Julio Iglesias is the best. Biography

Julio Iglesias is the best. Biography
Julio Iglesias is the best. Biography

And the fifteen-year-old young man with pleasure switched to football, where the successes were evident, and was soon invited to the youth composition of the most famous club of the country - Madrid "Real". " Perhaps, after some time, another good football player would have appeared in Spain, and we would never have heard Julio Iglesias songs, but there would be no happiness, but I did not help any misfortune. "

In 19 years, being a student of the Law Faculty of the Metropolitan University, Julio enters a terrible car accident and spends almost two years half-collapidized on the hospital bed. The singer so recalled about the time: "" When I realized that I would live, I began to think how to live on ... I lacked human warmth, communication, and I began to look for them, writing songs and playing myself on the guitar "" .

Looking at his feet, Julio, on the advice of friends who liked his mental songs, decided to try himself on a professional stage and take part in the National Competition in the resort town of Benidorm. And immediately great success! Nobody famous newcomer won three awards: "" For the best execution "", "" For the best text "" and "" for the best song ". And the song-winner was very symbolic for the young singer name - "" La Vida Sique Igual "" ("Life continues" "). So in Spain, a singer appeared, absolutely not similar to the idols of the public of the end of the 60s. Julio went on stage in a dark suit, a white shirt with a black tie. He gestrated very little during singing, which caused reproaches and even ridicule of journalists who were accustomed to a more temperamental manner of execution. However, listeners, and especially the listeners, were delighted with Julio. They had the soul of his pronounced romantic image. His creative career developed on ascending: Iglesias successfully represents Spain at the Eurovision contest, "his songs become national hits:" Gwendoline "," "Un Canto A Galicia" "...

Just a few years it took Iglesias to become a Spanish singer number 1 and certainly the most famous Hispanic-speaking performer in the world. He begins to touring abroad for a long time and with triumph performs on the most prestigious European sites: in the Paris "Olympia", in London "Odeon".

In 1978, Julio Iglesias decides to move in Miami, where it buys a luxury villa with several pools, its own pier and two snow-white yachts. The albums of iglesiaas are beginning to leave English. He records songs along with such superstars like Country singer Willie Nelson, Stevie Wonder, Beach Boys, but his cooperation with Dien Ross turned out to be especially successful. Subsequently, Julio Iglesias continued this tradition in the work on the soupeless album "Crazy", where he sang together with sting, Art Garfanklom and Dolly Parton. And after the Patriarch of American Pop Music Frank Sinatra invited Iglesias to sing with him a duet on the disk, which is called "Duets", "the Spaniard has achieved his goal and conquered the American Olympus. For his long creative career, Julio Iglesias released more than 70 discs, the total circulation of which exceeded 250 million copies, he holds almost all the most prestigious musical awards, including "Grammy", "he has millions of listeners all over the world. Iglesias is, by the way, the record holder of the Guinness record book, which awarded him a unique diamond disk as "a musician who sells the largest number of albums in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world."

According to the number of exhaust concerts, Julio Iglesias is also not far from the main workaholic of the global show business James Brown. Iglesias spent about 4,600 concerts on five continents of the globe. One musical critic wrote: "" Musical fashion and tastes are often changed, but the fashion for Julio Iglesias does not pass, and the famous Spaniard, as good wine, is becoming better over the years. "

Julio Iglesias is always in fashion

Might be a not famous singer, but a famous athlete. There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped. Probably, this statement suits this person more than anyone. Just think that the car accidents do not happen, we would not have an artist, which is in the top ten world "bestseller musicians." - Music recordsman not only by the number of cassettes sold and disks. The counter of his concerts excavates for all reasonable limits: over 5 thousand speeches on five continents of the globe. "I lacked human warmth, communication, and I began to look for them in music. I just wanted to have fun, "Shared somehow since the singer's memories," but the music hit me as a storm. She completely changed everything around me. "

Man suggests ...

In the family of the famous gynecologist Pug and his wife Mary del Rosario in 1943, son was born in Madrid. He was called Julio.

When it was time, the boy went to Sagradoz Sagrades School and St. Paul College. From 16 years old Julio played soccer. He was considered one of the most talented football players of his generation and advocated the Madrid "Real". Iglesias Required a big future. Since childhood Julio He was a wonderful athlete and stand out among the members of the football team, in which he played the attackers and dreamed of becoming a professional football player. After graduating from high school, Julio Entered the university at the Faculty of Law. He wanted to become a lawyer.

Many dreams and plans were not destined to come true. Late September 1963, on the eve of the 20th anniversary when Julio With friends by car returned to Madrid, there was a car accident, which left a young athlete almost a year and a half was semi-paradulated. There was no hope that he will walk again. Moved only hands. Lying in the Madrid hospital Julio From the insomnia listened at the night of the radio and wrote poems - sad and romantic poems about the meaning of life and the purpose of man. One day, a young courteous nurse brought a guitar. Before Julio And did not dream of becoming a singer.

Hidden Talent Julio Iglesias

Back in the Catholic College, the head of the choir checked the boy's vocal possibilities And I strongly advised to do anything, just not singing. And the fifteen-year-old young man gladly switched to football. Perhaps, after some time, another good football player would have appeared in Spain, and we would never have heard songs, but ...

To sing in the hospital, he began to distract and not think about those happy days when he could run and play football. Gradually, the guitar began to be covered with scratched numbers - Julio He studied chords and shifted his poems to music.

Having discharged from the hospital, he did not continue his studies at the University of Madrid, and he entered the university of Murcia. For the improvement of English, the future singer went to England. On the weekend, he spoke at the club "Air Port Pub" with songs of famous performers: Tom Jones, Engelbert Hamperdinka and. It was in Cambridge that he met Gwendolina Ballore, a girl who became his close friend and brought him the first musical success. He dedicated her to her famous song "Gwendolyne".

In the hope of finding a singer who would perform his songs, Hulio, carried them to one of the sound recordings Madrid's companies were very surprised when the manager asked why he himself does not want to sing. Julio He answered that he was not a singer, but nevertheless agreed to participate in the competition for the best execution of the Spanish song.

And on July 17, 1968, not a famous newcomer won three awards: "For the best execution," "for the best text" and "for the best song". And the winner's song was very symbolic for a young singer name - "La Vida Sique Igual" ("Life continues"). So in Spain, a singer appeared, absolutely not similar to the idols of the audience of the late 1960s. Julio He went on stage in a dark suit, a white shirt with a black tie. He gestrated very little during singing, which caused reproaches and even ridicule of journalists. However, listeners, and especially the listeners were from Julio excited. His creative career developed on ascending.

Career Julio Iglesias.

Just a few years it took IglesiasTo become a Spanish singer number 1 and certainly the most famous Hispanic performer in the world. He starts growing abroad for a long time and with triumph performs the most prestigious European sites. Participates in the competition and in many other musical festivals. His name does not come from the first lines of musical charts around the world - from Mexico to Argentina and from Spain to Japan.

The first and only "Diamond Plate" prize in the world received in 1983 in Paris. It is awarded for this award for the world's largest number of parts sold on the most greater number of languages. The following year became one of the few Spanish artists awarded his star on the Hollywood Alley of the Stars, and in 1992, the ping was assigned the honorary title "Great Spaniard" in Florida and "Ambassador of Galicia" - in Spain. Iglesias He became the first in the entire history of China by a foreigner who was honored with a prestigious "Golden Plate" award.

1997 is marked by a musical prize Monaco as the best Latin American singer. Do not forget Julio and September 8 of the same year. He was presented by the main and most prestigious ASCAP Award (American Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers). In the past, she received such famous performers as, and. In addition to this, an institution in Miami day was announced.

Awards did not "come" to the artist just like that. Iglesias It is very scrupulous in his work - not a single little thing eludes his attention. In recording studio Julio It works on every note, every word of the song, and as a result, something is born that not only he is one, but every listener can hear - the sound by the feelings of the soul, achieved by iron discipline.

Eternal lover

Perhaps fate Julio José Iglesias De La Cueva is one of the most intriguing in history. On stage, he certainly depicts a passionate lover during the songs. Never talk about his real age. It may seek the impression that this man changes quite often. However…

On January 20, 1971, Julio married Toledo (Spain) to Isabelle Prisser. The newlyweds spent their honeymoon on the large Canary Islands, and later they had three children: the daughter of Chabeli (Shabeli), the son of the younger, as well as the famous son Enrique. In 1978, the spouses were separated and a divorce was divorced in a year.

Then I came down with a young and beautiful Dane of Miranda (Miranda Joanna Maria Rhinisburger of 1965 born. According to another source, she was a Dutch model.) So in the 63-year-old, the singer and his girlfriend had a fifth common child. The boy was named Guillermo in honor of the grandfather on the maternal line. Miranda and Julio, except the newborn guillermo, two sons Miguel Alejandro and Rodrigo, as well as two twin daughters: Victoria and Christina.

son Enrique

At the age of 57, he became a grandfather. His eldest daughter of the chabel (Shabeli) gave him grandson.

August 28, 2010 announced his marriage to Miranda Rainsburger, with which the last 20 years lived in civil marriage. Wedding took place in the city of Marbella in Andalusia. Only five children aged from three to 13 years old, whom Ceta Iglesias I managed to start the time of living, and two witnesses.

Julio Iglesias always "on horseback"

In one of the interviews to the question, why do you continue to work so much? - The famous singer said: "Believe me, I have not needed anything for a long time and could not be able to speak and cannot be recorded, but it's at least a couple of days to sit at home, I'm starting to go crazy. Therefore, I continue to give so many concerts worldwide that many young performers can envy me. "

with wife Miranda and children

As for women, they will listen and always, because it is incomprehensible manner manages to create such an atmosphere in the hall and, most amazing, on the disks, that every listener is confident - a romantic Spaniard sings only for her. One musical critic wrote: "Musical mods and tastes are often changed, but fashion does not pass, and the famous Spaniard, as good wine, is becoming better over the years."

This is how the Great Singer was born in misfortune, who later received nationwide love and worldwide fame. "I was not born a singer, I became it," loves to repeat Iglesias. The main thing is that the Golden voice of Spain is not going to retire.


Sold more than 300 million of its plates and became the most commercially successful Hispanic performer in history. Most songs are recorded in their native Spanish, as well as English and French.

The repertoire has songs in Italian, Portuguese, Hebrew, German, Neapolitan, Japanese and other languages. For some time he performed together with the legendary American singer Diaan Ross. Repeatedly participated in the competition and received a grammy award. Some of his sons went in the footsteps of the Father, the most famous of them - Enrique Iglesias.

In 2007, MEILLAND presented the Julio Iglesias roses varieties, dedicated to her great.

Updated: April 14, 2019 by the author: Elena

Julio José Iglesias de la Cueva (such a full name of the singer) was born on September 23, 1943 in Madrid, in the doctor's family. He graduated from the Catholic College, where the head of the choir, checking the vocal possibilities of the boy, strongly advised him to do anything, just not singing.

And the fifteen-year-old young man with pleasure switched to football, where the successes were evident, and was soon invited to the youth composition of the most famous club of the country - Madrid "Real". " Perhaps, after some time, another good football player would have appeared in Spain, and we would never have heard Julio Iglesias songs, but there would be no happiness, but I did not help any misfortune. "
In 19 years, being a student of the Law Faculty of the Metropolitan University, Julio enters a terrible car accident and spends almost two years half-collapidized on the hospital bed. The singer so recalled about the time: "" When I realized that I would live, I began to think how to live on ... I lacked human warmth, communication, and I began to look for them, writing songs and playing myself on the guitar "" .

Looking at his feet, Julio, on the advice of friends who liked his mental songs, decided to try himself on a professional stage and take part in the National Competition in the resort town of Benidorm. And immediately great success! Nobody famous newcomer won three awards: "" For the best execution "", "" For the best text "" and "" for the best song ". And the song-winner was very symbolic for the young singer name - "" La Vida Sique Igual "" ("Life continues" "). So in Spain, a singer appeared, absolutely not similar to the idols of the public of the end of the 60s. Julio went on stage in a dark suit, a white shirt with a black tie. He gestrated very little during singing, which caused reproaches and even ridicule of journalists who were accustomed to a more temperamental manner of execution. However, listeners, and especially the listeners, were delighted with Julio. They had the soul of his pronounced romantic image. His creative career developed on ascending: Iglesias successfully represents Spain at the Eurovision contest, "his songs become national hits:" Gwendoline "," "Un Canto A Galicia" "...

Just a few years it took Iglesias to become a Spanish singer number 1 and certainly the most famous Hispanic-speaking performer in the world. He begins to touring abroad for a long time and with triumph performs on the most prestigious European sites: in the Paris "Olympia", in London "Odeon".

In 1978, Julio Iglesias decides to move in Miami, where it buys a luxury villa with several pools, its own pier and two snow-white yachts. The albums of iglesiaas are beginning to leave English. He records songs along with such superstars like Country singer Willie Nelson, Stevie Wonder, Beach Boys, but his cooperation with Dien Ross turned out to be especially successful. Subsequently, Julio Iglesias continued this tradition in the work on the soupeless album "Crazy", where he sang together with sting, Art Garfanklom and Dolly Parton. And after the Patriarch of American Pop Music Frank Sinatra invited Iglesias to sing with him a duet on the disk, which is called "Duets", "the Spaniard has achieved his goal and conquered the American Olympus. For his long creative career, Julio Iglesias released more than 70 discs, the total circulation of which exceeded 250 million copies, he holds almost all the most prestigious musical awards, including "Grammy", "he has millions of listeners all over the world. Iglesias is, by the way, the record holder of the Guinness record book, which awarded him a unique diamond disk as "a musician who sells the largest number of albums in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world."

According to the number of exhaust concerts, Julio Iglesias is also not far from the main workaholic of the global show business James Brown. Iglesias spent about 4,600 concerts on five continents of the globe. One musical critic wrote: "" Musical fashion and tastes are often changed, but the fashion for Julio Iglesias does not pass, and the famous Spaniard, as good wine, is becoming better over the years. "

And the fifteen-year-old young man gladly switched to football, where the successes were evident, and was soon invited to youth ... Read everything

Julio José Iglesias de la Cueva (such a full name of the singer) was born on September 23, 1943 in Madrid, in the doctor's family. He graduated from the Catholic College, where the head of the choir, checking the vocal possibilities of the boy, strongly advised him to do anything, just not singing.

And the fifteen-year-old young man with pleasure switched to football, where the successes were evident, and was soon invited to the youth composition of the most famous club of the country - Madrid "Real". " Perhaps, after some time, another good football player would have appeared in Spain, and we would never have heard Julio Iglesias songs, but there would be no happiness, but I did not help any misfortune. "

In 19 years, being a student of the Law Faculty of the Metropolitan University, Julio enters a terrible car accident and spends almost two years half-collapidized on the hospital bed. The singer so recalled about the time: "" When I realized that I would live, I began to think how to live on ... I lacked human warmth, communication, and I began to look for them, writing songs and playing myself on the guitar "" .

Looking at his feet, Julio, on the advice of friends who liked his mental songs, decided to try himself on a professional stage and take part in the National Competition in the resort town of Benidorm. And immediately great success! Nobody famous newcomer won three awards: "" For the best execution "", "" For the best text "" and "" for the best song ". And the song-winner was very symbolic for the young singer name - "" La Vida Sique Igual "" ("Life continues" "). So in Spain, a singer appeared, absolutely not similar to the idols of the public of the end of the 60s. Julio went on stage in a dark suit, a white shirt with a black tie. He gestrated very little during singing, which caused reproaches and even ridicule of journalists who were accustomed to a more temperamental manner of execution. However, listeners, and especially the listeners, were delighted with Julio. They had the soul of his pronounced romantic image. His creative career developed on ascending: Iglesias successfully represents Spain at the Eurovision contest, "his songs become national hits:" Gwendoline "," "Un Canto A Galicia" "...

Just a few years it took Iglesias to become a Spanish singer number 1 and certainly the most famous Hispanic-speaking performer in the world. He begins to touring abroad for a long time and with triumph performs on the most prestigious European sites: in the Paris "Olympia", in London "Odeon".

In 1978, Julio Iglesias decides to move in Miami, where it buys a luxury villa with several pools, its own pier and two snow-white yachts. The albums of iglesiaas are beginning to leave English. He records songs along with such superstars like Country singer Willie Nelson, Stevie Wonder, Beach Boys, but his cooperation with Dien Ross turned out to be especially successful. Subsequently, Julio Iglesias continued this tradition in the work on the soupeless album "Crazy", where he sang together with sting, Art Garfanklom and Dolly Parton. And after the Patriarch of American Pop Music Frank Sinatra invited Iglesias to sing with him a duet on the disk, which is called "Duets", "the Spaniard has achieved his goal and conquered the American Olympus. For his long creative career, Julio Iglesias released more than 70 discs, the total circulation of which exceeded 250 million copies, he holds almost all the most prestigious musical awards, including "Grammy", "he has millions of listeners all over the world. Iglesias is, by the way, the record holder of the Guinness record book, which awarded him a unique diamond disk as "a musician who sells the largest number of albums in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world."

According to the number of exhaust concerts, Julio Iglesias is also not far from the main workaholic of the global show business James Brown. Iglesias spent about 4,600 concerts on five continents of the globe. One musical critic wrote: "" Musical fashion and tastes are often changed, but the fashion for Julio Iglesias does not pass, and the famous Spaniard, as good wine, is becoming better over the years. "