Boxing school as a business. Own business: creating a football club

Boxing school as a business.  Own business: creating a football club
Boxing school as a business. Own business: creating a football club

According to statistics, martial arts schools are among the ten most demanded sections for people of all ages. Parents want their children to be able to stand up for themselves in difficult situations. And adults are interested in the culture of various martial arts, and keeping themselves in shape is not one of the latter's wishes. Martial arts are among the least traumatic sports, and the trainee will receive no less health and strength than playing football or boxing. At first glance, it is difficult and costly to open a martial arts school. A little time, diligence, attracting a professional team - and the business will bring good money. We will discuss this in more detail in our article.

Specificity of the section's work

You can open your own martial arts school on the basis of any school institution or sports club. Provided that you yourself have the skills and are ready to transfer your knowledge to other people, the costs will be minimal. You do not need a separate building and permission to work with children. It is enough to rent a gym and recruit your own group. But do not confuse a small section and a school. Investments will be required to open a school of combat techniques.

In a martial arts school, various sections can function where techniques are taught:

  • Judo is a Japanese type of martial arts. The emphasis is on building endurance and developing physical strength. Children can study from the age of five.
  • Karate is the most popular direction in martial arts. Children in the section are recruited from the age of seven, but there are also groups from an earlier age. Until the age of seven, the focus is on physical development, techniques begin to be studied after 7 years.
  • Wushu is a little-known direction of martial arts in our country. The group mainly involves adolescents from 14-15 years old or adults.
  • Kung Fu - experienced a second surge in popularity (we had the first during the films with Jackie Chan) after the release of the famous cartoon about the panda. Children from 5 years old are recruited into the group, but serious training begins from 10 years old. The main focus is on stretching and endurance.
  • Taekwondo is one of the toughest martial arts. The group mainly consists of boys from 7-10 years old or adults.
  • Aikido - aimed at training endurance and physical development. With weekly workouts, your child can learn excellent skills and stand up for themselves in the most difficult situations.

Less often, the school offers other types of martial techniques: jiu-jitsu (the mildest type, suitable for girls and women), Slavic-Goritsky wrestling, sambo, qigong.

Several directions can be taught at the school at once or one is chosen. Groups can be recruited of different ages - from 5 years old and older. According to statistics, the profitability of children's sports sections is higher than that of training with adults.

As a standard, training in sports sections is paid in advance for a month. The average price of monthly classes is from 2,500 rubles. A group can have up to 20 people. Monthly income from one group is at least 50 thousand rubles. But you can offer beginners a one-time paid visit at a bargain price. Young children are recruited in limited numbers, since during training, the responsibility for their life and health rests entirely with the coach.

Unravel the secret of success

Before starting a sports school, do a good job of your competitors. The focus of the school should be chosen based on competition. For example, if in a town with a population of 150 thousand people. there are 15 schools of karate and judo, then it is worth focusing on another type of martial arts. Recently, Chinese techniques have been gaining popularity: kung fu and wushu.

The success and profitability of a sports school will depend on two factors: the skill and level of the teaching staff and location. Do not forget about additional services that can bring at least 25% of your total monthly income. Offer your clients services: children's room for an hour, infrared sauna, massage. This will attract additional customers, some of whom will turn into regular ones.

Teaching Staff

It's no secret that 50% of your company's success will depend on the faculty. Qualified trainers are hired for the school. Of course, it will be difficult to attract famous masters of sports to a new company, but be selective about your choice. High results of pupils are the first indicator of a coach's qualifications.

For children, teachers are selected not only with qualifications, but also with certain psychological characteristics. Do not forget that the reputation of the sports school will depend on their knowledge and ability to work with children.

If the center teaches several types of martial arts, then two coaches are hired for each. This will make it possible to draw up a convenient schedule, and in case of a force majeure situation, one specialist will be able to replace his partner.

Location and equipment

The school should be located in a place convenient for parents and children. Most students should be able to travel independently to class. Therefore, it is better to choose a building in a residential area or in a large shopping and entertainment center. Pay attention to what type of transport it will be convenient to get to the school from different parts of the city. Remember, not every parent has a private car.

When choosing a room, the number of sections is taken into account. In the premises of the sports school of martial arts, toilets, showers and changing rooms with lockers are additionally equipped. There should be a comfortable lounge with benches for those who are waiting and a place for the reception. The main building will be a sports hall. It should be well ventilated and equipped with mats. At the same time, safety is in the first place, so buildings with dilapidated frames and floors are not suitable for a future school without major repairs. And these are additional expenses.

Renting a building and equipment will cost you from 700 thousand rubles.


If you plan to work in a section that you organize on the basis of a school or sports club, then you can open an IP. For a serious sports school of martial arts, you will need an LLC. When registering, the code of the type of activity OKVED 80.10.3.- additional educational activities for children is selected. The fact is that for professional work and the participation of students in competitions, the school must be a member of the Russian Martial Arts Association. To get into the association, you must fulfill the following conditions:

  1. The teaching staff includes masters of sports and people with higher sports education.
  2. The school is equipped in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards and meets safety requirements. To fulfill this point, it is necessary to obtain written opinions from the local fire supervision and sanitary and epidemiological station.
  3. Students must participate in various martial arts competitions and represent their school.

For membership in an association, an LLC must submit documents for consideration:

  • Statement of desire to join the association.
  • List of teaching staff with photocopies of special education documents.
  • Conclusions from local fire safety authorities and sanitary and epidemiological stations.
  • A copy of the LLC certificate, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the company's charter.

The documents can be considered by the association for up to three months. During this time, a commission will be sent to your school, which will make its written opinion.


A large sports school of martial arts will need to invest at least 1 million rubles, to open a section in a rented hall - no more than 30 thousand rubles. The success of a company will depend on its location and teaching staff. To open a school, you will need to create an LLC. For the private organization of the section, an individual entrepreneur is enough.

In order for the school to be legal, you must join the Russian Martial Arts Association, which means that you are ready to pass all the checks. Each of the options has the right to life, but the choice depends on your material capabilities.

Project summary

The goal of the project is to open a specialized boxing center in a city with a population of more than 500 thousand people to provide sports and health services and make a profit. The business idea is to create and operate a commercial boxing club targeting all groups of the population of any age, starting from 5 years old. The format of the establishment will refer to the so-called "white collar boxing", which implies the adaptation of professional boxing for ordinary people and affordability. The club's services will include group and individual boxing and kickboxing classes, ranging from one-off workouts to annual subscription sales.

Investments in the opening of the club will amount to 3,620,000 rubles. Source - own funds. The payback period of the project is 16 months.

Key financial indicators of the project

Discount rate, %

Project net profit *, rub.

Return on sales,%

Payback period (PP), months

Profitability Index (PI)%

* - with a club attendance of 200-300 people per month and an average check of 3600 rubles

Description of the industry and company

In recent years, boxing has been increasingly adapting to mass demand and opening its doors to non-professionals. The popularity of boxing clubs for middle-level citizens is increasing, as evidenced by the opening of more and more clubs and boxing centers in major cities of the country. It is believed that white collar boxing originated in the 80s in New York, where tournaments were regularly held for office workers seeking to get emotional relaxation in the ring. White collar fighting became so popular that in 2001 the bull formed the International White Collar Boxing Association (IWCBA), which established clear rules and monitored the competition. Today, there are more than 1,500 clubs around the world, where anyone can try themselves as a boxer, regardless of their age and status. Unlike professional clubs, the purpose of these centers is to provide a boxing site as an alternative to fitness. A person, attending classes, keeps himself in good physical shape, increases stress resistance and more easily endures all the hardships of life.

The goal of this project is to open a specialized boxing center in a city with a population of more than 500 thousand people to provide sports and health services to the population and make a profit. The business idea is to create and operate a commercial boxing club targeting all groups of the population of any age, starting from 5 years old. The format of the establishment will refer to the so-called "white collar boxing", which implies the adaptation of professional boxing for ordinary people and affordability.

The boxing club will be located in the central area of ​​the city, close to major business centers and educational institutions. The club will operate on a daily basis: from 8:00 to 22:00 on Mon-Fri. and from 9:00 to 21:00 on Sat. - Sun. The total area of ​​the club will be 250 sq. meters.

Boxing lessons will be conducted by professional trainers with sports achievements and sports categories (CMS, MS). The owner of the business will act as the club manager; part of the management and administration responsibilities will be transferred to the full-time administrator. Employees will work for hire, whose work is not related to the extraction of profit (accountant, cleaner).

The organizational and legal form of activity will be an individual entrepreneur. OKVED code suitable for this business, 93.12 Services provided by sports clubs. The simplified taxation system (STS 6%) will be chosen in the form of taxation.

Description of services

The boxing club's services will include group and individual boxing and kickboxing classes, ranging from one-off workouts to annual subscription sales. Functional training, boxing and kickboxing training will be conducted under the guidance of experienced trainers. An indicative price list is presented in Table. 1. To ensure an advantage over competitors, emphasis will be placed on the professionalism of the trainers' staff, quality of service, and affordability of services.

Table 1. List of services




Group adult training (16+)

Subscription for 3 months

Subscription for 6 months

Subscription for 12 months

8 workout package

12 workout package

Group training for children (5-15)

Subscription for 3 months

Subscription for 3 months of group training

Subscription for 6 months

Subscription for 6 months of group training

Subscription for 12 months

Subscription for 12 months of group training

8 workout package

Visit 8 group workouts (1 month)

12 workout package

Attendance at 12 group workouts (1.5 months)

Personal training

1 workout

1 individual workout

10 workouts

10 individual workouts (2 months)

Other services

Boxing gym visit

Boxing gym visit (1 month)

One-time training

One-time training

No special permits or licenses are required to provide these services. The activities of the institution will need to be coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozhnadzor.

Sales and Marketing

The target audience of boxing will be townspeople with an average level of income of various categories of the population. During the lessons, groups of different ages will be formed, including children's groups (5-9 years old, 9-15 years old) and groups for adults. A separate group, subject to the availability of an appropriate specialist, is planned to be created for girls and women. At the stage of preparation for the opening, work will be carried out to attract customers through social networks and pre-sale of season tickets. On the first day of work, an open day will be held with master classes and drawing of certificates for free visits to the club for a certain period.

The main channel for attracting new members of the club will be the Internet. Wanting to sign up for sports is not like buying clothes or food impulsively. The potential client has an idea of ​​what he wants and seeks to find out in more detail information about the sports sections of interest to him on the Internet, compare the prices of several clubs. Therefore, information about the services of the boxing center, prices, coaches and contact details will be posted on the site. According to the Yandex.Wordstat service, the “boxing section” request is made from 12,000 to 26,000 times a month, while there are much more similar requests (approximately 50-60 thousand). The leaders in terms of the number of requests are Moscow and St. Petersburg (3205 and 1245 requests for "boxing section" as of April 2016), followed by Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Voronezh, Samara and Kazan (170 -338 requests). Taking into account related queries, the indicators increase 2-3 times. At the same time, most of those who want to sign up for boxing are recorded from August to October after the end of the summer vacation season. In autumn, the peak of sales of fitness club subscriptions is recorded, so it is most expedient to open the club in August-September.

The main methods that will be used when promoting the market will be:

  • contextual advertising in search engines;
  • maintaining groups / accounts on social networks;
  • outdoor advertising (signboard);
  • advertising in the media (at the opening stage);
  • handout advertising (business cards, flyers).

In the course of its activity, the management of the club will proceed from the principles of expanding the services provided, increasing the number of permanent members of the club, as well as improving the quality of service. To implement the first task, new partners of the club will be searched, including large employers interested in purchasing season tickets in bulk. To implement the second, special seminars, master classes and other events for staff will be held under the guidance of invited specialists. The club's management will contribute to the creation of a trusting family atmosphere in the institution with customer-oriented service. Attention will be paid to all the subtleties of work, from maintaining the general discipline of employees and creating a loyalty system, ending with an individual approach to each client (taking into account the characteristics and inclinations of the client during training, addressing by name, etc.).

Production plan

Location of the club - will become the central area of ​​the city with a large number of office and retail buildings (business center). The club will operate on a daily basis. Working hours from Monday to Friday - 08: 00-22: 00, weekends and holidays - from 09:00 to 21:00.

The club will be located on a rented area of ​​250 sq. meters. The boxing club will have two sports halls for competitions and trainings, an administration, a changing room, a wardrobe area and a bathroom with a shower. Repair of the premises will require 1.8 million rubles, equipment - 1.2 million rubles. Among other things, the room will need to be equipped with a ventilation system. More details on equipment costs can be seen in Table. 2.

Table 2. Equipment costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.


Supply and exhaust ventilation system

Boxing ring


Training equipment (pears, bags, etc.)

Office equipment, computers

Furniture for administration and recreation


35 000 1

Dressing room equipment


1 200 000

The duties of the club manager will be assumed by the entrepreneur. Also, at the initial stage, 5 staff units will be required, including an administrator and four trainers (payroll see in Table 3). Bookkeeping, security and cleaning services will be outsourced to third parties on a contractual basis. In the case of organizing competitions on the basis of the club, additional employees may be involved.

Table 3. Staffing table and payroll


Number, people

Payroll, rub.


Boxing coach

Kickboxing coach



Total with deductions:

The main income of the boxing club will be formed by the sale of season tickets, the additional income will be from the payment of one-time visits and individual lessons. Provided that, on average, one client will pay about 3600 rubles for services. per month, then with 200 regular customers, the club's net profit will be 227,000 rubles. with revenue of 720,000 rubles. This mark is planned to be reached at the initial stage (1-4 months). At the same time, subsequently the number of permanent clubs can be increased to 300 people, which will allow counting on a profit of up to 550 thousand rubles. The club's expenses will include: rent - 200 thousand rubles, payroll with deductions - 195 thousand rubles, advertising - up to 45 thousand rubles, other expenses (utilities, accounting, cleaning, etc.) - 23 thousand rubles

Organizational plan

Responsibilities for the management of the club will be assumed by an individual entrepreneur, who, together with another administrator who is subordinate to him, will form a link in the administration. The activities of the administration will include the solution of all organizational issues, workflow, personnel management, drawing up a work schedule, marketing promotion and development of social networks, searching for new partners, negotiations with the lessor, resolving conflict situations with clients. The production link will be boxing trainers who conduct group and individual training.

Financial plan

Initial investments in the project will amount to 3,620,000 rubles. Investment cost items are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Investment costs

Cost item

Amount, rub.

Renovation of the premises

Equipment purchase

Site creation

Working capital


3 620 000

The financial indicators of the project in terms of revenue, cash flow, costs, tax deductions and net profit are given in Appendix 1. The conditions adopted in the calculations were: average check for services - 3,600 rubles. reaching a sales volume of 720,000 rubles. for 4 months of work (200 clients), an annual increase in the number of regular clients for 5 years (up to 300 per month).

Evaluating the effectiveness of the project

The calculations made allow us to say that the project to organize a boxing club is a profitable business that can pay for itself in a short time (see Table 5). At the same time, the load indicators adopted in the calculations are approximate and can be significantly increased if competent work is carried out to attract customers even at the preparatory stage, which will have a positive effect on the indicators. In conditions of weak competition, prices for services can change both downward and upward without significant consequences on the level of demand.

Table 5. Indicators of project performance



Discount rate, %

Net Present Value (NPV), RUB

Project net profit *, rub.

Return on sales,%

Payback period (PP), months

Discounted payback period (DPP), months

Profitability Index (PI)%

* - with a club attendance of 200-300 people per month and an average check of 3600 rubles.

Risks and guarantees

Description of the key project risks and protective measures are presented in Table. 6.

Table 6. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

The severity of the consequences

to prevent

Difficulties with recruiting

Posting information about vacancies on several sites, offering favorable working conditions

Growth in the number of competitors / leaving the clientele

Development of loyalty systems, customer-oriented service, revision of the price offer, hiring highly qualified personnel

A sharp drop in the population's ability to pay

Cost reduction, development of loyalty programs, review of pricing policy

Emergency, cataclysm

Use of fire and burglar alarms, insurance

Seasonal drop in demand for services

Provision of discounts, sale of annual subscriptions, creation of a financial airbag


Production plan and main financial indicators of the project in a five-year perspective

As for the equipment, visitors will judge the status of your establishment by its quality and design. The range of equipment depends directly on what kind of sports you are going to teach your clients. For example, to organize a martial arts section, you will need special carpets, mats, exercise equipment, parallel bars, horizontal bars. Have you decided to open a basketball section? You need to take care of balls, sports uniforms, and decorating the hall with rings in advance. To play badminton, you will need a net, rackets and shuttlecocks. If you want you to have only modern models of simulators, then, when drawing up, for example, a business plan for a martial arts hall, you should provide for additional costs in the start-up capital, since modern "health machines" are quite expensive.

How to open a martial arts club from scratch

During the "rush hour" period, you may simply not get to the club and your clients may spend hours in a traffic jam without arriving at your place. Stop your choice in a residential area of ​​the city in which there is no such establishment yet. Such a tactical move will allow you to save on advertising, as well as guarantee a constant influx of customers.

And since now almost everyone has their own personal vehicles, equip, albeit not a large, but car parking, this can become an additional plus to the choice of your section. Staff of workers Even at the stage of drawing up a business plan, you must clearly understand what services you want to provide to the population, since this will determine what kind of staff you will have to look for. A good and durable business cannot be built without well-coordinated work of employees.

Opening a martial arts club: a business idea

Naturally, customers should easily get to it by public transport. Of course, not everyone can afford to rent a room in the city center. It is optimal to choose the location of your sports section in one of the sleeping areas.
This will provide you with a regular influx of customers. At the same time, choose places where there are convenient parking lots so that your club members can park their car in the right place. Employees At the next stage, you must decide the question of the staff, because without qualified trainers, administrators, consultants and massage therapists, it is unlikely that it will be possible to organize a business competently. Do not forget that you will have to pay for their work every month.
Advertising In order for as many people as possible to know about your section, you need to systematically advertise your own business. Advertise in newspapers, on the radio, post flyers on the streets.

How to open a sports section of martial arts

We equip the institution As experts say, the founder of the project should be well versed in the specifics of the case, when the chosen direction will be sports. A business of this kind involves knowledge of the nuances of choosing equipment and various necessary equipment. After all, a person who is not familiar with such a technique is unlikely to be able to properly equip the hall.

Therefore, when this topic is not close to you, ask the advice of an experienced trainer. To open a full-fledged sports club, you will need to invest a fairly substantial amount in the purchase of equipment.As a rule, when planning to open a section, the owner must take care of the presence of mats, benches, and mirrors in the hall. In addition, you will need specialized equipment for the chosen sport and several sets of protective equipment.

Moreover, you need to remember the convenience of customers and provide for the most comfortable conditions for changing rooms and showers.

Be careful!

Another principle by which the premises are selected is for whom the martial arts school will be designed, if for the elite with a large subscription fee, then the premises should correspond to the contingent. And also located in the city center. But if the institution is designed for the middle class, then the premises should be chosen more modestly. Where should you start? If you decide that you are ready for a new business and the opening of a martial arts section is a dream for you, but you have absolutely no information on how to do it and where to start? Our article will help you understand all the intricacies of this business.

The first thing to start with is to choose the right place and area of ​​the room. The room should be spacious so that there is enough space for all the necessary rooms.

How to start a sports club from scratch

You can stop there, or you can rent a room with an area of ​​200 m2 or more, make expensive repairs, buy expensive equipment, find 5 or more assistants from outside or among your students, raise the fee for a lesson by one and a half times, put an administrator so that the assistants do not pocket revenue and be called a martial arts club. The advantages are obvious, the main of which is the ability to conduct classes in parallel, respectively, to receive income from a larger number of man-hours. The salary for trainers is at least 20,000 rubles per month, the salary for the administrator is at least 35,000 rubles per month.

What. Many? But no one will be tempted to pocket contributions, because everyone will value such a highly paid job! A martial arts club with 5 coaches with an average employment of 6 hours a day will bring its owner about 600,000 rubles a month.

Most Popular of the Month


Such a start in business is suitable not only for entrepreneurs who are adept at exotic types of martial arts, but also for traditional ones - karate, aikido, etc. The second stage is the martial arts section. When you save 200,000 rubles, you can rent a room with an area of ​​80 m2. in a residential area of ​​a large city or in a small town with a population of no more than 250,000 people, you will pay about 60,000 rubles for rent. Then you can equip the premises at your own expense, or you can teach the children of owners of construction companies or those who have the authority to make decisions and save 50% or more on repairs and equipment purchases for free.

A few weeks before the move, start informing your pupil about the future move. If the new room is at a distance of no more than 10 minutes on foot from the old one, you will not lose a single student.

Sports section business plan

As for the whole complex, a year of operation of this institution will cost 4,000,000 rubles. True, the turnover from the conduct of activities will have significant differences. The section's annual revenue will not exceed RUB 2,100,000, and the club's annual revenue will amount to about RUB 5,800,000.
It turns out that the profit from the organization of the sports section will be equal to 600,000 rubles, which will make it possible to recoup the business in about a year. Earnings at the opening of the sports complex will be about 1,800,000 rubles. and will return the investment in the project in a year and a half. As you can see, both formats will turn out to be a very promising start to their business.
Therefore, for an entrepreneur who decides to conduct business in this direction, it is appropriate to first try to launch a project with a sports section, and gradually developing, raise the level of the institution to a full-fledged club.
Thinking about the staff Speaking about how to organize a sports section, you should clarify the minimum list of vacancies that you need to open. So, a small studio should have at least two instructors and an administrator. It is necessary to provide about 65,000 rubles for the formation of the wage fund. In order to save money, the owner will have to deal with the current accounting of financial and organizational issues. When we talk about a full-fledged sports complex, we need to consider the following list of employees:

  • manager (2) - 21,000;
  • coach (6) - 19 5000;
  • masseur (2) - 17,500;
  • technical staff (electrician, cleaner, watchman) - 40,000.

Even to create a small sports section, at least two coaches and an administrator will be needed. As you can see, in this situation, the cost of salary payments will amount to 194,000 rubles.

How to start a martial arts sports club from scratch

Moscow) - Top management (management) - Management (development department) - Management (sales department) - Management (advertising and PR department) - Creative department (creative group) - Legal department and accounting department - Global advertising and PR (brand promotion , development) + with the promotion of the Managing Partner in local media / TV - Organization of rating tournaments in Boxing and MMA ABOUT B Y Z A N N O S T I S T O R O N BRANCH MANAGEMENT (Managing Partner) BUSINESS CONSULTING (Managing Company) - Work with personnel - Interaction with clients - Interaction with partners - Control over the quality of service - Participation in PR-events (including media / TV) - Assistance in the process of BUSINESS CREATION # 1- Assistance in the process of DOING BUSINESS # 2 Information disclosure see below What includes BUSINESS CONSULTING? I.

More and more people are beginning to pay increased attention to their health. To be in good physical shape and a beautiful, muscular figure is becoming extremely important for many people today. But many are led to gyms and private sports classes by the desire to release negative energy and tension, or to achieve outstanding results, to become a professional in their chosen sport. Boxing is considered an excellent option for achieving these goals. He is at all times consistently popular both among those wishing to practice professionally and among amateurs. Therefore, everyone who is interested in boxing needs to train somewhere. Having a well-developed business plan, you can quickly promote a newly created boxing school, and get a fairly high profit.

  • Where to start a business?
  • Equipment required to open a boxing school
  • Boxing school staff
  • Business profitability
  • Documents, licensing
  • Choosing a room for a boxing school

Where to start a business?

In the sports field, there are a lot of proposals for any wallet and in various directions. The competition in this field of activity is quite high - this is practically all sports sections and clubs that offer training using various techniques, first of all - boxing schools and sections.

To take into account all the nuances before the opening of the school, you need to study similar offers that are in your city. Having established in which niche - professional or amateur, the filling is the smallest, you need to delve more deeply into the nuances of price offers and the demand for this service by region. Such monitoring will allow developing a more flexible pricing policy, choosing the types and directions of work that are most interesting for potential customers, and choosing the most acceptable location for the future boxing school.

Many aspects of activities depend on the size of the start-up capital, and in a highly competitive environment, every effort must be made to ensure that the school offers its clients a comprehensive service of high quality.

Equipment required to open a boxing school

The gym should be equipped primarily with strength training equipment. To open a small school, you can buy about 15 simulators. The amount required for this is about 600 thousand rubles.

In addition, you need to purchase:

  • sports equipment: pancakes, dumbbells, barbells, etc. - 50 thousand rubles;
  • boxing pears (the cost of 1 pear is about 4 thousand rubles) х10 pcs. = 40 thousand rubles;
  • rings for training and competitions - from 80 thousand rubles 1 training ring;
  • furniture, household materials - 50 thousand rubles;
  • repair, preparation of premises - 200 thousand rubles.

In general, starting costs without renting premises will amount to about 1,020,000 rubles (including the cost of acquiring a ring - 600 thousand rubles).

Boxing school staff

The main work in a boxing school is performed by trainers and mentors. They must have work experience, certain sporting achievements. Consideration should also be given to the specifics of the groups with which the mentors will work. If, for example, a coach works with athletes who aspire to become professionals, he must have not only experience, but also an appropriate track record, awards, and experience in training winning boxers.

For novice athletes, such a titled mentor may even be a hindrance, since he has high requirements that novice boxers cannot really achieve.

In children's groups, you need to select not only a coach-athlete, he must also be a good teacher.

It is also advisable to have a doctor on staff, since this sport is traumatic.

Administrative staff are also needed. There are enough 2 people for shift work and a manager, whose functions can be performed by the owner of the school. The services of an accountant, lawyer, tax consultant can be outsourced.

It is also necessary to hire security for the school - 2 people, work in shifts.

Business profitability

A subscription to a boxing gym today costs about 3,500 rubles. If you attract an average of 150 people to the club, you can make a monthly profit of about 525 thousand rubles.

Rent, utility bills, wages, consumables will amount to about 200-250 thousand rubles.

525,000 - 200,000 = 275,000 rubles. - income received for 1 month of work.

The return on investment of 1 million 020 thousand rubles is about 4 months.

Documents, licensing

If the boxing school will operate as a commercial enterprise, it is preferable to register as a legal entity - LLC, since this form of entrepreneurship is more significant. The cost of registering an LLC is 4 thousand rubles.

A legal entity must have an authorized capital.

You can register a boxing school as an individual entrepreneur. But in this option, the individual entrepreneur puts at risk not only his own part of the capital, but also his property.

There is an option to register as a non-profit organization. In this case, one can count on state support - the state often allocates various grants, certain privileges extend to NPOs, since they conduct socially important activities. In financial terms, it can be even more profitable than a commercial activity. In the case of planning a full-fledged teaching job, you will have to obtain a license. In other registration options, it is not needed.

Choosing a room for a boxing school

To open a boxing school, you need to rent a fairly large room. It would be nice to have several gyms besides the training one:

  • a gym with good capacity so that there is free access to the simulators and there are no queues;
  • a hall with a ring for sparring (at the beginning of the activity, you can combine it with a simulator);
  • sanitary and hygienic rooms - changing rooms, toilets, showers;
  • home administrator of the premises.

It is advisable to have a separate room for training children, if such a direction will be developed, since many parents do not approve of training in common halls with adults. If girls are going to study at school, it is necessary to provide separate sanitary rooms for them.

For a boxing school, you need to look for a room with dimensions of 150-200 m. The height of the ceilings in them should be at least 2.4-3 m. It is advisable to rent a room closer to the city center, as most of the clients prefer training in the evening.

In order for a boxing school to attract as many sports fans as possible, it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for this. Only a well-equipped gym with a full set of equipment, a good ring, experienced professional trainers will be able to interest boxing fans to sign up for the section and attend the newly opened school.

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

Martial arts have been very popular in our country for a long time. Interest in them appeared in the 80s and 90s, when Western films dedicated to martial arts were released on Russian screens.

People practice martial arts for a variety of reasons. Someone sends their children to a martial arts school so that they can then fend for themselves. Some people think that such activities are good physical fitness. Others turn their hobby into their main source of income.

With the demand for training services so high, it comes as no surprise that there is no shortage of supply. At least at first glance. In large and medium-sized cities, there are a large number of autonomous sections, which are created, as a rule, on the basis of ordinary schools, for teaching various types of martial arts. First of all, these are karate, judo, wushu, kung fu, aikido, taekwondo, kickboxing, jujitsu. There are other, less common types of martial arts, for example, Slavic-Goritskaya wrestling, Wing Chun, Sambo, combat qigong, etc.

However, in spite of the large number of existing sports schools and sections, this niche in the educational services market, according to experts, is not yet fully filled. Especially when it comes to small towns. Therefore, before opening your own martial arts section, you must carefully study the competition and demand for the services offered.

Two factors play a key role: the level of teaching and therefore the qualifications of the teacher, as well as the location of the school. As a rule, in each section there are at least two coaches who specialize in a certain type of martial arts. Large centers try to cover several areas at once.

To create your own martial arts school, you must either be a master in your field or find professional teachers. In the latter case, pay maximum attention to the selection of a specialist, since the success of your business directly depends on him. The coach does not have to be an international master of sports. The level of a teacher is best determined not by his victories, but by the achievements of his students. Of course, a good specialist deserves a decent salary. When drawing up a business plan, immediately take into account the salary costs of the trainer for at least the first six months of the section's existence.

Once you find a professional teacher, you might consider looking for a suitable classroom space. Its area depends, first of all, on the planned number of people in the group. The best option for opening a small sports section is to rent a gym in a nearby school. Advantages of this option: low cost of hourly rent, large size of the premises, availability of all or part of the necessary equipment, convenient location for residents of the area (parents try to choose a section closer to home for their children).

Ready-made ideas for your business

From the equipment you will need mats, sports equipment. Often, general physical fitness takes most of the workout, especially if you plan to work with children. When a master recruits groups of children from 4-6 years old, then classes with them are conducted, as a rule, for general improvement and strengthening of physical form with some elements of martial art - stretching exercises, defensive movements and stances.

Your students will buy additional equipment on their own. Many sections offer intermediary services by purchasing training clothing, protection and equipment for their students and selling them at a premium.

Please note: in the event that you open a real specialized school for a certain type of martial arts, and not just a sports section, you need to be a member of a martial arts association. In addition, you will have to adopt a special regulation and charter in accordance with which you will conduct your activities. If you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, there is no need to draw up these documents.

Once you find the coaches, negotiate the lease of the gym and purchase the necessary equipment, your job does not end. The first groups of students must be recruited into the new sports section. For a small section with a minimum start-up capital, located in a residential area of ​​the city, targeted distribution of advertising leaflets works effectively. Depending on the circulation, format and complexity of the layout, the cost of printing such leaflets ranges from 1.5-2 rubles / piece.

The simplest version of business card flyers with contact information can be made on colored paper at home using a printer. You can distribute them around the district either on your own or by contacting advertising agencies or distributors of free advertising publications for help. The services of an intermediary will cost at least 3-5 rubles per leaflet.

Do not forget to post a notice about the existence of a new martial arts section at the school where you are renting the premises. As a rule, most of the children's and adolescent groups consist of students from nearby educational institutions.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The amount of start-up capital you need depends on the size of your martial arts section or school, the number of teachers, and the advertising and promotion methods you intend to use to attract clients. The minimum amount is from 30 thousand rubles on the basis that you will register as an individual entrepreneur and personally teach children, adolescents and adults in a rented gym. The cost of training is from 150-200 rubles per hour or from 1000 rubles per month for regions.

In the capital, these figures are much higher. As a rule, even in the smallest section there are at least two groups (depending on age) of 10 people each. Classes are held 2-3 times a week for an hour for each group. An additional source of income is the sale of clothing and sports equipment.

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