World of Warcraft How to earn big money. Earn Gold in WoW

World of Warcraft How to earn big money. Earn Gold in WoW

A long time ago, namely, 6 years ago, when I studied and I had a lot of free time, I introduced me to the game my one-laugher. At that time, he was already actively playing her. I started playing with my city emulator. I quickly realized that the pirate server was not mine and moved to the official Dragonomor server. And then the whole story begins how to earn in WoW ... I paid the account, then it seemed to me expensive, because I needed to buy the keys, namely BC and Six, and pay the game every month. Where to take money to the poor student?

When I started playing, I saw constantly people of Nameborn for sale of Gold for real money ... And then I began to look for information. It turned out that everything is quite simple - there are sites where you can sell gaming gold.

Having accumulated its first 1000 gold, I decided to sell it - then the gold was very expensive, the Russian servers only opened, and I sold 1000 gold for about 500 rubles, which was enough for the payment of the Internet.

What do you think my reaction was at that time ??? I realized that the game can be earned, and not bad!

I had the skills of the game from the Tomsk server and I began to actively farm and parallel to download my hero.

I reached 75 lvl about 1 month, I played a lot about 8-12 hours a day. At this time I was already in the guild and there everyone knew perfectly well that I am engaged in selling gold. I tried to sell gold to friends in the guild (after all, much less risk to be banned as them, and me), and the price was a little higher than if I sold the sites. Suppose I sell the site for 200 rubles per thousand - they sell it somewhere 2 times more expensive, so my price was then 250 rubles to friends to comrades :)

It went well, I began to earn real money, and then not bad - per month somewhere 6-10 thousand rubles.

But labor was worth the creepy and patience. The profession was mining the mining of stones, and was the collection of herbs. I did this: I chose one location and flew over her in search of ore and grass (I did it every day for 6 hours a day). The work is terrible, patience should be like an elephant :) :) :) Everyone who I taught in this way to make money through the game, could not so much farm - they just lacked patience.

Ask why I did all this manually and myself? Yes, many have already enjoyed bots ... But it's strictly punished by admins, that is, the ban is immediately. Not far that it will work even 1 week, so I did not risk.

There was time, a cataclysm came out, I already had 3 heroes with different professions. On the day I could already earn somewhere 5 thousand gold ... Eh before drain)))) After all, at that time gold already bought somewhere for 100 rubles per 1,000 - gold depreciated. At this time, I began to work in real life and could already be combined, I could not play more than 4 hours a day. I stopped earning gaming money, although the funny thing is that I lacked this endless collection of grass and ore. Well, when you have so much time, you are doing some kind of definite business, will not be addicted to this and having lost it, you are starting to miss old habits. Soon I threw the game and switched to real life. Now I am surprised how much time was spent, forces, nerves. In the game, I spent a little more than 800 days (creepy yes?)

I want to tell a little more about earning in this toy. There is such an earnings like pumping other heroes. How it is done - a person gives you the name of the account and password, you run up swing, say, from 10 lvl on 75 you finish and he pays for you for work. This is done mainly through sites that offer such a service. I tried this kind of earnings this is not mine:

  1. it takes too much time for pumping the hero;
  2. little paid;
  3. for so much time games for the hero, I am strongly used to and I feel sorry for him to give it as the hero becomes your brainchild.

There is another way of income - sell your account. At one time, when my hero was dressed in the top of the shower and there were 2 more heroes of the maximum LVL - my account was rated and wanted to buy for 35 thousand rubles. Then I did not sell, and now he is not needed for 2 thousand. That is, this method is paid normally only if your hero is very well dressed. And it can only be when a person leaves the game forever (selling the account he is unlikely to return to the game, but if it leaves him, there is always a temptation) I will say right away, the players who bought an account do not like (they do not know how to play, do not know the essence of the game, Create false ideas that they are good players) If it turned out that the person bought an account, but he doesn't know how to play him immediately delete him from friends from the group and no longer won't call with him. Well, it seems I told everything. My wish you are well thought before you start playing such games. Good luck to all!

You probably read mine. In addition to this guide, I decided to write a guide about how earn on herbalism. After all, it is not for nothing that we diligently died this profession.

In this guide, I will show you a variety of grass harvesting routes in Mount Hygal. Here is a wandering on a variety of location of the cataclysm, the Mountain Hijag became optimal for collecting grass. Why do you think the hijan yes I am the field theme - you probably noticed when the horses were downloaded 425-525 The hardest thing was to collect grass in Uldum because of the big competition because there in the river bed grows a huge amount of grass, respectively, there are a lot of herbalists. And in the subway, for some reason I did not like to collect grass and there it is not very much.

I made up several routes use them to compete on your server.

Herbage can be very competitive, in terms of obtaining gold. Thus, it is useful to know how to get rich due to herbalism. Yes Herbalism in WoW gained a new breath, herbalism is a simple and easy way to get rich. Please enjoy this herbal gold WoW!
If you have any questions ask, write a comment.
Requirements: Level 80 +, 425+ Herbalism, and Flying Mount in Azeroth.

To start earning in WOW you should have a 425 or 420 traveler profession with enchanted gloves on +5 to herbalism, to be at least 80 levels with a flying mat in Azeroth. Several bags for herbalism. Finally, buy water and food for restoration Turn on your favorite music, and have fun!

To get to the Hydial map, it is necessary to televaluate from the capital (Orimmar or Stormvid). On average I spend on the grass collection route about 30 minutes. Tip: At the beginning, collect the grass then only get distracted by mobs. There have been cases when I urinated mobs flew other grass collectors and took my grass.

On the map of the hijan I made up three optimal routes for gold in WoWwith the help of herbalism. Of course you can be resourceful and make your best route.
The very first route is the biggest, in it I tried to celebrate almost all the bushes of the grass "Ashtop" and "Storm Line". The second route is the shortest and most effective of course if small competition. You will be surprised how in a few short circles you will collect a huge amount of grass. And the last route of the middle length for was to collect herbs when low competition. I usually use a small route for gold earning in WoWBut as soon as competitors appear switch to medium and so on. In a word, one particular route can be followed by only about an hour later other herbalists begin to glod.

Big grass harvest card

Little Grass Collection Map

This is the second shortest and efficient route for money in the WoW on herbalism. Use it if there are no competitors.

Medium Grass Collection Map

This is the third average route use it if a small competition. Usually, I follow the small route, but as soon as I do not find herbs, I turn to this one.

Well, thus, after 30 minutes I was able to process 199 pcs. Ashtop, 6 Storm Line, and 64 pcs. Unstable life.

All this I will lay out in auction for 12 hours. Unstable life laid out for 30 pcs. Everything else in packs 20pcs and 1 all that remains. After several hours, everything sold for a total of 1062 Gold or 2124 Gold per hour. Everything is earned on the collection of herbs in Mount Hygal.

Wow How to make money on grass? Calculate like this:

  1. Sperer 199 pcs. \u003d 736.3 g (3.7 g each)
  2. Storm vine 6 pcs. \u003d 22.8 g (3.8 g each)
  3. Unstable life 64 pcs. \u003d 303.36 g (4.74 g each)
  • Total quantity \u003d 1,062 gold in 30 minutes
  • 2 124 Gold in one hour.

Of course there are different prices on different servers. To extract the maximum benefit for good earnings in WOW I advise you to learn prices in the auction. Of course my result is not bad, but you can achieve big results. And I do not advise you to engage in the collection of grass at rush hour.

The best training classes are of course Druid - it does not even change the shape when collecting herbs, also good paladin and DC with talent to increase the speed of the Mount. Halfrenificially goes well with the profession. Mining is also alchemy and drawing to handle harvested herbs. And of course it would be perfect if you have a Mount at a speed of 310%

If you have any questions, ask further in the comments. Well, we got to the end of Hyda to earn money in WoW using herbalism. I hope you enjoyed it. And do not be afraid to experiment with routes. In the end, you will have your own unique route that will take into account all the nuances of your serv.

And do not focus that WOW is just a game, do not forget about reality, walk listen to music. Communicate with friends, and do not forget about the fresh air. After all, the head is also needed.

Thanks for reading a small guide by earning in WoW.

Good luck to you! And I hope that you were useful. If you have any suggestions or questions do not hesitate to write comments.

Raid and dungeon

With raids not so simple. You need to be 100% sure that Lout, which you get there, can be beneficial to sell. Otherwise it will be just a waste of time and strength. However, there is always a risk that the items received will not be needed and will remain in your bags or bank. In addition, for the passage of the Instructions above 90 levels, you will need to collect a group. Of course, the cost of the lute is here higher than in the raids of a lower level, however, you have to share mining with other players, and to get a maximum of profits from one raid, you will have to clean the whole instancy, and it will take a lot of time. Therefore, in our opinion, it is most beneficial to walk in the raid of the times of the cataclysm. And that is why: in such raids you can walk alone, and all the extraction gets will get only to you. Simply put, if your level is not lower than 100 and the level of equipment is sufficiently high, you can independently clean all the instes that came to Draenor. So the Insta will suit those who have little free time and they understand that the profit for one raid will be in the region of 500-1000 Gold Great. However, you can not spend your time on such passages and buy Gold Gold We have on the site.

Performing quests

One of the most time-consuming and long ways to earn Gold WoW. While you do not reach at least 80 levels, your award for the performance of quests is the maximum will be 10 gold. And at the initial levels and at all in Serebryniki is considered. Although after 80 levels, not everything is so rosy, your production will increase only to 13-20 GOLDO GOLD for one quest. If you do not have a huge reserve of patience, then earnings with the help of quests are not exactly for you. As you already know, the quests can be divided into ordinary and daily.

Daily quests

Performing daily quests is the easiest way to make money. For example, performing all daily quests in Pandaria you can earn around 300 Wow Gold in a day. Yes, in Dratenor, there are also daily quests, but for their implementation you can earn apexite crystals, and they will not be particularly rich. So, we give the preference in terms of earnings, we give Dealikov in Pandaria. If you have many characters of one faction, then performing every daily quests, you can earn a day round sum.

Ordinary quests

If you like to perform quests, then this way to earn the gold of the Great Body will be quite suitable for you. However, remember that it will be a very long process. Of course, until you reach 90 income level will be small, however, in Dratenor, for example, for performing the tasks of the Iron Horde to achieve the Tanan jungle for each quest you will receive 30 gold. With the release of Legion, the reward for new quests is likely to increase, so that it is this way this way of earning will have to do with you.

Gold Farm Gold

In addition to the auction, one of the best ways to earn Gold WoW is his farm. And at the same time, farm can be perfectly combined with auction. Of course, on gold Farm Wow. It is spent long time, however, in comparison with the fulfillment of quests, this is a fairly fast way. So all items that you are naphtress then can easily sell at auction for a decent amount. Costs are minimal, except for time, of course, but the profit is chic. So, consider several effective ways to farm the Great Gold.

Farm Wow Gold from animals in Pandaria

Before Farm, we advise you to buy good luck potion. It acts within 20 minutes, so correlate the amount of potion over time that you plan to spend on the farm. Now you need to fly to the four wind valley. There you need to get to the pool, where there is a fraction of farmers.

Next to the boarding house there are fertile lands that border with a large hill. When you hover on it, the name "Nekor" is displayed on the map. You fly there, find a group of large fasteners (in the group of them about 6), drink the potion of good luck and kill them. They reside after 10 seconds. So in our opinion is the best place for the Gold Gold Pharma. Therefore, free more places in bags, because They will be very quickly filled. If one of your professions is the removal of the skins, then you can also sell the skins with auction. Due to the fact that the skins from the pharmacy you will have a lot, we advise you to put them at a lower price than competitors in order to sell faster. On average, we had to earn from 1000 to 3000 gold Gold in 20 minutes.

Farm Gold Wow in Storms Fortress

A fairly good way to earn money, provided you combine it with auction. Things "Green" quality, obtained from similar dungeons, sold well at auction. The fortress of storms is located in the footstoot, the warranty. You need to get to the main construction of the eye. When you go there, you will see a bunch of mobs. You need to pass by them along the corridor with a large room, in parallel to the sage of them all. After that, you need to kill them all, collect all Lout and run out of the dungeon. After that, update all the dungeons, and repeat the same thing. So you can make 10 times a day. Thus, you get a bunch of green shmote, the fabric of emptiness and any trash, which then you can sell a merchant. Just try not to kill the boss before decide to go through the entire instant without updating. After the murder of the Boss, the instance is impossible to update, which means that you will not receive a good income. When you decide to go to the instant last time without subsequent updates, we advise you to pass it to the end and kill all the bosses, because They can fall with them for a merchant, several petes and mount.

Farm Gold Gold in Karazhan

Of course, the farm in Karazhan is no longer surprised, but not to mention it, we could not. You can find the entrance to the caragan on the passage of the dead wind. As you go, immediately see many horses and servant, the sage themselves, not reaching the boss. When everyone gave them, kill. After that, collect Lat and leave the dungeon. Update it, and start everything first. So you can come, aggregate, kill everyone besides the boss, and go out of instant - just 10. For the tenth time you go, kill all the mobs, and then the boss, because There is a chance that the Mount will fall from it. Buy Wow Gold On our site and do not waste time on earning in the game!

Farm Gold WoW in fiery expanses

Entrance to the dungeon Fiery expanses is located on Mount Hygal. Install the heroic mode of 25 people, then go inside. We do in the same way as with previous dungeons. Collect all the mobs, bosses do not touch, kill mobs, collect prey with him, then go out of the dungeon and update it. For one pass without killing bosses, you can earn 200-400 gold Gold. Accordingly, 10 times you will go, you will leave and now you have 2000-3000 Gold WoW. On average, instant instancy takes 10 minutes, so this is sufficiently light and fast money. By the way, for the last time, do not forget to kill all the bosses, a couple of mats can fall from them!

Farm Gold Gold in the Twilight Bastion

The dungeon of the twilight bastion is located in the twilight Highlands. But before flying there, we advise you to buy a treasure search pot. It acts 1 hour, and with it the probability of finding chests with a cloth, green gear, ore / grass increases markedly! Before entering the potion, then come in, Agrita and kill all the mobs, with the exception of the boss, collect prey, leave the dungeons, update it and just 10. We managed to collect 950 pieces of coal silk for 10 such visits. This dungeon also advise passing in heroic mode with a level of complexity of 25 people.

Trade in Chat.

To do this, we advise you fly to one of the capitals or garrison. Usually, the trading channel is automatically enabled, but if you do not see it, write "/ join trade." Suppose the trade channel has been added (or already with you) under the number 2. Click ENTER, write "/ 2" and then choose a product that would like to sell, clamp the SHIFT key + with the left mouse button on the desired product. So you put it in the chat window. Before the goods, do not forget to indicate "selling" or any other wording so that the players understand that you are going to sell this product, and not buy it. After that, wait for you someone to write to buy goods. Before calling a price, be sure to check the cost of the same product at auction. If the buyer satisfies your price, you agree to the meeting. However, the chat is better to offer valuable goods like Mounts, pets, high-level equipment, etc., the rest is recommended to sell at auction.


Here is this way of earning, in our opinion, the most profitable and affordable of all. True, before you begin to earn money through the garrison, you will have to invest in it Gold Great Body (about 50,000). It is necessary that your garrison reaches 3 levels. When your garrison reaches 3 levels, it will become easier to earn it. To do this, you will need to check and distribute daily tasks to colleagues, collect production from mines, garden, buildings, etc. Yes, first you will have to invest in the purchase of drawings, but after improving each building up to 3 levels, all costs will begin to reimburse, and then you will start receiving net profit. We will tell a little more detail about the ways to earn Gold Gold in the garrison.

Communities performed by comrades

Very profitable every day send comrades to new missions and receive remuneration with the successful fulfillment by comrades of their missions. So for the successful implementation of missions, comrades can bring you gold, Equipment of various quality, garrison resources, items that increase your equipment, etc. The garrison resources can be exchanged for goods for crafts, which then you can sell to other players, or on a bag with gold in a trading shop. If your associates have a feature of the "treasure hunter", then the award for the mission in the form of gold can be increased several times. Also sell and obtained equipment.

Herbal garden

Herbal garden is especially profitable for those who have a profession is related to the use of herbs. If you have no such profession, then Dtenorm herbs are perfectly sold both with auction and chat. They always have demand.

Mine garrison

Similar to herbal garden. If there is a profession using stones, metal and ore, then it is very profitable for you to constantly check the mine and pick up the order from it. If your profession is not connected with metals and ore, then all extraction from the mine you can sell at auction or chat.

Small buildings

Initially, you are provided with 3 places for the base of small buildings. Of these, we recommend that you create two buildings that meet your basic professions. Thanks to this, you can hide a profession well and earn more gold Great. And as a third small structure, we recommend that you choose a storage. It is convenient to the fact that you will have free access to your bank, the Bank of the Guild and the Transmogrifantor. Thus, your bags will not be very littered, and it will be much easier to produce new items, because There will always be access to the materials.

Medium buildings

Here with these buildings you will receive the greatest profit. It is enough difficult to decide what is better to build. We have made your choice in favor of the following buildings: Khlev and trading shop.

Hvelev perfectly helps earn gold WOW, thanks to the extraction and sale of fur, leather and wild blood. At the auction, the fur is on average 2 gold for 1 piece, the skin is about 2-3 gold per piece, and the wild blood is 50 gold per 1 piece.

Thanks to the trading shop, you can exchange the garrison resources to popular materials for crafts, and then sell them for gold or use these materials for the manufacture of expensive things, which then you can sell profitable.

Large buildings

They will not bring you almost no profit. And yet we chose two buildings that will benefit you: stall, monastery and barracks. True, you can choose only two large buildings. Thanks to such a structure, as a stall, you can replenish your collection of Mounts already on 6 pieces! And with the help of the monastery of the perfume, you can teleport in the most important parts of the drainor, which will save your time. The barracks are good in that they give you a bodyguard who will accompany you on Draenor and help in battles with enemies.

Buying Wow Gold will facilitate your game and save a bunch of time! On our site you can buy Gold Gold At affordable prices. Gold delivery of WWM is often carried out within the first 20 minutes after payment.

It may seem interesting to you:

Each player dreams that he had a lot of gold in the wallet. However, because of his laziness, it is not for each dream of a dream. There are many ways to make money in the game and everyone is good in itself. You can earn at auctions, you can earn with the help of professions - to make unique things and sell, most earn a gold with farm or collecting ingredients. It is the collection of ingres that I brought a lot of money. The main thing is to know where and what to collect and how to properly exhibit everything collected at the auction. We will talk about this with you, and I will tell you exactly your unique method of earnings.

I have in stock two main professions: jeweler and mining. With the help of a jeweler, I sell various stones, but I will tell you honestly, it is not a major earnings. I earn a large amount of gold with the help of a mining, namely, I collect ore. The types of ore in Wow are a lot and with big online players most are very difficult to collect, as such as I collectors are many. For example, Titanium ore is generally a problem. It is possible to collect it only if you accidentally hug on the ore in the process of performing any tasks. Even Saronite is difficult to collect, as he is all dug. About cobalt ore can generally be remembered - it is not enough and its largest cluster in the location of the root fjord. Therefore, it will be about ore of desecrated iron.

What ore is more selling at auction

"Ore of desecrated iron" is constantly in demand and it is used in many professions: Jewelry, blacksmith, engineering, and almost in all profits, it simply makes no sense to list everything. With the help of ore from the desecrated iron or with the help of ingots, you can make more than 400 Gold per day, or even more. I had moments when earning reached 1000 per day. Ten days and you already have 10k - wonderful, it is not true. At the same time, you do not spend no means, such as blacksmiths. In order for them to make a good clothes, you need to buy many rare ingres and they will sell a thing or not it is another question. And ore goes on Auke with the summer.

How with the help of rapid farm to earn gold

So, it is best to collect the ore of the desecrated iron. A lot of it in the valley of the Ghost Moon. It is quite rare, it is quite rare and therefore you can score all the bags of this ore for about an hour and a half on the usual Mount. If you have a fast windmill, then everything can be done in an hour. Ruda resides quickly, and therefore one circle can be shuffled, immediately start the flight on the second time.

The ore can also be overjected into the ingots so that there are less space in the bags and, naturally, the bars will already cost a two times more expensive. Before flying to this location, completely free the bags in order not to spend time on the flights and maximize the use of the full potential of your bags.
In addition to ore, you can beat various elementals and collect fire particles and particles of the earth. Combining 10 in 1 establish on auk for decent money.

It is attractive that elementals do not need to beat one by one. They all stand in a heap, and in the pharmacy process you beat them as much as they collect extra ingrages, for the sale of which you can get a lot of gold. For example, combining particles into one initial fire, you can sell it at least it on aka for 70 gold. For You will get 700 Gold, not counting sales of ore and ingots - well, just beauty! Also with a particle of the Earth. There is a place where the elementals of the Earth are assembled into a bunch, which also beat in the pharmacy process. The initial land on Aüca stands within 40 gold, which is also good. And now look - you can make a lot of time, not spending a bunch of time and forces in search of ore - it is very plentious in the valley of the Ghost Moon.

Nuances at bidding at auction

If the price falls on the ore - do not rush to put it even cheaper. Auction in two - three days will be revived, and the price tag will take off again. Do not climb large prices. It is better to make 1 -2 Golda cheaper and everything will be fully untarished. Do not put only one ore. Do the same and ingots - they are twice as expensive and the probability is that they can be faster to reck out, and Ruda herself will leave the same. Therefore, if you do not be lazy, then your wallet will quickly be laid in Gold, and in a short period of time you will earn any extra pretext of a lot of gold. Good luck to all!!!

One of the most filled with money, game projects is WOW (World of Warcraft), which is a paid online game.

Naturally, in this game, there are thousands of "rich players", which are sometimes easier to pay than to earn.

Here are such players to you and will need to look. And the more you find customers, regardless of the type of earnings, the more money you earn.

Methods for earning in the game World of Warcraft

The first, main and difficult way is the sale of gold (internal currency of the game), special, official services for this does not exist, but you can always negotiate with other players, offering it the price, slightly below the one that the system offers.

In order to find buyers of your gold, just write about it in the chat.

The second way to earn money on WOW is pumping accounts. Those. You pay, for pumping the Persian of a Alien player. In principle, this work can be engaged, even without having a customer, just pump your character, and from time to time, offer to other users.

Even if the sales time is delayed, you will have time to pump it much more, which means that the price will rise.

The third way of earning can only be used by advanced WoW players who understand the artifacts of the game.

The essence of earnings is to buy and sell, using auction inside the game. Quite often, not experienced users sell different things for modest amounts, this is your chance to earn.

Also when possessing an excellent, rare artifact, you can get a rather bad amount.

If you have been playing WoW for a long time, most likely you have seen bets at auction that exceed thousands of dollars, it seems to you that it is a lot? Think, as you wish, but someone buys.

Earnings in World of Warcraft on resale

It is not necessary to save the game currency and sit in front of the computer day long, to then do sales. You can invest in this case and build a full-fledged business for resale.

Without a high level of knowledge, it is no longer done here, because you need to make the right assessment of goods.

For example, you can buy gold somewhere, and then sell it on special services. One of these is where the currency is bought from different servers:

In resale, you will be useful to those services that offer various artifacts or leased characters. They are even more, but prices are rarely profitable there, although you can always find a buyer, and then you can buy a purchase.

Just become an intermediary, offer the goods, get paid, then make a purchase and transmit it to the client.

Speculators are looking for buyers in different ways. Some even create separate profiles to advertise the goods in chat rooms. There are also merchants who actively use social networks or forums.

You can use all this and you, and if your product is valuable and the price is acceptable, the buyer will definitely be.

Interesting way to make money on WOW

You can not touch the game at all, but at the same time earn real money. World of Warcraft is constantly demanding gold, which can be obtained not only in the game itself.

For a long time, there are services for making a game currency. The most popular of them is, register on it and start performing easy tasks:

Most often here is invited to register in games. Perform such orders is extremely simple, turn it into a hobby. For completed tasks, ripes pay, so here is the currency.

You will not need any electronic wallets, as ribbies are outlined directly to the game. For example, you can translate funds to Steam and then spend them in World of Warcraft:

Gaming attributes (not only from WOW) can be sold with a single quality site. It is constantly selling all sorts of keys, codes and more.

Thousands of players come here daily to make profitable purchases or realize some product:

Maintain effective sales is not so simple, competition is serious, so you have to put a good price or offer any bonuses. In any case, it helps to find buyers and do not have to spam on the forums and groups of social. Networks.

World of Warcraft game has a multi-million dollar army and some of them are ready to spend thousands of dollars on purchases. Use these ricers and make them the proposals from which they simply will not be able to refuse.

The most difficult thing in this business is the extraction of valuable goods, although you can become an intermediary and for participating in transactions to receive a percentage.

I advise you to visit the following pages: