Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of Africa. African proverbs

Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of Africa. African proverbs

Bulgarians - Eastern European people. The total number in the world is about 8 million people. Believers Bulgarians mostly confess to Orthodoxy, the part are Catholics and Muslims. Bulgarian refers to the southern subgroup of the Slavic group of the Indo-European family of languages. Cyrillic-based writing. The family people are Macedonians. Once this country was called Frace. Inhabited her Thracians settled on this territory in the second millennium BC. In the 6th century AD Slavic tribes came to this land from the north, and later from the east - the conquerors of Bulgaria, one of the Asian peoples. They are the ancestors of modern Bulgarians.


B. oG gives, but the house does not bring.

On someone else's goat more fat.

No one kicks a poker.

Five Petko does not expect.

Turkish power - Bulgarian trouble.

In consent and wormwood - honey.

The sword's submissive head sees.

From drunk and fool runs away.

Where wife, from there and the whole relatives.

Friendly family hill will roll.

LBU stone wall will not be broken.

If you refuse to me in the eldest daughter, they will still begging to take the younger.

Female language sharper Turkish Sabli.

Who listens to everyone, that bad; Who does not listen to anyone - it's even worse.

On a low donkey each climbs.

It is easiest to notice the dirt on the pure canvas.

If you hear the sheep, everyone will cut you.

Fishing a bird while she sits on your shoulder.

The mother of five sons gave birth in one night, but none of them look like someone else.

They look at the woman - like her in the house, and on a man - what he has in the house.

It is better to serve good people, and not to order evil.

Wait for the wedding while twice call, and on the funeral go myself.

Bay's apprentices, until the pitcher broke.

Heads the husband - the wife will say.

The Lord of Wives is her husband.

He began the dance - dancing it to the end.

Husband - family head, and wife - soul.

No black - kiss any.

Who hits his wife, he hits his head.

The guy marries when he wants, and the girl - when woven.

Bay Tulup - Waire Will, Bay Wife will be Mile.

You will admire oblique - there will be sweet peace.

How chicks will grow, climbing the napanese.

Empty pocket chat will not fill.

Where the head of the Turk stepped, the grass does not grow.

Who is pity stick, she is not sorry for his son.

Five fingers and God will conquer.

With strong, do not fight, do not compare with rich.

Fish is still in the sea, and he has already prepared a frying pan.

There, where they hate, do not go; Where they love, not part.

Want a big spoon - take a big shovel.

At the pickly horses, it is more often driving.

This is a small devil, there will be big.

Where does the wind blow, from the other side, plunge the beam.

Give the daughter, while you are knocking on your gate, for it will later have to run.

There was a young and green - the girl was sang, but became the old one - only flies around the tuck.

You can not be rich and happy, if you were smart and honest.

Do not look that the bear honey is stealing from a neighbor; Wait - and you will look at dinner.

Bay Gypsyna, until the pumpkin broke. (Gypsies hired while harvesting to bring water to the backshades in the field in the vessels from the pumpkin.)

Although Africa is not only South Africa and English, on the continent, maternal for all mankind, there is a huge number of proverbs and sayings deserve to write about them. We have collected a small amount so you can appreciate their wisdom. One of them says - "Wisdom is wealth!" It is good that wealth can be multiplied. After all, a short statement is like a coin. Which falls into the piggy bank of our knowledge about life, about Africa and nations, her inhabiting. About us yourself.

African proverbs and sayings about wisdom and knowledge

  • Wisdom is wealth. ~ Suakhili
  • Wisdom - Baobab; Nobody alone can cover it. ~ The proverb of the people of Akan (Central and South Ghana).
  • Stupid says, wise listens. ~ Ethiopian saying
  • Wisdom will not come overnight. ~ Statement of the people of Somalia
  • The heart of the sage is quiet as transparent water. ~ The expression originating from Cameroon
  • Knowledge - Looks like a fire. People take it from others. ~ Proverb of People Hem, living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Knowledge without wisdom - water in the sand. ~ Guinea expression
  • In a difficult minute, wisdom is building bridges, stupidity - dams. ~ Nigeria
  • In pride-filled there is no place for wisdom. ~ Ancient African saying
  • The sage will always find the way. ~ Tanzania
  • No one is born with a sage. ~ An expression of many nations of Africa
  • Using strength, afraid of arguments. ~ Kenya
  • Wisdom is not money. Do not hide, do not hide. ~ Proverb of the people of Akan

African school sayings

  • Study reveals the soul. ~ Namibia
  • Get lost - it means to know the way. ~ Oboy African expression
  • Crawling, a child learns to stand. ~ African proverb
  • Closing the eyes on the facts, you begin to study on trouble. ~ Folk African Wisdom
  • He who teaches himself. ~ Ethiopia
  • Wealth if they use it will end; Knowledge if they use them - increase. ~ Saying the people of Swahili
  • Even a monkey learns to jump on a tree workout. ~ Uganda
  • Much more learning losing than defeating. ~ Universal African Expression
  • Chick trees can be learned only on the bankrupt trees. ~ Wisdom of the People Baytec
  • Wisdom makes proverbs to learn, and not to memorize. ~ African proverb
  • Child help with love more important than help with study. ~ Universal Wisdom of the Black Continent
  • While the fool has a game, players have separated. ~ Saying the people of Ashanti
  • Causing failures for others - teaches their wisdom. ~ Natope is not installed
  • Not an old gorilla walk through the forest. ~ Congo
  • What you will learn - with the same die. ~ Africa
  • Knowledge of youth - carved on a stone. ~ Proverb from Morocco
  • When you learn the path of my father - learn to walk like him. ~ Nationality Ashanti
  • Ears, not hearing advice, accompany her head when it is chicken. ~ All-African sayings
  • The advice is similar to the traveler. If he is glad - will remain overnight, if not - leaves the same day. ~ Proverb of Malagasysev
  • Travel is another side of study. ~ Kenya
  • Where there are a lot of experts, there will be no lack of disciples. ~ Suakhili

Sayings about the world, leadership and power

  • The world is quite expensive, but it costs him. ~ Kenya
  • The war has no eyes. ~ Sayahili saying
  • When the king advisors are good, in the kingdom world. ~ Proverb of the people of Ashanti
  • The world will not make a good ruler. ~ Botswana
  • Graznechikov fight - joy for crow. ~ Saying from Lesotho
  • No peace without understanding. ~ Proverb from Senegal
  • Milk and honey of different colors, but live in the same house peacefully. ~ Africa
  • If you can not solve the problem of the world, you can not and the war. ~ Somalia
  • When the world in the country, the ruler is not covered with a shield. ~ Uganda
  • When two elephants fight - the grass is wetoparted. ~ The wisdom of the people of Swahili
  • Speak quietly and wear a staff go far. ~ Saying the peoples of West Africa
  • Considering himself a leader, but not having followers is only a bolt. ~ Malaya
  • The army of sheep with a leader-lion can break the army of Lviv with the leader-sheep. ~ Saying the peoples of Ghana
  • To those who are destined to rule, does not fight for power. ~ Uganda
  • Each captain must remember how the sailor was. ~ Tanzania
  • Without a leader, black ants are ternea. ~ Saying from Uganda
  • Who can't obey, will not be able to command. ~ Stateing the people of Kenya
  • Fearful of the Sun - will not become the leader. ~ Uganda
  • The high chair does not make the king. ~ Proverb from Sudan
  • Losing face will lose the kingdom. ~ Ethiopia
  • Where women rule, rivers run uphill. ~ Ethiopia
  • The leader, deaf to the council, is not a leader. ~ Kenya
  • The cockroach, who wants to rule the chickens, should have a fox-guard. ~ Statement of the people of Sierra Leone

About society, unity

  • Unity is power, disunity - weakly. ~ Suakhili
  • Sticks in a beam do not break. ~ Nature Bonddes
  • To raise a child, you need the whole village. ~ African saying
  • Move the river in the crowd and the crocodiles will not eate you. ~ Folk wisdom
  • Many hands makes work easy. ~ State Expression Guy (Tanzania)
  • Where everything is all right. ~ Suakhili
  • Two ants will drag one grasshopper. ~ Wisdom from Tanzania
  • Alone, the bracelet does not sound. ~ Saying from the Congo
  • One wand will smoke, but will not burn. ~ Folk African Wisdom
  • Want to quickly - go alone. Want to go away - go to the team. ~ Saying the peoples of Africa

Aloe is sweet not to do. (Swahili)

Without nozzles, nose is useless. (Haus)

Hippo, who was noticed in time, will not break the boat. (Heyya)

In Kolchan - and life, and death. (ovambo)

Only tiny mink can enter into mink. (Baped)

Borrow is not difficult, difficult to return. (Haus)

Lovely stupid, he does not recognize the mind. (Swahili)

All stomits are the same. (Douala)

There is always such that surpasses others. (Douala)

Yesterday and in yesterday is not like today. (Swahili)

The most beautiful coffee bean chosen is empty. (Heyya)

Where night was the heart, there in the morning feet in the morning. (Heyya)

Guien can be accused of any crime, but she does not steal the motility. (Haus)

The main thing is in the stomach, and the clothes will only give the color. (Baped)

The eyeball is not an eye. (Haus)

Deaf will not hear you, even if you tell him smart things. (ovambo)

A speaking drum cannot speak one side. (Douala)

Horboon laughs at sick shaking. (Zulu)

Far is where you do not have any of yours. (Baped)

The tree will learn the price of the branch when it disappears. (ovambo)

The rain was walking in Ndogbele, and the flood happened in Bodimans. (Douala)

Long life is suffering. (Eva)

Drain two holes are not needed: one of them will soon tarn the web. (Baped)

The friend is closer to the brother. (ovambo)

The leader's friend is like the leader. (Haus)

If the snake bit your neighbor, you are also in fear. (Swahili)

If there is no bow, there is nothing to grab the arrows. (Canoruri)

If the fire is the mouth of the mouth, it does not mean that he is also a hand. (Eva)

If the hand has something, the mouth will be tolerated. (Douala)

If your relatives will connect you with palm fibers, tie it with a guy from a bow. (ovambo)

If you do not know what is the source, will you drink water from the mouth. (Douala)

If you give up someone's hair with a sharp knife, he in response can shave yours - a blunt sharp. (Eva)

If the dog says that he will bring you an elephant, know: she deceives you. (Ashanti)

There are forty types of madness, but only one kind of sanity. (SUTO)

If the stomach is sleeping, man sleeps. (Eva)

If you want to be an elephant, then heaps you have to do like an elephant. (Swahili)

In one day, the elephant does not rot. (Douala)

The beast is not yet killed, and you already say: "I will decorate my tail." (Heyya)

The animal is eaten while he is still warm. (Baped)

A healthy body is wealth. (Haus)

Snake and toad in the same hole do not sleep. (Barkong)

And the frog can stir up the water when the elephant wants to drink. (Swahili)

And with a strong hunger, the caterpillar soup is not boiled. (Haus)

Sometimes an elephant kills the zanoz. (Zulu)

No matter how bad is your mother, you will not be able to find her replacement. (Barkong)

As can a girl who is impolitely meets his brother, to do so different with her husband. (Heyya)

No matter how bad is the poor house, on a stranger worse. (Swahili)

Everyone who eats royal nuts should fight for the king. (Haus)

When the lion growls, Hyena is silent. (ovambo)

When there is no cereal, eat and burnt beans. (Haus)

When there is no leopard, the frogs are climbing the bananas. (Heyya)

When Calebas falls, the bowl is not laughing. (Eva)

The crocodile cannot reset its shell: he was born in it. (Eva)

Who chooses a lot, gets rotten. (Swahili)

Who follows hostility - follows the wind. (Haus)

Who wants to kill the child, must first kill his mother. (Heyya)

The lion catches the animals, and the hunter is already sitting in the bushes. (Eva)

Leopard never sleeps where the goat is sleeping. (Zulu)

It is better to go small steps than sitting. (ovambo)

The best medicine from smoke is to leave. (Penda)

Love goes forever, and hatred returns again and again. (Heyya)

I love someone who loves me; Reject one who rejects me. (Swahili)

People collecting berries in the same forest do not like each other. (Tsana)

Wisdom comes with scars. (Penda)

It is necessary to ask how things are in the patient, since you hear crying on the dead man. (Heyya)

Surely your only what you ate. (Baped)

The best moment to grow tree was 20 years ago. Another best time to grow a tree today. (ovambo)

Feed the weak, tomorrow he feeds you. (Hero)

Do not say that this snake is small, because it is still a snake. (Barkong)

An unknown distance is worried about the heart, familiar neighborhoods - only legs. (SUTO)

A low-spirited person does not eat ripe fruit OMBE; A tall man does not eat green. (ovambo)

From what the toad suffers, the lizard suffers from the same. (Barkong)

One rotten tooth makes stinking all the mouth. (Douala)

One hand knots do not tie. (fan)

While the sun did not go, maybe you can still come bad news. (Heyya)

Read your grandmother, because without her you had no mother. (ovambo)

It is not difficult to accept a gift, much more difficult to answer him adequately. (Heyya)

Let him not hoping to help the one who did not help the other. (Swahili)

Early standing finds a turtle for breakfast. (ovambo)

Rasskowning always comes late. (ovambo)

Sitting on Earth is not afraid to fall. (Nzima)

The word old man will not be ignored. (Douala)

The elephant will kill many before falling. (Zulu)

Elephant his weight did not heighten. (Baped)

The sun is not rising only for one person. (ovambo)

Quietly turtle walks, and goes far away. (Swahili)

The one who goes immediately on two roads will dislocate his feet. (Baped)

The one who will tell about injustice, even if it does not help, will receive better who knows about injustice and will silence. (Heyya)

The one who is full, but does not know this, "wants to eat. (Baped)

The one who has ass, will not laugh at the winds of the other. (ovambo)

Lifestyle - patience, for enemies more than friends. (Haus)

Heard not compared with what he saw. (Swahili)

Ears, even if they grow, never become more heads. (Barkong)

A person does not leave the water, even if his brother drowned in her. (ovambo)

A person who believes from his mouth, does not notice this voni. (ovambo)

What you know - belong to you that you say - to others. (Bafia)

Alien pain does not interfere. (Heyya)

The skin, which the owner stretched himself, has no folds. (Heyya)

Noisy water will not be carried out. (pair)

The hawk knows how the chicken looks like from the inside. (Haus)

72 African Proverbs and sayings

Although Africa is not only South Africa and English, on the continent, maternal for all mankind, there is a huge number of proverbs and sayings deserve to write about them. We have collected a small amount so you can appreciate their wisdom. One of them says - "Wisdom is wealth!" It is good that wealth can be multiplied. After all, a short statement is like a coin. Which falls into the piggy bank of our knowledge about life, about Africa and nations, her inhabiting. About us yourself.

African proverbs and sayings about wisdom and knowledge

  • Wisdom is wealth. ~ Suakhili
  • Wisdom - Baobab; Nobody alone can cover it. ~ The proverb of the people of Akan (Central and South Ghana).
  • Stupid says, wise listens. ~ Ethiopian saying
  • Wisdom will not come overnight. ~ Statement of the people of Somalia
  • The heart of the sage is quiet as transparent water. ~ The expression originating from Cameroon
  • Knowledge - Looks like a fire. People take it from others. ~ Proverb of People Hem, living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Knowledge without wisdom - water in the sand. ~ Guinea expression
  • In a difficult minute, wisdom is building bridges, stupidity - dams. ~ Nigeria
  • In pride-filled there is no place for wisdom. ~ Ancient African saying
  • The sage will always find the way. ~ Tanzania
  • No one is born with a sage. ~ An expression of many nations of Africa
  • Using strength, afraid of arguments. ~ Kenya
  • Wisdom is not money. Do not hide, do not hide. ~ Proverb of the people of Akan

African school sayings

  • Study reveals the soul. ~ Namibia
  • Get lost - it means to know the way. ~ Oboy African expression
  • Crawling, a child learns to stand. ~ African proverb
  • Closing the eyes on the facts, you begin to study on trouble. ~ Folk African Wisdom
  • He who teaches himself. ~ Ethiopia
  • Wealth if they use it will end; Knowledge if they use them - increase. ~ Saying the people of Swahili
  • Even a monkey learns to jump on a tree workout. ~ Uganda
  • Much more learning losing than defeating. ~ Universal African Expression
  • Chick trees can be learned only on the bankrupt trees. ~ Wisdom of the People Baytec
  • Wisdom makes proverbs to learn, and not to memorize. ~ African proverb
  • Child help with love more important than help with study. ~ Universal Wisdom of the Black Continent
  • While the fool has a game, players have separated. ~ Saying the people of Ashanti
  • Causing failures for others - teaches their wisdom. ~ Natope is not installed
  • Not an old gorilla walk through the forest. ~ Congo
  • What you will learn - with the same die. ~ Africa
  • Knowledge of youth - carved on a stone. ~ Proverb from Morocco
  • When you learn the path of my father - learn to walk like him. ~ Nationality Ashanti
  • Ears, not hearing advice, accompany her head when it is chicken. ~ All-African sayings
  • The advice is similar to the traveler. If he is glad - will remain overnight, if not - leaves the same day. ~ Proverb of Malagasysev
  • Travel is another side of study. ~ Kenya
  • Where there are a lot of experts, there will be no lack of disciples. ~ Suakhili

Sayings about the world, leadership and power

  • The world is quite expensive, but it costs him. ~ Kenya
  • The war has no eyes. ~ Sayahili saying
  • When the king advisors are good, in the kingdom world. ~ Proverb of the people of Ashanti
  • The world will not make a good ruler. ~ Botswana
  • Graznechikov fight - joy for crow. ~ Saying from Lesotho
  • No peace without understanding. ~ Proverb from Senegal
  • Milk and honey of different colors, but live in the same house peacefully. ~ Africa
  • If you can not solve the problem of the world, you can not and the war. ~ Somalia
  • When the world in the country, the ruler is not covered with a shield. ~ Uganda
  • When two elephants fight - the grass is wetoparted. ~ The wisdom of the people of Swahili
  • Speak quietly and wear a staff go far. ~ Saying the peoples of West Africa
  • Considering himself a leader, but not having followers is only a bolt. ~ Malaya
  • The army of sheep with a leader-lion can break the army of Lviv with the leader-sheep. ~ Saying the peoples of Ghana
  • To those who are destined to rule, does not fight for power. ~ Uganda
  • Each captain must remember how the sailor was. ~ Tanzania
  • Without a leader, black ants are ternea. ~ Saying from Uganda
  • Who can't obey, will not be able to command. ~ Stateing the people of Kenya
  • Fearful of the Sun - will not become the leader. ~ Uganda
  • The high chair does not make the king. ~ Proverb from Sudan
  • Losing face will lose the kingdom. ~ Ethiopia
  • Where women rule, rivers run uphill. ~ Ethiopia
  • The leader, deaf to the council, is not a leader. ~ Kenya
  • The cockroach, who wants to rule the chickens, should have a fox-guard. ~ Statement of the people of Sierra Leone

About society, unity

  • Unity is power, disunity - weakly. ~ Suakhili
  • Sticks in a beam do not break. ~ Nature Bonddes
  • To raise a child, you need the whole village. ~ African saying
  • Move the river in the crowd and the crocodiles will not eate you. ~ Folk wisdom
  • Many hands makes work easy. ~ State Expression Guy (Tanzania)
  • Where everything is all right. ~ Suakhili
  • Two ants will drag one grasshopper. ~ Wisdom from Tanzania
  • Alone, the bracelet does not sound. ~ Saying from the Congo
  • One wand will smoke, but will not burn. ~ Folk African Wisdom
  • Want to quickly - go alone. Want to go away - go to the team. ~ Saying the peoples of Africa

Next Parts:

52 African proverbs about family, friendship, money and wealth

69 Proverbs and sayings from Africa about women and beauty, love, family, patience

37 African proverbs and sayings about food

African proverbs

\u003e\u003e Proverbs and sayings \u003e\u003e Proverbs of the peoples of the world

To fall into the well, you do not need to learn long, it is only worth slipping up the top log - and it goes by itself.

The wisdom of this year will be stupid in the following.

Who is sitting next to the dog, can beat Bloch.

If trouble is found with a little man, it becomes stronger.

Surely your only what you ate.

Eat what you like yourself, and wear what people like.

An elephant blow can only withstand an elephant.

If you are chased by an elephant, then you will take a barn tree.

Fire that does not burn, does not warm.

If a person tells you a lie, then pay him, as if you believed in her.

Alien pain does not interfere.

Corn grains have no right in front of chicken.

When the crocodiles are fighting, it should not be separated.

Death everywhere is the same, but what dies, not the same thing.

First you will avoid lies, and then you will run away from the truth.

The tail and repentance always rushing from behind.

Old antilope sucks his dietary.

A good king has no power, an evil king has no subjects.

African folk proverbs

African September 19, 2011

The monkey said that he had a belly to her belonging to her, and her mouth was hunter

In the presence of the blind, blind animal

Soft thread weaving machine spoils

Front hoof follows the rear

The fruit falls under its own tree

Cat and mouse can not be long neighbors

You can't catch in one finger

Who comes after the elephant, he does not go on the overgrown road

What is yours is not hard; Heavy can only be what you carry for another

Who fights with the enemies who have entered into a union, he does not defeat

When the leader of hunters is tired, then all the hunters get tired

Bachelor does not eat yesterday's corn skyp

Two little antelopes will overcome one big

Even the loving son does not follow the father in the grave

Little antilope does not bull

Once the turtle crashes, then the children are crawling it too

What can not be pulled out with forceps, do not pull out your fingers

Find - not steal

Ring it away until it rummaged

The tree falls on the one who cuts down, but on the one who carries the basket

You hate the ash, you hate and fire

Bird with a long beak pulls out distant food

Where the smelhes visited, remains stench

Each pot has its own lid

Eyes - to see, ears - to hear

If not sees the eye, then hears the ear, if he does not hear the ear, then sees the eye

The sky is never descended to the ground, and the mountain to the foot

If your relatives will connect you with palm fibers, tie it with a guy from a bow

If in the morning someone is lucky, it does not mean that he can rejoice

Big pot hard to clean

Little head burns forest

Chicken has no right to hawk

Cheerful cow can be found in her calf

We know the beginning, we know the end, but the middle scares us

Medication for envious - Desert

If you plant bean trimming, they will not let roots

No bone that would not be connected with muscle

Write down - will remain, remember - forgive

Repentance always comes late

Two kings do not live in one state

Only kings love deception

One belly eats and the other will flock

Strong fear leads to misfortune

Who has an AMETSA, he does not eat atitis

Small birds going to flock

Like neither lepens sand, he scattered

Gien leaves with goats

The fig tree does not bring the fruits of Oondyandi, and Olevendi tree does not bring a fig