Numerology business name. Business numerology: how to properly start your own business

Numerology business name.  Business numerology: how to properly start your own business
Numerology business name. Business numerology: how to properly start your own business

from 11 to 25 Mar 2019

Summon your Guardian Angel to protect

High frequency protection. Call to the Guardian Angels. Held from a distance by photography and in person.

Purchase Apply as a participant!

Venue: Moscow (address will be sent after registration)

Strength Bundle Meeting! with Lana

Only on this day the most secret knowledge of the Power set will become available to you!

The meeting takes place outdoors on Palm Sunday.

At 12:00 a meeting for the Initiates and work with them. A set of Strength for witchcraft.

At 13:00 meeting for non-Initiates and work with them. Life Force Kit.

Attention! The meeting has no analogues, as it is held in the Spring on Power Day. The most secret knowledge of the Power set will be available to you at this meeting.

You must take with you: a female headscarf for women and DIVits, for men - a black scarf or a prayer blanket, for non-Initiated men a towel is suitable.

Cost: 5000 rub.

Booking: 500 r.

The meeting is led by the witch Lana, a student of Alena Wormwood.

Apply now!

Venue: address will be sent after registration

Ritual for the purchase of the desired "Easter"

Don't miss out on the strongest day of the year to get what you want!

Only on April 28, Alena Wormwood will conduct a ritual for you to acquire what you want. You must send a photo and name. And also your real wish for this year (the year will be counted from Easter to Easter).

People say: "As you name the ship, so it will float." The success of a company is influenced not only by the day of its foundation or registration, but also by the code number of the company name.

For example:

C-1, E-6, M-5, L-3, I-6. We get 1 + 6 + 5 + 3 + 6 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3

Thus, the code number of the name of the company "Family" is 3.

The number obtained by this method is the number of the company. After you calculate the number of the company, read the decoding of the code number, and think whether you should leave this name or think about another one that is more suitable for the type of activity of your company.

Code number 1

An excellent number for organizations looking to expand globally. The unit favorably influences the newly formed business aimed at the demand of the modern consumer, suggesting a certain innovation, something previously untested, which has not yet taken root on a huge scale. And it is not so important what the company produces, the name of which has a vibration of the unit, because the product will be successful. But it should be borne in mind that if the business owner does not intend to expand, but only plans to have a steady income, then this number can crowd out his business due to the inappropriateness of the market. An exception may be small firms focused on specific products that are not available on the market in sufficient quantities. If you approach vibration correctly, then you can most likely help the business without holding back its development.

Code number 2

Vibration that lends itself to impact. It has no power whatsoever because it is not trade oriented. This vibration can have a branch of an enterprise, which has its own name, but after a while it will close due to non-profitability. A firm with the vibration of a deuce will be forced to face obstacles, and problems with documentation are not excluded. If you approach personnel selection responsibly, taking into account the vibrations of their names and surnames, then by "launching" positive vibrations to help the main one, many problems can be avoided.

Code number 3

This vibration will be an excellent choice if you intend to open a children's playroom or a private kindergarten. A three will work best for you. But this number is also in harmony with the flower-oriented business, as well as with the atmosphere of a billiard club. The troika promotes leisure activities. Its vibration attracts customers and multiplies their positive from spending time in a gambling establishment. If you are running a private hunting club, vibration is fine for you too.

Code number 4

There are two different categories of products for a given vibration. The first is the goods that a person needs on a daily basis, and the second is luxury items and exclusive things, possibly of the author's execution. Concerning the first category, one can be sure of constant consumer demand, sometimes more, sometimes less. The number can attract customers and, at the same time, they will feel the urge to visit the store again and again. If the goods being sold are large household appliances, furniture, then, perhaps, not everything will develop as we would like, but the vibration will smooth out all inconsistencies and contribute to the debugging of the business. It is good if the vibration is in harmony with the date of opening and registration of the enterprise. It should also be borne in mind that the vibration of a number helps hardworking people, and if you have hope for only one vibration, then the company "will not survive."

Code number 5

Vibration symbolizes variable success, and in order for the business to go, the name of the owner of the company must be in harmony with its name. If the name of the owner of the company is under the influence of the troika, then he will not be able to manage the enterprise with the name of vibration "5": debts, indignation of dissatisfied customers are not excluded. If it is impossible to compromise for some reason, choose the staff very carefully, with calm vibrations, otherwise the staff turnover is ensured. Despite this influence, the firm can operate successfully and generate a stable income. At the same time, one should also take into account its dependence on the field of activity. I must say vibration is not for shops. Best of all, it is suitable for travel agencies, excursion bureaus, companies for the transportation of things and pieces of furniture, building materials. The number 5, like 3, helps in organizing leisure and entertainment.

Code number 6

Excellent vibration for businesses where interested visitors do not drop out. Consumer interest lies at the heart of business, be it hotels or refresher courses. This vibration is also suitable for stores that sell consumer goods and grocery products: at the same time, the store will generate a stable income, despite the ups and downs. This vibration can make a children's, toy or pyrotechnic store successful.

Code number 7

Not a bad vibration for businesses that produce expensive products, for example, jewelry, and can also patronize companies that offer their own cosmetic or perfume line, clothing line, and more. Here, in no case should you miss the chance chances that will lead to success. But sometimes it happens that the vibration of the owner's name depresses the positive impact of a successful number for business development. Basically, if you manage to debug everything according to the planned plan, then the enterprise is guaranteed success, and the brand becomes popular.

Code number 8

Vibration on a large scale, which is not acceptable for small organizations or establishments. If you intend to open a fitness center, then the vibration of this figure will be perfect. The eight patronize firms that aim to develop their own chain of stores or businesses. Vibration is designed for huge projects. Such businesses are becoming widely known.

Code number 9

Vibration has a positive effect on fundraising firms. It can be a commercial bank, paid educational institutions, charitable foundations. The number nine will contribute to the success of those who intend to organize a kennel for stray animals. The vibration of the nine must be maintained, which can be ensured by the name of the organization: it must be composed not of one, but of two words.

When the moment of opening your company comes, a very important aspect in this case is the choice of the name of the company. Not only from a marketing point of view, but also from a numerological point of view, a company name can bring good luck to your business, but it can also negatively affect its development. If you come up with several names for your brand, you need to count the number of this name using a special table in order to understand whether it will bring good luck to your business.

Many large corporations known all over the world chose their name by referring to the lucky numbers of numerology. For example, General Electric, the number of the name - 50, 5 + 0 = 5 - one of the most powerful numbers in numerology.

In this article, we will look at successful numbers for business and learn how to determine the number of a company by name.

Determining the number of the company name

It is counted according to the alphabet and numbers table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A B V G D E Yo F Z

Let's count by example: "Diamond"

We look at the table to which number which letter belongs to and add up all the numbers obtained.

2+9+1+4+4+1+1+6+2=30 or 3 (3 + 0) - company number

In which area the number will be most successful

Now let's take a look at the numbers that work best for your business.

Number 33 - the number of Kubera, God of wealth and prosperity

This is one of the most successful numbers for a business. People born 6, 15, 24 (the total is 6) or with the number of fate 6 are very lucky in everything: they win contests and competitions, win the lottery, get everything only the best, and sometimes they themselves do not even understand, how it happened, everything happens by itself. You will undoubtedly reach all the top with these numbers in your business. And if your fate number is 6, and you open your business with a name equivalent to the same number - this is a double blow - you will have unlimited success.

Number 51 - Lucky Star

This is another number for success and abundance. It also adds up to the number 6. It symbolizes the strength of the human soul. This is the number of names of many well-known international companies that have been on the market for many years. For example, General Motors. Also good numbers for business are 42,15,24,87 (adds up to 6).

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Fantastic five

The number 5 in numerology symbolizes universal success. This number is successful for the personal name of a person, and for the name of the company, and as the number of destiny. Except for the date of the wedding - it is better not to choose this number. Important numbers for business - 23,32,41,50,68 (add up to 5). 23 or Leo's Heart - will bring the most tangible success to your business. Next in importance is the number 32 - Vikramaditya - symbolizes strength, courage, genius, recognition of the people - those qualities that are indispensable for creating and promoting your business.

Divine nine

A very influential number in business. Symbolizes patronage, power, abundance, protection, security. The series of divine nine numbers are 27.45, and 9. The number 18 is not very successful for business and should be avoided when naming a company.

Number 27 has magical powers, this number is considered the basis of occultism. The number 45 symbolizes great wisdom and intelligence. Ford's number is 45.

The mystical eight: a dangerous number

Some numbers are not successful for everyone, and there is a certain risk of naming the company using 8, 44, 53. These numbers are best used by people under the auspices of Saturn (if you were born on the 8th, 17th, 26th). But even in this case, there is a certain risk: if you are not in harmony with your planet, or the location of Saturn is not entirely successful, your business will fail. Be careful! But if the location of Saturn is good, your company will have unprecedented success and the company can easily reach the top and bring good profits.

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Numerology of money implies raising money with the help of numerology, and not only in the field of business. After all, you can simply find money on the road, get a will, win the lottery, earn money as an employee, successfully sell something of value, etc.

But I decided to focus on getting money in my own business. This topic, in my opinion, is much more interesting!

The numerology of money associated with personal business is called business numerology.

Well, that's all, we are done with the wording, everyone understands what we are talking about, now you can get down to the point.

Choosing a business by date of birth of a person

Choosing a business is a delicate matter ... You know how it sometimes happens: everything seems to be in place: talent, opportunities, time, and diligence, but business does not go! Why? One of the reasons for such failures is the elementary discrepancy between your date of birth and the chosen type of business.

After all, the date of birth is not just a calendar date, but a kind of cumulative energy of numbers, which largely reflects the meaning of your life! I call this meaning "karmic task", but we will not dwell on the names, it is important that you grasp the essence.

Business Numerology

Business numerology - here you can tell a lot of things, twist clever formulations, juggle terms to impress the public ... But to abstruse theories I always prefer the very ESSENCE, simple and understandable.

And the essence business numerology is that if the business you have chosen does NOT suit your initial spiritual purpose, then you cannot count on serious results. By the way, the spiritual purpose does not in any way depend on what religion a person belongs to or even an atheist.

Now it is clear why of all types of numerology it has succeeded most of all in the topic "numerology - money". After all, only spiritual numerology determines the spiritual purpose (karmic task) of a person!

It is spiritual numerology that suggests which energies a person should realize during his lifetime, following his karmic task.

So, for example, if a person's karmic task is reduced to the implementation of creative energy, then in the chosen business there should be a lot of creativity, original ideas, the need to constantly invent something, contrive, and get out.

And if a person's karmic task is to maximize the manifestation of rational energy, then the business should also be extremely logical, accurate, rational and completely predictable (as far as possible).

If the business is chosen in strict accordance with your individual karmic task, your spiritual Purpose, then the chances of success increase many times over!

A small note: even the use of such a powerful tool as business numerology based on spiritual numerology does not relieve you of the need to conscientiously and persistently develop your business.

Laziness, self-doubt or the systematic repetition of the same mistakes will ruin any most successful enterprise!

business numerology and favorite numbers

So far, we have only talked about the choice of business relatively.

However, numerology for attracting money also involves choosing a business based on.

Each person has a favorite number. A number does not become a favorite "just like that". We love exclusively those numbers that suit us energetically, which are in tune with our inner spiritual-intuitive impulses, even if we do not feel them and do not try to formulate them for ourselves.

Therefore, when the energy of the business matches the energy of the favorite number, it also dramatically increases the chances of a person's success in his entrepreneurial activity. Moreover, very often we love the numbers of our birthday! That is, the date of birth for many people consists of their favorite numbers (I checked it repeatedly).

But even if the favorite number does not coincide with the number of the birthday, it still symbolizes birth - the birth of something pleasant and joyful for us. Otherwise, this number just wouldn't be our favorite number!

In general, love is always associated with Birth at all levels of human Being and Consciousness (from the grossest, material levels - to the subtlest, spiritual). Therefore, the connection between birthday number and favorite numbers is much broader and deeper than you might imagine.

Considering all this, it will be reasonable if you, if possible, test yourself in such a business, which, even if it does not quite correspond to the number of your birth, is in harmony with your favorite numbers. It is advisable to choose the most-most (!) Favorite numbers.

Finally, I want to note - for those who want to know more than the "living wage". Pure Energy does not exist in nature, including the energy of numbers and the energy of business.

Only the combination of different energies in certain proportions gives prerogative (main) directions. So, for example, it is impossible to go strictly to the south or strictly to the north, there will still be a deviation towards the west or east. Simply put, any business is a kind of energy mix.

There are 11 types of numerical energy in every business:

- energy of internal maturation (energy);

- energy of "explosion", energy of the Beginning (energy);

- the energy of logic and rationalism (energy);

- the energy of intuitive thinking and love (energy);

- energy of equilibrium, balance (energy);

- the energy of creativity and competition (energy);

- the energy of self-love (energy);

- the energy of surprises of the Divine Hand ();

- energy of wisdom and diplomacy (energy);

In this article we will talk about how to choose a company name, when is the best time to start your business, what numbers will contribute to the development and prosperity of your business.

Those who have already encountered this problem know how difficult it is to make the right choice. Let's start with the fact that the birth of your business is like the birth of a child, a lot of excitement, hopes, expectations and anxiety about its growth and maturation. How it will develop, how it will grow, will it meet our expectations. The difference in the birth of a child and in the birth of a business is that we can choose the date of starting a business ourselves, and the child is born according to the program of the Universe.

Everyone is free to give a name to his business at his discretion, but it is better, nevertheless, to give this name the vibration of the Universe, suitable for the nature of your enterprise. If you choose the right resonance between the nature of your business and the number of the name of the business, development will take place more harmoniously and successfully.

First, remember the numbers that will resonate with the nature of your business:

2, 4, 8 - production;

2, 3, 6, 9 - services;

2, 7, 9 - research;

6, 7, 9 - education;

2, 3, 6, 9 - art.

Write them down on a separate piece of paper and don't forget. After that, find a quiet place where no one will disturb you for 5-10 minutes. Sit down and relax, get distracted from all strangers, and only dreams of your business hover around you. It is very important: there should not even be a thought that suddenly it will not work out. Assure yourself that everything turns out the way you dreamed, how beautifully your brainchild is developing, how joyful it is for you to do it, how much benefit your work brings to others and the world, how happy the people you come across in the process of work. After you completely immerse yourself in this state of confident peace and joy, ask yourself: "What is your name, my joy?" The first name that comes to your mind and will be the most suitable for your new business. After that, you can slowly come out of the trance, and this will be a trance state, do not hesitate, immediately write down this name.

After that, you will need to check it for compatibility with the nature of your enterprise and if, suddenly, it does not fit at all, add a letter or number to the name.

To make it clearer, I'll give an example, just taking any name. The name Louise came to my mind. Let's say I want to create a service business. Checking.

  1. We consider compliance with the nature of the business 4 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 1 = 9.

Vibrations 9 are appropriate for the nature of the business.

  1. We consider the number of souls 3 + 1 + 1 = 5.
  2. We count the number of destiny. If you have read articles about creating your horoscope, then you know that the number of destiny is calculated by adding the numerical values ​​of all letters of the full name and all digits of the date of birth. Let's say I open my business on 03/01/2016. Add 9 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 6 = 22 or 4.
  3. We count the number of the person. If you remember, the number of personality characterizes how others see us. Add 4 + 9 = 13 or 4.

Let's take a look at what we got. The number of our name is 9 and it says:

9 - This global and final figure will require two things from its carriers: complete dedication in everything and readiness for any changes. But how can you give everything, knowing that there are changes ahead, for which you do not know what will be needed ?! Learn! This paradoxical figure has provided you with its own paradoxes, and it requires you to learn resilience in life. Create your own nest, grow friendships, help people - and they will help you.

The soul number of our business is 5:

The main desire of a business with such a number of souls is to be free from restrictions, a passion for change and travel. People engaged in this business will not be able to feel caught in the net or busy with routine for a long time. They will want to experience all the variety and excitement that life has to offer.

Destiny number 4.

A business with that fate number will strive to create something of lasting value. You will have to be very practical and work hard to maintain order and make sure that reliability is assured.

The sphere of business opportunities with such a number of destinies is any, where you can learn to create traditional values, remain persistent and stable.

Personality number 4.

The characteristic features of our business will be: Restraint, firmness, honesty, practicality, thrift, hard work, some secrecy, diligence, legality. All these qualities will inspire confidence in people in the business that this business is doing.

If we now compare all the indicators, it turns out that on the one hand - the desire for change, on the other - the desire for stability. A certain inconsistency arises that will hinder business development. Therefore, after choosing a name, you need to look at all the characteristics of the numbers of fate and choose the number of fate, the description of which is most suitable for the direction of your business and the aspirations of your soul. If, for example, fate number 5 is more suitable for you, just change the date of opening a business from 03/01 to 03/02/2016.

Another important point. The date of birth of a business is the date of commencement of work, and not the date of registration, so it can be adjusted to suit your requests for numbers that determine the characteristics of the fate of the business. The rest of the numbers can only be changed by adding letters to the business name. If you add vowels, the number of the soul will change, if the consonants, the number of the person. In addition, the number of destiny will change.

If you seriously approach this choice and the choice of partners and employees, then very soon you will be convinced that numbers rule the world, and numerology helps to determine which numbers will help you and, in each specific case, your life.

One more point. We do not always know whether we are going to do our own thing. Therefore, I strongly advise you to first look at your numerology. All information is on the site. Do not be lazy, make up your horoscope. All this passed by me and these are not empty words. If I had taken up numerology in my younger years, I would not have made so many mistakes and would not have lost many years in the struggle for life. When I suddenly realized that my business does not bring any satisfaction to me, why do I need all this? and closed it, I was happy. There was a feeling that the mountain fell from my shoulders, and it became easy and calm. Numerology, subsequently, put everything in its place and explained to me why my life turned out this way. It was my choice, but I could have gone the other way and lived a happier life. But what happened has already happened. The past must be let go and not reproach yourself for anything, then the present will bring satisfaction and joy.