The form of appeal to a person in Russian etiquette. Moscow State University Press

The form of appeal to a person in Russian etiquette. Moscow State University Press
The form of appeal to a person in Russian etiquette. Moscow State University Press

In Russian, there are plenty of rules that facilitate work with spelling. Some of them are associated with the competent writing of letters, others - with punctuation marks. Today we will consider such a thing as a proposal with an appeal. What is the appeal? How does it stand out? How is it combined with other words in the sentence?

General concept about contacting

The appeal is either a single word, or a group of words that indicate the subject to which is addressed in the text. For example: "Polina, give me a pudding and a cup of tea."

As a rule, the proposal with the appeal is allocated by intonation. If you read it, you will immediately understand who it is addressed. For example: "Ivan Karlovich, you have. Rather, pull out the fishing rod. "

If we speak more in detail, then in oral speech, the circulation is usually highlighted by an increase and decrease in voice. That is, if one word appears as an appeal, then its first syllable accounts for an increase in voting, and on the subsequent - its decrease. If the appeal is represented by several words, the increase in the voice is carried out on the first of them, and on the latter - the voice decreases.

Where can appeal in the proposal?

Appeal always stands in the nominative case and is a noun. If we talk about his position in the text, it can stand in the sentence:

  • at the beginning;
  • in the middle;
  • in the end.

Where is the appeal: Examples

For example: "Svetlana, your pies seem to be burnt. You have something in your kitchen. " This offer with appeal visually shows that the appeal is "Svetlana" - stands at the very beginning of the phrase.

Another example: "Listen, Alexey Kondratievich, in today's press there is an article about you." As can be seen from this proposal, the appeal is located in the center of the statement. In this case, the appeal will be "Alexey Kondratievich".

For example: "How late you told me about the exam, Slavik. I will not have time to prepare for yourself. " This is a proposal with an appeal (word "Slavik"), as you can see, it is at the very end.

How is the appeal in the sentence stand out?

As it becomes clear from examples, the appeals are highlighted by punctuation marks. At the same time, if it should be at first and calmly pronounced, on the one hand, it is allocated with a comma (the punctuation mark is placed after the appeal). If it has a similar location, but pronounced with a special feeling, then an exclamation mark is put after it. For example: "Friends! We are glad to tell you a pleasant news. From tomorrow we will have two weekends in the week. "

Pay attention to the fact that after "friends!" Allocated to an exclamation mark, the next word begins with a capital letter.

If the appeal is in the middle of the phrase or suggestions, it is allocated on both sides with commas. Previous offer with appeal ("Listen, Alexey Kondratievich ...") clearly demonstrates it.

The appeal, standing at the end of the sentence, is allocated by the comma only on the one hand. In this case, the comma is placed before handling.

What is the purpose of contacting the test?

Usually suggestions are used to attract attention to a person. In addition, it is using the appeal that the attitude to any person can be demonstrated. For example: "Cute, pay attention! I go under the window for the second hour. Open the door. "

In the literature, it is often possible to refer to an inanimate subject. For example: "Tell me the wind, is it possible to have a need to communicate and in love?"

Sometimes there are interesting offers with appeals. In particular, we are talking about proposals in which it is not one, but at once a few appeals. For example, "Let's, donuto, Martyn Petrovich, we will find a place for the night for today."

Appeal in itself is not a member of the sentence, but it may have dependent words. For example: "My dear friend and a devoted comrade! From your decision today, a lot depends. " At the same time in the first part of the text (before an exclamation mark), we see the appeal of "friend and comrade", which is focused by additional words.

The appeal can relate to one and immediately to several subjects. In such cases, "and" is installed between these appeals. For example: "Kolya and Igor, today your turn is on duty in the classroom. Remove the garbage and wipe the dust from the bookshelf. " In this case, the appeal is "Kohl and Igor".

In addition, in the same sentence, the appeal may be repeated. For example: "Lena, Lena, how are you not ashamed?!"

Often before handling you can see the inter-dometeen particle "O". For example: "Do not despair, about friends. Everything will be alright!"

How are separated in business letters offer with reference: examples

When drawing up business documentation also uses. As a rule, they are recorded separately from the rest of the text and stand out by an exclamation mark. For instance:

Dear users of the Internet provider "XXX"!

The company "XXX" reminds that from July 20, 2015 to July 21, 2015 conducts preventive work. In connection with this, the Internet will not work.

At the same time, pay attention to the fact that the word "dear" is already included in our appeal, therefore it is not allocated with commas. Another example:

Hello, dear subscriber!

Firm "UU" is glad to inform you that you can pay for our services without a fee can now be in your Personal Account.

In this example, you can see that the "Dear Subscriber" is the role of appeal. In this case, "Hello" is not included in the appeal. It is a bright legend and therefore stands out with a comma. Similar offers with appeal (examples you can see in our article) clearly demonstrate the location of appeals in business letters.

How do contact with introductory words are written?

Introductory words are sentences or phrases that contribute a special shade of modality. At the same time, they refer either to certain members of the sentence, or to the proposal as a whole. In addition, water words can transmit uncertainty and confidence, as well as other feelings (joys or sadness, admiration). An example of input words: "We will definitely fulfill a promise to increase your wages next month."

Introductory words that are allocated by commas can be used in sentences together with appeals. Here is one example of a sentence with appeals, introductory words:

Ivan Petrovich seems to be, in this case, you absolutely do not own a question. We will have to turn to a more knowledgeable person.

In this example, the role of an introductory word serves "it seems", the appeal here is "Ivan Petrovich". At the same time, the introductory word is at the beginning of the proposal and, therefore, is distinguished by the comma on the one hand. The second comma in this text refers to our appeal.

Here is another example, where the introductory word is at the beginning, and the appeal is in the middle:

It seems that your party is lost, dear friend.

Examples of what can transmit introductory words:

How does the appeal in the neighborhood with interjections feel?

In Russian, there are proposals with appeals and interjections. Recall that interjections are a certain part of speech serving to emphasize expressions and proposals by any emotions. Interjections include such brief words as: "Oh!", "Ah!", "Batyushka!", "Ah!" - other.

If together with the interjection in the proposal is the appeal, then the first is allocated by an exclamation mark, and the second-commas or commas. For example: "Alas! Ivan, Makarovich, your letter was sent yesterday with the messenger. "

If, in the sentence, there is an interomotion "O" and it stands before handling, the exclamation mark is not put. For example: "Oh, gods, can you really spend blood earned so much?!"

In addition, often the appeal can stand next to the interjection and then between them the comma and exclamation mark are not put. For example: "Eh you, and I was about you better opinion."

In conclusion, let's say that the appeal gives the proposal a special sound. It is perfectly combined with both yourself similar and other parts of speech. Now you know how proposals are written with appeals and introductory words, as well as with interjections.

The appeal is a word or phrase, which calls the person to whom we turn speech.

In the example: Moscow! How I love you! The appeal is a word Moscow.

Features of using proposals with appeals

Appeal is often expressed in the nominative case with the name noun:

Are you very thoughtful, Alexander?

Less often appeals are adjectives that are in the meaning of the noun:

Return me, beautiful, wide

The nominative case of the appeal is different from the very famous case of an intonation to be used wherever whose name or increase or decrease in tone or pace is used.

Compare: Petya will bring me a toy. - Petya, bring me a toy.

Appeal may be accompanied by words explanations:

Your works, my dear, I will not forget.

When we address it is not one person, but a few, then usually between the names of these individuals are an exclamation mark or a comma and they are connected by the writing union, for example:

Ivan and Peter, I will write you letters.

Mum! Father! Run more here!

When it comes to intonation of excitement, the appeal may repeat:

Ah, vasya, vasya, I miss

And may also be used intermediate particles about:

But I can not, about the enemies, I dying.

Appeal is not part of the sentence!

The appeal is never connected by any grammatical ties with any of the sentences and therefore will never be its members.

Compare examples, where in one of which the word Mother is an appeal, and in the other - subject to:

I love you, Mother! - Mother says with me with a whisper.

Appeals in our speech have a special role other than the role of members of the sentence: all members of the sentence are always served to express some thoughts, the most common task of circulation is often to force the interlocutor to listen to speech. That is why the appeals are very often names, nicknames, and so on:

Is Svetlana Nikolaevna, do you want to leave us?

Expression of feelings and emotions by appeals

The appeal is also sometimes accompanied by an expression of the feeling of caress, rage, love, etc. This attitude of the speaker to the interlocutor is expressed mainly by intonation, suffixes, definitions and applications, for example:

Ivanushka, cute, do not give out, native!

Summary, my dear, please sing!

Sometimes the appeals can be deployed in often lengthy characteristics. In such cases, the appeal is repeated or changed and several definitions may be in it. For example:


Appeal is not always used only to some persons, sometimes it can be used to inanimate subjects in poetic speech: Then it is one of the techniques of personification.

Thank you, the beauty is native, for your doctor! Girlfriend Duma idle, my inkwell, my eyelid, the same I decorated with you.

Note. Often rage, regret, love or indignation at the address of the person we express the appropriate tone of the nickname, name, name and other. So there are proposals called vocative. They do not need to be confused with appeals.

Let us give an example:

Vozyitsky. He has no [Serebryakov] No cases. He writes nonsense, grieves, jealous, nothing more.

C O N I (tone of rage). Uncle!

Male test for attentiveness. In which of these proposals the word handsome will be used as an appeal.

213. Read the passage from the Russian folk fairy tale "Fox with Rocky". After the appeal, make a pause (ι) and utter them with a challenge intonation. What are the goals of the statement of sentences with appeals?

Offers with appeals on the purpose of statement question mark.

214. Read, find the appeal. How do they stand out in oral speech and in writing in writing? Spish, emphasizing appeal.

Appeal is allocated by commas. If the appeal is at the beginning of the sentence and pronounced with an exclamation of intonation, then an exclamation mark is put after it. In oral speech, the circulation is distinguished by a challenge intonation.

215. Rearrange the appeals in the middle or to the end of the sentence. Read out louds from you.

1. Mom, break e. Shi (words.) To me today go to the book exhibition. - Allow me, mom, today to go to the book exhibition. "Let me go to the book exhibition today, Mom."
2. Guys, do not forget to prepare for the Olympics in the Russian language. - Do not forget guys, prepare for the Olympics in the Russian language. - Do not forget to prepare for the Olympics in the Russian language guys.

216. Make proposals on schemes. (Ο refers to appeal).

1. Kohl, when will you wake up?
2. Mikhail Igorevich! Congratulations on your anniversary!
3. You, Annie, you need to read more.
4. How do you have a cozy, Marya Ivanovna!

217. Read the Russian folk song. In which sentences dedicated words are appeals, and in which are subject to?

Just like I love my cow.
Well, how I will cling to her.
Eat an enzyme korovushka (appeal) my;
Eat you burnushka (appeal) my!
Just like I love my cow!
Folded I sailed a naul cowhide:
So that it was korovushka (subject to) my,
To cream burnushka (subject to) Dala.

218. Come up with the situation when Nikolai Ivanovich Fisherman appropriate to contact him, calling him:

Nikolay Ivanovich;
- Nikolai;
- Son (son);
- Mr. Fishermen;
- colleague;
- young man;
- Doctor.

Make up and write 2-3 sentences with appeals. Make the scheme.

1. Nikolai Ivanovich, we are waiting for you in the Ninth Cabinet. (Handling colleagues at work).
2. Nikolai, what do you think I have time to jump on the stadium today? (friend's appeal)?
3. Son, help me, please put a sofa in the living room. (Mom's appeal to son).
4. We are glad you, Mr. Fishermen, see at our conference! (Appeal on a business meeting)!
5. Well, a colleague, proceed to bypass. (Handling a colleague with which in good relationships).
6. Young man, allow you to pass. (Appeal of an unfamiliar person).
7. When will you write us down, Doctor? (patient handling).

219. Make proposals with contacts to an unfamiliar person in the following situations:
- You want to know the road;
- You ask the seller to show the goods;
- You ask what time it is.

Please tell me how to go to the stop. Be kind, show the crystal vase. Sorry, you will not tell me what time it is.

220. As in different ways (by last name, name and patronymic, a word with a diminutive - smear) can contact your parents (familiar, neighbors) Different people? Make 5 sentences with various appeals addressed to one person.

Marinochka, let me help you cook lunch. Marina Petrovna, today at ten o'clock in the morning we will have a meeting. Dear Marina! Happy Birthday! Well, tell me the ring, aunt Marina so that he does not felt. And where is our salt, Marin?

221. Read fragments from the letter M. Gorky to his son. Write off proposals with appeals, put the necessary punctuation signs. What can be said, judge only on this appeal, about the attitude of M. Gorky to the Son?

Offers with appeals: I am sending you, buddy, the book "Live Word", there is a ray (words.) The image of the TSA (the image C) of Russia (words.) Language ...
Bye see you! I hug you, my kid!
Judging by the appeals, we can say that M. Gorky loved his son very much.

What is the appeal?

Appeal - This is a word or a combination of words, called the face (less often an item), which is addressed about. Appeals are their own names of people, the names of persons in the degree of kinship, under the provision in society, by profession, occupation, positions, rank, by national or age, on the relationship between people, etc.; names or nicknames of animals; the names of objects or phenomena of inanimate nature, usually in this case personified;

geographical names, etc. You do not sing the kosar, about the Wide steppe / (rings). The mare is young, the honor of the Caucasian brand that you rush, removing? (N at sh to and n). About the first Lily of Lily, from under the snow you ask for sunlights (F E T). Put, people, cities and rivers. Put, mountains, steppes and sea (c r to oh). Appeals are expressed by noucent names in the form of a nominal case or substantive words. Sleeping in the coffin, peacefully sleep, use life, living (wa to about in with to and and). Hello, in white Sarafan from silver brocade! (Vyazemskiy). Well, you, move, and then the butt flawed / (N. Ostrovsky).

For appeals are characterized by different types of intonation:

a) intonation is the title (pronounce the treatment of enhanced stress and a higher tone, with a pause after circulation). Guys! Forward on the sealing, after me! (Pushkin);

b) intonation exclamation (for example, in rhetorical circulation). Fly away, memories! (P in sh-k and H); c) Intonation of input (a decrease in voice, a declined pace of pronunciation). Me, comrades. Once (Panova).

Appeals may provide an estimated characteristic, contain an accrespical coloring, express the attitude of the speaker to the interlocutor. Tell me, Did you justify? (F about n in and s). Good, beloved, native, we live far from each other (Sh and P A C).

Appeals are unprosted. Taste, father, excellent manner (Griboedov). Circulation common. You are beautiful, the fields of the Earth of the Native (Lermontov). Handling homogeneous. Farewell, my comrade, my faithful servant, the time has come to part (Pushkin). Hello, the sun yes morning cheerful! (Nikitin).

Cracing - M E T A F O R S. Listen, the cemetery of laws, as General (Gorky) calls you. Appeal Ya-M Etonimia. Where to climb, beard! They tell you, no one is kept to let (g about l).

Cracing periprase. And you, in charge of the descendants of the famous meanness of the famous fathers ... You are driving under the sentence of the law (Lermontov). Appeals - and r about n and and. Roll off, smart, you wander your head? (Wings).

Reversing. About the field, field, who drank you dead bones? (N at sh to and n). Rhetorical circulation. Zapushui, uncompleting, walking, Volga-Mother! (K o l-p about B).

References. Batyushki, wobble, take it out, holy worships (Gogol). Contacts folklore. Forgive you, for goodbye, cheese-dense boron, with summer will, with a winter fit! (Rings).

Archaic appeals. The courtyard to me, prince, Your not Divo (A. K. T about l s t o and).

The appeals are outside the grammatical relationship (writing, supervisory) with members of the proposal, but in some cases the grammatical form of treatment has an impact on the form of expression of the faugible, which creates an unusual agreement of coordination. So, in the proposal from where you came, a charming child? The form of the middle kind of faithful under the subject you cannot be explained with the correspondence with the real floor of the interlocutor (Wed: How did you come from, the adorable boy? And where did you come from, a lovely girl?), but is a consequence of a kind of "coordination" with a child's appeal. Cf. Also: 1) Moscow, you have always been in our hearts in the days of danger and 2) Leningrad, you were a symbol of adamant resistance during the war years.

By calling the word or combination of words, which direct speeches are called to whom we are talking about. For example, Sasha go beyond bread; Young friend, always be young; And you, Dasha, will you go to the cinema?

The appeals are similar to the introductory words in the sense that they, like introductory words, stand out on a letter of commas, but are not members of the sentence, so they are not emphasized in syntaxially. The appeal can be at the beginning, and the middle, and at the end of the sentence. At the beginning of the offer: Yuri, did you do lessons? In the middle of the sentence: And you, Klava, can you play violin? At the end of the offer: Why do you need a breakdown bike, Paul?

At the beginning of the sentence, the appeal can be separated by a comma or an exclamation point if the appeal is pronounced with an increased exclamation. You can say: Kohl, go from the garbage. But you can say so: Kohl! Go go garbage. Unlike the introductory words of the appeal, they are not standing out by the signs of the dash, but only commas. After appeals, there is a pause.

Appeal is not always easy to find in the text. For example, you, dear friends, come tomorrow. An inexperienced student can allocate such an appeal in the sentence: and you are expensive, friends, come tomorrow. Therefore, it is important to be attentive when the appeal is highlighted.

Thus, the appeals can consist of one single word (Vladimir, put on the head with a cap, and then on the street it is cold) and common when two or more words are used: and you, snow blizzards, where are you rushed?.

It should also be noted that there are also such appeals that can be scattered throughout the proposal, that is, one part may be, for example, at the beginning of the proposal, and the second at the end of the sentence. For example, where are you, dear, go, girl. Such appeals are characteristic of spoken speech.

Sometimes, together with appeals, a particle "O" is used. For example, about my youth, where did you leave? In such cases, the "O" particle is not separated by the semicolon, but is a single appeal.

The main thing that was necessary to remember

  • appeals are common and unprosted;
  • not emphasized;
  • appeals and introductory words are not the same thing;
  • allocated commas.