National symbols of modern Ukraine in historical. All state symbols of Russia - I want to know

National symbols of modern Ukraine in historical. All state symbols of Russia - I want to know
National symbols of modern Ukraine in historical. All state symbols of Russia - I want to know

The national flag is one of the most important and respected symbols of the country. As a rule, the motive depicted on the flag is associated with the history or culture of the country. While most national flags include various geometric shapes, colors and general symbols, there are flags with surprisingly bizarre things depicted on them. From a naked man, beheading another person, to machete and assault rifles, be sure to read these twenty-five bizarre characters depicted on flags of different countries of the world.

25. Mozambique

When it comes to national flags with a weapon, nothing compares with the Mozambique flag. The national flag of Mozambique "decorated with" automatic machine AK-47, symbolizing the protection and vigilance of the country. The open book symbolizes the importance of education, and the hoe represents agriculture countries.

24. Bhutan

Everyone knows that the dragon is a very important symbol in many Asian countries, but Bhutan is one of the few countries that decorated their national flag by this creature. The dragon depicted on the flag is a friend (Druk), the legendary thunder Dragon Bhutan, who keeps the jewel in the paws called Norbu. The yellow part denotes the peacefulness of the country, while the Red Half is Buddhist Spiritism.

23. Kingdom of Swaziland

On the national flag of Swaziland depicts a black and white shield (showing that people of different races can live together) and two spears. Three blue objects are the feathers of a long-tailed velvet weaver and bananoic. The symbol of feathers has a huge value and can only be used by the king of the country.

22. Kyrgyzstan.

What looks like a shining tennis ball is actually the sun crossed two sets from three lines - This is a stylized image of the top of the traditional Kyrgyz residential building called Urta. The flag shows 40 identical rays located around the sun. According to the folk legend, they mean 40 Kyrgyz tribes combined against Mongols epic hero by Manas (Manas).

21. Belize

While most national flags contain a moderate number of characters and numbers, the design of the White National Flag is very intimidated. In the center of the flag, there are two logger (methis and black) armed with cutting tools and surrounded by 50 leaves of a mahogany. This is a reference to the logging industry, which is the large industrial sector of the country.

20. Libya.

The Libyan National Flag, which was used between 1977 and 2011, was the only flag in the world that consisted only from one color. There were no drawings, symbols or other parts on the flag. Purely green flag Muammar Gaddafi (Muammar Gaddafi) was chosen by the then Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. He symbolized it political philosophy and Islam. In 2011, after Gaddafi was killed, an earlier version of the flag was adopted into appeal.

19. Nepal

The national flag has one interesting championship - this is the only non-ferrous national flag in the world. In fact, it is a simplified combination of two separate flags with the image of the Crescent and Sun symbols. Until 1962, the flag was even more strange, since on the emblems of the Sun and the Moon were human personswho made them similar to modern emoticons.

18. Kenya

Kenya is another African country with spears on its state flag. Together with the dominant red color in the central part of the flag, they symbolize the protection of the country and blood, spilled during the fight for independence. Black in the upper part is the Kenyan people, and the green strip indicates the country landscape.

17. Isle of Man (Isle of Man)

Isle of Man, located between the Islands of Great Britain and Ireland, is a self-governing territory of the British crown, known for its unusual flag. Three armored legs with golden spurs connected together are located on a red background. This strange symbol, officially known as Trisselion, was used by the ancient peoples of Mycenaeans and Lycians thousands of years ago. Isle of Man uses this symbol since 1932, but it is not entirely clear why they were adopted.

16. Cyprus

From August 1960, Cyprus uses the national flag, which shows the island map with two olive branches. Olive branches, as well as purely white background symbolize the world, and orange color Maps represents its large deposits of copper ore.

15. Uganda

Gray crane, endemic African savanna, occupies a central place on the flag of Uganda. Three colors are represented african people (black), Sun Africa ( yellow) And the African fraternity (red). Raised crane leg symbolizes the movement of the country forward.

14. Grenada

The National Flag of Grenada, used since 1974, bordered by a rich red frame with 6 yellow starswhich symbolize six counties of the country. The central star, surrounded by a red disk, is Saint George (Saint George), the capital of Grenada. A strange little leather symbol is a nutmeg, one of the symbols of the Grenada. The red flag is denoted by courage and vitality, yellow - wisdom and warmth, and green - vegetation and agriculture.

13. Mongolia.

The national flag of Mongolia includes three vertical stripes, on one of which the national symbol of Mongolia is depicted, as well (SOYOMBO). If you look carefully on the symbol, you will learn the symbols of fire, sun, moon, earth, water and the Yin-Yang symbol. The central blue bar indicates the sky, and the red stripes are the ability of Mongolia to flourish in severe conditions.

12. Saudi Arabia

The World Oil Manufacturer, Saudi Arabia, is another country with weapons on the state flag. Like Libya and other countries, the green background is Islam, and the sword is a symbol of military power and houses of Saudi, the dynasty founded the country. Inscription arabicLocated over the sword, it is Shahada (Shahada) - Islamic Declaration of Faith.

11. Ecuador

The national flag of Ecuador consists of three color strips and an extremely complex and intricate coat of arms in the middle. On it there is a mountain (Chimborazo mountain (Chimborazo), the most high mountain in Ecuador), river, steamer, sun, spears, laurels and palm leaves and several other objects associated with the country. At the top of all this is a condor, which symbolizes the power of Ecuador.

10. Angola

If the design of the State Flag of Angola reminds you the communist symbol of the former Soviet UnionYou are not alone in your opinion. The symbol in the middle of the flag is a crossed gear wheel (symbolizing industry) and machete (which is a peasantry and armed struggle). The flag was accepted in appeal in 1975, when Angola was under the authority of the Marxist government. Therefore, it was recreated by the image of a sickle and hammer, which was on the flag of the former Soviet Union.

9. Gibraltar

On the flag of Gibraltar, a red castle with three tower and a golden key is depicted. The castle symbolizes the Kingdom of Castile, a large and strong medieval kingdom, and the key indicates the fact that Gibraltar is considered the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea.

8. Papua New Guinea

On two identical triangles of the Diagonal of the National Flag of Papua New Guinea are strange items. On the bottom there are five stars in the form of the South Cross (Southern Cross (symbolizing the fact that the country is in the southern hemisphere), while the right side is decorated with a paradise bird, the legendary bird of Papua New Guinea. An even more unusual flag seems because it was developed by a 15-year-old schoolgirl who won a nationwide competition for the new flag design in 1971.

7. Turkmenistan

The National Flag of Turkmenistan boasts an impressive championship is the most detailed national flag in the world. Crescent (Islam symbol), five stars (representing five provinces of the country) and a red strip containing five incredibly detailed and intricate patterns of the carpet (representing five initial large tribes of Turkmenistan) brought a unique title flag.

6. Sri Lanka

The prevailing symbol of the State Flag is the Great Golden Lion, which holds Kastane's sword (KASTANE). The lion is the people of Sri Lanka and his braveness, while the sword indicates the country's ability to self-defense. Four small objects in the corners of the flag are the leaves of the sacred ficus and are the traditions of Buddhism and four virtues: kindness, goodwill, happiness and serenity. Two stripes on the left represent Tamils \u200b\u200b(Tamils) and Moors (Moors), the main ethnic groups of Sri Lanka.

5. Wales

From afar, the main symbol of the Wales National Flag is similar to the symbol on the flag of Sri Lanka, but in this case the creature depicted on the flag is not the lion, but a red dragon. Dragon, sometimes also known as Welsh Dragon is a reference to the legendary king Kadvaladr Ap of Cadvalon (Cadwaladr), who ruled Wales in the 7th century, which was often associated with a dragon.

4. Virgin Islands (Virgin Islands)

The National Flag of the Virgin Islands, the island part of which belongs to the United States is a simplified version of the coat of arms of the USA. Arrows located in the left panel of Eagle are three largest islands of the archipelago, and the letters under the wings of the eagle are the initials of the country.

3. Barbados.

If you think that the trident depicted on the National Flag of Barbados is placed on the flag in honor of Neptune or Poseidon, then you are mistaken. The trident is based on the flag in honor of the trident of Britain, the mythical patroness then another Roman Britain and represents three principles of democracy.

2. Cambodia

Cambodia is one of the few countries whose main symbol in the state flag is the building. In the case of this Southeast Asian country, the building depicted on the flag is Angkor Wat (Angkor Wat), the legendary structure in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world.

1. Beninsky kingdom

The modern National Benin flag consists of three color strips and does not include any other characters. However, the old flag of the Beninsky kingdom (to the colonial empire in today's Nigeria) was much more "interesting." On it was depicted a naked man holding a sword, which flawed another person. The exact origin of the flag is a mystery, but in general it is believed that the image refers to the people of ITSEKRI (Itsekri), ethnic groupwhich acted as an intermediary between the people of Bini from Benin and Europeans on the coast.

National symbols
State symbols; National symbols (Greek. Symbolon - Sign) - Mounted by the Constitution or special law special, as a rule historically established, distinctive signs A specific state personifying its national sovereignty, originality, and sometimes also carrying a certain ideological see. To the main S.G. Usually include flag state, coat of arms State, anthem state, state colors, the head of the head of state, state print, the motto of the state. Sometimes the Constitution is counted to this year. Separate solemn dates (for example, the Constitution of Romania 1991 - National Day on December 1). S.G. are usually established by the state constitution, and their detailed description And the procedure for use is determined in a special law or another act of nationwide value. The state has the exclusive right to establish its characters. Violation of the procedure for using this year, as well as disrespectful Especially their desecration entail administrative or criminal punishment. According to Art. 70 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation State Flag, Coat of Arms and the Anthem of the Russian Federation, their description and order of formal use are established by FKZ.Avakyea S.A.

Encyclopedia lawyer. 2005 .

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Symbols of the CIS countries

The state symbols of any country include state coat of arms, flag and anthem. There are also our homeland. They are needed both the embodiment of her history and the expression of the patriotism of her citizens, the designation of it in the world, its visual and sound image.

That is why the attitude to the emblem, the flag and the hymn is the relationship to the state itself.

Residents of different countries are rightfully proud of their state symbols.

It is a rectangular cloth of three isometric horizontal strips: top - white, medium - blue and lower - red.

Flag colors have deep meaning. White symbolizes the world, purity, truth, impossible, imperfection. Blue symbolizes faith and loyalty, constancy. Red is a symbol of energy, strength, blood spilled for the fatherland. Therefore, these colors are at the same time official, state and folk, national.

The State Flag of the Russian Federation is constantly raised on the buildings of the authorities of our country. He is hanging on days public holidays and solemn ceremonies. He rises on the buildings of diplomatic missions of Russia abroad.

As a feed flag, he flies on the masts of Russian ships. Three-color images of the flag are applied to the aircraft of the Russian Federation and on its spacecraft.

The flag testifies to the belonging to Russia, refers to its territory, confirms the state functions of those organs over the buildings of which it is relevant.

The national flag is also raised during official ceremonies and solemn events. Every day, he is being built at the site of the permanent stay of the Russian military units.

In the days of the national mourning, the flag flashes or attach to the top of the black ribbon tree. This testifies to the sorrow of the whole state, the whole people.

The flag is our shrine, and we must treat him with respect and reverence.

The presidential decree was installed holiday of the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation, which is customary to celebrate annually on August 22.

Russian anthem

The word anthem of Greek origin. In the "Russian language dictionary" this word is explained as " solemn songadopted as a symbol of state or social unity. Swaby song.

The State Anthem of Russia to music and the words are valid in our country from January 1, 2001.

Russia is the sacred Power,

Russia is our beloved country.

Mighty will, Great Glory -

Your property at all times!

Chorus: Some, Fatherland our free,

Fraternal peoples union century

Ancestors This wisdom is folk!

Nice, country! We are proud of you!

From the southern seas to the polar edge

Our forests and fields spread out.

One you're in the world! One thing you are

Horn by God native land!

Wide space for dreams and life

The coming us reveal to us.

We give us strength to our loyalty to the fraud.

It was. So it will be so always!

The procedure for the official use of the state anthem is established by special law.

The anthem must be executed in exact accordance with the approved music editor and text.

It sounds in particularly solemn cases: the entry into the position of state administrations, the ceremony of meetings and wires of representatives of foreign countries, holding military rituals and so on.

The state anthem is one of the main symbols of the country, so its execution is accompanied by signs of the highest respect - all those present stand up, and the military is honored or saluting weapons.

In international life, the execution of the hymn of another country means the expression of respect for its representatives.

Today, the anthem is the same attribute of the state, the reflection of its history and the sign of sovereignty as the coat of arms and the flag.

The anthem is an official state symbol. He, as it were, the musical and poetic embodiment of the country and its people, and therefore should be the most respectful attitude towards him.


Capital - City Baku

Population - over 8 million people

Each country has its own national plant and its national flower. He partly reflects culture and tells about the history of the state, presenting it to the world.
The concept of "national flower" is very ancient: it originated earlier than in most countries established state flags. Then the national flower played yet big roleBeing a symbol that is familiar with a certain people. But now the flowers have not fully lost their roles in the international arena and are often "logos" of their countries.
Here are some "national flowers".

    He lived in China, an old poor woman together with her son. They endured the need and deprivation. Once the mother scored a handful of rice to cook the son of lunch. Suddenly, the traveler knocked into the house and asked me to eat. A kind woman gave him the last rice and cried - now she has nothing to feed his son. This traveler was a water god. He decided to thank the woman and rushed into the pond, located nearby. And the next morning the pond grew a gentle flower. Since then, Narcissus in China is a symbol of gratitude.
    Narcissus blooms during the Chinese New Year, so in China, he became a symbol of joy, good luck and happy marriage. His presence is necessarily in every home in New Year's holiday.

    In the Christian symbolism, the red rose was a symbol of martyrdom, and white - a symbol of innocence. There is an order of the Knights of the Rose and Cross, and the war of Yorks and Lancaster 255-1485. Was named War Aloi and White Rose.

    At once, two states elected tulip - Turkey and the Netherlands with their national plant.
    Despite the fact that today the tulip is a symbol of the Netherlands, his homeland lies in thousands of miles from here, far in the east. For the first time, the beauty of tulips was rated in Turkey.
    Even the name of this Tulip flower - comes from turkish wordswhich translated means "Turban", "Chalma".
    He used to grow only in the gardens of very rich people of the East. But then travelers brought this flower to Europe, where it fell in loved, that they began to appreciate the weight of gold. Prices for these flowers were alarm astronomical. For example, for one rare variety bulb one could buy a house in the capital of the Netherlands Amsterdam. The tulip country is called the state of the Netherlands, because the gardeners of this country. Displays the best tulips in the world.

    The tulip appeared here only in 1634, and first time breeding it was completely commercial. Noticing the fascination with this Flower of Germans and other nations, the calculating Dutch began to breed it in how larger quantities New varieties, and his whole luxury trade was so profitable that even the people who had very little attitude towards gardening began to be engaged soon, it became almost all the population.
    One passionate amateur acquired the only one, according to the seller, an instance of the tulip, and, returning home, learned that another same copy exists in Gaarlem. Out of herself from grief, he hurries in Gaarlem, acquires this second copy for the crazy money, throws him to the ground and, molding his legs, exclaims with the celebration: "Well, now my tulip is the only one in the world!"
    Dutch Princess Julian at one time gave Ottawa (Canada) a hundred thousand bulbs of this flower as a sign of gratitude for the fact that during World War II the Royal Family The Netherlands found shelter in the capital of Canada. And also as a sign of the recognition of the merit of this country in the liberation of her homeland.

    Another hundred years ago, Vasilek must accompanied the lush feasts of the Germans. This flower was the favorite flower of Emperor Wilhelm I and his mother, Queen Louise. There are many stories that Vasilek was a happy foreman for the Royal Prussian House.
    Here is one of them.
    They say that on one courty ball, this intentive to the unfortunate royal clear Emperor Napoleon and his generals, Queen Louise appeared without any precious jewelry, only with a wreath of cornflowers on her head. And when the French began to release acute about this, the queen noticed: "Yes, gentlemen, all our precious things are fragmented part, part sold to at least to help the needs of our ruined country; And our fields are so wet out that even the field flower is now big rarity. "
    Winners were not found that they were answered, and silenced. Many years have passed, and the premonition of Queen Louise was justified. Vasilek did not deceive her. The royal family who was in exile and oppression was restored in their rights, and Princess Charlotte, marrying the emperor Nikolai I, from a small, minor princess, a powerful All-Russian Empress.
    And so, when the Empress has been driving through Königsberg many years later, the inhabitants of this city, wishing her to make pleasure and remind about the time, lived in his surroundings, gave her a solemn meeting, in which cornflowers played a outstanding role. The most beautiful of the girls brought her a wonderful basket of these colors, and the rest threw cornflowers to the ground and put her way to her way. The Empress was a rare to tears with this cardiac admission and expressed his deep gratitude for the fact that Königsberges chose to meet it so expensive to her cornflower.

    Orchid flowers round yearTherefore, it was chosen by many countries as a symbol of the aspiration of residents of the country to development.

    Spiny thistle very much read the gifts. This plant is told in the old Scottish legend. One day, the army of Danes secretly approached the castle where Scottish kings lived. Danish warriors have come so that none of the sentries heard them. But in the dark, someone stepped on the thistle flower and shouted from pain. In the castle, anxiety immediately rose, and the Scots defeated the enemy. Since then, the thistle became a symbol of Scotland

    The image of it is sacred, and only members of the Imperial House are enjoyed on the right to carry matter with her pattern on state laws. The rest, in case of violation of this law, are punishable by the death penalty. Death penalty Care and any attempt to portray this emblem of the Japanese Empire and the symbol of the imperial power, and therefore the image of its Japanese government sometimes resorts even to preventing the fake of government monetary signs.
    The reason for such a high revenue by the Japanese of this flower clarifies the best of all its name: "Kiku" (Sun). He is the symbol of this shining.

    The peoples of the mountains of the Flower of Edelweiss is a symbol of happiness and love, and even there is a very beautiful and sad legend about his occurrence. Farm hearts of two lovers could not live with each other. But fate ordered otherwise - they had to part forever. The thought of the upcoming separation instilled both horror. The only way out, as it seemed to be, staying together for forever - to die. The young man and the girl decided to die together, resetting from the cliff, than to live with each other. After their death, the rocks were hidden in the sign of the solemn and sad victory of love over the fate of the snow-white flowers of Edelweiss ...
    Another legend tells how one cruel beauty announced that he would marry only the one who would give her a bouquet of Edelweices. One after another you left the young men in the mountains behind the flowers and returned with nothing. But the beauty insisted on his. A few years later, she got her bouquet of Edelweissis from the young man, but he refused her married, because he saw a woman aged in front of him. Today, during the celebration of St. Patrick's Day, the shaded shaft attached to the clothes. But it was not immediately not immediately. For the first time, this is mentioned in 1689. Until this year, the Irish wore the Crosses of St. Patrick on the chest. Until the XVIII century, the custom of wearing the tribal was considered vulgar. But gradually, as a result, the rich history of the Irish people, the tribal became a symbol of freedom and rebel of the spirit.

    The ancient Egyptians, noting that this flower popped into the water and bloomed at sunset, and closed and plunged into it during the sunrise, they suggested that the phenomenon was some kind of mysterious connection with the movement of heavenly shining. This mysterious bond between the lotus flowers and the luminaries prompted the Egyptians to devote him to the God of Sun Oziris. As a result, Oziris was depicted with a lotus flower on her head. Lotus was also decorated heads and priests of these gods. Similarly, the kings of Egyptian as a sign of their divine origin worked on the head these flowers, and the emblem itself is the emblem of their power - the royal scepter - depicted in the form of a lotus flower with a stem. Finally, he was depicted, then in Boot, then blossomed, and on a state coin.

    In any country in the world there are such national attributes as a flag, anthem and printing. And the United States is no exception. Symbols of the United States, the symbols of American statehood (Symbols of the USA) are the theme of many articles and books. But what are the main facts about them need to know?

    Flag of USA or "Stars and Strips"

    Government agencies, streets decorated with flags in different countries Most often can be seen on holidays or in their sentence. In America, the flags are always hanging and not only on state institutions, but also at homes of ordinary citizens. A large number of American flags - the first thing you can see, traveling through the states.

    The American flag - Tricolor - is represented by three colors: white, red and blue. These colors have a deep meaning: red symbolizes bravery and valor, while white is innocence and purity, and blue - justice, perseverance and vigilance. The banner is decorated with 13 bands - 13 British colonies, which formed a state. Asterisks on the flag, their 50, mean 50 states included on this moment The United States.

    Flag has a lot different interpretationsOne of them belongs to J. Washington, and she says about the following: "We took the stars from heaven; Red meant the country from where we sailed; White stripes on red is a symbol of what we disconnected from it, and the bands will have to symbolize freedom of future generations. "

    The US State Flag (Flag of The United States) is also called "Stars and Strips" (Stars and Stripes), "Old Glory" (Old Glory) and the "Star-Spangled Banner".

    Two sides of large press

    This seal serves as a tool to confirm the authenticity of the documents compiled by the US government. Big US printing is depicted on back side One-dollar bills. On the left on the banknote you can see the image of the back of the print side, and on the right - the front side.

    Although the seals are usually only one side, a large seal of the USA is two. The facial part is considered to be the coat of arms of America. On the coat of arms, the USA was drawn on the Belfal Eagle, the symbol of the United States, in the paws of which 13 arrows and the olive branch with the same number of leaves and olives. Thus, the eagle announces the world that the United States calls on to the world, but also to war are ready.

    The reverse side of the big print also pays a deep meaning. Sometimes it is even called spiritual. It is represented by the pyramid with the 13th and 1776 year at the foot, which is written by Roman numbers. Above the top of the pyramid is an eye of providence and motto on latin "Annuit Coeptis", which means "it is favorably to our endeavors." Under the pyramid lies a scroll with the following saying " New order For all centuries. " This seal is kept by the Secretary of State, and it is placed only in presidential appeals and international agreements.

    The word "print" in English sounds like "Stamp, Seal", and a large US printing - "Great Seal of the United States".

    Anthem USA

    The text for the American anthem was the poem Francis Scott Ki "Defense of Fort McGerry". This poem was written after the writer witnessed the shelling of the fortress during the Anglo-American War of 1812-1815. In his hymn, which is called "The Star-Spangled Banner" ("Banner, Torn Stars") The American people sings about the flag. The song was officially considered anthem only since 1931, and before the United States had no hymn.

    The word "HYMN" in English means "church hymn", and the National Anthem is "National Anthem".

    Pernated symbol of America

    Among the symbols of the United States, there are representatives of the animal world - the eagle, and more precisely the Belogol Eagle, which is called Bald Eagle in English. This National Bird (National Bird) is depicted on the coat of arms, monetary signs and various official documents. An eagle is decorated and a large US printing.

    In America, there are laws that prohibit the bird to kill without appropriate permission.

    The motto Americans

    The phrase "in god we trust", which is translated as "in God we hope" is the official motto of the United States (National Motto). She printed on all paper banknotes of the country. Sometimes the phrase becomes the cause of disputes among Americans. The fact is that freedom of religion is very important aspect For every resident of America. This is even stated in the US Constitution. You can confess any religion, or do not confess any religion at all.

    Another famous motto of the American people "E Pluribus Unum" is that in Latin means "of many - one". This motto is posted on the coat of arms of the United States and football Club Benfica (Lisbon). Quote belongs to Cicero (speech "On advantages"). The phrase consists of 13 letters - the initial number of states forming at the time of the Union, now known as the United States of America. Today, the motto is interpreted as the unity of the nation, which once consisted of many nationalities arriving in America. The expression "E Pluribus Unum" can be seen on all US coins.

    Other symbols of USA

    US government symbols are also the bell of freedom (The Liberty Bell), which sounded at the time of adoption of the Declaration of Independence, a gray-haired man with a beard in a cylinder and clothing of national colors - "Uncle Sam", which became a steady American symbol. For example, the phrase is something you need "for Uncle Sam," means something needs for the United States.

    US symbols are and buildings national meaning: The Statue of Liberty Statue, the White House, as Presidential Residence, Capitol (United States Capitol) - personitizing parliamentary power, The building of the Supreme Court in Washington, George Washington Memorials, Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson, Independense Hall and Mount Rushmore Arlington National Cemetery.

    For peculiar symbols can be attributed to American citizens sport games: Baseball and American football, hamburgers and hot dogs, apple pie, Bourbon (species of whiskey), as well as Disneyland, Hollywood film studios, Las Vegas lights and Niagara Falls.

    Words on the topic National Symbols

    • Patriotism - Patriotism.
    • National Colors - national colors, this phrase is translated as a national flag.
    • Motherland / Homeland / Native - Land Motherland.
    • National myths - National Myths.
    • Coat of arms, coat of arms.
    • Folk costume - Folk Costume.
    • Folk dance - Folk Dance.
    • National Animal - National Animal.
    • National Tree - National Tree - Oak - Oak.
    • National Flower - National Flower - Rose -ROSe.

    Everyone who is in-depth studying english And plans further learning In the United States or plans to become a citizen of the American state, it is necessary to know the above described facts.