Slept dreams in the literature. Workshop

Slept dreams in the literature. Workshop

Preparation for the final essay.

N.M.Karamzin " Poor Lisa»

In the story of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" the problem of dreams and reality is very acute. Let's start with the fact that the writer himself in his dreams wanted to combine the poor peasant with a representative of the aristocratic society. The world of dreams and the world of reality face a story. Erast dreams idyllic love, sincere wishing to forget the classrooms. But reality destroys these intentions. Political, psychological, financial, social - what circumstances do not interfere with the relationship of lovers! Even one of them would have enough that the dreams of Eras were crumbled, as a card house, such a kind of moral foundation. The fate of Lisa was predetermined from the very moment when she believed that the fairy tale about Cinderella could become a reality in her with a lifting case. Up to this point, she tried soberly to look at the situation, but the desire to become his wife for his beloved made it vulnerable. Following the dream, she lost her head, and it ended the tragedy.

A.S. Pushkin "Misel"

In the story "Misel", A.S. Pushkin reflects on a dream and reality on the example of the main character - Marya Gavrilovna. She dreams of marrying a poor neighbor in the estate. Parents categorically against such a disadvantageous party, but Marya goes to everything in his desire for a dream. He and Vladimir decided to be secretly married. Their intentions are destroyed by the intervention of the element. On the day of their wedding, a terrible blizzard was swirled. As a result of this intervention, Marya was married with a stranger, and Vladimir, who had not managed to arrive on time in place of the wedding, leaves in a terrible confusion to the war and soon dies in the Borodino battle. Marya after the death of his father remains rich in the heir, she has no penny from the grooms, but she cannot get married. And here it meets with a bourge, who turned out to be her "random" husband. Heroes are happy. In this work, Pushkin wanted to express the idea that dreams are dangerous, and the reality must be accepted and tortured, only this can be a pledge happy life.

N.V.Gogol "Nevsky Prospekt"

In the story of N.V.Gogol "Nevsky Prospect", the conflict of dreams and reality is investigated on the example of two heroes: Pirogov and Piskarev. Lieutenant of pies is not inclined to dreams, all his desires are easily achievable and fulfilled. In his concept about the world, ideals and desire for perfection are not included. Therefore, failure in choosing a woman for entertainment does not lead to any tragic experience: not alone, so the other - it is in principle, it does not matter. It is quite another thing - Piskarev. Real life is a detrimental for his fine nature, he wants to live in the perfect worldwho himself came up with his dreams. In Nevsky Prospect, he met a girl who seemed to him with a model of perfection and beauty. When she turned out to be a "outdoor butterfly", Piskarev could not survive this, since the rude reality is not for him. Nevsky Prospect is a mirage, deception - "everything is not what it seems." And people in this deceptive world are not able to see things in the true light. This comes from the fact that some cannot rise above their animal condition and exists only in reality, while others hide in the clouds and do not want to fall on sinful land.

I.S.Turegenev "Noble Nest"

Based on the novel "The noble nest" I.S. Romegenev lies the history of the unfortunate love of Fyodor Lavretsky and Lisa Kalitina. Dream about happy life together crashed on the whim of the barbarian Pavlovna. Before the meeting with Liza, Lavretsky was married to Varvar, a woman stupid, but grip. She sees only a cash bag in her husband and is not going to give up him. Lavretsky married her very young, dreaming about the ideal, a beautiful barbarian seemed to him an angel. Reality turned out to be so cruel that he was disappointed in women. The meeting with Liza seemed to him the gift of destiny, this girl was so chista and noble. Love for her revived him to life, and her loss deprived of hope for happiness. But he accepted a humbly test, deciding to suffer and tolerate, steal the earth and live with his works. And Lisa went to the monastery. The "noble nest" is a symbol in which a dream is about happiness and beautiful life, but this dream cannot be realized while in real life Holds such people like Varvara Pavlovna.

L.N. Tolstoy "After Bala"

In the story "After Bala" L.N. Tolstoy, talks about how dreams are destroyed by facing brutal reality. Ivan Vasilyevich, the narrator in the work, recalls the days of his youth, when he was young and full of happy hopes. He was loved and danced with his chosen to the governor's ballet all night. Only the dance he gave way to another - the father of Varnika, who was experiencing the same enthusiastic sense of love, as well as his daughter. The whole world seemed to love joyful and happy. Until the morning came after the ball. The narrator could not fall asleep in any way and went for a walk, during which he saw the monstrous action - an inhuman execution over a runaway Tatarin, who was led by the father of Varniki. So reality destroyed the dreams of happiness - a young man could marry a girl whose father is able to participate in such a monstrous business. The voluntary rejection of the dream is due to the fact that it is impossible to enjoy happiness, when at the same time someone tortured and torment.

To the question in which works of Russian literature there is a problem of unfulfilled dreams? (thanks in advance) as the author Mamma Mia. The best answer is the wreck of dreams - the problem over which by no one pledged. I. A. Bunin, telling about the hunchback, which for the first time in his life was invited to love a love date, not bothering paints, describing the state of a man in anticipation of a wonderful meeting. When this moment is coming, in the soul of humpback everything is talking, collapses: the humpback will go to meet Mount! Buninny does not mean a word about what it thinks. Just he is before the word "Gorbunya" puts a dash. This, it would seem that there would be a clever sign accommodates everything that humpback feels: the wreck of a dream, the overthrow of the ideal ... (Story I. Bunin "Gorbun") How I sympathize with an unfortunate hunchback and even more - unhappy humpback! What was her to see her on the face of a man shock, disappointment and, perhaps, contempt ... That's where, really, all the dreams were collapsed! Such feelings experienced Horbong Kudenod, Hero Roman V. Hugo "Cathedral Parisian Mother of God"When his love rejected the beautiful Roma Esmeralda. All the hopes for happiness were collapsed in one moment! Not a hunchback, and the beauty was hope, the heroine of the story I. A. Bunin" Dark alleys". And what kind of dreams have experienced," the hands of yourself impose from the insult "wanted, when Nikolai Alekseevich" very heartlessly "her threw it ...

Answer from casting[guru]
Anna Karenina did not become happy, as she did not strive. Nina Zarechnaya Unhappy girl. Poor Lisa - an unhappy girl - did not reach dreams to be happy.

Answer from complexed[guru]
Alexander Bashlachev
I want to drink, but water froze in the wells.
Black-black holes, do not get drunk.
We are knitted in the sand, then slipped on the blade of ice.
Then they lost consciousness and mittens.
We built a castle, and built a sorter.
Error in the project, but we, as always, more visible.
Let this night salas me a lilac uniform.
I will become keeper of the collection of stones.
I see black holes.
Cold light.
Black holes...

There are no more.

Good guys, but not on the way.
It makes no sense to go, if the main thing is not to fall.
I know that I can never find
All that, probably, can be easily stealing.
But from the Small years I do not know how to stand in the ranks.
I'm blinding the sun when I look at the flag.
And I'm tired of stretching to you my
Open hand to shake a fist again.
I see black holes.
Cold light.
Black holes...
See from us there are black holes ...
There are no more.
There are only black holes, black holes.
I look again how the arc of the bridge burns.
The last wolves run from me in Tambov.
I wanted new paints to save for the canvas,
And painted the ranks of the border poles.
Other people's steps, knock hoofs or scrolling wheels -
Nothing embarrassing the territory of silence.
From now on any question
I will be regarded as the declaration of war.
I see black holes.
Cold light.
Black holes...
See from us there are black holes ...
There are no more.
There are only black holes, black holes.

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Final essay in literature 11 class ege 2019

Overactions topics

  1. What is a dream?
  2. Why is the abyss between the dream and reality?
  3. What is common between dream and reality?
  4. What is the difference from the dream?
  5. What is the difference between the dream of the goal?
  6. Why do people betray a dream?
  7. Do you need to be faithful to your dream?
  8. Why do people run away from reality?
  9. Do you need to implement your dreams?
  10. Do all these dreams come true?
  11. What does "High Dream" mean?
  12. When does the reality destroys the dream?
  13. How do you understand saying A.N. Krylova: "The dream should also be controlled, and then her, like a ship without a steering, will bring the god of the message where"?
  14. Why not all dreams come true?
  15. What is the essence of the contradiction between dream and reality?
  16. Do you agree with the statement that "a man without a dream like a bird without wings"?
  17. When does a dream turn into a goal?
  18. Is it possible to escape from reality?
  19. What is your, in your opinion, "cherished dream"?
  20. How do you understand the expression "Cruel Reality"?
  21. Dreamer is a dotter or a fool?
  22. Do you need to dream?
  23. What do dreams lead to?
  24. How are dreams and reality opposed?
  25. What dream differs from goal in life?
  26. Do you always need to try to embody a dream in reality?
  27. Collision of dreams and reality.
  28. Comment on the words N. Sparks: "The keys of happiness are dreams that are incarnating."
  29. Do you agree with the statement of the town of Schulz: "Dreaming about something small, will you never succeed in big"?
  30. As you understand the words M. Monroe: "Looking at the night sky, I thought that, probably, thousands of girls were also sitting alone and dream of becoming a star. But I was not going to worry about them. After all, my dream will not compare with anyone else "?
  31. Is T. Gudcind, arguing: "Reality does not obey any desires"?
  32. What thoughts pushed you the statement of Z. Freud: "Dreams are a reflection of reality. Reality - Reflection of dreams "?
  33. Explain the Citation of Anna-Louise Changes of De Stal: "As soon as the dream disappears, it means that its place is occupied by reality."
  34. Why is the concept of dreams most often associated with childhood?
  35. Why for many adults the word "dreaminess" has a negative tint?
  36. What the word "want" is different from "dreaming"?
  37. Can the experience of the dream bring disappointment?
  38. Can a purposeful man dream?
  39. Why are they often saying: "Fear of your desires"?
  40. What happens to a man if he has a dream?
  41. Is there always a person ready to implement his dreams?
  42. How are the concepts of "dream" and "meaning of life"?
  43. Do children's dreams affect the choice of profession?
  44. Do you agree with what you need to dream about great?
  45. Where does the "dream" ends and begins "goal"?
  46. What is "escape from reality"?
  47. How do you understand the phrase "dream is not harmful"?
  48. What kind of person say that he "hovers in the clouds"?
  49. How are the dream and reality related?
  50. Why do not always become a reality dreams?
  51. Do realists dream?
  52. What person can be called "dreamer"?
  53. Can the reality generate a dream?
  54. Can a dream of one person change the reality of many?
  55. How dreams change the world of science, art? Does everyone have to have a dream?
  56. Why do you need dreams?
  57. What does the phrase "unattainable ideal" mean?
  58. What are the heroes of Russian literature dream?
  59. The image of the dreamer in the work of Dostoevsky.
  60. When is the conflict between dream and reality arise?


Arguments in the direction of "Dream and Reality":

    • Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov described the abyss between the dream and reality in his novel "Master and Margarita". The main character dreamed of publishing a book - achieving the whole of his life. For her writing, he left work, spent a lot of money won on purchasing of various worksthat helped him in creativity. But in the end, he himself sorry for the fact that Zano sought the fulfillment of his dreams. Critics immediately flew over the published passage, like a flock of crows on the corpse. Began insults in the press, persecution on such an "anti-Soviet" writer. Yes, and the basement on Arbat, who paid the master to win in the lottery, did not bring happiness: he was sent and evicted Magarych, attached to the other. The hero finds himself in a crazy house, and he hung his novel at all. It comes out, a person must be afraid of his desires, because it can not even imagine what they turn into reality.
    • On the insignificance of some of our desires tells MA Bulgakov in the novel "Master and Margarita". Woland on his representation in Varette is ironic about the dreams of Muscovites: they are all preserved on " apartment question" The magician satisfies their petty and vanity, throwing out the packs of money into the air, dressing women in luxurious outfits. But the author of the novel showed the futility and the nonsense of such aspirations literally: all the money and robes melted or turned into empty pieces. Thus, the dreams of all these limited and stingy people turned out to be insignificant illusions, and Satan taught them a good lesson.
  1. FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
    • FM Dostoevsky in his work "Crime and Punishment" described a very dangerous dreamer, who would have to beware of his desires. Rodion Raskolnikov sought to restore the filthy social justice and distribute the surplus of rich people to the poor. To do this, he chose the first sacrifice - the Roshover Alena Ivanovna. This old woman enveloped dozens of honest, but poor families with debt networks. The hero kills her, and at the same time deprives her life for her pregnant sister, which turned out to be a violence of violence. But the execution of his dreams turns into the collapse of all rainbow hopes. The stolen money did not help anyone, but only killed the peace of the killer and the thief. Thus, some desires really are to be afraid, since in reality they are able to embody only ugliness and sinfulness.
    • Reality is sometimes not able to desecrate the dream, as the author of the book "Crime and Punishment" proves to us, F.M. Dostoevsky. Sonya Marmeladov dreamed of paying Rodion in christian faith And send it to the righteous path of the atonement of sin. Therefore, the girl goes to a moral feat: she goes to the catguard after her beloved. The harsh realities of the prison life did not break the sublime soul. The heroine adapted to cruel orders and supported many of the prisoners to their concern. All her loved. Even the cold heart of proud Rodion melted. As a result, the desire of Sony came true: her chosen one was renounced inhuman theories. In the epilogue, we see how he enthusiastically reads the Bible, penetrating the wisdom and mercy. Thus, even the most uncomfortable, it would seem, the dream can break into the reasons and do not be discharged by it if the man is fired in what does.
  2. A.P. Chekhov "Ionch"
    • In the story of A.P. Chekhov "Ionch" Hero dreams of its implementation in the profession. He wants to make a great contribution to the development of medicine, wants to help people and bear good to this world. But Dmitry enters the deaf province, where his frequent impulses to the light drowned the impassive darkness of the meshness and vulgarity. All the surroundings of the young doctor delays him into the marsh of monotony and boredom. No one seeks anything here, no one is eager for anything. Everything goes with your cat. And the elders also betrays a dream, becoming an ordinary fat man of middle-aged. It is rude and grumbling, serving the boning patients whom he considers solely as a source of earnings. Now he wants only to sit in the club and play in gambling. In his example, we understand that betrayal of their ideals and dreams promises full spiritual degradation.
    • Not all the dreams are destined to come true, and this is the norm of life. This thesis proves A.P. Chekhov in the book "Ionch". Katerina dreams of becoming a virtuoso pianist, but can she do it? Hardly. Not all people are given true talent. But the heroine does not understand this, prying to his ability to drum on the keys. She even rejects Dmitry's proposal, leaves why at home and spends several years in the capital, trying to learn to the pianist. And what's the result? The youth fades the beauty of fading, and the dream turns into patients of ambition injections. The girl returns home anything, vaguely realizing his own stupidity. And was it worth it to be entered and rejecting a young man? Not. But the past is not returned, and Katerina is trying in vain to remind Dmitry former feelings. Thus, not all dreams to a person can realize, and he must take this fact courageously and calmly, sending his efforts to another, more appropriate channel.
    • Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his historical novel " Captain's daughter"Describes the devotion to the dream, which was crowned with the embodiment of the desire to life. Mary Mironova loved Peter and dreamed of marry him. But fate all the time puts them sticks in the wheels: first Schvabrin Denies Father Greeneva, that the idleness craves to lure the rich heir to the trap. Elderly nobleman, naturally, forbade this marriage. Then Marya became the captive Alexey, and he forced her to marry him. It would seem that the poor orphan was supposed to accept a proposal, no better wait, but the girl hardly waited for her beloved. When the liberation took place, she again had to lose Peter. He was condemned by the imaginary help to Pugachev. And then the heroine was not afraid to go to the Empress itself. Such a faithfulness of the dream finally led Maria to the fulfillment of desire: she became a wife of his beloved person.
    • Sometimes people are ready to go to any abominations, if only their dreams are fulfilled. Such an example describes A.S. Pushkin in the novel "Captain's daughter". Alexey wanted to marry Marya, but she rejected him. Beauty also fell in love with a new garrison officer, Peter. Then Swabrin decided to achieve his intrigues and even betrayal. He contraved the reputation of the Mironovaya and her family in the eyes of Greeneva. Then the brave young man prescribed a gossip of a fight, defending the honor of his beloved girl. And Swabrin again showed meanness, using dishonest reception. And when the fortress captured the ruffers, the hero and eyebrow did not lead, betraying the middle name. He then decided to take his wife with force and coercion, without stopping not before. It was prevented by Grinevo in time, and yet Alexey was ready to cross through all moral bans, just only to achieve the fulfillment of the dream. Because of such an unprincipledness, she did not come true, because in any desire it is important to maintain dignity, otherwise you will only give away from your dreams, because you will become unworthy.
  3. A. Green "Scarlet Sails"
    • The main character - Assol - believes that once behind her, a wonderful young man sails on a ship with Alay sails and take her and her father Longren. Their family lives in a small village on the seashore and feeds only by selling wooden Toyswho Masterite Longren. Assol and her father do not love the villagers, accusing the head of the family in the death of a rich bench. They are traveling, which are of little ready to help, so Assol dreams of going to a beautiful country, where people can love and forgive, and do not dream of the most primitive and rude. And her desire is executed.
  4. M. Gorky "Old Man Izergil"
    • Danko dreams of freedom for the people of his tribe, for the sake of this he does not regret his own life, pulling out the heart from his breast, so that his bright fire will illuminate the path for which the tribe is trying to get out of impassable forest And smear swamps. The hero does this, despite the fact that people looked at him and wish his death, not believing that he could fulfill his promise and withdraw them to the will. Danko loves and regrets people, so his dream is connected with them, with best life For them, that's why he sacrifices himself without regret.
  5. N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa"
    • In the story N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" The problem of dreams and reality is very acute. Let's start with the fact that the writer himself in his dreams wanted to combine the poor peasant with a representative of the aristocratic society. The world of dreams and the world of reality face a story. Erast dreams idyllic love, sincere wishing to forget the classrooms. But reality destroys these intentions. Political, psychological, financial, social - what circumstances do not interfere with the relationship of lovers! Even one of them would have enough that the dreams of Eras were crumbled, as a card house, such a kind of moral foundation. The fate of Lisa was predetermined from the very moment when she believed that the fairy tale about Cinderella could become a reality in her with a lifting case. Up to this point, she tried soberly to look at the situation, but the desire to become his wife for his beloved made it vulnerable. Following the dream, she lost her head, and it ended the tragedy.
  6. A.S. Pushkin "Misel"
    • In the story "Misel" A.S. Pushkin reflects on a dream and reality on the example of the main character - Marya Gavrilovna. She dreams of marrying a poor neighbor in the estate. Parents categorically against such a disadvantageous party, but Marya goes to everything in his desire for a dream. He and Vladimir decided to be secretly married. Their intentions are destroyed by the intervention of the element. On the day of their wedding, a terrible blizzard was swirled. As a result of this intervention, Marya was married with a stranger, and Vladimir, who had not managed to arrive on time in place of the wedding, leaves in a terrible confusion to the war and soon dies in the Borodino battle. Marya after the death of his father remains rich in the heir, she has no penny from the grooms, but she cannot get married. And here it meets with a bourge, who turned out to be her "random" husband. Heroes are happy. In this work, Pushkin wanted to express the idea that dreams are dangerous, and the reality must be taken and accepting, only this can be a pledge of a happy life.
  7. L.N. Tolstoy "After Bala"
    • In the story "After Bala" L.N. Tolstoy talks about how dreams are destroyed, encountered with cruel reality. Ivan Vasilyevich, the narrator in the work, recalls the days of his youth, when he was young and full of happy hopes. He was loved and danced with his chosen to the governor's ballet all night. Only the dance he gave way to another - the father of Varnika, who was experiencing the same enthusiastic sense of love, as well as his daughter. The whole world seemed to love joyful and happy. Until the morning came after the ball. The narrator could not fall asleep in any way and went for a walk, during which he saw the monstrous action - an inhuman execution over a runaway Tatarin, who was led by the father of Varniki. So reality destroyed the dreams of happiness - a young man could marry a girl whose father is able to participate in such a monstrous business. The voluntary rejection of the dream is due to the fact that it is impossible to enjoy happiness, when at the same time someone tortured and torment.
  8. A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"
    • In the play A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" main character Dreams of happy and free life. But marriage did not justify her hopes: the husband was under the Mother's Iron Fifth, which was represented by reproach every day of the existence of a young family. If the Son could still escape to the Tavern or on Affairs, his spouse assumed all the severity of relations with mother-in-law. Reality brutally deceived the expectations of an exalted and romantic girl. She thought that all families, like her parents, live in harmony and understanding. But her dream of love is not destined to come true even outside the scrap of Kabanih. Boris became another disappointment. His love did not extend on the ban of uncle. As a result of the collision of reality with the world of a dream, the heroine loses his strength to live and kills himself. Thus, the conflict of reality and dreams can lead to tragedy.
    • Dreams come true, but not by themselves. To do this, you need to do something. But often people do not understand simple truths, and A.N. Ostrovsky described such an example in the drama "Thunderstorm". Tikhon loves his wife and dreams of living with her warm and harmony of the family hearth, but the Hero's mother constantly pins a young one for his eternal desire to control everything. It would seem that it would be possible to correct this problem, but Tikhon is a non-free and apathetic person who seems to be an unbearable burden. He is afraid of his mother, although he has already become an adult man. As a result, he pulls the strap hard life, not trying to realize your desires. This was enough to bring the unfortunate Katerina to Suicide. In the finals, the hero mourns his wife and stakes the mother for the collapse of all his hopes. But only one is to blame.
  9. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"
    • In Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" Hero all his life burns in fantasies, hiding from reality in a warm bathrobe on a beloved sofa. He practically does not come out of the house, but often thinks about what will come out and do something. On all the requirements of reality (theft in the crushing, the need to leave the apartment, etc.) Ilya Ilyich is only dishwashed, trying at any cost to throw care about someone else's affairs. Therefore, Oblomov is always surrounded by fraudsters who are beneficial to the incessant friend of a friend from reality, where they are offended offend him. The dreaminess of Ilya Ilyich leads him to a dead end. Living days in illusions, he learned something to do, so he loses his beloved Olga, wins the remains of the inheritance and leaves the son of the orphan without a state. Oblomov dies in color of years from his lifestyle, although not, from his way of thinking, because it is he who brings a man to complete physical and spiritual degradation. Thus, excessive dreaminess threatens to man with irreparable and severe consequences.
    • Our dreams do not always lead us on the right path. Sometimes they confuse us in the depths of labyrinths, it is difficult to get back. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish your true desires from false and imposed ideas about what we want. In Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" just such an example. Olga Ilyinskaya melted himself as a savior of Ilya Ilyich and began to distort him stubbornly. She did not regret his habits, was not considered with his opinion, and he did not love him like it was in real life. She saw him only the illusion that dreamed of doing. Therefore, their relationships did not work out, and the heroine itself fell into a stupid position. She, young and beautiful, hardly did the proposal herself a lazy fat man, who in every way braked the process. Then the woman realized that she lived in illusions and invented her love. Olga, fortunately, found a more suitable husband and squandered up with fake desires that could make it unhappy if they were fulfilled. Thus, not all dreams lead us to a happy future.

Arguments in the direction of "revenge and generosity":

  1. M. Gorky "At the bottom"
    • In the play M. Gorky "At the bottom", the relationship of heroes are built on fierce and revenge. Each of them, without thinking, takes out to everyone else for having fallen into the bottom of life. All these poor are pulling each other even deeper, because there should be no way back, if you do not have it yourself. This is an unsolicited law of the night. For example, Vasilisa cites younger sister because of jealousy. Her lover, Vaska ash, showed a sympathy for her, and a despotic woman was outraged. The climax of her revenge reached in the final, when her legitimate husband died as a result of the fight. Now the ashes face the faithful cat cargo, but his former lady of the heart does nothing to save him, on the contrary: she diligently heats all in her slander. Even her "love" to Vaska does not stop the vengeful nature of the heroine. Obviously, the revenge is a feeling that destroys man from the inside and all virtues expelled from it.

In the play M. Gorky "At the bottom", the heroes are not inclined to show generosity. On the contrary, they strive to hurt and prick each other more painful, because poverty expels all of them what makes man man. But there is one wanderer who breaks the vicious circle of offenses and insults. This is a bow. He also lived non-easy life, even hinted that I fled from the kathers. But these tests did not harm it. The old man finds for each interlocutor affectionate words of support and participation. In his eyes, the true generosity is glowing to everyone who surrounds it. He gave the inhabitants of the bottom of the hope of a bright future, and they themselves are to blame for the fact that this was not enough for their moral revival. In their eating medium, the wanderer did not last long and left, probably, realizing that these poor do not have not only at home, but also the hearts, once the ruthlessly heal each other. Unfortunately, generosity can not always help people.

  1. L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
    • Andrei Bolkonsky is very disappointed in his beloved Natasha Rostova, when he learns that the girl was fascinated by the young man Anatola Kuragin. He shares his experiences with Pierre Bezukhov, telling him that "I didn't love anyone else and did not hate it." But after all, at the meeting before death, I was able to show generosity and forgive the girl whose feelings were sincere and burning with even greater force.
  2. A. I. Kubrin "Duel"
    • In the book of A. I. Kurin "Communication", the main character takes care of the wife of an officer, and the woman encourages his attempts to rapprochement. Romashov sincerely in love, only Shurochka plays his feelings. She ruthlessly encourages him to death for the movement of his spouse. Not that a close person is important to her, she just craves translation to a new place where it is possible to have fun. Because of the gossip and anonymous notes, a deceived spouse prescribes Duel Romashov. He wants to take revenge for the recharged honor. Shura assures the hero that they will shoot "Ponaroshka", only so that Nikolayev did not find a coward. The young pororant believes his beloved woman, but on the fight her husband kills the opponent, rising in the eyes of one-cap. Unfortunately, in the society of that time, revenge was considered the norm, so hundreds of young people capable of greater victims became victims. It can be concluded that the revenge is dangerous for people in that due to the feeling of imaginary justice, they assign the right to dispose of other people's lives.
    • In the book of A. I. Kupper "Fight" Romashov throws a boning mistress. But the woman does not want to let go of a young man and swear, which will reject him at any cost. Raisa Aleksandrovna Peterson was a desperate adventurer. She decided that it was necessary to compromise the new connection of the jog, however, he had nothing to do with a rut. But Ms. Peterson because of his sporatment thought otherwise and sent anonymous letters with the exposure of the treason of his wife Nikolev. The deceived spouse flashed and demanded a duel. As a result, the intrigue of the Khryochka Romashochi itself was killed, and the husband of the victoriously "defended the honor of the family." The consequences of revenge are always tragic: an innocent person is killed, and he is no longer returning any tricks.
  3. A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter"
    • In the story of A. S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" inherent in Pugachev, when, despite the reputation of the robber, he enters conscience: he saves the life of Peter Grinevo, who at one time showed the kindness to the rebel. He shows the nobility to Maryron Mironova, releaseing her from the fortress. For justice, Grynev is tent of Pugacheva, so the Buntar's execution causes sadness in Peter.
  4. A.S. Pushkin "Peak Lady"
    • Wanting to get rich quickly, the protagonist of the Piese A.S. Pushkin "Peak Lady" Military Engineer Hermann by all means trying to find out the secret of the old Countess about three win-win maps. He begins to care for her pupil Liza and, having achieved reciprocity, penetrates the house, but not on a date to the girl, but in the chambers of the old woman. Countess does not withstand the interrogation of Hermann and dies. But her ghost manifests a generosity to a loser engineer and reveals his mystery winning combination In exchange for a promise to marry Lisa. Hermann does not hold back this word and loses in the last game all the cost status, after which it goes crazy. Thus, it is not necessary to give impossible promises, it may threaten the brutal retribution.
  5. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"
    • In Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" revenge led to the tragedy: a young poet Lensky was killed. It all started with the fact that the protagonist received a letter where Tatyana admitted to him in love. He rejected the feeling of the girl, referring to his unsuitability for family relationships. Naturally, he did not want to confuse her with his presence, but the enthusiastic friend invites him to the name of Tatiana. It also expects to spend a pleasant evening with the bride. Eugene agrees, but at the evening he feels the extreme degree of awkwardness. In all, he blames Vladimir and decides to take revenge, flirting with his beloved, Olga, windy coquette. Lensky was furious, because the girl did not get attention. He called a rival to a duel, and Evgeny could not refuse. As a result, Onegin killed his comrade because of his petty and stupid revenge. This is what consequences ending the mimony chase for justice.
    • In Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" depicts the ideal of a generous woman. This is Tatyana Larina. Its soul can truly be called great, because she neglected her passion for the sake of conservation of family well-being. Once in his youth, the girl loved the arrival of the nobleman, who did not take her feelings seriously. But the heroine retained them in his heart forever, although he married another person. The general she did not love, but he respected and was grateful to him for the adoration with whom he treated her. When after many years, Eugene returned from wanderings in the light, he praised passion for Tatiana. But she was married and refused to someone who still loved. The heroine generously rejected his own happiness to preserve the peace and joy of a loved one. After all, real generosity requires self-denial.
  6. A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"
    • In the story of A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" The author tells how one revenge gave rise to another. The trifle conflict of the two landowners of Dubrovsky and Troekharov develops into the desire of the last revenge on the blow to pride. In dishonest path, he takes away the estate from a friend, as a result of which he dies from the attack. Dubrovsky's son cannot forgive Troekurov's death of his father and becomes a robber and a robber, selecting property from rich landowners. Only love for Masha Troekurova makes him show generosity and retreat from the main revenge.
    • In the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" The author describes tragic consequences Revenge on the example of Kazbich, who killed the kidnapped girl to take revenge on Pechorin. At the beginning of Head, Maxim Maximich reports that Grigory fell in love with the Caucasian beauty and decided to paint it, bribing her brother. He promised him the famous Kazbich's horse on the rest of the edge, which was dreamed of Azamat. The deal was accomplished, Bal was captured by Pechorin. But her hands sought Kazbich, so he was very angry, having learned about it, and decided to take revenge on the offender. When Gregory with Maxim Maxima went to hunt, the hero took the girl, but they quickly caught up. Savesting from chase and realizing that they do not leave them together, the kidnapper kills the victim and throws on the road. Did he achieve justice to his revenge? Not. He only killed the beautiful Balu, remaining with nothing.
    • In the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" proved all the inconsistency of revenge. Grushnitsky tried to achieve justice, but the same fell victim to her aspiration. The fact is that he tried to impress the princess Mary. He was in love, but the girl remained indifferent to him, because next to her was more skilled Cavalier - Pechorin. Gregory fell in love with a young girl, playing coldness to her, which spurred her pride and squeezed curiosity. In desperation, the junker decided to take revenge on a successful opponent. Together with friends, he noticed the Pechistan at night leaves the princess house. He left his mistress of faith, but the Hushchnitsky accused him that he seduces Mary. Naturally, Grigory called a liar on a duel. Then a cowardly slander decided not to charge his gun to probably win a duel and get rid of the opponent. But Grigory crushed the deceiver, and the victim was Pereshnitsky. What did he achieve his revenge? Nothing but your own death.
  7. M.Yu. Lermontov "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov"
    • The merchant Kalashniki ventured at the revenge of the royal Okrichnik Malyutin to justify his wife and return the dignity of the family. In an honest fisting battle, he kills the enemy, for which Ivan Grozny sends Stepan Paramonovich on the execution, since the death of Kiribayevich came as a result of prohibited reception. But the king shows the generosity to Kalashnikov and performs his death desire: does not leave the orphan family without support.
  8. V.A. Spun "Mother Human"
    • Great patriotic War Torn to Mary the most expensive: her husband and son. Seeing the wounded fascist, she rushed to him with forks to take revenge on the enemies for the death of relatives and all their inhuman acts. But the woman was stopped by the words of German: "Mom! Mum!" Mary's heart doubled, and she spared the young man. This example demonstrates the highest degree of generosity of the Russian woman.
  9. N. V. Gogol "Scary Revenge"
    • Revenge was the cause of all disasters of heroes of the story. In the desire to punish Peter for his own with her son, Ivan, imagined before God, asks for a curse for the whole of the brother. The last descendant of the killer is born by an evil sorcerer shower, creating terrible atrocities. Peter under the ground is experiencing bitter torments, and Ivan, seeing from heaven, as not the obey people suffer from anything, realizes their mistake, but nothing can be changed. None of the brothers at one time showed generosity, for which they did the eternal flour.
  10. A. Duma "Count Monte Cristo"
    • A revenge for broken fate is the main task that stands in front of the main character of Roman A. Duma "Count Monte Cristo." Envious conspirators write false denuncations to Dantes Sailor, after which it is arched directly from the wedding. In imprisonment, a young man meets the abbot that helps him escape and find wealth. Becoming a notable Count Monte Cristo, Dantes begins to give debts offenders. Revenge overstating all traitors, he shows generosity only to his former beloved Mercedes, without harming her son. But the graph remembers and good deeds. Monte Cristo saves from the bankruptcy of his former owner, paying debts per ship, and after it makes his son Maximilian heir to his wealth.

Arguments in the direction of "kindness and cruelty":

  1. W.Shakespeare "King Lire"
    • Sometimes some show cruelty even to the most native people, without thinking about what they can face in response. Do you need to put up with a disadvantage of mercy or more would it be more correct to close your eyes on the past and show kindness? In his tragedy "King Lear", Shakespeare writes about how the protagonist is the King of Lira - reverses his own daughter of Cordelia, because she refused to flatter the father. Two other daughters did not miss such a chance, because the king thus solved the issue of dividing the kingdom. However, subsequently, the LIR king is aware of how the hypocrisy was his daughters who told him about high love. Only Cordelia turned out to be good to his father and sheltered him when he was abused by her sisters from the kingdom. William Shakespeare in his play shows that being malicious and heartless in response to cruelty - no way out, on the contrary, you need to let go of the past resentment and show kindness. Only so you can break the vicious circle of mutual offense.
  2. A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter"
    • The problem of kindness and rigidity is one of the main in the work of A.S. Pushkin. In the story "Captain's daughter" this problem is solved on the example of two heroes: Peter Greenyov and Pugacheva. At the time of their meeting, in the chapter "The Counseloan" grinning manifests a kindness towards Pugacheva, when he falsify him a hare's trees from his shoulder. This noble gesture will save him afterwards. Grinyow may be cruel, remember His quarrel with Savelich, when it was necessary to give the duty to Zurina. But even in such situations, kindness shall be asked to ask for forgiveness and restore a good relationship With a man he offended. Such behavior of the hero also does not remain non-substituted, as it is Savelich who rushes to the legs of the executioner to save her good Barin. Pushkin convinces us: the kindness causes repulsive kindness even in the world of war and cruelty.
    • Pugachev is presented in a story as a leader of the riskers. In the chapter "Attachment", the cruelty of the rebels does not know the limit: the execution of the captain Mironov and his companions, russely over Vasilisa Egorovnaya. Pushkin does not at all softens and asks scenes of violence, giving us to understand how bad "Russian riot is meaningless and merciless". But representing us the image of Bashkirts with a torn tongue and sliced \u200b\u200bnose and ears, Pushkin wanted to show that this cruelty is to make the cruelty of the power of cautious people. Using the example of Pugacheva and Greenwood, the writer wanted to show a sample of such a relationship when cruelty is excluded: for this, in any person you need to see a person, worthy of respect and a deserving relationship.
  3. MA Sholokhov "Silent Don"
    • The cruel person is able to make injustice. The Hero of the Roman M. A. Sholokhov "Silent Don" Grigory was a good and honest small, but an imperious father forced him forcibly, choosing his daughter's daughter to Katerina in his wife. The heart of a young man belonged to a married Cossack Aksinier. With loving Katerina, Grigory came severely, abandoning a family for the sake of personal happiness. But in this situation, the girl should blame himself, because, going married, she knew that the feelings were not mutual. Thus, the cruelty of Gregory provoked unfair circumstances.
    • Related and cruelty in the soul of Gregory grown war. Looking at the front, the young Cossack is selflessly beats with the enemy, in his hands, human blood and suffering. But high merits before the state for victory in battles do not bring joy. He sees the injustice and indifference of political forces to the simple people of Don. An understanding of his mistake comes to Gregory: he was not worth taking a weapon in his hands, to kill, he is not a soldier, but a simple peasant, whose fleet is to sow and cultivate bread. In cruelty can not be achieved, but the hero realized it too late when irretrievably lost his relatives and relatives.
  4. N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"
    • In the story N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" Father raises in the sons of the morale, but he was not enough for the exercise. He wanted to organize a real battle, where young people show their courage. For this, he dismissed the cat and sent the Cossacks to the Polish lands, where the fighters received a serious rebuff. After that, they surrounded the city of Dubno, where the townspeople died from hunger. Because of the combat obedience, the bouffers died hundreds of people. Therefore, the reader does not very much regret the old Cossack when his son leaves the troops and disgraces his genus. Andriy chooses a non-militant spirit of the Cossacks, but a calm, peaceful, spent life in love and peace of mind. Taras himself is to blame in this betrayacy, because the cruelness of good never achieve.
    • In war, it is difficult to show kindness, because it is very ill-time when they do not spare anyone. But there are exceptions, one of which was described by N. V. Gogol in the story of Taras Bulba. Andriy fought against Poles in the Cossack troops. They decided to take the city of the enemy Emorer, surrounding it by a blockade ring. On the night, the young man did not sleep and saw how the servant his beloved was made to him, with which he met back in Kiev. She bitterly complained of hunger in Dubno and praying the Cossack about the condescension. Young Pannachka wanted to feed the dying mother. Then Andrium poured on his shoulders a bag with bread and went to the enemy city. A young man could not refuse to answer this call. Women and children are not fighting, but dying from the war. The hero was aware of the injustice of this phenomenon and helped in need, despite the risk.
  5. M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"
    • In the novel "Hero of our time" M.Yu. Lermontov created a strange hero who is cruel to people, because it is bored, and he wants to have fun. Take the story with Pereshnitsky. After all, this young man was stupidly paid to life just for being drawn into the game, jerked from boredom Pechor. It was unthinkable that brutally entered this "time hero" with Ballo and her family. The father was killed, Azamat fused, Balla's herself died too, but before that he was still enforced from the love of Pechorin, and then from her absence. The writer seeks to show us how terrible is a person for whom there is only one law - its own whims and desires. After all, Pechorin was not born such, he simply lost all kinds of landmarks.
    • The kindness laid in it, sometimes wakes up. For example, a blind boy causes unwitting regret, the look of the old woman killed, the Mother of the Cossack, who kicked in a drunken vulich ugar, awakens sympathy. He even decided to take the criminal alive, risking his life. And it was with ease. If the concern for people would always live in his heart and would cause good motives in him, it could be called a real hero.
  6. N.V. Gogol "Shinel"
    • The main idea in many works N.V. Gogol is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe improper device of human society, which reigns cruelty. The story of the "Shinel" tells the history of the life and death of Akakia Akakievich Bashmushkina. This is an image " little man", All despised and degradable. He is not able to oppose anything to his tormentors, only once his plaintive poverty made "stop and in horror to repaid" a young man who has not yet lost the ability to be kind. In such a world, there is nothing good for a man's "small", because even the chinel acquired by such victims was selected from him. It turns out that the wrong world rejects everyone who is good and is not capable of cruelty, only the one who will pick up, robbing, to humilitate and insult another one.
  7. A.I. Solzhenitsyn " Matrenin Poult»
    • An example of true kindness - the heroine of the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" Matrena. A woman never refuses to fellow villagers in help, sincerely rejoices with the crops on the vegetables of others, herself is satisfied with small: the fact that it raised on their own bed. She does not even regret his huts for the pupil of Kira, Shataving her among the winter to disassembly the doors. But when transporting cargo through the railway, a woman dies under the wheels of the train. The narrator notes that now the village has become difficult without righteous Matrena. After all, an innocent and disinterested woman really did people, those next to her, better.
      The highest measure of cruelty is shown by the author of the story "Matrenin Dvor" A.I. Solzhenitsyna in the image of Faddey. He did not forgive the insult Matreña and his brother for marrying. The girl believed Faddey Missing, so I consensus with Efima. But he returned and hid the offense. For evil, he married another girl named Matrena, which beat and offended. The cruelty limit shows the author when Faddeds among the winter disassembles the Gornice of the former beloved to transport her daughter Kire, and enjoys a spectacle, as the old woman from the last strength helps him drag heavy boards. Even at the funeral, he thinks not about the dead under the train Matreya, but about Sanya, who after the accident you need to pick up from the railway.
  8. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"
    • The cruel attitude of children to parents is shown in the Romana I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children." Becoming an adult, Evgeny Bazarov rarely visits their family. Even after a three-year lack, he does not want to listen to the timid reproach of his father, does not pay attention to the tears of the mother. Parents are afraid of having to upset Yevgeny, try to please all. But for him, in the foreground, its own ideological beliefs, which are not coinciding with the views of the older generation. Unfortunately, the young man did not recognize the mistakes of his behavior towards parents, however, the old people retained the love of his son, and only they mourned it after death.
    • In the novel "Fathers and Children" I.S. Turgenev describes the kindness and cruelty on the example of two brothers Kirsanov. Senior Paul, a former military, lonely bachelor, does not recognize the marriage of Nicholas and Benches, ignoring the girl at a meeting. When the nephew and his friend appears in the house, does not show hospitality, behaves cold and rudely. On the soil of discrepancies of views, no thought suits a duel with bazaarov. Nikolai Kirsanova The author shows a kind and decent family man. He lives with a simple girl with Fenzka, from which he has a one-year-old son. In front of another Arkady Bazarov, trying to justify the behavior of the brother, tries to smooth the conflict. It is thanks to his kindness and understanding the eldest son refuses nihilistic ideas and returns to the family.
  9. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"
    • In Roman I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov" The protagonist is not distinguished by hard work and purposefulness, but he is kind and trusting. His benevolence becomes a lighthouse, which indicates the path to many people. For example, his childhood friend gallez always finds in society Ilya Rest and relaxation. It is this person that he visits dozens of years in a row, and his sympathy does not weaken from time to time. Also, the kindness of Oblomov attracts and conquers the beautiful Olga. Externally misfortunes, the state of him is unimportant, and in a conversation he does not shine wit. But beautiful I. a pure soul Men like the heroine much most of all that secular scoops can offer. Ilya Ilyich is a big child who does not want evil to anyone. He always encourages friends, does not seek benefits from communicating with them, takes all the blows of fate calmly and badly. That is why it was so gentle by Agafia Pshetitsyn, so unless he was loved by servant Zakhar. All who knew him appreciated the hot and big heart of the hero. Thus, kindness will always be valued by people according to merit and never becomes obsolete.
    • I.A. Goncharov in the book "Oblomov" describes a truly good man. This is Andrei Stolz, who always supports his helpless friend. Andrey got a hard fate. A strict father sent it to the capital without protection and greater money, Having said that the young man should achieve heights himself. IN big city The hero did not lose his head and began to work hard. Gradually, he gave capital on trade transactions. It would seem that the struggle for the place under the sun should have been cut it, but he retained his friend, causing and kindness. More than once, he dismissed the lazy and infantile Oblomov, more than once he drove scams from him. In the final, the hero even took the duty to bring up the son of the deceased Ilya Ilyich. I believe that kindness is disinterested activities for the benefit of another person, and the gallery is a good example.
  10. Onor de Balzac "Father Gorio"
    • Unfortunately, many people, inhumanly using the softness of good assistants, belong to them cruel. We will meet the same situation in the novel Balzaka "Father Gorio". The daughters of the chief hero of Anastasi and Dolphin threw their father. Father Gorio loved his daughters very much and forgives them indifference and cynicity, but the girls were absolutely not appreciated kind heart His old man. As soon as they successfully marry, they like their father, they will even be ashamed of him: after all, they now began to spin in the highest circles, and Gorio was a macaronist. Anastasi and Dolphin did not visit Gorio, even when he was dying, and on his funeral they sent empty carriages. Father Gorio is a kind and generous hero, who forgiving his daughters any cruelty, but never met the responsiveness from their side. Unfortunately, the kindness is not a guarantee of personal happiness, and sometimes even a condition in which happiness is unattainable.
  1. What is real art?
  2. How to distinguish real art from craft?
  3. What is the difference between true art from fake?
  4. Who can be called a true creator?
  5. Why do people confuse art and craft?
  6. Who can be called an artisan in art?
  7. What is talent?
  8. How do you understand the phrase: "Do not burn the gods of pots"?
  9. What can be considered genuine art?
  10. What do you think is the ultimate goal of art?
  11. What is the difference between craft and art?
  12. Can an artisan become an artist?
  13. How do you understand the statement of GEBELLA: "Art is the conscience of mankind"?
  14. Can the ability to turn into talent?
  15. Who it talented man?
  16. Craftsman is a master of his business or a halter?
  17. Do you agree with the statement of P. Kazals: "Mastery does not make the artist?"?
  18. What is the role of art in the development of mankind?
  19. What do the present art attracts a person?
  20. What is the value of art?
  21. Is it possible without love to become a professional without any love?
  22. What kind of art is incomplete?
  23. Do you believe that you can become a good craftswoman in a short time?
  24. What qualities should a person possess to master the art?
  25. How do you understand the phrase: "Neither art nor wisdom can be achieved if they do not learn"?
  26. Why do art call eternal?
  27. Is it possible to learn art?
  28. How are craft and art interrelated?
  29. Does the craft always be realistic?
  30. What should be the craft to become art?
  31. What does it mean craft and art for a person how they are reflected in his life, what do they affect?

Arguments in the direction of "Art and Craft":

  1. N.V. Gogol "Portrait"
    • In the story N.V. Gogol "Portrait" The main character was a painter who did not live on. He defeated his debts, he was tired of a hungry life, but he could not do anything. However, once he bought a picture that struck him with his hypnotic effect. Gloomy and at the same time the wonderful look of the designer depicted there followed the observer. At night, the new owner of the canvas dreamed of a dream, where the rich is coming to life and drops on the floor a few bills, recalculating money. In the morning, charts accidentally detects the assignment. Now he has a lot of money, but the needs are increasing not by day, but by the hour. Then the artist is taken for portraits to order, where rich customers require it is not a creative approach, and the ability to embellish the reality in favor of their mesh and taste. There is nothing to do, he goes to everything for the sake of the fee! In the end, the talent was disappeared, and he had a well-paid craft for replacing. The painter realized the changes when he saw a truly talented work of a friend at the exhibition. He went crazy from envy and decided to destroy everything that he seemed beautiful. Thus, art requires victims from a person, he must surrender to creativity without a rest, otherwise his gift will turn into the skill, which is not gods to burn pots.
    • In the story N.V. Gogol "Portrait" tells the story of the hero, who drew a glood painting. This is a master of his case, who, of course, had to contain a family. Therefore, he, without thinking, took over a major order. One-famous Rostovist known to his cruelty wanted to get the perfect portrait of himself. For this purpose, he hired a better painter. He began a long and difficult job. The further he came, trying to penetrate the soul of the Roshovist, the worse he felt. It seemed that his wake was leaving traces from his claws in his mind. The master did not finish the canvas, he was trained by vicious thoughts and desires. And so he decided that only life in the monastery would help him to cleanse him. He went to the Holy Abode and he underwent, restoring the world in the soul. Thus, art can carry not only light, but also darkness, so every creator must be responsible for what he does. His creative freedom should not turn into permissiveness.
  2. A.S. Pushkin "Customer's conversation with a poet"
    • A.S. Pushkin in the poem "Conversation of the Public Customer with the poet" expressed his disgust from the need to sell his creations. In this work, the poet represents two opposite points of view. The bookcraft is a business man, he has its own price, expressed in money equivalent. It seems to him that writing "poems" is a common profession, which is no different from the work of any artisan. According to the bookCress, the main thing here is to fit your goods under the tastes of the necessary people to profitably sell the goods. The poet at the beginning of the poem is warmly arguing with the book serviceman, telling him about inspiration, about the freedom of creativity. But the bookseller parries: "Our age - Torgash; In this century Iron without money and freedom is not. " The poet is surrendered, and a vulnerable prose comes to replace the elevated lines: "You are absolutely right. Here you are my manuscript. Assemble. "
    • In the story, the tapper "Tapper" sets out a simple story about how poor young man-pianist, earned on holidays in rich houses and on one new Year's holiday Meets SO famous composerwho manifested interest in his game and ensured young talent Brilliant future. The problem of art and crafts is revealed in this work in an explicit mismatch of the crafts of the Tepper Tank Games of the Talented Musician. The word "tagger" in one of his meanings calls an intensely playing performer, and Yuri Azagarov played inspired, inspired and very artistic. Such a game could not leave anyone indifferent, so the famous Rubinstein drew his attention to him. This problem was solved in the story in favor of true art: there would be a small and modest person, he will notice if he puts the soul into his work. It is such a spirituality that differs art from the craft.
  4. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
    • The influence of art on the perception of the world by a man is shown in the novel L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Largely losing to the cards, Nikolai Rostov does not know how to report this family experiencing financial difficulties. But his experiences dispelves the singing sister Natasha. Hearing the excellent performance of the composition, he calms down and understands the nonstability of his spiritual torments in comparison with the greatness of art.
    • Natasha Rostov not only possessed a magnificent voice, but also thinly felt music. The delight of the girl was called not only compositions sounding at the receptions and balas, she was not alien to it to go into the dance under the guitar, which calls for perky motifs. This author shows that genuine art does not obey times and the bushes.
  5. A. P. Chekhov "Violin Rothschild"
    • Yakov Ivanov's urbanker will work as violinist with his companion Jew Rothschild. The second is often false than annoying a friend. But Jacob himself does not apply to music seriously, only after the death of his wife, having learned that he left for a long time, he plays the violin to penetrate, causing surrounding tears. A servers will make the tool to a friend Jew and dies. Rothschild, penetrated to the depths of the soul of the heard melody, reproduces it on a presented violin. The composition brings him fame and recognition becomes immortal.
  6. MA Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"
    • Artist in the field of art brightly shown in the Roman MA. Bulgakova "Master and Margarita". Metropolitan writers have long staged their works on flow, they are more worried about vacation at the cottage, vouchers in Yalta and the notorious "apartment question".
    • The ratio of the master to creativity is completely different: the novel about Pente's Pilate absorbs it completely. To freely create a writer removes a small basement on Arbat, all the money won money won literature with the information needs for the book. When criticism is collapsed on the novel, and they are not allowed to print, the master feels empty, burns the manuscript, and after he gets into a psychiatric hospital. Thus we see how true creativity Replaced with template works performed in favor of power.
  7. A.S. Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri"
    • The difference between art and craft suggested by A.S. Pushkin in the work of "Mozart and Salieri". Heroes always competed in music, but the championship invariably received Mozart, although his opponent was diligently prepared and he studied better. He squatted for hours, trying to ingest the melody that the composition of colleagues would surpresent on strength and passion. But everything is in vain. The genius composed a masterpiece for a minute, without applying, it would seem no effort. Then the desperate composer decided to deal with a lucky opponent and mixed the poison. But the talent of the dead man did not illuminate the murderer, his death did not help Salieri conquer the musical Olympus. It was not in Mozart, but in the fact that someone is more destined to show unsurpassed tranquility, and the other is simply not given. Perhaps they will find their calling, but in another matter. Thus, art is a child of inspiration, this is a gift over. It is designed to create what was not before. And the craft is, as a rule, commercial reproduction of what is already there. This is not an insight, but the routine process, the purpose of which is to satisfy the needs of the customer. Art is always directed in eternity, it does not have orientation on the consumer.
    • I believe that Roman's publicist Romain Romena, when he said that "to create - it means to kill death." An example confirming this idea can be found in the work of A.S. Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri". The main character was a genius in the world of music, his creations were amazed by contemporaries. The melodies of his authorship marked the new era in the art of sound. However, the Creator himself lived for a short time, on the plot of the book, his colleague pointed him, who posted him. Do Mozart forget after death? Not. His music won the death itself, because the composer's name lives still, and his melodies sing a loud song that their creator is immortal.
  8. N.S. Leskov "Levsh"
    • In the Skaz N.S. Leskova "Lefty" is described non-easy fate Creator. Tula master gets an important order from the emperor itself: you need to show English craftsmen that Russian colleagues are better. Delivering the order is taken by the Cossack board. He also cruelly controls the activities of workers. Left-handed and his team worked for a long time over the unbearable task, but did incredible achievement: Ssed the English flea, which the emperor was so amazed. One problem: before Blokha danced, and after working on it stopped moving. It was groaned here, and without realizing what Masters did. He beat himself very much. But when at the courtyard, I understood what he achieved, all unanimously decided to send Cleretz to England to boast his work. Abroad, a gifted man was immediately appreciated. There and his wife was picked up, and they promised money, and with all sorts of honors were aspiring, but he stubbornly rushed to his homeland. In the end, he sat on the ship and drove home. Most of all wanted to convey to the emperor to the emperor. Important secret: it is impossible to clean the rifle with a brick crumb, the weapon will deteriorate. But in the native country of drunk left-handed, it was thrown to die, no one listened to him, no one helped him. So the talented person died, which important gentlemen just used, but did not appreciate. Thus, fate rarely indulges the geniuses, because people too late understand their significance.
    • In the Skaz N.S. Leskov "Left -sha" tells about the victim, which art demands from the one who owns them. If you meet the Tula Master, we pay attention to the fact that his hair has been extended while learning. We also see that he is poor and lives very modestly. Interesting and the fact that the hero of slave is conquered by fate and does not argue with the payment when he unfairly attacks the craftsmen. All this suggests how the life of a real creater actually looks like. This is not glory and honors, wealth and recognition, no! This is poverty, hard work, tense and difficult comprehension of the subtleties of skill. All this person must endure without Ropot. Otherwise, his gift will not receive development and will not become a real talent. Such is the price of talent!
  9. A. Akhmatova "Requiem"
    • In its work, Requiem A. Akhmatova describes the times of hard repression when people without trial were sent to the link, not telling anything relatives. Mothers and wives of the months had to stand endless queues, waiting for some news from sons and husbands. This poema of the poetess challenged the Stalinist regime, for which her other works became prohibited for printing. Akhmatova had to endure humiliation and suffering for the objections of the authorities in art.
  10. V. Korolenko "Blind Musician"
    • Peter was born blind, but possessed a good hearing and touch. Since childhood, the boy was interested in the game of Johim's glare on the swirl, he began to master the dull, and after and piano. The music helped him perceive and "see" the world. Peter had to overcome a lot of tests to take himself as it is. But talented musician It was possible to achieve recognition of others and gain personal happiness.
  11. A. Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin"
    • A simple guy Vasily Terkin appears before the reader a courageous soldier and at the same time great optimist. His pads raises the morale of colleagues. Once among the winter, he picks him up a passing truck with soldiers. Merry like a guy plays them on harmony, from which the fighters become warmer, and they are started into the dance. Thus, the music helped people to distract from heavy thoughts about what is happening and for a while forgetting the war.

Quotes from works for echo

  1. "Mount from the mind" A.S. Griboedov
    • "After all, they love wordless" (Chatsky about silence)
    • "It would be happy to serve, Serve nausea" (Chatsky Famowan)
    • "What will say the princess of Marya Alekshna!" (end)
    • "Happy hours do not observe" (Sophia)
    • "He is not in his mind" (Sophia about Chazkom)
    • "It is not necessary for another sample, when in the eyes of the Father's example" (Famowov Sofye)
    • "Who is poor, you're not a couple" (Famusov Sofye)
    • "My years should not be mixed
    • His judgment to have "(illegacy and subdirection of silence)
    • "To please all people without rewriting" (the covenant of Father is silent)
    • "Houses of the New, but Prejudice Stairs" (Chatsky)
    • "Hours - here is the plague" (Magazov)
    • "The mind, the sharper knowledge" (Chatsky)
    • "Breaking pattern of morals" (Pushkin)
  2. "Lady" D.I. Fonvizin
    • "I do not want to learn, I want to marry" (Mitrofan)
    • "Here is the worship of decent fruits!" (Elders at the end)
    • "No science people live and lived" (Prostakova)
    • "Science in a depraved person has a troya weapon to do evil" (Elders)
    • "Well, another word of Molvi, Stara Krychovka!" (Mitrofan Nyan)
  3. "Captain's daughter" A.S. Pushkin
    • "In the Help Gauntlets" (Father Greeneva College)
    • "To be pregnant, so silent" (Pugachev)
    • "Take care of honor" (Epigraph, Testament of Father Grnevo)
    • "Not to bring God to see the Russian riot, meaningless and merciless!"
    • Schvabrin describes Masha Grnev "I breathe Durordo"
    • "Just do not require the fact that my and Christian conscience is disgusted," Grinevo Pugachev.
  4. "Evgeny Onegin" A.S. Pushkin
    • "Dick, sad, silent, like a lan forest fearless"
    • Sorry to me: I so love Tatyana Mild Moy! (author)
    • "I liked his features" (Pushkin about Onegin)
    • "The light decided that he was a smart and very mil" (about Onegin, social Society Narrow in views, petty, low)
    • "Doesn't he parody?" (Tatiana about Onegin)
    • Poems and Prose, Loda and Flame
    • Not so different among themselves. (Onegin and Lensky)
    • "My heart was ignorant" (Lensky)
    • "As I was mistaken, as punished!" (Onegin Letter)
    • "Encyclopedia of Russian Life" (about the novel)
  5. "The hero of our time" M.Yu. Lermontov
    • "After all, it is, the right, and seeing people who have written on the nature that different extraordinary things should happen to them." (M. Maximich about Pechorin)
    • "Love dicarka is a little better than love of a notable lady" (Pechorin about Bale)
    • "What do you want ..." (answers Pechorin Maxim Maximich at a meeting)
    • "Honest" smugglers
    • "Water" society
    • "Skeptic and materialist" (Werner)
    • "Of the two friends are always one slave of another" (Pechorin about friendship)
    • "If it is possible to lose her forever faith, it became more expensive for me in the world" (P. about faith)
    • "No one can be so truly unhappy as you, because no one is trying to assure yourself so much." (Faith about P.)
    • "I love to doubt everything" (P. Chapter "Fatalist")
    • lives "out of curiosity" (P)
    • "Moral cripple" (P)
    • V. Belinsky said about Pechorin: "This is Onegin is our time"
    • In front of a duel with a pearshnitsky, Pechorin reflects: "Why did I live? For what purpose did I born? "
    • "Surely, I thought, my only purpose on earth is to destroy other people's hopes?" (Pechorin)
    • "The hero of our time is a portrait made up of the vices of all our generation in full development" (Lermontov)
  6. "MTSIY" M.Yu. Lermontov
    • "You want to know what I did
    • On the will? Lived ... ".
    • McSi gets into the "Wonderful World Anxiety and Batifa"
    • V.G. Belinsky. "What kind of fiery soul, what kind of mighty spirit"
    • The ideal environment for the MTSER TA, "Where are the people of free, like eagles"
    • "I could not say anyone
    • The sacred words "Father" and "Mother".
  7. "Auditor" N.V. Gogol.
    • "After all, you live to tear the flowers of pleasure" (Ivan Khlekakov's position)
    • The trustee of the godly establishments of the strawberry "Man is simple: if it dies, it will die so, and if he recover, then he recovers"
    • "The only one positive hero my comedy is laughter "- recognized Gogol
    • With Pushkin on a friendly leg. (lying chlenches)
    • I say to everyone openly, I take a bribe, but what bribes? Kick puppies. (Judge Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Treipkin)
  8. "Shinel" N.V. Gogol.
    • "Leave me why you offend me?"
    • he served zealously, - no, he served with love.
  9. "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol.
    • "Knight of emptiness" (Manilan)
    • look like middle size bear "(Sobekevich)
    • each item, each chair seemed to say: "And I, too, Sobesevich!" (Interior of Sobesevich)
    • the house looked like a "stupid disabled" (in Plushina)
    • "Standing in humanity" (Plushkin)
    • "And to what insignificance, petty things, the man could convex! Could change so much! " (reflections by the author about pl.)
    • "Eh, Troika! Bird Troika, who invented you? (lir.otent)
  10. "Fathers and children" I.S. Turgenev
    • "One human instance is enough to judge all others" (bazaars)
    • Bazarov "Decent Chemist 20 times more useful than a poet"
    • "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it worker"
    • I do not share any opinions; I have my own. (Bazaars)
    • "Acknowledged body! At least now in an anatomical theater! " - Bazaarov on Odentova (cynicism)
    • "Know that I love you stupid, insane ..." (recognition of Bazarov)
    • Before the death of bazaars, one: "Dunge on the dying lamp and let it go out"
    • D. Pisarev "To die as the bazaars died, it's like to make a feat"
    • "He is predatory, and we are hand with you" (says Katya Arkady)
  11. "Crime and Punishment" F.M. Dostoevsky
    • "Blood on conscience to shed can be" (Position split.)
    • "The material that serves is the only one for the origin of the like". (Opener)
    • "Having a gift or talent to say in the medium of your new word." (unusual)
    • "Creator trembling" - ordinary, "right having" - extraordinary people.
    • "Love, before all one of yourself, for everything in the world is based on a personal interest," Petr Lynzhin.
    • "Everything is allowed to man" - Arkady Svidrigaylov
    • "One field of berries" - Svidrigaylov Raskolnikov
    • "This is a person who lies! .. kill the right you have?" (Sonya)
  12. "Thunderstorm" A.N. Ostrovsky
    • beggars wonders, and home leisure lets at all "(Kuligin about Kabanchi)
    • Why do people fly like birds? (Katerina)
    • Yes, he pushed me, pushed, caressing his worse me worse. (K. O T.)
    • If I was not afraid of sin for you, would I fight a human court? " (Katerina about love for Boris)
    • "Mama, you wanted her!" (Tikhon after the death of K.)
    • "Do what you want, only Shito Yes, it was" (Varvara Katerina)
  13. "War and World" L.N. Tough
    • Never, never marry my friend (Bolk. Pierre)
    • "... Father, wife, sister - the most expensive people me ... I'll give them all now for a minute of glory, celebrations over people" (A. Bolconomsky)
    • "How quietly, calm and solemnly ... Everything is empty, all deception, except for this endless sky" (Austerlitsky Sky. A.B.)
    • No, life is not over the 31 year (episode with oak)
    • Love is God, and die - it means me, a particle of love, return to the general and eternal source.
    • If everything was fought only by their convictions, the war would not be ...
    • And from all people did not love anyone anymore and did not hate her. (B. O Natasha)
    • Need to live, you need to love, you have to believe ... (Pierre)
    • "Nasty human mind and the whole human nature event" (author of war)
    • About the battery Tushina was forgotten ...
    • "Dubube People's War" (Tikhon Shcherbat)
    • I am tormented only the evil that I did. Tell me only to him that I ask him to forgive, forgive, forgive me for everything ...
    • No greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth.
  14. "Oblomov" I.A. Goncharov
    • - Well, fully lie! "He said," you need to get up ... And however, let me read again with the attention of the head of the head of the head, and then I'll get up.
    • - What is your cleanness everywhere: dust, dirt something, my God! Won, won, look at the corners - do nothing!
    • - Do you understand, "said Ilya Ilyich, - What makes mole from dust? I sometimes even see a clop on the wall!
    • - Only about money and care! - Ilya Ilyich grumbled. - And you do not give the scores, and everyone suddenly?
    • - Someone came! Said Oblomov, rushing in a bathrobe. - And I have not got up - I worked and only! Who would it be so early?
  15. "Old woman Izergil" M. Golkiy
    • Beautiful always bold.
    • Health is also gold.
    • Those who do not know how to live, lay down to sleep. Those with the life of Mila, so they sing.
    • And I see that people do not live, but everyone is trying and put on it all their life ... Everyone himself is fate!
    • Who does nothing, nothing will become.
  16. "At the bottom" M. Holly
    • My body poisoned with alcohol ... (actor)
    • It turns out - outside how to paint yourself, everything will erase ...
    • Kindness - it is above all the best.
    • When work is a duty, life - slavery! (Satin)
    • What is the conscience? I'm not rich ... (Bubnov)
    • We are all on earth wanderers ... (Luka)
    • All people on earth - extra ... (Bubnov)
    • Man - everything can ... if only I wanted ... (Luka)
    • Death - she still calms ... She is affectionate for us ... (Luka)
    • In the carriage of the past you will not leave anywhere. (Satin)
    • We must respect a person! Do not regret ... not to humiliate his pity ... it is necessary to respect. (Satin)
    • Lies - Religion of slaves and owners ... True - God free man! (Satin)
  17. "Quiet Don" M. Sholokhov
    • Not Lazorova scarlet color, but a dog bileless, firing roadside blooms late Babi Love.
    • In the godina of the troubles and debauchery
    • Do not condemn, brothers, brother.
    • You have a smart head, but a fool got.
    • Padko Babia Heart on pity, on her affection.
    • In essence, a person needs very little to be happy.
    • Life will make sort out, and not only make, but also pushing to some side.
    • It does not happen in life so that everyone equals everyone.
  18. "Master and Margarita"MA Bulgakov
    • I broke me, I'm bored, and I want to be in the basement.
    • I'll tell you a fairy tale. There was one aunt in the world. And she did not have children and happiness at all too. And now she was crying for a long time, and then became angry.
    • With yellow flowers, I went out, so that you finally found me ...
    • People like people. They love money, but it has always been ...
    • Brick is neither to no one and never falls on his head.
    • Well, the one who loves must share the fate of whom he loves.
    • The truth is to speak easily and pleasant.
    • The housekeeper knows everything - this is a mistake to think that they are blind.
    • History of us will judge - Koroviev
  19. Matrenin Dvor A. Solzhenitsyn
    • "Those people always have a good facial who are in Ladakh with his conscience."
    • "Peat-product? Ah, Turgenev did not know that it was possible to draw up this in Russian! "
    • "What the manner is damned - nothing to explain to unsubstantly"
  20. "Cherry Sad" A.P. Chekhov

Antoine Marie Jean-Batist Roger de Saint Exupery (1900, Lyon, France - July 31, 1944) - famous french writer, poet and professional pilot.

A. De Saint-Exupery "Little Prince". Old fox taught a little prince to comprehend the wisdom of human relations. To understand a person, you need to learn to peer into it, forgive small flaws. After all, the most important thing is always hidden inside, and you can not immediately see it.

This is the story of a random landing of the writer himself and its mechanics narrow in the desert.
The symbol of life is water, quenching the thirst of people lost in the sands, the source of all existing on Earth, food and flesh of everyone, that substance that gives the possibility of revival.
The dehydrated desert is a symbol of the world, devastated by war, chaos, destruction, human worn, envy and egoism. This is a world in which a person dies from spiritual thirst.

Rose is a symbol of love, beauty, female start. The little prince did not immediately see the true inner essence of beauty. But after a conversation with the fox, the truth was opened - beauty only then becomes beautiful when it is filled with meaning, content.

"Love is not to look at each other, it means to look in one direction" - This thought defines the ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe story-fairy tales.

He considers the topic of evil in two aspects: on the one hand, this is a "microzlo", that is, evil inside a separate person. This is the ominacy and internal devastation of the inhabitants of the planets that personify everything human vice. And it's not by chance that the inhabitants of the planet of the Earth are characterized through the inhabitants of the planets, seen with a small prince. This author emphasizes how little peace and dramatically the world. He believes that mankind, like a small prince, will comprehend the secret of being, and every person will find his guiding star, which will cover his life path. The second aspect of the theme of evil can be conventionally entitled "Macrozl". Baobaba is the spiritualized image of evil at all. One of the interpretations of this metaphorical image is associated with fascism. Saint-Exupery wanted people to carefully hardened the evil "Baobabi" who threatened to break the planet to pieces. "Bear baobabs!" - Spells a writer.

St. Exupery urges us as much as possible as possible to everything beautiful and try to not be confused on a difficult life of beauty inside yourself - the beauty of the soul and heart.
The most important thing about the beautiful little prince will know from Lisa. Externally beautiful, but empty inside roses do not cause any feelings of the contemplator. They are dead for him. The protagonist opens the truth for himself, the author and readers - it is beautiful that it is filled with content and deep meaning.

Misunderstanding, the alienation of people is another important philosophical Topic. The termality of the human soul leads to loneliness. The person judges the other only on the "outer shell", not seeing the main thing in man - his inner moral beauty: "When you say to adults:" I saw beautiful house From pink brick, in windows he has geranium, and on the roofs of the pigeons, "they can't imagine this house. They need to say: "I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs," and then they exclaim: "What a beauty!"
People must take care of the purity and beauty of their planet, to take care of and decorating it, not to die all the lives. So, gradually, unobtrusively, there is another one in the fairy tale important topic - Environmental, which is very relevant for our time. The journey of a small prince from the star to the star brings us to today's vision of cosmic land, where the land by negligence of people can disappear almost imperceptibly.
Love and one more secret opens fox kids: "Zorko is one heart. You won't see the most important eyes ... Your rose is so expensive to you because you gave her all my soul ... People forgot this truth, but you do not forget: you are forever responsible for everyone who tamed. " Tame - it means to tie yourself with another creature tenderness, love, a sense of responsibility. Tame - it means to destroy the chance and indifferent attitude towards the whole living. To tame - it means to make the world considerable and generous, because everything is reminded of a beloved creature. This truth is comprehended by the narrator, and the stars come to life, and he hears the ringing of silver bells in the sky, resembling a laugh of a small prince. The topic of "expansion of the soul" through love passes through the whole fairy tale.

Only friendship is able to melt the ice of loneliness and alienation, as it is based on mutual understanding, mutual trust and mutual assistance.
"It's sad when you forget friends. Not everyone has a friend, "says the hero of the fairy tale. At the beginning of the fairy tale, the Little Prince leaves his only rose, then he leaves his new Fox on Earth. "There is no excellence in the world," fox will say. But there is a harmony, there is humanity, there is a person's responsibility for the case entrusted to him, for his close man, there is still responsibility for his planet, for everything that happens on it.
Exupery wants to say that every person has its own planet, its own island and his guiding star, which a person should not forget about. "I wish I would know why the stars are glowing," the little prince said thoughtfully. "Probably, then, so that sooner or later everyone could find his again."

Lev Nikolayevicholstoy ---1828 --- 1910 Roman "War and Peace"

Pierre (Tolstoy "V. and the world") helped to survive the wisdom of Platon Karataeva, the cat. The cat had to live simply and appreciate what you have: the sun shines, the rains goes - all the benefit. Do not rush, rushing in search of happiness - live and rejoice, be happy you live. He found a common language with everyone, even with the French.

Using the example of Pierre Dzuhova and Plato Karataeva L. N. Tolstoy showed two perfect of different types Russian characters, two different social heroes.
The first of them - the graph, captured by French as a "arsonist" and, a miracle who avoided the execution. The second is a simple, wise experience, patient soldier. Nevertheless, the soldier Plato Karatayev managed to play an extremely important role in the life of Pierre Beshov.
After the execution of the "Piercers", the eyewitty of which Pierre became, "in his soul, it was as if it was extended by the spring, on which everything was held, and everything fell into a bunch of meaningless Sora. It was destroyed by faith in the improvement of the world, and in human soul, and in God. "
Meeting in Balagan with Plato Karataev helped the spiritual revival of Pierre: "He felt that before the destroyed world was now with a new beauty, on some new and unshakable foundations, erected in his soul." Karataev made a huge impression on Pierre's behavior, common sense, the feasibility of actions, the ability to "do everything is not very good, but not bad." For Pierre, he became "incomprehensible, round and eternal personification of the spirit of simplicity and truth."
Duhov, who had suffered serious suffering and fear of death, falls into another world. He sees the karatayev neatly arranged in the corner all his "economy", as the dog ran to him and began to be caressed. The soldier spoke about something very simple, began to fight prayers. All these everyday words and actions in those conditions seemed to Pierre the miracle, the great opening of the truth of life. Pierre felt a new beauty of a recent destroyed world, received "calm and contentment of himself": "And he, without thinking about that, received this calmness and this consent to himself only through the horror of death, through deprivation and through what he understood in Karataev. "
Karatayev feels part of the people: simple soldiers, peasantry. His wisdom is enclosed in numerous proverbs and sayings, each of which is guessed by the episode of Plato's life. For example, "where the court, there and not true." He suffered from an unfair court, and is forced to serve in the army. However, Plato perceives any turns of fate calmly, he is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of the well-being of the family. Karataev loves every person, every living being: he cares with an ordinary homeless dog, helps other captives, sew shirts for the French and sincerely admires their work.
Plato Karatayev becomes an example of the perception of another world for Pierre, where the simplicity of the truth is, love for humanity.
Relations of Plato Karataev and Pierre Duzhov developed in the novel very briefly. Because of the aggravated disease, Karataev shot the French.
The soldier was imperceptible left of his life, and Pierre perceived the death of Karataev quietly, as proper.
Plato appeared next to Pierre, as a Savior, in the hardest moment of his life and died everyday life. But despite this, the personality of his so uncomplicated and influence on the fate of Pierre is so great that Karataeva cannot be signed simply to the episodic heroes of the novel.
No wonder the years later, Pierre often recalled him, thought about the fact that Plato would say about this or that event, "approved or did not approve." The meeting of these two heroes largely determined the further fate of the Pierre Pierre Lesukov and showed the greatest wisdom Russian people embodied in the appearance of Platon Karataev soldier

The final essay is the most important test on the road to the exam. If you do not surrender it, you can not even think about the delivery of a single state exam. Therefore, it is so important to start diligently prepare now! Time a little, a couple of months. But with joint efforts we will be overcome. Joint? Yes! Write in the comments, what work was not enough, and we will make an argument on it!

  • Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov described the abyss between the dream and reality in his novel "Master and Margarita". The main character dreamed of publishing a book - achieving the whole of his life. For her writing, he left work, spent a lot of money won on the purchase of various works that helped him in creativity. But in the end, he himself sorry for the fact that Zano sought the fulfillment of his dreams. Critics immediately flew over the published passage, like a flock of crows on the corpse. Began insults in the press, persecution on such an "anti-Soviet" writer. Yes, and the basement on Arbat, who paid the master to win in the lottery, did not bring happiness: he was sent and evicted Magarych, attached to the other. The hero finds himself in a crazy house, and he hung his novel at all. It comes out, a person must be afraid of his desires, because it can not even imagine what they turn into reality.
  • On the insignificance of some of our desires tells M. A. Bulgakov in the novel "Master and Margarita". Woland at his representation in Varette is ironic about the dreams of Muscovites: they are all preserved at the "apartment issue". The magician satisfies their petty and vanity, throwing out the packs of money into the air, dressing women in luxurious outfits. But the author of the novel showed the futility and the nonsense of such aspirations literally: all the money and robes melted or turned into empty pieces. Thus, the dreams of all these limited and stingy people turned out to be insignificant illusions, and Satan taught them a good lesson.
  • Heroine Roman M. A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" has experienced a lot to embody His cepete dream. A woman passionately wanted to return her beloved man who was gone. She tried everything possible, but she did not know anything about his fate. And once she met a stranger, who made a frightening offer: take cream, smear the whole body and wait for his call. After that, a meeting with a foreigner, who knows about the master what the Margarita wants to know so much. The woman was very frightened, but decided on this step. She left her husband and the whole former life in contentment and idleness. She had to meet the devil and become the mistress on his ball. She suffered and pain, and fear for love. As a result, the heroine was able to rescue the masters, but the fulfillment of the dream went to her an expensive price. Thus, in order to get the desired, an effort must be made, because you just do not come true.

F. M. Dostoevsky, "Crime and Punishment"

  • F. M. Dostoevsky in his work "Crime and Punishment" described a very dangerous dreamer, who should beware of his desires. Rodion Raskolnikov sought to restore the filthy social justice and distribute the surplus of rich people to the poor. To do this, he chose the first sacrifice - the Roshover Alena Ivanovna. This old woman enveloped dozens of honest, but poor families with debt networks. The hero kills her, and at the same time deprives her life for her pregnant sister, which turned out to be a violence of violence. But the execution of his dreams turns into the collapse of all rainbow hopes. The stolen money did not help anyone, but only killed the peace of the killer and the thief. Thus, some desires really are to be afraid, since in reality they are able to embody only ugliness and sinfulness.
  • Reality is sometimes not able to desecrate the dream, as the author of the book "Crime and Punishment" proves, F. M. Dostoevsky. Sonya Marmeladov dreamed of turning Rodion into the Christian faith and send it to the righteous path of the atonement of sin. Therefore, the girl goes to a moral feat: she goes to the catguard after her beloved. The harsh realities of the prison life did not break the sublime soul. The heroine adapted to cruel orders and supported many of the prisoners to their concern. All her loved. Even the cold heart of proud Rodion melted. As a result, the desire of Sony came true: her chosen one was renounced inhuman theories. In the epilogue, we see how he enthusiastically reads the Bible, penetrating the wisdom and mercy. Thus, even the most uncomfortable, it would seem, the dream can break into the reasons and do not be discharged by it if the man is fired in what does.

A. P. Chekhov, "Ionch"

  • In the story of A. P. Chekhov "Ionch" hero dreams of its implementation in the profession. He wants to make a great contribution to the development of medicine, wants to help people and bear good to this world. But Dmitry enters the deaf province, where his frequent impulses to the light drowned the impassive darkness of the meshness and vulgarity. All the surroundings of the young doctor delays him into the marsh of monotony and boredom. No one seeks anything here, no one is eager for anything. Everything goes with your cat. And the elders also betrays a dream, becoming an ordinary fat man of middle-aged. It is rude and grumbling, serving the boning patients whom he considers solely as a source of earnings. Now he wants only to sit in the club and play gambling. In his example, we understand that betrayal of their ideals and dreams promises full spiritual degradation.
  • Not all the dreams are destined to come true, and this is the norm of life. This thesis proves A. P. Chekhov in the "Ionch" book. Katerina dreams of becoming a virtuoso pianist, but can she do it? Hardly. Not all people are given true talent. But the heroine does not understand this, prying to his ability to drum on the keys. She even rejects Dmitry's proposal, leaves why at home and spends several years in the capital, trying to learn to the pianist. And what's the result? The youth fades the beauty of fading, and the dream turns into patients of ambition injections. The girl returns home anything, vaguely realizing his own stupidity. And was it worth it to be entered and rejecting a young man? Not. But the past is not returned, and Katerina is trying in vain to remind Dmitry former feelings. Thus, not all dreams to a person can realize, and he must take this fact courageously and calmly, sending his efforts to another, more appropriate channel.

A. S. Pushkin, "Captain's Daughter"

  • Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his historical novel "Captain's daughter" describes the devotion to the dream, which was crowned with the incarnation of desire to life. Mary Mironova loved Peter and dreamed of marry him. But fate all the time puts them sticks in the wheels: first Schvabrin Denies Father Greeneva, that the idleness craves to lure the rich heir to the trap. Elderly nobleman, naturally, forbade this marriage. Then Marya became the captive Alexey, and he forced her to marry him. It would seem that the poor orphan was supposed to accept a proposal, no better wait, but the girl hardly waited for her beloved. When the liberation took place, she again had to lose Peter. He was condemned by the imaginary help to Pugachev. And then the heroine was not afraid to go to the Empress itself. Such a faithfulness of the dream finally led Maria to the fulfillment of desire: she became a wife of his beloved person.
  • Sometimes people are ready to go to any abominations, if only their dreams are fulfilled. Such an example describes A. S. Pushkin in the novel "Captain's daughter". Alexey wanted to marry Marya, but she rejected him. Beauty also fell in love with a new garrison officer, Peter. Then Swabrin decided to achieve his intrigues and even betrayal. He contraved the reputation of the Mironovaya and her family in the eyes of Greeneva. Then the brave young man prescribed a gossip of a fight, defending the honor of his beloved girl. And Swabrin again showed meanness, using dishonest reception. And when the fortress captured the ruffers, the hero and eyebrow did not lead, betraying the middle name. He then decided to take his wife with force and coercion, without stopping not before. It was prevented by Grinevo in time, and yet Alexey was ready to cross through all moral bans, just only to achieve the fulfillment of the dream. Because of such an unprincipledness, she did not come true, because in any desire it is important to maintain dignity, otherwise you will only give away from your dreams, because you will become unworthy.

A. N. Ostrovsky, "Thunderstorm"

  • In the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" the main character dreams of happy and free lives. But marriage did not justify her hopes: the husband was under the Mother's Iron Fifth, which was represented by reproach every day of the existence of a young family. If the Son could still escape to the Tavern or on Affairs, his spouse assumed all the severity of relations with mother-in-law. Reality brutally deceived the expectations of an exalted and romantic girl. She thought that all families, like her parents, live in harmony and understanding. But her dream of love is not destined to come true even outside the scrap of Kabanih. Boris became another disappointment. His love did not extend on the ban of uncle. As a result of the collision of reality with the world of a dream, the heroine loses his strength to live and kills himself. Thus, the conflict of reality and dreams can lead to tragedy.
  • Dreams come true, but not by themselves. To do this, you need to do something. But often people do not understand simple truths, and A. N. Ostrovsky described such an example in the drama "Thunderstorm". Tikhon loves his wife and dreams of living with her warm and harmony of the family hearth, but the Hero's mother constantly pins a young one for his eternal desire to control everything. It would seem that it would be possible to correct this problem, but Tikhon is a non-free and apathetic person who seems to be an unbearable burden. He is afraid of his mother, although he has already become an adult man. As a result, he pulls the strap difficult life, not trying to realize his desires. This was enough to bring the unfortunate Katerina to Suicide. In the finals, the hero mourns his wife and stakes the mother for the collapse of all his hopes. But only one is to blame.

I. A. Goncharov, "Oblomov"

  • In the Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" hero all his life burns in fantasies, hiding from reality in a warm bathrobe on his beloved sofa. He practically does not come out of the house, but often thinks about what will come out and do something. On all the requirements of reality (theft in the crushing, the need to leave the apartment, etc.) Ilya Ilyich is only dishwashed, trying at any cost to throw care about someone else's affairs. Therefore, Oblomov is always surrounded by fraudsters who are beneficial to the incessant friend of a friend from reality, where they are offended offend him. The dreaminess of Ilya Ilyich leads him to a dead end. Living days in illusions, he learned something to do, so he loses his beloved Olga, wins the remains of the inheritance and leaves the son of the orphan without a state. Oblomov dies in color of years from his lifestyle, although not, from his way of thinking, because it is he who brings a man to complete physical and spiritual degradation. Thus, excessive dreaminess threatens to man with irreparable and severe consequences.
  • Our dreams do not always lead us on the right path. Sometimes they confuse us in the depths of labyrinths, it is difficult to get back. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish your true desires from false and imposed ideas about what we want. In Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" just such an example. Olga Ilyinskaya melted himself as a savior of Ilya Ilyich and began to distort him stubbornly. She did not regret his habits, was not considered with his opinion, and he did not love him like it was in real life. She saw him only the illusion that dreamed of doing. Therefore, their relationships did not work out, and the heroine itself fell into a stupid position. She, young and beautiful, hardly did the proposal herself a lazy fat man, who in every way braked the process. Then the woman realized that she lived in illusions and invented her love. Olga, fortunately, found a more suitable husband and squandered up with fake desires that could make it unhappy if they were fulfilled. Thus, not all dreams lead us to a happy future.

A. Green, "Scarlet Sails"

  • In the work of Green "Scarlet Sails", the heroine proved on his example that even the most courageous dreams come true if the person believes in them with all his heart. Once a little girl received a prediction that the prince was sailing on the magic vessel with Alay sails behind it. Assol believed in the presenlation and began to wait for mysterious strangerAlthough everyone around laughed at her naivety. The society was a negative attitude toward her father, and the girl grew out of the outcast. In addition, she was considered crazy, because who would believe in their right mind into stories about fabulous ships and beautiful princes? But the heroine persistently believed in his lucky star, and not in vain. Dead seaworth found out about her dream and executed her, deciding to support beauty. As a result, Assol waited for the fulfillment of his desire, despite the fact that no one believed in her. Thus, to realize your feces, you need to be a bold and independent person who devoted to his ideal.
  • To fulfill your dream, a person sometimes has to donate many. For example, Arthur Gray from the story "Scarlet Sails" was forced to leave his home and break ties with their native people to become a sailor. His parents were famous aristocrats, representatives of the ancient dynasty. The fate of the diplomat was prepared by their only son, because his father was an important government official. However, the boy wanted to live differently. The dark and pompous atmosphere of the mansion oppressed him. He wanted freedom and diversity of travel. But the family did not approve of his intentions. Then the 15-year-old young man escaped from the house. He, no doubt, was hard to go for this step, but he was able to get out of the comfort zone. Such is the cost of execution of dreams.

N. V. Gogol, "Dead Souls"

  • The difference between the dream and the desire becomes obvious when we find out what a person wants from life. The main hero of the poem N. V. Gogol " Dead Souls"I wanted one thing: enrichment. For this, he challenged in Russia in search of landowners who could rewrite those peasants on him, who have already died. So, a funeral intended to be fraudulent by getting a loan, laying dozens of serfs, which were not really there. Obviously, Chichikov did not bete the lowest means in implementing their plans. He was not afraid to put his honor for his honor, even freedom, because for such frauds you can get under the trial. But is it worth the result of such a risk? Is it really a person ready to sacrifice all the fact that he has? This is a very small reason. For the dream of a simple aspiration for the profit is not enough. This is just a consumer desire that is easy to satisfy. It is among the majority of people, there is nothing that could inspire a person. A real dream is an ideal, barely achievable a miracle, to which a man stretches. And the fact that it is simpical and trite, is called only a momentary whim - desire.
  • One of the heroes of the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" was distinguished by special dreamence. Manilov lived in Gree, so he seemed in words the ideal landlord. He dreamed of building a stone bridge over the pond, put a tent and stalls for merchants, in a word, to organize innovative trading platforms. However, all regulars at home knew that the owner tells this bike not the first year. He also impressed the read and cultural manBut the book at his desk has been opened on the fourteenth page for two years. The nobleman was very careful about the farm, but did not understand anything in it, so the manager robbed him. Manilaov lived the illusions that had his imagination. He had these phantoms enough, he was not going to do anything to implement them. Therefore, none of his grand planners will never cease to be plan.

A. P. Chekhov, "Gojberry"

  • A dream is a wonderful and inspirational extravaganza, which leads us through life to the future we want. But if the feces turn into a fanatical desire, close to obsession, then they can reduce a person crazy. The example was described by A. P. Chekhov in the story "Gojberry". The main character most of all in the world wanted to buy his own estate. There he intended to grow his favorite garden berries and live in full peace. For the purchase of this paradise He decided to waste everything himself. A man married the calculation, worked as a savings and tame spouse, and he himself had no hence, just to get the money to the belly purchase. All hobbies, feelings, knowledge were forgotten. Nikolai Ivanovich lived alone with a dream. As a result, he achieved his own, became a Barin with his estate and a saucer of sour gooseberry. But he lived alone and a full festival, having no family, no love, nor the affairs of life. The hero became spiritually poor, drought all friends, even his brother was not in his presence. Extreme to good is not brought, even if they are manifested in dreams. Fanatism destroys the inner world of man.
  • In the story of A. P. Chekhov "Gojberry" The main character on his example proved that it is impossible to dream only about material values, otherwise the person's personality degrades. Nikolai Ivanovich sought all his life only to the acquisition of the manor, which his father lost due to debts. The son very painfully responded to this incident from the family chronicle, and, apparently, this event affected his worldview. He was ready to sacrifice everything, just to acquire a manor with a plot suitable for growing the gooseberry. Nikolai Ivanovich took a rich in his wife, but the elderly and ugly widow, and soon brought her to death with his sputum. Such behavior pushed all his acquaintances and friends. He stayed alone, but with a gooseberry, because he bought a house and land. After buying it brother Noted that the new Barin sank and degraded. A small and selfish dream led him to a philistine existence, which can not be called a full-fledged life. His fusion satisfaction is nothing in common with happiness. That is why it is impossible to say that all the horses are equally elevated and beautiful.

A. I. Kookin, "Olesya"

    In the story of A. Kookin "Olesya" the heroine possessed a dreamy nature, so he imagined that he could deceive fate. She possessed magical abilitiesAnd with the help of cards made a prediction, which foreshadowed her pain from communication with the beloved. But the young witch was too fascinated by Ivan, and therefore allowed the dream of their love to become a Jaw. Their novel really continued easily and rapidly, young people were crazy about each other. Apparently, because of this eclipse of consciousness, the girl succumbed to the devastating illusions - she believed that she was needed to go to church and lead the way of life that her chosen one likes. But the reality turned out to be a cruel refutation of this sweet self-deception: Olesy greatly beat fanatical parishioners. She realized that the Grenos about the Union with Ivan was not destined to break through the misunderstanding and prejudice of society. Yes, and the dream of conquering fate either did not come true: an inexorable Rock followed the victim on the heels. Obviously, reality destroys our fantasies when we are under the fading spells of love and let yourself dream about that it simply cannot come true.

I. A. Bunin, "Mr. from San Francisco"

    In the story of Ivan Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco" the dream of a hero does not come true, because he always endured the term of its implementation and, in the end, died. He worked all his life, she covered capital, built his business, and therefore he paid little time to his family and leisure. So, from a person, he turned into a master without behalf and individual traits. The hero became an ordinary merchant, which managed to see only the presence of money. But he dreamed of his friend - about a happy life with loved ones, traveling and new sensations. But the man understood too late that he was really expensive. So without rearing the cherished goal of the trip, he died at the first stop. All his dreams crashed on the inability to deal with priorities. It was important for later, and as a result, nothing came true.

N. V. Gogol, Nevsky Prospect

    Not all dreams are equally useful for a person. Some of them really stand fear. For example, an artist from Gogol's book "Nevsky Prospect" saw an excellent stranger on the main street of the city. He immediately fell in love and followed her in the hope of acquaintance. Imagination creative man Give a girl with some magic charm. He walked behind her, and even as if he had seen his third signs of attention, but it turned out that the cute young lady was led to a public house. Seeing a cereal place, the hero was pulled and ran away. At home, he desperately for the young woman, more precisely, in his vision from Nevsky Prospect. He endowed it with an extraterrestrial beauty with hypnotic attraction. He immediately conceived to save his ideal, snatch it from the paw paw. But the re-visit to the public house showed that the desire was unnecessary. The girl contemptuously looked around in response to the preaching of the artist. All his illusions were collapsed with a roar. He could not survive it. The conclusion can be done like this: you do not need to be impressionable people to chase dubious ideals. They need to be afraid of their playful fantasy.

    The wreck of hopes for the embodiment of a dream may hurt a person and deprive him incentive for life. For example, the hero of the story of Gogol "Nevsky Prospect" is disappointed in the dream of the salvation of an excellent stranger. Young brunette, which he saw on the street, turns out to be a worker from the house of tolerance. Piskarev is greatly worried about this, but decides to rescue the girl from the capture captivity. The opium has greatly broke his imagination, and in a state of narcotic intoxication, a man could no longer adequately perceive reality. Having come to the public house, he began to preach the rejection of the immoral lifestyle. Naturally, the heroine only laughed at the guest. She was not going to change anything. And Piskarev could not stand the crash of hopes and committed suicide. The unfortunate man simply could not live anymore, having lost his insane dream, so the consequences of the destruction of dreams were so tragic.

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