Gusel is a name whose value is contradictory. Origin, characteristics and meanings name Gusel

Gusel is a name whose value is contradictory. Origin, characteristics and meanings name Gusel
Gusel is a name whose value is contradictory. Origin, characteristics and meanings name Gusel

Nature gives the baby to the amazing beauty that causes universal admiration. The meaning of the Gusel opens a lot of positive qualities. As a rule, he is a long-awaited child in the family, parents and relatives surround the attention, try to fulfill any whim.

It matters at an early age to learn to deny the child, she must face real life, understand that there are problems and prohibitions. The meaning of the Gusel for the girl is associated with a fabulous character, indeed and appearance, and the behavior of the baby reminds the princess. It is necessary to pay tribute to mom and grandmother who will not be bought to the purchase of original outfits, try to buy all the best.

The meaning of the Gusel for a child reveals the unique abilities of a girl who is a kind of mascot for a family, with its appearance improving the financial situation, good luck pursues parents.

Comparatively with peers quite rarely sick, at any age find time for sports. If necessary, it is ready to withstand the toughest diet, the appearance is proud of which the nature gave it. The wardrobe of fashionista can be envied, will always find funds for the purchase of stylish things. It often sews himself, realizing creative abilities in this way.

A growing girl with difficulty restrains emotions, cannot accept injustice and rudeness. It often falls into unpleasant stories, due to attempts to protect the weak. With age will learn to keep himself in his hands, think about actions.

The school shows interest in humanitarian sciences, confidently argues with teachers, defending his own point of view. Pranks are of particular importance for the emerging personality, allow you to discharge emotional individuals. It goes well, no excellent becomes, because it cannot stop in one place for a long time, often forgets to do homework. This female name is a unique combination of tenderness and hardness of character.

I am pleased to take part in school concerts and theatrical productions, an attractive appearance cannot remain unnoticed, she gets the main roles. They have a value of compliments to which the girl is used to from an early age. Almost all classmates are in love with her, which causes jealousy and envy of girlfriends.

It may fall in love with the first glance, having learned about her feelings. The chosen will not be able to resist the beauty and charm of the young girl. However, after a short period of time, the emotional nature will understand that she needs a completely different person.

Although the relatives are indulging and trying to protect against problems that the growing girl understands that with life difficulties it is necessary to cope on their own. Interpretation of the name allows you to exclude doubts about choosing, make sure that its owner is waiting for a bright and happy life.


Bright appearance can not be left without male attention. After acquaintance with the beautiful girl, the most avid bachelor loses his head, and this means that it is endowed with an amazing charm, it is interesting to communicate with representatives of various age categories.

Fans are trying to achieve the location of an attractive woman, it is quite difficult to surprise it. Gifts, Flowers, Restaurants - An integral part of the life of beauty, the material position of the man matters, it is not ready to be content with romantic walks under the moon.

Able to enjoy your appearance that allows you to solve any problems. With regard to men, there are no obstacles for her, even a married man will not stand before the beauty and smell. The woman got used to getting everything from life, can easily destroy the family.

A family

And enjoy love of lovers, the attention of fans, decides on the need to create a family. Chooses a worthy candidacy from the environment. First of all, it matters the financial position of the chief, does not know how to save, in the house from the first days of life there should be comfort and comfort. The impeccable taste allows you to create an original interior that causes admiration.

The family denotes the main thing in her life, the treasures can not be and speech, keeps loyalty, it is hard to transfer betrayal. There are always many colors in the house, a woman does not cease to surprise close people with culinary abilities. Delivers true pleasure to the organization of family holidays.

Children are surrounded by care, sharing with the mother of the innermost secrets. Happy family causes admiration for others. The spouse is proud of the beauty of his wife, in the first years of russia, it is satisfied with the scenes of jealousy, over time, is convinced of loyalty, infinitely trusts his beloved wife. There are always many friends in the house that attracts a sincere warm welcome and a special atmosphere.

Business and Career

Nature has believed a woman not only an attractive appearance, but also abilities for science. It can become a famous teacher or scientist. In addition, it can become a famous artist or designer, it needs to create beautiful.

For a bright purposeful woman, a rapid lifestyle is required. It does not know how to flatter and adapt, which means that this quality prevents the rapid advance on the career ladder.

The origin of the name Guzel

As a rule, the origin of the name Guzel is interested in believing parents. The story allows you to find an answer to the question where the name happened and whose name would have to wear a child whether it is compatible with the family religion. Etymology gives a clear definition - "Beauty", "beautiful." The mystery of the name reveals many magical secrets that will help its owner in life.

Characteristic named after Guzel

The characteristic of the name Guzel opens a strong temperament, the girl with difficulty controls emotions, seeks to fight for justice. It should not be mistaken about the fact that it takes spontaneous solutions, the calculation is based on each action.

In addition, the girl's intuition helps a girl in life, which manages to avoid serious problems. Character allows you to easily find a common language with different people, the pros and cons are manifested depending on the circumstances, the education and the atmosphere in which the girl was brought up of particular importance.

Mystery name

  • Stone - Moonstone, opal, aquamarine.
  • Name day not marks.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - cancer.

Famous people

  • Guzel Urazov - singer.
  • Guzel Tursunova - actress.

Different languages

Young parents are interested in the translation of the Guzel's name translated from Turkic - "Beautiful". For example, in Chinese - 古泽尔, gǔ zé ěr; On Japanese - 古 接 里, gǔ jiē lǐ.

Forms name

  • Full name - Gusel.
  • Derivatives, diminishing, abbreviated and other options - Guseelka, Guzelyushka, Guselena, jozy.
  • The declination of the name - Guselie, Gusely.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is not in the salty.

Name name Guzel: This name for the girl means "Beauty", "beautiful." According to some data, Gusel comes from the Arabic word "Gazal", denoting "courtship".

The origin of the name Guzel: Turkic.

Reduce form name: Guselia, Guzel, Gyzal, Guzal, Guzyl.

What does the name Guzel mean: Guzel is one of the form names of Guzel. Also can be pronounced as Guzel. The name of Huzal was subsequently formed from him. The name carries positive features. It is often given to girls who differ in special temperament. The nameders of the name is quite developed and active, they have a lot of hidden talents and interests.

Angel Day Guzel: The name Guzel does not celebrate Names, because it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox sacratrans.


  • Zodiac: Cancer
  • Planet Patron: Moon
  • Stone Talisman: Moonstone, Opal, Aquamarine
  • Color classification: Light gray, pearl
  • Favorable day: Monday

Characteristic named after Guzel

Positive features: A girl named Guzel can be considered a real generator of ideas, but as the performer it is not too good. But together with partners, companions, co-authors, she is able to achieve success and implement his intended maximum.

Negative features: The meaning of the Gusel is determined by the number 2. In numerology, they indicate the characters of people who are inherent in constant emotional concern. If a person does not learn to control these sensations, then in the future it will have enough complexes.

Character name to Guzel: What does the name Guzel mean? Guseli from the very early age worth listening to the advice of psychologists and learn not to worry about trifles, take the world as it really is. But it is also important to avoid too strong generosity - sometimes the name of the Guzel thinks so much about others, which forgets about himself.

When the Guzel is born in the family, then you can not doubt that all members will take it and will be very loved. This is especially true of relatives. It must be said that the meaning of the name Guzel completely coincides with reality - the girl grows incredibly beautiful. By the way, for some reason, the most often the Guses of the daughter is called a couple of elderly age. Since in this case the name Gusel is a late child, it is often indulging. Naturally, it affects it not the best way.

Gusel and her personal life

Love and marriage: With the Guzel, it is very interesting to communicate, because she knows how to support the conversation, is characterized by a sense of humor, which, however, sometimes can border sarcasm sometimes. But she is charming, and men always pay attention to the Guzel, even despite its numerous caprises. Family for the meaning of the Gusel is important, but if necessary, she is ready to terminate marriage. Especially, if he sees that a direct threat is created in marriage. Although it is worth saying that Husel loves his wife, does not change him, despite the fact that the need for sex is large enough for her. Gusel is excellent hostess, a lot of time pays close to the creation of a home coat. In her house there are many colors, there are pets.

Children for the name Guzel are also important. They are always fed, well maintained. In the first years of the life of Kids Gusel tries to give them love, affection and even the first knowledge. She with mother-in-law and relatives, she has good relationships, often better than with a native mother, which, again, is explained by the similarity of their characters.

Compatibility named Guzel: Paul, Denis, Stepan, Vadim, Victor. Guseelka should not tie relations with the owners of the following names: Edward, Egor, Fedor, Vladislav.

Talents, Business, Career

Choice of profession: In adulthood, the Guzel is emotional, easy-to-wear. But no need to underestimate its possibilities, since Gusel also has excellent logic, a cold mind. It is active and energetic, capable of looking for and find themselves in a variety of professional spheres. For example, Gusel is successfully arranged in the field of science, medicine and even art.

Business and Career: She is able to organize a team, but leading posts occupy very rarely. And the main obstacle in this case for the owner of such a name is the desire for its own independence and unwillingness to reckon with whose interests. In addition, the name Guzel always understands that in this life, as a rule, there is no justice - it really looks at things. But, at the same time, she achieves success in order.

Health and energy

Health and talents: The health of the little Guzel is shaky, it often sicks with colds, which affects and in more mature age. Women often appear with kidney problems, an endocrine system. She often suffers from migrains and headaches.

Fate Guzel in history

What does the name of the Guzel for Women's Fate?

  1. Guzel Manyurova is a Russian athlete, a well-deserved master of sports of Russia in freestyle wrestling, the silver medalist of the 2004 Olympic Games held in Athens.
  2. Guzel Mustafina - Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan.
  3. Guzel Shakirzyanova - Actress Theater of the Young Spectator.
  4. Gusel Gabidulina - Bashkir (Russian) athlete.
  5. Guzel Mukhametzyanova - Tatar (Russian) teacher.
  6. Guzel Suleimanova - Bashkir (Russian) ballerina.
  7. Guzel Urazov - Tatar (Russian) singer.
  8. Guzel Hubbieva - Uzbek athlete.
  9. Guzel Yakhina - Tatar (Russian) writer.
Probably the loud names of elite houses of fashion exist, including to replenish your vocabulary stock. You should always look like "Comme Il Faut", this is your certificate of belonging to a specific circle, confirmation of your weight and status. Only so you feel "in your plate", and then you can manifest good nature, friendliness, easy to go to any contact.

Compatibility named after Guzalia, manifestation in love

Love for you is a pressing, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, in your attitude to the partner, tenderness prevails, often rather burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering with obsessive waters. However, you are in unshakable confidence that everything makes it right and require adequate, from your point of view, reactions to your actions - thanks and admiration. Gusseli, you are easily vulnerable, concrete and offended, often come to the irritation state without visible reasons. With a long lack of partner "within reach", a feeling of abandonedness is visited, the insecurity is that you are happy. All you actually need is to find a person who will be like and your touching attitude, and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long and harmonious.


You are attracted by beauty and harmony in all manifestations. Therefore, the first-axis of your spiritual aspiration is the desire to keep them around them. Consequently, any actions resulting from which a violation of the usual order of things can be disregarded by your nature.

But also to "fight" with those who are trying to create such an imbalance, you will not. The "thin world" for you is always "better than good quarrel", which means that the enemy should be turned into a friend, showing tact and diplomaticity.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have a lot of friends, and there are practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also "wake up the best feelings" in a person configured negatively to you.

However, it is easy to know how to enroll in a particular situation - this is not a choice. Opinion must be reinforced by action. And here you often brings your indecision. This is not a timidity and not fear of consequences. Just fluctuations in the search for the best option. Life experience will help them get rid of them.

Gusel is an interesting name for a woman, very popular with Muslims and especially common among the Tatar people.

What does the name Guzel mean? What is the character of the owner of this name? What life is waiting for her? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

History of the name

The name Gusel has a rich history and there is no longer one millennium. There are two options for its origin, the first is most common.

According to the first version, it takes its beginning in the Turkic peoples, where the name of Guzel existed, the "beautiful" or "beautiful" meaning. For easier pronunciation, it was subsequently transformed into the current version - Gusel. According to another version, the name was formed from the Arabic expression "Gazal", having the meaning of "love verse".

Other forms of name: jice, drill, Guzal. The derivative from it is Guselia, which is also recognized as independent. Since the name is Muslim, in the Christian sodes it is not included. Named in the Orthodox calendar from Gusel is not.

Talismans that bring his owner good luck:

  • The patronage of the planet is recognized by the moon.
  • A happy zodiacal sign is.
  • Lunar stone brings good luck.
  • Happy color for a woman is a light shade of gray.

Temperament and fate

The meaning of the Guzel speaks for itself - since childhood the baby is very beautiful. The surrounding admire her with great appearance, and parents wear a girl in their arms. In the family, she is a long-awaited child, so Mom and Dad surround Guzel care and love.

The girl has a pretty good character, she is modestly modest and shy. The child grows very kind, sociable and responsive and often causes lunizing among others.

The Guzel is very smart, it differs from their peers with sharp thinking. It helps her to succeed at school, although the exact sciences do not always like it. As a rule, it is more interested in humanitarian objects. However, if the teacher will be able to interest the student, finding a certain creative approach, the child can love and mathematics and physics.

The girl has a rather active in nature. She is experiencing a special crave for public work at school. Often the Gusel becomes an old-fashioned class. The child is very attracted by creativity - she will gladly visit dance, musical or artistic circles.

Baby's health is quite strong, she sicks it infrequently. However, parents should pay special attention to its endocrine system.

With age, the shy character of the Gusel practically disappears, giving way to the firm confidence of the girl in itself and its strong temperament. The owner of this name becomes emotional, but at the same time diplomatic special.

The girl strives for independence, has a strong life potential and an inland rod. She likes to be a leader in any company.

Some girl's modesty still remains completing and holding back its temperament. Gusel is a very intelligent, well-developed woman. Possessing beautiful manners and charm, it produces an indelible impression on others.

A distinctive feature of such a person is considered to be her passion for sarcamum and irony. Her humor is sometimes very thin, the woman is sharply joking over people. Particularly can get to the one who is unpleasant to her. This girl's ability causes respect to others.

Gusel is a very good friend. To be her companion is a real fortune, as a woman does not know how to close the eyes on the problems of his loved one. In any situation, she is ready to help and give a valuable advice.

Career and Love

For whatever work of the Guzel neither takes, it all turns out at the highest level. Possessing high intelligence, the woman will exceed himself in science or medicine. Its good rumor and creativity can also lead the girl in the creative sphere.

The owner of this name responsibly approaches its work and is always aimed at the result. She can trust any business, including an important project, and be sure that the employee will bring the matter to the end.

Its independent nature and inability to please the authorities sometimes interfere with the girl climb the career ladder. But in our own business, Guzel will succeed. The habit of counting only on your strength and in any case to go to the end will contribute to the achievement of the highest results.

Thanks to stunning external data and charm, the girl always has many fans. You can even say that the Gusel is spoiled by male attention than sometimes uses for mercenary purposes. Such a woman can open the head to anyone like a man.

Requirements for the future husband is quite high. She is looking for a wealthy, loyal and strong man who will wear it in their arms, arranging surprises and carefully care for. With such a spouse, she will be the faithful, caring and loving wife.

From her husband, a woman will also require loyalty. At the beginning of a marriage, she jealines his spouse, but over time, its confidence in it increases. To preserve the harmonious family relationship, the Guzel is capable of closely close their eyes, but it is hardly forgive to betray.

As the hostess she copes well with his domestic duties, but her husband's help in these matters is also very important to her. Its creative abilities help to equip a family nest so that any guest will admire and envy this interior.

Guzel loves to cook, and it turns out it is excellent. Especially the mistress loves to decorate the table for family holidays. She has a very warm relationship with her husband's parents. Birth and education of children is the main goal of her life, so it will be an excellent mother.

The owner named after Guzel is a very beautiful and strong personality with a sharp mind and high intelligence. Such a woman is a very good friend, faithful and loving wife and beautiful mistress. Posted by: Maria Shcherbakova

Recently, young parents try to call their newborn child with an unusual name. Ancient Russian and Tatar names are especially popular. Young parents with special attention choose the name to the child, believing that it directly affects fate. What does the name of the Guzel and its meaning, will tell in detail and will reveal all the secrets this article.

Sympticking form: Guselik, Guzelyusha, Guzelyushik, Gulya, Zelya, Guselechka, Guseelka, Guzel, Guzel, Guzelyushka.

The meaning of Gusel: "Beauty", "Charm". Origin - Turkmen.

  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
  • Stone: Ruby.
  • Color: yellow, green, lilac, purple.
  • Planet: Venus.
  • Plant: Lily of Lily.
  • Totem animal: rabbit.
  • Happy numbers: 6, 11, 19, 26 and multiple 3.
  • Day of the week: Monday.
  • Metal: Silver.

Translation name Guzel to other languages:

  1. On Bashkir and Tatar: Gүl. On Turkic: Güzel.
  2. In English: Guzel.

What is the meaning of the Gusel?

Beautiful and interesting name Guzel. The meaning of the name keeps a lot of fascinating and unusual. Little Gusel is very beautiful, charming, which causes admiration among people. Girls with the name Gusel since childhood differ from the peers independence and prettiness. She trembles to relatives, loves to be in the very center of attention. It manifests itself in many spheres of life at the same time. Attends additional courses and is engaged in sports. Young girl's health is weak, and the sport contributes to its strengthening. From the young age gives preference to dancing, enjoys music and playing musical instruments.

In adolescence, Guzel is distinguished by justice, a sense of humor, a cold and clear mind. However, the girl is very spoiled and irritable. Gusel easily finds a common language with peers, is always a "soul of the company". In school, it is difficult for accurate sciences, which is not to say about such objects as biology, social studies and geography.

Already matured Gusel is characterized as a strong, self-sufficient, confident woman with a strong inland rod. Most often it is smart, intellectually and physically developed, with a difficult character. Specively manipulates close people, closely takes any trouble, tactful and modest. She is a wonderful organizer, a public figure, an unsurpassed teacher, counted. She loves and listening to children.

Thanks to the perfectly developed intuition, it leaves most of the failures. Much time pays to care for its figure and appearance.

Guzel will be a great girlfriend, the adviser. She is exactly the person who will help the word in a difficult moment, "will put his shoulder." In the adult life of Gusel becomes a faithful wife and a very demanding mother.

With childhood, she sets the goal and rapidly goes to her. For her there is nothing unattainable, Gusel is firmly confident.

Negative traits

Gusel is an unusual name, its value carries a frequent change of mood, stubbornness, authority - these things repel and complicate the life of the girl. Due to a difficult nature, a common language with bosses and subordinates are hard.


The carrier of a beautiful name since childhood is sick of an angina, and also has problems with the stomach. At older, suffers from such ailment as migraine and gastritis.


Guzel is the meaning of the name - a real "wrestler for the truth". Often, the unnecessary frankness of the owner of the name "plays the evil joke" with a girl. Guzel is an interesting interlocutor who can always support the conversation, has an excellent sense of humor and self-irony. Most often, Gusel puts a career for the first place, pushing the family and children to the background, which does not prevent her from being an incomparable mother and "custodian of the hearth."

Thanks to its natural beauty, self-confidence, charming and sexuality, the girl is always surrounded by men, but not each of them is able to withstand the whims and hysterics of Gusel.

In men, Gusel appreciates wit and consistency. It will never pay attention to the male feeling and emotion. Gusel often tries to impose her opinion with her husband, but remains faithful to his spouse and becomes a true friend for him.

She should not bind himself to marriage at an early age without having received sufficient experience in relations to avoid feelings of oppression and commissionality. Cozy Guzel will feel his husband older and wiser her.

Her house is always prevail cleanliness and comfort, it is an excellent housekeeper, not a life without preservation, indoor plants and pets.

The owner of this name is a caring mother, she has excellent relations with parents and relatives of her husband.

Higher chance of a happy marriage with Guzel Artem, Dennis, Vadim, Arthur, Yaroslav, Constantine. The meaning of the Gusel is also combined with Ilyas, Ilya, Roman, Vitaly. The low probability of a successful marriage with Vasily, Egor, Vladimir, Edward and Fedor.

Famous owners of the name Guzel

  • Guzel Askarovna Urazarova (08. 01.1982. R.) - Popular Tatar singer.
  • Gusel Khasanova (01/28/1993. R.) - Singer; Winner of the "New Star Factory".
  • Guzel Valeevna Mukhametzyanova (02. 09.1938) - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Scientist of Russia.
  • Guzel Mailet Suleimanova (10.06.1979) - Honored Artist of Russia, Ballerina.
  • Guzel Shavkatovna Hubbieva (05/02/1976 R.) - Uzbek travelers.
  • Gusel Shamilevna Yahina (1.06.1977. R.) - Russian writer from the capital of Tatarstan.