From what the leader of the group Gaza Strip died. In this LJ, the new Friends are pleased with anything, and old frantes are considered for the relatives.

From what the leader of the group Gaza Strip died. In this LJ, the new Friends are pleased with anything, and old frantes are considered for the relatives.
From what the leader of the group Gaza Strip died. In this LJ, the new Friends are pleased with anything, and old frantes are considered for the relatives.

The leader of the Gaza Pank-Group Yuri Hoy, the cause of the death of which (according to official documents) is a heart attack, left behind after himself a large number of mysteries. In one of his song he sang that he was not to live to forty. The author could not reach this turn. He died aged 35 full years. Until the 36th birthday, he did not have enough of 23 days. The tragedy happened on July 4, 2000.

Birth of the idol of the 90s

Yuri Nikolayevich Klinsky (pseudonym - Yuri Hoy), whose biography is very interesting, born 07.27.1964. It happened in Voronezh. School years The future singer passed from which he spent more time than with textbooks. Accordingly, an excellent student or good Yuri was impossible to call.

Despite the fact that Yura grew up in the usual working Soviet family, he chose an informal image and lifestyle, not too understood at that time. However, this did not affect the development of a specific literary warehouse of his mind. Yuri independently wrote texts for their songs. His verses affected the forbidden topics to which many of his compatriots even have shy to say.

Search for your Ya

After serving B. armed Forces He worked as a traffic police officer for some time, but, not finding himself in this matter, went to the plant. In the late 80s, the first rock club opened in Voronezh. It was located in the industrial zone of the city, far from the center. At first, the singer performed solo, without presence on the scene of unauthorized persons. He sang his own songs. In 1987, Yuri Klinsky creates his group and calls it in honor of this zone of the city - the Gaza Sector. The first speech of the collective was held on December 5 of the same year.

Glory and popularity

The first 2-3 years of the young team was not popular and performed on the heating of rock bands arriving in the city. Gradually, directly proportional to the fall of publicity in the country has already begun to fall apart, the matery songs have become more popular and are available for a conventional listener. The population finally got access to previously forbidden topics. Thus, in Moscow kiosks, pirated records of the Gaza Sector Group appeared. Yuri Hey and his team, however, no profit had no profit.

The group's popularity received only after the release of the third and fourth albums - "the ominous dead", "swear". A year later, after Yuri Klinsky sent songs to Moscow through his friend, he receives an answer and an invitation from the World Recording Studio.

The two previous albums were reprinted and released on cassettes and records. The "Gaza Strip" begins to cooperate with the first in the USSR a commercial recording company "Gala Records". In 1994, in the summer, the Group releases the next masterpiece that struck many with his style. They became the punk opera "Koschey Immortal". IN further plans Yuri was to make a video version of this album. But sudden death did not let him make a conceived.

The mid-90s is considered to be the flowering of the popularity of the team. But it does not bring big earnings to musicians. Most of their creativity are sold in rewriting in the pirate market. The popularity of the Group is confirmed by numerous touring in many cities of Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth.

Yura Klinsky changes its image. Rough, T-shirt and jeans change on an expensive suit and a smooth shirt. In creativity, there are also certain changes: obscene vocabulary becomes less, lyrics affect more serious themes and less scandalous. But this does not particularly affect the popularity of the group. Nevertheless, the album "Gas Attack" has become the most sold from all previously published.


Despite the fact that Yuri Hoi did not have musical education, the team under his leadership reached an unprecedented peak of popularity and released 13 studio albumsthat can be heard at present. And some fragments of his verses became real and full quotes found in ordinary life, eg:

Valiant, honest and heart dear,

Traffic police, you as a mother's mother.

Personal life

Yuri Hoy, the cause of death of which remains unsolved for many, was born in an ordinary working family. Parents worked on the Voronezh Steel Plant. Despite his image of a wrestler for freedom of speech and informal, he was married and had two daughters, Irina and Lily.

With the future spouse, Galina, Yuri met before the army. After demobilization, they played a wedding. Although from 1991 after the singer from Olga Samarina and began stormy RomanHe did not leave the family. Nevertheless, Yuri did not hide his relationship with his mistress. According to common acquaintances, it is she who attracted Hoy to drugs.

Death of poet

Ambulance, who came to the challenge, recorded the died young man: The girl, located near, called him named - Yuri Hey. The cause of death was for many unacceptable. Never had a heart problem, the singer died from a heart attack.

The second option of what Yuri Hoi died is drug addiction and alcoholism, which together slowly, but the young talented guy faithfully killed. But this version is unofficial. The singer who native and familiar said that he had already tied up with drugs.

Of the official documents, nothing except that hepatitis C was discovered in his blood, it is unknown. The militia of a separate investigation was not conducted, since the medical conclusion recorded the usual death without traces of the crime.

"The fight of extrasensories"

Specific and frank topics that the singer chose for his songs, influenced further life His relatives even after the death of Yuri. The fact is that in Yuri Hey, a gravestone monument is destroyed periodically. It is shoved in half. The daughter of the singer appealed to the television project "Battle of Psychic" with a request to try to understand this strange question.

The record of reports of famous sorcerers and magicians was posted in the 15th season in the 5 series of project. During the discussions, one of the burst gravestone monuments. Some psychics were able to accurately indicate that the element covered with a cloth was brought to the studio from the cemetery. Tatyana Larina was even moved to the kingdom of the dead and was able to talk with the departed. She said that he asks for his relatives of forgiveness and begging them to not blame him in a timeless leaving.

Others argued that the person who was installed this monument was very often visited by the razor blade: he used alcohol, took drugs, spoke at his concerts with songs from the face of the dead, praising death:

... not to run away from it,

It is impossible to breathe from it.

I'll take a bike

And go to the next world.

Well, I went ...

In addition, the death of the group's keyboard player was predicted by the magicians from the project "Battle of Psychics". Yuri Hoi, according to them, with its songs, the evil is evil on all participants of the famous team, and now they are doomed.


So what did Yuri Hoy died? It was hepatitis C, caused by alcohol and drugs taken earlier, or is it an ordinary heart attack? Or maybe this is involved in the otherworldly? This question still remains unsolved, because the author has not once mentioned death, vampires, gourdalaks, dead, Satan, witches in his verses.

Hoy has almost completely devoted to the last album "rising from hell" to otherwise. And relatives remind you that he died, trying to record last song From your 13 album. This is another mysterious fragment from life. legendary singer named Yuri Hoy. The cause of the death of a person whose repertoire in its popularity is equal to verses Viktor Tsoi, still remains a mystery and keeps a lot of unclear.

The real surname of Yuri Hoy - Klinsky, he was born in Voronezh in the family of local aircraft workers. According to the memoirs of childhood friends and familiar, the future leader of the Gaza sector in did not differ in particular durability, most often getting triples. But S. early childhood He began to carry out insurmountable to music, and he received the first poems experience under the influence of the Father - Nikolai Mitrofanovich himself wrote poems, some of which were published.

In 1987, Yuri his debut in the public, spoke at the club with several of his own songs. Some time later, the first composition of his group was collected, immediately called the "Gaza Strip". In about the same period, Klinsky began to more often use the Hoi alias, beating his corporate cry, so well-known fans on concert speeches of the group. The popularity of the group grew, but Yuri Klinsky continued to work at the factory, then a loader - music did not bring serious profits, and the group's records dispelled by many handicraft copies far beyond Voronezh.

Even in the 1990s, when the band finally achieved wide popularity, he did not become rich - in the country in those days, "piracy" flourished, the number of licensed licensing discs barely 1% of total carriers purchased by group fans. Starting touring the CIS, the author was forced to create more restrained texts, but most people continued to associate the "Gaza Strip" with Pokhabshchina and disassembled behavior. However, some of the rockers as Russian and foreign it would be embarrassed?

Early stars death

Yuri Hoi died on July 4, 2000 in Voronezh. The life of the Soviet and Russian rock- interrupted at the peak creative activity - On this day, the next video clips were scheduled for Hoy. As the colleagues remembered later, nothing indicated that Yuri felt badly or something feared.

At the same time, the information was spread that the artist anticipate his death - choosing songs for his last album "rebelled from hell", he insisted on the inclusion of "demobilization" into it. According to colleagues, he was afraid that simply would not live to record her next album. Do not cease to wonder the fans and listening to one of the songs of Hoy, where he sang: "Gaza Strip - not to live to forty." Involuntarily arises, really an artist guess his early death Or unwittingly fumbled it?

There are several versions of the death of the artist. According to one of them, Yuri Hey died of a heart attack - the body simply did not stand the loads associated with tense creative activities in combination with the well-known attributes of the lives of many rock musicians. According to other sources, as reported by sources close to the surround of the singer, Hoy lately He suffered from hepatitis, but did not cease to use drugs, which could lead to his early death. This in his interview tells ex-wife Hoy - according to Galina, his new specially taught him to drugs to "keep him".

Unfortunately, only one thing is known - the true circumstances of his death still shrouded the mystery.

Russia Russia

Professions Years of activity 1987-2000 Singing voice tenor Instruments acoustic guitar
rhythm guitar
Genres author's song
russian rock music
comedy Rock
hard rock
punk rock
folk Rock
horror punk
rap Rock
sint Punk
rap metal
alternative metal
Pseudonyms Hoi. Collective "Gaza Strip " Labels "Black Box" (1989-1990)
"S.B.A./Gala Records" (1991-2000)
Autograph sEKTORGAZA.Net Audio, photo, video on wikisklad

Yuri Nikolayevich Klinsky (Hoi.) (July 27, Voronezh - July 4, Voronezh) - Soviet and Russian musician, singer, author, composer, founder and permanent leader of the Gaza Sector.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

    1 / 5

    ✪ Cool song dedicated to Yura Hoy / 07/27/2017

    ✪ Gaza - memory sector Yuri (Hoy) for adult men! Try to go off.

    ✪ Pegasus group - Yuri "Hoy" Klinsky (Gaza Strip) dedicated to (07.27.2016)

    ✪ Yuri Klinsky Haya Gaza Sector Yak on Farm





Big Plastics of Creativity Yuri Klinsky is devoted to witnessing problems of the time of restructuring, the "dashing 90s", as well as the topic of the afterlife and mysticism. In his songs, he tried to take into account the events of public and personal life, the actions of people, everyday household situations, while using certain compositions in some compositions with an abnormative vocabulary.

His creativity caused either deep interest or protest from the audience. It is believed that, thanks to the restructuring of witness, the "Gaza" songs of the "Gaza Sector" were able to reach the heart of the people, and in this way was popular with the public, frowning on forbidden topics. But still an abnormative vocabulary of Hoy, contrary to the problem of stereotype, tried not to abuse. Sanctory expressions and jargonisms in his songs transmit the character and features of the speech of the characters.

The creativity of the "Gaza sector" was often called pseudophollastic chastushki or folklore parody to established music genres. Hoy used in his songs the elements of obviously folklore origin. In 1997, Artemy Troitsky in a conversation with Hoam and the hope of Babkina calls the sector creativity "Extreme informal folk music» And he agrees with such a definition of their works.

For their own creative career greater money Klinsky never earned because of the prosperity of "piracy", which affected the number of licensed discs sold about 1% of the total number. However, the group and its leader became very famous in Russia and the CIS. Despite the fact that the Late Texts of the Group were more restrained, most fans and representatives of the Music Industry "Gaza Strip" were associated with obscene vocabulary and pokhabi songs.
During the creative activity, Yuri visited the tour in many cities of Russia and beyond (Belarus, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia).


In one of the songs he also sang: "Gaza sector - not to live here until forty, and by coincidence, he did not survive until the 36th anniversary of 23 days. In the song "Vampire Bite" there are also words describing his death, which later became prophetic:

According to the same Olga Samarina, Yura right before the death really burned in the chest - "Blood boiling water on Vienam runs", "Everything burns fire".

The funeral took place on July 6, 2000 in Voronezh. Farewell took place in the DC "Light", where, despite the strong shower, many Voronezh came to say goodbye to Yuri. In the Assumption Church, funeral was held. Then the body of Yuri Klinsky was betrayed by the Earth at the Left Bank Cemetery (cemetery "on the tanks", the southeastern part, section 7a).

Family and personal life

Father - Nikolai Mitrofanovich, he worked as an engineer to retirement, died on August 23, 2005, was buried not far from his son.
Mother - Maria Kuzminynna (born 1932), a pensioner, worked as a rivest train at the factory.
Brother (one-utilous) - Anatoly Yapartsev.
Wife - Galina, after the death of Yuri never married, lives with the younger daughter.
Two daughters - Irina (August 3, 1986) - a psychologist, graduated from Voronezh Person Institute and Lily (January 13, 1995) - a student. W. elder daughter There is a son Matvey (June 27, 2011).

In 1991, at his concert in Moscow, he met Olga Samarina, with which in the future met last years His life without hiding this from His wife Galina. According to loved ones, it was Olga who added to the use of drugs.

At one of the concerts from the LDPR, a diploma "For the Development of Patriotic Culture" was awarded.

  • The creation of the group also liked Yuri Nikulin. After Yuriy (Hoi) Klinsky played the concert in the Nikulina circus, famous artist Invited a young man to the grimer. Under the words of admiration and gratitude, Nikulin took out a bottle of brandy and suggested Hoy to talk. The artist himself was so flattered by these compliments, which often told about this case to his friends and relatives.
  • In 1999, Yuri Klinsky became a character of the comic "Gura Hoy's adherence in the kingdom of evil." Comic consists of out fabulous adventure, whose hero is the leader of the Gaza Sector, collecting its albums. The author of the comic is the artist Dmitry Samborsky.


Solo album

"Acoustic album"

  • Yuri Klinsky - author of music and words, vocals, acoustic guitar.
Name Duration
1. « Introduction» 01:42
2. « Without wine» 02:54
3. « Six-streng girlfriend» 04:13
4. « About summer» 02:47
5. « Pretty» 04:03
6. « The first love» 02:50
7. « About modest boy» 04:22
8. « Intro» 00:23
9. « At Pond (Lyudmila)» 04:37
10. « Learn the years like a moment ...» 04:21
11. « Cross» 00:45
12. « Vampires» 02:25
13. « About early marriage» 02:00
14. « He loved her so» 02:29
15. « Conclusion» 03:28
  • This magneto album was recorded in 1981, however, part of the songs was storm and re-overwritten in early 1985. Officially not published, but kept in family archive Klinsky. He was published a few years after the death of Yuri Klinsky.
  • The worldwide network is also known under the names of "acoustics" and "take years, as if moment ...".
  • Of the fifteen compositions, only two in the modified form entered the album "Evil Dead" 1990 -
    "Without wine" and "Vampires", and the remaining thirteen are unique.
  • In 2015, the entry from the audio cassette (except for the song "Cross", "about early marriage") was officially digitized with a special restoration work on sound and subsequent remastering in order to remove sound defects arising during the storage period, as well as achieving acceptable sound quality When retarding the original analog sound. Songs "Cute", "Lyudmila", "He loved her so" got new arrangements.

In a group

Other entries

"Howl to the moon" (song)

"Howl to the moon" - on the this moment The only professional studio entry from the earlier material made by Yuri Klinsky, which he rejuvenated.
For the first time was published in 2015 on the collection of rare songs, which is the most unknown among the others unquestioned from the acoustic album. She was recorded in 1995 and may have had to enter the album "Gas Attack" (1996), but until 2015 was not known whether its phonogram was preserved.


TV shows and films


  • In October 2001, the book of Vladimir Tikhomirov "Hoy!" Epitaph Rock-Razbuyu - Illustrated History of the Life and Creativity of Yuri Klinsky and Gaza Sector Group.
  • In 2004, the book "Gaza Strip" with the eyes of loved ones was published. The book contains memories of the close to Yuri Klinsky, articles, interviews, little-known facts From the life of the Gaza Sector group and its leader, the memories of fans, poems dedicated to Yuri Klinsky.
  • In July 2015, the e-book Aslan Kurbanova "Says Hoi: Direct Specto of Yuri Klinsky" - a meeting of the previously not published interviews of Yuri Klinsky.


  • In June 2002, the Gas Attack Sector Group released its debut albumwho dedicated to the memory of Yuri.
  • In 2005 sound recording studio Gala Records has released a Tribute album to the Gaza Strip group, in which such groups and performers participated as: "Naive", "Bricks", Sergey Kagadeev (Eh- "Nom"), "Mongol Shuudan", "Bakhyt- Compote, Igor Kushchev (EX-"Gaza Strip") and others.
  • Also in 2005, in response to the official tribute album, two more unofficial, named "Alternative Tribute" and "Fan Tribute" came out.
  • In 2009, a collection appeared on the Internet, consisting of capaver versions of songs and dedications, which is known as "People's Tribute" Memory Yura Hoy ".
  • On July 4, 2010, the memory of Yuri Klinsky was devoted to the concert held in the city of Yekaterinburg in the "Nirvana" club called "10 years without Hoy."
  • January 22 and July 15, 2012 in
December 19, 2014, 20:13

Yuri Klinsky was born on July 27, 1964 in Voronezh in the family of engineer and attorney of the Voronezh Aviation Plant Nikolai Mitrofanovich and Mary Kuzminynna Kliana. In school, Yuri studied satisfactorily, but he had an insurmountable passion for music. A passion for the renovation of his father, who wrote poems and tried to publish. Yura early learned about the existence of Western rock culture, since rock and roll sounded in the family of Wednsky. A negligible student, hooligan holy believed in music. He, desperate Meloman, soon decided to master the guitar himself.

At the end of the school and extinguish in Loszafa "For the sake of Nahalyava's rights," Yuri changes the ZIL-130 on the tank for two years. Served Yura in the Far East, DMB-84.

After serving in the army, he operates for three years by the traffic police inspector, then the milloverist, the CNC operator on the Voronezh "VideoTone", which was made by VM-12 video recorders, a loader. In the afternoon it works, and songs songs. ABOUT big scene Does not dream, perceives his musication as a hobby, like an inchoon from gray life.

Together with the opening of the Voronezh Rock club, the Gaza Sector Yura appeared, the name of the club served as the location of the club - the industrial area of \u200b\u200bVoronezh with strongly smoking plants.

"The mysterious combination" Gaza Strip "was on my hearing since childhood, when the Arab-Israeli conflict was going and without end geographical name told on the radio. There is a "gas sector" in Voronezh - the so-called industrial zone. Such is a local name for a group that was not going to go beyond the city rock cly6a. "

In 1989, the group released in Voronezh two of its first magnetoalbom "Plugov-Vuy" and "collective farm punk", but for a truly famous it became only after the release in Moscow in the 1990th year of the albums "Viogen" and "the ominous dead".

Popularity burst into Yuri unexpectedly, it became possible only thanks to the Liya Gorbachev Perestroika, hungry to forbidden topics. Merry Material Songs of Yura Klinsky trembled all of Russia. His albums were mounted around the country by millions of circulations. Demand gave birth to an offer. Youth of the Ballada from the Pearl Perlov Yura. For him, no censorship existed, he sang what he wanted. And "the scandalous collector" thundered "from the taiga to the British seas."

Unlike modern "popes", Yura did not write empty songs, and first found the topic for future composition. Some songs are autobiographical, this "yawn", "Java", the song "Ment", which is written after Yura was released from "Sober", a "took blame for himself" Yury devoted his brother, but not all.

"Many for some reason perceive my songs as something autobiographical: imagine me with a certain monster in smelly socks victims from all known venereal diseases and earned impotence."

As for the pseudonym "Hoi", then he occurred from the company Kum Yura: "Hoi" - just exclamation, I often pronounce it during the songs. The fact that it resembles someone Tsoi is an accident. "By the way, few people know that the leader of the SG was familiar with Viktor Tsoem.

Yuri Klinsky did not consider himself a puncture: "I never believed myself. Well, maybe at the beginning of creativity a clean" punk "somewhere and looked through. I do what I personally like it. Each album is musically diverse. Style" Sector Gas "I define as" fusion ".

About your songs: "If you sing about human vices - this does not mean that they approve them yourself. Perhaps, it is even a kind of fight against every mud."

Yuri Klinsky avoided Tener: "Recently were invited to the" sharks of the pen ". I immediately refused. I do not want to sit like wisely, when you have such a lot of hostile people who are staring. By the way, so I don't do one, many do not go there - those who are Inconsider. Only idiots who dream of "unwind" on freebies are agreed. And in the end, they are there, on the contrary, "twist". Why appoint yourself. I do not strive for someone to know me. So easier to live. "

Yuri Klinsky about his parents: "They are proud that their son has become a popular person. And as for the songs, such as" fog "and" time home ", they generally consider the classics of the Russian song. I am terribly nice, because Zapvaska "That parents have an old - mother loves" oh, frost, frost, "father - Zykina."

Yuri Klinsky About Moscow: "Moscow is a center where all the furious people are going to earn money. But this is a depraved city. It is very dangerous for young people. There lives very baking youth."

Yuri Klinsky About F. Kirkorov: "It is better to be honest hooligan than to make false how Kirkorov. He himself did not write a single song. I am writing songs myself. And honestly talking about what I'm worried about and what I think."

Yuri Klinsky externally apolitated: "Yes, this policy went in ...! Braschik!"

The popularity of the group is limitless, the "Gaza Strip" listened not only by ordinary people, but also professors and politicians - the "Gaza Strip" like Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The group received a reward from the leader of the LDPR "for an invaluable contribution to the development of the Russian language." Especially popular SG in provincial cities, villages and in the army.

Yury Klinsky never consisted in the party, although he had a certificate of assistant deputy. Despite this, the Gaza Strip group performed at the LDPR campaign concerts. Klinsky commented on this as follows:

"We have no difference for whom to play, from politics we are far away. Zhirinovsky pays - We play for Zhirinovsky, there will be another faction - we will play for it. Everything else is no longer our problems."

Was recorded in the book of records as only personwho managed to get rid of the expression "Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSS Gorbachev".

The creation of the group also liked Yuri Nikulin. After Klinsky played the concert in the Nikulina circus, the famous artist invited a young man to the grimer. Under the words of admiration and gratitude, Nikulin took out a bottle of brandy and suggested Hoy to talk. The artist himself was so flattered by these compliments, which often told about this case to his friends and relatives.

Yuri Klinsky about the modern Russian scene: "Rock and Roll is dead," said Grebenshchikov. I would clarify: dies. There is no longer that energy, there is no one that has been typical for the 80s, Sukacheva, Kinchev ... And the young ... I do not want to offend anyone, and therefore I will say ... "

Yuri Klinsky about the group "Red Mold": "Suck some ..." Red Mold ", for example ... Let your something they find ... We rarely, but we are not aptive, that is, absolutely everything to the place. Unlike , let's say, from "red mold", where just to the music swear with a mat ... "

Yuri Klinsky O. modern Russia: "... It all depends on the social class to which you feel. I'm from the workers, but I managed to earn a decent money at the expense of my talent. Modern Russian system helped me in it. If I continued to work as a loader, getting a penny, then Naturally, would be dissatisfied with the government. "

This group can be rightfully called the phenomenon of the Soviet and post-Soviet show business. Formed at the dawn of restructuring, she proved the time that it is not terrible banners, censorship, not complete isolation from television, radio and newspapers. Group existence most life on pirate audio cassettes won true love among ordinary people And it became truly folk.

Personal life

Before the army met with the future wife of Galina, he later married. Two daughters were born in marriage: Irina and Lily.

Without dealing with his wife, had a long relationship with the girl Olga Samarina, which he himself told the spouse. Got acquainted with her in 1991 at his concert in Moscow, the connection lasted to last days musician. According to loved ones, it was Olga who added to the use of drugs.

For some - this girl, the last drug addict and rubbish, who raised on the needle Yuri, for others - she is his last love. Olga recalls that she never felt the difference in age, but felt that he was spoiled by women. According to Olga, she knew that he was married that his wife went to Voronezh, as she was not satisfied with such a tour life that they had all on the verge of a divorce. Olga tells that Jura liked everyone, his simple, community, kindness and responsiveness. What these are their own spiritual qualities He was very different from Muscovites. Olga notes that Yuri did not suffer from "star" disease, was usual. Living in Moscow, he saw how everyone deceived each other, knew that Savin was deceiving him. Olga says Yuri did not like the disassembly, he was creative manAnd he had no financial affairs. Then, as Olga recalls, Yuri reconciled with his wife, they had a daughter of Lily, and he disappeared for Olga. She brought himself a new friend and they already lived together. Olga says she knew that he would never quit the family that he was pulling it to her and to the family. He often said it that they were suitable for each other, as both smashed, that he loves her as a woman, and his wife belongs to his mother as her sister.

Olga in his memoirs complains that because of her, Yura had a lot of quarrels and family problemsAnd because of these troubles, he did not receive an album. Remembering how they spent free timeOlga says that Jura read a lot of thrillers and mystics, and they also went to the bars, there and the heroin of the pod. Well, and then in Vienna. Olga believes that if Yura would not get sick, he would surely jumped, he was treated and tried to treat her. Remembering the morning of the 4th day, Olga says that when I woke up, Yura has already ran around the apartment, I myself do not understand what is happening to him, and as if the blood is boiling on the veins. She tried to call him ambulance, but he refused, saying that she would drink aspirik and everything would pass. He drank aspirin, and they went to shoot. But on the way he became worse and they drove to a friend Yuri. Olga recalls that he immediately lay down on the bed, rolled out by the Kalachik and everything complained that he was hurt and everything would burn. Then he fell from the bed and lost consciousness.


Hoy dies in the morning on Tuesday, on July 4, 2000 in one of the houses on the street Barnaul, which is on the left bank (the address is known to the entire district "cooking", or according to the protocol "drug breaker"). Eyewitnesses tell that Jura was going to meet with televisers - he shot a new video clip, - when he complained about pain in his stomach and left side. The pain was intensified, but Hoy decided to meet, they say, they will fight and passes. And after a few seconds, the heart stopped. Friends rushed to call "ambulance", but the arrivals came out powerless.

Yuri Nikolaevich Klinsky was buried on July 6 in Voronezh, on Left Bank Cemetery (Another name of the cemetery "on the tanks").

Fourth of July marks the 15th anniversary of the death of the leader of the Gaza Sector Group Yuri "Hoy" Klinsky.

Yuri Klinsky. Photos from

The creator of the style of "collective farm punk" was born on July 27, 1964 in Voronezh. Returning in 1984 from the army, he worked for some time in the traffic police and at the factory. The emergence of new rock bands inspired Klinsky on the writing of its own material, because in the existing teams at that time, it was not satisfied with the too soft sound and "tissue" of texts. Therefore, initially he made a bet on household plots, transmitted without excessive sublimation, as well as to mystical topics, which in abundance was in folklore. The definition of the "gas sector" as punk groups - no more than, convention, because in the work of the team a lot of songs in the style of hard rock and pop rock, significantly the effect of pop and chanson.

An abnormative vocabulary of Hoi, contrary to a breaking stereotype, also tried not to abuse. Matery expressions In his songs, he always transmit character and features of speech characters, and he expressed their attitude towards this in the early song "Auto-Mat", where he focused on the fact that Russian people usually resort to a strong sense in extreme situations purely inertia. The best songs of the "Gaza sector" - "Vampire Bite", "Near Your House", "Evening on a bench", "It's time", "fog" and many others - at all cost without Mata.

Gas Sector "Vampire Bite" (Kemerovo, 1998)

With all the "dresser" of his stage image, Yuri Hela always thoroughly to some theatricalization. Even his early albums often contain introduces, epilogs and a variety of reprises between songs and in the lyrics, and the most successful Disk "Gas Attack" includes imitation of the throat singing of Tibetan monks, as if entering the listener in the "gas" trans and smoothly outlooking it. The 1994 plate "Kashing immortal" is a punk opera with poetic dialogues and "arias" to the music "Pesnyar", Queen, Nirvana, Ace Of Bace and others famous groups. Despite the fabulous approach of the album, the characters turned out very recognizable. The king is a unlobs, but the lustful head of the family, which is completely not engaged in the upbringing of his sons. Dracula - good-natured metalworker or biker, scare away external species, However, ready to come to the aid of the first call. Kashing - typical gopnik. Ivan is a non-good Russian guy who, if necessary, will take a weapon without unnecessary words and go to defend the family and the Motherland. Vasilisa is a beautiful and closer rustic girl, consonant, according to his nerazumia, waiting for a big and clean love Wasting at least with the silence itself.

Irina Bukharina (ex-vocalist "Gaza Sector") "Aria Vasilisa lovely"

Yuri Hea himself was breathing unevenly to Metal and Rap. In one of the later interview, he confessed that in its extensive home collection about 1,200 discs, 400 of which are rap, the rest is metal. Last I. best album "Gas Sector" "Raising from hell" is recorded in the style of metal-bark. All the songs of the disk are clearly lined up into one scene line. Opens the album "Demobilization", which, compared to the rest of the compositions, sounds lightly, but he had insisted for the inclusion of this song in the track list.

Gas Sector "Night of Fear"

The next thing "Wedding" seems to hint at what he served, the hero took a beloved girl in his wife. Unfortunately, the young life was not set. In the song "Rog", they began to change each other, and in the "rural toilet" is universal household He led to the ridiculous death of the spouse. The luckless widower hit the terrible stuff and died after the vampire bite in "dirty blood". Followed by detailed description Life Couples S. by the Military World. More and more approaching from a different kind of evinquality - they are dying the second time from the hands of Vampire's valiant fighters and are waiting for their final participation to the Second Coming of Christ. Despite the shocking naturalism of some tracks ("Black Vurdalak"), Klinsky always puts emphasously. "Moral songs are as follows: not the dead and not vampires are not dangerous for life as rotten sorts," he sings in the "rural toilet", making it clear that genuine horrors should be sought not in cheap horror stories, but in the domestic union of our life. And, by the way, in contrast to his Western colleagues from heavy groups, he was never flown into a demonism. In the songs "Night of Fear" and "Vampire Fighters" positive heroes Definitely declare their limitless devotion to Christ. The clip was preparing for "Night of Fear", however, the sudden death of Yuri Hoya on July 4, 2000 in his native Voronezh prevented the timely implementation of this design. The video was removed from the working materials only by 2013.

Gaza Gaza Strip (to the left of Yuri Klinsky, Alexey Privov played on the guitar)

In Moscow, Yuri Hoy has almost no close friends. One of the few, with whom he tightly communicated over the past five years of life was the tour manager of the Gaza Sector Alexey Privov - the current director of the "Earring" group and Yevgeny Margulis .. - When I met Yura and began to discuss with him the conditions Work, I was surprised by his democratic views on life. Conditions, hotel - for him all this was not important, although then he could collect a thousandth hall anywhere former Union. At the same time, in something, he still became such a bourgeois eventually, but his attitude to many benefits still remained more than calm. I remember how one day he acquired a set of sound home apparatus with the words: "Well, I bought for life!". It was fun to hear - especially with the fact that technologies are constantly changing. Sincere, immediate, he absolutely did not skill with sick or deceive, very kind and insanely talented, there was not a drop of snobbish. Jura was actively interested in other performers in music, any kind of art, I drove it to some exhibitions in the Central Committee, I was in museums with him, he gladly perceived a variety of creativity. It was easy to walk with him, because no one knew him in her face. On the cassettes, the "sectors" had some kind of drawn people, to identify in which the real haw was difficult. And surprisingly contrasted between themselves scenic behavior and absolutely clear working discipline in the tour, although, probably, I already got the team already "adults", and I did not find the early volgar of the early 90s. "

Gas Sector in "Program A"

Nevertheless, sometimes lining happened with Hoam on tour. Once, he, forgetting the passport, did not hit the concert of his own group in Riga. "The hall was fully sold, it was impossible to cancel the action and I had to sing Alexei Ushakov's keyboard for Jura," Alexey Privalov continues. "The first few minutes of 40 people stubbornly chant:" Yura! ", And then slowly dragged into the chorus and the choir sang the favorite songs. Musicians settled in Jurmala. Andrei Delttsov (Andrei Deltsov, the sound engineer "Gaza Sector". - Approx. Website) left for cases in Riga, we return, and in the room the musicians sits some kind of "gorilla" and thumps with them. It turned out to be a man who went to pour the "left" "Gaza sector". He was presented with compacts, in addition to lawn and photographs of the guys, he, convinced of the authenticity of the composition, was delighted and remained to drink. "

Gas Sector "Demobilization"

Many are trying to see in the death of Hoy some kind of mysticism, but the privalov refers to such speculations skeptical: "Somewhere a year before death, he traveled to Voronezh and met with some grandfather, which he said that if he did not discern With Olga (his Moscow girlfriend, really played a tragic role in his fate), will die. After that, he came to me, shared it, was very depressed. Nevertheless, some "devilish" poversion (13th album, 13 songs) I would still have been looking for in the death of Yura. But him last speech In life - on the "sound track" was really mystical. The mini-disc head with the phonogram, which I recorded in the radio drivers. They somehow overeating songs, and then I did not check the carrier - there was no such equipment at home! Naturally, when the "minus" "got up" twice on the same place, the room was ripped ... I left the concert in the depressed mood. With Yura, after that, we silently dug houses and did not communicate a week and a half, and then he called me himself. I started to apologize hotly, as I worried about all this time. He believed that he was very seriously substituted with an artist on a fifteen thousand student in Luzhniki. He replied that all this garbage and in general, who does not work, he is not mistaken. After that, he suggested a ride in Voronezh villages to choose the nature for filming the video to the song "Wedding". He was going to shoot a real rural wedding. We agreed that he would go there first, and then he would send me to Moscow. Literally a few days later, Lyakhov called me (Konstantin Lyakhov - friend and business partner of the Talvivov. - Rest. Ed.) And, crying, said that Yura died in Voronezh, we immediately went back on cars along with the publishers, solved questions with Panichid, funeral, engaged in all necessary procedures. Farewell was in the "ray", there is such a cinema in the center of Voronezh. Crowds of people went to worship him last time. On this day " Russian radio"In Voronezh, on which Lesha Ushakov was a technical director, the Moscow broadcast was cut off, and the song of the" Gaza Sector "was twisted. It was very unexpected and pleasant, and it was an absolute feeling that it would not be different, he could have been a real hero of this city, and the city paid him with great love. "

Gas Sector "My Death"

After the death of the Hoy of epigones and "successors", the "Gaza" sector did not welcome the privals. "I am very bad about any attempts to earn" left "people in the lawyer name and creativity," he emphasizes. - All these strange absolutely illegitimate projects, arising after his death, used the name "Gaza Strip", first with a modest prefix "ex", then left, or some transparent tripping of a loud name to happiness, did not deceive the audience. Legal rights to protect the heirs, unfortunately, I personally did not have. I could only regret and dismissed from that vakhanlia with the rights to songs, the name, etc., which began immediately after the funeral. Yura himself was a very conscientious guy and hardly he would like to like the unclean guys trying to dispose of him creative Heritage. I remember how he somehow said at the table as follows: "Well, what am I and in 60 years I will sing such songs from the scene? This is no collapse ... "And it did not ... I sometimes still do not have enough ..."