We draw with children 5 6 years old in stages. Pencil drawing lesson for children

We draw with children 5 6 years old in stages. Pencil drawing lesson for children
We draw with children 5 6 years old in stages. Pencil drawing lesson for children

Long time I did not write anything to the blog. And this, of course, there are reasons. First, we very actively began to engage in your workshop: we make wooden toys, children's decor, sometimes furniture, and of course, we are engaged in all organizational matters. It takes a lot of strength and almost all inspiration. Secondly, our girls have grown and no longer fit into the format of thematic weeks, since most of the day they are in kindergarten, where they learn a lot, play and communicate with children. After the garden you want to play home toys, draw, walk, read fairy tales, watch movies with the whole family or bake cookies. Thirdly, we will soon go to school, but not in a simple, but in the small and private, which they themselves and organize;) open in a month. If it is interesting, you can read about our school by reference (text in Ukrainian). And this school takes the remaining inspiration and strength.

So, Lesson 1. Air Perspective.

Who is not an artist from the word at all - do not be scared :) In fact, all this is very simple, interesting and exciting, but, like everything in the world, has its own terminology, but the terms almost always sound frighteningly (in any case for me).

So what is the "air perspective"?

This is when you look at the distance and the fact that closer to the horizon seems lighter, and the fact that you have more rich colors closer to you.

From the dictionary:

Air Perspective - blurring or loss of clarity of outlines of remote objects caused by an atmosphere. The effect occurs due to the disappearance of the color and the contrast of the brightness between the remote objects and the background.

Here are examples of the air perspective:

To explain the child that such an air perspective is enough to show examples and draw it attention to those objects that are located in the distance and those close - the difference is very noticeable.

And now I will proceed to drawing!

We need:

  • paint (gouache, acrylic, in principle, can be watercolor) three colors - white, yellow and blue,
  • brush,
  • our drawing blank,
  • water jar,
  • palette or white plate,
  • paper napkins so that if necessary, something to wipe or rinse the brush.

Drawing order:

  1. We knead white paint and blue on the palette, so that it turned out a very bright shade. It will be the color of the sky.
  2. We offer a child to paint only the sky.
  3. Then you need to paint the clouds white, and the yellow sun.
  4. We repeat the white and blue again (or in the past, add more blue paint) so that it turns out a light shade, which is a bit rich than the color of the sky.
  5. Coloring a number of mountains that are closest to the sky.
  6. We repeat the knees, adding more blue and paint the next row of mountains.
  7. The most front row - hills and trees - paint clean blue or add a very little white color to your discretion.
  8. Everything! Figure Mountains with the use of the principle of the air perspective is ready!

But how did our mountains come:

Step-by-step instructions. How to teach children to draw. Part 1.

How to draw a ladybug.

Funeral for the world adults, in understanding and presenting the child, seem completely different. When sometimes you walk in the park and suddenly the baby sees on the bench of God's red-colored cow with black unusual specks - this is an integer opening for him. He wants to touch, touch, consider the details. It is important to support this children's curiosity and help in the desire to see all the paints of the world of nature. In this process, joint painting classes are very helpful. After all, you can always easily tell about something and show as it looks. We offer today to travel to the world of surrounding nature and draw a little and smiling ladybug. I think your baby, and you yourself, you will be glad to such an exciting venture, and we will help you make this process available and interesting. Look at our phased tips and you will succeed!

How to draw a goat.

Drawing the goat is easy if you are a professional, but not all of us are artists by calling. And children love to draw different animals and they do not understand that adults may not be able to do this. How to act in this case? This instruction will help you here. Everything is described in stages. First you need only a blank sheet, pencil and eraser. Try, you probably and your child will be satisfied with the result.

How to draw a lion.

Many children want to be strong, bold, beautiful, dwelling in the spotlight. These qualities often have a lion as the king of animals. Therefore, choosing a lion as an object for drawing with a child - you never lose. It remains to acquire elementary stationery in the form of a pencil, paper and elasty. A little effort - and you will have a delightful lion, and more precisely, the lion shows for the beginning. So boldly for inspiration and proceed to drawing. And our step-by-step pictures will help to cope with this task easily and without much effort.

How to draw ostrich.

Your child today has already tried to play with all his toys, but nothing has fun and has fun. What to do? Get paper and pencils and try to draw something unusual, that's at least a pretty ostrich. And it's not a problem that you do not know how to do and do not know how to do it right, do not worry - you have a phased instruction with which you will do everything easily and simple, and most importantly - everything will work out. And so, take paper, pencils, erasers and sit down for the robot. It will be best if you will draw separately with your child, that is, everyone will be busy with their creation, well, a clear thing - it is necessary to help each other if something does not work. Forward, look at the monitor and start!

How to draw a snail.

A simple and easy step-by-step instruction, how to draw a snail on your own pencil, will help you in a matter of minutes to comprehend the drawing aza and replenish your collection or pamper your child with a new sketch.

How to draw owl.

To learn how to draw well the owls do not need a lot of time and effort. Our simple phased instruction with pictures, how to draw owl will help you in this check. You just need to gain patience and take a pencil into the hands. Follow our steps and you comprehend the basics of drawing art.

How to draw a tiger.

Want to quickly and just master the art of drawing? Then our step-by-step instructions with pictures, how to draw a tiger for you. Everything. What you need this clean sheet of paper and pencil.

How to draw a fish.

How to draw a dinosaur.

It happens to ask the baby - what do you draw? And mentally already withdraw the pencil of funny little men, a cat or a dog. And in response, unexpected - I want a dinosaur. The task is complicated, but it is only at first glance. If you figure it out, these are the same four paws, torso, head and tail. So feel free to take a pencil, paper, eraser and forward to amaze yourself and child. And we will help you make this occupation by simple and fascinating. In any case, you can always say that you have turned out to have a special kind of dinosaur who has not yet seen.

How to draw a cat.

Many parents face the situation when their child runs up to them with a sheet of paper and pencil and beggingly asking for painting the animal. And you did not finish the artistic courses, but you can't disappoint a child.We offer you a simple step-by-step instruction in pictures, how to draw a kitten yourself.

Drawing lessons with pencil stages - these are classes that will help learn drawing technique, regardless of your abilities or age. Draw - it's really easy!


Do not believe that you can draw beautifully? Of course, the magnificent oil portrait will really write a real artist, but even a small child will soon be able to repeat the hero of his beloved cartoon on paper, if drawing lessons for children on our website will be held.

You just think about how your krook will be delighted when you tell her that from today we learn to draw a pencil! Why a pencil? You need to start with simple. And the easiest way to start with the light paintings with a pencil. Gradually, you will comprehend more and more complex skills. And in the end, you can go to work with paints. Drawing for children will be a favorite activity, gradually introduce kids into the amazing world of bright images and favorite heroes.

Basics of pencil graphics who are taught in an art school, you and your child will comprehend much faster, if you go through the lessons drawing a pencil phased on our site. We managed to create classes with which even kids will cope! We are just and exciting to study with us, step by step you will understand what to draw is very interesting.

Learning to draw a pencil

The first drawing lessons for children are designed for adults. Help the baby correctly take a pencil, support his handle, spending the very first lines. Little artist should better feel the power with which you need to push to get the line of the right thickness. Then let him draw simple segments in different directions. After you can go to simple figures, such as a circle, rectangle, etc.

Gradually, drawing skills in the child will be fixed, he will be able to invent more complex plots, fantasy and embody his fantasies on paper. But you need to start with the baby with the simplest objects or well-known characters. Buying everything you need, note that for the first classes, the young artist will need a thick soft griffel, which leaves a bright trail almost without push.

Drawing lessons with pencil stages for children

Talent is given to each person from nature, only to develop any ability to start from early childhood. Helping children to learn to make out images in the image, you provide them with a big service. Drawing with pencil stages not only interesting, but also very useful for young children. The influence of the development of small motility of hands on mental abilities and a psycho-emotional sphere at her earlier age has already been proven. Working a marker or pencil, the baby becomes more calm, balanced, he has a beautiful aesthetic taste, develops a feeling of harmony against the world around. This is true for adults: when we learn to draw a pencil - our nervous system is resting. Is it not the best medicine from endless stress?

Why is it important that parents also have drawing lessons for children? Help your child! Your baby, most likely, will not cope with the first tasks of himself, he is completely small and, most likely, has not mastered many skills. It is difficult for him to hold a pencil in the handle, he has not yet learned to calculate the power of pressure on paper, correctly navigate within the boundaries of the paper sheet. The picture started can not fit on paper, and the baby will begin to be nervous. It is important not to miss this moment, but to help the child skillfully organize classes, then drawing will become a favorite entertainment.

The drawing lessons with pencil stages are selected in such a way that the child sees only familiar objects. They systematize the experience of a small little man and gradually expand its worldview, acquaintance with new phenomena of nature and life. Perhaps it is now that the baby will look at the world around the world in a new way, and you will help him.

Good day, dear parents. Today we will talk about how to teach a child to draw in stages. You must understand that this method is the most accessible for young children. We will look at age features, as well as basic rules and ways to reproduce some paintings using special algorithms.

What is the benefit of drawing

  1. The child develops a shallow motor.
  2. In the drawings, the worldview is revealed, emotions and feelings are transmitted.
  3. The baby develops his own opinion.
  4. When a child draws, the active development of the right and left brain hemispheres occurs. Thus, he, in fact, plays and manifests his creative inclinations.
  5. Promotes the development of visual skills, speech, memory, touch and thinking.
  6. The process allows you to develop discipline, self-organization and perfection.
  7. The kid gets used to bringing started to the end.
  8. Drawing can be viewed as a way of a quiet pastime that comes to replace active games.

Phased way to create drawings

Phased drawing is a picture of the drawings, which makes it possible to do this in series, following simple instructions and schemes. First you need to teach the child to draw simple drawings, and then move to more complex.

Often, even adult is difficult to understand how to draw or another creature or subject. Knowing how to do this using simple geometric shapes, the drawing process will be much easier and easier. That is why this method is well applicable in teaching children.

When I was small, my mother acquired a special book of a graded drawing for me. For my son I did not buy such. Somehow it turned out that my child began to immediately draw whole compositions, not thinking about anything for a second. I received and still gets great pleasure from this process.

Learn at home

Initially, you need to take care of the acquisition of the necessary tools for creating the first masterpieces of the child. To do this, you will need:

  • high-quality album;
  • soft simple pencil;
  • good eraser;
  • set of colored pencils;
  • schemes for phased drawing.

Do not be surprised that at the moment you need so few devices. It is better for the first thing to introduce a kid with painting with pencils, and only then go to small or paints.

It is also necessary to take care of the presence of a convenient table, chair, good lighting. When the occupation begins, exclude all distracting and irritating factors.

It is necessary to remember the observance of certain rules in the learning process:

  • hurry bad adviser;
  • you need to apply all your efforts;
  • it is necessary to try to portray the drawing in the same sequence as indicated in the scheme;
  • you need to reproduce the picture, thinking and commemorating your actions, so that then it has the opportunity to do it yourself, without the use of schemes;
  • the first work should be sufficiently light and simple in execution, then you need to consistently move to more complex tasks;
  • remember that you can not complement the drawing of the baby. Your actions are only grieved.

We teach kids from three to four years

  1. For a child in 3 years it is necessary to pick up only soft pencils. This is associated with pressure deficiency.
  2. Show the baby, how to hold it correctly. If necessary, help your hand.
  3. Remember that children in 3 and 4 years old are not able to confidently keep a pencil, and, therefore, and spend flat lines. Therefore, at first, you have to practice this.
  4. For children at a similar age, it is recommended to acquire special printed notebooks in which you can circle ready-made pictures.
  5. The next stage is acquainted with simple geometric shapes. We draw a triangle, circle, oval, rectangle, square.
  6. As soon as the child mastered the geometric shapes, and they began to get it, go to their transformation into new objects. For example, you can create a bus from small circles and rectangles.

I know the children from five to seven years

  1. If the kid, who has been for 5 years, was previously familiar with simple drawing techniques, then you can proceed from a simple pencil to a set of color, also to wagons or paints. Explain the baby that its image can be decorated, giving various colors to those or other objects.
  2. In 6 years, the child will be able to learn how to create compositions and entire plots in their paintings.
  3. At this age, children can be asked to portray on a piece of paper all that they notice in everyday life.
  4. If the daughter or son has questions in creating pictures, you should always pay attention and try to find answers on them.
  5. A child in 7 years will be consciously transferring its emotions using drawings.


I bring to your attention a plan for four phased drawings. Start from the simplest - wood or roses, and in completion, try the way of the step of the person's phased pattern. You will see that it is not so hard to create such pictures, any child will cope with the task.

Draw a tree

Connect to a child that it should consist of a trunk, leaves and branches.

  1. Picture the trunk, note that the base is significantly wider than on the top.
  2. Think over what kind of tree you depict. Remember that, for example, the birch trunk is quite thin, has bends, and the oak is massive.
  3. Now you need to add branches. Please note that the base is wider. It also needs to understand that they are larger from the bottom. It must be remembered that the branches of the tree begins to grow approximately from a quarter from its entire height. The branches are depicted towards the Sun, that is, raised up.
  4. Try to draw small branches, add realistic to your drawing.
  5. The first time you can not draw each leaflet, but to portray the crown by the same mass.
  6. Now you can paint the resulting tree.

Create a rose

  1. Draw a smooth line that will be a plants stem.
  2. On the stem draw the leaves.
  3. Draw oval. It will be our future bud.
  4. Inside oval depict the main petals, their two. We draw so that the centers of the petals resemble a rolled roll.
  5. Dorify small lateral petals.
  6. All that is left - add paints.

Draw a cat stages

  1. I will show your head in the form of an oval.
  2. Now you need to draw a triangle in the center of the circle. It will be a spout, two circles above it above.
  3. Draw a muzzle, add two arms that originate from the nose.
  4. Now you need to do the torso. For this purpose draw oval.
  5. Draw your paws, add tail.
  6. Now add two triangles, placing them on your head. It will be ears.
  7. Inside each resulting triangle, add another one.
  8. Add a mustache.
  9. Kitty is ready, it remains only to decorate it.

Draw the first little man

Such an object is quite complicated, and it is better to leave it in finally when you meet a phased pattern.

However, it is worth knowing that after receiving certain skills of phased drawing, even such a drawing will not seem hard and will be easily recreated by a child.

  1. For the image of the head, I draw an ordinary oval.
  2. Now directly under the drawn oval must add a rectangle. It will be part of the body, from the belt to the head.
  3. Next you need to connect the drawn items. So you get the neck.
  4. Under the rectangle draw another one, in the same way, but in length more oblong.
  5. The resulting rectangle must be divided into two halves, it will be legs.
  6. Next you need to portray your arms, drawing thin long rectangles along the top of the body.
  7. Now you can dress the resulting man. Add the neck for a sweater, depicting trousers, shoes and hand brushes.
  8. Add facial features, ears.
  9. So it turned out a little man. It remains to give him brightness, squeezing it.

Now you know how to teach a child to draw. The main thing is to be patient and do not press the baby. He will be ready when the time comes. Try to clarify his mistakes as much as possible, remember that it is impossible to interfere with the work of children and contribute to it any adjustments.

It is better to draw since childhood it is one of the most graceful periods for mastering the infectious arts.

Phased drawing for children is a way to help you develop the creative abilities of your child, regardless of its natural data.

You will spend a lot of fascinating watches, comprehending step by step the base of drawing and can then embody all your creative fantasies into reality.

Phased Drawing, this is a method of drawing, which allows you to create a drawing sequentially, in stages, from simple to complex.

Sometimes it's all about the spot simply because a person does not know where to start. Often the child asks mom or dad "and draw a turtle," and the parent would be happy to fulfill the wish of the baby, but does not know - like.

And if before him there was a scheme of phased drawing the same turtle, he would easily cope with this task.

For children, step-by-step drawing is a good help: first, they learn to draw without mistakes, observing a certain procedure, secondly, in the process of multiple workouts, they produce an algorithm that will subsequently unmistakably depict many things and without a scheme.

Finally, it is simply very interesting and fascinating - to monitor how a whole image is expensive from small figures and strokes, and there are rare failures.

How to teach a child to draw stages?

Of course, at first it would be nice for the parents themselves to master this simple method. And if the child will observe how he tries in the creative matter of mother or dad, the desire to repeat behind the elder will definitely arise.

At first, in gradual drawing lessons with the child, convenient and understandable schemes are needed.

The essence of the method is that drawing something goes into several techniques.

That is, drawing a cat, we will not start with a tail or face, and the following scheme, which will avoid errors and inaccuracies in proportions.

The easiest way to start developing phased drawing from pencil sketches. Paints and pastel will be suitable later.

Phased home drawing lessons

To organize the process you will need:

  • album for drawing good quality (sufficiently dense, non-smoking paper);
  • pencils of different softness;
  • eraser;
  • schemes on which everything is clearly visible.

If the pencil drawing has already been mastered, or you immediately want to go to pastels or paints, all this should also be available.

Provide a beginner artist excellent workplace: comfortable table and chair, good lighting, lack of all distracting moments. The child should be comfortable.

If there is a blackboard or easel - wonderful, you can attach the schemes there. You can also use a stand for books or wall.

Before drawing drawing, be sure to tell the child about the following rules:

  • it is not worth a hurry, everything is obtained only in those who try;
  • it is necessary to act strictly according to the scheme, especially if you just start learning to draw;
  • remember what you are doing, and next time the scheme may not need you;
  • start from the simplest, gradually moving to more complex drawings.

Next, show the child interesting schemes. Offer several schemes to choose, let the young artist choose what he soul. Remember that it is best to start with simpler schemes: we first master the phased drawing of animals, patterns, and later go to the drawing of a person.

Examples of phased drawing

How to draw a hare

Let's start with a stylized, cartoon bunny, which will easily succeed in the recreation.

  1. We draw a big horizontal oval, and under it a small vertical, but without the top.
  2. To the small oval, you ascend your paws.
  3. Little oval and two mug in a large oval - draw a muzzle.
  4. Draw nose and pupils - exactly according to the scheme.
  5. Draw the same ears.
  6. Draw small details - mouth, brow, mustaches, fingers. In the leg of the bunny should have a flower.
  7. And now under the paws of the bunny remained to draw a selection - our bunny is very sporty and mischievous.

Cat drawing

And now I will show a cute kitty.

  1. First draw a circle - it will be head.
  2. Two triangles from above - the ears turned out.
  3. Inside each triangle is still one small.
  4. Two dots and spout triangle - the muzzle begins to draw.
  5. From under the nose in different directions there are two arms - the mouth of the cat. Do not forget about the luxurious mustache.
  6. Draw a torso - start with arc.
  7. We draw the collar of our cat.
  8. On the other hand, draw a paw.
  9. It remains to draw another paw.
  10. And now you can take pencils or paints and make our kitty color. Ready!

Draw a dog

Now draw a charming puppy.

  1. We start with oval and seized, they should not be connected!
  2. Now draw eyes and tail.
  3. Ears, nose, stain around the eye - We continue to draw a muzzle.
  4. We draw a tongue and thin rectangles connect the head with a torso and ears with a head.
  5. Draw paws.
  6. It remains only to rasp up a puppy. That's all!

Draw a rose

  1. Draw a simple oval on a thin stem.
  2. Pain on the sides of the leaf stalk.
  3. Inside oval, draw two main petals.
  4. Inside the petals - the base of the bud, as a fresh roller.
  5. Draw lateral, small petals.
  6. Add colors - and charming rose ready!

Drawing Vasilka

  1. Draw a circle on a thin stem.
  2. Draw the heart and small stalks on a large stem.
  3. On the stalks draw boutons. Separate petals.
  4. Testing buds, we highlight the teeth of petals.
  5. We wash the lastic line of the circle.
  6. I paint the vasileuk in color.

Drawing a person

This simple scheme will help the child to master the proportions in the drawing of a person.

  1. I draw my head (oval), neck and triangle - the future of the body.
  2. At the bottom of the large triangle - a small triangle, legs (knees are drawn).
  3. Draw your hands, based on the marks meaning.

Figure Tank

Learning to draw the tank will want any boy, and it is quite simple.

  1. We draw the basis, as follows the proportion.
  2. Draw the wheels-caterpillars and a blow.
  3. Focus on small elements.
  4. With the help of pencils, draw a tank in color.

How to draw a pattern

Perhaps after mastering the drawing of these elements, the child will be interested in painting on a tree - very interesting, traditional creativity.

Draw the pattern "Herbal Ornament"

  1. Several curls - it will be the basis of the ornament. They should be smooth, elegant.
  2. In two large corners, draw red petals.
  3. It remains to draw smaller black petals.

Pattern "Leaf"

In many samples of Khokhloma painting, these elements are present.

  1. Slim skelter - small, curved line.
  2. An extended oval on the stalk draw green.
  3. In the "couple" he has two more sheets in which the alkali is drawn in yellow.

So, the phased drawing is a method based on order and schematics. To secure a certain algorithm in the creative consciousness of the child, it makes sense to resort to this method. Starting standing with simple stylized drawings, images of cartoon characters, etc. It is simple, and interesting, and the result will be successful.

When a child will win the basics of phased drawing, he may want to continue the work of creativity in the studio of visual art or art school. A. Maybe he will continue to improve his skill in drawing according to the schemes that will be more complicated.