Description How to learn to play guitar. Learning to play guitar under the metronome

Description How to learn to play guitar. Learning to play guitar under the metronome
Description How to learn to play guitar. Learning to play guitar under the metronome

How to quickly learn to play guitar?

Hello! Apparently, you are a novice if you got to this article ... I am a guitarist with a 10-year experience, I will try to describe in detail in detail and arrange all the points over "I" on the question: " How to quickly learn to play guitar".

Before that, I have already answered such questions:

From these articles it became clear: you can learn how to play guitar you can, learn to play on the guitar is not particularly difficult (you can not even go to courses in music school etc). But then we get the other question in front of us - how fast can you learn to play guitar? After all, no one wants to dig in incomprehensible materials for a year, two and even more - and not to obtain the result. I want us to work, played, practiced - and after a while they felt that now we know much more and move on proper path.

I will try to give you a simple concept of your learning, which will allow you in a short time learn to play.


You will have to start with chords. I have a page for the main chords for beginners. No chords are completely nowhere. Chords are how the fingers of your left hand will be raised. For normal game Newbie needs to know 6 major chords, then this list can be increased to 15.

Fight fighting

This item can be started simultaneously with chords. Fight and sortie - this is what you do with the right hand with strings. Having learned the main battle of the six and several chords, you can already play a few songs. Brokes can be launched immediately, and you can postpone until indefinitely.


Tabutures are needed to improve their skills. Tabutatures are completely different music, much higher level than a game of fighting and sorting. Between the study of chords, battle and boring and studying tablatures can pass 2-3 years and even more! But I recommend moving to the study of tabulatures as soon as possible. Briefly about what it is at all, you can read in my article "

Practicing, you acquire experience. If you started playing a guitar game, you will need to master the skills and habits that you will stick throughout the time when you play the guitar. If you start with the right habits and practical classes, you will be on the right track, playing in different styles, in all sorts of songs and chords. If not, then you can stay in progress quickly quickly, so improving the skills will become much more complicated. You must explore the correct habits and effective practices. Practicing, you can learn convenient, balanced basics in combination with exciting exercises, as well as develop effective methodswhich will adhere to throughout the routine process of gaming practice. See step 1 for more information.


Part 1


    Find a comfortable chair where you can comfortably keep the guitar and play it properly. Stools, benches or other solid chairs are ideal for this. That is, you are suitable for what you can sit with a straight back and with a good posture. There are soft chairs made specifically for a guitar game, and you can buy them in guitar stores, but ordinary kitchen chairs will also fit.

    • Try not to use a chair that has pens, because you will have very little space in order to attach the guitar. It can make you uncomfortable to keep the guitar, which will lead to rooting harmful habits. Do not sit on the sofa, a chair-bag or something that you can fail. For proper basic principles, the situation is a very important element.
  1. Keep the guitar correctly. If you are right, hold the guitar so that your right hand falls about halfway between the sound hole and the bridge, and the left hand is supported by the rug guitar.

    • Hold the guitar tightly adjacent to the body so that the most thin string It was below, and thick on top. Keep the back of the guitar so that it touches the abdomen and chest and wrapped on the supporting leg from the hand, which you will sort out the strings. The vulture should be directed up approximately an angle of 45 degrees.
    • Keep a big and big and index fingers left hand. You must be able to smoothly move your left hand up and down the genuine guitar without having to keep it up, allowing the guitar convenient to rely on the leg and right elbow. If you have a need to support the guitar with your left hand, then you keep it wrong.
  2. Keep the correct mediator. The position of the mediator can be a source of disappointment for beginner guitarists. To make sure you build the right skills and feel comfortable with your instrument, you must train the right to keep the mediator.

    • To keep the mediator correctly, turn your hand (dominant or you write) palm parallel to the stomach. Take all your fingers towards the palm and take the mediator with the upper parts of the index and thumbs.
    • There must be no more than two centimeters of the plane sticking out of your hand. If you keep the mediator for the tip, it will lead to a large number of disruptions and bad habits.

Part 2

Basic principles
  1. Practice to play chords. You must train to play right and clean, without idle strikes. Chords must be performed by uniform sound, without loud or quiet jumps. Practice to move from the chord to the chord smoothly and smoothly, as far as possible.

    • Start with the formation of the first position of chords. The first position of chords is played between the first and third Lad, as a rule, including many open strings. You can play the majority of pop, country and rock compositions on several main chords of the first position.
    • General chords of the first position for beginners include: G Accord, D Accord, Am Chord, with chord, E chord, and chord and F chord.
  2. Practice to play chords Barre. These are powerful quint chords that are performed by the same position of the fingers on different guitar freaks. You can form G chord in the first position or by forming Barre in the third Lada. This is quite difficult for a beginner, because such chords require wide appliqués, but perfectly suitable for rock and punk compositions.

    Practice to fall into the tact. One of the most often overlooked and important things to become a good guitarist is to play on time. It's great if you can play solo from "Black Dog" with a mad speed, but can you play her slowly and with feeling? Practice chords makes you play notes that you see, not notes that you can play. Developing a sense of rhythm in your game will make you a better guitarist.

    Play gamma. If you take the lessons, you will probably provide notes for Ham, while if you learn by books, you will need to find gamma and practice them yourself. Books of Mela Bay and other resources for learning the game on the guitar were available for decades, while notes and exercises online are now available.

    • Pentatonic is a common key for rock guitarists. It consists of five notes in each chord and it is often called a "blues gamut", which is the basis for many types of music. Practice it in each vein.
    • The study of various gamps and game methods are an excellent option to improve the game, which allows you to maneuver a guitar, but this is not the most cheerful occupation. Take the gamut and try to turn it into a solo on the guitar. So that the gamma is played more fun, try to vary, playing in different rates as soon as you digest basic knowledge.
  3. Examine some songs so that the practice brings more fun. Choose a few songs that you would like to explore, and begin to pick up various segments with the help of music, tabulatures or chosen by ear. Try to explore the songs completely, and not just one chord or chord sequence. Practice to play together various parts of the song to be able to play from beginning to end, so you will learn combinators and endurance. It is more complicated than it seems.

    • For beginners, folk and country composition will be the best and most simple for study. Try to play chords of the song "Folsom Prison Blues" Johnny Cash, which is pretty cheerful and easy. You can also try "Tom Dooley", "Long Black Veil" or even "Mary Had A Little Lamb". Take a simple children's song to learn. It is likely that it will not include more than three chords: G, C, and D major.
    • For the average guitarist, songs are suitable for unusual chords or unusual rhythm to study more complex styles. Try learning songs that are outside your listening range to make yourself study uncharted areas. If you like a classic, try to learn "Lithium" Nirvana, because it is an amazingly complex chord and a melodic structure. Rock guitarists to get acquainted with a new style, may try to learn "to Elize" Beethoven. All guitarists must learn to play "Stairway to Heaven", by this you can say that they took place as a guitarist.
    • For advanced guitarists, it is better to choose a composite compound material that will give you learn new technologies in the right music genre. Metal players must master the complex OPETH harmonies, Country players should explore the patented style of Merla Trevis, and rock guitarists can spend a lifetime, cutting psychedelic surveys by Jerry Garcia.
  4. Make pleasure the basic principle of learning. Exclude a deal with yourself: learn new song or riff, what you want, or practice something from the tutorial. It will be good to talk to your teacher if you have, about songs that you would like to explore, so that you do not spend all your time on the development of Nirvana songs, but what the teacher offers does not cause you any interest. Most teachers will be glad to teach you what you want.

    Use your ears and eyes. Many of the greatest guitarists learned to play ear, several times listening to the same song, independently selecting various passages. Learning to play rumor is an equally efficient and important means of learning the game of guitar. Listen to your favorite melodies until you can choose techniques and methods that use guitarists.

Part 3.

Development of regular classes

    Practice at least 20-40 minutes a day. To work out stamina and save muscle memory, you need to build your time to practice around 30 minutes a day.

    • As you become more experienced and the skin on the fingers becomes more coarse, letting the ability to play more comfortable, you must find golden middle for practice. 30 minutes is enough to progress and work on a significant amount of material, but not so much so that it is tired.
  1. Practice at least 5 times a week. Lubrication of the fingers and dexterity is an important part of the game on the guitar. This is very important for consistent practice several times a week. Otherwise, you will come back every time when you take a tool into hand.

    • Try allocated a certain time For practice for every day. It may be immediately after you come from work or school or immediately after lunch. Let it be a habit that you take a certain time every day, and let it take 30 to 40 minutes.
    • If you are rarely practicing, it will lead to pain in the fingertips again and again. It will be much easier to play guitar if you train often. It will happen and due to the lack of pain in the tips of the fingers, and because you will get used to play, read sheet music and tab.
  2. Start the session with a regular workout. Each time you take in the hands of the guitar, sit down correctly on the chair, hold the guitar and the mediator correctly and make some exercises, at least 3-5 minutes so that your fingers warm up. The choice of even four notes on each of the first four lands of each string, from low to high e, is a common exercise for heating fingers.

    • The overall workout typically includes a selection of a specific game template up and down the genuine guitar. It does not have to be the most melodic pattern, but your fingers must perform it easily. You can develop such a workout yourself or learn what you like from the tutorial on the guitar game.
    • All repeated can be acceptable for warm-up. Run through the strings up and down, playing gamma, or play anything from your favorite Clapton. Whatever you play, play it up and down several times until your fingers feel free and comfortable. Then you are ready for practice.
  3. Balance learning skills and some exciting exercises. Each training is important to keep an equal balance of things you want to do, and things you have to do. Want to practice solo "Smells Like Teen Spirit"? Let's, but make yourself start walking in the gamma. A focus on something interesting do on the second part of the workout to give yourself the opportunity to expect something with impatience.

  4. Always keep moving forward and challenge yourself. It will always give you the opportunity to progress in the game, and your skill will start climbing another level. In fact, many guitarists even after five years of playing guitar play no better than after the first five months due to the lack of progress. For effective practice, you need to cover more tricks when you learn a new song, master new style Or complicate the skills that you have already got to avoid monotony.

    • Have you learned to play solo from "Black Dog" LED Zeppelin? Record the song in a new processing or try to reproduce it in the opposite direction. Play all the solo, never playing the main tone. Add some tricks to force yourself to improvise and improve.
  5. Practice and learn from other guitarists, because it is very difficult to learn to play a tool completely at your discretion. It is not necessary to pay for private lessons, but at the same time there is no replacement for the game with other people, because it is possible to learn something first-hand. it great way Practice. Advice

    • Do not disappoint if you make mistakes. Remember that everyone makes mistakes; Even the greatest guitarists make mistakes, and it is not a fact that these errors will not be if you follow the steps above.
    • If you want to be able to play real songs On the guitar, you can search for them on the Internet by name, and then try to find them in tabulature. If you do not know how to play chords, try to find how to play them online.
    • As soon as you gain experience, you will have to try to explore tabulatures. It will be a big help, because as soon as you learn how to read them, you can read the most famous songsSince in the books most of them are written using tabulation.
    • If you play songs in parallel with their real sound, it can deliver you real pleasure from the practice of playing the guitar. The game is parallel to the song that you like will have an emotionally positive impact on your practice.
    • Do not cut corners. Learn to play as close as possible to the original as possible. Look for Youtube lessons and acoustic versions of the original. If you can't call the song before starting it to sing (at least a well-written song), it is not correct.
    • If necessary, you can use the Foot Puff, which costs about 20 - $ 40. The foot will be above, in a more convenient position than if it just hangs from the chair on which you are sitting. If you are high enough, you can feel more comfortable and without a punch for legs, because if you decide to use them, and you are so very high, your foot will be in the face; Very uncomfortable position.
    • If you do not want to spend money on the feet, you can use a small box or a very small chair that you can put a leg.


    • Do not make the volume on the metronome or on a guitar amplifier too strong, otherwise you risk damageing the rumor.
    • Do frequent interruptions in the game on the guitar, so as not to overvolt the hand, fingers and eyes.

Today, the guitar is the most popular musical instrument.

Every year more than 10 million guitars are sold in the world.

If you went to our site, then most likely want to learn to play guitar.

Excellent! Let's start learning.

1. Decide that you will learn to play guitar

As the master of iodine said: "Do or do not do, do not try."

2. Find the guitar for classes

It is better to have your own guitar than the rented at the acquaintances.

I advise you to start learning to play a classic guitar with nylon strings. It will be easier for you to press the stuns and you will be able to learn how to clamp chords with your left hand.

When you learn to play nylon strings, you can easily go to the guitar with metal strings.

If you still decided to start learning to play right away metal strings, I advise you to put the thinnest ( the thickness of the first string must be 0.010). Strings must be for an acoustic guitar (not for electric guitar).

3. Learn to play something very simple

Learn to play "The grasshopper was sitting in the grass," "Gypsy", joining Smoke On The Water or something like that.

Skill Play Simple Melodies will give you confidence in own forces. And you will actually be able to play something on the guitar.

It is very important to achieve success in the learning process of the guitar game.

Your classes should be built so that you are sought a lot of success!

4. Select the method for which you will do

If you have found a professional teacher, then it is wonderful - he will learn you by his methodology and you can only do what he says.

If you decide to engage yourself, it is desirable to start with any tutorial or course for beginners, and not just try to study everything in a row from what you can find on the Internet.

A very important principle in learning is to go from simple to complex.

It is important that the student constantly gets success throughout their studies.

4. Engage

To learn something to learn something. Just buy guitar, stack of tutorials and dreaming is not enough.

Mastering the guitar takes time. Need to do!

I sure that every person can learn to play a guitar well. Just one will need more time than others. The main thing is not to stop at half the road, but to continue the classes despite the difficulties.

I wish you great success !!!

What slows down learning a guitar game?

    Violation of the principle of graduality. If you try to start learning too complicated (on this moment) For you, the work, it will look like an attempt to jump from the ground immediately to the second floor. You can try as much as you like, but you will not succeed.

    The need to retrain. If you have learned to play some reception wrong, then, in the future, it can become an obstacle to the development of more complex reception, and as a result you will have to retrain. The most common problem is the wrong position. right hand When playing a bust. Will be done quite difficult.

How to speed up your training?

    More importantly, the number of classes, and not their duration. If you exercise 5 times a day for 5 minutes, the result will be better than if you were doing once within an hour. It will be optimal if you can pay for classes on the guitar 10-15 minutes to two or three times a day.

    If your fingers got sick, it is better to give my fingers to relax. No need to deal with pain. Fingers need to be used to load. Over time, you can play a guitar for a long time without having any pain.

    Learn to play better on a guitar with nylon strings or subtle metalSince they are sulking more soft and easier to press. Then, when the fingers are fixed, you can, if you want, go to thick metal strings.

    If you can't play any exercise, then break it on the items and work out separately each element. Then, when you learn to play all the items individually, you will manage to learn how to play and exercise completely.

    Pay attention to the purity and beauty of the sound, and not for speed.Dirty quick game - This is an amateur indicator. Play pure and beautiful! Be a professional !!!

Guitar is an excellent tool whose popularity continues to grow among young people. Learn to play guitar every ... but a natural question arises: " how to learn to play guitar from scratch at home?".

This is obvious ... First, to learn how to play guitar from scratch at home you must buy the tool itself.

But which one? Sure you know that exist as classic acoustic guitarsand electric guitars. Think about what kind of music you love the mostWhat do you want to play.

If you are a fan of not very hard music, for example, pop or author, then at home it will be suitable for you classic guitar (with nylon strings) or acoustic (with metal strings).

If you are passionate about rock, metal or blues - Then you better look at the electric guitar (electric guitar). Although in any case, from scratch, I recommend to start learning to play on the most ordinary acoustic guitar.

Often, the newcomer cannot afford an expensive and comfortable tool, but there are also its advantages in it, you can fade your hand in the learning process and explore all the subtleties of your instrument that later will have a positive effect on your general guitar learning.


It is very important that your first guitar meets certain requirements:

  • the guitar should not be very expensive (very expensive, not necessarily good);
  • the size of the guitar and the grip width must match your height and size of your palm (guitars have different sizes);
  • the guitar must be comfortable (do not hurry, if possible, try more than different guitars - you will have a better idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is more convenient for you);
  • The guitar must build well - play on an upset guitar this murder for the ears; ATTENTION! It is best to go shopping with someone who knows how well! Let this person check the following:
    • if with a pulp pressure on the surface of the grid (and strings) changes the height of the tone - do not buy!
    • if the strings are grated on some frets - return the guitar to the seller, let him play it!
  • Remember! If you decide to immediately start learning from the game on an electric guitar - it may be too difficult for you, since the replacement of strings and the tuning on the electric guitar is much more complicated;


What else you need to buy immediately:

  • the guitar case (for a start it will suit the usual inexpensive case, you can even sew it yourself);
  • set of spare strings;
  • mediator for the game (preferably hard or medium hardness);
  • / (on the initial stage It is quite possible to do without them, develop your hearing!);
  • The belt for the guitar (at the beginning you will play sitting, playing standing is much more difficult);
  • - You must hear Rhythm (for any musician it is very important to play rhythm, especially if you are going to play in the group);
  • Guitar Combike (amplifier with column). The kombik should not be very powerful, because you are still practicing only at home. Up to the first performances, there is still a "some time", so spare your neighbors. 30W combice is perfectly suitable for home jam sewers;
  • You also need to purchase Jack Cable - Jack. Reliable, thick, with good shielding - on the cords should not save, the cheap cord will be found, it is very annoying;
  • Something by itself a row (pedal, effect, guitar processor - for majors); Distortan is a classic genre, but there are many other interesting and useful missions. However, at the beginning it is better to rehearse on clean sound, on clean sound, you can well distinguish all errors and flaws when playing guitar;

What is unison in music?


Before proceeding with "physical exercises," you need to prepare yourself psychologically.

It should be remembered that at the beginning of learning the game on the guitar is always difficult - Your fingers will be sick, and the hands of a nonsense from fatigue, but this will pass with time.

It is better to practice less, but systematically, distribute your classes by day of the week + engage in any free timeUnless of course there is a mood, you don't need to force yourself, otherwise you will quickly get bored and you lose all interest in mastering the guitar.

A frequent error of novice guitarists who do not know where to start learning the guitar game - they want to play only the compositions of their favorite band. I assure you - good guitarist The same cool plays both heavy metal and classics, both yard songs and the most difficult jazz places!

Never try to play too complicated exercises, skill comes with experience and gradually:

It is important that you play confident and clearly, the speed will come with time. The main thing is to completely devote yourself to your beloved business.

Probably, you noticed that some people manage to a short time Learning to play a guitar well, while others spend months and years for this, and at the same time cannot get rid of many mistakes when playing.

What is the case? In talent? Partly, yes. But more on the skill of the guitarist affects not his talent, but how he honors his skills and skills.

After all, even being talented musician, it is possible to lose their past skills in a short time, if you do not work on yourself and do not strive for the better. After all, the game on the guitar is not work.

Even a professional guitarist should not refer to your tool as a milling machine to the machine. After all, music is primarily art, not a way to earn or acquire glory. And art is something beautiful and high.

Before you start learning to play a guitar from scratch at home, a small lyrical retreat

Did Pushkin wrote his poems to get rich? Did Beethoven compose music to famous? Of course not. All this came to them with time. First of all, these people worked out art for themselves and for people.

And few of the great musicians put fame and wealth above the music. When a musician or composer begins to compose music, he seems to be immersed in the most intimate depths of his soul. The music he composes and plays is as if his soul voice transmits the emotional state of the musician.

It is unlikely that the musician will be able to write a merry and cheerful composition, being in the poor arrangement of the Spirit, when everything around ceases to have meaning for him. Music, if she is written sincerely, from the soul - exactly transfers what is on the soul of man. If the words are independent state It is impossible to convey (or it is possible, but not quite right), then the music transmits it in absolute accuracy. She never advis.

How to keep the mediator

It is said that music is an art to peel and delight without words. This is all the essence. And most importantly - to understand it. If this is not realized, then the success will not. The musician, which relates to the game on his instrument, how to work or the means of obtaining fame and money, will never be able to establish mental contact with the listeners. After all, music is a special language that does not need to translate. On him the soul of the musician speaks with the soul of the listener.

Learn to play guitar, learn to feel the guitar

But to achieve success, it is important not only to understand the essence of music. You need to be able to play it. After all, even the most best composition, played without feelings, will not sound as good as I would like.

Let even withstand all the durations of the notes, let all technical techniques: forms flashes, flags, legato, and so on, but if the musician does not feel his tool, it will be bad. If you refer to the guitar, like a living being, love it, then you will succeed.

After all, the guitar also feels pain. Yes Yes exactly! Guitar can sing, and cry. The main thing is to achieve full contact with your instrument. Make sure that the guitar is always configured.

After all, the game on even a slight upset instrument is somehow subconsciously beats off the musician to play him, even if this desire was strong before. It is like in a relationship - even if the slightest distrust of near manThis may lead to severe consequences.

Learning to play guitar under the metronome

Also not be lazy to do with the metronome. The more often you will play under the sound of the metronome, the faster you will develop a feeling of rhythm, and this is hardly the most important thing in the game technique.

If different flags, forelags, slip, bends and other techniques can then learn over time, then with a sense of rhythm it will be worse. Play so that you clearly come to the beat. And, which is very important, learn to play in slow Tempe! Do you think it's easy?

Put on 40-45 VG and try to play some kind of composition on the fourth or eighth notes. Most likely, you will be a little ahead of the metronome. And from this you need to get rid of. Many novice guitarists are trying to play quickly quickly. And you know why? Yes, because they are trying to get rid of problems faster.

But in this way they do not get rid of them. Moreover, the situation will only worsen. Is a hamster running inside a rotating cylinder, will make it easier to keep the balance if he runs faster? It is unlikely that he will simply not stand it, turn into and falls. The guitarist should be able to play both at a slow pace and in fast.

Let even he is a Speed-Metal lover, but this does not change from this. Even in the composition with fast tempo There are often notes of great durability, and they must be kept. Many this does not work. Everyone is rushing somewhere. You need to cope with this.

Learning to play guitar not straining

Another important nuance: you must be relaxed during the game. Do not hold the guitar like a sledgehammer - you are not at the factory, and do not swords. You play music. And at the same time it is necessary to get rid of any voltage - both emotional and physical. First, do not press too much on the strings, even when Barre.

All chords on the guitar 6 strings

Yes, at first you will face a problem: I didn't give a string enough - she rattles or jerks, pressed too much much - the note will sound higher than necessary. Passing strings, you not only spoil the sound, but also spend your strength in your left hand - during a long-lasting game bundles will be stretched in your hand, and the hand will quickly get tired, and then even hurt. Achieve left hand Rested at every convenient case - it is very important.

During the change of chords, for example, even the tenths of a second, during which the hand is relaxed, will play a big role. Do not squeeze the vulture as if the enemy is shrouded. The same applies to the right hand - do not squeeze it into a fist. Concentrate efforts only on those fingers (more precisely, even on the sections of these fingers), which you hold the mediator.

Learn to play guitar by a mediator

The fact that you are squeezing the rest of the fingers, use to anyone, and first of all you yourself will definitely do not bring. And do not drive the mediator too deep - it should be pressed with extreme phalanges of the fingers. However, it is possible hold a mediator Note, but the main thing is to achieve minimal tension in hand. But at the same time, the effort should be controlled so as not to die the mediator.

Being relaxed, you can play rapid solo, speed passengers. If your hands are tense, you may also play it, but the sound will be quite different, as if not a person plays, but a robot. All that you should be from the robot is an automatic actions, a clear entry of strings.

From the rest should be rid of. Music is an art to transmit to others what you have in the soul. And playing without enthusiasm, concentrating only on, and not on music, you will simply seem a robot - insensitive and cold, unable to feel and share feelings with others.

And so that you will quickly master the instrument and learn to play a guitar from scratch at home, listen to a variety of music (and not just favorite groups) is very expanding the musical horizon.

Try to hear as a guitar sounds in the composition, emphasize the attention on one guitar, namely on the rhythm guitar. For example, I have a habit of listening to the song, while your hands are unconsciously moving to the beat, as if I play a guitar. One way or another it contributes to the development of a rhythm feeling.

And the last thing I would like to add to the question of how to learn to play the guitar on your own from scratch - be patient - Only persistent workouts give good result. But the result will definitely be! Learn to play the guitar and learn to play others! Forward and song !!!

Video - How to learn to play on the guitar from scratch

How to choose a guitar

Before learning to play the guitar, you need to choose a suitable tool. But by visiting the store, a novice musician begins to be involuntarily lost in the entire range and variety of models. Therefore, when choosing a guitar, you need to adhere to certain actions.

Initially, attention should be paid to strings that are iron and nylon. For training, nylon will be better suitable, since the iron strings will cut the unusual fingers.

Next, you should examine the guitar visually for the integrity of the case, the absence of dents or cracks. Upper and lower diets must be made of solid sheet plywood, and all the joints are well cleaned. It is necessary to ask the seller about the material from which the tool is made. Acquire better guitarmade of pine.

The vulture should be perfectly smooth, without curvature, otherwise the beginner will not be able to properly configure the tool. Preference is better to give a guitar with a vulture, which is screwed by bolts, and not glued. This will allow you to change the distance between the neck and strings at the expense of the bolted connection and align it a bit in case of curvature.

An important guitar in the sound is the state of the flake, since with their help it is configured. They must be placed tightly, without gaps, spin well and not creak. It remains to check the acoustics and sound tool. In general, the strings must "sound", and not "rattle". Given all the features, it is still better to entrust the choice of guitar to a professional to be able to purchase a quality tool.

How to learn to play guitar

To play guitar, except for the skills acquired, needed ear for music. If it is not, learn to the game will be quite difficult. The main stages that need to be held when learning is to read the tabulatures, studying the construction of chords, possible methods performing accompaniment, as well as passage practical exercises. It is also considered to be the choice of a suitable method of learning the game in the guitar.

One of them are printed tutorials - free benefit in which the main initial lessons. They described in detail the system of guitars, frets, notes, chords, and so on. A potential student himself decides when he is engaged, however, this method is more suitable for patient, aggravated people. If there is no self-discipline in humans, it is not necessary to deal with tutorials, as it can last forever.

Online video tutorials - also free option. The guitarist himself chooses lessons and is engaged in them. However, an inexperienced user by ignorance can miss useful information Or in a rush rush from one lesson to another. There is also a chance of constant distraction to others, which will interfere with learning.

The optimal option providing an individual approach is considered private tutor. Using this method, there is a possibility to get a quick result, to do at a convenient time and not distracted by household trivia. But not everyone can afford to pay the tutor lessons.

Popular B. lately Steel paid video courses, which are compiled by teachers, and include only the necessary information. Lessons are developed "from simple to complex", while the sequence of gaining knowledge is observed. You just need to insert the disk and repeat the necessary chords and appliques behind the teacher, after which it is in free mode to secure learned. The lesson can be viewed as many times as you need to assimilate the material. The cost of such lessons is much cheaper compared to the tutor, and the result is no worse.

By choosing the appropriate method of learning and manifesting perseverance, patience and self-dedication, you can learn from the basic basics of the game on the guitar in a short period of time, and then with time to polish the knowledge gained.

How to play chords

Guitar training is based on the main stage - the study of chords. Each chord has a combination of several notes, which are indicated in the form of the letters of the Latin alphabet from A to G, due to which they are easy to remember: the first note is "la" (letter A), and the latter is "salt" (letter G).

Chords are different by the nature of the sound at the expense of minor and major Lada. Major means cheerful, joyful, minor - sad, calm. In the designation of the minor chord there is always a letter "M", while in the major everything remains unchanged. Also, do not do in music without alteration signs - Dieza (#) and Bemol (B), which increase or lower the chord on the column, respectively. For example, G # M means a note "Salt Diez" in Minor Lada.

To learn chords, you will need applications - this is a chord on the Guitar Grope, in which the strings are indicated horizontally, and the vertical numbers indicate the figures. Each scheme corresponds to one chord. On it dots highlighted places on the jiff in which the strings must be segged to get one or another chord.

For the convenience and simplicity of the game, you can find a songwriter on the Internet, where a large number of Chords with the words located above them. Here in this case your applications will be needed. According to the proposed scheme, you need to put your fingers to the necessary frets and once to play chord.

It is better to practice on simple chords, for example EM (Mi-minor), AM (La-Minor), with (up), since most of others require knowledge of the special equipment "Barre", at which one finger must be clamped several strings of one Lada simultaneously. With a large "barre", all the strings are clamped at once, but for this you will need long workouts.

There are many ways to play the guitar, but the most common - bust when the guitarist alternately moves the strings and disassembles the chord to sounds, and the fight - the capture of chord with one strike on strings. The game has the following symbols in the game:

1) P - blow from the upper string to the bottom;

2) V - blow from the lower string to the top;

3) + - with a thumb blowing up strings;

4) x - the same edge of the palm.

A novice guitarist to get a clean sound when playing a fight, it is better to strike the tips of the nails, and not the whole hand. If when the game of simple chords, a melody turns out, and not just a set of consonance, you can begin to study songs and further please friends with good music.