Mysterious stranger: how to understand a male aquarius. What aquarius loves

Mysterious stranger: how to understand a male aquarius. What aquarius loves
Mysterious stranger: how to understand a male aquarius. What aquarius loves

Man of moods

In order to understand what the male-Aquarius in love, you need to determine and realize the character of this sign. After all, this nature is very contrary to. This is usually a mood man. Do not be surprised that in different days his behavior is different. If today is your man in a good arms of the Spirit, you can hope for a pleasant pastime; If something was upset, then do not doubt: he will spoil the mood and you.

Well, can not act Aquarius contrary to his feelings. It can happen and this: when he is sad, in fact, from the inside, it is "tearing" the most kind and gentle feelings. Conversely: Unrestrained fun - this is an attempt by the Male Aquarius to hide the inner experiences. This moment is worth considering. So if your chosen one was born under this sign of the zodiac, then be prepared: Male-Aquarius in love is inconsistently. Also do not try to relegate it. The most stubborn zodiac sign on it "will not behave." He can destroy the received foundations, traditions and concepts, if he needs it, if so for him is more comfortable, but will never allow another person, even a beloved woman, change something in his inner world.

From extreme to extreme

Aquarius in love can be fundamentally different. The first case is when he falls in love with unconsciousness. Such a man is ready to give you all his hidden passion and love. His stubbornness will only warm your relationship. But be prepared that if the male Aquarius fell to your feet, then such a union will be a bit strange. In this case, your chosen one most likely idealized your image. Therefore, do not be surprised if it starts to immortalize the quality in you, in your opinion, you are not inherent. The second version of the development of the relationship with an alarm is when he perceives you as a friend. This happens quite often. The philosophical nature of the Aquarius Men easier perceives a woman as simply an interlocutor, a friend with whom you can discuss not only relationships, but also the problems of pressing. Such is a male aquarius in love. You can either accept his rules of the game, or say goodbye to him.

Aquarius woman in love

Interestingly, the habit of considering representatives of the opposite sex is solely with their friends and no more observed in women-water. They are too independent to show the initiative and run for someone. And often it comes to the point that they perceive all their cavaliers like friends. So they are easier and clearer. Despite this, the Woman Aquarius in love is very successful. Many men are always spinning near her.

And all because such a person is undemanding and unreverv. She does not need constant attention. But ready to give your support in large quantities. Woman Aquarius is a reliable life companion. If a man does not make any requirements for her, it simply respects it, then she will always be with him: will support, and sticks. The opposite floor it also attracts its mysterious appearance. Not even a particularly beautiful Aquarius woman knows how to present himself in such a way that any man wants to be with her next. The only thing that should be remembered by creating an alliance with a special such sign is that it is not worth limiting it. By nature, the Woman Aquarius is very honest and will not deceive you, but the feeling of freedom is simply necessary for her.

Contracted sign

Aquarius in love, be it a man or woman, very controversy. At the same time, it is energetic and passive. He gives all his herself, but at the same time remains unsolved. Build a union with another person is not easy, especially when aquarius. But if you manage to find the way to the heart of this watermark, he will give you a sea of \u200b\u200blove and warmth.

If you are in love with Aquarius - a man - you are lucky! Not in everything, but lucky. Be prepared for what you and your relationship will be very envied.

He does everything for the one in love. As they say, ready and "in a cake to break up" the kids of comfort full of his beloved. He will not regret either the time or funds or forces for this.

When Aquarius falls in love - he blooms

As a bunch of the finest colors. It can be seen by his gestures, according to his facial expressions, in his movements. He even looks like a child. Rejoices with his feelings, like a new toy baby rejoices! You can only imagine, in what captivity of emotions is it.

Do not be surprised if a man - Aquarius will make you a chic and very unexpected surprise! He can do everything you are surprised. And nothing will be able to stop him, whatever he planned. You should not be afraid of: a surprise will not harm you, because Aquarius always protects those who are expensive.

It was achieved that you fell in love with Aquarius - get ready for the fact that he would hit you with his addiction to sex. He loves sex, and believes that love without sex does not happen. The phrase "I want you" to say more often than the phrase: "I love you." And let it not surprise you! Complete and treat it naturally.

As you can see, Aquarius is not ideal

His "not ideality" is still reflected in that .... In other words, you all learn. But do not hurry to be disappointed so right away! Aquarius can fall asleep you, beautiful, promises, but may forget that they need to be executed. The main thing for him is to achieve the one in which he falls. He will say that and cakes can oven, and that will bring cappictions to bed. He will say it all so convincing that you can not believe him.

Aquarius in love sings

Relatives will definitely suspect something happening to him because they live side by side. For questions about what happened, at first, a man will answer Skupor and without much details. Oh, and does not like a man - Aquarius, when in his life "fit" trying! He is patient, of course, but can send if he gets his obsession.

Aquarius in love is a man walking out!

In it, suddenly, the initiative can wake up. If it wakes up - it will not fall asleep after the entire period of "cadrism" (this is such a period when a man is achieved by the person who is ready to give and give all his heart).

The behavior of the in love Aquarius

Look more for these poems that will tell you that the waterword fell in love:

  1. Aquarius throws smoking. At all throws, if he learns that his possible half does not tolerate smokers. Do you think it's easy for him to do it? Although! He would never go to the "sacrifice" such. Love is another thing, of course. Love has always been taken to consider how "the case is special."
  2. Aquarius seriously think about the life of the family. And these "thinking" on his face are available. He, without losing his "coronal" sense of humor, with a smile and often begins to talk about the kids, that it is time to "start" them. Previously, this was not observed for water.
  3. "Akivoevskaya" irritability disappears somewhere, which, before, did not give him to live peacefully. He relates more calmly to life, and to things that he used to be particularly worried and worried. The surrounding can be shocked.
  4. He began to be shy to look straight into the eyes. As if guilty felt. If you are the one in love with, then you can not notice how his eyes are hiding diligently.
  5. He shows his jealousy. And shows it in such ways that only it is possible to show it. Jealousy can manifest as quick-tempered and with aggressiveness of some. You find out what Aquarius is such .... Well, a little owner, let's say. And with such an opinion, it seems to part, he is not going to part.
  6. He starts to write and call messages. And he did not like it to never before buming. And "suffered" so, seriously, only at the age of a teenager before. Aquarius generally believes that the messages are "kindergarten", and the calls are needed not for ordinary conversations, but exclusively for the conversation "on affairs".
  7. Aquarius understands what can (and agrees) to compromise to go if it would be necessary or needed. He himself is shocked! Shocked from himself. After all, quite recently he thought that he would never retreat from his principles. But love all changed! Even more than everything ....
  8. He, in the imagination, draws a picture of how brings a cup of coffee into the bed with his beloved and beloved. With his incredible laziness?! Amazing! He himself thought about it.

Aquarius - very scattered and unshakled man

But he will always remember important dates that are associated with you somehow. For example, your birthday. He will remember him even if you have not yet communicated. He will not write down the date of your birth! He captures her in his memory.

Aquarius will put money on your mobile, if hear that they have ended. But you do not need to do the same for him! No matter how he loved you - the gesture of this character only humiliates a man.

He will tell you, openly, which comes into the Internet to find you there, and communicate at least a little, as communication on the mobile phone, and in reality it will not be enough. And do not scold him if he appears on the Internet at its working time. For you, he will even go to the "official crime"!

Moving Aquarius, you can consider boldly that they met the wizard, because he will make absolutely everything for you. All that ask. If you are his dream! Take into account one thing: all the aquaries hate when they use brazen! Something you managed to read about it at the beginning of the article.

The appearance of a woman, of course, plays a role for Aquarius - Men. But he, initially, falls in love with external data, but in the personal qualities of a person. Moreover, it appreciates them during the entire period of relationship. By the way, if it does not "part" by compliments, do not take it on your own account. That is, he can consider you insanely beautiful, but it will not repeat it verbally.

Man - Aquarius in love and sex - This is a solid disappointment for every girl who dreams of getting married. Here you can say directly - the most inappropriate option for family life. Aquarius loves freely break through life with minimal luggage by shoulders. They love their freedom more than any woman. Indeed, why be all the time with one woman when there are four billion them in the world and it is possible to get acquainted with each of them. Aquarius does not like:

  • regulations;
  • laws;
  • conventions in relationships.

It is relatively well tolerating only friendly relationships with some distance. Men Aquarius love to remember the words of one song: "There must be some kind of riddle in a woman ..." You should always be a little inaccessible for him. You must have a new mystery every day so that your faithful interest is preserved. If you approach too close and repen your soul and body in front of him, then he will translate you into the category of "read book" and leaves forever. After all, if one riddle is solved, then it's time to send in search of a new one. That is allMale Aquarius in love and sex.

Platonic lovers

It seems that Plato himself was aquer. After all, he invented this clean intelligent platonic love without a hint of carnal desires. Sex of water is wondering weakly, so they are not enough. Peak sexual activity falls on early youth and then fades. Aquarius sincerely believes that there are much more interesting things in the world. Therefore, they do not suffer from a long abstinence as much as the other signs. They are intellectuals, they need a general passion and a lot of communication on a variety of topics. Another signs of the zodiac, they seem guys to themselves on the mind.

Woman is the best friend of man!

The attitude of the Aquarius to a woman can be characterized as indulgent and loyal. They really see women as a "weak floor", which need to give odds and not take seriously. Not very flattering, right? However, women quotes may increase if she:

In relations, he will not commit itself as a husband, however, as a real Aquari friend will do everything that will need. He can even make an offer of his hand and heart, and it will become a real surprise and shock for both. However, even the cherished stamp in the passport means nothing. For Aquarius, this is not an obstacle to care.

Tell jealousy no!

The most remarkable quality that is in Aquarius is the rejection of jealousy and the complete absence of an owner's instinct. They are sincerely confident that every person belongs only to himself, and others do not have the slightest right to try to freedom of separate personality. Aquarius appreciate personal space as their own, and someone else's, so they are not climbing with questions: "Where did you wear up to 3-nights?", And "Whose number is your phone book?" From girlfriend and wives, they expect the same respect for personal freedom. He periodically needs loneliness. He can guess from the house for a couple of days, and returning back he wants his warmth and friendly.

Do not have 100 rubles, and have 100 friends

And then again to the point about the water! They are not really particularly interested in money. I remember a conversation with one typical aquarity. He, an experienced and professional system administrator, is sitting in a firm on a very modest salary. It has long been working, to look for a new job with career growth and generous payment, he did not even think. It all satisfied everything! There is a feeling that the food spiritual seems to seem to be physical. What you can not say about their companions. A woman next to the Aquarius will have to once again treat philosophically to this feature of their satellites and go to make money to ensure herself, children and .

For peace all over the world

Men Aquarius in Love and Sex These are cosmopolitans and philosophers. They are alien to aggression and battle pressure. Therefore, it is difficult for them to realize themselves and break into any sphere. Aquarius will better leave the environment hostile to him and will torture happiness on. They are not leaders, and not subordinates - they themselves.

How to find out what awaits you with a man?

Well, if you want to know what the future you are having a man with a man:

  • Does he come to marry you and how soon?
  • Will he be prone to treason and how to prevent it?
  • If you enter into marriage with a man of water, what will it bring you?
  • What scenario will your relationship develop?

Complete the free course "Customizing Harmony", where you will open all the secrets of your relationship with a man with a water:

Communicate and establish contact with a man-aquarity is a whole art. Indeed, many women who already know their loved ones are not one year old, continue to be surprised by their unexpected actions and extraordinary behavior. Most of the representatives of this sign of the zodiac are able to put the most observational and experienced people in a dead end. Aquarius suddenly leaves or very quickly makes the proposal of the hands and hearts, sometimes it will break up without an explanation of the reasons, even once does not quarrel. And the woman is unable to collect his thoughts to come up with some way to return it.

How does the Aquarius love? How to find the key to the heart of this mysterious person, master the secrets of communication with him? It is important to study the inner world of your loved one. Knowledge of some characteristics of the character inherent in many Aquarius. The main thing is to try to adapt to the variability of your loved one and find the very "wave" on which you can communicate.

I am soluing a male aquarius and get used to the nuances of the character of the most changeable sign
Indeed, it is the Men-Aquarius that can be called the most volatile representative of the signs of the zodiac. This man is so unstable that sometimes try to keep track of his transformations simply does not make sense. It is important to consider that Aquarius will surely be often amazing you, a little shock, and sometimes offended. Even if he really loves you.

  1. Why is he sad? Many women are worried about one question: why their favorite Aquarius man so often sadness, falls into thought, does not answer questions? What is the reason for its abutation, apathy? Of course, a woman, especially jealous, instantly finds a thousand reasons for such a strange behavior. He does not love, he is bored, liked another girl - he dreams about her ... In fact, the man-aquarus loves to silend, he appreciates peace, at times he is overcome melancholy. It is not necessary to interfere with it in such a state if it is not very tightened. Distribution is also hardly for something. Male Aquarius could remember his first day at school, the girl with whom he played in the sandbox, or the first trip to the interview ... He plunged into nostalgia, but it is probably briefly. Wait.
  2. Overweight and excessively clean. When the Aquarius makes the next remark about the microscopic spot on a blanket or dust on the table, you do not need to suspect it in treasures and cruelty, indifference. Just aquatic are truly often painful, they fear any microbes and strive for sterile purity and ideal order. The unwillingness of women perform the associated requirements can lead to conflicts. It is best to get used to this feature of the Male Aquarius and also make efforts to create the ideal conditions in the house.
  3. Expressive and touchy. When the Aquarius loves man, he becomes especially wounded. It is important to remember that with this person it is necessary to behave with double care. Any unsuccessful word, ambiguity or even a sharp tone can immediately remove the Aquarius. Try to find with your favorite contact, feel about it more tolerant and learn at the right time to change his mood, infect positive emotions.
  4. Amateur air locks. Most of the representatives of this sign of the zodiac are happy to indulge in dreams. Do not be discouraged if you do not have places in them, however try to change the situation. The perfect option is to dream and talk about the future, build air locks along with aquiet. Then he will always be wondering with you, he will understand that you "breathe with him with one air." Just do not try to destroy his mirage, become strict judge and skeptic! It will push your chosen one, even if the Aquarius loves you.
  5. Elusive. To keep track of mood drops, the dramatic transformations of the temperature of the Aquarius is not easy. The perfect option is to try to predict the nearest changes or quickly adapt to them when they turned out to be completely unexpected. Male Aquarius is very active or apathetic, sociable or closed, compromise or conflict. He has almost no average tones, and transitions from extremes to extreme are committed in an instant.
  6. Cruel or emotional? If he suddenly arranged a scandal, struck the outbreak of unfortunate anger or jealousy, made a sharp note, almost indecent, right in humans, it should not convince the fact that the Aquarius doesn't love you. Just many aquarities are distinguished by extreme emotion, it is difficult for them to control it. It is worth noting that the sudden manifestations of irritability, cruelty characteristic of Aquarius, which is experiencing deep feelings to a woman. It is the behavior of a beloved woman for him most importantly, causes strong emotions, from admiration to anger.
  7. Experimenter. Another feature, inherent in many representatives of this sign, usually categorically dislike for women. When the Aquarius loves man, he cannot resist experiments. He wants to know exactly how a woman behaves in various situations, and the Aquarius is ready to "rehearse" anything, right up to parting. With this you have to try to accept, react to such a game as much as possible and restrained. Otherwise, your favorite will be offended. Make the view that believe him, and yourself try to show your best qualities. After all, this is also a kind of opportunity to demonstrate their advantages.
Many aquatic men love women who are able to show maximum flexibility in communicating with them. Change together with the chosen one, you can lag behind it, but should not try to limit it. Overcome the difficulty in everyday life so that they do not become an obstacle for your relationship. A sharp change of the mood of the Aquarius should not confuse you, like the various requirements of your beloved.

Dreams of the Male Aquarius: whom he will love
Many aquatic men strive for life with balanced and calm, but at the same time an interesting and in their own impossible woman. It is important to be able to amaze a loved one, but not shock it with sharp changes. The foreground also comes to life and the ability to level conflicts, to make the atmosphere relaxing and pleasant.

  • Talented mistress. Male Aquarius dreams of his wife who will become an ideal mistress. It is necessary to make the house most cozy and comfortable, think over all the nuances so that your favorite enjoyed every minute of stay in the native walls.
  • Causible to take responsibility for yourself. In relations with a man-aquarification, you will have to regularly take responsibility for yourself, to make decisions yourself. Let your word be decisive if this wants the Aquarius himself. Just the representatives of this sign are not always want to analyze the situation.
  • Interesting interlocutor and reliable girlfriend. Male Aquarius loves when his chosen is not only becoming part of the family, but also supports it in business, gives valuable councils, delves into all the cases. He is pleased to talk to the abstract topics, sees a friend in a woman.
For Aquarius, it is important to constantly open something new in your favorite, gradually study it and understand more and more. It is not necessary to fully disclose your inner world in front of him - it can be boring. Let something remains secret. Then the man-aquare will always be interesting with you.

Astrologers say that the Aquarius of Love is a gentle and caring romantic, hiding in the clouds. The lady of his heart can only be envied, because she has an ideal man next to him, about which almost all women dream.

Why then among the people of this sign so many bachelors? The answer is simple - they quickly fall in love and also quickly cool down to the lady of their heart. They value their freedom much higher than any relationship that the root is not satisfied with women. Therefore, they are increasingly wondering: "How to understand a male aquarius to keep it and eventually conclude a marriage with him?". This is not the easiest task. To marry the Aquarius, it will take a lot of strength and perseverance.

Women, knowing about the impermanence of the Male Aquarius, often doubt the sincerity of his feelings. Therefore, they are tormented by thought: "How to determine what you like a man?". In fact, calculate the in love of the Aquarius is very easy. It is enough to observe his behavior.

There are certain signs of how to understand that the man of this sign is in love:

  1. He is ready to change for his beloved. For example, if his lady of the heart does not like the smell of alcohol, he will stop drinking at all.
  2. Finding in love, the man of this sign is beautifully caught by a woman. He always seeks to make it happy.
  3. He manifests his feelings in public, not shy them.
  4. Aquarius begins to understand what he wants to create a family and still speaks about it. He constantly looks at other people's children and says that it would be time to have his own. However, on this occasion should not be seduced. It can remain simple conversations.
  5. Understand that you like a man of this sign in its behavior. He becomes calm. The irritability disappears inherent in the people of this sign. Even close people are noticed. This means that Aquarius is in love with real.
  6. The guy begins to take a look. This is the main sign that he is in love. In this, he resembles a young man from Romanov, who is hesitated to look into his beloved eyes.
  7. He is jealous and demonstrates it. Aquarius is the owner and with anyone is not going to share even the attention of his woman, so when a competitor appears, it becomes aggressive.
  8. He constantly calls and writes messages. This also indicates that the Aquarius is in love. He never writes and does not call just so chat. For him, the phone is a means for reporting urgent information. If he uses it for easy communication with the lady of the heart, it means that he is in love with her.
  9. If the Aquarius is in love, he agrees to compromise. In the usual life of this never happens.
  10. In the imagination he draws idyll and divided by these thoughts with his beloved. He says that she will serve her breakfast in bed, which will take on the preparation of dinner and at that moment he believes in it. Only Aquarius forgets about his laziness. Therefore, such promises should not be perceived seriously and do not need to be offended when he does not fulfill them, because at that moment he himself believes in what he says.

As a man loves this sign, he doesn't like any other man and everything would be fine, if not one thing - he quickly cools to his beloved. If a woman ceases to amaze him, then he becomes boring. As soon as it happens, he can immediately break the relationship and go to search for new love.

What women like men of this sign

What women like Men-Aquarius are a question that concerns many ladies who want to take possession of the strong sex of this sign. This sign of the zodiac appreciates the inner world, and not appearance, but he loves the woman to take care and fond of sports. Flat ladies are unlikely to be interested.

Aquarius love extravagant women, but not devoid of taste. They themselves are an extraordinary personality and the people with whom they spend time should be the same. Aquarius is unlikely to pay attention to the tackle, the style of clothing which is not distinguished from the crowd.

What women like male waterwords in terms of character. First of all, they value sincerity. If the behavior of the lady is nagano, the man of this sign will never pay attention to her, and even begged her.

What a woman needs a man-aquarian so that they have a serious relationship? He needs a mystery woman. Unscrew mystery - that's what attracts it. He should always seek a woman, even after he began to possess her. She should give him to feel that he is not his property, but at the same time not to allow flirting with other men, because it can cause this an uncontrolled fry and disappointment.

As soon as the man of this sign will understand that the lady of the heart in it unconditionally fell in love, he can cool to her. The behavior of a woman should always be different: the tender and affectionate, then the impregnable, then cold.

A man should always be surprised. He should not be bored with a woman and then serious relationship will be possible.

Aquarius rarely can say with confidence which women he likes, but one knows exactly - he does not like women who seek to dominate and restrict his freedom. As soon as he feels that his male independence threatens something, he immediately stops all sorts of contacts.

Aquarius does not like hysterical women. As soon as she starts constantly asking "I like me?", "Are you not bored with me?" And the like, the man will start annoying and nothing good for a woman will not end.

So what girls like waterwords in the end? The girl should be sincere, friendly, independent, well-groomed and extravagant. With it, it should be interesting to spend time. She must constantly amaze him and not to give him to miss. Then he will do everything to be his woman happy.

Male-Aquarius in relations and family

Male-Aquarius in love is a romantic who surrounds his female care and will pay her maximum attention. He will do everything to ensure that his chosen is happy. He will not regret for this neither forces or material benefits.

Male Aquarius will constantly arrange the lady of his heart surprises. He will never do them as it all. It will be original and unpredictable.

Aquarius in relations will never allow himself to change. His woman can be 100% sure that if he was told that he would spend time with friends, then it would be with them. He does not hide anything. He himself does not tolerate lies and tries himself not to lie.

Feel in love, the man of this sign is in no hurry to make his woman's hand and heart offer. If he still decided to take this step, his wife can envy any woman.

In the family, the Aquarius man behaves like an exemplary husband and father. He will not distribute things with his wife. If it is asked to wash the dishes, then he will do it and does not consider such an exercise to be asked.

A man in family life will behave adequately. He will not insult his woman or try to humiliate. Men of this sign hiding something from wives are very rare. They are open and extremely honest with their chosen.

Married aquari man will try to make family life diverse. He will arrange his wife surprises, and pour her attention to his attention.

If a woman knows how Male-Aquarius behaves behaves and how it is necessary to lead himself, then they may have a strong relationship and get a happy family.