built. Here the Lidval emphasized the average axis on which the portal, a glass erker and a high pinch. In the arch of the portal depicts owl, hares and lynx, on the top of the forceps opened the wings of Filin, and huge spiders were hung on the balconies, as if shoved the grids. The lining of the lower floor is made of potted stone (talco chlorite) and red granite.

Then the northern wing was erected and, last, south. These enclosures, flanking Kurdonor, unrest in composition. The southern wing - above, it is stronger than the plastic volumes, the shapes and grouping of windows are rare variety. Combine all parts of the combination of stone and plaster, wealth of motifs of flora and fauna, calligraphic drawing of parts and the overall impression of sophistication and elegance.

The Lidval expanded the traditional palette of finishing materials, the first in St. Petersburg was introduced into use the potted stone. The lidvalee house is unique in the abundance of natural plots. Interest in nature was also manifested in the use of natural materials, and in consistent individualization of forms.

The building with its specific northern color is becoming the earliest model of Northern Modern in St. Petersburg. This version of the new style has developed under the influence of National Romanticism of Sweden and Finland. So they made themselves to know the Swedish roots of the Lidval. Selection of materials, stylization of flora and fauna, characteristic elements (primarily outlines) were inspired by architectural experience of neighboring countries. But within the framework of the general course, the Lidval has developed its unique hand writing.

The main achievement of the architect was the innovative solution of the master plan with the Court Cardonør. Other St. Petersburg architects have already been treated in those years, but Lidval was the first to transfer it to the language of modernity. Refusing symmetry, he created a complex pictorial composition, which received the dynamic development of the arrival of the quarter.

From the construction of a family house, a brilliant creative takeoff of the architecture began. He became the legislator mod in the Petersburg architecture. The same role in the sewing of a male dress continued to play a family firm, which was called the name of the trading house "I. P. Lidval and sons. " It worked in her the younger brothers of Fyodor - Wilhelm, Edward and Paul.

Lidva settled in the transverse corpus of their possession. The architect's workshop was from the small landing street. All the best works were conceived and designed here: the houses of the Swedish Church and Tsimmerman, E. Nobel and Tolstoy, Azov-Donskaya Bank and the building of the second credit society, Hotel Astoria and the interiors of the Europe Hotel. From the staff of the Matra most famous A. A. Ol.

In 1908, Fyodor Lidwal married Margaret Frederic Eulers, the daughter of the court gardener, F. Eilers, a native of Holland. They had three children; The youngest of them, Ingrid, subsequently wrote interesting memories. In 1917, the architect's family went to Sweden, Lidval himself joined her in a year. In his historic homeland, he turned out to be an emigrant and, although actively practiced, could not reach the leading position in architecture. His brothers also moved to Stockholm, where they resumed their work, and Paul Lidval published books in Paris on the history and aesthetics of the costume.

Before the revolution, several luxury apartments in the House of Lidvali were held by representatives of the business elite. Among them - Chairman of the Board of the Azov-Don Bank B. A. Kamenka, from which Fedor Lidval and received an order for the construction of a bank building on a large sea street, No. 3-5. The tenants of the house were a military leader A. N. Kuropatkin, Chemist A. I. Gorbov, not long as artist K. S. Petrov-Vodkin. In 1915-1930, the People's Artist of the USSR Yu. M. Yuriev lived here, the actor of the Alexandrinsky Theater. The biography of the house was decorated with the names of the physicochemistry A. N. Terenina, the Solist of the Mariinsky Theater B. M. Freidkov, composer and musicologist V. M. Bogdanova-Berezovsky.

In the history of the house of the lidvals, the architectural innovations of modern, the art of cutters and sewing, creative and everyday life of the open-in-law of the St. Petersburg Swedes were closely intertwined.

At the very beginning of a large marine in 1907-1912 on the project of the architect F. I. Lidval, the building of the Azov-Don Bank (House No. 3-5) was built. Currently, there is a long-distance telephone station here, the services of which you may have to take advantage of.

Lidval Fedor Ivanovich
Years of Life: 1870 - 1945

Fyodor Ivanovich Lidval is one of the leading masters of the St. Petersburg modern, architect-artist and the builder - took place from the Swedish-Danish family, which settled in the city on the Neva in the middle of the XIX century. and having strong connections with the Scandinavian diaspora. He was born in 1870, he studied at the School of Technical Drawing Baron Stiglitz, then at the Academy of Arts - in the workshop of L. N. Benua, performing ordinary, unreleased coursework. In 1896, by developing a graduate program (project of the exhibition building), Lidval completed his education.
In twenty years of continuous creative activity, Lidval built several dozen buildings in St. Petersburg, who left a noticeable mark in the architectural look of the city. Brought up on traditional eclectics, he quickly advanced to the first row of adherents of the new style of Modern. In his work, you can allocate two periods: 1897-1907 and 1907-1918.
At the first stage, the architect pronounced himself a master of "Northern Modern", his search during these years is close to the aspirations of the Scandinavian and Finnish architects. The main topic is an income house, the main type of buildings of capitalist St. Petersburg. Lidval, as well as his colleagues, sought to create a memorable image, while at the same time placing in homes perhaps more apartments for various segments of the population.
In 1900, he rebuilt a large house, leaving the facades on the Cadet Line, Kuban and Tuchoves of the Luggles. Erker and Dome emphasized the responsible position of the house. In 1901, together with S. V. Belyaev, Lidval built a wooden mansion K. K. Equal on the territory of his own plant (Krasnogvardeisky per., 15) - a rare monument of this kind in modern style. In 1903, Lidval built a hotel building in Apraksin Lane, 6 - in the shopping center of the capital. In the lower floors of this strict, business building there are shops.
The first largest programming work of Lidval was the profitable house of his mother, I. B. Lidval (Kamenneostrovsky Ave., 1-3, - M. Posadskaya st., 5; 1899-1904). Lidvale House - an example of a complex town planning and artistic solution of a large portion of trapezoidal configuration.
The first large building of Lidwalle immediately made it famous, this house was a vivid example of the forms of "Northern Modern", demonstrated with generous ingenuity.
In 1902, 1904 and 1908-1910. In the neighborhood of Lidvalem were built at home on a small landing street, 15, 17 and 19, which formed a large residential complex.
In 1908-1910. In Lidvalevsky, if so you can call, the style was built by one of the most interesting houses in urban planning - in a completely different landscaped medium. This is a house in Primorsky Avenue, 14, an extremely spectacular towering at the low bank of the Neckie, just opposite the Pavilion Rossi.
Actively working on the St. Petersburg side, the Lidval did not less pronounced himself and in the development of the city center. In a large and small strained streets, he built at the same time in 1904-1905. Two buildings, each of which is software in his work and the stage in the development of St. Petersburg modern. The House of the Swedish Church (M. Strained Str., 3) clearly demonstrates the author's desire to combine Modern's motifs with the classical admission of the overall composition. In the courtyard there was a very popular concert hall that loved V. Mayakovsky.
An example of "Northern Modern" is home | 19 on a big stable street. There was still no house of the Guards Economic Society (DLT), and the Lidval Building of Giddevously towered in space, and today it is an important accent.
In the same years, he created another uncommon building, the figurative characteristic of which is of greater restraint, even severeness. The four-storey house of the Vyborg Citizen Collena (V. O. Bolshoy, 92) is one of the first-class monuments of "Northern Modern", without extremes and grotesque, often discrediting this direction.
The same way belongs to the five-storey house of libes (Mokhovaya St., 14), harmoniously inscribed already in a different spatial environment, with rather neutral, deprived of strong accents composition and uniform wind rhythm.
The work of Lidvala at the first stage of his activities is impressive by the multiple of artistic images, united, despite the variety of forms and techniques, special poetry, romantic emotion.
Having received widespread confession, the Lidval expanded the field of activity. In a complex setting of the struggle of various artistic flows and groups, the architect has found the application of his gift, contacting, like many of his contemporaries, to the classics. Bright examples of the appeal of the architecture to the classic were the buildings of the second society of mutual loan (garden st., 34; 1907-1908) and the Azov-Don Commercial Bank (B. Maritime Str., 3-5; 1908-1909, 1912).
These monumental, parade, respectable at home are the monuments of the new St. Petersburg, which caused a wide resonance and influenced the architecture of such agencies. In both buildings, the strict Petersburg symmetry, the emphasis of the center, the interpretation of the first floor as a powerful base, a certain staticity.
In 1915-1916. Lydval, together with his teacher L. N. Benoonal, the construction of Russian for foreign trade of the Bank (B. Maritime Str., 18, - Nab. R. Washing, 63), however, because of the war, the building remained unfinished and was completed already in 1920 X GG. By a modified project. Several excellent banking buildings were built according to the Lidval projects in Moscow, Astrakhan, Kiev and Kharkov, the best of which, in Kiev, is the decoration of the Khreshchatyk.
Lidval showed himself in hotel construction. This is an internal restructuring, finishing and superstructure of the hotel "European" on Mikhailovskaya Street (1908-1910) and the design and construction of Astoria Hotel in the ensemble of Isaac Square (1911-1912). Until now, estimates of this building are ambiguous.
However, neither banks nor the hotels could distract the architect from his main theme - a residential building, and here he again showed great flexibility of creative thinking. Houses built in the 1910s, have new qualities, which is associated with time requirements.
Apartments of varying degrees of comfort and sizes, various outlines in terms of terms indicate a sensitive attitude to the changing requirements. And this house had an impact on the Lidvalov contemporaries (the house on the street. Lenin, 41, built by A. L. Lishnenevsky, etc.).
House of the Swedish Industrialist Nobel on the Forest Avenue is one of a number of residential and manufacturing buildings built for him Lidvalem. Among them is a thoroughly rebuilt house (nab. Kang. Griboedova, 6; 1909),
the mansion for him is opposite the revenue house under consideration (Forest 21), rebuilt with Lidvalem in 1910, perhaps a country house in Sergiev (not preserved) and production buildings on the Vyborg side. The house on the forest prospect, 20, is also one of the program works of the architecture.
In 1913-1914. The Lidval built together with the architect D. D. Smirnovymotyny residential house (P.S., Big Ave., 39; By the way, Smirnov actively participated in the construction of the house of Tolstoy), and, together with M. M. Perettaking, the reinforced concrete archway in the main hall of the Exchange.
The construction of the Lidval and the masters of his circle to a large extent determined the originality and high level of St. Petersburg architecture of 1900-1910-Gg.
At the end of 1918, he left the Motherland of the ancestors - in Stockholm, where the last, large in time lived, but a much less productive period of life. This is understandable - after all, the Lidval was associated with the culture of St. Petersburg, Russia, continued to consider himself Russian architects, and years of work in St. Petersburg - the most happy years of life.