By Symphony Peter and Wolf. Acquaintance with tales characters and their musical instruments depicting them

By Symphony Peter and Wolf. Acquaintance with tales characters and their musical instruments depicting them
By Symphony Peter and Wolf. Acquaintance with tales characters and their musical instruments depicting them




see also

  • Peter and the Wolf, Album (1966) of the American Jazz Organist Jimmy Smith
  • (English) Peter and The Wolf, short film 2006, won in 2007 "Oscar"


Watch what is "Peter and Wolf" in other dictionaries:

    - "Petya and Wolf" Symphonic fairy tale for children Sergey Prokofiev, written in 1936, shortly after his return to the USSR for setting in the Children's Music Theater of Natalia Sats (the premiere took place on May 2, 1936). Work ... ... Wikipedia

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  • Petya Ivanov and the wizard Tik-like, Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich. Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev composed not only fairy tales for kids, he still invented instructive stories for schoolchildren. In the book "Petya Ivanov and the wizard tick-so" included fairy tales "We are looking for ...

I want ... to say our young men and girls: love and explore the great art of music ... it will make you richer, cleaner, perfect. Thanks to music, you will find new, unknown for your strength.
"The music even closer over you to the ideal of a perfect person who is the goal of our communist construction." These words of the sacrificing Soviet composer Dmitry Shostakovich fully can be addressed to our children. The earlier a person gets in touch with art, the riche of his world of feelings, thoughts, ideas binds.
Previously, this means in childhood.
Soviet composers created for children many musical works, including symphony fairy tales. But the brightest, the symphonic tale of Sergey Prokofiev "Peter and Wolf", introducing children to the world of big music.
Soviet composer Sergey Sergeevich Prokofiev (1891-1953) - author Opero "Love for three oranges", "War and Peace", "Semen Kotko", "Tale of the Real Man", Ballets "Romeo and Juliet", "Cinderella", Symphony, instrumental, piano and injuries of other applications - in 1936 he wrote a symphonic fairy tale for children "Peter and Wolf". The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a work was suggested by him by the main director of the Central Children's Theater of Natalia Sats, all his creative life dedicated to art for children.
Prokofiev, sensitively "able to listen to time," alone responded to the proposal to create a work, the purpose of which is to introduce children with tools that are part of the symphony orchestra. Together with N.I.sats, the composer selected the form of such a work: orchestra and leading (reader). The tools and their groups of the composer instructed various "roles" of this fairy tale: a bird - flute, wolf - French horn, Petya - string quartet.
"The first execution of" Petit and Wolf "on the stage of the Central Children's Theater took place on May 5, 1936. "At the request of Sergey Sergeevich, I was a fairy tale performer. We together thought how all the tools would be shown alternately, then the children would hear the sound of everyone.
... Sergey Sergeevich attended all rehearsals, so that not only the semantic, but also the rhythm-intonational execution of the text was in an inextricable creative connection with the orchestral sound, "recalls Natalia Ilinichna Sats in his book" Children come to the theater. " The record this tale sounds in its design.
The unusual form of this symphonic work (orchestra and presenter) makes it possible to acquaint children with serious music joyfully and easily. The music of Prokofiev, bright, shaped, painted by humor is easily perceived by young listeners.
"Music about Petya, Bird and Wolf I really liked. When she listened, he learned everyone. The cat was beautiful, walked to heard was not, she was a tricky. The duck was a cleaning, stupid. When the wolf ate her, I was sorry. I was glad when I heard her voice at the end, "said Little listener Volodya Dobuzhinsky.
A funny bird, brave pet, burly, but a kind grandfather know and love in Moscow, London, Paris, Berlin, New York ... in all countries of the world.
For more than thirty years, the fairy tale about Petya and Wolf travel, radiating the ideas of good, joy, light, helping children to learn to understand and love music.
Let this symphonic fairy tale comes to your home ...

10 facts about the musical work and its creator gathered Natalia Leatnik.

1. Music story appeared with the easy hand of Natalia Sats. The head of the Children's Music Theater asked Sergey Prokofiev to write a musical history told by a symphony orchestra. So that children do not get lost in the wilds of classical music, there is an explanatory text - also the authorship of Sergey Prokofiev.

2. The melody of the violin in the spirit of the pioneer march. Petya boy meets hardly not the whole symphony orchestra: a bird - a flute, a duck - an oboe, a cat - clarinet, a wolf - three horn. Shots sound the sound of a large drum. And the grumbling fagot acts as a grandfather. Brilliant simply. Animals talk to musical voices.

3. "Fascinating content and unexpected events." From the idea to the incarnation - work for four days. Exactly so much required Prokofiev, so that the story sounds. The fairy tale has become only a pretext. While the children watch the plot, the will of the tool names, and their sound. Associations help you remember.

"Each fairy tale character had his leitmotif, assigned to the same tool: Duck depicts oboe, grandfather - Bassoon, etc. Before the start of execution, the tools showed children and played them themes: During the execution, the children heard the themes repeatedly and learned to recognize the timbre Tools - in this and the pedagogical meaning of the fairy tale. I was important not a fairy tale herself, but that the children listen to music for which the fairy tale was only a pretext. "

Sergey Prokofiev

4. First multiplety. "Petya and Wolf" in 1946 shielded Walt Disney. The partition has not yet published the composer himself handed over the composer himself at a personal meeting. Disney was so impressed with Prokofievsky creation, which decided to draw a story. As a result, the cartoon entered the Gold Collection of Studio.

5. "Oscar"! In 2008, the short film "Peter and Wolf" of the International Team from Poland, Norway and Britain received a prize of the American Film Academy for the Best Animation Short Cartoon. Multipliers cost no words - only a picture and music performed by the London Symphony Orchestra.

6. Pete, duck, cat and other characters of a symphonic fairy tale became the best tools of the world. Music history sounded performed by the USSR State Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Evgenia Svetlana and Gennady of Christmas, Philharmonic orchestras of New York, Vienna and London.

7. Petya and wolf on pointe. One-act ballet for the work of Prokofiev was put in the middle of the twentieth century in the branch of the Bolshoi Theater - the current Operetta Theater. The performance did not fit - passed only nine times. One of the most famous foreign productions was the performance of the British royal ballet school. Chief Parties danced children.

8. Rock version noted the 40th anniversary of the symphonic fairy tale. Famous rock musicians, including a vocalist of the Genesis group Phil Collins and the father of Embirant Bryan, organized the production of the Rock Opera "Peter and Wolf" in the UK. The project participated guitarist-virtuoso Gary Moore and jazz violinist Stefan Grapepelli.

9. Ranger voice "Petit and Wolf". Only recognizable timbres: the first performer became the first woman in the world - opera director Natalia Sats. In the list - Oskarone British actors of the Knight's title: John Gilgud, Alec Guinness, Peter Ustinov and Ben Kingsley. Speakers from the author and Hollywood Kinodiv Sharon Stone.

"And Sergey Sergeyevich and I fantasized possible plots: I - in words, he is music. Yes, it will be a fairy tale whose main goal is to acquaint younger students with musical and instruments; She must have fascinating content, unexpected events so that the guys listen with continuous interest: what will happen next? They decided so: it is necessary that there are acting persons in the fairy tale who can vividly express the sound of this or that musical instrument. "

Natalia Sats.

10. 2004 - Grammy Prize in the nomination "Children's album in a conversational genre." The Higher American Music Award took the policy of two superpowers - the ex-presidents of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev and the USA Bill Clinton, as well as the Star of Italian Cinema Sophie Loren. The second tale of the disk was the work of the French composer Jean Pascal Beyntus. Classic and modernity. The task, as well as decades ago, is to make music understandable for children.

Abstract music lesson on the topic:

"Symphony Orchestra Tools

in a symphonic fairy tale S.S. Prokofiev

"Peter and Wolf"

Theme lesson:Symphony orchestra tools in a symphony fairy tale S.S. Prokofiev "Peter and Wolf".

Class / Age:

Type of lesson: Studying a new material.

The purpose of the lesson:education of the musical culture of students

Tasks lesson:

    To acquaint with the tools of the symphony orchestra, with the lentimates of the heroes of the fairy tale S.S. Prokofiev "Peter and Wolf".

    Develop sound and timber musical hearing, vocabulary to determine the nature of the musical work.

    Education of the culture of listening of symphonic music.


    PC or laptop, TV;

    presentation of the lesson;

    Interactive test on the topic of symphonic fairy tale S.S. Prokofiev "Peter and Wolf";


    The verbal method (conversation using visual and hearing auditality: viewing the slides of the presentation on the subject of the lesson);

    View and listening to a symphonic fairy tale.

Forms of work: Individual, frontal.

During the classes

    Organizing time. (5 minutes)

Music greeting "Good afternoon" words and music I. Little

Teacher: And now, to tune in to a new topic, I suggest you play the game called "Guess".

One presenter comes out, gets back to the class. The rest of the guys are alone to pronounce his name. The lead you need to call the name of the student, without seeing it, but I only hear a voice. Students play several times.

Teacher: Okay! How was the leading, without seeing you, to accurately determine your names?

Exemplary Student Answers: By voice.

Teacher:Right! And how could our presenters be able to determine whose voice sounded?

Exemplary Student Answers:

Teacher:Okay! What are you great! That is, each voice has its own coloring or more correctly to say its timbre. Now let's open dictionaries and write down the word new for you TIMBRE,and we will give him a very easy and short definition.

(Slide 3 - Tombre)

The timbre is the color of the sound

Now you know that every human voice has its own specific timbre. What do you think, is there a specific timbre for each musical instrument?

Exemplary Student Answers:Yes there is!

Teacher:Right! There is a specific timbre and every musical instrument. And there is a huge musical instrument. And today we will get acquainted with some of them, as well as learn to distinguish them from each other not only in appearance, but also on Tembre.

    New topic (20 minutes + 15 minutes)

Teacher: And now carefully listen to the poem and try to call the musical instruments, which are stated in it.


From the swamp, swords,

With fields, from forest hollow,

Singing, kind tale

According to the new paths, it came up.

To the trees house under fir (The word "ate" replaced on "fir" !!!)

The path will lead you

Tell about Pety and Wolf,

Oboe, and clarinet, and Bassoon. (The word "Quartet" replaced on the "oboe" !!!)

Stubborn in music pages

Polyany, meadows and forests.

For every animal and birds

Pichongo Flute will seek

Stains sink by sofoe (The word "Fagot" replaced on the "oboe" !!!)

And the evil-pretting wolf,

French horn will replace themselves

However, why hurry?

Your tale, take,

Magic doors - Pages,

Holds to take it.

Exemplary Student Answers:oboe, Clarinet, Fagot, Flute, French

Teacher: Okay! And what is the name of the fairy tale, which is stated in the poem, who can say?

Sample student responses: "Petya and Wolf "

Teacher:Right! And Sergey Sergeevich Prokofiev wrote this fairy tale. (Slide 4 - portrait of the composer). It was in 1936. This fairy tale is not an ordinary - this is a musical symphonic fairy tale. And it is called "symphonic" because it is written for the symphony orchestra. S. S. Prokofiev was the first composer who decided to introduce the guys with the sound of the symphony orchestra in an exciting form in the form of a fairy tale.

Each fairy tale character has its own leitmotif. Let's write in the dictionaries another not understandable for you while the term is still. (Slide 5 - Leitmotif)

Leitmotif - a brief musical theme, constantly sounding when the same character appears or when mentioning it

He wanted the children to learn to listen to symphonic music. And before the start of execution of this music, children showed tools and played on them the leitmotifs of actors of the fairy tale. During the execution, the children heard these leitmotifs many times and learned to distinguish the timbres of tools.

So, each character has a fairy tale has its own musical theme - leitmotif, and its own tool with a specific timbre that performs this leitmotif.

(Slide 6 - Pioneer Petya)

Peter's brave pioneer is the main character of the fairy tales. His topic sounds in the spirit of the fun march. And perform the topic of Petit String-Booked Tool Group: 2 Violins, Alto and Cello.

(Slide 7 - String-Bow) - hearing the topic.

Teacher: What do you think in Petit? How did his music depicted?

Exemplary Student Answers:

Cheerful, mischievous, joyful.

He goes, something sits and jumps out.

Teacher: Okay! Next, the next fairy tale character appears - this is a bird. (Slide 8 - Bird, Flute). Her leitmotif performs the flute. This tool refers to the wood-braided group. Listen carefully to her theme, then to answer my questions.Hearing the topic.

- What is the mood of the bird? What can be represented by this bird?

Approximate answers of children:

Merry, joyful, happy.

You can imagine it sitting high on the tree branch and singing.

Or as if the bird is very often waving with their wings and flies over the ground, not knowing where to land.

Teacher:Not bad!

The topic of the next duck character performs oboe - this is also a wooden-braided instrument (slide 9 - duck, oboe). The gobouse's timbre sounds "Gnusavo" and the duck "Vary-Kry" hears - hearing the topic.

Which depicts the duck music?

Approximate answers of children:

She is slow, calmly goes on the road, roll over with one paw on the other, and chasing.

Teacher:But the cat appears! Its leitmotif is executed by clarinet - another one of the family of wooden-brass instruments. (Slide 10 - Cat, Clarinet) - hearing the topic.

What can you say about the cat, listening to her theme?

Approximate answers of children:

Cat on soft legs gently steals towards the bird.

Sometimes it stops.

Teacher:Following the cat, grandfather Petit appears. (Slide 11 - Grandfather, Fagot) He is concerned that Petya came out for the gate, because "the places are dangerous. If a wolf comes running from the forest, then then? " Its the topic also performs the tool of the Wooden-Spirit Group - Fagot. This is the lowest sound tool from this family. No wonder Prokofiev portrayed them grandfather. Bassoon, performing the theme of the grandfather, he sounds in Starikovsky grumble and hoarse. Hearing the topic.

Looks like a grill grandfather?

Approximate answers of children:yes!

Teacher: Another fairy tale character - Wolf! (Slide 12 - Wolf, French Horn). His leitmotif is performed by French horn - the tools of the copper-brand group. Hearing the topic.

What can you say about the leitmotif of this character? What did you hear in music, how will the wolf appear in front of us? Is this a positive or negative character in this fairy tale?

Approximate answers of children:

Music depicts a wolf dangerous predator.

This is an evil wolf!

Heard how he will.

Teacher: Tonight! Finally, hunters appear, which go on the wovers (slide 13 - hunters, drums). Now carefully listen to their topic and try to determine which tools it is performed. Hearing the topic.

Approximate answers of children:

These are drums!

Percussion instruments!

Teacher: That's right, the topic of the wolf performs a group of shock tools. Namely, Litavra and Drums.

We met with you with the active persons of the symphonic fairy tale "Peter and Wolf", saw and heard musical instruments that performed their leitmotifs. Now we can distinguish the timbres of musical instruments for rumor.

Vocal - choral work

UPR. For breathing

UPR. For the development of harmonic hearing

Learning songs by phrases. "Musician -Turist"

Total lesson (4 minutes)

And now let's check how you learned today's theme and solving a small test, which consists of all of the seven questions. Solution of interactive test on the symphonic fairy tale S.S. Prokofiev "Peter and Wolf".

    Homework (1 minutes)

Draw an illustration for a symphonic fairy tale S.S. Prokofiev "Peter and Wolf".

List of references:

    1. Z.E. Osovitskaya, A.S. Kazarinova - Music Literature: Textbook for DMS: The first year of learning item. - M.: Music. - 2004 - 224 p.

Acquaintance with the tools of the symphony orchestra

"Petya and Wolf " - Symphonic fairy tale for children written by Sergey Sergeyevich Prokofiev in 1936, shortly after his return to the USSR, on the initiative of Natalia Ilinichny Sats for producing in its Central Children's Theater. The premiere took place on May 2, 1936. The work is performed by the reader and the orchestra. Literary text is written by the composer himself.


Early in the morning Pioneer Petya goes to a large green lawn.
In a high tree, his familiar bird sits, who, noticing Petya, flies down.
A duck is pierced into a serviced gate and heads to the pond to swim.
She begins to argue with a bird about who is considered a real bird - a duck that does not flies, but swims, or a bird that can not swim.
They observe a cat, ready to catch one of them, but a bird warned by Peter, takes off on a tree, and the duck is in the pond, and the cat remains with anything.
Coming Petin Grandfather. He begins to grumble on the grandson, warning him that a large gray wolf walks in the forest, and despite the assurances of Petition that Pioneers are not afraid of wolves, leads it. Soon the wolf really appears.
The cat quickly climbs on the tree, and the duck pops out of the pond, but the wolf overtakes it and swallows.
Petya with the help of a rope moves through the fence and turns out to be in a high tree. He asks the bird to distract the wolf, and when he tries to catch her, throws the wolf on the tail of the loop.
The wolf is trying to free himself, but Petya binds the other end of the rope to the tree, and the loop is drawn on the tail of the wolf even the tight.
Hunters come from the forest, who have long followed the wolf.
Petya helps them to tie a wolf and take it into a zoo.
The work is completed by the universal procession, in which all his characters participate: Peter goes ahead, the hunters are working for him, the bird flies over them, and behind them - grandfather with a cat, continuing to grumble. A quiet chambling is heard: this gives the voice of a duck, sitting in the stomach of the wolf, which was in a hurry that he swallowed it alive.


The composition of the orchestra:
Flute; Oboe; Clarinet (in a); Bassoon; Three horn; Trumpet; Trombone; Litavra; Triangle; Tambourine; Castanets; Large and small drums; Plates; First and second violins; Alta; Cello; Double bass.

Each character is represented by a specific tool and a separate motive:

Peter - bow string tools (mostly violin), c-dur, free and open melody in the spirit of the pioneer march;
Bird - Flute in high register, G-dur, virtuoso passengers;
Duck - Oboe, ES-DUR / AS-DUR, "chambling" melody in the lower register;
Cat - Clarinet, G-DUR, the topic depicts the grace and a soft tread of the cat;
Grandpa - Fagot, theme in H-Moll, dotted rhythm in the lower and middle register, imitating grumbling;
Wolf - three horn, theme in G-Moll;
Hunters - Litavra and a big drum (image of shots), wind instruments (final march)
Based on Wikipedia

S.Prokofiev Symphonic Fairy Tale Peter and Wolf - Cartoon