Music terms and their definitions. Brief Dictionary of Music Terms

Music terms and their definitions. Brief Dictionary of Music Terms
Music terms and their definitions. Brief Dictionary of Music Terms

Accompaniment - Instrumental or vocal support of one or more soloing votes.
Chord - Consonance, consisting by at least three sounds, which are located or may be located on the thurs.
Accent - Power selection of separate sound. In notopying, the emphasis is noted by special signs.
Alto-one. Low female voice (in chore). 2. String bed tool, outwardly similar to the violin, but somewhat more of it and below the sound.
Aluminous key - One of the types of keys before. It is placed on the third line of the Notonic and denotes that this line contains a note to the first octave. In the altom key they are written notes for the Bed Alta.
Ensemble - Joint game or singing (for example, duet, tercet or trio, quartet, quintet, etc.). The orchestra is also one of the types of ensemble.
Fingering - The most convenient choice of fingers when playing musical instruments. Detacked on or under note.
Aria - A musical work for voice accompanied by an orchestra, which is part of the opera, oratorio or cantata.
Arpeggio - Performance of the sounds of the chord is not at the same time, but in successively one sound after another. Denotes special signshown before chord.
Baritone-one. Middle male voice. For Bariton, they are written, for example, Ruslan's party in Opera Ruslan and Lyudmila M. Glinka, Igor in Opere "Prince Igor" A. Borodina, Onegin in Opere "Evgeny Onegin" P. Tchaikovsky. 2. Copper brave instrument, which is part of the brass orchestra.
Bass-one. Low male voice. For bass, they are written, for example, Susanin's party in Opere "Ivan Susanin" MrLink, Pimenic in Opera "Boris Godunov" M. Mussorgsky, Gremina in Opera "Evgeny Onegin" P. Tchaikovsky. 2. Low voice in a multi-voice musical product.
Bass clef - A sign that means that the Fa Male octave note is located on the fourth line of notonic.
Natural- Single-sign, canceling the action of the Diee or Bemol.
Bemole (B) - a sign that downs the sound on the column.
Variations - The instrumental work, which is based on the theme of a song, dance character. Next follows a number of repetitions of the topic with various changes and complications.
Introductory sounds - Sounds surrounding Lada Tonic (VLHN II Steps).
Introductory sepkora - Septakkord, built on the VII level of Lada (introductory tone). Depending on the septim, the introductory septaxes are small (if the septim is small) and reduced (if the septim is reduced).
Input tone - one of the sounds of the neighboring Lada with tonic; Upper introductory tone - stage stage, bottom introductory tone-VII step.
Vocal music - Music for singing. Vocal music includes songs, romances, arias, choral works. In Opera, vocal music occupies a leading place.
Volta - A sign indicating the repeating part of the musical work with another end. Indicated by numbers1,2
Gamma - Lada sounds, located at a height of up or down from tonic to its octave repetition.
Harmonic interval - The interval whose sounds are taken at the same time.
Harmonic major - Major with a reduced VI step.
Harmonic Minor. - Minor with an increased VII step.
Harmony- 1. One of the expressive means of music. Subscribe chords or voices that accompany the main melody of the musical work. 2. Science on chords and their connections.
The main steps of Lada - The first stage (tonic), the fifth stage (dominant) and the fourth stage (subdominant).
Main trident - The sober, constructed on the main stages of Lada: Tonic sober - on stage I, dominant sober - on the V stage and subdominant sober - on the IV stage.
Group Patto (Melness)- Melodic figure of four notes. Performed - the upper auxiliary (as a second above the main sound), the main sound, the lower auxiliary (located for a second below the main sound) and again the main sound.
Grouping of sounds of sounds in the clocks- Distribution of notes in groups depending on the size of the clock.
Dezima - The interval that contains ten steps (the column through the octave). Dezima is called big if it consists of eight tons. Dezima is called small if it consists of seven and a half tones. Big Dezima is denoted b. 10, small-m. 10.
Range - sound volume of this voice or musical instrument; Determined by the interval between the lowest and highest sounds of this voice or tool.
Diatonic gamma- Gamma, in which no step is repeated in a variable varying alteration.
Diatonic intervals - Intervals that are possible between the main steps of diatonic lands (pure, large, small and tritons).
Diatonic Lady - Lada without consumption of alteration, that is, without a chromatic increase or decrease in steps (natural major and minor, as well as the Lada, found in folk music: Dorian, Frigian, Lidi, Mixolidian, 5-footmen).
Diatonic gravelon - Haltone, formed by the adjacent sounds of various names, for example mi - Fa, to PEB.
Diatonic tone-Ton, formed by the adjacent sounds of various names, for example, before - re, F - salt.
Sharp (#) -conmark, an increase in the sound on the halfone.
Dynamic shades (nuances)- changing the volume of the sound in the process of performing a musical product.
Conductor - Head of the orchestra, choir. His artistic intentions, instructions of the pace, shades of execution, the conductor transmits the movements of the hands.
Dissemble intervals - The intervals sounding J are more sharp, whose sounds do not merge with each other.
Dominant - Fifth stage of Lada.
Dominant sober - The sober, built on the V stage of the Lada.
DominantSepakkord - Septakord, built on the V stage of Lada, consists of a major sober and small septim.
Dorian Lad - A special way found in folk music. It differs from the natural minora of the VI of the high step, which is called the Dorian seven.
Double Bemol (bB.- Double bembre) - a sign that reduces the sound into two halftone (whole tone).
Double Diez. (X. - Double dishes) - a sign that enhancing the sound into two halftone (whole tone).
Duet-one. Ensemble of two performers. 2. Musical work designed to perform two singers or instrumentalists.
3Aut - Incomplete clock from which a musical work begins.
Sound- the result of the oscillations of the elastic body (for example, strings, air column). Sounds are divided into musical and noise.
Scale - Handicap of sounds located in height. There are sounds: individuals, tools, any musical works or passages.
Alteration signs - signs that increase or lowering individual sounds on the halfton or a whole tone. Alteration Signs - Five: Diez, Bemole, Dubl-Diez, Dubl-Beleol, Becar.
Signs of cutting letters - Signs by which a notebook is simplified. Most often meet: a sign of reprises, tremolo, melmamatic signs and others.
Imitation - imitation; Conduct melodic theme or separate segment of the melody sequentially in two or more voices.
Instrumental music - Music for execution on musical instruments.
Interval-Fornet two sounds taken sequentially or simultaneously. The lower sound of the interval is called its base, the upper sound is the top.
Cadence - Conclusion of musical thought.
Perfect full cadence- The end of constructing on the tonic application in the melody.
Cadence full imperfect - End of constructing on the tonic policy or quint in the melody.
Half cadence - Stop in the middle of building on the unstable sound of Lada, most often on one of the sounds of the dominant sober.
Canon- view polyphonic musicIn which all the voices perform the same melody, but they are not at the same time, but one after another.
Cantata - Musical work for choir, soloists, orchestra, executed in concerts. Consists of choral numbers, aria, ensembles.
High-quality (or tone) size of intervals - the number of prisoners in the interval of tones or halftone.
Quart- Interval, which is ready four steps. Quart called clean if it consists of two and a half tones. Pure quartes are denoted by h. 4.
Quartdecima- Interval, which contains fourteen steps (septim via octave). Notes - 14.
Quartet-one. Ensemble of four singers or performers on musical instruments. 2. Musical work for such an ensemble.
Quincestaccord - The second appeal of the sober, with the quint tone below, is 4/6.
Quint - The interval that contains five steps. Quinta is called clean, if it consists of three and a half tones. Pure Quinta is denoted by part 5.
Kvintdisima - The interval that contains fifteen steps (octave through the octave). Kvintdisima is denoted-15.
Qiling circle- The system in which all the tonality of one Lada is located in pure quints.
Kvintol - the rhythmic figure of five notes, instead of a conventional group of four notes; Denitated 5 above or under notes.
Kvintsekstakkord- The first appeal of septaxcord with a terrent tone downstairs is denoted 5/6
Key - Arrangement of opera or symphonic score for execution on piano (or for singing with piano).
Key- A sign that determines the place of recording of any sound on a notonic and depending on it and all other sounds.
Key signs - Alteration signs, exhibited next to the key.
Coda- Final part of the musical work (finalizing it in general).
Quantitative (or steps) The size of the intervals - the number of steps covered by interval. Depending on the quantitative size, the interval receives its name. For example, the interval containing three steps is the policy.
Consonating intervals- The intervals sounding more mildly, whose sounds seemed to merge with each other.
Conrsonsons perfect- The consonances in which there is a complete or significant fusion of sounds: pure Prima (unison), clean octave, pure quint and partly a clean quart.
Connce of imperfect - The consonances in which there is a slight fusion of sounds: a large and small column, big and low sext.
Concert - Large work for any solo tool with the escorter.
LAD - The organization of musical sounds around the support sound, which is called tonic.
Lady resolution of intervals - The transition of unstable sounds of the interval to the nearest stable sounds of Lada.
Lidi Lad
- A special way found in folk music. It differs from a natural major IV high step, which is called Lidia Quarta.
Major lord - Lad, in which stable sounds taken together form a major sober.
Major sober - The sober, which consists of a large and low prison or a large terration and pure quint.
Small introductory septakkord - Septkorn, construction. on the VII stage of natural major Lada. It consists of a reduced sober and low septim or of two small colors and a large policy.
Melmisms- Melodic figures adorning individual sounds of the melody.
Melodic interval - The interval whose sounds are taken successively (one by one).
Melodic minor - Minor, in which the VI and VII steps rises.
Melody - Music thought, pronounced one-heading, one-haired entanglement.
Meter- uniform alternation of accents in music.
Metronome - Device for accurate tempo determination.
Mezzo-soprano - Low female voice. For mezzo-soprano, the parties of Carmen are written in the opera "Carmen" J. Bize, Maunda in Opera "Khovovshchina" M. Mussorgsky and others.
Mixolidian Lad- A special way, which is found in folk music. It differs from the natural major VII reduced step, which is called the mixed septic.
Minor hand - Lad, in which stable sounds taken together form minor sober.
Minor sober - The sober, which consists of small and large flares or a small terration and pure quint.
Modulation- Transition from one tonality to another.
Mordent (Melness) - Melodic figure of three notes. Performed: the main sound over which the Mordent is exhibited, the top auxiliary (located above the main sound) and again the main sound.
Natural major - Major, in which the steps are not changed. Natural structure major Gamma: Tone-tone-halftone-tone-tone-halftone.
Natural Minor - Minor, in which the steps are not changed. Natural minor has the same sound composition with a parallel natural major.
Non-selection signs of alteration - See Random Alteration Signs.
Unstable intervals in Lada - Intervals in which both sounds (or one of the sounds) are unstable, that is, not included in the tonic sober.
Nona - The interval that contains nine steps (second by octave). Non is called big if it consists of seven tones. Nona is called small if it consists of six and a half tones. Big Nona is denoted b. 9, Small - m. 9.
Note - a sign, with which the height and duration of the sound is recorded.
Moton mill - five horizontal parallel lines on which notes are placed. The lines account is slow up.
Notonic - cm. night Stan..
Nuances- See dynamic shades. .
Ochtons - Provides accompanying the main sound. All Opertonons for the sound form a natural keyset, the sounds of which are located in the following order (from the main tone): Clean octave, pure quint, net quart, a large policy, two small flares, three large seconds, etc. The first six pridery form a major ( big) sober and have great importance In the formation of the major minor system of the lads.
Appeal intervals - Move the bottom sound of the interval to octave up or top sound to octave down. As a result, another interval is obtained, which in the amount with the initial is octave.
The appeal of septakcord - The type of septakcord, in which the lower sound is the prison, quint or septum of the main sepkord.
Handling sober - kind of sober, in which the lower sound is a terration or quinta of the main sober.
Tonalness Simony- Major and minor tonality that have the same tonic (for example: to Major and Minor, D Major and Re Minor).
Octave-one. The interval that contains six tones. Clean octave is denoted by Part 8. 2. A group of sounds from before before everyone else before.
Octet- A musical work written for eight performers.
Opera - One of the most important musical genres, uniting music and drama, as well as other arts (ballet, painting).
Oratorio - A musical work for choir, orchestra and solo singers (with a certain storyline), intended for concert performance.
Organ- keychain instrument, the largest largest housing and sound volume from all musical instruments.
Orchestra - The team of performers on musical instruments, organized to joint music execution.
The main divisions of the duration of sounds - dividing the duration of sounds on equal parts, from which each larger duration is equal to the two shorter (for example, a whole note is equal to two half, half-two-quarters, a quarter - two eighth, eighth - two sixteenth, etc.).
Special types of rhythmic division - crushing durations for an arbitrary amount equal parts, not coinciding with the basic division (for example, a quarter is divided into three parts, instead of dividing two, threeol is formed; from dividing into five parts, instead of dividing four, quinxtol is formed, etc.).
Parallel tonality - Major and minor tonality that have the same key signs. Parallel minor tonality will be on a small prison down from the major.
Score- Notice record of all votes of the musical work (for orchestra, choir or ensemble), where a separate note line is assigned to each voice or tool.
The consignment - 1. Voice in score, executed by one of the ensemble participants (or several participants in unison), 2. One of the main thematic sections of the sonata form.
Pause - Sign of silence.
Pentatonic- Sound, consisting of five sounds. A characteristic feature of pentatonic is the absence of halftone and sounds forming Tritons (that is, without IV and VII steps in a natural major and without the II and VI steps in a natural minor).
Variable palm - Lad, in which there are two tonic. Most often, the tonic of the variable Lada is the sober major and the minor parallel to him or vice versa. There are other types of variable Lada.
Variable dimensions- Dimensions in which the number of fractions throughout the work or part of it changes. For example, in Russian folk songs "Vanya sat", "Oh yeah you, Kalinushka."
Song - The most common musical genre, uniting music and poetic text.
Polyphony-one. Multi-voiced music with an independent value of each voice. 2. Science of polyphonic forms.
Semitone - The smallest distance in height between the two sounds in the twelve-ductile templar strict.
Prelude- Introductory play before the main statement of the musical work. It is found as an independent genre of small musical works.
Prima - the interval that contains one step; Repetition of the same stage. If the stage is repeated unchanged, the prime is clean, denotes part 1.
Simple intervals- Intervals not exceeding octaves.
Simple sizes - two- and three-dollar dimensions having two or three shares at one accent (2/4.3 / 4.3 / 8)

Five-stage- See Pentatonic.
Size Takta.- Figures in the form of a fraction, which are exhibited at the beginning of the note. The fraction numerator indicates the number of fractions in the tact, and the denominator for the duration of these fractions.
Register - Part of the sounds united by any sign, mainly timbre. In each voice or tool, three registers are conventionally different: high, medium and low.
Reprise- 1. A sign of repeating some part of the musical work. 2. Repeated statement with some change.
Recitative- musical declamation, representing something intermediate between spoken speech and singing, as if by the SPEE SPEE.
Rhythm- organized sequence of duration of sounds in a musical product.
Related tonality- The tonality having the greatest number of common sounds. Related tonalities include: parallel tonality, dominant tonality and its parallel, subdominalized tonality and its parallel, as well as the tonality of minor (harmonic) subdominants in the major and the tonality of major (harmonic) dominants in
Romance- Musical work for voice accompanied. Romances sometimes occur as the names of the instrumental places of a singeling, melodic nature.
Rondo - Piece, which is based on one main topic, repeated several times (refrain). Between the repetitions of this main topic other topics (episodes) are included.
Sequence - Repetition of any melodic or harmonic turnover from different Lada steps or on a certain interval.
Sixth - The interval that contains six steps. The sext is called big if it consists of four and a half tones. The sext is called small if it consists of four tones. A large sext is denoted 6.6, low sext - m. 6.
Sextaccord - The first appeal of a sober with a terrent slope is denoted by the number 6.
Sextet-musical ensemble From six performers.
Second - The interval that contains two steps. Second is called big if it consists of one tone. Second is called small if it consists of halftones. A large second is denoted 6.2, a small second - M.2.
Secundaccord - The third appeal of septaxcord with the septim below is indicated by the number 2.
Septakkord-Akkord, of four sounds that are located or may be located in terms.
Septet - Music ensemble of seven performers.
Seventh- The interval that contains seven steps. Sep¬thim is called big if it consists of five and a half tones. Septim is called small if it consists of five tones. Large septim is denoted by 6.7, small septima. 7.
Symphony - orchestral musical work consisting of several parts (usually from four). The development of the symphony is based on the principles of the sonata form.
Syncope - movement of the clock accent with a strong share on the weak.
Scherzo - a musical work, most often a lively, joking character. Scherzo can be an independent musical product or part of another major work.
Treble clef- size signwhich denotes that the note is salt of the first octave is on the second line of the Notonic.
Difficult sizes - Dimensions resulting from a fusion of two or more identical simple sizes.
Casual signs of alteration - Alteration signs exhibited immediately before not.
Mixed dimensions - Once (measures that are formed from the confluence of two or several unequal simple sizes.
Solo - Performance of the work (or part of it) with one singer or musician.
Solfeggio - Special classes contributing to the development of musical hearing.
Sonata - a major instrumental product consisting of several parts, one of which (usually the first) has a special, complicated form, called Sonataya Allegro (see Sonataya Allegro).
Sonatoy Allegro - a form of a musical work consisting of three main sections: 1) exposure, that is, the statement of the thematic material; 2) Development in which occurs further development topics set forth in the exposition; 3) reprise, that is, a re-presentation of the main topics with some changes.
Sonatina - Some size and relatively non-standard for execution.
Soprano - High female voice. For soprano, Tatiana party was written in Opera "Eugene Onegin" and Lisa in Opera " Peak lady"P. Tchaikovsky.
Compound intervals- Intervals wider octave, Stakkato - a ripple performance of sounds. Denoted by points supplied above or under notes.
Stage - ordinal designation of Lada sounds. There is a Roman number.
Subdominant - The fourth stage of Lada.
Subdomiton trusted - The sober, built on the IV Stage of Lada.
Suite - Another product consisting of several independent parts, diverse in content and built according to the principle of contrast.
Tact- Cut of a musical product from one strong share until next.
Clock damn-The-clearer, separating tacts from each other. The clock feature is placed before a strong share of tact.
Timbre - The nature of the sound peculiar to this voice or tool.
Tempered Stroy - Stroy in which each OKTAVA is divided into twelve equal parts-junctones.
Pace- Music performance speed.
T e n o p- High male voice. For the tenor, Lensky's party in Opera "Eugene Onegin", Herman in the opera "Peak Lady" P. Tchaikovsky.
Tenor key - One of the types of keys before. It is placed on the fourth line of the Notopian and denotes that this is a redesign note to the first octave. In the tenor, notes are written for cello, a fagota, trombone.
Tetrajord- Melodic sequence of four) sounds located in seconds in the amount of quarts. In the gamms I, II, III, IV steps form the first or lower tetrajord, and V, VI, VII, the VIII levels form a second or upper tetrajord.
Teresdicyma- The interval that contains thirteen steps (sext through octave). Teresdenty is called big if it consists of ten and a half tones. Teresdenty is called small if it consists of ten tons. Big Teresdenty is denoted by B.13, a small terkeservion - m. 13,
Tercet- Music work for three performers, usually vocal.
Third- Interval, which contains three steps. The policy is called large if it consists of two tones. The policy is called small if it has half a tone. Large policy is indicated by b. 3, the small policy m. 3.
TERTSKARTARTKKORD - The second handling of septaxcord with the quint tone at the bottom, denoting 3/4
Key - Lada height. Each tonality is distinguished by its key alteration signs that determine the composition of sounds.
Tonic - The first stage of Lada.
Tonic sober - The sober, built on the stage I of Lada.
Transposy- Transferring a musical work or its parts from one tonality to another.
Triad - Chord of three sounds, which are located or may be located on the flares.
Trell (Melness)-Evalkome, fast alternation of the main and upper auxiliary sounds.
Tremolo- the rapid repetition of one and the same audio or study from several sounds.
Triol - The rhythmic figure of three notes, instead of a conventional group of two notes, is indicated by the number 3 above or under notes.
Triton- The name of the intervals containing three tones. Tritons include increased quarts and reduced quint.
Increased sober- The sober, which consists of two large flares, extreme sounds form an increased quint. It is found in the harmonic minor on stage III and in a harmonic major on the VI stage.
Overture- Introduction (to opera, drama or other any theatrical work), compressed the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole work as a whole. There are independent orchestral unchestures usually software, such as overtures "1812", "Romeo and Juliet" P. Tchaikovsky.
Reduced introductory septakkord - Septakkord, built on the VII Steps of Harmonic Major or Harmonic Minor. It consists of a reduced sober and reduced septim or of three small flares.
Reduced sober - The sober, which consists of two small flares, extreme sounds form a reduced quint. It is found in a natural major on the VII stage and in a harmonic major or minor on the II and VII steps.
Undizima - The interval that contains eleven steps (quarts through the octave). Undizim is called clean if it consists of eight and a half tones. Pure Undizim is denoted by part 11.
Unison- Accurate coincidence of two sounds in height.
Sustainable intervals in Lada- Intervals in which both sounds are stable, that is, included in tonic sober.
Texture - Operation of expressive music. Main types of textures: vocal, instrumental, choral, orchestral, piano, etc.
Fermata - A sign indicating an arbitrary increase in the duration of sound or pause, which depends on the nature of the work, intentions and taste of the artist.
The final- The name of the last, final part of the musical work.
Piano - common name Tools whose sound is removed by the blow of the hammers about the string when pressing the key.
Forsh Brand - Melicism, which consists of one sound that is performed in front of the main sound (always at his expense). The duration of the long endland is usually equal to half the duration of the main sound.
Foreglag short - Melicism, which consists of one or more very short sounds that are performed before the main sound.
Phrasing - distinct allocation of musical phrases in the performance of musical works.
Freigian Lad- A special way found in folk music. It differs from the natural minora of the II reduced step, which is called Frigian second.
Characteristic range of harmonic magazine - Increased and reduced intervals, resulting from a decrease in VI
steps in a harmonic major. The characteristic intervals of the harmonic major include: uv. 2 and its appeal is the mind. 7, uv. 5 and its appeal is the mind. four.
Characteristic intervals of harmonic minor - Increased and reduced intervals, resulting from increasing VII
steps in the harmonic minor. The characteristic intervals of the Harmonic Minor include: WC. 2 and its appeal is the mind. 7, uv. 5 and its appeal is the mind. four.
Khor.-one. Large group of singers. Choir are children, female, male and mixed. 2. Music product for choral performance.
Chromatic signs- The same as alteration signs.
Chromatic scale- Gamma consisting of halftone. The chromatic range is formed by filling the large seconds by intermediate halftones.
Chromatic halftone- Halftone, formed by the adjacent sounds of the same name. For example, before # mi-mi b. .
Chromatic tone- Tone formed by the adjacent sounds of the same name. For example, up to x, mi.
Caesura - the moment of dismemberment in music; Short, barely noticeable pause between phrases.
Keloton gamma - Six-track gamma, built on whole tones: Pre-re-Mi-Fa # -l b.-Cu. b.-before. In this Lada, all sober, including tonic, are enlarged.
Elementary music theory - Educational discipline, which studies a musician letter and the main elements of music: Lada, skewers, intervals, meter, rhythm, chords, etc.
Enharmonianly equal sounds - sounds are the same in height, but different by name (for example, to - si # )
Enharmonian equal intervals- the intervals are the same on the sound and in the number of tones contained in them, but different in the name and in terms of the number of steps contained in them (for example, before b.\u003d up to # , up to - # \u003d up to - salt b.) .
Enharmonian tonalness - Tonality is the same sound, but different by name. From the musical practice of tonalities to seven characters in the key there are three cases of enharmonic equality in Major (C Major \u003d to B Major, Fa # Major \u003d Salt B Major, up to # Major \u003d Re b magazine) and three cases in Minor (salt # Minor \u003d La B Minora, Re # Minor \u003d Minora, La # Minor \u003d Bit Minor).

Accompaniment -Musical accompaniment Soloist (singer, instrumentalist, ensemble, dance, gymnastic exercises etc.
Chord (consonance) - the simultaneous sound of three or more sounds, different in height, name.
Accent (Emphasis) - underscore any sound, chord. A. has various graphic notation:\u003e, V, ^, sf, etc. They are affixed in vocal (solo and choral) parties over the notopian (in the absence of text); in tool works. A. Can be affixed between music strings or each separately depending on the performing expressiveness.
Alteration - Increased or lowering sound on halftone or tone using signs:# (dishes) increases on halftone; B (Bemole) lowers halftone; - (Bachar) cancels the diezer or a bembol, etc.
Ensemble (together). 1. Musical work for several performers:duet (two performers),trio ortercet (three),quartet (four),quintet (five), etc. 2. Single artistic team. 3. Pedia, consistency of choral performance.
Fingering - Designation in notes of proper alternation of fingers for the convenience of playing musical instruments.
Arpeggio - Sequential execution in the chord of the sounds of one after another.
Volta - Graphic designation of the repetition of the previous musical passage, which is indicated as follows:

Gamma - Sound - the consistent sound of the Lada steps in the ascending and downward movement. The most common diathonic (out of 7 steps) and chromatic (out of 12 steps).
Harmonization - Instrumental support melody written in folk or other styles.
Harmony. 1. Sequential, natural combination of consonant in Lada and tonality conditions. 2. Training subject in music theory.
Range - Sound opportunities singing vote or any tool, the volume between the highest and low sounds of the voice (tool).
Dynamics (power) - use of strengthening or weakening sound as an expressive means of execution. Main graphic designations D.: F (Forte) - loudly, P (Piano) - quiet, MF (Metzo Forte) - moderately loudly, Mr (Mezzo Piano) - moderately quiet, Crescendo (Krefesedo) - Strengthening, Diminuendo (Diminuendo) - Relaxing and dr.
Duration - The properties of the sound that determines its length. The main designation of the duration is a whole note that is equal to two half notes, four fourth notes, eight eighth sweats, etc.

Share - Music Time Unit (Sound), divided into strong (shock), weak (unstressed).
Dissonance - Consonous, in which sounds are not combined, cause a feeling of consistency.
Genre - the concept of determining the content, character, orientation of the musical work, for example, the genre of opera, symphonic, vocal, chamber music. The genre is usually called music, closely related to life (march, dance, etc.).
Uactable - The beginning of the musical work with a weak share.

Musical sound - oscillation of the sounding body having basic properties: height, duration, timbre, dynamics (strength).
Scale - The sequence of the main steps of Lada:up, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si. Improvisation - creative activity directly during execution, i.e. Fingering your options for songs, dancing, marching, etc.
Interval - the distance between two different in height of the sounds, of which the lower is called the base, the upper - vertex, for exampleprima (repetition of the same sound)second, Terration, Quart, Quint, Sex, Septima, Oktawa etc.
Intonation - Melodic turnover, the smallest musical construction, which has independent expressiveness.
Key - a sign that determines the height and the name of the sound and is affixed at the beginning of a new time. Most used:

violin bass

( salt - on the second line), (Fa - on the fourth line).

Consonance - Consonance, in which the sounds merge and, as it were, complement each other.
LAD - ratio, relationship of stable and unstable sounds.
Legato - The associated performance of several sounds.
League graphic image In the form of an arc (concave or curved), which denotes the associated execution of several sounds of different heights, an increase in the duration of one sound, combining sounds performed in a song on one syllable.

Melmisms -Food musical decorations of one sound:

Major - Wheel sound, transmitting the most commonly light, joyful mood of music.
Melody - one-haired sequence of sounds combined with semantic content.
Meter - consistent alternation of strong and weak stakes in the tact.
Minor - Wheel sound, transmitting most often thoughtful, sad mood of music.
Polyphony - a consonant combination of several independent melodic lines (votes).
Modulation - logical, intonational transition to another tonality.
Motive - The smallest musical construction, it usually contains one strong share.
Musical gram - Elementary knowledge in the field of music theory.
Note - Graphic image of sound.
Night Stan. (Notonic) - a graphic image of five horizontal parallel lines to record notes.
Nuance - Tint, emphasizing the nature of the sound of music.
Pause - A sign, interrupting the musical sound on a certain period of time and corresponding to the durations of notes.

Semitone - The smallest distance between two sounds, different in height.
The size - the amount of strong and weak fractions of a certain duration forming the tact; It is depicted in the form of a fraction, in the denominator which indicates the duration of one share, in the numerator - the number of such fractions. At the beginning of the work, on each notonic one separately, after the key characters, and the value is preserved until the end of the work or to the change of the old size of the clock and establishing a new one. For example: 2/4, ѕ, 6/8, etc.
Register - Determines the sound range of a musical instrument, a singing voice and differs on high, medium and low.
Rhythm - Sequential alternation of sounds (different heights and duration) having semantic and expressive importance.
Syncope - Displacement of sound stress with a strong share of the tact on weak.
Staccato - Performing reception characterized by a short, ripple sound.
Lada steps - Sounds having the following notation:

Tact - A small segment of a musical work, concluded between two strong shares (starts with a strong and ends before the strong) T. is divided on a tact bar (vertical line).
Pace - speed, alternation of metric units. The designations of T are affixed at the beginning of the work above the first note line in Russian and Italian, for example: moderately - Moderate (moderato), quickly - Allegro (Allegro), long - Adagio (Adagio).
Tone - The distance between two sounds, which includes two halftone.
The tonality is the specific height of the sounds of a certain Lada characteristic of a particular product. T. has its own key signs and is determined by the position of tonic on a particular stage of the outer.
Transposy (transposition) - execution of the work (songs, plays) in another tonality.
Triad - Accord, in which three sounds are located in terms (for example,du-Mi-salt). T. May be a major or minor and, thus, to determine the way.
Texture - Summary of various means musical expressiveness: melody, accompaniment, individual voices, pegs, theme, etc.
Fermata - Graphic designation of additional extension, sound for the purposes of greater expressiveness.

Musical shape - In a broad sense combines expressive means: melody, rhythm, harmony, structure. In a narrow sense of F. - this is the structure of the work, for example, two-party and three-part.
Chromatism - halftone change in the height of sounds using the alteration signs.

Vocal-choir art

A cappella - Multi-voiced, mainly choral penis without instrumental support.
Vocalization - Singing, performing hooking on vowels.
Vocal music - Designed for singing. There are three main types of singing: solo (one performer), ensemble (duets, trio, etc.), choral (collective execution, one-haired or multi-voiced, accompaniment ora cappella). Vocal art - Swelling skill.
Detonation - Incorrect, inaccurate sound.
Range - Sound of the singing vote.
Diction - Clear, intelligible, expressive pronunciation of words.
Singe - the beginning of solo or choir song.
Cantilena - Opening, smooth, manner of execution.
Chorus - Part of the song (in a bus form), executed on the same text.


Bulba - Belarusian folk song-dance of a lively, funny character having a two-dollars size.
Waltz - ballroom dance Smooth, moderately fast character having a three-dollar size.
Gallop - Ballroom dance, rapid pace; Size two quarters.
Hopak - Ukrainian folk dance, fast, rapid, based on large jumps; Size two quarters.
Krakowak - Polish folk dance, lively character; Size two quarters; Rhythm with characteristic syncopes.
LEVONICA - Belarusian folk song-dance of a living, funny character with emphasized tributaries at the end of each musical phrase; The pace is fast; Size two quarters.
Mazurka - Polish folk dance with a characteristic acute rhythm; Size threedole.
Minuet - Vintage French ball dance smooth, several flirty character; three quarters; The pace is accelerated.
Polka - Czech folk dance of a cheerful, light, mobile nature; two-dollar size; The pace is fast.
Horticulture - Mass game, with singing and movements in a circle.

Elements dance motions

Beganets I. P: feet in the main rack (heels together, socks apart). Push off his left foot and make a small leap forward with the right foot ("Once" account), gently dropped to it; Then move forward on a light run: left foot (score "and"), right foot ("two" account). After that, start the same movements from the left leg (jump, the run, etc.).
Side gallop - The element of dance, hesitates to the account: "Once and, two and".I. P: main rack. Movement light, spring. On "Once" - a small step with a jog right foot to the side (from the leg sock, slightly bending the knees); on "and" - land on the left; On "Two and" - repeat movement.
Fractional step. I. P: foot in parallel, knees slightly bent. It is carried out rhythmically, in place, throughout the foot with rapidly alternating tributops: the right, left, right, etc.
Hop - Dance element.I. P: feet in the main rack. Performed on the account "times and, two and". On "Once and" - a small jump on the left leg, at the same time right away to the side, touching the floor toe, slightly bent knee turn inside; On "Two and" - to make a second tide on the left leg, right to put on the heel, the knee turn outward.
Pa-de Basque - Dance element.I. P: feet d base rack. Performed on account "and once, and two." On "and" - a small jump, the impetus to the left leg, right to bring forward and right (low above the floor); on "times" - land on the right leg, left to bend, knee outwards; on "and" - a step with his left foot, slightly bending the knee, right to raise; On the "two" - a step with right foot, slightly bending the knee, the left lift and bend slightly.
Russian variable step. I. P: main rack. Performed on the account "times and two and" on "times" - a step right foot forward from the sock; on "and" - a small step with his left foot on the sock (the heel is raised low); On "Two and" - a small step right foot forward from the sock. Then moves are performed from the left leg.
Russian hid step. I. P: feet in the third position (the heel of the right leg is attached to the middle of the left foot). Movements are a smooth alternate step with each foot from Kosk.
Step Waltza (gymnastic).I. P: stand on socks. Performed on the account, "two times three". On "Once" - a step with right foot forward from the sock on the entire foot, slightly bending the knee (gently spring); On "Two, Three" - two small steps forward left and then right foot on socks (legs straight).
Step Waltza (dance).I. P: rack on socks. Performed, like the previous step, but on run, rapidly.
Polka Pag . I. P: feet in the third position. It is performed on the account "and once, and two" on "and" - a small sliding stalk on his left leg forward, right slightly lift forward; on "times" - a step right forward on the sock; on "and" to put the left foot from behind to the right (third position); On the "two" - a step right foot forward.
Step with fallen . I. P: feet in the main rack. Performed on account "and once, and two." On "and" - right leg raise to the side, right; On "Once" - to make a small step from the sock on the entire foot, slightly bending the knee, at the same time the left, bent in the knee leg, lift; on "and" - straightening her legs, stand on-sock left legs (back right), right away to side; On "Two and" - repeat movement.
Step with a perspective . I. P: foot in parallel, knees slightly bent. Performed on the account "times, two". On "Once" - a small step with a blow to the right leg about the floor, on the "two" - the same step with the left foot.

Method of musical education in children's garden: "Doszhek. Education "/ N.A. Vetlugin, I.L. Dzerzhinskaya, L.N. Commissar and others; Ed. ON THE. Vetlogian. - 3rd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989. - 270 p.: Notes.

Sense of rhythm .

The feeling of rhythm is the perception and reproduction of temporary relations in music. Big role in dismemberment musical Movement And the perception of expressive rhythm is played by accents.

According to observations and numerous experiments, during the perception of music, a person makes noticeable or imperceptible movements corresponding to its rhythm, accents. These are the movements of the head, hands, feet, as well as invisible movements of speech, respiratory devices. Often they arise unconsciously, involuntarily. Attempts by a person to stop these movements lead to the fact that they arise in another capacity, or the experience of the rhythm stops at all. This indicates the presence of a deep connection of motor reactions with the perception of rhythm, about motor nature musical Rhythm.

The experience of the rhythm, and consequently, the perception of music is an active process. "The listener is only then experiencing rhythm when it takes it, it works ... Any full-fledged music perception is an active process, which is not just a hearing, but also warning, and the production includes very diverse movements. As a result, the perception of music is never only an auditory process; It is always a hearing and motor process. "

The feeling of musical rhythm has not only a motor, but also an emotional nature. Music content is emotionally. Rhythm is one of the expressive means of music, with which the content is transmitted. Therefore, the feeling of rhythm, like a lade feeling, is the basis of emotional responsiveness to music. Active, effective nature of the musical rhythm allows you to transfer the smallest changes to music moods in the movements (having, as well as the music itself, and thereby comprehend the expressiveness of the musical language. Characteristics Musical speech (accents, pauses, smooth or dismissed motion, etc.) can be transmitted by the corresponding motion on emotional color (cotton, stench, smooth or detachable movements, legs, etc.). This allows them to use them for the development of emotional responsiveness to music.

5) Expressive means Music .

1) Melody (vocal, instrumental) is a sequence of musical sounds, combined by rhythm and Lada, expressing musical thought.

2) Rhythm proportionality. Rhythm in music is a uniform alternation of the duration of sounds. No melody is conceived without a rhythm and the number of rhythmic options is infinitely large, they depend on the creative fantasy of the composer.

3) Flood-consistency of sounds in music, different in height.

Basic Ladins 2: Minor and major.

4) Dynamics of sound. Basic dynamic shades 2: Forte (loud) and Piano (quiet).

5) Temp- speed of the music work: fast, slow and moderate.

6) Tembre Sound. Every human voice and each musical instrument has its own timbre. On Tembre, we distinguish the voices of singers.

7) Range distance from low sound to high.

8) Sound position register: high, low and medium.

9) harmony chords and their sequence.

The musical image is created by a certain combination of means of musical expressiveness. The expressiveness of the language of music is largely similar to the expressiveness of the language of speech. Musical sounds are perceived by hearing as well as speech. With the help of voice, emotions are transferred, human condition: anxiety, joy, sadness, tenderness, crying. The intonation color in speech is transmitted using the timbre, voice force, speech pace, accents and pauses. Music intonation has the same expressive features.

You got into the heading of musical terms, where we will discuss all their concepts, values, definitions, show you translation from various languages \u200b\u200binto Russian, we will give a list of basic musical definitions and so on. Below are articles that disclose certain terms in more detail. You will find them at the very end of this page.

Musical terms and their meaning

Before talking about musical terms and their meaning, first I want to give you one example. Imagine such a situation. You accepted you with the pies. He ate, and you did not have time.

You ask him: "Well, how?" He says: "Tasty!" However, what can you understand from one word? You do not even know, the sweet was a pie or salty. With apples or cabbage. That is, nothing is understandable.

It is clear that it is delicious. After all, each confectioner is from various trifles their bun or pie.

Also also in music. The melody itself is very beautiful. However, her beauty consists of small details. That's what we will talk about them.

Receptions for changing sound, which contribute to the greatest expressiveness in the melody, are called nuances in music.

For example, let's take such a nuance as the volume. Using the volume, you can change a lot in the melody. You can simply play smoothly. And you can first start with a quiet sound with gradually increasing volume. In general, the second option is more expressive than the first.

The quietest sound in music is called pianissimo. (Pianissimo) from the Italian word Piano (quietly). Slightly pogre piano. (Piano) - Just quietly. Even louder will be forte (Forte) - loud. If very loud, then it will be fortissimo. (Fortisso) - very loud.

It is also important to transition from one sound to another. For example, you can play very detachly. This reception in Italian will be called staccato. (Stakkato) - sharply or abruptly.

And you can play smoothly. This reception is called legato. (Legato) - smoothly. That is, the sound smoothly passes from one to the other at the same time as if complementing each other.

Below is a notebook. It was written on 10 notes.

All steps in the gamma have their own Latin names:

  1. l is a prime
  2. lL - second
  4. lV - quart
  5. V - Quinta
  6. VL - Sex
  7. VLL - Septima
  8. VLLL - Octava
  9. lX - Nona
  10. X - Dezima

Intervals in music

Let's talk about intervals in music. In itself, the interval indicates the distance. well and musical interval denotes the distance between musical sounds Height.

Each gamma has such planned intervals. Above these 10 intervals are shown on latin. I recommend remembering them.

What are the intervals from the notes to (tonic) to all other strata of the gamma?

There is a rather symbolic interval. There are practically no difference between notes in this interval. Before - before this interval between the first and the first step. But he is still there. There are even songs that begin with two identical notes.

So, this interval is before there is a name prima. Between to and re the second step already there is some kind of difference in height. Such an interval will be called secondj..

Between the first and third step of the gamma (between to and mi) there is an interval called third. Further comes quart and so on the increasing list as in the list above.

Probably, many will ask, from what language all musical terms borrowed. It is worth saying that the main base of terminology is on italian language. In principle, it is not surprising here. After all, the music itself originated in Italy. Therefore, many dictionaries and textbooks give you the terms in Italian.

In general, as you understood, for more accurately defining music and special musical terms were invented. There are even special dictionaries music terms. With the development of music, come new terms.

It is worth saying that all these terms were not written from the bald. All of them were approved at the level of the committees of European countries. After that, on this standard, various directories and dictionaries began to produce.

Be sure to learn all this terminology! After all, it is impossible normal without it.

The most famous musical term

Probably the most famous musical term who was heard even with those who are not close to music, so it treble clef. I think many have heard about him.

This key helps musicians to figure out the notes. it main element on a tiny mill.

Many musicians are more often called the salt key, as it is on one line of notes salt. People agreed to write a treble clef on one line to the musician then could easily navigate in notes.

Here we will look at musical notation for notes. You will find out what notes are called and written. And where is the note should be on a tin one.

Here is the list:

  • up (c) - written at an additional line
  • re (D) - under the first line
  • mi (E) - on the first line
  • f (F) - between the first and second line
  • salt (G) - on the second line
  • la (a) - between the second and third line
  • sI (H or B) - on the third line
  • until the second Octave repeats the entire sound

Italian musical terms

Below you will be available, where the main Italian musical terms for piano are located.

  • Adagio - Adagio - Slowly, calm
  • Ad Libitum - Hell Libitum - at discretion, optionally, free
  • Agitato - Agitato - excited, excitedly
  • Allegro - Allegro - fun, fast
  • Allegretto - Allegretto, indication of the tempo, slower than Allegro
  • Animato - Animato - inspisitively, lively
  • Andante - Andante - Going, current; Middle speed pace corresponding to a calm step
  • Andantino - Andentino-tempo more lively than Andante
  • APPASSIONATO - Appasionatto - passionately
  • Assai - Assai - enough, pretty
  • A CAPRICCIO - And Caprician - the same as hell libithum
  • A tempo - and Temo - at the pace (that is, mostly pace specified earlier)
  • Accelerando - Achchelerando - Accelerating
  • Calando - Calyando - reducing power and speed
  • Cantabile - Cantabile - Singing
  • Cantando - Canthando - singe
  • CappricCiozo - Capprickozo - Capricious
  • CON AFFETTO - COP AFETTO - With a feeling, with passion
  • Con Dolcezza - Kon Dolchenets - gently, gently
  • CON ESPRESSIONE - KON EPSPERSON - with an expression
  • Con Forza - Con Forta - with force
  • Con Moto - Con Moto - Mobile
  • CON PASSION - COP PASSEN - with passion
  • Crescendo - Kreferedo - increasing sound strength
  • Da Capo Al Fine - Yes Capo Al Fine - from the beginning to the word "end"
  • Decrescendo - Decremoto - reducing sound strength
  • Diminuendo - Diminuendo - reducing sound power
  • Dolce - Dolce - gently, gently
  • Doloroso - Dolorozo - Sad, complaints
  • Energico - Energy - energetic
  • Espressivo - espressively - expressive
  • Forte (in music records often f) - Forte - loud, strongly (more)
  • Fortissimo - Fortissimo - very loud, very much
  • Grazioso - Grazieoso - Graceful
  • Grave - Griev - Important, Heavyweight
  • Largo - Largo - wide; Very slow pace
  • Legato - Legato - smoothly, connected (more)
  • Lento - Lanto - Slow
  • Leggiero - Ledzejero - Easy
  • Lugubre - Luguba - Gloomy
  • Maestoso - Maestoso - solemnly, great
  • Marcato - Marcato - emphasizing
  • Marciale - Marchiale - Marchas
  • MEZZA VOZE - METSCA Along - in a low voice
  • MEZZO PIANO (in music records is often MP) - Mezzo drunk - not very quiet (more)
  • MEZZO Forte (in a note record often MF) - Metzo Forte - not very loud (more)
  • Misteriozo-Mysterious - mysterious
  • Moderato - moderato - moderately
  • Molto -Holto - very, very much
  • Non - Non - not
  • Non Troppo - Non Tropeo - Not too
  • Piano (in a note record often P) - quiet (more)
  • Pianissimo - Pianissimo - very quiet (more)
  • Presto - Purest - fast
  • Ritenuto - Ritenuto - slowing down movement
  • Rizoluto - Rizoluto - Resolutely
  • Rubato - Rubato - in a free pace (more)
  • SEMPLICE - SEMMM - just
  • Semple - sample - always, constantly
  • Simile - Simile - Like (Previous)
  • Shcerzando - scratopo - joking
  • Scherzoso - Scratoso - Justice
  • Smorzando - Smorzando - Footing
  • Sostenuto - Sospenuto - Restrained, slowly
  • SOTTO VOCE - Sotto Echo - in a low voice
  • Spirituozo - Spiritozo - spiritualized
  • Staccato - Stakkato - Overville Supplement Sounds; Opportimacy legato (more)
  • Tranquillo - Transkvilo - calm
  • Tranquillamente -Translillery - calm
  • Vivace - Vivache - Soon, alive
  • Vivo - vivo - tempo, faster than Allegro (Allegro), but slower than Presto (Presto)

Now you know what musical terms are and for what they need. We looked at only a small base or a list of definitions. All of course here we will not reveal. Nevertheless, I recommend that you pay attention to articles that go below. They disclose certain terms in more detail. Therefore, I recommend to pay attention to them too.

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