What are the Russians and Turks: enlighten readers of the Turkish newspaper "Enlightenment". Three words about Russia and Russians - the revelations of the Turks

What are the Russians and Turks: enlighten readers of the Turkish newspaper
What are the Russians and Turks: enlighten readers of the Turkish newspaper "Enlightenment". Three words about Russia and Russians - the revelations of the Turks

Have you ever played in the Association? This is when you tell the word, and you do not think, should be called the first association, which immediately flashed in your head. Psychologists claim that this is the most an effective way Be find out your real attitude towards one or another subject, because you are responsible for you, which is not able to lie.

Based on this fact, the diplomat Sergey Kruzitsky, who worked in Turkey for several years, decided to find out what the Turks think about Russia and Russians. During the month, he photographed the inhabitants of Antalya and asked the same question: "What are the first three words, phrases, associations come to your mind when you hear about Russia?"

Among the surveyed Cornicians were waiters, teachers, artists, tourists, police officers, entrepreneurs and others. Many heard answers were very expected and very stereotypes, and some really surprised.

Moscow. Very cold. Tourists. - Tourists from Russia carpets buy? - Practically no ... - Do you want to send photos by email? - I have no address email. (Dogan Tudun, seller in the carpet store, 19 years old)

- Vodka. Beautiful girls. Visa-free regime for the Turks. - Was there ever in Russia? - No, but I really want to go. - Are you a musician? - Music is my hobby, I play the bar in the evenings. And so I am a student, learning at the Faculty of Department of Mediterranean University.(Mustafa Tomer, student, 26 years old)Moscow roads in five to six bands. Pavel Bure. Maria Sharapova. "The roads in Moscow are really wide, but the plugs remain ..." Unfortunately, it is so, but it's still impressive. "(Omes Hekdash, Tennis Coach, 41)Literature. Rich story. Bargain. - Why bargaining? - Russians love to bargain. - And from Russian literature you know something? - "Notes from the underground" Dostoevsky read four times. (Bülent Oshik, managing "Coffee shops on wheels", 28 years old)Snow (I came to Antalya from Germany three years ago, since then I have not seen the snow, missed). Majestic historical Buildings (Never been in Russia, but I know). I also know that russian language is very complex. - Why did you come from Germany in Antalya? - Fate, probably. - Satisfied? - Highly. (Ed Su Sezer, waitress in the bar) Friendly people. Democracy. Decency. - Are you buying Russians? - Yes, I have a lot of buyers from Russia. (Atillan Bakhchivan, the owner of a small shop, 60 years old)My girlfriend. Vodka. Cold climate. - where is your girl here? - She herself from Georgia, but speaks Russian. - Do you work somewhere? "No, at the end of the year I go to the gendarmerie."(Yusuf Dumush)Vodka. Beautiful girls ...- Yet? - (in Russian) Urgently go to the landing. - ??? - Long worked at the local airport, never forget these words.(Omit Chinar, 23 years old)Lenin. Stalingrad. Gorbachev. - What comes to mind when you remember Gorbachev? - His birthmark On my head, for some reason I have always reminded me of the map of Cyprus. (Oternal Wheel, Restaurant Managing, 29 years old)Country friendly to us. Sochi. Red Army. - Was it in Sochi? - No, but I watched the opening ceremony of the 2014 Olympics. That was awesome. - Why Red Army? - I would like to see in Antalya, the speech of the Choir of the Red Army. I also want to ask a question: and in Russia in hairdressers shaving a dangerous razor? (Sedat Gundogdu, Hairdresser)Kazan. Grey colour. A train. - Have you ever been in Kazan? - Not. - Why grey colour? - I feel so. - Why train? - about 30 years ago looked at Turkish television documentary About Transsible. I still remember. (Age Hargun, Antalya Harley-Davidson Club Coordinator, 47 years old)Hospitality. Mafia. Russian tourists- Without them, our hotels and pockets would remain empty. - went to Russia? - Two times, lived in Moscow from acquaintances, really liked it. - Mafia saw there? - Not.(Kefes tanks, taxi driver, 49 years old)Samara. Putin. Leningrad. - Why Samara? "My son is an engineer, he worked in Samara for some time. (Selchuk, for 72 years)Friendly people. Hospitality. Red Square, which we really want to see. - Russians come to the restaurant? - Yes, often, Russians are very loved by Turkish cuisine. (Muharem and Sibel Iyiosis, Owners of the Badagy restaurant)Great country. Art. Freedom. - In your opinion, in Russia, people are free in their work? - In Russia, I have many friends - artists, sculptors. I know that in his work they feel free. I will add separately: Russian sculptors are the best in the world. - Rear is your portrait? - Self portrait. (Savash Altai, artist, 59 years old)Rich culture. St. Petersburg. Along with the United States and the United Kingdom leading power of the world. (Ramazan Gerni, restaurant worker, 25 years old)
Siberia. Borscht. The Kiev's cutlets.- From these dishes that most often do you cook in Turkey? - Sometimes we arrange a "Russian evening" in the restaurant, then you must prepare the cutlets in Kiev. (Ercan Ashchi, 31 years old, Erdem Arggy, 32 years old, cook)

As you can see, Russia and Russian cause very diverse associations! But most importantly - almost all of them are positive. And Russian girls and our friendliness, as always, in the top.

Why are Turkish men like no longer Turkish, Japanese or Arab girls, and Russians? (Article in the A24 newspaper) Each Russian citizen, brought up with the Soviet Union, anyway can play piano, violin and other {!LANG-eb1150f00a35f88b0793e11d1d8795f1!} {!LANG-28f504bf8f5fa689ad258c5e53cf1d9c!}{!LANG-3de24eb614e67abbdc5b5a6060a3c267!} {!LANG-be6f59f566fa17fc941c150fd519960e!} Between the Turks and Russians. Positive features of Russian girls: 1. Beauty. It is not even discussed. 2. Attraction and sexy appearance. They skillfully use their female charm. 3. Education. You ask - in what sense? Each Russian citizen, brought up with the Soviet Union, anyway can play a piano, violin and other musical instruments. And men and women. At a minimum - professionally dance. And all - graduates of universities. Due to the fact that in their country, doctors receive a salary of $ 500 per month, they come to Turkey to work in the service sector and trade. Because in Russia to live very expensive. (My neighbor is a bottom that works by the aback, by profession a cardiac surgery, but she has a stove and they and her husband bake bread. Such a situation ...) 4. Social relationships and fitness. Active enough: love to know the world. Houses are not sitting - time is carried out mainly outside the house. Try not to miss some events. Important: We will not forget that among the Turkish girls there are also such, but, compared to girls from Russia, their little. And this is what they really work well. They are progressive. And what are the negative sides of Russian girls? Consider their negative sides, about which their Turkish rejoices do not guess. Negative features of Russian girls: Now, friends, proceed to them negative partieswhich we did not mention. Now we will understand why Turkish girls are better than Russians. 1. Russian girls are too open dressed. That is, they specifically pick up clothes with an eye on future sex. Their clothing should be slightly affected by others. If they have no second week, they are in touch, they are "clogged" to close. 2. They are too diverse and loose. The girl you see in the photo is on the street protruding your chest. One man conducted an experiment: when trying to touch 1000 breasts per day, he was allowed to felt only one. Having done this experiment in Russian Moscow, young man For 4 hours managed to swell the chest from thousands of girls. That is, a Russian girl may well kiss on his lips, can calmly sit on his knees and sleep in the same bed with our brother or a close friend. 3. Ability to deceive. Russian girls can deceive you very quickly. You can not even understand this. Because they are hysterical. One of my former Russian girls wanted me. After 3 days of sex, I refused to her. I was tired and wanted to sleep. Somehow coming to me in the apartment, she began to swear with me. I did not like such a tone, I opened the door and asked her to leave. After stopping Santa Barbara, she began to cry, saying that I was hysterical, they say, forgive me. She apologized after about 30 minutes of swearing with me. I told this story in connection with the current topic. She was in St. Petersburg, and I in Sochi. She came to visit me. After returning to Petersburg, she immediately found someone. Meeting with three young people for 2 weeks. I told me our common acquaintance and I, besides, saw photos in her instagram. It turns out that the Russians cannot maintain loyalty in relationships. We go further ... 4. Giving too much money and luxury. They can attach you to entertainment activities. If you have no money, they will not throw you, but at the same time, if they see some rich man or a celebrity, can from the excitement to get lips and play hair. W. russian singers Many songs with the words "bitch" and "love". Russian men never show delicacy and romanticity in relations with Russian girls. Russian girls often complain about it, but in general they deserve it, because expensive foreign car and clothes, elite apartments and money can make them quickly forget about the most beloved man. 5. Neglecting married obligations. For many Russian girls is a real discovery that they should be prepared, clean and behave modestly. What is house cleaning, the duties of a woman - such as child care, they are not particularly familiar. They love children very much, but you will laugh when you see how they care for children. 6. Alcoholism. Due to the fact that they are very loved by entertainment and parties, they are becoming a tinge on alcohol. For breakfast, they can drink food with vodka. Women love wine very much. Every evening dinner does not cost alcohol. Not a single company of friends passes by Bar. In this case, there are no boundaries in the use of alcohol. They consume alcohol to loss of equilibrium. If only to have fun ... 7. Finally, not giving the desirable relationships we want. They do not attach relationships like us. For example: 1. Personal photos with former girl Are she in Instagram, VKontakte or on the phone. Even if she will be for the eyes of talking, it will not delete photos from there. And if you delete the photos, it will look at you SPOS and will not allow you to do it. 2. They do not allow them to make comments. To have fun with you, they can in the company of their friends, among which can be both girls and guys. If you show that you are jealous, the relationship does not help. 3. They post on the Internet many of their photos in open clothing And they think that this is normal. 4. They want too much attention and never get tired of him, but you can quickly get tired of constantly paying attention to them, because they require him too much. If you haven't written an SMS to a Turkish girl for 2 hours, you can remember what is a business trip, but if you explain why you did not write SMS, you can forget about a business trip. However, it is good. 5. If you have material problems, they are only yours. With the lack of money and the need to benefit at least a month they will not agree. Cooking food from "bread and onions" they are not capable. Similar to their features may seriously complicate your relationship and exhaust your patience, while they will be in full confidence that they are right. Change it is difficult. In other words, friends, opposing Turkish and Russian girls are useless and stupid. There are differences in culture and life, differences in religion and civilization. After marriage in Russian or stay with her for a long time, becoming knees before turkish girlsand, you will tell them "Sorry us!". Be sure of this. For 4 years, ending with many Russian girls, I was watching experience. In search of friends and beloved I met very many Russian girls. Due to the fact that I worked as an animator in summer seasons I have seen a season for 3-4 thousand Russian girls, guys, grandparents, grandparents, and have already figured out well in them. I had a little darling from people. On such sites as VKontakte and Facebook, I have a lot of people in the list of friends, and they communicate with me for intimate topics: both guys and girls. At the end I want to say the following: - Russian girls are actually very tied to beloved and husbands. Nothing can break this connection. - In Russia, out of 10 girls 8 have the above negative features. - And please, let's not compare the Turkish and Russian girls. Yes, perhaps beautiful more than in Turkey, but let's not forget that their population is more ours. - There are few people with self-esteem in Russia. For this reason, they are so socially adapted and cultural differences are so tangible. You can easily meet them, because they do not care about the public opinion about them: what will say their young man, what the parents will say, and so on. As their religion is very open. Every woman is special and beautiful. Let's have a feeling of self-esteem and all women will show their respect and love. Even disappointed, keep at least the courage. Believe me, sooner or later we will find a decent woman. Before finishing this article, consider the differences between Russian and Turkish girls. 1. Russians - well-groomed. Turkish girls look negleous and find any excuses not to follow their appearance. Example: I am free, this is my style. 2. Russians - tall. Our priests are squeezed down and brains somewhere there. For example: The average growth rate of the Turkish girl in Turkey is 1.62, and in Russia - 1.76. 3. Russians can have fun, even staying without money. Try to pull your Turkish girl on the street if you suddenly stay without money. Example: Dear, come tonight in the park, let's drink, we will entertain in full ... slap! Ba-Bach! ... 4. If you say Russian that they don't work out something, they try to learn. If you say it to a Turkish girl, grab the return. Example: Then find the one who will do better !!! I'm over it!!! 5. Russians are open to any suggestions. The first answer to the Turkish girl is not. Example: - Dear, go this summer to a picnic? - Dear, I'm going with my mother! 6. Russians have sex for pleasure and reproduction. Turkish girls have sex with reluctance. In order not to lose your virginity. Example: Question after sex: Dear, do you love me? 7. When the Russians have problems, they do not tell them about them if they do not ask them. Turkish girls, hello without saying, will start talking to the threshold, as they offended / tired / saddened. Example: Hello, dear. Today, the belly ached! Some man stuck to me! 8. Russian girls can scratch their back, as insightful. Turkish girls can better "take care." Example: - Dear, your nails are so long. - slap! Slap! 9. Russian girls are sensitive and will be with you to the end. If the Turkish girls do not like something, she will drive you into the neck. 10. Russian girls are indisputable beautiful !!! It is meaningless. Turkish girls always say that they are the most beautiful, and even if they are not, always find an excuse.

Diplomat Sergey Cryotsky, who worked in Turkey for more than six years, wondered: What do Turks about Russia and Russians know and think?

During the month, an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, part-time being an amateur photographer, filmed the inhabitants of Antalya and asked them the same question:

"What are the first three words, phrases, associations come to mind when you hear about Russia?"

Among the companion's interlocutors are entrepreneurs and waiters, taxi drivers and police officers, artists, students and many others. The answers heard answers were both familiar and unexpected and interesting.

Dogan Tudun, seller in the carpet store, 19 years old:

Moscow. Very cold. Tourists. - Tourists from Russia carpets buy? - Practically no ... - Do you want to send photos by email? - I do not have an email address.

Mustafa Tomer, student, 26 years old:

Vodka. Beautiful girls. A visa-free regime for the Turks. - Was there ever in Russia? - No, but I really want to go. - Are you a musician? - Music is my hobby, I play the bar in the evenings. And so I am a student, learning at the Faculty of Department of Mediterranean University.

Omes Hekdash, tennis coach, 41 year:

Moscow roads in five to six bands. Pavel Bure. Maria Sharapova. "The roads in Moscow are really wide, but the plugs remain ..." Unfortunately, it is so, but it's still impressive. "

Ushik Bülent, managing "Coffee shops on wheels", 28 years old:

Literature. Rich story. Bargain. - Why bargaining? - Russians love to bargain. - And from Russian literature you know something? - "Notes from the underground" Dostoevsky read four times.

Ed, Sousse, waitress in the bar:

Snow (I came to Antalya from Germany three years ago, since then I have not seen the snow, missed). Majestic historical buildings (never in Russia, but I know). I also know that the Russian language is very complex. - Why did you come from Germany in Antalya? - Fate, probably. - Satisfied? - Highly.

Atillan Bakhchivan, a small shop owner, 60 years old:

Friendly people. Democracy. Decency. - Are you buying Russians? - Yes, I have a lot of buyers from Russia.

Yusuf Dumush:

Vodka. Beautiful girls ... - Even? - (in Russian) Urgently go to the landing. - ??? - Long worked at the local airport, never forget these words.

Oternal Wheel, Managing Restaurant, 29 years old:

Lenin. Stalingrad. Gorbachev. - What comes to mind when you remember Gorbachev? - His birthmark on his head always for some reason reminded me of a map of Cyprus Island.

Jan Emiji, member of the dance group "Fire Anatolia", 40 years old:

Nazim Hickmet *. St. Petersburg. Dostoevsky. - Have you ever been in St. Petersburg ever? - Yes, this city made me big impression. And in general: three words on Russia are very small. * Nazim Hickmeta is a famous Turkish poet, last years Life lived and was buried in Moscow.

Sedat Gundogdu, hairdresser:

Country friendly to us. Sochi. Red Army. - Was it in Sochi? - No, but I watched the opening ceremony of the 2014 Olympics. That was awesome. - Why Red Army? - I would like to see in Antalya, the speech of the Choir of the Red Army. I also want to ask a question: and in Russia in hairdressers shaving a dangerous razor?

Age of Gargun, Antalya Harley-Davidson Club Coordinator, 47 years old:

Kazan. Grey colour. A train. - Have you ever been in Kazan? - Not. - Why is gray? - I feel so. - Why train? - About 30 years ago, I looked at the Turkish television documentary about the transussier. I still remember.

Kefes Baki, taxi driver, 49 years old:

Hospitality. Mafia. Russian tourists - without them our hotels and pockets would remain empty. - went to Russia? - Two times, lived in Moscow from acquaintances, really liked it. - Mafia saw there? - Not.

Selchuk, for 72 years:

Samara. Putin. Leningrad. - Why Samara? "My son is an engineer, he worked in Samara for some time.

Atatla Turkylmaz, former physical education teacher, pensioner:

- Dynamo Moscow. Volleyball player Ekaterina Gamova. Happy men. - Why do you think Russian men are happy? - Because Russian women are beautiful.

Osman Bashtug, Policeman, 43 years old:

Kars *. Natural gas. Kremlin Palace. - Why kars? - I served there. They say Kars is very similar to the vintage Russian cities. There, today, a lot resembles Russia. - Do you want to wish something to your Russian colleagues? - Police in Russia, and in other countries, I would like to wish patience. * Kars - the city in the north-east of Turkey, in 1878-1917 he was part of the Russian Empire.

Muharem and Sibel Iyiosis, owners of the restaurant "Beydagy":

Friendly people. Hospitality. Red Square, which we really want to see. - Russians come to the restaurant? - Yes, often, Russians are very loved by Turkish cuisine.

Busus Gundogan, participant of the dance group "Fire Anatolia":

Moscow. St. Petersburg ... - Third Word? - (in Russian) "Come on!"

Savash Altai, artist, 59 years old:

Great country. Art. Freedom. - In your opinion, in Russia, people are free in their work? - In Russia, I have many friends - artists, sculptors. I know that in his work they feel free. I will add separately: Russian sculptors are the best in the world. - Rear is your portrait? - Self portrait.

Aziz Dyncher, director of the hotel:

Aralles. Yesenin. Mamayev Kurgan. - Why are Aralles? - This is the first ambassador Soviet Russia In Ankara. Along with Frunze and Voroshilov he played important role in the history of the Turkish Republic. - Do you know the poems of Esenin? - "Goodbye, my friend, without a hand, without a word ...". When I was in Konstantinovo, saw in the museum autograph of this poem. It was very impressed. - Was there in Volgograd? - Sure. Was and on Mamaev Kurgan. This is the place where the history of the world. We should not forget the cruelty of the Nazi Fascism and the heroism of Russian soldiers. - It's a little unusual to see on the streets of Antalya your UAZ with the image of the "Guard" sign on the door. - I love this car very much. I also have a white Volga, hello from the 1970s, but it is not on the go, standing in the courtyard of the hotel under the palm trees.

Ali Shahinka, Managing Cafes, 37 years old:

Russians - our friends. Snow. Nuclear power. - Why did you call the nuclear energy? - Russians build the first NPP in Turkey. - Where are you from? - From Trabzon.

Ramazan Gernali, restaurant worker, 25 years old:

Rich culture. St. Petersburg. Along with the United States and the United Kingdom, the leading power of the world.

Ercan Ashchi, 31 years old, Erdem Arggy, 32 years old, chefs:

Siberia. Borscht. The Kiev's cutlets. - From these dishes that most often do you cook in Turkey? - Sometimes we arrange a "Russian evening" in the restaurant, then you must prepare the cutlets in Kiev.

Talat Aktash, Captain of the Maritime Taxi, 44 years:

Our good neighbor. Great civilization. The country in which I would like to visit.

On this, our story ends, but I would like to emphasize that in addition to the beauty of a Russian woman, about which the Turks will be happy with the clock, because they consider themselves "connoisseurs", they still understand themselves in the history of two peoples, they love our poetry, and respect to Russian-Turkish projects.

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Diplomat Sergey Cryotsky, who worked in Turkey for more than six years, wondered: What do Turks about Russia and Russians know and think? During the month, an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, part-time being a fan photographer, filmed the inhabitants of Antalya and asked them the same question: "What are the first three words, phrases, associations come to your mind when you hear about Russia?" Among the companion's interlocutors are entrepreneurs and waiters, taxi drivers and police officers, artists, students and many others. The answers heard answers were both familiar and unexpected and interesting.

Moscow. Very cold. Tourists. - Tourists from Russia carpets buy? - Practically no ... - Do you want to send photos by email? - I do not have an email address. (Dogan Tudun, seller in the carpet store, 19 years old)

- Vodka. Beautiful girls. A visa-free regime for the Turks. - Was there ever in Russia? - No, but I really want to go. - Are you a musician? - Music is my hobby, I play the bar in the evenings. And so I am a student, learning at the Faculty of Department of Mediterranean University. (Mustafa Tomer, student, 26 years old)

- Moscow roads in five to six bands. Pavel Bure. Maria Sharapova. "The roads in Moscow are really wide, but the plugs remain ..." Unfortunately, it is so, but it's still impressive. " (Omes Hekdash, Tennis Coach, 41)

- Literature. Rich story. Bargain. - Why bargaining? - Russians love to bargain. - And from Russian literature you know something? - "Notes from the underground" Dostoevsky read four times. (Ushikk Bülent, Managing "Coffee Shops", 28 years old)

- Snow (I arrived in Antalya from Germany three years ago, since then I have not seen snow, missed). Majestic historical buildings (never in Russia, but I know). I also know that the Russian language is very complex. - Why did you come from Germany in Antalya? - Fate, probably. - Satisfied? - Highly. (Ed Su Sezer, waitress in the bar)

- Friendly people. Democracy. Decency. - Are you buying Russians? - Yes, I have a lot of buyers from Russia. (Atillan Bakhchivan, the owner of a small shop, 60 years old)

- My girlfriend. Vodka. Cold climate. - where is your girl here? - She herself from Georgia, but speaks Russian. - Do you work somewhere? "No, at the end of the year I go to the gendarmerie." (Yusuf Dumush)

- Vodka. Beautiful girls ... - Even? - (in Russian) Urgently go to the landing. - ??? - Long worked at the local airport, never forget these words. (Omit Chinar, 23 years old)

- Lenin. Stalingrad. Gorbachev. - What comes to mind when you remember Gorbachev? - His birthmark on his head always for some reason reminded me of a map of Cyprus Island. (Oternal Wheel, Restaurant Managing, 29 years old)

- Nazim Hickmet *. St. Petersburg. Dostoevsky. - Have you ever been in St. Petersburg ever? - Yes, this city made a big impression on me. And in general: three words on Russia are very small. (Jan Emiji, Member dance team "Fire Anatoly", 40 years old) * Nazim Hikmet is a famous Turkish poet, the last years of life lived and was buried in Moscow.

- Country friendly to us. Sochi. Red Army. - Was it in Sochi? - No, but I watched the opening ceremony of the 2014 Olympics. That was awesome. - Why Red Army? - I would like to see in Antalya, the speech of the Choir of the Red Army. I also want to ask a question: and in Russia in hairdressers shaving a dangerous razor? (Sedat Gundogdu, Hairdresser)

- Kazan. Grey colour. A train. - Have you ever been in Kazan? - Not. - Why is gray? - I feel so. - Why train? - About 30 years ago, I looked at the Turkish television documentary about the transussier. I still remember. (Age Hargun, Antalya Harley-Davidson Club Coordinator, 47 years old)

- Hospitality. Mafia. Russian tourists - without them our hotels and pockets would remain empty. - went to Russia? - Two times, lived in Moscow from acquaintances, really liked it. - Mafia saw there? - Not. (Kefes tanks, taxi driver, 49 years old)

- Samara. Putin. Leningrad. - Why Samara? "My son is an engineer, he worked in Samara for some time. (Selchuk, for 72 years)

- Dynamo Moscow. Volleyball player Ekaterina Gamova. Happy men. - Why do you think Russian men are happy? - Because Russian women are beautiful. (Atillas Türkyylmaz, former teacher Physical education, pensioner)

- Kars *. Natural gas. Kremlin Palace. - Why kars? - I served there. They say Kars is very similar to the vintage Russian cities. There, today, a lot resembles Russia. - Do you want to wish something to your Russian colleagues? - Police in Russia, and in other countries, I would like to wish patience. (Osman Bashtug, Policeman, 43 years old) * Kars - the city in the north-east of Turkey, in 1878-1917 he was part of the Russian Empire.

- Friendly people. Hospitality. Red Square, which we really want to see. - Russians come to the restaurant? - Yes, often, Russians are very loved by Turkish cuisine. (Muharem and Sibel Iyiosis, Owners of the Badagy restaurant)

- Moscow. St. Petersburg ... - Third Word? - (in Russian) "Come on!" (Buce Gundogan, participant of the dance group "Fire Anatolia")

- Great country. Art. Freedom. - In your opinion, in Russia, people are free in their work? - In Russia, I have many friends - artists, sculptors. I know that in his work they feel free. I will add separately: Russian sculptors are the best in the world. - Rear is your portrait? - Self portrait. (Savash Altai, artist, 59 years old)

- Aralles. Yesenin. Mamayev Kurgan. - Why are Aralles? - This is the first ambassador to Soviet Russia in Ankara. Along with Frunze and Voroshilov, he played an important role in the history of the Turkish Republic. - Do you know the poems of Esenin? - "Goodbye, my friend, without a hand, without a word ...". When I was in Konstantinovo, saw in the museum autograph of this poem. It was very impressed. - Was there in Volgograd? - Sure. Was on Mamaev Kurgan. This is the place where the history of the world. We should not forget the cruelty of the Nazi Fascism and the heroism of Russian soldiers. - It's a little unusual to see on the streets of Antalya your UAZ with the image of the "Guard" sign on the door. - I love this car very much. I also have a white Volga, hello from the 1970s, but it is not on the go, standing in the courtyard of the hotel under the palm trees. (Aziz Dyncher, director of the hotel)

I read a letter to the site of Veronica "Is it really married to the Turk" and I want to express my opinion about the Turks and Russian girls, more precisely, about them to us with respect to us (it will be about the Turks with which we are facing the resorts).

A huge request to our girls, resting in the resorts in hotels - Do not be bought on the first oncoming animator (and not only), and do not slam your ears, and then all the rest of the normal girls are hard.

We arrived at the sea by families, with children and with younger sister 18 years old, instructed it in advance that "they can pester to you, but remember: this is the service personnel," etc. So, one animator immediately began to pour to her, at all, openly. She, of course, no emotion. He waited 3 days, and then comes to her (and I was present) and reports that he throws her!

Of course, we were in shock and laughed very long, and all the time I remember))). How can you throw without even starting?

So, cute girls so that you do not use, behave adequately, so that you laughed, and not they. After all, as we have a reputation as a whole about them, as about the nation, when we see them in the resort (that they are womanists, etc.), so and they are easy to reach girls think that everyone who comes to the sea or She dressed a short skirt or topic at the hotel (a, sorry at 35s heat so I want to dress), think that everything is ready))).

And so, of course, I agree and believe that there are normal Turkish men with whom our girls are happy and I wish you happiness sincerely, it's just necessary to do everything with my mind. I wish you happiness in marriage. And kids should be beautiful from mixed marriages.

And it seems to me if, it can also be "twisted in the horn bars", as well as Orthodox, and you will not feel the pressure of their religion, etc. The main thing is love and our female cunning).

And their Turkhatics in the mass of their ugly, saw a lot on the beach, and I fully understand the Turks when they like our Slavs, honestly))).

Alina, a letter to the editor of the Sight.


Comment from site administration site

Alina, thank you for your letter!

Really forced to agree with you that the reputation of Russian women in the eastern resorts (Turkey, Egypt) has developed very unequivocal - devoid of affairs and love, easily accessible, trusting. Belokenish beautiful girls Sculpt the head of men who have grown perfectly in other cultural and religious conditions.

How much information on our site is published that Egyptian, for example, to the marriage you need to work a lot, have an apartment and according to the laws of Islam to pay the bride of the Mahr (wedding gift). In view of this, many of them objectively cannot count on a legitimate wife, so they are seduced by the possibility of seducing the affordable Russian woman. No matter how cool, they are men, and lack intimate intimacy In Muslim countries, it is often felt very acute.

Also need to remember about the level of education service personnel, this is in Russia in the 90s man with higher education He considered a huge luck to get a hotel or a restaurant. On the modern resorts Animators, waiters, etc. In 99% of cases, young guys, who have only an elementary school behind their backs.

However, on the other hand - by turkish man: One measure is not worth it for one measure, and even more so - to divide the nations for good and bad. There are so many examples happy marriageIn which the husband is guarding his wife and immensely loves his children. But you need a lot of strength to invest a Russian woman in such a marriage to achieve respect and recognition from relatives and not feel outlaughter.

That is why once again we want to say how important it is not only a heart, but also a mind!