Seven red lines .... About red, green, transparent and perpendicular lines Three perpendicular lines

Seven red lines .... About red, green, transparent and perpendicular lines Three perpendicular lines

At the end of the working day, Petrov was sitting at the desk and wrote on a piece of paper. "You walked everything on ***" Pooked Petrov, thoughtfully and, having crumpled paper in the urn. On a fresh leaflet, he brought a new offer: "As you are all the hide" - the second sheet followed the first. On the third sheet, he finally brought: "Application. Please provide me with another vacation." Suddenly rang the phone. The apparatus highlighted the inscription "100 bugs". Called, of course, not 100 bugs, just the chief of the chief of the chief of the chipmunks was a specially dedicated number 100 for mini PBX. The boss said that in the morning it was waiting for him at a very important meeting.

In the morning, Petrov went to a meeting with a heavy heart, representing how his brain will be removed there, lay out on the plates and will become, smoking and loudly freak. The head of Petrova probably prudently distributed the dessert spoons attend. The meeting began.

The first word took Emma Henrykhovna, the chief of the department for working with clients. Emma Henrykhovna was a thick lady of unpleasant outdoor. Evil languages \u200b\u200bcalled her terrible. As a confirmation, the name "Head Orc" hung on her door

Meeting or seven red lines

Petrov came on Tuesday to the meeting. He was on the brain there, laid out on the sortsicles and began to eat, smoking and generally expressing all approval. The head of Petrova, depths, prudently distributed by the dessert spoons present. And began.

Colleagues, "says Morkovyev," a large-scale task arose before our organization. We entered the implementation of the project, in which we need to portray several red lines. Are you ready to take this task for yourself?

Of course, - says depths. He is director, and always ready to take over the problem, which will have to carry someone from the team. However, he immediately clarifies: - We can?

Head of Drawing Department Sidoryin Hurry Torch:

Yes, sure. Here we are just sitting by Petrov, he is our best specialist in the field of drawing red lines. We specifically invited him to the meeting so that he express his competent opinion.

Very nice, "says Morkovieva. - Well, you all know me. And this is the Lenochka, she is a specialist in design in our organization.

Lenochka is covered with paint and smiles embarrassed. She recently finished economic, and the design has the same attitude as WKONKOS to the design of airship.

So, - says Morovkaev. - We need to draw seven red lines. All of them must be strictly perpendicular, and moreover, some need to draw green, and some more - transparent. What do you think it is real?

No, "Petrov says.

Let's not hurry with the answer, Petrov, "Sidoryain says. - The task is delivered, and it needs to be solved. You are a professional, Petrov. Do not let us assume that you are not a professional.

You see, - explains Petrov, - the term "red line" implies that the color of the line is red. Draw a red line in green not that it is impossible, but very close to the impossible ...

Petrov, what does it mean "impossible"? - asks Sidoryakhin.

I just find a situation. Perhaps there are people who suffer from daltonism, for whom it really will not have the values \u200b\u200bof the line color, but I'm not sure that the target audience of your project is exclusively of such people.

That is, in principle, this is possible, we understand you correctly, Petrov? - asks Morovkaev.

Petrov is aware that it moved with the imagery.

Let's say easier, "he says. - Line, as such, can be drawn completely in any color. But to get a red line, only red color should be used.

Petrov, you do not confuse us, please. Just you said it is possible.

Petrov silently curses his chatty.

No, you misunderstood me. I just wanted to say that in some, extremely rare situations, the color of the line will not matter, but even then - the line will not still be red. You see, she will not be red! She will be green. And you need red.

There is a short silence, in which the quiet tense buzz of synapses is clearly heard.

And what if, - an autumn idea, pronounces depths, - draw them in blue?

All will not work, - Petrov shakes. - If you draw blue - it turns out blue lines.

Silence again. This time, Petrov himself interrupts him.

And I still did not understand ... What did you mean when they spoke about the lines of transparent color?

Morkovayeva looks at him condescendingly as a kind teacher on the lagging student.

Well, how do you explain? .. Petrov, don't you know what is "transparent"?

And what is the "red line", I hope you also do not need to explain?

No, no need.

Here you go. You draw us red lines with transparent color.

Petrov for a second freezes, thinking about the situation.

And how should the result look like, be kind, please describe? How do you imagine that?

Well, ya, petro-oh! - says Sidoryakhin. - Well, let's not ... Do we have a kindergarten? Who is a specialist in red lines, carrots or you?

I'm just trying to clarify for myself the details of the task ...

Well, what's the incomprehensible then? .. - Engines in the conversation of departures. - You know what a red line is?

And what is "transparent", are it clear to you too?

Of course, but ...

So what do you explain something? Petrov, well, let's not go down to unproductive disputes. The task is set, the task is clear and clear. If you have specific questions, so ask.

You are a professional, "adds Sidoryakhin.

Okay, - for rent Petrov. - God with him, with color. But do you have something else with perpendicularity? ..

Yes, - readily confirms Morovkaev. - seven lines, all strictly perpendicular.

Perpendicular to what? - Specifies Petrov.

Morkovayeva begins to view his papers.

Uh, "she finally said. - Well, how ... everything. Between themselves. Well, or how there ... I do not know. I thought it was you know what perpendicular lines are, - finally she is.

Yes, of course he knows, - silenced Sidoryin's hands. - Are we here, or not professionals? ..

Perpendicular can be two lines, - Petrov patiently. - All seven simultaneously cannot be perpendicular to each other. This is geometry, grade 6.

Morkovayeva shakes his head, drivening out the ghost of the long forgotten school education. Injustmen slaps palm on the table:

Petrov, let's without this: "Grade 6, grade 6". Let's be mutually polite. We will not make hints and sliding to insults. Let's support a constructive dialogue. Here, not idiots gathered.

I think so too, "Sidoryakhin says.

Petrov makes a piece of paper.

Well, "he says. - Let's, I draw you. Here is the line. So?

Morovkovayev's approved nods.

Draw another ... - says Petrov. - Is she perpendicular to the first?

Yes, it is perpendicular.

Well, you see! Morkovyev's joyfully exclaims.

Wait, it's not all. Now we draw a third ... is it perpendicular to the first line? ..

Thoughtful silence. Without waiting for a response, Petrov answers himself:

Yes, it is perpendicular to the first line. But with the second line it does not intersect. With the second line they are parallel.

Silence comes. Then Morkovayeva rises from his place and, having rebuilt the table, enters Petrov from the rear, looking at his shoulder.

Well ... - she utters uncertainly. - Maybe yes.

This is the case, "says Petrov, seeking to consolidate the achieved success. - While two lines, they can be perpendicular. As soon as they become more ...

Can I handle me? - asks Morkovyev.

Petrov gives a handle. Morkovayeva gently spends several unsure lines.

And if so?..

Petrov sighs.

This is called a triangle. No, these are not perpendicular lines. In addition, there are three of them, and not seven.

Morkovayeva mans his lips.

Why are they blue? - Suddenly asks for departures.

Yes, by the way, it supports Sidoryakhin. - I wanted to ask himself.

Petrov blinks several times, looking at the drawing.

I have a blue handle, "he finally says. - I'm just to demonstrate ...

It turns out the same, "Petrov says confidently.

Well, how is the same? - Says depths. - How can you be sure if you did not even try? You draw red, and see.

I do not have a red handle with me, "Petrov admits. - But I can absolutely ...

And what you were not prepared, Sidoryakhin says uglyznny. - I knew that there would be a meeting ...

I absolutely, I can tell you, "Petrov says in despair," that red is exactly the same.

You ourselves told us last time, - Pars Sidoryakhin - what to draw red lines is needed in red. Here, I recorded myself even. And you yourself draw them a blue handle. Is that red lines in your opinion?

By the way, yes, - notes the depths. - I still asked you about blue. What did you answer me?

Petrova suddenly saves the lenochka, with interest studying his drawing from his seat.

I think I understand, "she says. - You are not talking about color now, yes? Do you have this about this, how do you call it? Perperotes-something-there?

Perpendicularity of lines, yes, "Petrov speaks gratefully. - It is not connected with the color of the lines.

Everything, you confused me finally, "says depth, translating a glance from one member of the meeting to another. - So with us with what problems? With color or perpendicularity?

Morkovayeva makes confused sounds and shakes his head. She also confused.

And with the fact, and with the other, "Petrov says quietly.

I can not understand anything, "says the depths, looking at his fingers lurted in the castle. - There is a task. You need only seven red lines. I understand that there would be twenty! .. But then there are only seven. The task is simple. Our customers want seven perpendicular lines. Right?

Morkovyev nods.

And Sidoryakhin, too, does not see the problem, "says depths. - I'm right, Sidoryakhin? .. Well. So what prevents us from performing the task?

Geometry, "Petrov says with a sigh.

Well, you just do not pay attention to it, that's all! - Pronounces Morkovieva.

Petrov is silent by going with thoughts. In his brain, one for other colorful metaphors would be born, which would allow to bring to those surrounding the surrealism of what is happening, but as it was called, all of them, enjoying the words, begin in the word "fucking!", Completely inappropriate as part of a business conversation.

Charter waiting for a response, inconsistencies say:

Petrov, you will simply answer - you can do or you can't? I understand that you are a narrow specialist and do not see the overall picture. But it is easy - to draw some seven lines? We are discussing for two hours some kind of nonsense, we can't come to the decision.

Yes, "says Sidoryakhin. - You just criticize and say: "Impossible! Impossible! " You offer us your solution to the problem! And then criticize and the fool can, sorry for the expression. You are a professional!

Petrov is tired of saying:

Okay. Let me draw two guaranteed perpendicular red lines, and the rest are transparent. They will be transparent, and they will not be visible, but I will draw them. Does it suit you?

Is it suitable for us? - Morovkov turns around to the Lenochka. - Yes, we will satisfy us.

Only even at least a couple - green, - adds the lenochka. - And I also have such a question, you can?

Can one line portray in the form of a kitten?

Petrov is silent for a few seconds, and then asks:

Well, in the form of a kitten. Kitten. Our users like animals. It would be very cool…

No, "Petrov says.

And why?

No, I certainly can draw you a cat. I'm not an artist, but I can try. Only it will not be a line. It will be a cat. Line and cat are different things.

Kitten, - clarifies Morovkaev. - Not a cat, but a kitten, so small, cute. Cats, they ...

Yes, anyway, - Petrov shakes.

At all, yes? .. - Lenochka asks disappointed.

Petrov, you though he would love to the end, "the unwitters say irritably. - did not hear, and already say no.

I understood the thought - not raising a look from the table, says Petrov. - Draw a line in the form of a kitten is impossible.

Well, do not then, - Allows the lenochka. - And the bird will not work either?

Petrov silently raises her glance and the lady understands everything.

Well, do not then, - she repeats again.

Injudice slaps palm on the table.

So what we stopped on? What are we doing?

Seven red lines, "says Morovkaev. - Two red, and two green, and the rest are transparent. Yes? I understood correctly?

Yes, - confirms Sidoryakhin before Petrov managed to open the mouth.

There are no goodwire.

That's fine ... Well, then, all, colleagues? .. Are you going? .. There are more questions? ..

Oh, - remembers the lenochka. - We still have a red balloon! Tell me, can you inflate it?

Yes, by the way, - says Morovkaev. - Let's also discuss this too to not be collected twice.

Petrov, - turns off the depths of Petrov. - We can?

And what does the ball have a ball? - Petrov asks surprise.

He is red, "explains the Lenochka.

Petrov stupidly silent by fading the tips of the fingers.

Petrov, "unsteady ask nervous. - So you can or can't you? The simple question.

Well, - carefully tells Petrov, - in principle, I certainly can, but ...

Good, - nods the depths. - Take a trip to them, inflate. Traveling, if necessary, divert.

Tomorrow can be? - asks Morovkaev.

Of course, the depths of depths. - I think there will be no problems ... Well, now we are all? .. Excellent. Productively worked ... Thank you all and goodbye!

Petrov blinks several times to return to the objective reality, then rises and slowly wander to the exit. At the exit, the Lenochka catches it.

Can I ask you yet? - Red, says Lenochka. - When you inflate the ball ... Can you inflate it in the form of a kitten? ..

Petrov sighs.

I can all, "he says. - I can absolutely everything. I'm professional.

At the meeting, which took place on Tuesday, Petrov's employee was taken out of the brain. Then it was divided into portions and put on the plates. After the procedure performed, everyone sat down at the table and began it, showing its approval. And began:

We received a proposal to implement the project. The goal of the project is to present several red lines. This project means a lot for our organization. Are you ready to take such loads? - Markovyeva employee appealed to colleagues.

Of course, "unsuppuls themselves quickly. This was the director who, at any moment, can take the load on solving the problem of any complexity. After all, it will have to deal with someone from employees. And continue: will we be able to?

In response to the question of the director, the head of the Drawing Department Sidoryin quickly nods his head:

Sure! We have a sensible specialist in drawing red lines. His name is Petrov. He is just now among us. He was invited specifically on this issue so that he express his opinion.

Here again the baton takes over Markovyev, starting to represent another employee: you know me, of course. But among us there is a design specialist. Her name is Lenochka.

Lenochka girl begins to blush and confused. She graduated from the economic yet long ago. And the design has nothing to do.

So, - continued Markovyev, - this order is as follows: it is necessary to draw 7 perpendicular lines of red color. In addition, among them there must be several transparent and green lines. This is done, what do you think?

No, "Petrov's specialist answered.

Let's not hurry with the conclusion. We are tasked before us, and we must decide it! - interrupted him Sidoryakhin. "After all, you are a professional, so don't let us doubt it."

Understand, red lines should be depicted in red, but not green and no other color. It is simply impossible, - Petrov explains.

How to understand you, Petrov? Why is it impossible? - Sidoryin asks indignantly.

There is a chance that some part of the audience of this project will consist of people who suffer from daltonism. They will not have a value that the lines are depicted. But I'm not sure that the main part of our project is precisely such people. - Reply Petrov.

But with your words, we understand that this is possible, so? - Asks Markovyev.

Here Petrov understands that he exaggerated a little with the description.

Understand, the line can be depicted with absolutely in any color. But to get a red line, you need to use only red colors, - he answers.

Do you confuse us? You just said the opposite?

Petrov mentally begins to punish himself for his talkativeness.

You misunderstand me. There are such cases when the color of the line does not matter. But such cases are extremely rare. Do you understand? But in such situations, the line will not be red. You see, there will be no! It will have a different color, but not red. I wanted to explain it to you.

After the explanation of Petrov, a pause came. It was clearly felt intense and nervous atmosphere.

Here, suddenly the director comes an idea.

And if we draw these lines in blue?

Nothing will come, - Petrov answers. - Then the lines will be blue.

Again a pause in a conversation, but Petrov is decided to interrupt it and asks.

I have a question. You told something about transparent lines. What did you mean?

Markovieva looked at Petrov as a teacher at a weak student.

What do not you understand? You do not have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of "transparent"?

Of course I have.

And the concept is "Red Line"?

You see. If you all know, so what's the problem? Draw us these red lines only transparent color.

Here Petrov froze. Having considered the situation, he asks a question.

Well, now you tell me what will be the result? Can you describe it for me?

Petrov, do not forget! We have a specialist in red lines, and not Markovyev. Let's not arrange a kindergarter here.

I try to figure out some details of this task ...

Here it is interrupted by the director of depths ...

What do not you understand? After all, you know the concept of "red line"?

And "transparent"?

Of course, but ...

So what explanations are you still needed? Let's not go to useless disputes. Task is simple and understandable. If someone has specific questions, then ask them.

After all, you are a professional, "says Sidoryakhin.

Well, Petrov agrees, - figure out the color. And what other conditions?

On the task, all lines must be perpendicular, - Markovyeva answers.

What perpendicular? - asks Petrov.

Here Markovyeva begins viewing documents.

How do you say? ... well ... Probably perpendicular to everything among themselves. I understand that you should know, because you are a specialist in this matter.

Of course, he knows, "Sidoryakh will shake. Are we professionals or not?

How is it possible? After all, only two lines can be perpendicular to each other, but not seven. The proof of this rule is a course of geometry for grade 6.

Markovieva waves his head, not paying attention to Petrov's remark. And the passengers beats on the table hand:

Is it how to understand Petrov? What does "grade 6" mean? Let's not bring our dialog to humiliation. We must be polite to each other to achieve results. After all, we are nellure people.

I join your opinion, "says Sidoryakhin.

Petrov takes a sheet of paper and says:

Let's try to portray these lines now? Draw one line. Now another. The second line is perpendicular to the first?

Yes, it is perpendicular to the first.

Here you go! - Joyful says Markovyev.

Do not hurry, I have not finished yet. Here is the third line. Is she perpendicular to the first? ..

Silence in the room, but Petrov decided to answer himself:

Of course, it is perpendicular to the first line, but not the second. The third line is parallel to the second.

In the room complete silence. Markovyeva rises and comes to Petrov on the back side. Looks at the drawing through his shoulder and speaks uncertainly:

Probably yes. You're right.

This is the problem. Only two lines can be perpendicular. But if their number increases ...

I did not have time to finish your story, Petrova interrupts Markovyev and asks the handle. Insecurely draws three lines and asks:

Is this option possible?

Sighing hard, Petrov answers:

This is a triangle. It has only three lines, and not seven. And they are not perpendicular.

Markovyeva is thinking about, and deposits asks the question:

Tell me, why are blue lines?

Indeed, why are they blue? - Connects to the Sidorinkin director.

So I simply demonstrated a picture with a blue handle, "Petrov answers.

There will be the same thing - Petrov answers confidently.

But why? How can you confident that you have not tried to do? You try and then let's see.

I did not take a red handle with me, "Petrov said. - But I'm confidently ...

You knew where to go. Why not prepared? - Sidoryakhin asks Petrov indignantly.

I can say you with confidence that with a red handle it will turn out the most, "Petrov says disappointed.

No, Petrov, you told us that the red lines need to be depicted exceptionally in red, but not different. Here, I even recorded your words. Do you draw blue, or do you think it is red?

That's it, - emphasizes the depths. - I also asked you about it. What did you answer me?

Suddenly, the lenochka interferes in the conversation. She examined the drawing with interest.

It seems I understand what you want to say, "says Lenochka. - After all, now we are not talking about color, right? And about it perpenn something-there?

Completely, the perpendicularity of the lines, "Petrov says. - In this question, the color of the lines does not matter.

Now I am confused finally, "says the depths, looking at both employees. - So what is the problem after all? With color or with lines?

Markovyeva shakes his head, thereby showing its confusing state.

And so, and with the fact that Petrov says quietly.

I do not understand anything, "says the depths, considering her hands and covered in the castle fingers. - We have a task. It is that it is necessary to draw only seven red lines. Not twenty, but only seven. After all, it's easy. Customers asked for only seven perpendicular lines. So?

Head nods Markovyeva.

So the head of the department also does not see the problem, - continues the depths. - True, Sidoryakhin? So what is the problem? What prevents us from fulfilling Order?

Geometry - Reply Petrov.

And you try not to pay attention to it! - says Markovyeva.

Petrov silently stands and going with thoughts. But they do not collect them in a bunch. Bright metaphors appear in his head. With their help, of course, it was possible to convey the essence of what is happening, but alas, they all start with the words "fuck!". Unfortunately, it will be inappropriate in this conversation.

Petrov, why are you silent? Just answer the question facing you - you do or do not fulfill the order? I have the impression that you are not a professional professional. For two hours we discuss the same question and can not come to the conclusion.

Indeed, - complements Sidoryakhin. "While you just criticized and said" impossible! ". Criticize any fool will be able! And you offer us any problems solving. Show what kind of professional you are, sorry for the expression.

Let's try this, "Petrov says," I paint two perpendicular lines of red, and the other five will be transparent. They will not be visible, but I will draw them. This option will arrange you?

Lenochka, will this option arrange? - Asks Markovieva, - Yes, I will arrange.

And it would be possible to make a pair of lines in green, "says Lenochka. - I have a question, can I?

Yes, Petrov answers.

And maybe one line draw in the form of a kitten?

What? - Specifies the question of Petrov after a short pause.

In the form of a kitten. The fact is that our users really like the animals. It would be very ...

No, "Petrov says.

But why?

Of course, I am not an artist, but I can try to draw a cat. But this is not a line. This is a cat. These are completely different things.

Markovieva interferes with the conversation.

Not a cat, but a small, pretty kitten. Cats, they ...

There is no difference, "Petrov says.

Can you not be able to? - Asks disappointed lenochka.

You did not even listen to the end, "the annoyed director interferes. - And immediately say "no".

I understood the idea, "Petrov says, lowering his head. - It is impossible to draw a kitten in the form of a line.

No, so no, "says Lenochka. - And the bird is impossible?

Petrov said nothing, and silently looked at her. Helen understood everything.

No, so no, - the lenochka repeated.

So what did we come to? What do we decide? - asks for departures.

It is necessary to portray the seminal lines. Of these: two green, two red and three transparent. I'm right talking?

True, - confirms Sidoryakhin, even before Petrov tried to open his mouth.

Great, "says director. - That's all? Maybe someone else has questions?

Oh, another question, "recalls the Lenochka. - And we have a red balloon! Can you inflate it?

Injustmen turns to Petrov and asks:

Can we do it, Petrov?

Is the ball have some attitude to me? - asks Petrov with a surprised face.

But he is red, "says Lenochka.

Petrov stupidly silently sits at the table and aggregates the tips of the fingers.

So you answer the question, Petrov? - Nervalism of depths. - Can you execute it or not?

In principle, I can do it, but, .. - Gently says Petrov.

Agreed, "said depths. - Go to them and infield the ball. If you need travel, issues for this.

Can I do this tomorrow? - Asks Markovyev.

Of course, there are no problems, "the director replied. - That's it? Wonderful. Well worked. Everybody's Free. Bye!

Petrov sat a few more seconds to return to reality. It rises from behind the table and slowly goes to the exit. But hethogo catch up and asks:

I have one request for you, "says Lenochka, while blushing. - Can you inflate the ball in the form of a kitten?

Deep sigh, Petrov answers:

I'm a professional! I can all! - replied Petrov.

(Meeting room)
"Colleagues," says the head of the Naidtice Morkovieva, "there was a large-scale challenge to our organization. We entered the implementation of the project, in which we need to portray several red lines. Are you ready to take this task for yourself?

"Of course," said the head of Sidgorukhina. He is director, and always ready to take over the problem, which will have to carry someone from the team. However, he immediately clarifies:

- We can we?

The head of Petrova Sidoryakhin hurriedly nods:

- Yes, sure. Here we are just sitting by Petrov, he is our best specialist in the field of drawing red lines. We specifically invited him to the meeting so that he express his competent opinion.

"Very nice," says Morovkaev. - Well, you all know me. And this is the Lenochka, she is a specialist in design in our organization.

Specialist of the lenochka is covered with paint and smiles embarrassed. She recently finished economic, and the design has the same attitude as WKONKOS to the design of airship.

"So," says Morovkaev. - We need to draw seven red lines. All of them must be strictly perpendicular, and moreover, some need to draw green, and some more - transparent. What do you think it is real?

"No," Petrov says.

"Let's not hurry with the answer, Petrov," says Sidoryakhin. - The task is delivered, and it needs to be solved. You are a professional, Petrov. Do not let us assume that you are not a professional.

"You see," Petrov explains, "the term" red line "implies that the color of the line is red. Draw a red line in green not that it is impossible, but very close to the impossible ...

- Petrov, what does it mean "impossible"? - asks Sidoryakhin.

- I just find a situation. Perhaps there are people who suffer from daltonism, for whom it really will not have the values \u200b\u200bof the line color, but I'm not sure that the target audience of your project is exclusively of such people.

- That is, in principle, this is possible, we understand you correctly, Petrov? - asks Morovkaev.

Petrov is aware that it moved with the imagery.

"Let's say easier," he says. - Line, as such, can be drawn completely in any color. But to get a red line, only red color should be used.

- Petrov, you do not confuse us, please. Just you said it is possible.

Petrov silently curses his chatty.

- No, you misunderstood me. I just wanted to say that in some, extremely rare situations, the color of the line will not matter, but even then - the line will not still be red. You see, she will not be red! She will be green. And you need red.

There is a short silence, in which the quiet tense buzz of synapses is clearly heard.

- And what if, - an autumn idea, pronounces depths, - draw them in blue?

"It will not work anyway," Petrov shakes. - If you draw blue - it turns out blue lines.

Silence again. This time, Petrov himself interrupts him.

- And I have not yet understood ... What did you mean when they spoke about the lines of transparent color?

Morkovayeva looks at him condescendingly as a kind teacher on the lagging student.

- Well, how do you explain? .. Petrov, don't you know what is "transparent"?

- And what is the "red line", I hope you also do not need to explain?

- No, no need.

- Here you go. You draw us red lines with transparent color.

Petrov for a second freezes, thinking about the situation.

- And how should the result look, please, please describe? How do you imagine that?

- Well, ya, petro-oh! - says Sidoryakhin. - Well, let's not ... Do we have a kindergarten? Who is a specialist in red lines, carrots or you?

- I'm just trying to clarify for myself the details of the task ...

- Well, what's wrong with something? .. - Nedosaytsev is engaged in the conversation. - You know what a red line is?

- Yes, but ...

- And what is "transparent", are you clear too?

- Of course, but ...

- So what do you explain something? Petrov, well, let's not go down to unproductive disputes. The task is set, the task is clear and clear. If you have specific questions, so ask.

"You're a professional," adds Sidoryakhin.

"Okay," Petrov surrender. - God with him, with color. But do you have something else with perpendicularity? ..

"Yes," Morkovieva confirms readily. - seven lines, all strictly perpendicular.

- Perpendicular to what? - Specifies Petrov.

Morkovayeva begins to view his papers.

"Uh," she finally said. - Well, how ... everything. Between themselves. Well, or how there ... I do not know. I thought it was you know what perpendicular lines are, - finally she is.

"Of course he knows," Sidoryin cheats his hands. - Are we here, or not professionals? ..

- Perpendicular to two lines can be, - Petrov patiently. - All seven simultaneously cannot be perpendicular to each other. This is geometry, grade 6.

Morkovayeva shakes his head, drivening out the ghost of the long forgotten school education. Injustmen slaps palm on the table:

- Petrov, let's without this: "Grade 6, grade 6". Let's be mutually polite. We will not make hints and sliding to insults. Let's support a constructive dialogue. Here, not idiots gathered.

"I think so too," Sidoryahin says.

Petrov makes a piece of paper.

"Good," he says. - Let's, I draw you. Here is the line. So?

Morovkovayev's approved nods.

"Draw another ..." says Petrov. - Is she perpendicular to the first?

- Yes, it is perpendicular.

- Well, you see! Morkovyev's joyfully exclaims.

- Wait, it's not all. Now we draw a third ... is it perpendicular to the first line? ..

Thoughtful silence. Without waiting for a response, Petrov answers himself:

- Yes, she is perpendicular to the first line. But with the second line it does not intersect. With the second line they are parallel.

Silence comes. Then Morkovayeva rises from his place and, having rebuilt the table, enters Petrov from the rear, looking at his shoulder.

"Well ..." she utters uncertainly. - Maybe yes.

- That's the thing, "says Petrov, seeking to consolidate the achieved success. - While two lines, they can be perpendicular. As soon as they become more ...

- Can I handle me? - asks Morkovyev.

Petrov gives a handle. Morkovayeva gently spends several unsure lines.

- And if so?..

Petrov sighs.

- This is called a triangle. No, these are not perpendicular lines. In addition, there are three of them, and not seven.

Morkovayeva mans his lips.

- Why are they blue? - Suddenly asks for departures.

- Yes, by the way, it supports Sidoryakhin. - I wanted to ask himself.

Petrov blinks several times, looking at the drawing.

"I have a blue handle," he finally says. - I'm just to demonstrate ...

"It turns out the same thing," Petrov says confidently.

- Well, how is the same? - Says depths. - How can you be sure if you did not even try? You draw red, and see.

"I have no red handle with me," Petrov admits. - But I can absolutely ...

- And what you did not prepare, Sidoryakhin says ukriznarly. - I knew that there would be a meeting ...

"I absolutely can tell you exactly," Petrov says in despair, "that in red it turns out exactly the same thing."

- You ourselves said to us last time, - Sidoryakhin parches, - what to draw red lines is needed in red. Here, I recorded myself even. And you yourself draw them a blue handle. Is that red lines in your opinion?

"By the way, yes," notes the depths. - I still asked you about blue. What did you answer me?

Petrova suddenly saves the lenochka, with interest studying his drawing from his seat.

"I think I understand," she says. - You are not talking about color now, yes? Do you have this about this, how do you call it? Perperotes-something-there?

"Perpendicularity of lines, yes," Petrov speaks gratefully. - It is not connected with the color of the lines.

"Everything, you confused me finally," says the depths, translating the view from one member of the meeting to another. - So with us with what problems? With color or perpendicularity?

Morkovayeva makes confused sounds and shakes his head. She also confused.

"And with the fact, and with another," Petrov says quietly.

"I can't understand anything," says the depths, looking at his fingers lurked into the castle. - There is a task. You need only seven red lines. I understand that there would be twenty! .. But then there are only seven. The task is simple. Our customers want seven perpendicular lines. Right?

Morkovyev nods.

"And Sidoryakhin also does not see the problem," says the depths. - I'm right, Sidoryakhin? .. Well. So what prevents us from performing the task?

"Geometry," Petrov says with a sigh.

- Well, you just do not pay attention to it, that's all! - Pronounces Morkovieva.

Petrov is silent by going with thoughts. In his brain, one of the other colorful metaphors would be born, which would allow to bring to those surrounding the surrealism of what is happening, but as discharged, all of them, having enhanced in words, begin in the invariably obscene in a word, completely inappropriate as part of a business conversation.

Charter waiting for a response, inconsistencies say:

- Petrov, you will just answer - you can do or you can't? I understand that you are a narrow specialist and do not see the overall picture. But it is easy - to draw some seven lines? We are discussing for two hours some kind of nonsense, we can't come to the decision.

"Yes," says Sidoryain. - You just criticize and say: "Impossible! Impossible! " You offer us your solution to the problem! And then criticize and the fool can, sorry for the expression. You are a professional!

Petrov is tired of saying:

- Okay. Let me draw two guaranteed perpendicular red lines, and the rest are transparent. They will be transparent, and they will not be visible, but I will draw them. Does it suit you?

- This will suit us? - Morovkov turns around to the Lenochka. - Yes, we will satisfy us.

- Only at least a couple - green, - adds the lenochka. - And I also have such a question, you can?

- Can one line portray in the form of a kitten?

Petrov is silent for a few seconds, and then asks:

- Well, in the form of a kitten. Kitten. Our users like animals. It would be very cool…

"No," Petrov says.

- And why?

- No, I certainly can draw you a cat. I'm not an artist, but I can try. Only it will not be a line. It will be a cat. Line and cat are different things.

- Kitten, - clarifies Morovkaev. - Not a cat, but a kitten, so small, cute. Cats, they ...

"Yes, it's still," Petrov shakes.

"At all in no way, yes? .." Lenochka asks disappointed.

"Petrov, you would even listen to the end," the causticians say irritably. - did not hear, and already say no.

"I understood the thought," not raising his look from the table, says Petrov. " - Draw a line in the form of a kitten is impossible.

- Well, do not then, - Allows the Lenochka. - And the bird will not work either?

Petrov silently raises her glance and the lady understands everything.

"Well, don't then," she repeats again.

Injudice slaps palm on the table.

- So what are we staying on? What are we doing?

- Seven red lines, "says Morovkaev. - Two red, and two green, and the rest are transparent. Yes? I understood correctly?

"Yes," confirms Sidoryakhin before Petrov, he has time to open his mouth.

There are no goodwire.

- That's fine ... Well, then, all, colleagues? .. Are you going? .. There are more questions? ..

- Oh, - remembers the Lenochka. - We still have a red balloon! Tell me, can you inflate it?

- Yes, by the way, "says Morkovieva. - Let's also discuss this too to not be collected twice.

"Petrov," the depths of depths to Petrov turns. - We can?

- What does the ball have a ball? - Petrov asks surprise.

"He's red," explains the Lenochka.

Petrov stupidly silent by fading the tips of the fingers.

"Petrov," unsteady ask nervously. - So you can or can't you? The simple question.

"Well," Petrov says carefully, "in principle, I certainly can, but ...

- Good, - nods the depths. - Take a trip to them, inflate. Traveling, if necessary, divert.

- Tomorrow can be? - asks Morovkaev.

- Of course, - answers passengers. - I think there will be no problems ... Well, now we are all? .. Excellent. Productively worked ... Thank you all and goodbye!

Petrov blinks several times to return to the objective reality, then rises and slowly wander to the exit. At the exit, the Lenochka catches it.

- Can I ask you yet? - Red, says Lenochka. - When you inflate the ball ... Can you inflate it in the form of a kitten? ..

Petrov sighs.

"I can," he says. - I can absolutely everything. I'm professional.